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To be published in Optics Letters:

Title:   Pancharatnam-Berry phase of optical systems
Authors:   Julio Gutierrez-Vega
Accepted:   15 February 2011
Posted:   18 February 2011
Doc. ID:   141503

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Pancharatnam-Berry phase of optical systems

Julio C. Gutiérrez-Vega
Photonics and Mathematical Optics Group, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Monterrey, México 64849 (

Compiled February 15, 2011

We present simple closed-form expressions for evaluating the overall and the Pancharatnam-Berry phase
introduced by an optical system with either orthogonal or non-orthogonal eigenpolarizations. The formulas
provide meaningful connection with the Pancharatnam-Berry phase associated to non-closed paths on the
Poincaré sphere. 
c 2011 Optical Society of America
OCIS codes: 350.1370, 260.5430, 260.6042, 350.5030.

It was pointed out separately by Pancharatnam and where |A| = 1 and σj are the Pauli spin matrices
Berry [1, 2] that if a light beam is taken along a closed      
cycle in the space of polarization states of light, i.e. the 1 0 0 1 0 −i
σ1 ≡ , σ2 ≡ , σ3 ≡ . (3)
Poincaré sphere, it acquires not only a dynamic phase 0 −1 1 0 i 0

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from the accumulated path lengths but also a geomet-
ric (Pancharatnam-Berry) phase which is equal to minus
half the solid angle subtended by the closed path on the
sphere. In his seminal paper [1], Pancharatnam also es-
We first assume that, at the same transverse point,
the optical element is characterized by two orthonormal
eigenpolarization states

tablished a criterion for which two beams with different    ∗
qx −qy 2 2
polarization states are in phase, the so-called Pancharat- |q1  = , |q2  = , |qx | + |qy | = 1, (4)
qy qx∗
nam connection. As a consequence of this criterion, a
Pancharatnam-Berry (PB) phase can also be defined for whose normalized Stokes vectors are Q1 = −Q2 = Q =
non-closed paths on the Poincaré sphere [3–5]. [Q1 ; Q2 ; Q3 ], where Qm = qm | σm |qm . If a matrix J has
In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in two orthonormal eigenvectors |q1  and |q2  with eigenval-
(a) vector beams with inhomogeneous polarization state ues μ1 , μ2 ∈ C, then the matrix is
over transverse cross section [6, 7] and, (b) space-variant
polarization state manipulators [8, 9]. When such beams  2 2 
μ |q | + μ2 |qy | (μ1 − μ2 ) qx qy∗
are passed through optical devices, the field at different J= 1 x 2 2 . (5)
(μ1 − μ2 ) qx∗ qy μ2 |qx | + μ1 |qy |
transverse positions traverse different non-closed paths
on the Poincaré sphere, resulting in a space-variant phase The possibility of adjusting the complex parameters
front modification that originates from the PB phase. (qx , qy , μ1 , μ2 ) allows one to model a variety of polar-
In this Letter we derive a simple closed-form expres- ization devices, including, for example, ideal and par-
sion for calculating the PB phase generated by an arbi- tial polarizers, retardation plates, and polarization ro-
trary polarization device in terms of its eigenvectors and tators. Overall amplitude and phase factors which are
eigenvalues. The formula applies for a wide class of opti- common to any initial state that passes through the opti-
cal systems characterized by Jones matrices with either cal element are accounted in the complex transmittances
orthogonal or non-orthogonal eigenstates and provides μ1 , μ2 . We have expressed the Jones vectors and matri-
a meaningful connection with the PB phase associated ces in a Cartesian basis (usual choice in optics), but it is
with non-closed paths on the Poincaré sphere. clear that they may be expressed in any other orthonor-
Consider a Cartesian system in which a coherent vec- mal basis, e.g. spinors. In this case, the new Jones matrix
tor beam propagates paraxially along the +z axis and would be LJL−1 , where L stands for the linear transfor-
the optical elements have plane and parallel surfaces ly- mation between the Cartesian and the new basis.
ing in the plane (x, y). The polarization state of the light When light |a passes through the element J, the state
at a given transverse point of the input face of a polar- of the resulting beam is |b = J |a . To compare the in-
ization device is described by a 2 × 1 Jones vector put and output states we recall that, according to the
  Pancharatnam connection [1, 2], the phase difference φ
ax ax , ay ∈ C, between two polarization states |a and |b is that phase
|a = , 2 2 (1)
ay |ax | + |ay | = 1, change when applied to one of them maximizes the inten-
sity of their superposition. This definition implies that
or, equivalently, by its normalized Stokes vector
⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ ⎡ ⎤ φ = arg a|b = arg a|J|a . (6)
2 2
A1 a| σ1 |a |ax | − |ay |
A = ⎣A2 ⎦ = ⎣a| σ2 |a⎦ = ⎣ 2 Re (a∗x ay ) ⎦ ∈ R3 , (2) Since any complex 2 × 2 matrix J = [j1 , j2 ; j3 , j4 ]
A3 a| σ3 |a 2 Im (a∗x ay ) may be expanded in a basis of Pauli matrices we write

