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Proverbs 31 Woman

Lord bless me and make me a godly woman who fears the Lord; an excellent wife, a woman of quality
who is capable and intelligent. Mold me into a virtuous woman of noble character. Make me a woman of
whose caliber is hard to find. May I know my worth and value is far more important than riches; yes, that I
am more important than other things that make my husband (a husband) rich. Help me love (commit
and be devoted [to]) You God with all my heart, soul, mind, and strength so that I can be the most
precious treasure my husband (a husband) can find. Cut me into a wife of valor. Refine me until I
posses moral fiber, fortitude, strong convictions, determination, courage, strength, distinction, merit,
quality, brilliance, superiority, humility, decency, modesty, bravery, heroism, fearlessness, fineness,
boldness, and gallantry. May these qualities be shown in my habits, attitudes, words and actions. May I
be wise and prudent, exercising sound judgment in practical matters, cautious in my conduct. May I be
influential and industrious, poised and elegant. Help me to trust You Lord my God with all my heart and
not lean on my own understanding. May I acknowledge You God in all my ways and may you Lord direct
my paths. May I hunger and thirst for righteousness.

My actions are not based on how others treat me or by what others think, my character remains steady,
and I remain reliable and dependable. In his heart, my husband (a husband), has full confidence in me;
my integrity, wisdom, and discretion in the use of his assets and in the care of his interests. He is at ease
when he is away because he knows that all is safe with me and I would never do anything to cause him
sorrow, suffering, pain, or distress. He is not suspicious, worried, or jealous, because I am trustworthy.
He can confide in me and trust me without reserve and will have no reason to regret it. He can safely rely
and depend on me to do what he would do; in the manner he would do it. He believes in me securely, his
trust is well founded because I will never let him down or do anything to harm his personal gain. My
husband (a husband) trusts me in the management of our resources and my industriousness adds to the
family income. He will never stop getting good things, he will lack nothing of value, and he will have no
lack of honest gain or need of dishonest spoil. I will greatly enrich his life. Our marriage is an intimate
relationship built on complete trust. God is making us ONE, of one mind, one heart.

I will be good to my husband and do him good every day of my life. I will comfort, encourage, strengthen
and not hinder him. I bring him good and not evil or harm. I am never spiteful; instead I reward
him by treating him generously. I constantly have his best interests at heart. His comfort, his success,
his reputation, his joy, his fulfillment, and his blessing are my delight. My husband’s (a husband’s)
comfort is my concern, his burdens are mine to relieve. I speak about my husband in a life-giving,
edifying, encouraging manner that builds him up by being respectful and loving. I am devoted to
the success and well-being of my husband in all areas of his life, spiritually, emotionally, physically, and
mentally. I choose to pray for him and confront his sin, weaknesses, and failures as God would;
in a loving manner. I am concerned for his spiritual benefit and welfare. My love for my husband is based
on such high spiritual principles that it doesn't fluctuate with the circumstances of life. I reveal my virtue by
my consistent service on his behalf. I give my husband all the important things his needs: honor, respect,
and intimacy. He is at perfect peace, calm, knowing I will never violate anything or do anything that
brings harm. I will never threaten what my husband’s has gained for support of our family. He will never
have to make back something to cover what I have lost. I will not waste anything and be careless so that
he will never have to lie, cheat, or steal to cover losses. I bring him profit not loss to what he goes out
and earns and provides. He will live in prosperity and not adversity because of me. I am submissive to
my husband and he is submissive to You. I choose to serve my Lord joyfully by serving my husband. I
will obey my husband and he will obey You. Lord, help me to show my husband’s honor, his greatest

I seek ways to eagerly, willingly, gladly, and lovingly work with my hands and use my talents and giftings
with delight. I plan ahead for what I need in order to accomplish my responsibilities. I work with
the most durable of products. I do my best to be thrifty when buying items for my family and I, taking
advantage of sales, coupons, thrift shops, yard sales and discount stores.

I am like a gourmet chef, creatively planning and preparing healthful meals. There is always plenty to go
around and also to share. Our food is never wasted, is the highest quality, of best nutritional value, and
the most cost efficient. It tastes amazing and satisfies our hunger. I am like a trading ship that sails to
faraway places and brings back exotic surprises.

I get up very early to prepare spiritually for the day, giving God my first fruits. The words from God’s
mouth are more important than even my food, and He develops a very strong, moral character within
me. I then plan and organize the events and chores of the day so that my family is informed and
prepared, and my household is peaceful and tranquil. I prepare a healthy breakfast for my family before
they are off to school and work. I recognize that I may need help in certain areas and expertly delegate. I
am generous to those who help me. I take care of the appliances that make my chores easy.

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