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State the definition of language

-Language is the most complex form of communication used by any

-Language allows the transmissions of culture
*Permits us to teach others

2. What is the purpose of listening and speaking ?

-To build relationship

-To fulfil social obligations
-To fulfil our psychological needs
-To get and share informations

3. Pupils with learning disabilities are unable to acquiring reading skills. State 3
problems :


- have difficulty understanding the important ideas in reading passages

- frequently avoid reading and are frustrated with reading tasks in school

4. Two techniques used for improving writing skills

-writing a sentence on a word card illustrating a picture

-writing a sentence under a students’s drawing
-writing stories about pets
-students are asked to copy what teacher wrote on the board
-students are asked to only write few sentences (greeting card
5. Janet Learner (1193). Find the activities and techniques used for improving
speaking skills.

Building a speaking vocabulary

– naming
– department store
– rapid naming
– missing words
– word combinations
troublesome words

Producing Speech Sounds

– exercising speech muscles and organs
– feeling vibrations and observing sounds
Learning linguistic patterns
– morphological generalizations
-using pictures to build morphological generalizations
Formulating Sentences
– experiences with many kinds
– structure words
– substitution to form sentences
– detective game
Practicing Oral Language Skills
– oral language activities
– discussion of objects
– categories
– comprehension
– “tell me how…”
– finishing stories
– Peabody language kits
6. Definition of functional language skills

- A class of programming languages whose programs compute functions. In

practice, the class of functional languages are a subclass of the declarative
languages, and are based on lambda calculus or recursion equations.
Typically a program in a functional language consists of an unordered set of
equations that characterize functions and their values. Functions are specified
by use of recursion, other functions, and values. Values are characterized as
functions applied to other values. Ultimately the set of equations that is the
program must characterize all functions and values in terms of the primitive
functions and values provided by the language. The values characterized by
the equations include the values computed by executing the program.

7. Pupils with listening comprehension problems will find difficulty in common.

State 4 problems faced by them in listening skills.

-having difficulty in words with similar sounds

-having problems integrating the verbal symbol with the actual
experience or the referents for the words (aphasic child)

8. What is speaking skills ?

Speaking is the productive skill in the oral mode. It, like the other skills,
is more complicated than it seems at first and involves more than just
pronouncing words.

9. State the categories of auditory expressive language problems .

-incorrect usage of language
-overuse of simple sentences and a lack of complex ones
-an inability to express abstract concepts or ideas
-an inability to adjust the style of communication according to the
communicational situation and
-a tendency of not providing sufficient information

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