a|J|a = [(j1 + j4 ) a| σ0 |a + (j1 − j4 ) a| σ1 |a + (j2 +
j3 ) a| σ2 |a + i(j2 − j3 ) a| σ3 |a]/2.
Replacing the values of jm from the Jones matrix
[Eq. (5)], noting that a| σm |a = Am gives indeed the
mth component of the Stokes vector A [Eq. (2)], and
using the definition of the vector Q, we obtain after
some algebraic manipulations a|J|a = [μ1 + μ2 + (μ1 −
μ2 )Q · A]/2, where (·) stands for the usual dot product
of vectors. In this way, from Eq. (6) the phase difference
between input |a and output |b states is

φ = arg [μ1 + μ2 + (μ1 − μ2 ) Q · A] . (7)

Equation (7) is the first important result of this Letter.

It permits a fast evaluation of the total (dynamic plus
geometric) phase change produced by a polarization de-
vice with orthogonal eigenvectors in terms of its complex
transmittances μ1 , μ2 . One would think that such a nice
formula should be well known, but so far, I have not

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been able to find it in the optics literature. According
to the Pancharatnam connection, state |a is in phase
with state |b exp (−iφ), or equivalently, the superposi-
tion |a + |b exp (−iφ) yields maximum intensity.

Fig. 1. (Color online) Spherical lune formed by two great
We now turn our attention to the connection of Eq. circles connecting the orthogonal states Q and −Q and
(7) with the PB phase. Let B be the normalized Stokes the geodesic triangle ABQ on the Poincaré sphere. (b)
vector of the output state |b = J |a. Using algebraic Curves iso-PB-phase on the Poincaré sphere. (c) Plot of
calculations, we have demonstrated that Eq. (7) may be μ1 + μ2 + (μ1 − μ2 ) Q · A in the complex plane.
split into two phases φ = φD + φP B as follows:
A · (B × Q) as the input state A moves along the circular parallels
φ = arg μ1 + arctan . (8)
1+A·B+B·Q+Q·A Q · A = const, as shown in Fig. 1(b). The triangle ABQ
is isosceles only when |μ2 /μ1 | = 1 and obtuse otherwise.
The first term φD = arg μ1 can be associated to the
The ratio of arc lengths BQ/AQ is lower (higher) than
expected dynamic phase acquired by the beam when it
unity for values of |μ2 /μ1 | lower (higher) than unity.
propagates through the optical element.
We will now generalize the results discussed above to
On the other hand, the second term φP B = arctan(·)
a set of N cascaded devices characterized by the matri-
is exactly equal to the half area of the geodesic trian-
ces J1 , J2 , ..., JN . Suppose that the nth element has or-
gle ABQ on the Poincaré sphere, as shown in Fig. 1(a),
thogonal eigenpolarizations {Qn , −Qn } with eigenvalues
thereby providing a meaningful connection to the PB (n) (n)
phase introduced by the optical element. Noting that μ1 , μ2 . Let |a0  be the Jones vector of the input wave
φP B = φ − φD , it follows from Eqs. (7) and (8) that and |an  = Jn |an−1  be the Jones vector as it emerges
from the nth element. As illustrated in Fig. 2(a), the se-
φP B = arg [μ∗1 (μ1 + μ2 ) + μ∗1 (μ1 − μ2 ) Q · A] . (9) quence of transformations is represented on the Poincaré
