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Housatonic Community College March 2011


Will CSUs
and CCs be


The Hunt for



I’m an Adult,
Treat Me Like


Is Your Major
Worth It?

Get Ready for
“Shepard Cycle” Enlightens Students About Hate Crimes
MLB Season
“The Shepard Cycle” - Plate VI (etching) (Image courtesy of Nomi Silverman)

Hor i z o n s Contents
All Aboard for Incoming Reaccreditation.............................................3
By Eric Bjornson Health & Science Tidbits.........................................................................14
Staff Writer By Horizons Staff

How Much School Work Can Cancellations Reduce? .........................4 Health as a State of Mind........................................................................15
By Jose A. Rosas By Deb Torreso
Contributing Writer Outreach Editor

An Anniversary Worth Celebrating!......................................................4 The High-Tech Communication Culture...............................................15
By Jess Nomack By Deb Torreso
Staff Writer Outreach Editor

South Africa and HCC Unite..................................................................5 Becoming An Adult..................................................................................16
HCC’s Early Childhood Development By Jennifer Claybrook
Opinions Editor
Laboratory Links with RSA Preschools................................................5
By Chad Fisher If I Can See It, Can You?.........................................................................16
Staff Writer By Bobbi Brown
Staff Writer
Fleeing the Nest, or Not?.........................................................................5
By Stephanie Castillo Keep It Simple.. Or Tat, Tat, Tat, it up? ................................................17
Staff Writer By Dana Souza
Staff Writer
Finding the Right Place to Study............................................................6
By Bobbi Brown When Is Enough Enough?......................................................................17
Staff Writer By Elisa Byrdsong
Staff Writer
Right Places to Study ............................................................................7
Tips on Arguing........................................................................................18
Burning The Book Burden......................................................................7 By Brandon T. Bisceglia
By Keri-Ann Jackson Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
Staff Writer
Assistant Director of Student Activities
CSU and CC: Together at Last?.............................................................8 Brings New “Hope” to Department........................................................19
By Lovanda Brown By Brandon T. Bisceglia
Editor-at-Large Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

HCC Honors Student Conducts “A Sociological Experiment in Democ- Radio Broadcasting: Journalism for the Music Enthusiast.................20
racy”..........................................................................................................8 By Tina M. Eckart
By Brandon T. Bisceglia Staff Writer
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
The Shepard Cycle...................................................................................20
Senators Wrestle with State Funds, Students’ Funds...........................9 By Tori Centopanti
By Brandon T. Bisceglia Editor-in-Chief
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus
The Stations of the Cross.........................................................................21
Text Messages Can Save Your Life.........................................................9
By Mimi Williams Watching the Garden Grow:
Staff Writer Knicks Land a Second Super Star..........................................................22
By Mark Bein
Want To Lose Weight? There’s Hope Right On Campus!...................10 Staff Writer
By Myranda Sinkler
Staff Writer HCC Hawks, Extinct?.............................................................................22
By Chad Fisher
Snow, Snow, Go Away, Time to Grow My Spring Bouquet..................11 Staff Writer
By Deb Torreso
Outreach Editor Major League Baseball Season Preview................................................23
By TJ Mallico
Dreadful Weather Creates Disruption for HCC Students...................11 Staff Writer
By Jose A. Rosas
Staff Writer NFL Season Lockout Ever So Close.......................................................24
By Rondale Williams
Is Your Major Worth It?.........................................................................11 Staff Writer
by John Francis
Staff Writer No Super Bowl in NYC Please................................................................24
By Rondale Williams
Exoplanets Explained The New Worlds at the Frontiers of Space......13 Staff Writer
By Brandon T. Bisceglia
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus

Horizons Staff Vincent Altamirano Staff Writers

Patrick Beach
Dana Souza
Mimi Williams
Opinions Editor Mark Bein Rondale Williams
Editor-in-Chief Eric Bjornson Carolyna Zarate
Jennifer Claybrook
Tori Centopanti Tiana Bridtter

News You Can Use Editor

Bobbi Brown Senior Staff Writers
Editors-in-Chief Emertius Elisa Byrdsong Jose Rojas
Susan Smith Stephanie Castillo
Brandon T. Bisceglia
Victor Rios Tina Eckart Graphic Design
Arts and Entertainment Editor Chad Fisher

Advisor Michael Bednarsky John Francis

Whitley-Ann Grant
Prof. Steve Mark Keri-Ann Jackson
Editor-at-Large TJ Mallico Advisor
Lovanda Brown Andy Pinto
Outreach Editor Anthony Moran
Deb Torreso Jessica Nomack
Web Designer Travis Owens Art and Design Staff
Adam Bello Marysol Rodrigez Janeivy Hilario
News Editor Myranda Sinkler Tara Shepard

All Aboard for Incoming Reaccreditation
By Eric Bjornson Kyle Zander, a co-chair of the accredi- Major and poet/performer, praised HCC’s Accreditation is also a matter of pride.
Staff Writer tation process and an instructor in Biology efforts. It is evidence to support the promise of a
and Physiology, addressed Housatonic’s Though Abdul cannot recite the school’s given institution to serve the community,

ousatonic Community College is growth rate: “A big challenge recently is mission statement verbatim, she believes, to arm students with priceless knowledge
currently undergoing a vigorous adding classes at different times, adding “HCC has opportunities for people who and experience. It speaks to four-year
self-evaluation for the incoming online classes, so that we can be able to get want to be empowered. When you use the universities, aiding in the acceptance of a
process of reaccreditation, which is per- to more of the students within the area. It’s school and the tools it gives you, you are transferring student’s credits.
formed by the New England Association a big issue for any school.” empowered.” It means HCC is of high caliber, that
of Schools and Colleges (NEASC) and will But Housatonic is trying to keep up A powerful tool for students is their it should not be dismissed because it is a
begin in March of 2012. the pace, despite the rapid growth and voice. Though much of the work that goes community college. It is assurance in the
Reaccreditation will focus on the school the looming threat of budget cuts coming into the accreditation process is performed capabilities and skills of a student hitting
and its effectiveness in serving stu- the job market.
dents and fostering well-prepared, It means HCC is a professional
confident graduates. community, a flourishing garden
It has been 39 years since HCC’s of culture and curriculum, where
initial accreditation, and the school all involved are given the tools
is still progressing and facing new they need for success. It is vital for
challenges, while trying to provide teachers as well as staff members at
optimal services and opportunities the library, developmental services,
for staff and students alike. and throughout the school.
It is a process with far-reaching It is pride for a student, know-
implications for the school, the ing their time at HCC has prepared
community, faculty, and staff. It them for a better future.
ensures that students are receiving To prepare for the incoming re-
the opportunities which will help accreditation process, which will
bolster their success in academia occur in March 2012, eleven com-
and their future endeavors outside mittees have been formed, each to
the school. focus on a specific standard set by
Reaccreditation, along with the NEASC. The committees consist of
planning and rigorous efforts to faculty, who volunteer to help out.
meet and surpass the criteria im- Co-chairs like Hart, Roop, and
posed upon schools in New Eng- Zander oversee the progress of the
land, affects HCC en masse. committees. They are in charge of
“It is an opportunity to look at reviewing data, addressing con-
what we’re doing, see the big pic- cerns and issues, writing intensive
ture,” said Academic Dean Eliza- reports, and ensuring that progress
beth Roop, a co-chair for the pro- is being made.
cess at the school. “It’s essentially “You’re not required to do any
assurance that the college is doing of this. So it’s really just faculty and
what it promised.” staff, throughout the college, out of
An elevated view of the Housatonic Community College campus, showing aspects of Lafayette Hall,
Accreditation is performed by NEASC Beacon Hall, and the courtyard. the goodness of their hearts, saying: ‘This
(New England Association of Schools and Photo by Eric Bjornson is an important process, we need to get ac-
Colleges) and occurs every ten years with credited,’” said Zander.
a five-year interim report in between. The Hart also has great faith in her col-
process involves a four-day visit and thor- down from Governor Dan Malloy in the by faculty and staff, students may be able leagues. “These committees are all made
ough evaluation of HCC. near future. to help by giving honest feedback about up of faculty members who have full teach-
The evaluation is performed by fellow In reflection of HCC’s mission state- their experiences. ing jobs, and we work so hard to serve our
teachers from schools across New Eng- ment, it is their goal to serve all students This may involve praise for a passion- students, teach our classes… We’re pedal-
land, with expertise in areas such as aca- effectively and equally, making sure their ate teacher who diligently works with their to-the-metal the whole time.”
demics, library resources, and comprehen- learning environment, whether online or in students and is always there for aid or a fa- Progress continues. The committees
sive assessment. a live classroom setting, is sufficient, paral- vorite club which keeps them engaged with of dedicated staff and faculty, as well as
It delves deeply into every working lel to the coursework and level of rigorous- the school. co-chairs like Hart, serve to ensure that it
facet of the school, focusing primarily on ness at other colleges. This is a pertinent A student may also be asked to take a does. With input from around the school,
eleven standards. These include organi- aspect to reaccreditation. survey. Such surveys may ask: “How in- and honest students sharing their experi-
zation and governance, student services, “Our purpose at Housatonic Commu- volved are you? How happy are you with ences and thoughts through surveys or
programs and instruction, and more. The nity College is to empower all individuals the program? How happy are you with the by speaking with staff, HCC is striving to
success level of students is scrutinized and to develop their full potential. We are com- courses?” With honest, thorough responses maintain its momentum.
monitored closely. mitted to lifelong learning for all,” declares and reflection upon their scholastic careers Housatonic was first accredited in 1972.
Stephanie Hart, a professor of English, the mission statement of HCC. at Housatonic, students may aid in the pro- Since then there has been tremendous
chair of the Humanities Department and It is a broad goal, needing dedication cess. growth. The school has more recently ac-
co-chair of the Steering Committee, said, and involvement in order to achieve re- “If students can complete those forms it quired Beacon Hall and continues to offer
“There are many things that the organiza- sults. It is a call-to-arms for all employees gets us a better view of how we’re doing,” on-line courses in hopes of expanding their
tion of NEASC wants us to prove, about and affiliates of the college. It is a promise Zander stated. reach to more students in the area.
integrity, quality of student learning, as- students might vaguely recall but which Ultimately, it is a student’s education Challenges like future budget cuts and
sessment of student learning, assessment directly affects their experience here at the that counts. The process matters because it the need for more full-time teachers will
of programs, making sure that there is a school. is directly intertwined with the success of also become a part of HCC’s story. But it
general education core.” Many students do not know what the students. will not impede the school’s overall pur-
The process keeps the school on its toes, accreditation process is, or, for that matter, It is about having the best teachers, pose: education.
ever-watchful, with alacrity to implement what Housatonic’s mission statement is classes, and services available. It is hav- HCC’s story is a triumphant narrative of
new innovations which might aid members about. Students, like 20-year-old Market- ing the most informative resources in the progress and a community college’s evolu-
of the HCC community. It keeps progress ing Major Eric Richard, acknowledged that library, as well as media-rich facilities tion which will hopefully span another 38
on a perpetual drive forward. there is a mission statement, but plead the equipped with up-to-date technology. It en- years and so on.
With the advent of Beacon Hall, HCC fifth in regard to its content. sures that problem areas will be addressed Academic Dean Roop, a 30-year vet-
has been evolving and growing. The school “I know it’s on the Web site and cal- in order to fix any issues which might have eran of community colleges, has great faith
is now attracting more students and trying endar, but I don’t really know what it is,” a bearing on the students and their prob- in Housatonic and other hard-working
to offer enough opportunities and activities Richard said while awaiting the start of his ability for success. community colleges. “They are amazing,
for this new influx of bodies. This growth Biology class. This matters. For a student looking for resilient institutions. They reflect their stu-
brings forth new challenges in serving a Some students, like Lala Abdul, a a quality education at a more affordable dents in that way. I’m sure they’ll continue
larger staff and student population. 20-year-old Psychology and Sociology price, it is essential. to do that.”

How Much School Work

Can Cancellations Reduce?
By Jose A. Rosas world. deed made many of our lives much easier. cancelled, and on Wednesday I have an
Contributing Writer “They should offer more online classes. Teachers now have the advantage of send- evening class that is scheduled only once a

I think many students would benefit a lot ing assignments and instructions through week. I didn’t even meet the students until
ven now that the weather is begin- from that,” noted Damilowski. “There is Blackboard; others prefer to email stu- the third week of classes.”
ning to look better and students are nothing better than being educated in a a dents. As one can imagine, a class that hasn’t
getting amped about spring, many comfy environment,” he added. However, there are some tasks that met doesn’t give students a chance to in-
classes still have some catching up to do. HCC student Christian De Los Santos can’t be made up online. Steve Robinson, a troduce themselves to each other, which
For the first few weeks of spring semester, said, “I’m so thankful that I signed up for student at the campus, said, “The thing that could make it challenging to create some
we witnessed the rise of snowy, slippery, an online course. I was thinking of doing sucks about a traditional class is that quiz- chemistry. Several students find it impor-
dangerous roads. Due to all the bad weath- the traditional version of the class, but zes or tests can’t be made up through the tant to get to know their classmates. An-
er we had this winter many school days something told me it would be interesting Internet. I don’t blame the teacher for not drew Sanchez, a student at HCC, said, “It’s
were canceled, which created an obstacle to try this out.” doing that, because then anybody would be important to get to know as many people
for face-to-face class meetings. “If I had taken the traditional version able to cheat. But I still think it would be as you possibly can in your class. If one
Despite the cancellations, some stu- of the class, my class would have prob- nice not to fall behind.” day you’re absent and you can’t get in con-
dents believe these undesirable storms ably been far behind,” said De Los Santos. Not only do assignments and projects tact with the professor, it’s good to always
had no great effect on their education. “That can become stressful because there get delayed, but study sessions as well. know several people’s email or telephone
Ryan Damilowski, a student at HCC who is so much you need to cope with, not to Some exams, such as history, may require number.”
comes to school from Monday through mention that many students out there work a lot of memorization. Students with class- In a fifteen-week semester, missing two
Thursday, said, “Lots of teachers either full time jobs and are parents.” Each stu- es that were cancelled will have to do a lot weeks can lead to a lot of extra stress. Stu-
give out makeups or send their students dent has different responsibilities; even of extra studying come exam time. dents have to make arrangements to keep
assignments through email. My teacher though each one is responsible for his or “I find it very difficult for my brain track of deadlines and exams. How they
emailed my class lots of readings to do so her school work, some have a load of re- to memorize so many notes in a certain go beyond that is up to them, but what can
we wouldn’t fall behind, which I thought sponsibilities to deal with. amount of time,” said Robinson. “I really teachers do to help catch up with missed
was good because that meant I didn’t have Dejuan Roberts, another student at appreciate when teachers go over what’s school days?
to shovel [snow] all day.” HCC, said, “The beauty of the Internet going to be on a exam, but I’ve been in “I can reduce some of the time spent on
Students taking online classes have the has allowed us to keep up to date with situations before where due to class being group work, and cover things more quickly
least chance of missing any session days, things. As long as the Internet exists, there cancelled for whatever reason, our review in lecture,” said Richards.
since all the work is completed and turned shouldn’t be many missing assignments. time gets shortened.” “One class is behind but I am working
in through Blackboard. The hybrid classes My teacher tells us to check Blackboard The classes that were affected most hard to catch up. I sent them emails and
weren’t affected much either. Although at least twice a week, which pretty much by the snowstorms were ones that only put study guides up on Blackboard Vista,
they meet some days on campus and some helps the students to not fall behind even meet once a week. HCC Sociology Pro- but we are still behind,” she added.
days online, most work that needed to if they’re not present on the day of class.” fessor Barbara Richards said, “The big- One thing that’s for sure is students will
be done could be sent though the virtual The resources we have today have in- gest problem is that two Wednesdays were be very busy this semester.

An Anniversary Worth Celebrating!

By Jess Nomack the world. are still so Contact Professor Koch for
Staff Writer “It unified young, and complete details.
us, the question have much to

is now what is work towards,
In late April, Koch will be offering
pril 12 marks the 150th anniversa-
ry of the greatest event in United it that makes a but the results a talk on Civil War medicine here
States history, the Civil War. US citizen, and of this war at the school. The exact date is to
Just 150 years ago, our men and chil- what makes a have projected be announced.
dren were off fighting their own country- person a good us into a new
men, human beings were still enslaved citizen?,” said era. Any steps
as labor, and our beloved country was in David Koch, a we take toward
shambles. history profes- our futures, we
Hostilities began after the Presidential sor at HCC. must acknowl-
election in 1860, when Abraham Lincoln Many as- edge our past,
campaigned against slavery. The South, pects of our and learn from
150th Anniversary of the Civil War.
with slavery being their main form of la- lives today were Illustration by Jess Nomack
bor and wealth, disagreed and proposed a shaped from that epic five- There are an array of
year battle, so a small acknowledgement monuments commemorating the war in the
of this upcoming date couldn’t hurt. city of Bridgeport alone, including the Sol-
Koch has his own enthusiastic opinions diers’ and Sailors’ Monument in Seaside
on the war and general awareness of the Park. Take a look around and you’ll see
upcoming anniversary. He is encouraging statues and monuments all over; reminding
us as students to get aware of our nation’s us of what we went through, and all those
history, and have some basic knowledge who gave their lives. Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument in Seaside Park
if nothing else, of what our country went Even if history is not your favorite sub- Image courtesy of the Conn. Historical Society
through, and how far we have come as a ject, this April is a huge milestone of being
nation. an American. On April 12, from 6-8 p.m., Koch
On April 12, 1861 the war began with If anything about the country’s civil
the Battle of Fort Sumter, in South Caro- war peaks your interest, there are plenty
will be speaking at the Trumbull
lina. With our “united” states divided, of discussions, events and sources you can Public Library on the war.
the north and south battled for what they contact to get involved in the community, And finally, on April 15, there is a
believed in. Anyone that could call them- and school alike. conference at CCSU on the Civil
selves an American was forced to question The history of our country can be War, where students can go and
the morality of slavery, and take a stand for as exciting as you want it to be, so
what they thought was right.
“[The Civil War] solved all of our ques- stay informed! David Koch is here on campus
tions at the time and gave us new questions Here’s a list of a few upcoming to answer any questions,
Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Monument in Seaside Park for our future. It ended slavery and those events in this area: and welcomes any friendly
Image courtesy of the Conn. Historical Society
issues, but here we are embarking on a Later this month, Koch will be conversation on the topic in his
secession of the eight “slave states”. Be- whole new set of problems for our coun- doing a talk here on Abraham
try,” he said.
office, Room 254 of Beacon Hall.
cause the North came to victory, we did
not split apart, but instead have become The war gave this country a chance to Lincoln, the man and his
one of the strongest independent nations in thrive and move away from its past. We presidency, a basic biography.

