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Ȉ Important to be effective; effectiveness can be learnt
Ȉ Focus on developing character, not personality.
Ȉ Habits shape us, so adopt productive habits.
Ȉ Build trust in relationships.
Ȉ Balance the different roles.
Ȉ Allot time to attend fairly to the various
responsibilities and relationships.
Ȉ Think positive and show empathy
Ȉ Rejuvenate yourself
Ȉ They take initiative. (DzBe Proactivedz)
Ȉ They focus on goals. (DzBegin with the End in Minddz)
Ȉ They set priorities. (DzPut First Things Firstdz)
Ȉ They only win when others win. (DzThink Win/Windz)
Ȉ They communicate. (DzSeek First to Understand, Then to Be
Ȉ They cooperate. (DzSynergizedz)
Ȉ They reflect on and repair their deficiencies. (DzSharpen the
Ȉ They find their voice and help others find theirs.
Ȉ Much of the business success literature of recent
decades has focused on developing a good personality.
Ȉ Developing a sound character is more important.
Ȉ Character lays the basic foundation.
Ȉ Personality can emerge naturally when character is
rooted in and formed by principles.
Ȉ Forceful display of a personality that is inconsistent
with our character is like wearing a mask. It is
deceptive, manipulative and ultimately destructive.

Ȉ Certain basic principles and values make people more

Ȉ They are fairness, equity, integrity, honesty, human
dignity and worth, excellence, a spirit of service,
patience, perseverance, caring, courage, encouragement
and positive thinking.
Ȉ The person whose character grows from these classic
principles is a true leader who can inspire and help
Ȉ Character is habit.

Ȉ Highly effective people take the initiative. They are

Ȉ They do not impose limits on themselves that prevent
them from acting.
Ȉ They recognize that they have the freedom to determine
the kind of character they will have.
Ȉ They may not be able to control their circumstances, but
they can decide how to make the best use of those
Ȉ Effectiveness is not just a matter of reaching a goal but
rather of achieving the right goal.
Ȉ Imagine ourselves sitting in the back of the room at our
funeral. Imagine what people could honestly say about
us based on the way we are now.
Ȉ Do we like what we hear? Is that how we want to be
Ȉ If not, we must change it. We must take hold of our life.
Ȉ We can begin by drafting a personal mission statement
that outlines our goals and describes the kind of person
we want to be.
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Ȉ We should never let our most important priorities fall
victim to the least important.
Ȉ We spend our time reacting to urgent circumstances and
emergencies, and never invest the necessary effort to
develop the ability to prevent emergencies in the first
Ȉ We confuse the important with the urgent. The urgent is
easy to see. The important is harder to discern.
Ȉ We must spend more time on planning, avoiding pitfalls,
developing relationships, cultivating opportunities and
recharging ourselves.
Ȉ We must focus on Dzimportant but not urgentdz activities.

Ȉ Highly effective people strive for win/win transactions.
Ȉ They try to ensure that all the parties are better off in
the end.
Ȉ They know that any other kind of transaction is
destructive, because it produces losers and, therefore,
enemies and bad feelings, such as animosity, defeat and
Ȉ A Win-Win mindset can help us multiply our allies.
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Ȉ To develop win/win relationships, we must find out
what the other parties want, and what winning means to
Ȉ We must always try to understand what the other
people want and need before we begin to outline our
own objectives.
Ȉ We must not object, argue or oppose what we hear.
Ȉ We must listen carefully, and think about it.
Ȉ We must try to put ourselves in the other partyǯs shoes.

Ȉ Effective synergy depends on communication.
Ȉ We often donǯt listen, reflect and respond but, instead, we
hear and react reflexively.
Ȉ Our reactions may be defensive, authoritarian or passive.
Ȉ We may oppose or go along Ȅ but we do not actively
Ȉ Cooperation and communication are the two legs of a
synergistic relationship.
Ȉ We must take care of our bodies with a program of
exercise that combines endurance, flexibility and strength.
Ȉ We must nourish our souls with prayer, meditation, or
perhaps by reading great literature or listening to great
Ȉ Mental repair may mean changing bad habits, such as the
habit of watching television.
Ȉ We must work to develop our heart, our emotional
connections and our engagement with other people.
(DzFinding your voice and
helping others find
Ȉ DzVoicedz is the unique personal significance each of us
offers, and can bring to bear at work.
Ȉ The 8th habit is all about moving from effectiveness to
Ȉ Finding our unique voice means fulfilling our innate
Ȉ Finding our voice, involves the four elements of a whole
person: mind, body, heart and spirit.
Ȉ Mind = Vision
Ȉ When the mind is fully developed we gain vision, the
ability to discern the highest potential in people,
institutions, causes and enterprises.




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