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1. Design and develop a program for accessing and performing insertion, deletion
searching and sorting operations on a one dimensional numeric array.

2. Design and develop a program for accessing and performing insertion, deletion
and searching operations on a multi dimensional array.

3. Design and develop a program for performing addition,subtraction

,multiplication and transpose operations on matrices.

4. Design and develop a program for performing the set operations :union,differe
,insertion and cartesian product on two numeric data sets.

5. Design and develop a program for performing the set operations :union,differe
,insertion and cartesian product on two string data sets.

6. Design and develop a program using recursive functions for computing:

a) Sum of 1 to n
b) Factorial of n
c) nth Fibonacci number
d) 2 to power of a non-negative number
e) Any number to the power of non-negative number
f) GCD of two positive integers

7. Design and develop a program for effecting the following 12 conversions:

Decimal Binary Octal Hexadecima
F Decimal xxx 1 2 3
R Binary 4 xxx 5 6
O Octal 7 8 xxx 9
M Hexadecimal 10 11 12 xxx

8. Design and develop a program for accessing and performing insertion, deletio
n ,
searching and sorting operations on an array of structures.

9 . Design and develop a program for creating a singly linked list and performin
insertion (front,rear or anywhere), deletion (front,rear or anywhere),
searching and tranversing (front,rear or anywhere) operations on it.

10. Design and develop a program for performing reading and writing operations
on a text file.

11. Design and develop a program for performing reading , writing and transverse
operations on a binary file.

12. Design and develop a program for solving a set of linear simultaneous equati
,AX=B using the transformations given below:
A inverse(A lIl B)=(I lA inversel A inverse B)

13. Design and develop a program for results processing reading data from a
text file that stores Roll no, Name and Sessional and End-semester Marks
of each paper pertaining to each student of first semester B.Tech
studying in SVUCE.The output should be stored using a binary file.

14. The Banking operations on a savings account are: opening a new account,
closing an existing account,updating an account based on deposits l
withdrawls and providing information to account holders regarding
balances.Design and develop a program for performing the above
operations wherein data are stored using a binary file.

15. Design and develop a program for generating the distinct binary
patterns for a given number of bits and performing the logical AND,
OR and Exclusive OR operations on those patterns.

16. Design and develop a program for generating and printing Pascal's
triangle for a given n.

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