South Africa and HCC Unite

HCC’s Early Childhood Development
Laboratory Links with RSA Preschools

By Chad Fisher The trip to South Africa seems to have to come on Saturday,
Staff Writer made a big impression on Noe. April 2 to hear about

“I think I will above all remember the early childhood edu-
n the spring of 2010, a group of Ro- colors of South Africa,” she writes on her cation in South Afri-
tarians from South Africa were visit- blog. “The colors of the uniforms, the rich ca and how this proj-
ing Connecticut and decided there red earth, the green foliage, the painted ect will be sustained
was an opportunity to bring South Africa walls of even the most meager shacks, the and connect our two
and Bridgeport early childhood education colorful language, the tile mosaics, and the communities.”
(ECE) together to exchange philosophies. many colorful people we have met in the The South Af-
“Although the areas were very differ- past 3 weeks,” she said. rican team will be
ent, they share some common challenges, The trip and the program were funded very busy on their
such as the large by $110,000 in trip to the United
number of lan- rotary grants. States. They will be
guages spoken, The purpose visiting such places
the poverty, and of the program as the Groton sub-
the belief in the is not only to marine base, the
importance of improve early United Nations in
early childhood childhood edu- New York City, the
Children and visitors at the Semane Preschool in the Royal Bafokeng Nation.
education,” says cation in South Photo courtesy of Laurie Noe
Stepping Stones Mu-
Dr. Laurie Noe, Africa, but also discussion board will help South Africa seum, the Maritime
coordinator of to improve and HCC early childhood development Aquarium, and the Bridgeport Downtown
the ECE pro- B r i d g e p o r t ’s communicate. The grant will also develop Cabaret Theater.
gram at HCC. early childhood two online courses for incoming students “This program supports and is sup-
As a result, education. from both countries. ported by the core values of the HCC ECE
Noe and the According “HCC students will get a broader under- Program, those being access, diversity, re-
A photo of Dr. Laurie Noe (far right) and the two travel teams,
Bridgeport Al- from both Bridgeport and South Africa, taken at Pilanesberg to a press re- standing of early childhood education on lationships and intentionality,” says Noe.
liance for Young National Park in South Africa. lease from HCC’s a global level and be encouraged to think “It is the beginning of what I hope to be
Children (BAYC) Photo courtesy of Laurie Noe public relations about their own philosophies and practices an incredible opportunity for our students
took a three-week office, Bridge- in a new light,” says Noe. and our faculty to reach beyond the Greater
trip to South Africa this January in order port Mayor Bill Finch said at a news In addition, “HCC will host the South Bridgeport area.”
to set up a program linking early childhood conference,“Through this international African team for part of their three week
development classes and South African dialogue we’re all going to improve: Con- stay in Bridgeport,” says Noe. “There will To check out more information about
preschool staff. necticut will improve, South Africa will be three days of workshops and discussions the program, visit the HCC website at hcc.
Noe’s trip lasted three weeks. During improve and Bridgeport will improve.” here. They will be observing at the HCC To see pictures of the South
that time she visited schools in the Royal HCC will have an important role in the Early Childhood Lab School, and they Africa trip, check out Noe’s blog at http://
Bafokeng Nation to teach better ways of program. The grant will be put towards will be speaking with anyone who wants
educating preschoolers. starting an online discussion board. The

Fleeing the Nest, or Not?

By Stephanie Castillo years to master his Associate’s degree. So, is it just the college environment magazine.
Staff Writer Already with three years of commu- that allows students to be more lenient What all students have in common is

nity college under his belt, he said that he when it comes to school? These same stu- that they attend HCC because it is more
ince Housatonic is a place of oppor- failed a few semesters due to not passing dents who deny skipping class can be seen cost friendly and convenient for them to at-
tunity which is convenient and cost his exams. “I’m not a good test taker,” he sitting in the cafeteria and lounging on the tend school; so why not class?
friendly, most students choose HCC explained. “I changed my major twice be- couches provided throughout the college. As it is understood that many people
rather than a four-year university for those cause I just did not like taking tests.” Whether on financial aid or not, some- have different priorities and many other
reasons. When asked if he ever takes classes off way, somehow, someone is paying for their responsibilities outside of school, it leaves
Yet,there seem to be a few students to study—in other words, “skip”—Poppa education and time spent at the college. It the question: Are these students ready to
who stay around campus more than usual. said “no.” is crucial that people come to cope with the flee the nest?
Rather than studying, they’re hanging out He is close with his parents and just not saying, “Time is Money.” What would it take for students to dis-
with friends, creating more of a social club ready to move out. It is going to happen Otherwise, all the years we spend and tinguish the differences between the im-
rather than study group. one day, but as of now he is still continuing hours of the day we commit to each class portance of school, and that high school
College allows a place to meet and so- his education at Housatonic and working when registering could potentially become mentality of skipping classes and hanging
cialize with friends, yes, but it leaves ques- towards his Associate’s degree. a waste, or another way of saying we are with friends?
tion: Do these students actually study, or “I used to ‘skip,’ when I was fresh out accomplishing something by just having Setting aside assignments and skip-
do they have set schedules where studying of high school but not anymore,” said Sha- our names written on a piece of paper. ping class is not something that would be
takes place and then spend the majority of harazod Lebron, 20. She plans on becom- Deon Wonack, 21, of Bridgeport is an- beneficial to get used to simply because it
their time hanging out with friends? ing a registered nurse and moving out of other fellow student who lives on his own would not be acceptable in the professional
More than frequently, one of the stu- her parent’s house in two to three years. and does admit to cutting class to catch up work field.
dents I spot on campus is Christopher Pop- She often takes time between classes on assignments due for other classes, and Would they ever set these priorities
pa, 23, who has plans of transferring but to hang with friends, meet and greet, and even for things outside of school. aside to accomplish something more ben-
he’s just not ready to. “Housatonic is the occasionally do study groups with friends “I’m used to ‘skipping’ class, doing eficial to their life, or is HCC just a means
school that I can afford,” he said. who are in different classes. something more beneficial,” said Wonack. to release what’s left of their high school
There are many transfer choices out Most of her catching up on assignments He has not taken any classes in the area inhibitions?
there, like Fairfield University and South- is done at home, and Lebron admits to be- of his major yet, but plans to soon. His
ern, which would be of interest in the fu- ing more serious about her time spent here hopes are to become a “famous writer”
ture, but it would take more than a couple now that she is sure about her major. someday and write for a newspaper or

Visit HCC Online!

Curious about the services, courses, and programs at HCC? Go to, the college’s home page. From there you can
navigate the various departments, search for courses, or follow links to other useful sites, such as MyCommnet and the HCC Foundation.

Finding the Right Place to Study

By Bobbi Brown HCC.. Bridgeport and the surrounding areas who says Kaylen Turner, a student at HCC.
Staff Writer According to a recent count, HCC has look for a good place to look up infor- “I’m in agreement with the eating and
over five major study rooms in both Bea- mation for school or just to study,” says studying,” says Mario Santos, another stu-

full-time student at HCC, Tracey con and Lafayette Halls. These rooms al- Pat McDonald, the library assistant at the dent at HCC. “I don’t have a problem with
Cummings carries numerous books low students a great amount of space for downtown Bridgeport Library. “We cater the food served at HCC, but sometimes I
and papers from each of her class- group or individual studying. to the general public and our students are have a taste for something else, so I go to
es. After all four of Cummings’s classes, HCC study rooms provide comfortable our number one concern. The Bridgeport Subway and study there.“
she searches for a nice, quiet place to study. couches and tables for a student’s pleasure. Library is accessible to those who are driv- Whether students decide to study inside
From Lafayette Hall to Beacon Hall, “The study rooms are somewhat like ing or walking.” or outside of school, there are many places
there are many study rooms to provide this my room at home: relaxing and stress free. The library allows students to use their that are in the downtown area that lend a
quiet atmosphere. However, these rooms I have to remind myself sometimes that computer space and numerous books for helping hand. One place that may not be
can become filled with many other students I’m not at home because I’ll put my legs up studying. They are open six days a week known to students is McLevey Green,
and sometimes can become that place on the table and go straight to studying,” from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. which is located right across the street
known as the “hang out spot.” says Anthony Coleman, a criminal justice “Students don’t really need anything from the Playhouse On the Green. Some
“I guess I can call myself an explorer major at HCC. to use our facilities. We really encourage students have been seen reading or camp-
because I’ve been to almost every study Although many students may agree that them to use everything that our library of- ing out on the grass during the spring and
spot in HCC, and I’ve found them all to studying requires a level of quietness, oth- fers to help them succeed in school, and we summer months.
be helpful when it was time to prepare for er students need a little noise to help them try to maintain a quiet atmosphere for all “ Sometimes after I’ve finish my classes
a test or simply clearing my mind for my study. who use our library,” adds McDonald. for the day, I take a walk over to the park
next class,” says Cummings. “My friends say I have bad study habit; Places like the library have all the books [McLevey Green]. I enjoy the outside at-
On the other hand, many students re- when I study I go straight to the cafe. I sit and computers you need to study, but many mosphere; it really helps with my studying
main unaware of the study rooms that HCC at the last table in the cafe by the window, I students prefer a place where they can and can be a stress relief after a long day,”
provides for free use. Some students also put in my head phones and go start my bio snack while they study. HCC is located says Nattlie Billups, a student at HCC.
don’t realize the support that businesses homework,” says Cielia Perkins, a nursing downtown, in the midst of many good With all the classes held at HCC stu-
outside of school give to students looking major at HCC. places to eat. Dunkin’ Donuts, Downtown dents, have been finding their special plac-
for a place to study. If students find that HCC is closed on Bristo bar and grill, Quizznos, Subway and es for studying and they have been encour-
“This is my first semester at HCC. I re- a day they need an important assignment McDonalds all provide Wi-Fi for anyone aging their friends to pick a good studying
ally like the new studying rooms in Beacon done, the downtown area of Bridgeport who has a laptop. place with their friends who can help them.
Hall. They are very quiet and they encour- provides places for students to come in and “I’m not greedy, but find eating and
age independent studying,” says Daymine study free of charge. studying is quite cool. I kill two birds with
Smith, a computer engineering major at “We get many students from all over one stone - my hunger and my homework,”

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Right Places to Study

Students (Gina Burbank, Laura Botha, Honorah

Grace Weltch comes to the library for the quiet atmosphere in Honorah Cousins is reading over an homework assignment . Cousins, and Zarchariah Fernades) working on
order to get her work done With wind blowing her hair, she keeps focused on her assige- homework in a group in the cool March weather
Photo by Bobbi Brown ment. outside in the park.
Photo by Bobbi Brown. Photo by Bobbi Brown.

Luis Olivares enjoys the cafe he eats while studying.

Photo by Bobbi Brown. Photo by Bobbi Brown. Photo by Bobbi Brown.

Jeannie Jalbert has found a hot spot in one of the study rooms in
Photo by Bobbi Brown. Photo by Bobbi Brown. HCC that is fitting for whatever subject she is working on.
Photo by Bobbi Brown.

Burning The Book Burden

By Keri-Ann Jackson remember, you are signing a contract when well purchase the book for the full amount, ting excited that you will no longer have
Staff Writer you rent. If your rentals are not returned by and at least try to sell it back to make some to purchase this book, you find out the edi-

the due date, per the rental agreement, you form of a profit.” tion has changed ,and even though it’s the
scalating textbook rates have will be charged a non return charge to cov- It makes sense to search for the most same teacher and the same class, it’s not
brought fury to many HCC stu- er the text and a non-return processing fee. reasonable book prices before you just go the same book.
dents. This has become an epidemic These fees are reflected on your receipt”. out there and buy them, doesn’t it? Well Yet, while fishing for some solid rea-
of sorts because some textbooks cost more While this might seem fair, some stu- that would be easier if the edition of the soning for why these changes occurred so
than a class itself. How did this happen, dents disagree. “It makes no sense to rent books didn’t change just about every se- rapidly, no one had a simple answer.
and what can we do to change this growing books,” says student Aaron Edwards. mester, which is usually the case. For ex- Yet Housatonic sophomore Mark Ec-
pain in the pockets of our student body? “One of my books cost $190.00, and to ample, you had a friend who took English celson has found an alternative way to get
“Rent your books now!”, says a sign on rent it still would have cost me approxi- 101 in the previous fall semester, and now the books he needs for courses. “I have
the website bulletin of the Folletts Book- mately $150.00. Furthermore, if I want a you have to take it in the spring. So, you never purchased a book from the book-
store, the merchandise company of our used book I would still have to pay about ask that individual if you could borrow
college. The phrase continues with “Please $130.00; so you do the math. I might as their book, and he/she accepts. After get- Continued on page 8
Continued from page 7 vary on the Internet, students should close- cally, a profit has to be made and regard- instead we should search for other outlets,
ly analyze all possible alternatives before less of how it affects the students it will and try to scheme our way through the
store. I have always used websites (such choosing a certain bookseller over another. continue to be this way. The textbook com- price-tag of our ideal college experience.
as, and Amazon) to purchase It is important to note that the purchase panies themselves have few alternatives in If we have to make copies in the library or
my books and I always end up saving hun- price should not be the only considered dealing with this problem. They can and wait two weeks for a text-book to come in
dreds of dollars. I feel as if the school is aspect when buying textbooks online; stu- do raise the price of the books so that they the mail, so be it, but all we can do is try to
trying to rip us off as if tuition itself isn’t dents should also factor in shipping costs try to recoup their investment on the first lessen all expenses. The only way we can
enough; it’s just sad.” and delivery time before deciding upon sale. They can revise the book frequently, survive is by looking out for ourselves, be-
But not everyone agrees with purchas- buying their desired textbooks on the In- which renders the previous edition obso- cause in reality the only one whose look-
ing textbooks online. Student (and upcom- ternet. In order to fight the high cost of col- lete. They can try to bundle in or shrink- ing out for the students are the students.
ing Housatonic graduate) Jermaine Black- lege textbooks you should double-check wrap some additional item (a workbook or We should continue to help each other by
well said, “It always seemed like too much for the correct 10-digit International Stan- compact disc) with the new text, so that keeping one another up-to-date on web-
of a hassle for me so I never purchased dard Book Number, or ISBN. This number students will need to buy new books to sites with the lowest bookrates. Sharing
a book from the outside. My text-books is situated above the bar code on the text- get the free item. This strategy can work, with a classmate or friend who may not
were always provided from within the col- book’s back cover or title page. When you but some bookstores will just separate the yet have their book for whatever reason.
lege. I must say that students should take are purchasing online you should check book from the study guide and sell both in- Sometimes you have to live life with the
necessary precaution when purchasing for the ISBN along with the book title, au- dividually! Sounds quite familiar doesn’t message of the theme song to the televi-
textbooks via Internet.” thor and edition. it? Unless and until laws are changed to sion series Degrassi: The Next Generation
Students must indeed be very careful Money is always going to be a huge prevent the organized sale of used books, gave us: “whatever it takes, I know I can
when closing a deal on “the Web.” Consid- factor not only for the students but to the you can expect textbook prices to keep in- make it through.”
ering the fact that textbook prices greatly school as well. In order for the school to creasing.
get funding they have to get funded. Basi- We should not anticipate much change,

CSU and CC: Together at Last?

