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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

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64 DWDM Technology -
DWDM Technology. Global Network Hierarchy. SONET and TDM. Wavelength Division Multiplexing. TDM and WDM
Compared. SONET with DWDM. Introduction to DWDM Technology. Single-Mode Fiber Designs. Attenuation.
Dispersion. Light Sources and Detectors. Light Detectors. Optical Amplifiers. Erbium-Doped Fiber Amplifier.
Multiplexers and Demultiplexers. Techniques for Multiplexing and Demultiplexing. SONET/SDH. ATM. Gigabit
Ethernet.Introduction to DWDM Technology. Optical Power Budget.

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Mostrando las últimas 6 entradas de un total de 21 de marzo 2010

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domingo 21 de marzo de 2010

Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH or SONET)

The introduction of a ny new technology is usua lly pre cede d by m uch hype rbole a nd
rhetoric. In m a ny ca se s, the re volution pre dicted ne ve r ge ts be yond this. In m a ny m ore , it
ne ve r a chie ve s the wildly ove r optim istic growth fore ca ste d by m arke t spe cia lists - hom e
com puting and the pa pe rle ss office to nam e but two. It is fa ir to say, howe ver, by whateve r
m ethod you use to e valuate a ne w te chnology, tha t synchronous digita l tra nsm ission doe s
not fa ll into this ca te gory. The funda m e nta l be nefits to be ga ine d from its de ploym e nt by
PTO s see m to be so ove rwhelm ing tha t, bar a ca ta strophe, the bulk of toda y's
ple siochronous transm ission system s use d for high spe e d back bone link s will be pushe d
Ir a
aside in the ne xt fe w ye ars. To quote Da ta que st:, "It ha s be e n cla im ed by m a ny industry
ex pe rts tha t the im pa ct of synchronous te chnology will equa l tha t of the transition from Ir a la Página Principal
ana logue to digital te chnology or from coppe r to fibre optic base d transm ission."
For the first tim e in te le com m unica tions history the re will be a world-wide , uniform a nd visitas del blog
sea m less tra nsm ission sta nda rd for se rvice de live ry. Synchronous digita l hierarchy (SDH)
provides the capa bility to se nd da ta a t m ulti-giga bit ra te s ove r toda y's single-m ode fibre -
optics link s. This first issue of Te chnology W a tch look s a t synchronous digita l tra nsm ission
and e va lua te s its potential im pa ct. Following issues of TW will look a t custom e r orie nte d
broa d-ba nd se rvices that will ride on the back of SDH deploym e nt by P TO s. The se will
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include :
Fra m e re la y
con la tecnología de
SMDS (Switche d Multi-Me ga bit Da ta Se rvice )

ATM (a synchronous tra nsfe r m ode )

High spe e d LAN service s such a s FDDI

Figure 1 shows the rela tionship betwe e n the se te chnologie s a nd se rvice s.

Temas del Blog

1II 2010-1 EES Maria linarez (10)
1II 2010-1 EES2 Luis A. Araque D. (13)
2010-1 EES Maria linarez (11)
2010-1 EES2 Luis A. Araque D. (11)
3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M (10)
3 Samer Elatrache (10)

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…
Hernandez Caballero Indiana M (11)
II 2010-1 EES Maria linarez (11)
II 2010-1 EES2 Luis A. Araque D. (10)
Sin nombre (1)

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Synchronous Digital Hierarchy (SDH or SONET)
Figure 1 - The Relationship Between Services
Overview What is Gigabit Ethernet?
The use of synchronous digita l tra nsm ission by P TO s in the ir ba ck bone fibre-optic a nd Core DWDM network protection
ra dio network will put in place the ena bling technology tha t will support m a ny ne w broa d-
Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) versus
ba nd data service s de m ande d by the ne w bre e d of com puter user. Howe ve r, the
de ploym e nt of synchronous digita l tra nsm ission is not only concerne d with the provision of
high-spe e d gigabit ne tworks. It ha s a s m uch to do with sim plifying a cce ss to link s a nd with
Marking SDH and DWDM packet friendly
bringing the full be ne fits of software control in the form of flex ibility a nd introduction of CWDM, DWDM & ROADM
ne twork m a nage m e nt.
Using Ethernet over PDH in SONET/SDH
In m a ny re spe cts, the bene fits to the P TO will be the sa m e as those brought to the Networks
ele ctronics industry whe n ha rd wired logic wa s re pla ce d by the m icroproce ssor. As with tha t
High Performance & Optical Networks
re volution, synchronous digita l tra nsm ission will not ta ke hold ove rnight, but de ploym e nt
will be spre ad ove r a de ca de , with the technology first a ppea ring on ne w back bone link s. Leading-edge optical technologies for mission-
The first to fe e l the be ne fits will be the P TO s the m se lve s, a s de m onstrated by the
te chnology's ea rly upta ke by m a ny ope rators including BT. O nly later will custom e rs dire ctly Dense Wavelength-division Multiplexing
be ne fit with the introduction of ne w se rvice s such a s conne ctionle ss LAN-to-LAN
Solución de red troncal DWDM
tra nsm ission ca pa bility.
According to one m a rke t re sea rch com pa ny it will tak e until the m id or la te 1990s be fore
Tecnicas de multiplexion
70% of re venue for ne twork e quipm ent m anufa cture rs will be derive d from synchronous Emisores y detectores de luz ( DWDM )
system s. R em e m be ring tha t this is a m ulti-billion $ m a rk e t, this constitute s a ra dica l
Desafios de transmision (DWDM)
change by any standa rd (Figure 2).
Use rs who e xtensive ly use PC s a nd work sta tions with LANs, gra phic layout, CAD and
Comoponentes de operacion y como funcionan!
( DWDM...
re m ote databa se applica tions a re now looking to the te lecom m unica tion se rvice supplie rs
to provide the m e ans of inte rlink ing the se now powe rful m a chine s a t da ta ra te s Desarrollo de la tecnologia DWDN
com m ensura ble with those a chie ve d by their own in-house LANs. The y a lso wa nt to be a ble Fundamentos de la tecnologia DWDM
to transfe r inform a tion to othe r m e tropolitan a nd inte rna tiona l site s a s e a sily and a s
Caracteristicas de DWDM
quickly a s the y ca n to a colle a gue sitting a t the ne x t de sk .
DWDM tecnologia
DWDM tecnologia