sphere by the non-closed path connecting the Stokes vec-
Equations (7) and (8) are fully equivalent and some in- tors A0 , A1 , · · · , AN with shortest geodesic arcs.
teresting properties can be directly extracted from them. The output state of the stack is
As shown in Fig. 1(a), the spherical lune formed by the
two meridians connecting the anti-podal states Q and |aN  = JN · · · J2 J1 |a0  = M |a0  , (11)
−Q passing through A and B has dihedral angle where M ≡ JN · · · J2 J1 is the Jones matrix of the opti-
γ = arg μ2 − arg μ1 = arg (μ∗1 μ2 ) (10) cal system. To find the PB phase ΦP B introduced by the
stack, we first construct a parallel transported sequence
and area 2γ. Therefore, the sum of the areas of the tri- of transformations |a0  → |a1  → · · · |aN  in which each
angles ABQ and BA (−Q) equals 2γ. The value of γ is individual transformation by itself does not change the
important because it defines the interval of φP B . In Fig. phase. From Eq. (7), successive states |an−1 , |an  are
1(c) we plot the quantity μ1 + μ2 + (μ1 − μ2 )Q · A on not in phase, but differ by a phase φQn An−1 An , i.e. trian-
the complex plane. Since Q · A ∈ [−1, 1] we see that the gular regions in Fig. 2(a). Multiplying
each state |an  by
interval of φP B is determined entirely by the phases of the factor exp −iφQn An−1 An , , factorizing out the expo-
the transmittances μ1 , μ2 , namely, φP B ∈ [0, γ]. nential terms, and using Eq. (11) we get
Taking Q to be at a north pole, it follows from Eqs. (7)

and (9) that the total and the PB phase remain constant |aN  = exp −i n=1 φQn An−1 An |aN  . (12)

be written as
p∗ | U |q
Φ = arg μq + μp + (μq − μp ) ∗ , (15)
p | σ3 |q
Az − iAy iAx
U≡ , (16)
iAx Az + iAy
is a 2 × 2 unitary matrix that depends entirely on the
Stokes vector of the input wave A0 = [Ax ; Ay ; Az ]. Fur-
thermore, we have demonstrated that phase Φ is re-
lated to the half areas of the triangles A0 AN (−P ) and
Fig. 2. (Color online) (a) Non-closed path on the A0 AN (−Q) [see Fig. 2(b)] as follows:
Poincaré sphere for a set of polarization devices. The Φ = arg μq + φA0 AN (−P ) = arg μp + φA0 AN (−Q) . (17)
PB phase is the half area of the polygon in dashed line.
(b) Triangles defined by the initial and final states with Consequently, the area of the polygon (−P )A0 (−Q)AN
the eigenpolarizations −P and −Q of the stack. is equal to 2 arg(μ∗q μp ). This result generalizes Eq. (10).
In the same way, note that Eq. (15) reduces to Eq. (7)
when |q and |p are orthogonal.
Therefore, the actual |aN  and the parallel transported Finally, we have demonstrated that the PB phase in-

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|aN  states differ in phase by the factor in Eq. (12).
We know that if a closed loop is formed by joining the
initial and final states with a parallel transported trajec-
troduced by the system can be calculated with
(1) (2) (N )
ΦP B = Φ − arg(μ1 μ1 · · · μ1 ), (18)