By Lovanda Brown excluding the ever distinct University of stitutes are awarded with higher budgets own area of specialty, they’re able to work
Editor-at-Large Connecticut, of course. Still, a certain and the other, which of the two has a larger better on certain needs.”
change such as this may have a serious student demand and an overall higher suc- Nonetheless, in a statement released on

t seems the Governor is looking for impact on students and faculty members/ cess rate? Such questions may be amongst the Governor’s website, Malloy assures
ways to save money, and it affects us board of trustees’ regents across the state. whispered conversations and closeted that this current proposal is expected to
all. Conflicting perspectives on the matter board meetings, but that doesn’t negate the save the declining financial status of the
On Wednesday, February 9, 2011, are risig to the surface as the details of this fact that they are out there, and because of state. “We need to make it a lot easier, par-
newly elected Governor Dannel P. Mal- proposal emerge to light within the com- this proposal, their “hush-hush” demeanor ticularly [for] people who are under pres-
loy announced his current plan to save the ing weeks. Students here at HCC are al- will slowly lose its edge. sure because they’re working, they’re rais-
state millions. He has proposed the idea to ready voicing their opinions, “I think this Still, there are those who remain neither ing children, [we need to] make it easier for
merge the boards of trustees and offices would allow us to stand out a lot more [as opposed nor for the new proposal, rather them to earn their degrees. And we need
of Connecticut’s State Universities and its a community college] instead of standing uncertain to where all of this could lead. to get a lot of the bureaucracy out of the
Community Colleges. in the background of [state] Universities,” “I’m hoping perhaps it will be a way to way and to flatten the management of these
Talk about a big plan. says 24-year-old Criminal Justice Major, cut costs but I really can’t tell,” says Sherry systems.” Well, only time will tell just how
It’s ambitious, yet stands as an aggres- Quanesha Carter. Nonetheless, many may Harris, the Coordinator of Imath and the effective this proposal is. In the meantime,
sive effort to improve the state’s economy. disagree with her point. Self-Paced Lab, which are two key compo- it is still in every one’s best interest, to hold
This new proposal suggests that one sole There has been an unspoken dispute nents of the Department of Developmen- on tightly to their wallets.
office stands responsible for managing the over attention between state universities tal Studies at HCC. “I’m not usually ‘for’
financial and other essential aspects of both and community colleges over the years, creating larger unions out of smaller ones
state universities and community colleges, one being which of the two groups of in- because I think when each group has their

HCC Honors Student Conducts “A Sociological

Experiment in Democracy”
By Brandon T. Bisceglia meant to capture Welton’s vision for the always been a part of my life.” networking,” says Welton. “I think what
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus site. His goal is not just to provide an ag- The inspiration for Networking Politics we saw was that social networking was

gregator of opinions, but to spur conversa- came during the 2008 presidential cam- very effective for campaigning, but really
n Honors Student at HCC has cre- tion among average people about the deci- paigns. Candidates like Barack Obama hadn’t had an impact in governing yet.”
ated an interactive blog for users sions made by their countrymen - and in constructed massive grassroots organiza- As an avid follower of the news, Wel-
to share their thoughts on current the wider world. tions using the Internet as an infrastructure. ton already commented on articles and
events and national politics. “It’s me poking around Republican Ron Paul, despite being ig- reposted them to his per-
The blog, called Networking Politics, is and exploring what’s on sonal Facebook page on a
the brainchild of 32-year-old Political Sci- people’s minds, what af- regular basis. But he was
ence major Caysey Welton. fects them,” he says. “Is trying to think of a better
According to the site, the aim of Net- there an interest in poli- way to encourage engage-
working Politics is to “explore and pro- tics now, and if not, why ment in the governing
mote political communications through is that? What can we do process. When he enrolled
social networking.” to change it?” in the Honors Program at
Welton picks national subjects at the “There’s become so HCC, he knew he would
forefront of the political consciousness. He much apathy and com- be required to conduct a
curates an aggregation of news and opinion placency in our society semester-long indepen-
sources that span a variety of themes and that people have removed dent project. That’s when
perspectives. themselves completely it all clicked.
Certain features are appear on a weekly from the legislative pro- “The structure of our
basis, such as the “Sunday Edition Edito- cess, and even more so government is based
rial,” in which Welton shares his personal with the grassroots pro- around freedom of
opinion on a hot topic or trend in politics. cess,” he adds. speech, and that’s exactly
“Today’s Topic” draws news articles to- Welton is not shy about Networking Politics features a number of editorial cartoons. Some, like this one, were commis- what this is – an outlet
sioned exclusively for Welton’s site.
gether from different perspectives that admitting that he hopes it for freedom of speech,” he
Cartoon by P. Lipman. Image courtesy of
span the political spectrum. can change. He grew up in says.
He also runs a section called NPTV, a an environment where the daily functions nored early on by most mainstream media Welton says that the largely peaceful
collection of video clips of politicians and of political life were part of the normal fab- outlets, used a savvy online strategy that uprising in Egypt this February confirmed
pundits talking about issues relevant for ric of being a citizen. helped him to break fundraising records that his optimism about social network-
the day. “I had parents who were actively in- and made him, for a short time, the most ing’s potential was well-founded.
The subtitle of Networking Politics, “a volved in politics, who worked in cam- searched-for name on the web.
sociological experiment in democracy,” is paigns when I was a kid,” he says. “It’s just “The 2008 election really utilized social Continued on page 9
Continued from page 8 tire world can know.” youth, as a network to communicate and “I realize that Networking Politics is
Welton thinks that these kinds of uses express political views, to really take on is- not in itself going to change society. But
“The entire protests were planned will become more acceptable as the young- sues head-on and not let somebody else tell hopefully it starts a trend where there are
through social networking, which proves er generations enter begin to take on lead- you why something is important.” hundreds of sites like Networking Politics
that this kind of thing can be used to gov- ership roles. On a practical level, Welton sees Net- across the country.”
ern,” he explains. “I think what’s so fan- “They’re born into this,” he says. “They working Politics as a prototype for future You can visit Networking Politics at net-
tastic about it is its real-time capability. don’t know a society without Facebook methods of conducting political discourse For more informa-
Here’s this medium that, if something hap- or MySpace. I want to encourage them to - another example of how these tools can tion about HCC’s Honors Program, visit
pens right now, within one second the en- use this medium now, while it’s still in its be used to empower people.

Senators Wrestle with State Funds,

Students’ Funds
By Brandon T. Bisceglia he had received from the Business Office to drive interested students to the Capitol to use $200 for drinks during an upcom-
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus on Feb. 4. and back. ing Laser Golf event, Smith was the lone

Mazurek said he knew the number “This is democracy at its best. We’re dissenter.
new generation of Student Sena- might not be exactly correct, because it not really voting on this; this is your voice Then the Student Senate came to the
tors is rolling in. And if their Feb. was based partly on projected enrollment going out telling administrators and legis- question of whether to change the Activi-
24 meeting was any indication, for Spring 2011. But he was surprised that lators in Hartford as to how you feel about ties Committee meetings from a bi-weekly
they could have some divergent opinions the difference was so large. this.” schedule to a weekly one in order to make
on how student government should oper- “I will be following up with [the Busi- Director of Student Activities Linda up for time lost to the numerous weather
ate. ness Office] tomorrow to find out exactly Bayusik noted that the student government cancellations at the beginning of the se-
Two new student senators were induct- what the balance of cash is for us going of Gateway Community College had sent mester. The vote on each side was equal,
ed at the meeting, bringing the current total forward,” he said. her a letter promoting student action on the leaving Mazurek to cast the tie-breaker.
to eight. Only one - Treasurer and Acting Soon after, Mazurek presented another issue. For a moment, he appeared confused
President Konrad Mazurek - has more than report which included a call to action re- Mazurek said that he wanted Bayusik to by the development. After a second, he re-
a semester of experience on the Student garding the cuts to state funding for Con- do the same on behalf of the Student Sen- gained composure and voted for the week-
Senate. necticut community colleges suggested by ate. Due to the time constraint, the sena- ly schedule.
The newest batch of senators was given Governor Dan Malloy’s budget proposal tors agreed to have the letter sent out the Finally, the senators had to make a
a crash course in budget allocation during for fiscal year 2012. following morning after sharing amongst formal decision about paying for a bus to
the two-hour long session held in Student Mazurek passed out information about themselves (you can see both letters at Hartford to deliver testimony without hav-
Life office 317D. From the Miss Housa- the proposal. Among other things, it ing prices to look at. Questions arose about
tonic pageant to their own funding proce- showed that the colleges have been essen- Up until this point in the meeting, the how best to estimate the cost in a realistic
dures, senators made motions on a long list tially flat-funded since 2008, a period of new senate candidates had remained in manner.
of agenda items. Most items had monetary unprecedented growth in student popula- the audience as spectators. Jeremy S. Day, As the vote approached, Parliamentar-
sums attached. tions at all schools across the state. a psychology major in his third semester, ian Dave Koch sounded one note of cau-
The first foray into fiscal matters came For the current year, the colleges were and Mariah Smith, a second-semester stu- tion.
from a discrepancy in the Student Senate allotted $158,282,029. Malloy’s pro- dent, were now questioned by the Student “You’re basically writing a blank
Finance Report, released that same day. posal would bring the number down to Senate. Both were approved unanimously, check,” he said. “It concerns me, espe-
After accounting for itemized deduc- $149,130,964 next year - a loss of about and they moved to the front of the room, at cially when you’re talking about Monday,
tions, the report listed a balance from $9 million. the long rectangular desks where the other because I tend to doubt that you’re going to
the Student Activity Fund (SAF) of “Students are encouraged to contact senators sat. be able to fill a bus by then.”
$46,083.89. The SAF is maintained by a their legislators about the severe impact of Immediately following this, the group Senator Priscilla Mathew spoke up.
fee that every student at HCC pays as part this budget on the community colleges,” tackled a two-page list of agenda items. “But when were we notified about this?
of enrollment, and is disbursed by the Stu- the summary concluded. Then, something unusual began to happen: Twenty-four hours? We really didn’t have
dent Senate for clubs, events, and other Mazurek said that the Appropriations votes began to split along seemingly ran- a choice.”
expenses (Horizons is also partially funded Committee at the State Legislature in dom lines. A vote to fund another produc- In the end the bus was approved with
through the SAF). Hartford would be hearing testimony that tion of the Miss HCC Pageant passed with- a tally of three senators. All of the others
Co-Treasurer J.P. Keleman disagreed coming Monday, and that they specifically out dissent. A proposal to spend $1,000 to abstained from voting.
with that number. He said the actual cash- wanted to hear from college students. He host an event for Mardi Gras failed without
on-hand was $23,613.62 based on a report suggested the Student Senate arrange a bus a single “yea.” On a successful measure

Text Messages Can Save Your Life

By Mimi Williams dates to keep students informed. The Vir- Registration is free and voluntary. You
Staff Writer ginia Tech murders immediately proved have to log into myCommNet then register

the system to be inefficient in cases of for myCommNet Alert.
ell phones have an ever growing emergency.
amount of uses. Now they can also While history cannot be undone, we
save your life and keep you out of can certainly learn from it. Many may be Want Horizons on Your iPod?
harm’s way. Take a stroll around Housa- pleased to discover that Housatonic Com-
tonic’s campus and you are sure to see stu- munity College is a participant in the safe-
Listen to
dents attached to their cell phones. What ty alert system. This service is called my-
better way to communicate with students CommNet Alert. It is a notification system
than through the device that connects them that delivers critical information to stu-
to nearly everything?
After the Virginia Tech tragedy that
took place in April, 2007, many college
dents and faculty in case of an emergency
through text messaging.
As beneficial as the system may be, a
administrators have pondered ways this lot of HCC’s students were not aware that
could have been prevented or how the situ- such feature existed. HCC freshman, Ash- Horizons’ weekly companion podcast
ation could have been better controlled. ley Davis said, “That sounds awesome, but
The result was the Text Message Alert Sys- I didn’t know we had that. I wonder how Your source for
tem. It allows each college to send mass they got my number?” You actually have News, Events, Interviews and Commentary
text messages to their students, warning to register for this alert system. A lot of stu-
About HCC and the community.
them of potential danger. dents are unaware of this.
Prior to the shootings, colleges used Edgar Negron, also an HCC student,
campus wide e-mails and web page up- asked “How do I register?”
10 HORIZONS • News

Want To Lose Weight? There’s Hope Right On

By Myranda Sinkler Friday 9 – 1 p.m.
Staff Writer The Wellness Center is easy enough
for everyone to use. You are able to use

ave you ever heard of the fresh- the facilities as much as you want.
man 15? It’s the legendary fifteen “I come here 2 days a week,” says
pounds that students acquire while HCC student Dipo Sule. “Mondays and
attending college. Between the stress of Wednesdays.”
homework and deadlines, you might for- “It’s convenient, free, [and] we have 29
get to take care of your body. If you want pieces of equipment,” says Kelly K. Hope,
to prevent or undo this weight gain, then Assistant Director of Student Activities.
you may want to take advantage of the fit- “You can really get a good workout.”
ness program at the Housatonic Wellness These twenty-nine pieces of equip-
Center. ment include elliptical, treadmills, cardio,
For your convenience, the Wellness and weights. There is a time limit on these
Center has extended its hours from eigh- machines to make sure that everyone has
teen per week to forty. It is now open Mon- a chance on them. You have one hour per
day through Thursday from 9 – 6 p.m., and machine and thirty minutes on the cardio
equipment per day.
There are showers, water
fountains, and lockers for
every one’s comfort. Also
remember to bring your own
towel, soap, and lock for
Machines in the Wellness Center
your own safety. Photo by Myranda Sinkler
There are some upcom-
ing attractions according to To be able to use the Wellness Center in shape.”
Linda Bayusik, director of is a simple process. You must get an ap- This I.D is valid for one year and ab-
student activities. plication from the Wellness Center, located solutely free as a student of Housatonic
They are going to include in Beacon Hall room 117. Then go to the Community College. However, if you lose
dancing and yoga classes, Student Activities Center located in Bea- your I.D there is a dollar fee. If you already
kickboxing, which is similar con Hall, room 317, there you must watch have an I.D but need to renew it, all you
to karate, and Zumba, which a video on how to use the gym equipment have to do is go to the Student Activities
is dancing to Latin music. and then you receive your I.D. Center and they will give you a new sticker
HCC Student working out There are also plans for a When asked about the process of get- for your I.D to prove its validity.
Photo by Myranda Sinkler weight loss challenge in April. ting an I.D, HCC student Jamie Nieves
“Hopefully everyone can be said the process was easy. He stated that
nice and healthy,” Bayusik says. he attained a Wellness Center I.D. to “get



The Lost and Found Department has
accumulated a large quantity of clothing,
books, and other items.

If you have lost something, please stop by

the office on the first floor and speak to the
shift supervisor on duty.

Thank you,
Public Safety Department


HORIZONS • News You Can Use

ews you can use

Snow, Snow, Go Away, Time to Grow
My Spring Bouquet
By Deb Torreso • Fill bird feeders and Lowes tend to be more about purchas- There are a variety of organic products
Outreach Editor • Clean the bird baths ing than educating, although you might that make better sense when you plan on

• Prune back all flowering shrubs find someone with the amount of knowl- putting bouquets in your home or ingesting
his is a magical time of the year • Lay down mulch in gardens edge you need at the time. what you’ve grown. I have a squirrel prob-
when everything feels new and • Plant trees and shrubs, especially in Start off slowly, don’t overwhelm your- lem so I use a natural pepper spray around
fresh. Anyone who has grown any- containers self with trying to get it all done in one my sunflowers and it works pretty well.
thing from the earth up knows the joy of the • Plant when temperatures remain 45 year. Be careful not to overspray chemi- Also, don’t forget to have plenty of
incredible process. Our days become about and over/day and night cals if you are using weed or grass killers, stakes around so that as your babies grow
watching those tiny plants sprouting from • Plant hardy bulbs like Gladioli even the slightest breeze can carry them to (especially sunflowers, baby’s breath,
the seeds that were planted weeks earlier, • Start seeds indoors of more vul- places you don’t want them to go. gladioli, roses, etc.), you can prevent them
to the enjoyment of puttering around the nerable plants like sunflowers and Weeding is the most important task and from falling down and breaking.
yard, weeding and watering those little herbs laying down mulch is the best way to help For most of us it takes years of trial and
babies—watching them grow into big, • Others like begonias can go into keep the weeds down. Some wood chips error to learn what works and what doesn’t.
strong, vibrant life. Being successful is planters outdoors before they are may bring along the concern of termites, We develop skills that draw from our inner
so fulfilling and not nearly as hard as one put in the ground so ask before you buy. architect to our unexpressed artist. There
might think. • Prune rose bushes Make sure you read up on what you are can be something spiritual about looking
Let’s start with a basic clean up of what • Invest in a spreader and lay fresh planting, just because you like it doesn’t out over your finished work of colorful,
has been strewn around the yard with the grass and fertilizer (read the in- mean it will grow anywhere you plant it. beauty and life. I strongly suggest it.
winter weather. It’s important to clean out structions) Label each plant. Trust me you’ll forget For more information, visit two of the
your old garden beds, strengthen any wood • Check the condition of yard tools where you planted one from the other— web sites I consulted for this article www.
structures, and situate the rocks in your and equipment and it’s a good way to learn how to identify and www.associated.
rock gardens. the differences.
Here are some tips of my own, as well If you are like most of us you need help There is always a risk of getting fungus
as from Internet sites I found along the in getting started so don’t be afraid to ask and disease on your plants. I take a clip-
way: questions. There are many great garden ping to a garden center for education and
centers throughout the area. Home Depot help.

Dreadful Weather Creates Disruption for

HCC Students
think this [has] been the toughest semester was glad school was canceled. Shea joked, Although many students drive to
By Jose A. Rosas since I’ve been here.” “My car is worth a whole lot more than school, others have to go on bus, or even
Staff Writer Living in this area, however, forces what I’m investing into this school.” walk to get here. Richard Otero, a student
us to be cautious when depending on the Shea also mentioned, “There was a at the school, feels it was difficult to walk

ith all the weather cancellations weather; you never know what we are in huge snow bank in the parking lot at one down the streets when it was very chilly
we’ve had this semester, several store for. “ We live in New England, and in time, and you had to make a U turn. If the and slippery. He takes the city bus to HCC
students had quite a winter this this part of the region, we have to consider school didn’t provide students with can- every day. “There were some days school
year. Many did not find it entertaining deal- the weather,” said Roop. cellations, it would be absolute hell in the was not canceled but it was still pretty
ing with all the snow. Students in the cam- Although most dangerous days were garage.” bad outside, so I had to go through all that
pus were affected in many different ways. canceled, some students didn’t attend There were many places in Connecticut struggle just to make it in time for my 8:00
Elizabeth Roop, Academic Dean, campus even on the days school was in where snow played a major role in prevent- a.m. class,” said Otero. Walking or waiting
worked with security, maintenance staff, session. Jason Hill, a student at the cam- ing people from having an ordinary day. for a bus may not be as dangerous as driv-
and weather reports to determine if campus pus, said “It was so tough for me to get According to the National Weather Ser- ing, but it can still danger the life of one
should have been closed or not. anywhere. There was just so much snow vice, snow totals have amounted to 56.4 because all the snow, ice, and cold weather
Mother Nature sure supplied many with all over. I had to miss two class sessions inches in Bridgeport at the time we went that surrounds us.
a surprise this semester. “I didn’t think we because of that, not counting the ones the to press. This city has not experienced so This shocking winter brought much
would have so much snow this year,” said school did cancel.” Although education is much snow for quite a while now, which chaos into people’s lives. Some may wor-
HCC student Charles Robert. “Looking at very important to consider, many students explains why this may be shocking to ry finals may get affected because of all
the last few winters we’ve experienced, viewed there safety as their main priority. many. closed days the school provided. However,
this one was a shocker.” “Each student has to make their own deci- “The school does an excellent job in “At this time we don’t plan on making any
The dreadful weather we experienced sion based on their safety. They still must canceling school when it needs to be can- change in the current [school] schedule,”
this winter brought many difficulties into make arrangements to cover the material celed. Its always important to think of peo- Roop said.
people’s lives. Whether it involved going they missed,” said Roop. ple’s safety, and I respect that,” said Shea. So once again the temperatures seem
to school, work, or shoveling snow, there HCC student Bobby Shea said the snow According to Roop, “We cancel be- to be rising, and even though many expe-
weren’t many happy faces this past winter. was pretty bad in his hometown of Trum- cause its appropriate for us to cancel. Safe- rienced an awful winter, smiles can began
Roop agreed, “Its been so frustrating. I bull. He was one of the many students who ty should be a major concern.” to come out.

