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John Wick

EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative


The purpose of the research study was: to determine if the occupations: belly

dancers, politicians, and administrators shared similar leisure satisfaction ratings for

reading, dancing, watching TV, and skiing.

For this study there are three research questions being examined.

The first research question is: Do belly dancers, politicians, and administrators

have similar satisfaction profiles for reading, dancing, watching TV, and skiing?

The second research question is: Does one occupation, on average, have a higher

satisfaction score for reading, dancing, watching TV, and skiing?

The third research question is: Do reading, dancing, watching TV, and skiing

elicit the same satisfaction, on average, regardless of occupation?

There are four variables for this study. The IV for this study is Occupation, which

is categorical and contains three levels (1=Belly Dancers, 2=Politicians, and

3=Administrators). There are four DVs for this study. They are: reading, dancing,

watching TV, and skiing as measured on a 10 point scale 1 being low satisfaction and 10

being high satisfaction.

The participants for this study are professionals consisting of a total sample size

of n=15. The sample can also be described as follows, belly dancers n=5, politicians n=5,

and administrators n=5.

A profile analysis was conducted for this study to answer the research questions.

Results of the profile analysis revealed that belly dancers, politicians, and administrators

do not have similar satisfaction profiles for reading, dancing, watching TV, and skiing, F

(2,12) = 44.145, p < .05, η2p = .880. Furthermore the profile analysis indicated that there
John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

is a significant overall difference between occupation and satisfaction level for reading,

dancing, watching TV, and skiing, Wilks’ Λ = .076, F (6,20) = 8.736, p < .05. η2p = .724.

It was shown that belly dancers had a higher overall satisfaction rating than politicians

and administrators, Reading (M=6.6000, SD = 1.14018), Dancing (M=9.4000,

SD=.89443), watching TV (M=5.8000, SD=.83666), and skiing (M=7.4000,

SD=1.51658). The profile analysis also revealed that reading, dancing, watching TV, and

skiing do not elicit the same satisfaction, on average, regardless of occupation, using

sphericity assumed, F (3,36) = 4.723, p < .05. η2p = .282.

John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

GLM Reading Dance TV Ski BY Group

/WSFACTOR=Activity 4 Polynomial

General Linear Model

[DataSet0] /Users/John/Documents/APU/EdD/ADV SATS/LAB D/Lab D1
Wick Data.sav

Within-Subjects Factors
Activity Variable
1 Reading
2 Dance
3 TV
4 Ski

Between-Subjects Factors
Value Label N
Group 1.00 Belly Dancer 5
2.00 Politicians 5
3.00 Administrators 5
John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

Descriptive Statistics
Group Mean Std. Deviation N
Reading Belly Dancer 6.6000 1.14018 5
Politicians 5.0000 1.00000 5
Administrators 5.0000 1.58114 5
Total 5.5333 1.40746 15
Dance Belly Dancer 9.4000 .89443 5
Politicians 4.8000 .83666 5
Administrators 2.0000 1.00000 5
Total 5.4000 3.26890 15
TV Belly Dancer 5.8000 .83666 5
Politicians 5.2000 .83666 5
Administrators 1.8000 .83666 5
Total 4.2667 1.98086 15
Ski Belly Dancer 7.4000 1.51658 5
Politicians 5.0000 1.58114 5
Administrators 3.8000 1.30384 5
Total 5.4000 2.06328 15

Multivariate Tests
Partial Eta
Effect Value F Hypothesis df Error df Sig. Squared
Activity Pillai's Trace .721 8.608 3.000 10.000 .004 .721
Wilks' Lambda .279 8.608 3.000 10.000 .004 .721
Hotelling's Trace 2.582 8.608 3.000 10.000 .004 .721
Roy's Largest Root 2.582 8.608 3.000 10.000 .004 .721
Activity * Group Pillai's Trace 1.433 9.276 6.000 22.000 .000 .717
Wilks' Lambda .076 8.736 6.000 20.000 .000 .724
Hotelling's Trace 5.428 8.142 6.000 18.000 .000 .731
Roy's Largest Root 3.541 12.982 3.000 11.000 .001 .780
a. Exact statistic
b. The statistic is an upper bound on F that yields a lower bound on the significance level.
c. Design: Intercept + Group
Within Subjects Design: Activity
John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

Mauchly's Test of Sphericity

Approx. Chi- Greenhouse-

Within Subjects Effect Mauchly's W Square df Sig. Geisser Huynh-Feldt Lower-bound

Activity .662 4.420 5 .492 .799 1.000 .333

Tests the null hypothesis that the error covariance matrix of the orthonormalized transformed dependent variables is proportional to an
identity matrix.
a. May be used to adjust the degrees of freedom for the averaged tests of significance. Corrected tests are displayed in the Tests of
Within-Subjects Effects table.
b. Design: Intercept + Group
Within Subjects Design: Activity

Tests of Within-Subjects Effects

Type III Sum Partial Eta
Source of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Activity Sphericity Assumed 15.783 3 5.261 4.723 .007 .282
Greenhouse-Geisser 15.783 2.396 6.588 4.723 .013 .282
Huynh-Feldt 15.783 3.000 5.261 4.723 .007 .282
Lower-bound 15.783 1.000 15.783 4.723 .050 .282
Activity * Group Sphericity Assumed 55.367 6 9.228 8.284 .000 .580
Greenhouse-Geisser 55.367 4.791 11.555 8.284 .000 .580
Huynh-Feldt 55.367 6.000 9.228 8.284 .000 .580
Lower-bound 55.367 2.000 27.683 8.284 .005 .580
Error(Activity) Sphericity Assumed 40.100 36 1.114
Greenhouse-Geisser 40.100 28.748 1.395
Huynh-Feldt 40.100 36.000 1.114
Lower-bound 40.100 12.000 3.342
John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts

Type III Sum of Partial Eta
Source Activity Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Activity Linear 1.763 1 1.763 1.117 .311 .085
Quadratic 6.017 1 6.017 6.748 .023 .360
Cubic 8.003 1 8.003 9.182 .010 .433
Activity * Group Linear 2.247 2 1.123 .712 .510 .106
Quadratic 27.033 2 13.517 15.159 .001 .716
Cubic 26.087 2 13.043 14.964 .001 .714
Error(Activity) Linear 18.940 12 1.578
Quadratic 10.700 12 .892
Cubic 10.460 12 .872

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Transformed Variable:Average
Type III Sum of Partial Eta
Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig. Squared
Intercept 1591.350 1 1591.350 812.604 .000 .985
Group 172.900 2 86.450 44.145 .000 .880
Error 23.500 12 1.958
John Wick
EDUC 746
LAB D1 Narrative

Profile Plots

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