tory, then the PB phase ΦP B is equal to half the solid (n)
where μ1 is the first eigenvalue of the nth element of
angle subtended by the enclosed area on the Poincaré the stack and Φ is given by either Eq. (15) or (17). Thus,
sphere [2], that in our case is the geodesic polygon (1) (2)
the term ΦD ≡ arg(μ1 μ1 · · · μN 1 ) corresponds to the
A0 A1 · · · AN A0 , see Fig. 2(a). By triangulating the poly-
N dynamical phase acquired by the beam from traversing
gon we get ΦP B = n=2 φAn An−1 A0 , where φAn An−1 A0 the optical path length through the system.
can be determined with the arctangent term in Eq. (8). Equations (13) and (18) are fully equivalent and reveal
Now, the actual mechanism by which |a0  passes suc- a meaningful connection between the area of the gener-
cessively through the elements cannot be considered as alized polygon A0 Q1 A1 · · · QN AN A0 defined by the in-
parallel transport. Therefore, from Eq. (12) we conclude dividual elements of the system [Fig. 2(a)], and the areas
that the PB phase introduced by the system is of the triangles A0 AN (−P ) and A0 AN (−Q) defined by
N N the overall matrix of the system [Fig. 2(b)].
ΦP B = φQn An−1 An , + φAn An−1 A0 , (13) In conclusion, we presented simple formulas to cal-
n=1 n=2
culate the overall and the PB phase introduced by an
which is equal to minus the half area of the generalized optical system. These formulas can be easily applied in
geodesic polygon A0 Q1 A1 · · · QN AN A0 on the Poincaré problems involving the transformation of space-variant
sphere, see dashed line in Fig. 2(a). Equation (13) pro- polarized beams with polarization manipulators.
vides a nice geometrical interpretation of the PB phase We acknowledge support from Consejo Nacional de
generated by the system and holds for simply and mul- Ciencia y Tecnologı́a (grant 82407).
tiple connected polygonal paths on the Poincaré sphere.
In analogy to Eq. (7), the total (dynamic plus geomet-
ric) phase Φ introduced by the stack can be expressed 1. S. Pancharatnam, Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 44, 247 (1956).
in terms of its overall eigenpolarizations and eigenvalues. 2. M. V. Berry, J. Mod. Opt. 34, 1401 (1987).
Here the crucial point is that, unlike the eigenvectors of 3. T. F. Jordan, Phys. Rev. A 38, 1590 (1988).
the constituent matrices Jn , the eigenvectors of the over- 4. T. van Dijk, H. F. Schouten, W. Ubachs, and T. D.
all matrix M are not orthogonal. Actually, if a system Visser, Opt. Express 18, 10796 (2010).
has two non-orthogonal eigenpolarizations |q = [qx ; qy ], 5. T. van Dijk, H. F. Schouten, and T. D. Visser, J. Opt.
Soc. Am. A 27, 1972 (2010).
|p = [px ; py ] with Stokes vectors {Q, P} and eigenvalues
6. M. A. Bandres and J. C. Gutiérrez-Vega, Opt. Lett. 30,
{μq , μp }, then its Jones matrix is
2155 (2005).
  7. A. M. Beckley, T. G. Brown, and M. A. Alonso, Opt.
1 μ q q x py − μ p px q y (μp − μq ) qx px Express 18, 10777 (2010).
M= , (14)
Δ (μq − μp ) qy py μ p q x py − μ q px q y 8. Z. Bomzon, V. Kleiner, and E. Hasman, Opt. Lett. 26,
1424 (2001).
where Δ ≡ qx py − px qy = 0. 9. Z. Bomzon, G. Biener, V. Kleiner, and E. Hasman, Opt.
By applying the same procedure discussed above for Lett. 27, 1141 (2002).
deriving Eq. (7) we found that the phase difference Φ
between the input and output states of the system can

References with titles
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2. M. V. Berry, “The adiabatic phase and Pancharat-

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10796–10804 (2010).

5. T. van Dijk, H. F. Schouten, and T. D. Visser, “Geo-

metric interpretation of the Pancharatnam connec-

Published by
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Soc. Am. A 27, 1972–1976 (2010).

6. M. A. Bandres and J. C. Gutiérrez-Vega, “Vec-

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7. A. M. Beckley, T. G. Brown, and M. A. Alonso,
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“Pancharatnam–Berry phase in space-variant
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9. Z. Bomzon, G. Biener, V. Kleiner, and E. Hasman,

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