Is Your Major Worth It?

byJohn Francis Advising Center says she sees about ten out college without having doubts as to right one?
Staff Writer students a week declaring a major-or what their prospective degree will yield. Matt Lupinacci of Shelton has attended
changing their current one. Will it produce enough money? Am I going five different schools, including Eastern
It is not uncommon that a student be- But whether choosing or switching to be happy doing this for the rest of my Carolina University, Housatonic Commu-
comes curious as to whether or not they a major, how can you know if it will be life? It’s no secret that students are under nity College and University of Connecti-
have chosen the right major. In fact, Pa- worth it in the end? a lot of stress when deciding on a major, cut. He has never changed his major, but
tricia McDonnell of the HCC Academic It is rare for any student to go through- but how can you tell if you’re choosing the Continued on page 12
12 HORIZONS • News You Can Use
Continued from page 11 and understanding how everything worked with a major in petroleum engineering, and rectly was a 3.6,” he said. These numbers
that’s because he never chose one. that it seemed like something I would be it’s by a lot! In fact, 7 of the top 10 and 10 could easily translate to ivy league quality
“I never changed (my major) because I pretty good at.” of the top 15 highest average salaries by numbers, but Arpin chose to go to Plym-
never declared for one, just took classes to- Sullivan also said that the comfortable major midway through their career were outh State University. Arpin wanted to be
wards them. Right now I have three minors pay that comes from being a nurse is also those of a type of engineering degree. In a teacher, and because Plymouth State is
in psychology, marine biology and envi- a key factor in his decision. He did, how- addition to this, 20 of the top 21 degrees known as an exceptional teaching school,
ronmental science,” he said. ever, state that he has indeed had doubts at were math-related, management informa- he followed that path.
Like Lupinacci, many students remain some times. tion systems being the only degree that Matt knows he could have gone on to
without a path, while others never stray “Especially recently, I would say I was not. do remarkable things in this world, but he
from the course they chose at the start. Mi- question it sometimes. It’s not so much Of course, not all people will consider chose teaching instead because it is some-
chael Sullivan, also of Shelton, Conn. has that I don’t think I will like it, but more a starting salary of $93,000 worth it. Most, thing he loves to do, “I wanted a job that
been attending Western Connecticut State that I might like other professions more,” but not many. I can safely say that if I had mattered. Teaching is the most important
University for over four and a half years he said. a degree in petroleum engineering, I would profession because you can shape the fu-
now and was recently seen on the cover of Knowing you’re not alone in feeling in- not enjoy my work. So what if you con- ture. Without great teachers you wouldn’t
the Connecticut Post because of his major different about your college degree is com- sider your major being “worth it” based on have CEOs, engineers or scientists. I know
and the story behind it. forting, but even more comforting would a scale of happiness? I could have done something along those
Sullivan’s great grandfather was a part be to know whether or not it will pay off Well, there’s good news. In a study done lines, but making a difference in the lives
of the first graduating class from St. Vin- by the National Bureau of Economic Re- of individual people and actually seeing it
cent’s College, graduating with a nurs- search, it is the college education itself that is what makes me happy.”
ing degree, and now he and his sister are brings happiness. They list several benefits Maybe the answer to the question, “is
both going down the same path. (Although of being a college graduate including bet- your major worth it?” really comes down
he claims his bloodline is not the reason ter job security, better health benefits and to what we are really trying to get out of
for him entering the nursing program at higher salaries. our college education in the first place. If
WCSU, it does add an ironic factor to it.) Matthew Arpin, Nashua, NH, is the you are seeking a degree to do what makes
His real reason for becoming a nurse perfect example of somebody who chose you happy, then find out exactly what it is
Photo courtesy of
has to do more with his own past, not that happiness over wealth when it came to his you love to do, and if your eyes are blinded
of his late grandfather: “Basically, when I in the end. So how can you know if your career. by money signs, then I sure hope you like
was younger I was in and out of the ER all major is really worth it? “Well, way back in high school I got math.
the time due to injuries from skateboard- A survey done by found a 1520 on the SAT, which, on the new
ing and playing soccer. Well, mostly skate- that the highest starting salary for any tests that have today would translate to
boarding. But I got so used to being there worker with a bachelor’s degree are those about a 2280. My GPA, if I remember cor-

Student Activities Calendar

Tuesday, March 29, 2011 NOT be in session today; evening classes 12:15 PM / Student Club Offices (BH-
will be held 317A)
Psychology Club Meeting / 11:00 AM Tuesday, April 5, 2011
– 12:00 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- Table Tennis Meeting / 12:00 PM – 1:00
317A) Psychology Club Meeting / 11:00 AM Saturday, April 9, 2011 PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315)
– 12:00 PM / Student Club Offices (BH-
Christian Studies Club Meeting / 12:30 317A) Bus trip to the Guggenheim Museum,
PM – 1:30 PM / Student Club Conference NYC / $10 for students; $15 for non-stu- Criminal Justice Club Meeting / 12:30
Room (BH-317D) Christian Studies Club Meeting / 12:30 dents / sponsored by the Photography Club PM – 1:30 PM / Student Club Offices (BH-
PM – 1:30 PM / Student Club Conference / to sign up or for more information visit 317A)
Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00 Room (BH-317D) the Student Activities Office (BH-317)
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315) Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00
Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00 “Stomp” at the Shubert Theater, New PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315)
Student Activities Committee Meeting PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315) Haven. Conn. / sponsored by the Student
/ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM / Student Club Con- Senate / to sign up or for more information Literary Club Meeting / 6:30 PM – 7:30
ference Room (BH-317D) Student Activities Committee Meeting visit the Student Activities Office (BH-317) PM / Student Lounge (BH-318)
/ 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM / Student Club Con-
ference Room (BH-317D)
Wednesday, March 30, 2011 Monday, April 11, 2011 Saturday, April 16, 2011

Photography Club Meeting / 11:45 AM Wednesday, April 6, 2011 Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) Club Bus trip to Stepping Stones Museum,
– 12:45 PM / Lafayette Hall Room B221 Meeting / 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM / Student Norwalk, Conn. / $10 for students; $15
Photography Club Meeting / 11:45 AM Club Offices (BH-317A) for non-students / sponsored by the Early
– 12:45 PM / Lafayette Hall Room B221 Childhood Education Club / to sign up or
Thursday, March 31, 2011 for more information visit the Student Ac-
Writer’s in the HCC Classroom: Visit- Tuesday, April 12, 2011 tivities Office (BH-317)
ALAS Club Meeting / 11:15 AM – ing author presentation by Okey Ndibe /
12:15 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM / Lafayette Hall Events Psychology Club Meeting / 11:00 AM
317A) Room (A101) – 12:00 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- Friday, April 29, 2011
Table Tennis Meeting / 12:00 PM – 1:00 Laser Golf / 6:00 PM – 9:00 PM / Bea- Bus trip to Maritime Aquarium and
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315) con Hall Events Center (BH-214) / spon- Christian Studies Club Meeting / 12:30 Cruise, Norwalk, Conn. / $10 for students;
sored by the Student Senate PM – 1:30 PM / Student Club Conference $15 for non-students / sponsored by the
Criminal Justice Club Meeting / 12:30 Room (BH-317D) Biology Club / to sign up or for more in-
PM – 1:30 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- formation visit the Student Activities Office
317A) Thursday, April 7, 2011 Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00 (BH-317)
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315)
Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00 ALAS Club Meeting / 11:15 AM –
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315) 12:15 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- Student Activities Committee Meeting Saturday, April 30, 2011
317A) / 2:00 PM – 3:00 PM / Student Club Con-
Literary Club Meeting / 6:30 PM – 7:30 ference Room (BH-317D) Bus trip to the Brooklyn Botanical Gar-
PM / Student Lounge (BH-318) Table Tennis Meeting / 12:00 PM – 1:00 dens, NYC / $10 for students; $15 for non-
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315) Biology Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 3:00 students / sponsored by the Art Club / to
PM / Lafayette Hall Room C206 sign up or for more information visit the
Saturday, April 2, 2011 Music Club Meeting / 2:00 PM – 5:00 Student Activities Office (BH-317)
PM / Student Recreation Room (BH-315)
Bus trip to the Police Museum, NYC Wednesday, April 13, 2011
/ $10 for students; $15 for non-students / Student Senate Meeting / 2:00 PM – Saturday, May 7, 2011
sponsored by the Criminal Justice Club / 3:00 PM / Student Club Conference Room Photography Club Meeting / 11:45 AM
to sign up or for more information visit the (BH-317D) – 12:45 PM / Lafayette Hall Room B221 Bus trip to the MOCCA Museum, NYC
Student Activities Office (BH-317) / $10 for students; $15 for non-students /
Literary Club Meeting / 6:30 PM – 7:30 Early Childhood Club Meeting / 5:30 sponsored by the Graphic Design Club / to
PM / Student Lounge (BH-318) PM – 6:30 PM / Student Club Offices (BH- sign up or for more information visit the
Monday, April 4, 2011 317A) Student Activities Office (BH-317)

Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA) Club Friday, April 8, 2011 – NO DAY-

Meeting / 5:00 PM – 6:00 PM / Student TIME CLASSES Thursday, April 14, 2011
Club Offices (BH-317A)
Professional Day / daytime classes will ALAS Club Meeting / 11:15 AM –
HORIZONS • Health & Science 13

ealth and cience

Exoplanets Explained
The New Worlds at the Frontiers of Space
planets in or near the habitable zone and a few up so far. The first to be confirmed terrestrial Intelligence (SETI). But not all
By Brandon T. Bisceglia determine how many of the billions of stars in 2009 was COROT-7 b, a planet about scientists are convinced that we’ll find it,
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus in our galaxy have such planets.” twice the size of Earth that travels around and others point out that we might not rec-
Kepler uses the transit method to find its parent star in only 20 hours. Because of ognize it if it’s not in our familiar carbon-

or centuries, humans have wondered exoplanets. It has its sights focused on that, it is much too hot to support life. based packaging.
what other worlds might exist out- about 100,000 stars in a portion of the Another rocky planet called Kepler-10 If life is a common occurrence in the
side of our solar system. Science fic- galaxy between the rightmost edge of the b was discovered in January. It was even galaxy, however, then we have a decent
tion authors have imagined exotic planets constellation Cygnus chance of finding it as
scattered throughout our galaxy, often re- and the nearby constel- we survey the exoplan-
plete with fantastical life forms and land- lation of Lyra. ets we’re discovering.
scapes. Kepler is designed
Over the last few years, space technolo- to stare at this section If we find life on an
gy has finally caught up with our imagina- of sky for about four exoplanet, what hap-
tions. And our first few glimpses of planets years. That’s because pens next?
outside our solar system have already chal- it needs to see at least
lenged many things we thought we knew three passes of a planet Nothing up there,
about the universe. to confirm it - and for but a lot down here.
With the launch of NASA’s Kepler sat- a planet the same dis- Manned missions
ellite mission on Mar. 6, 2010, a whole new tance from its star as to any place outside
age of exoplanet discovery is getting un- the Earth is from the the solar system are
derway in which the number of planets we Sun, each orbit takes a still beyond feasibility,
will be able to learn about will rival any- year. and any probe we send
thing the crew of Star Trek ever dreamed If it completes that would take hundreds
of finding. A key part of Kepler’s mission mission and still works or thousands of years
is to find the astronomer’s Holy Grail: a properly, it will con- to reach its destination.
planet similar to Earth, and, perhaps, evi- tinue to collect data on Even communication
dence of extraterrestrial life. planetary candidates via light waves would
Here are the basics you should know that take longer than a take at least a few de-
about the hunt for exoplanets. year to orbit. cades to get there and
come back.
What is an exoplanet? How many exo- On Earth, though,
planets do we know it would immediately
Kepler-11 is a sun-like star with six gaseous planets orbiting it, five of which are closer than Mer-
Short for “extrasolar planet,” an exo- of? Where are they? cury is to our Sun. change our understand-
planet is any planetary body outside of our Artwork by Tim Pyle. Image courtesy of ing of our position in
solar system. Presumably it orbits its own According to The the universe. It would
star, instead of the sun. Extrasolar Planets En- be a worldwide shift in
cyclopedia, a website knowledge on the scale
How do we look for and find them? maintained by Jean Schneider of the Paris closer in size to the Earth, but also much, of nothing ever experienced before. Teams
Observatory in France that aggregates dis- much hotter. would work on ways to study the new
Exoplanets are much smaller and darker coveries from all over the world , there are The real goal is to find a planet in the world and its life from afar, but it would
than stars, and even the nearest ones are currently 531 confirmed exoplanets. 106 of so-called habitable zone, a range of tem- still be a long time until most of the de-
light years away, making it impractical to these were found in 2010 alone. peratures that would allow for liquid water tails were known. In the meantime, every
try to view them directly. That number is bound to go up with on the planet’s surface. A number of gas individual on Earth would process it dif-
We can use strong indirect evidence to Kepler’s help. It has already confirmed giants have been found in this range, in- ferently - and as we process it, our societal
pinpoint distant planets, though. There are 15 planets, and currently has 1,235 “can- cluding one dubbed COROT-9 b. Although institutions would change to reflect our
currently two ways to detect exoplanets; didates” - things that seem like planets it may have water vapor in its atmosphere, new perspective as co-inhabitants of this
the “wobble” and the “transit.” but haven’t yet been checked thoroughly gaseous planets aren’t believed to har- quirky, mysterious universe.
The wobble method takes advantage enough to rule out other possibilities. bor life. If the COROT-9 b has any rocky
of the fact that gravity is a two-way street: The first exoplanets that we’ve seen moons, however, they might make pleasant For more information about the Kepler
just as the pull of its parent star keeps a have been scattered across the night sky, homes for new creatures. mission, visit
planet in orbit, the planet tugs back slightly but over the next few years the largest In early February, Kepler discovered
on the star. Astronomers track those nudg- number to be catalogued will likely be in the largest planetary system to date (be-
es; if they happen at regular intervals, then Kepler’s field of view, simply because it sides our own). It consisted of six gas
there’s a good chance a planet’s there to be spends so much time looking there. planets, all unexpectedly close to their star
found. All of the known exoplanets are inside - five of them closer than Mercury is to the
The transit method of planetary discov- the Milky Way. Most of them are relatively Sun. This discovery illustrated a growing
ery uses the brightness of a star to assess close - within a few hundred light years realization among researchers: most plan-
whether anything is passing in front of it. A of our solar system (by comparison, the etary systems are probably much different
passing planet will produce the same effect size of our galaxy is 100,000 light years from ours.
as an eclipse, blocking a little of the light. across). A few have been found that are
Measures of those dips can tell scientists tens of thousands of light years away, but What are the chances that life could
whether a planet is lurking in the shadows. it’s still difficult to detect such small ob- exist on an exoplanet?
It only works, of course, for planets with jects much farther away than that.
orbits that pass in front of our field of view; No one knows, exactly. Part of the prob-
at certain angles, they won’t cross any light What are the planets like? Are any of lem is that we only have a sample of one -
being projected in Earth’s direction. them similar to Earth? ourselves. We tend to base our predictions
about whether life exists elsewhere based
How does Kepler’s mission factor It depends on what is meant by “simi- on what we know about the conditions on
into the search for exoplanets? lar.” Most of the exoplanets that have been Earth, but there is no telling whether we’re
found so far are gas giants, as big as or big- a normal case or an outlier.
According to, “The Kepler ger than Jupiter. These are the easiest plan- Certainly many people hope to find life specifically designed to survey ets to see, since they’re so huge. of one sort or another, which is why Ke-
a portion of our region of the Milky Way Rocky planets (like Earth) tend to be pler is searching for Earth-like planets, and
galaxy to discover dozens of Earth-size tiny in comparison, so we’ve only picked why programs like the Search for Extra-
14 HORIZONS • Health & Science

Health & Science Tidbits

By Horizons Staff new use for these tools to study a chemical ruary 9 in Nature, an international team led ing the changing conditions in the Arctic

reaction of chrome yellow, also called lead by scientists from UCL (University Col- for 30 years. He explains why the deterio-
dapted from “’Walking cactus’ is chromate, that degrades vibrant yellows to lege London) and the Université de Mon- ration of the Polar Vortex could be leading
arthropods’ lost relative,” by Zoë dark browns. The findings help curators tréal have shown that neither type of worm to some of these extreme winter weather
Corbyn. Nature News, Feb 23, and restoration specialists protect other is an early branch of evolution. They show events.
2011: paintings composed with the chemical. that both groups descended from the same “When the Polar Vortex — a ring of
The collaborative study, published ancestor that gave rise to the complex winds circling the Arctic — breaks down,
A clue to how arthropods — the group in the peer-reviewed journal Analytical groups of animals that includes vertebrates this allows cold air to spill south, affect-
of more than a million invertebrate species Chemistry this week, confirmed chemical and starfish. This implies that the worms ing the eastern United States and other re-
that includes insects, spiders and crusta- changes in chrome yellow in two of Vin- have in effect ‘evolved backwards’ into gions,” says Dr. Overland. “This can result
ceans — evolved their distinctive jointed cent van Gogh’s paintings. Although his much simpler looking organisms. in a warmer-than-average Arctic region
legs has been discovered in southwestern Sunflower pieces weren’t studied, they Specimens of Xenoturbella were col- and colder temperatures that may include
China. severe winter weather events on the North
Nicknamed the ‘walking cactus’ be- American and European continents.”
cause of its spiny appearance, the Diania The Polar Vortex is a strong wind flow-
cactiformis fossil find is reported in a pa- ing around a low-pressure system normally
per published today in Nature. The animal present over the Arctic in winter. Average
belongs to the Lobopodia, a now-extinct December values from 1968–1996 show
group of animals resembling worms with the Polar Vortex remaining strong and
legs, which may have been a relative of to- helping to keep the cold air in the Arctic
day’s velvet worms. But it is the first spe- region. During winter of 2009–2010, this
cies of that group found to have the jointed normal pattern broke down, and a weak-
legs typical of Arthropoda. ened Polar Vortex allowed cold Arctic air
“A lot of scientists had long suspected to move southward.
that arthropods evolved from lobopodi- “In December 2009, the Arctic was 9
ans,” says Jianni Liu, a palaeontologist degrees F warmer than normal, and mid-
from the Early Life Institute at Northwest latitude continents were 9 degrees F cooler
University in Xi’an, China, and currently than normal, with record cold and snow
at the Free University of Berlin, who led conditions in northern Europe, eastern
the work. “But we did not have a single Asia and eastern North America,” says Dr.
fossil we could point at and say, ‘This is Overland. “This is the Warm Arctic-Cold
the first lobopodian with jointed legs’.” Continents pattern. The winter of 2009–
She adds, “Now, with the ‘walking cac- 2010 had especially extreme weather in the
tus’, we do. It is important because it could Diania cactiformis has shed clues about how the jointed legs of U.S. as moisture from El Nino hit cold air
arthropods - the largest group of animal species - first evolved.
be seen as a missing link from lobopodians Drawing by Mingguang Chi. Image courtesy of from the Arctic.”
to arthropods.” According to the 2010 Arctic Report
The creature, which dates from around Card, there is reduced summer sea ice
500 million years ago, is about 6 centime- demonstrate why this color makes van lected from the mud at the bottom of a cover, record snow cover decreases, and
tres long. It resembles a thin, soft-bodied Gogh’s work stand out. The scientists vali- Swedish fjord where it eats bivalve mol- record temperatures. Could these changes
worm, similar to the lobopodians. But it dated previous hunches that UV light and luscs; the acoelomorphs are found in vari- be linked to the weakened Polar Vortex and
is also arthropod-like in that it has jointed sunlight are to blame for catalyzing chemi- ous marine environments -- one called extreme winter weather events?
legs — ten pairs in total. The researchers cal reactions of chrome yellow on canvas. Meara stichopi even makes its home in the Many factors, including natural climate
believe the legs had hardened surfaces, not What’s especially interesting is the way throat of a sea cucumber. Scientists com- variability, can produce extreme weather
unlike the tough surfaces of the articulated the scientists came to their conclusions. pared hundreds of genes from both Xeno- events. But, there also is a potential im-
limbs of crustaceans or insects. They studied the chemical properties of turbella and the Acoelomorpha with their pact from Arctic regions, where solar heat
The finding adds to our understanding chrome yellow paint left in historic tubes counterparts from a whole range of animal absorbed by recently ice-free regions of
of Arthropoda, a group that contains more from this time period. After noticing the species to determine their evolutionary re- the ocean warms the atmosphere dur-
than 80% of all known living animal spe- darkening of chrome yellow when exposed lationships. ing autumn, impacting the winds. More
cies, and makes up the bulk of the tree of to a UV lamp for several hours, the group The results show that the two groups research is needed to study the causes
life. It could imply that arthropods devel- used X-ray technology to confirm that the constitute a newly classified phylum (a and extent of the recently observed
oped hardened limbs before hardened bod- source of the darkening stemmed from major division of life), which the authors Warm Arctic-Cold Continent pattern.
ies, say the researchers. chromium(VI) changing to chromium(III) name the ‘Xenacoelomorpha’. The xena- “Some scientists are beginning to suspect
Palaeontologist Simon Conway Morris in the paint. coelomorph phylum joins the three known that the lack of sea ice allows the oceans
of the University of Cambridge, UK, says The same steps were used to study van phyla of deuterostomes: vertebrates (in- to pump heat into the atmosphere in the
the discovery of D. cactiformis provides Gogh’s “View of Arles with Irises” and cluding humans), echinoderms (e.g. star- Arctic in a way that could impact weather
important insights into the flourishing of “Bank of the Seine”. fish) and hemichordates (acorn worms). patterns such as the North Atlantic Oscil-
new animal body plans during the period The research also showed that varnish- Professor Max Telford, from the UCL lation,” said Mark Serreze, director of the
dubbed the Cambrian explosion, the sud- es aren’t entirely protective in art preserva- Department of Genetics, Evolution and National Snow and Ice Data Center. “The
den appearance — in geological time — of tion. In fact, the chrome yellow chemical Environment, and joint leader of the re- idea is still very much in its infancy, but
most major phyla around 530 million years reaction occurred between the layers of search, said,”Because the simple Xena- it’s worth looking into. If it turns out to
ago. varnish and paint. coelomorpha are descended from the same be right, it could help to explain the frig-
Conway Morris says that the fossil “of- ancestor that gave rise to complex groups id winters the eastern United States and
fers crucial evidence about the key step of Adapted from “Simple Marine such as vertebrates, echinoderms and Europe have experienced these past two
moving from an effectively soft-bodied Worms Distantly Related to Humans.” hemichordates, these simple worms must years.”
construction to an articulated exoskeleton ScienceDaily, Feb. 10, 2011: have lost a lot of the complexity that they The North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
— a breakthrough that would ultimately originally possessed.” is a natural climate pattern that is the domi-
lead to such biological designs as the crab Two groups of lowly marine worms nant mode of winter climate variability
claw and the praying mantis.” are related to complex species including “Warm Arctic, Cold Continents: for the region, which ranges from central
vertebrates (such as humans) and starfish, Changes in the Arctic Are Hitting Closer North America to Europe and into North-
Adapted from “Why Van Gogh’s Yel- according to new research. Previously to Home.” National Oceanic and Atmo- ern Asia. A strongly negative NAO can
lows Turn Brown,” by Marianne Eng- thought to be an evolutionary link between spheric Administration (NOAA), Feb. indicate a breakdown of the Polar Vortex.
lish. Discovery News, Feb. 14, 2011: simple animals such as jellyfish and the 28, 2011: Last winter, there were two extreme cold
rest of animal life -- the worms’ surpris- continent events — and the breakdown of
Despite restoration efforts, some paint- ing promotion implies that they have not Extremely cold winds have swept the Vortex, as measured by the NAO, was
ings may appear less brilliant than they did always been as simple as they now appear. down through the Northern Hemisphere the most extreme on record for the past 145
when they were originally crafted. Although the marine worms Xenotur- recently, reaching as far south as the state years.
In the case of one 19th-century artist’s bella and Acoelomorpha are very simple of Florida and causing record low tem- Undoubtedly, changes in the Arctic are
work, scientists are using high-tech tools to animals -- they lack a developed nervous peratures in January. The unusually cold being felt near and far. The winters of 2009
pinpoint the cause of an undesirable chem- system or gut -- they have been a source winter of 2009–2010 – which saw massive and 2010 serve as a jumping off point for
ical change in paint color. of much debate among zoologists. Acoelo- snowstorms dubbed “Snowpocalypse” and more research to determine potential link-
Synchrotron X-ray technology, which morphs were reclassified in the 1990’s as “Snowmageddon” — and the frigid start ages between Arctic changes and continen-
allows a powerful and up-close look at the an early branch of evolution -- the crucial to 2011 in the eastern United States and tal weather to help predict if the Northern
molecular composition of surfaces, has link between the very simplest animals Europe have scientists talking about what latitudes will witness colder winters in the
previously been used to look underneath such as sponges and jellyfish and the rest might be influencing the weather. future as more summer sea ice is lost.
layers in paintings -- their skeletons, so to of the animal kingdom including humans, Dr. James Overland, a scientist at NO-
speak. starfish, insects and mollusks. AA’s Pacific Marine Environmental Labo-
Now a team of researchers has found a Now, in research published online Feb- ratory (PMEL) in Seattle, has been study-
HORIZONS • Health & Science 15

Health as a State of Mind

By Deb Torreso same exact product in every chain and in Now there is a movement in this coun- Terms like organic, community sup-
Outreach Editor every town and city transformed the fast try, dubbed by many as a “revolution.” ported agriculture (CSA), free-range, and

food empire into a $500 million fortune People are becoming more aware and eating local have become widespread.
rowing up we were taught to eat in and one of America’s greatest exports. much more vocal about our current situa- I had heard these terms many times,
moderation, follow the four basic The more the need for this new culture tion regarding our food sources and their and was curious. I was always invested in
food groups, and stay away from of eating arose, the less we noticed our in- quality (or lack thereof). We read stories health, but didn’t know as much as I want-
too much candy and soda. Not everyone dividual health. all the time about E. Coli bacteria and anti- ed to.
listened. Stress, lifestyle and income level Often we are not aware that problems biotic-ridden, infectious animals produced On my several year quest to find a pro-
had other paths for some of us—some we exist unless there is a rise in health prob- by factory farming conditions. Fortunate- gram I could learn from, HCC Counselor
may not have even noticed we were on. lems like diabetes or heart disease. Then a ly, there are always a certain number of Marilyn Wher suggested I check out the
In my household, pots of meat and certain amount of research and notoriety “watch dogs” in the industry who become Institute of Integrative Nutrition (IIN). She
vegetables in stews, soups and sauces take place to determine where this new pat- aware of something regarding these issues said she had heard about it from another
were common. They were hearty and fill- tern is coming from. and start to shine a light on it. student and it sounded like what I was ex-
ing, usually soaked up with bread, and all In recent years, childhood diabetes, In December 2011, San Francisco plaining my heart-felt dream was. I signed
the ingredients were fresher than they are obesity and heart disease have increased passed a landmark bill implementing new up and spent the next 18 months immersed
today. As the population grew so did the due to the massive amounts of sugar, salt fast-food standards. The Responsibility in online education including, iPod lectures
demand for mass production; new ways and fats we consume. In general our bodies Project ordered that a Happy Meal could and incredible amounts of documented re-
of farming and processing foods were de- are failing at an alarming rate. include a toy only if the combined calories search. It made me feel like I had found
veloped to sustain required amounts. The In contrast to these cultural and dietetic in the food and drink are fewer than 600 my way home.
economy changed; once both parents changes, there have always been exercise, calories and only 30 percent are from fat. I decided to write about some of what I
needed to work, household normalcy took health and lifestyle-changing gurus com- Doctors and nutritionists from all over the had learned at IIN in the hope of bringing
a back seat and morphed into the “fast food mitted to helping us reconnect and stay world are stepping up to speak their mind some awareness to the HCC community.
era.” With those changes came a change in focused to healthier versions of ourselves. on issues from diet to lifestyle and how
our state-of-mind. Over the years, some of us have felt they can affect one’s health. There are diet Next issue: Sugar Blues
Fast food tycoon Ray Kroc, McDonald’s a connection to this and lived our lives theories to suit any biological, chemical
founder, took the idea of a “burger stand” within these sensible confinements, main- and geographical makeup. There are veg- To learn more about the Responsibility
in San Bernardino, California to a new lev- taining our health to the best of our ability. an, vegetarian, and lacto-vegetarian diets, Project, visit
el when he “revolutionized the American Others have continued to indulge to what- as well as high protein, high carb, low fat,
restaurant industry,” according to Forbes ever degree, regardless of research and re- low cholesterol, and low glycemic diets.
Magazine. Kroc’s method of offering the sulting cautionary concepts and studies. You name it, you got it.

The High-Tech Communication Culture

By Deb Torreso need, or worse, the desire to be present in sion because the child’s brain is still devel- of leaving them a voice mail, something
Outreach Editor our human connections. oping and there is uncertainty as to what they would do only “if it were an urgent

We sit in silence with our heads point- effect it might have, and secondly there matter.”
find it disturbing that our communica- ed downward—a sign often equated with is as possibility of it interfering with the An article in the Natural Awakenings
tion has morphed into something un- a feeling of low self-worth, watching “child-parent bonding.” Magazine entitled “Tech Sabbath,” at least
recognizable. With all the texting and words—or their short-hand version, appear There is an obvious loss of social skills one area has recognized the potential prob-
e-mailing going on, there isn’t much room as we finger the keys that have become our once easily developed by young people. If lem and has made an attempt to find a bal-
for truly getting to know one another—or voice with which to express our thoughts teenagers start “hiding” during their forma- ance. Local businesses in San Fransisco re-
for that matter—to achieve any real inti- and feelings. tive years, in which their skills to relate and cently sponsored a Tech-Free Day inviting
macy. A Tech News World article featured re- react are often honed, they may miss the people to attend a potluck picnic.
According to an article in the Connecti- search on technology and its effect on chil- opportunity to establish these skills at all. Picnic attendee, Aubrey Harmon, agrees
cut Post, in his current exhibit at the Havi- dren. While some exposure, as in learning It would be similar to the loss of aca- that she felt “more present” while at the
land Street Gallery in South Norwalk, New and development tapes, [Baby Einstein] demic skills by not receiving the necessary event by not having the ability to use any
Haven artist Ronnie Rysz “addresses the may be linked to improved reading skills, tools to formulate proper English, or cal- technology. She says, “I realize it’s good
diminishing importance of physical com- there were also dangers as in “vision im- culate mathematical equations. The brain for my son to balance TV and technology
munication of individuals.” pairment, technology addiction and sexual may have a harder time absorbing and re- with face-to-face and outdoor time.”
“There is a lack of one-on-one dialogue solicitation.” taining this valuable information as we get In the same article, Dan Rollman talk-
of intimate experiences,” Rysz said. “It’s Stanford’s Adjunct Clinical Assistant older. ed about creating the Sabbath Manifesto,
making our society—and my generation— Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Katherine Rossman, writer for Wall which encourages people to enjoy more
disconnected.” He feels that texting “cre- Science, Mali Mann, says in the article, “It Street Journal, says that young people of time outdoors with loved ones. A practice,
ates a technological buffer between them [technology] is overwhelming for young the ages 13-17 send and receive on the av- he says, “they remember from a time be-
and other people.” children and creates patterns of behaviors erage of 100 texts per day. She feels it is a fore the advent of the Internet.”
Innately, we are programmed to sense similar to addiction patterns.” matter of having “total control.” In human evolution, there have been
and be aware of certain scenarios like dan- The article goes on to claim, according In other words, you can say what you many progressive changes—some positive
ger, empathy and sympathy. When we raise to a Kaiser Family Foundation survey, that want, keep it brief and not be bothered with and necessary, others—not so much, and
our children, we strive to teach them the 31 percent of children age three and under pleasantries, and in doing so, “cutting off while we have to have faith that with every
cautionary signals that are extracted from are already using computers, and 21 per- the free-flow of dialogue,” which can take change comes an extreme and eventually
body language and eye contact—or lack cent can point and click with a mouse by the conversation off on an unnecessary tan- a balance, does anyone really believe that
thereof. themselves. gent. this new “etiquette” is a positive one? I
However, with this new practice of The American Academy of Pediatrics Rossman interviewed teenagers who suppose we will have to wait and see.
reaching out from behind all types of high- argues, in the same article, that children informed her that they felt rude and inva-
tech apparatus, it appears we have lost the under two should not be exposed to televi- sive bothering someone with the nuisance

Gain Some

HORIZONS • Opinions 16

Becoming An Adult
What You Should and Shouldn’t Have To Ask Your Parents
By Jennifer Claybrook and come in at ungodly hours, drunk out Chairperson of the Behavioral/Social Sci- Some parents believe it’s a little deeper
Opinions Editor of my mind. I hardly do anything! ences Department. than that.

General Studies major Kristie Walker Former HCC student Zamika Forrest, a “As an adult, children should have to
ome parents can be so controlling! has a similar problem. “I’m 20 years old, mother of one child, said, “when you get ask about anything that impacts the other
“I guess I’m one of those ‘control- I work, I go to school and I help pay the out of my house and start paying your own person [parent] much the same way I be-
ling’ parents,” said Samantha Man- bills. But for some reason my mother feels bills is when you can do whatever you lieve a roommate should ask if it is okay to
nion, Professor of Criminal Justice and that I have to have her permission to hang want.” have someone over for the night. They are
Political Science and Coordinator of the out with my friends,” she said. Coba-Loh disagreed on that point, not obligated by anything except respect.
Criminal Justice Program at HCC, who is This is something that I will never though. it is not about the parent/child relation-
the mother of four children. understand. Some parents really need to “I think that 18 years old is an adult and ship as much as a respectful adult relation-
Many parents feel as though, just be- lighten up. However, not all parents agree they don’t need to ask permission of the ship,” Noe said.
cause you live in their home, they can on this matter. parent,” she said. It’s clear that not all parents are con-
tell you where to go, where not Samiyah Anderson-Neal, a trolling and they expect certain things
to go, what to do, and what not to mother of one child, agreed. “Per- once their children reach a specific age.
do. That’s okay for minors, but for sonally, I think 18 years old, when This is fine. But adults who still live with
adults it’s beyond ridiculous. out of high school, because at that their parents should not have to ask per-
I’ve recently had an issue with time you’re not grown but you’re on mission for anything unless, as Madeleine
my father about having to ask him your way to making your own deci- Burbank, a mother of three children and
to go places. I think NOT! I’ll be 21 sions and becoming an adult.” Assistant Professor of Psychology, said:
years old in three months, so why Other parents believe that their “I think even an adult should ask about
should I have to ask him anything? children have to continue to ask having a guest stay over in a shared living
I’ve never asked him if I can go them permission for certain things. situation. It’s just common courtesy.”
anywhere, and I refuse to start now. “I am not sure I believe that age It may not always be about a parent be-
I am not a little girl. Those years are on the calender is how I would de- ing controlling. The main point may be the
over and done. Photo courtesy of cide,” said Laurie R. Noe, who’s a concern of the parent.
Okay, yeah, I do live in his mother of one child, Associate Pro- “With adults, the guiding principle to
home. But that doesn’t matter. Out of re- “As an adult, if they live in their par- fessor of Early Childhood Education, and ‘what to ask about’ is the concern for oth-
spect, I let him know where I’m going. I ents’ house, I think out of respect, they Coordinator of the Early Childhood Edu- ers, including the parent’s comfort level
don’t have to have permission. should inform their parents where they are cation Program at HCC. and also out of respect for them,” Burbank
I’m responsible. I do what I have to do going, what they are doing, etc. - but not “As an adult, I don’t think my child added.
in school and at work. I’m not wild, nor necessarily ask for permission, since they should have to ask my permission for any-
am I disrespectful. I’m not a whore - I are an adult,” said Claudine J. Coba-Loh, thing, unless it involved using, borrowing
don’t have different men coming in and who’s a mother of two children, Professor or taking something that belongs to me or
out of his home. I don’t go out partying of Psychology and Human Services and my husband,” Mannion said.

If I Can See It, Can You?

By Bobbi Brown There have been times where I was re- other person’s body parts if they don’t clothing stores that support people of all
Staff Writer ally tempted to ask a girl to cover her chest have to. sizes.

because it looked like if she just moved a Media has truly played a role in what There are many places people can go
ometimes our eyes can really play little bit, her whole entire chest would fall people wear today. The media and our in order to find the correct size for their
tricks on us, or we can actually be out. I honestly feel that is not cute! music has shaped many people’s views on clothing.The question is, how many peo-
seeing the right thing. We may even Fashion has changed even when it what is excepted as fashion today. More ple will care enough to do it. The way a
take a double look and ask the question comes to designer clothes. It seems as singers and dancers are coming out with person dresses says a lot about them.
“What would posses them to wear what if they are looking to show more skin. different ways to wear clothes, even if that Organizations such as “Dress for Suc-
they have on?” Whatever the question may Things such as ripped stockings and means showing more skin. cess” encourages men and women to pull
be, our eyes are definitely seeing correctly. ripped leggings are catching the eyes of Whether it is the music that inspires or up their pants and pull down their dresses.
Males and females of all sizes seem to be many people today. encourages us to dress so revealing, some They also encourage etiquette classes for
revealing a lot more nowadays. This has “No more than two years ago people people neglect to realize how this can de- all ages.
become a serious distraction and a sight would throw out ripped clothes (stockings, termine whether or not you can get a good “In society, there is a phrase used that
many people don’t want to see. jeans and shirts), now people pay more for paying job. says, ‘sex sells.’ It is the individual’s deci-
“I have been going to HCC for more these things.” says Dana Souza, a Journal- HCC student Carla Davis explains how sion to decide what they are selling, but I
than two semesters and I have seen it all, ism major. her self image allowed her to get a good encourage my son and his friends to sell
I honestly don’t like sitting or walking From students to staff I’ve always felt paying job. positivity, dispel the perception of soci-
behind someone who backside is hang- that there should be level of respect that “I remember preparing for my first job ety,” says Michelle Wilson, a parent and
ing out their clothes. Like c’mon pull your they should have for themselves. I believe interview. As I walked in to the office for also a student at HCC.
pants up or put your shirt down so it can that this must be spread throughout HCC my interview I was sitting with people “I agree. I feel that young and old
cover it,” says, Jilliain Knowles, as she and even into our personal lives.Y es, who were all going for the same job that I people are going through a fashion cri-
demonstrates pulling her shirt down. people may purchase their own clothes, was. At first, I thought I was over dressed sis. They are trying to keep up with move
“I too find it not cool at all,” Trenton but I have been wondering are they pur- for the position (secretary) compared to stars, singers, and dancers. Honestly some
Seaguile agrees. “I do indeed love the la- chasing the wrong size, or do they really the girl I was sitting next to,”says Davis. things are not meant to be worn in public,”
dies, but how you wear your clothes and like spending money on clothes that they Davis learned, however, that her at- Wilson added.
what you are willing to show makes guys know they will only get a short wear out tempt to dress professionally gave her the Honestly, no woman wants a man to
approach a woman the wrong way.” of. upper hand in getting the job she was go- only see their appearance and neglect
Some people may argue the fact that “I am not the best dressed person at ing for. what’s on the inside.
they are the ones who buy their clothes, school but time to time I run into a per- “She had on a real short skirt and a I feel that no woman wants to bring
while others may argue that what they are son who looks like they had a very hard blouse that was revealing her chest. I home a guy to their parents let alone out in
wearing and revealing is messing up their time fitting into their clothes” says, Darius couldn’t help wonder why she would public with his pants hanging down with
self image. Rodgers. show up to an interview dressed like that. his stripped or checked boxers showing.
This is true, people prejudge each other What most people seem to forget is that All I knew was that I wanted the job and Although media portrays what’s hot
based on what they’re wearing. A kind- the way one dresses really impacts every- if that meant dressing like I was going and cool in today’s fashion, you can still
hearted, intelligent young man could be thing around them. From school to work, to work on Wall Street, I would do that. wear your designer clothes but wear your
viewed as a thug or drug dealer based on everyone’s first view of a person is always Surely enough, I was hired for the job,” clothes to the point that what is supposed
his pants hanging below his backside. This by what they are wearing rather than what adds Davis. to be a secret, or better yet, hidden from
works both ways for women as well. they are saying. No one wants to see an- No matter the size of a person there are the sight of other remains that way.
HORIZONS • Opinions 17

Keep It Simple.. Or Tat, Tat, Tat, it up?

Tattooing... TOO much?
By Dana Souza arms, and covering them with ink would Marisa Mamet, a Junior According to Esquire
Staff Writer hide the muscular definition. Of course, he at the University of New Magazine estimated

does not agree with me but it’s true. You Haven. in March 2002, 1 in 8
attoo’s used to be a considered de- only have two arms, so why cover them Why do people get Americans was tattooed.
viant. However, tattoos are quite up. tattoos of random objects That is a large percentage
the norm these days. There has On the flip side, a friend of mine, Rach- that don’t mean anything? of people.
been a large increase in the amount of ink elle Willis-Rosario, felt the opposite. To get it just because you is a
a person gets. “I think tattoos are quite sexy in certain can I assume. Not only Motorcycle, Beer, Cigar
I have three tattoos, all with significant areas. On a guy, sleeves are hot and back are people getting tattoos, and Tattoo blog. Accord-
meaning. But there is a line a person can pieces are hot. On a girl some sleeves are but people are getting ingn to their website,
cross when it comes to “tatting” them- attractive, and every where else is attrac- LARGE tattoos. “Life magazine estimated
selves up. Too many tattoos on a person’s tive except face and chest area,” she said. Josh Kekac, 23, a stu- in 1936 that 10 million
body can be unattractive. I don’t judge First year student, Glenda Rorick, has dent at HCC, has 5 tat- Americans, or approxi-
anybody or look down on people who no tattoos but said she may get a small one. toos. However, he says mately 6% of the popula-
choose to get excessive tattoos, I just don’t She feels that facial tattoo’s are “shocking because of the size, they tion had at least one tat-
see attraction in covering your body in ink and repulsive.” “Tattoos on too many parts could probably count for too. A Harris Poll, done in
that is permanent. of the body are offensive to me, it is hurt- more. Photo courtesy of Talia Munzer. 2003, nearly triples those
ing the body,” she says, with a pained look “Any demonstration numbers and estimates
on her face. of one’s artistic value, es- that 16% of Americans
Tattoos are personal preference but pecially in their choice of body art is ask- now have one or more tattoos.”
what becomes “too much?” ing for judgement good or bad. Regard- It has become the norm these days,
Tattoos become too much when they less, I believe expression of oneself is the ranging from all different ages, 16 to 66,
are offensive to other people. Symbols and way to go and no matter what someones people are picking out their ink colors,
words that cannot be cov- thoughts are on them, if laying down the deposit and sitting into
ered up is an issue. it is what YOU want then the chair, session after session to get tat-
Jillian Woods, who you absolutely should go ted. So what do you say, eyeball tattoos
graduated from Masuk for it. The right people to anyone?
High School (in Mon- have in your life will see
roe) in 2006, thinks it is right through them,” said
too much when it’s on the Kekac.
face. Josh has a large tattoo,
She added, “If it’s in- which covers more than
side the lip what does it 75 percent of his back, in
matter no one can see it his house he explained,
really. But it makes you “no tattoos whatsoever,
look scary, unapproach- so the last few months
Photo Courtesy of Anonymous Subject. able and no one will re- courtesy of http://fyeahstrange-
have been interesting and
ally want to hire you for my mother constantly
any jobs unless its a job tells me to put on a shirt
Trevor Hansen, a local landscaper in that’s like a circus, tattoo when she is home. “ Photo courtesy of Anonymous Subject.
Trumbull has 12 tattoos. He explained, place, etc.” Skin tattooing isn’t
“Tattoos can be very sexy when done right The most common an- the only place to get ink.
especially when they have a deeper mean- swer I have found is when In fact, a man from To-
ing. My girlfriend has 3 and is going for a person has random tat- ronto is the first to get
more. Many of my female friends have ink toos without meaning the whites of his eyeballs
as well. I think tattoos are beautiful.” that it is unattractive. tattooed blue. Corneal
There are some ugly tattoos out there, I “I don’t think tattoos tattoos are usually used
must say, but tattoos are usually beautiful can be generalized into for patients that have had
pieces of art work. When a person has fifty attractive or unattractive. trauma to their eye, un-
percent or more of ink on their body, it re- I LOVE tattoos, but the like this man, he has done
ally boggles my mind. ones without meaning, or it for personal interest.
My boyfriend keeps talking about get- the ones that are extreme- Now if that isn’t
ting a half sleeve, and I am completely ly common I find to be Photo courtesy of Josh Kekac. “TOO much” then I don’t Photo courtesy of http://fyeahstrangefinds.
against it. He has nice muscular toned very unattractive,” said know what is.

When Is Enough Enough?

By Elisa Byrdsong under their skin especially when you’re state agencies, court systems, jails and lationship styles it wouldn’t be fair to get
Staff Writer upset, which is not good,” Klein says. also with Department of Family and Chil- only one expert’s opinion. Michael Ami-

On the other hand, Kiah Goldson, ma- dren (DCF). Julian believes that a lot of co, Assistant Professor of Psychology,
ere at HCC, 20 students, faculty, joring in business law, says that she had relationships end because participants in who has been with HCC for three years,
and staff members were asked if no idea that her relationship of three years the relationship idealize either each other believes that from his clinical experiences
they have had harmful endings in was ending. Goldson admits that there or one towards the other. he has noticed a lot of relationships end
relationships. 17 out of the 20 answered could have been warning signs to let her He states, “When meeting someone badly because of cognitive dissonance.
yes. From hurtful phrases like “I Hate know that the relationship was going down people tend to jump head first into the re- “ A lot of factors can play a role in the
YOU!” to physical pain like fighting and the wrong path, but she says she thinks her lationship. They are impressed with what harmful ending to a relationship. Denial,
throwing things--these relationships have ex wanted it to end badly so he could feel they see in someone and adore the atten- difference in expectations, even observa-
ended with pain. Some say it’s hard to see less guilty. tion. They fill in the gaps of the missing tions of parental relationships can be a
when the end is coming. Others say they “ I didn’t see anything wrong in the re- things they want from love and fall for problem. But when two individuals tend
saw it coming but were in denial. Why do lationship. I mean I did, but they were mi- anyone who pays attention to them. Then to have conflicting belief about the rela-
these relationships end like this? How can nor issues. So when we got into a huge ar- when into the relationship they notice tionship or conflicting action in the rela-
we prevent the issue at hand from spiral- gument over something so simple I could things that they didn’t notice before or tionship, that is what causes tension and
ing out of control? tell that there was a real meaning to it and traits that they never knew the person had. uncomfortably, which can cause one to
Chris Klein, a criminal justice major, he just wanted his space to be single. And This causes conflict”. justify the behavior,” Amico says.
here at HCC, newly single from a rough believe it or not he confessed to this later Julian believes that a lot of people Amico continues to say, “when deal-
ending relationship expresses his personal down the line that he didn’t know how continue to stay in these relationships for ing with a bad ending to a relationship that
opinion to why he believes relationships to tell me without hurting my feelings,” many of reasons. couples must face reality, and have clear
end with such hostility. Klein states that in states Goldson. “A lot of the time it has to do with guilt. communication between each other.”
his experience he’d “seen it coming.” Psychology Professor, Dr. Jim Julian, No one wants to be the heart breaker. An- Every situation is different and each
“We started to argue a lot towards the who has been a psychologist for the past other case may be that they’re scared to one has its own solution, but the ending
end of the relationship, and we were al- 10 years, and owns his own personal psy- leave, not necessarily abuse but scared to result is clear. Everyone deserves to be
ways distant or away from each other. Not chotherapy office, says that within his be alone. What ever the case may be, these happy. And to truly understand what it
like the beginning. We tried to work it out experience he has worked with a lot of individuals deep down know that they are means to be happy in a relationship or to
but breaking up was unavoidable, and patients dealing with harmful breakups. unhappy and know that the outcome will even avoid harmful ending to one it de-
when you’re in a relationship with some- Julian has experience in many fields deal- be eventually breaking up” mands time for communication between
one you learn things about them, their likes ing with psychology such as hospitals, When dealing with many different re- one another.
and dislikes So you know how to get
HORIZONS • Opinions 18

Tips on Arguing
Vet Your Facts/ Weak Analogies
By Brandon T. Bisceglia straight, though none is foolproof. When- 1999 Washington Post humor contest: ergy” and “terminating the human race.”
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus ever you can, you should always use a “She grew on him like she was a colony And why does the commenter think

primary source over a secondary one (I’ll of E. Coli, and he was room-temperature these two things are similar? He offers two
t’s a tough world. Every day, you are cover this topic in greater depth in the next Canadian beef.” reasons. First, there are effects on the hu-
barraged by advertising schemes, sta- issue). Primary sources tend to be more The comparison here tells us some- man body from nuclear radiation.
tistics, and political rhetoric. Every accurate and deliver more nuance. thing important about the development of That’s true, if the radiation is poorly
day, you must express your own views Cross-checking is a simple way to the relationship between the characters. E. contained. But nuclear energy doesn’t
to friends, family members, teachers, and make sure your facts are legitimate. If Coli is a bacterium that grows quickly and guarantee catastrophic human exposure to
employers. one source says A is true, find a different heartily, especially on meats that aren’t radiation.
If you want to hack your way through source – one that is independent of your refrigerated. The male character must be Even less clear is the effect that termi-
all that material or convince others of your first source - and see if it says the same swiftly becoming fonder of the female. nating the human race has on our bodies.
opinions, it is essential to develop criti- thing. If your second source says that B There’s a negative aspect to this rela- One would assume that it wouldn’t be
cal thinking skills. These skills are rarely is true, you’ll have to do more research to tionship, as well: as E. Coli thrives, it ren- pleasant, but that’s hardly illuminating.
taught in the classroom, yet they often figure out which is closer to the truth. ders the meat poisonous. The second reason that this commenter
make the difference between getting your If you’re drawing facts from scholarly The key to building a successful com- justifies his analogy is by pointing out
way and being ignored. journals or books, go through their refer- parison, however, is making sure that the that genetic mutations “can be transferred
The editors at Horizons are committed ences. Did the “fact” about Thomas Jef- from generation to generation.”
to helping you develop these tools. Each ferson’s beliefs come from a document he Aside from the fact that most mutations
issue, we bring you one tip to increase wrote or from Wikipedia? If it came from caused by exposure to radiation make re-
your arguing power, and one hint to sharp- Wikipedia, it might be correct, but the production difficult, if the human race
en your critical eye. chances for error are higher. were terminated, there would be no new
Another tool often used by researchers generations to pass mutations on to. This
Vet Your Facts: Vetting your facts sim- to determine whether a given scholarly ar- part of the analogy doesn’t even make
ply means looking into them. It may sound ticle is widely accepted by the academic sense.
like this should go without saying, but fail- community is to find out how many times A weak analogy doesn’t necessar-
ing to double-check a source is one of the it’s been cited by other papers. The more ily mean that a person’s ideas are invalid.
most common ways that misinformation citations, the more likely it is to be useful Some concerns over the drawbacks of
spreads. information. nuclear energy are definitely worth dis-
The advent of Google and other search Unfortunately, there is no perfect way cussing, even if this particular commenter
engines has given people access to more to vet your facts. Eyewitnesses remember failed to articulate them intelligibly.
information than ever. But not all infor- things inaccurately. Typing, writing, and Still, the first step to convincing some-
mation is created equal. Public relations speaking mistakes are common. Personal one else to listen to you is logical consis-
Photo by Brandon T. Bisceglia
departments disguise their self-advertising biases can cloud even the most intelligent tency. If you can’t explain your position
to look like news stories. Political groups person’s assessment of a situation. properly, then you can’t expect anyone
shape the presentation of facts to fit their Vetting your facts is, however, the similarities between two things are rele- else to agree with it.
agendas. Groups peddling pseudo-science best way to minimize your own errors. It vant to both of them. If the elements aren’t
publish their own journals, and conspiracy doesn’t mean that you’ll get everything important to both, then the analogy falls Get involved in the debate! If you have
theorists sometimes make stories up out of right, but it will prevent you from getting apart without illustrating anything. a suggestion for a Tip, a question about
whole-cloth. a whole lot of things wrong. This analogy was presented by a com- critical thinking, or a comment about ar-
Even if you are using a well-respected menter in response to blog post about nu- guing, please send it to housatonichori-
source, though, there is always a chance Weak Analogies: An analogy is a com- clear energy: And for quality news,
that human error will creep in. If you read parison that shows how two seemingly “Talking about use of nuclear energy including a healthy dose of arguments that
New York Times articles that are more different things are similar in some rel- is like terminating the human race, think challenge the norm, be sure to read Hori-
than a few days old, you’re likely to see evant way. They can be extremely helpful about the effects it would have on the hu- zons!
corrections posted at the bottom. It’s not for relating new or complex ideas to peo- man body, the massive radiations released
because they weren’t careful the first time ple, because you can draw connections to from the fusion of atoms can cause life-
around – it’s because new information has things with which they’re already familiar. long mutations that can be transferred
overturned a previous statement, or new Analogies can also be amusing meth- from generation to generation.”
sources have provided further details. ods of description that stretch our imagi- The comparison here is supposedly
There are several ways to get your facts nations. Consider this example, from a between “talking about use of nuclear en-
HORIZONS • Profiles 19

Assistant Director of Student Activities Brings
New “Hope” to Department
By Brandon T. Bisceglia of an expert. She started on Jan. 14; in plains. At HCC, she could live wherever HCC share some similarities, there are
Editor-in-Chief Emeritus barely over a month, she’s already mapped she wanted and commute. also some major differences.

out most of the office. “I had just turned 30, and I was ready to “The Student Life Office [at HCC]
t’s a busy Wednesday afternoon in the Indeed, this kind of scene is familiar – live my life,” she says. handles a lot,” she says. “At Southern, we
Student Life office on the third floor of she’s been working in student services for If Hope stayed, there wouldn’t be many didn’t have anything to do with student
Beacon Hall. over a decade. prospects for moving up, either. “It’s not a IDs – that was a whole separate depart-
HCC’s newly hired Assistant Director Hope began her career at Southern common practice to stay at one institution ment. The same goes for the Wellness
of Student Activities Kelly K. Hope is in Connecticut State University (SCSU) in as long as I did,” she says. “There weren’t Center – over there they call it the Fitness
the thick of things. Students pass by with her hometown of New Haven. “I’m used many positions to advance to. Moving Center, and it’s also another department.”
questions. One asks to finish up with his to dealing with urban, inner-city colleges from one institution to another is common As she’s gotten to know HCC, Hope
student I.D., so she brings him over to the and college students,” she says. practice in this particular field.” has been surprised by some of the prac-
back of the outer office, where the ma- There, she pursued a degree in English In her capacity as assistant direc- tices unique to the college. “To come here
chine is waiting. Education, eventually attaining a Mas- tor under Director of Student Life Linda and find out that fundraising is not some-
31-year-old Hope’s desk is a few feet ter’s degree in the subject. Meanwhile, Bayusik, Hope takes part in working with thing that happens often” was a shock for
in front of the ID machine, facing out the she began working at SCSU as a Resident clubs, the Student Senate, and individual her; at SCSU she was used to students en-
transparent glass wall to the Game Room Advisor. After three years, she became a students. She co-supervises the Wellness gaging in fundraising on a regular basis.
on the other side of the hall. Before she graduate intern, and then moved up to the Center with Bayusik, as well. “I’m still trying to learn the community
can make it back that far, though, another position of Residence Hall Director. She Hope is also the Facilities Scheduler, college way – the HCC way,” she says.
student asks to be lent the chess set kept would continue in that position for the a job that requires coordinating events at By all appearances, though, Hope is
in the office. He presents his I.D., and she next seven years. the college with people and organizations quickly adapting, and says she takes plea-
dutifully pulls the set from under a desk. Eventually, Hope decided that her ca- outside HCC. “One of my main jobs is to sure in the bustling atmosphere.
The phone rings as she talks; some- reer needed a change. For one, her job make sure that for the Events Center and “The students coming in and out, the
times she can defer it, but other times she at SCSU required her to live on campus. the other areas on campus we have the students that have questions, the students
needs to answer. “Technically, I had lived on campus since contracts and all of the necessary forms that just want to talk…I enjoy that. And
Despite how hectic the room can be- 1999, when I was a freshman there. So ul- filed.” learning.”
come, she executes her tasks with the ease timately it was time to move on,” she ex- Though her experiences at SCSU and
HORIZONS • Arts & Entertainment 20

rts and ntertainment

Radio Broadcasting: Journalism for the
Music Enthusiast
By Tina M. Eckart broadcasting is really all about, I approach of what’s going on in the music world, and long as I can be surrounded with the vibe
Staff Writer the 3rd floor of one of Connecticut’s old- even lends a bit of trivia and history to his of music?! Not only can radio broadcasters

est classic rock show. share their journalistic abilities to commu-
lthough accessibility and conve- radio stations, He describes nicate to music fans, but they can also help
nience of jobs offered on the In- 99.1 WPLR. the music aspect with promotions of aspiring music artists
ternet formed that outlet into the When the el- of radio broad- as well, especially by playing their music.
primary media of today, there still holds a evator opens, I casting as “theater
place for those entering the journalism and make my way of the mind,” giv-
communications world in radio broadcast- past glass secu- ing his listeners a
ing. rity doors where “rush” when they
Music enthusiasts discover their skills a woman called hear news about
in the broadcasting subset of communica- “the prize lady” their favorite
tions. This type of journalism still holds smiles behind the bands and con-
true to the basics: accuracy, brevity, and reception desk. certs. Lapitino’s
clarity, but focuses on the entertainment Marie-Claire Ab- M`ike Lapitino, journalist of 25 years, offers personality most exciting ce-
industry, possibly leading to public rela- riola is WPLR’s and creative style to WPLR’s afternoon show in the way of lebrity interviews
music trivia and history for his listeners.
tions or production. part-time recep- include late mu-
Photo by Tina Eckart
Journalism is not just the actual report- tionist who al- sic artist Warren
lows guests entry Zevon (who re- Marie-Claire Abriola smiles behind the reception
into the facility. Abriola says, she “meets corded song “Werewolves of London”), as desk of WPLR.
all types of personalities,” and because well as bands Steppenwolf, and The Black Photo by Tina Eckart
most people come to her to claim prizes Crowes.
they have won through the station, “ev- The perks to being a broadcast journal- For all those journalists in entrepre-
eryone’s pretty happy here!” ist according to Lapitino are “making con- neurship,, what’s wrong with opening up a
Radio personality Mike Lapitino, a nections, seeing the shows backstage, and radio station of your own? All you have to
veteran journalist of twenty-five years, not wearing a suit every day!” do is establish a studio, equipment, fund-
hosts WPLR’s daily afternoon music show Maria Lashley, sales manager at ing, local bands guest appearances, and
from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Allowing me WPLR admits that “there’s never a dull find a talented host among the many Jour-
to sit inside the studio during the airing of moment” when working at the station. nalism/Communication students at our
Bank memorabilia line the walls of WPLR’s radio his show, Lapitino reveals, “consistency, Observing WPLR’s producer and addi- institution! Maybe HCC could help stu-
station celebrating 40 years of classic rock and identifying your audience, and relevance” tional crew, there are many unappreciated dents with this aspect of their job search,
Photo by Tina Eckart
are the key elements to success in the radio efforts that take place in radio broadcast- and possibly a hopeful future.
broadcasting field. ing. Long days, live shows, sound effects, There are many forms of journalism,
Classic rock music is what Lapitino’s commercial advertising, and guest appear- and for those who want to step outside
ing of news; there are also hidden facets. listeners expect to hear, and the computer- ances are key to attracting and keeping the newsroom experience, allowing their
Maybe we (as students) should start “play- ized pre-programmed play-lists keep them WPLR’s loyal listener fan-base. creativity and freedom of expression to
ing detective” ourselves; searching for the tuned in every day. In between music Learning all of this information al- dance over the airwaves, radio broadcast-
clues to crack the case that will lead us to breaks, Lapitino adds his own personality lowed me to believe radio broadcasting is ing sounds like a worthwhile plan.
the ultimate dream job in our field(s). and style to the air. Informing listeners of far above the rat race of any newsroom.
Deciding to see for myself what radio every detail possible, he keeps them aware Who cares if long days keep me at work as

The Shepard Cycle

By Tori Centopanti tion on the artwork’s social and cultural poses right and a year Matthew Shepard was
Editor-in-Chief context was held on February 24. The art- on the crucifixion print a 21-year-old political

ist, faculty and staff, students, and alumni alone. science major at the Uni-
rt has the unique ability to foster were in attendance. Each print’s medium versity of Wyoming when
enlightenment through dynamic was carefully chosen to he was attacked, tortured
images. “The Shepard Cycle” obtain a “certain effect and murdered because of
(2008) by Nomi Silverman is no exception. or emotion.” Etching his sexual orientation.
The exhibit, featured in Housatonic’s and lithographing for the Unfortunately, it
Community Gallery, was co-sponsored by pieces in this collection. wasn’t his first experience
the Housatonic Museum of Art and HCC’s “Etching is a very with assault. About
“The Shepard Cycle” - Plate II (lithograph)
Gay/Straight Alliance (GSA). violent medium, so I Image three years prior to
courtesy of
The gallery, located on the third floor used it for the more his death, in February
of Beacon Hall in the student lounge area, violent pieces,” she 1995, he was beaten,
is meant for smaller exhibits that highlight clarified. robbed and raped during a high school trip
one artist or theme. In the process of applying for a grant, to Morocco.
“It’s an opportunity to address issues the suggestion came up to tell Shepard’s Fast-forward to October 7, 1998, when
that happen in society,” explained Housa- story using the Stations of the Cross—it Shepard met and hitched a ride with two
tonic Museum of Art Director Robin Zella. was a perfect fit. Thus, the original five men: Aaron McKinney and Russell Hen-
Silverman, who said that her work pieces flourished into 13. derson.
“only deals with social and humanitarian A brief lesson on the Stations of the That night Shepard was robbed, repeat-
issues,” drew inspiration from the story of Cross and Matthew Shephard’s story was edly pistol-whipped in the head, and tor-
Mathew Shepard, a young gay man who given to the group by English Professor tured by the two men—who tied him to a
Matthew Shepard
was murdered over a decade ago. Photo courtesy of Kirk Hughes, coordinator of the Honors fence in a rural area and left him to die. By
Upon hearing the story in the news, she Program. the time Shepard was found, 18 hours later,
was “shocked, horrified and angry” and “By making a cycle, you’re inviting us he was already in a coma.
believes that “he did not deserve what he Silverman shed light on the process of to learn,” he said, adding, “One of the won- He suffered multiple injuries: fractures
got.” creating the prints, which took about seven ders of art is not knowing.” to the back of his head, severe brain-stem
Accompanying the exhibit was an in- to eight years to complete, and entailed
formal group discussion meant for reflec- three years of drawing models to get the Remembering Matthew Shepard Continued on page 21
HORIZONS • Arts & Entertainment 21
girlfriends testified against them in court, der identity and disability. ple who are different in some way, or seem
Continued from page 20
revealing that the two men had actually to pose some imminent threat to their way
damage, and multiple lacerations on his planned to rob a The Cycle Endures of life. It’s a cycle that has continued for
head, face and neck. The injuries were too gay man. Hughes pointed out the “cycle of cul- centuries.
severe for doctors to operate. Henderson tural violence” that is constantly transfer- Silverman echoed the same sentiment,
Shepard never regained consciousness pleaded guilty ring from one group of people to another, explaining that she merely “borrowed”
and remained on life support until he died on April 5, 1999, whether its homosexuals, the Jews, African Shepard’s name and story to illustrate the
on October 12, five days after the attack. and testified Americans, the disabled, Muslims, and so vicious cycle. “That’s anybody’s story.
Shortly after, McKinney and Hender- against McKin- forth. Anybody at any point can be a victim,” she
ney. Both re- He defined it as the “universalization observed.
ceived two life of bullying,” emphasizing that hate crimes It’s the unfortunate truth.
sentences each can truly happen to anyone. Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
It’s not uncommon for a society to tar- statistics report 9,691 hate crimes in 2008
“The Shepard Cycle” - Plate VI (etching)
Image courtesy of
get or discriminate against a group of peo- based on bias against race, religion, sexual
orientation, ethnicity or national origin,
and disability. About 35 percent were at-
because Shepard’s parents were against the tributed to sexual orientation.
death penalty—they wanted the men who Animosity and prejudice will not dis-
killed their son to suffer for the rest of their appear overnight, as has been proven time
lives. and time again, but open-minded discus-
At the time, the United States federal sions are a step in the right direction.
law did not prosecute crimes committed “I hate the word tolerance,” Silverman
“The Shepard Cycle” - Plate IX (ethcing) on the basis of sexual orientation as hate commented. “I tolerate bees and ants. I
Image courtesy of
crimes. Multiple attempts have been made don’t tolerate people, they just are.”
since Shepard’s death to change the law re-
son were arrested and police found several garding hate crimes. A fully inclusive online gallery of “The
pieces of evidence in their truck, including The Matthew Shepard Act was adopted Shepard Cycle” can be found on Nomi Sil-
the bloody gun and Shepard’s shoes and as an amendment on July 15, 2009, and verman’s official Web site:
wallet. was passed by the Senate on October 22.
While on trial the suspects attempted to It was signed into law by President Barack
justify their actions by using the “gay panic Obama on October 28.
It expanded the federal hate crime law The Shepard Cycle” - Plate VII (lithograph)
defense,” alleging that Shepard had made Image courtesy of
sexual advances towards them. But their to include gender, sexual orientation, gen-

The Stations of the Cross

Jesus is condemned to death

Jesus is given his cross
Jesus falls the first time
Jesus meets his mother
Simon of Cyrene carries the cross
Veronica wipes the face of Jesus
Jesus falls the second time
Jesus meets the daughters of Jerusalem
Jesus falls the third time
Jesus is stripped of his garments
Crucifixion: Jesus is nailed to the cross
Jesus dies on the cross
Jesus’ body is removed from the cross (deposition or lam-
Jesus is laid in the tomb and covered in incense

Share Your Thoughts!

Write a review about an art show featured in The Housatonic Museum of Art for the museum’s blog by e-mailing Curator Terri
C. Smith at

Visit The Housatonic Museum of Art Online!



HORIZONS • Sports 22

Watching the Garden Grow:
Knicks Land a Second Super Star
By Mark Bein thing to acquire him. Had that have hap- was no ordinary ordeal. Anthony wasn’t fill necessary positions; and the payrolls
Staff Writer pened, the Cavs’ would definitely be in a going anywhere else and he clearly was of Stoudemire and Anthony will not allow

better place then they are right now (the never going to sign with the New Jersey them to go on a spending spree to fill in
fter all this time, the NBA (Na- team went on a 26-game losing streak; the Nets (the other primary team in the Car- all the holes the team does have within the
tional Basketball Association) single longest of that demerit in the history melo Anthony pursuit). If he ever intended realm of the budget cap. However there
“Melo-Drama” is finally over. of the NBA.) The fate of the Nuggets if to, he would not have constantly canceled is always the draft picks: James Dolan
Ever since the superstar Carmelo Anthony Carmelo had walked as a free agent prob- the requested meetings with them all sea- (Executive Chairman of Madison Square
refused to sign the three-year $65 million ably would not have been as grim, but the son. ( If you had the choice to play in New Garden, Inc.) was smart enough to at least
dollar extension with his former team the Denver Nuggets officials and Anthony York in an above .500 team with Amar’e ensure the draft picks they did give away
Denver Nuggets, there has been a non- both did not want to take that chance. Stoudemire or in New Jersey with no one in the trade will not be taken for a while
stop soap opera of rumors and speculation. Then again, Anthony also did not want to but Brooke Lopez on a team who were at because they desperately need to have
One would think after so long with these compromise his largest want; which was the time 17-42, which would you choose? those picks as soon as possible.
negotiations going on that Denver would to play in Madison Square Garden. Kind of a no brainer) “The Knicks are back,” said the Knicks
have been the team to get desperate and The Nuggets were in absolutely no All-Star Amar’e Stoudemire, regard-
get something for their star player while position to make the demands they did ing the acquisition of Carmelo Anthony.
they still could, and they did. from the Knicks because they were not Though the Knicks Center-Forward tot-
In exchange for Carmelo Anthony, going to get an offer that was better from ted around that tag-line when he joined
veteran Chauncey Billups, former Knick anywhere else. Carmelo was only under the Knicks in July 2010, it certainly seems
Renaldo Balkman, Shelden Williams, and contract until the end of the year , and the that New York fans believe him this time.
Anthony Carter. The New York Knicks Nets deal was completely contingent on The last time there have been two players
blockbuster trade allowed the loss of play- if Carmelo would agree to an extension with talent like Stoudemire and Anthony
ers Danilo Gallinari, Raymond Felton, with them, which no one could force him under the Garden roof together was in the
Wilson Chandler , Timofey Mozgov, Eddy to do. The Knicks knew Anthony wanted early 1970’s when Earl “The Pearl” Mon-
Curry and Anthony Randolph along with to play in the Garden. They had the upper roe and Walt “Clyde” Frazier joined forces
a future first round draft pick, two second hand, but instead of playing hardball and to win two NBA championships (1970 and
round draft picks, and 3 million dollars putting a bit more pressure on the Nug- 1973).
handed to the Nuggets franchise. gets, the Knicks pretty much threw their Whether or not Carmelo Anthony can
“When you are getting a player like hands up in the air and gave the Nuggets actually help bring the Knicks to a Cham-
Carmelo, you have to give up a lot”, Coach anything they wanted; with the excep- pionship bracket, let alone the play-offs,
Mike D’Antoni explained. “We needed to tion of Landry Fields (Lord knows what is up in the air. With him, the Knicks
keep at least one or two of those guys. We film director and Knicks super-fan Spike are more relevant than they have been
tried like heck to keep two (in addition Lee would have done). The Nets ended in over 10 years, and that’s what Knicks
to the rookie Landry Fields), but we just up receiving Deron Williams from the fans really wanted. The franchise lacked
couldn’t.” Utah Jazz after Anthony was officially a winning record since Allan Houston’s
Anthony had said from the beginning declared a Knick, so for the time being, career-crippling injury. Seeing two super-
he did not want to make this a repeat of they are content with their roster. stars together in Madison Square Garden
LeBron James’ infamous “decision”, and Photo courtesy of When all is said and done, the Knicks is enough to bring tears to the eyes to all
he certainly got his wish. Instead of walk- now have Carmelo, but there is a lot of the Knicks fans who have been in hiber-
ing as a free agent at the end of his con- The Denver Nuggets came away from work that needs to be done before they can nation since 2001. While the dirt of that
tract like James (two-time Most Valuable this trade like bandits given what their sit- even think about competing against teams decade remains unwashed from the hands
Player of the league); Anthony got to leave uation was; they got young, fast, talented like the Boston Celtics and the Miami of the Knicks organization (and will con-
early, and was able to play where he de- players, several draft picks in the future, Heat in a seven game play-off series. As tinue to be as long as James Dolan is still
sired, while getting his former team many tons of trading options and 3 million dol- it stands right now this trade has left them listening to former Knicks Head Coach/
valuable assets to help compensate for his lars for a guy who was going to walk and with little depth. They are in dire need of Executive Isiah Thomas), it’s at least the
absence as well. Unlike Carmelo, James leave them with nothing at the end of the more resources: a defender with a high-re- next step needed to making a Champion-
left the Cleveland Cavaliers in shambles, season anyhow. They did lose their veteran bound percentage, a back up point to help ship-contending team. Without question,
when he decided to form a dynasty within point guard Chauncey Billups, and despite the aging Chauncey Billups (Toney Doug- the New York Knicks will at least be fun
the Miami Heat franchise (the “Big Three” his talent, he is rapidly approaching his las will do for now), and some guys on the to watch. As of March 6th, 2011 the New
which includes James, Dwyane Wade, and 35th birthday, which made him a lot less bench who can actually play the sport. York Knicks have 32 Wins and 29 Losses,
Chris Bosh). While that is not entirely attractive when talking trades. The Knicks This may pay off for the Knicks in the Second Place in the Atlantic Division of
James’ fault, it is hard to ignore the fact did get the superstar they desired, yes, and long run; they were not contending for the NBA Eastern Conference.
that if he had made it clear he wasn’t com- given any other situation this deal would a Championship Title this year anyway.
ing back, teams would have traded any- have been done in a heartbeat, but this They have almost no tradeable assets to

HCC Hawks, Extinct?

Some Think HCC Has Never
Had an Athletic Program, But They Are Wrong.
By Chad Fisher dent John Mota. women’s basketball, and a running club still support our non-existent baseball and
Staff Writer If you look in the lower level lobby of were some sports which once existed on basketball teams.

Lafayette, you will notice a trophy case HCC turf. Not only did we have sports at As for rumors of a football team being
f you were to look through old copies which holds awards from Housatonic’s Housatonic, but some teams were actually started at Housatonic, those are false, said
of Horizons from 1995 and earlier, you various extinct teams. really good and played other colleges. Bayusik. According to the activities office
would see that we once had a sports “I didn’t know that trophy case was for In 1995, Horizons reported that HCC’s that was just a rumor and that is the way
section different from what we currently sports. I always thought it was academic baseball team was supposed to have the it will stay. There is no team nor will there
have. Yes, it covered major league sports, awards or something like that,” says HCC best team they had ever assembled. They be a team in the near future.
but it was different because it also covered student Jeff Miller. were so serious about playing that the Today, the only sport active at HCC is
Housatonic sports. That’s right! Housa- According to Director of Student Ac- school actually rented out an old ware- our table tennis club.
tonic used to have sports! tivities, Linda Bayusik, former registrar house for the players to practice in during If you are interested in joining the club
Many HCC students may not be aware Ed Sylvia was once HCC’s sports coordi- the cold weather. check them out in the glass room on the
that we once had sports teams. “We use nator. HCC has not had a sports program Believe it or not, if you visit prep- Beacon third floor Fridays at one. For
to have sports? Why don’t we have them for a number of years due to his retirement. you can actually find more information on the club, you can also
anymore? If we still had sports I’d join a According to previous reports in Ho- Housatonic Hawks sportswear. Now it contact the club coordinator Professor An-
team in a heartbeat,” says Housatonic stu- rizons, baseball, softball, men’s and does not use the HCC logo, but you can drew Pinto.
HORIZONS • Sports 23

Major League Baseball Season Preview

By TJ Mallico tract extensions that assures them to be starts? If their offense can even do a little egories with Adrian Gonzalez, who knows
Staff Writer there for years to come. The Red’s gave better expect this team to give Texas a how bad there going to be now. They lost

MVP Joey Votto a 3 year extension, start- lot of trouble for the top of the American Jon Garland, Chris Young, and even with
ootball season ended last month, ing pitcher Johnny Cueto a 4 year exten- League West. Matt Latos and it’s is still not enough.
Basketball is past the half-way sion, and talented outfielder Jay Bruce a 6 Tigers: The Tigers have a tough lineup The last segment of the Major League
mark and that only means one more year deal. These were all very intelligent now with potential MVP Miguel Cabrera Baseball Season Preview I will talk about
thing. Yes, it’s back again, America’s moves by the Reds front office. They also and Victor Martinez. Don’t forget Justin are players that are going to surprise fans
greatest pastime, baseball. Spring Train- picked up outfielder Jeremy Hermida and Verlander, Max Schererzer, and young the way Carlos Gonzalez and Trevor Ca-
ing has already started and soon enough shortstop Edgar Renteria for short-term, phenom Rick Porcello. This team is my hill did a year ago. I will also discuss
the the Regular Season will be here. So inexpensive contracts. The Reds biggest pick to win the American League Central. players that might struggle this year or not
here’s a preview of the 2011 Major League need in the off-season was accomplished, Blue Jays: The Blue Jays have pro- do “as well” as the year before.
Baseball Season, 2010 was the year of the they locked up their best players. Red’s duced 80 win seasons in five of the last six Players to watch for 2011:
pitcher, what will 2011 bring? fans have to appreciate that. years. They had the most powerful lineup Jeff Niemann- Rays - Starting Pitcher:
One of the most important parts of pre- Teams that made questionable moves in baseball last year and can definitely give There was one point last year where Nie-
viewing the upcoming season starts with in the off-season: the Yankees and Rays trouble. The Blue mann threw 16 straight games with at least
reviewing the teams that made the wisest Yankees: The Yankees went into the Jays starting rotation does worry me, but I six innings pitched in each, that’s legiti-
decisions as well as some of the worst in off-season with multiple problems, having mate. Niemann’s second half of the sea-
the off-season. to re-sign future hall of famers Derek Jeter son last year was riddled with injuries, but
Teams that made the smartest moves: and Mariano Rivera, then getting a top of he’s very good, and don’t be shocked if he
Athletics: The Athletics had a very the rotation starter. The first part of the wins 14-17 games this year.
busy off season; signing bullpen boosters off-season went according to plan. They Starlin Castro - Cubs - Shortstop: Cas-
Grant Balfour and Brian Fuentes really gave Jeter and Mo extensions, but after tro is one of the youngest players in base-
gives them a bunch of depth in late-inning that it seemed everything went wrong for ball at 20 years old, and in his Rookie
situations. Oakland traded for David Deje- the Yankees. Everybody and their mothers campaign he batted .300 on the nose. He
sus, who had a breakout season and signed thought the Yankees were going to wow played over 120 games and had over 400
former top prospect, Andy LaRoache and Cliff Lee with a huge offer, but that didn’t AB’s, that’s consistent.
DH Hideki Matsui. Behind one of the happen because Lee decided to go join the Madison Bumgarner - Giants - Starting
most talented and youngest starting rota- Phillies for less money. So instead of go- Pitcher: If you don’t remember the World
tions in baseball, the Oakland Athletics ing after respectable starters like Jon Gar- Photo courtesy of Series, the 21-year-old started Game 4
off-season has put themselves in a position land and Vincente Padilla, they over-paid pitching 8 innings, allowing no runs on
to possibly win the American League West for a player they didn’t even need in set- do not think I am crazy when I say the Jays just 3 hits! Last year, Bumgarner posted
Division. up man, Rafael Soriano. The Yanks were have a decent shot at second place. 3.00 ERA in 111 innings. He’s going to
were basically forced to sign Freddy Gar- Brewers: Milwaukee had the second get more innings this year too, get ready
cia and Bartolo Colon, both of whom are biggest trade in the off-season, and I feel for another young, top of the rotation
way past their prime. like a lot of people forgot about it. They pitcher for the giants.
Padres: For a team that won 90 games acquired former Cy Young Award winner, Andrew McCutchen - Pirates - Out-
last year, it surprised me how little they Zach Grienke; put him behind one of the field: In his second big league season, Mc-
were willing to do in the off-season. Most most underrated pitchers like Yovani Gal- Cutchen batted .286, 16 home runs, and 33
teams would try to build on that, but I lardo and there is a impressive 1, 2 punch. steals. This guy has the potential to bat
guess the Padres didn’t get the memo. The Brewers also have a potent lineup over .300, hit 25 home runs and steal more
They traded their only offensive weapon with Prince Fielder, Ryan Braun, Corey than 45 bases. Finally, there’s some light
on the team in Adrian Gonzalez, he led Hart, and Casey McGehee. I think the at the end of the tunnel for Pirates fans.
them in Home Runs, RBI’s, Runs Scored Brewers will make the playoffs and win Possible Let-Down Players:
(you catch my drift). They over-paid Or- over 87 games. Placido Polanco - Tigers - Infielder:
Photo courtesy of lando Hudson and Aaron Harang in the Astros: I do not think the Astros will Polanco had a great batting average of
free agency stage. Maybe the Padres can contend for a playoff berth, but I do think .298 with over 500 AB’s, but his on base
Orioles: The Baltimore Orioles had prove me wrong, but with their best hitter they will have a couple more wins than percentage was low, and he had his low-
one of the best off seasons in recent years. batting at 271 now that Adrian Gonzalez is losses by the end of the year, which was est home run total since 2007. I just don’t
It seems like new manager Buck Showal- gone (minumum 90 games played), there’s much better than last year. People forget see Polanco keeping up with the average
ter is really lighting a fire under this orga- a reason to panic in San Diego, someone that Brett Myers posted a 3.14 ERA in he had last year, I think he’s due for a sub-
nization. The O’s traded for slugger Mark call Ron Burgendy. over 200 innings pitched, Wandy Rodri- par year.
Reynolds and shortstop J.J. Hardy. They Angels: The Angels were another guez who had a 2.11 ERA in the second Freddy Garcia - Yankees - Starting
also signed veteran bats like Derrek Lee team like the Yankees that had to make half of last season, and potential super- Pitcher: Some experts give credit to Gar-
and Vladimir Guerrero. Baltimore then some moves in the off-season, but like star J.A. Happ whom they acquired from cia who did win a respectable 12 games to
signed talented closer Kevin Gregg and the Yanks, it was a disappointing off-sea- Philadelphia. This is another team that just six losses, but his ERA was 4.64 and
starting pitcher Justin Duchsherer, who son for Los Angeles. The Angels needed can turn some heads if they build around he threw 157 innings and surrendered 171
in 2008 had a 2.54 ERA in 141.2 innings to sign Carl Crawford or Adrian Beltre. Hunter Pence. hits! Garcia is also at a hitters ball-park
pitched, very impressive. The Orioles are They missed both, Crawford went to Bos- Teams on the Decline: in Yankee Stadium. I think Freddy Garcia
in the right direction...finally. ton, and Beltre fled to Texas. The Angels Rays: The Rays won the American will struggle in Pinstripes.
Red Sox: The Boston Red Sox had the did trade for Vernon Wells, but he’s due League East last year, but were completely Aubrey Huff - Giants - First Base: Huff
best off season of any other team. Theo over 18 million dollars this season and at decimated by expiring contracts and play- surprised a lot of people last year. He
Epstein (Red Sox General Manager) did his offensive production it doesn’t balance ers that wanted long-term deals. They lost batted .290 with 26 home runs and over
an amazing job of acquiring talent. He out. Not to mention they traded the team all-star Carl Crawford, Matt Garza who 80 rbi’s, a solid season to say the least. I
first traded for Adrian Gonzalez and leader in home runs to get Vernon Wells; threw a no hitter last year, Carlos Pena, just don’t see it happening again, Huff’s a
signed Carl Crawford via free agency. Mike Napoli. The Angels have a pretty Grant Balfour, Rafael Soriano, and Jason year older and has to play the field because
Both of these players are easily considered good rotation, but with a questionable Bartlett. They still have a impressive team there is no DH in the National League.
in baseball’s top 25 best hitters. Epstein lineup who knows if they can even pass with a plethora of young talent, but whose Also, the previous 2 seasons before the
then signed Bobby Jenks to provide assur- their win total of last year, which was the to say these prospects can come in and do Giants he batted below 260. I still think
ance in late inning relief and also picked lowest since 2003. what Evan Longoria did in his rookie year? he will put up a respectable average in the
up Andrew Miller who a couple of years Another part of previewing the MLB It’s not likely that they will and with how .260’s-.270’s, and around 20 home runs,
ago was one of the best prospects in the Season is to point out the teams that are competitive the American League East is but nothing like the 2010 season.
Detroit Tigers Organization. The Red Sox going to do better than last year and other this year I see the Rays somewhat strug- So those are some previews of different
are in position to be a great team for years teams that are on going to struggle a little gling and winning between 82-86 games. aspects of the season. From the smartest
to come. more this year: Padres: I’ve mentioned them before front-office moves, rising teams, declining
Reds: The Reds off-season wasn’t Teams on the Rise: and I am not going to back away from it. teams, and stand out players. The Major
filled with big name free agent signings Athletics: Oakland has a ton of young, The Padres have put themselves in a very League Baseball Season is almost here.
, but they did something much smarter, talented starting pitching. Did you know bad position. There offense was in the Are you ready?
giving their young, talented players con- they led the league as a team in quality bottom of the league in most offensive cat-

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HORIZONS • Sports 24

NFL Season Lockout Ever So Close

By Rondale Williams Indianapolis Colts center Jeff Saturday, are for the NFL owners and player union opted out of the current agreement be-
Staff Writer and executive board member of the NFL- representatives to meet for seven straight cause of differences in the revenue sharing

PA, told ESPN that he was “excited” about days in Washington starting Friday, Febru- of the deal, causing the possible loss of an
he likelihood of a 2011-2012 NFL the prospect of entering mediation. “It can ary 19th, to work out differences. NFL season.
(National Football League) sea- do nothing but help,” Saturday said. Topics to be discussed at the meetings “The magnitude of the loss would be at
son lockout is ever so close, as Meetings of any sort did not seem too are plans for an 18-game season, revenue the very least about $160 million to $170
the current Collective Bargaining Agree- promising days after Super Bowl XLV sharing for owners and players union, million per team-city,” NFLPA President
ment is set to expire March 3rd. There are though, when NFL owners walked out of benefits for retired NFL players, and a DeMaurice Smith said. “That is a conser-
many issues concerning both the NFL and a meeting with NFLPA executives. Own- proposed rookie wage scale. Most fans vative estimate of the economic impact.”
NFLPA (National Football League Play- ers claimed that the players’ union put an seem to not care much about the NFL’s The current CBA is set to expire 11:59
ers Association), which are seeming to not unrealistic proposal on the table. Rumors money problems but instead just want to p.m. on March 3rd concurrently putting a
go away as quickly as many would have are that owners actually walked out be- see football this coming fall. “More than stop to free agency and all team opera-
hoped. cause of an unfavorable revenue sharing likely, they will come to an agreement,” tions.
Some of the concerns of a lockout may proposal by the players’ union. That would says Shawn Gibson, Housatonic student The NFL Draft will still happen as
have begun to deteriorate for both NFL have split all revenue equally between the and New York Giants fan. “The mediation planned though April 28th-30th but draft-
players and fans. Recently the NFL and NFL owners and NFLPA. Instead, the team appears to have a few present and ees will not be able to sign contracts until
the NFLPA decided to agree upon a settle- owners want a revenue sharing plan where former-players on it, so interests of every- a new CBA is agreed too.
ment under the guidance of the Federal they would receive a guaranteed $2 billion one should represented fairly.”
Mediation and Conciliation Service, an credit before any revenue is shared. Now The most recent CBA was agreed upon
independent government agency. though with the agreed mediation, plans in 2006, however in 2008 NFL owners

No Super Bowl in NYC Please

By Rondale Williams banking on that to be their calling card to the NFL gave those fans the option to get area gets a little something nicknamed a
Staff Writer get fans to come to the area in early Febru- a refund on their tickets up to three times “Nor’easter”.

ary 2014. the face value, which was about $2400 a This winter alone broke record snow-
right lights, historical monuments, But is entertainment and the glamour ticket, or get free tickets to their choice of falls, causing the whole Tri-State area at
millions of tourists everyday, and of a New York City Super Bowl some- any future Super Bowl they want plus air one point to have to clear around two feet
a hot night life may make New thing that should be forced because of the fare and hotel stay included. of snow, causing the area to have to shut
York City seem like the perfect place to almighty dollar? Look at what happened Most fans still were left unhappy about down all transportation systems, high-
have America’s biggest game, the Super in Dallas and the glorious “palace that their experience and the NFL plans of rec- ways, businesses, and schools because of
Bowl! For sure, the New York City area Jerry Jones built,” a.k.a. Dallas Cowboys onciliation. So now those fans are suing the conditions.
has everything you need in place to make Stadium. Old man Jerry Jones and the After this winter you would think
the Super Bowl reach heights no other Su- winter came in NFL for an undis- the NFL would think twice about hav-
per Bowl has before. made that place closed amount, ac- ing America’s biggest game in America’s
The heights the already wildly popu- into an igloo, an cording to ESPN. greatest city because quite frankly this
lar Super Bowl can reach will be put to igloo that is prob- That wasn’t the isn’t the place for it in early February.
the test. After last summer, the NFL an- ably going to cost end of the “Debacle Winter won’t let it happen, and the situa-
nounced that there would be a Super Bowl Jones and the NFL in Dallas!” When tion that happened in Dallas will only get
played in New York in February 2014. millions of dollars. TV crews tried to worse by the congestion that is New York
After the recent debacle, the Super Dollars that set up for shows City.
Bowl was in Dallas because of winter re- once were once on ESPN and other To avoid this mess the NFL should go
lated weather. Does the NFL maybe want thought to be reve- networks many off back to its old system of rotating the Su-
to rethink their decision? Do they want to nue, are now going them had to be de- per Bowls between warm weather cities.
re-create the horrible experience the Super to have the pay the Photo courtesy of layed or canceled. I’m sure fans would love Miami, New Or-
Bowl was in Dallas this year? families of injured Mike and Mike in leans, San Diego, and Tampa Bay in early
No, I don’t think they want to, unless fans who were hit the Morning for February versus the nasty winters of the
the NFL likes reliving horror movies and by falling ice the day before the Super example was delayed for about two hours Northeast.
losing thousands of dollars to its fans be- Bowl. Let’s not forget the catastrophe that and many guests did not make it for on If no change is to come, then the NFL
cause of Old Man winter. was the stadium seating issue at the Dal- the air interviews because of inclement and New York Giants owner New York
That isn’t too say though even with las Super Bowl, the one that caused 400 weather. John Mara and New York Jets owner
winter, New York City isn’t short on en- plus NFL fans to lose seats because a snow Now, remember NFL execs, this de- Woody Johnson better prepare for the
tertainment for NFL fans and that alone storm delayed stadium workers from set- bacle was just caused by a Dallas snow- “Debacle in NYC”. And their checkbooks
would draw fans to want to come to the ting up the amount of seats needed to seat storm. I’m not saying that it wasn’t was better be open because unhappy fans will
area for a Super Bowl. And the NFL is all the fans who bought tickets. In return bad down there but NYC, and the Tri-State be coming like the “Gangs of New York!”

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