► febrero (11)

Datos personales
Estudiantes -
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Este espacio
amplía la información contenida en el
Sitio Especialmente
dedicado al trabajo académico realizado en la
Universidad Nacional Experimental del Táchira -
Venezuela. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Figure 2 - European Revenue Growth of Transmission Equipment This Blog expands the information contained on the
Plesiochronous Transmission. Site Especially
Digita l da ta a nd voice tra nsm ission is ba se d on a 2.048Mbit/s bea re r consisting of 30 tim e dedicated to the academic work done at the UNET
division m ultiplex e d (TDM) voice cha nne ls, e a ch running a t 64Kbps (k nown a s E1 and Universidad Nacional Experimental del Tachira -
de scribed by the C C ITT G.703 specification). At the E1 le ve l, tim ing is controlle d to a n Venezuela.
accuracy of 1 in 1011 by synchronising to a m a ste r C a esium clock . Increa sing tra ffic over
Ver todo mi perfil
the pa st de ca de has de m a nde d tha t m ore a nd m ore of the se ba sic E1 be a re rs be
m ultiple xe d toge ther to provide incre ase d ca pacity. During this tim e ra te s ha ve incre a sed
through 8, 34, and 140Mbit/s. The highe st ca pa city com m only encounte re d toda y for inte r- Seguidores
city fibre optic link s is 565Mbit/s, with ea ch link ca rrying 7,680 ba se cha nnels, a nd now
eve n this is insufficie nt.
Unlik e E1 2.048Mbit/s be arers, highe r ra te be a re rs in the hie ra rchy a re operated
ple siochronously, with tole ra nce s on a n a bsolute bit-ra te ra nging from 30ppm (pa rts pe r
m illion) a t 8Mbit/s to 15ppm a t 140Mbit/s. Multiple xing such be a re rs (k nown a s tributaries
in SDH spe ak ) to a higher a ggre ga te ra te (e .g. 4 x 8Mbit/s to 1 x 34Mbit/s) re quire s the
pa dding of e a ch tributary by a dding bits such tha t the ir com bined ra te togethe r with the
addition of control bits m atche s the fina l a ggre ga te ra te . P le siochronous tra nsm ission is
now ofte n referre d to a s plesiochronous digital hierarchy (P DH).

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Figure 3 - A typical Plesiochronous Drop & Insert

Be ca use of the large inve stm e nt in e arlier gene ra tions of ple siochronous transm ission
equipm e nt, e a ch ste p increa se in capa city ha s ne ce ssitated m a intaining com patibility with
wha t wa s a lrea dy installe d by a dding ye t anothe r laye r of m ultiple x ing. This ha s cre a te d
the situa tion whe re e ach da ta link ha s a rigid physical a nd ele ctrica l m ultiplex ing hie rarchy
at e ithe r end. O nce m ultiple xe d, the re is no sim ple wa y a n individua l E1 be a re r can be
ide ntifie d in a P DH hierarchy, le t alone e x tra cted, without fully de m ultiple xing down to the
E1 le vel a gain a s shown in Figure 3.
The lim ita tions of P DS m ultiple xing are:

A hie ra rchy of m ultiple xe rs a t e ithe r e nd of the link ca n le a d to re duce d

re lia bility a nd re silie nce, m inim um flex ibility, long reconfiguration turn-a round
tim es, la rge e quipm ent volum e, a nd high capita l-e quipm ent and m a inte na nce

P DH links are ge ne ra lly lim ited to point-to-point configura tions with full
dem ultiplex ing a t ea ch switching or cross connect node .

Incom pa tibilities at the optica l inte rfaces of two different supplie rs ca n ca use
m a jor system inte gra tion proble m s.

To add or drop a n individual channe l or add a lowe r ra te bra nch to a back bone
link a com plete hie ra rchy of MUXs is re quire d a s shown in figure 3.

Because of the se lim itations of P DH, the introduction of an a cce pta ble world-
wide synchronous tra nsm ission standa rd ca lled SDH is we lcom e d by a ll.

Synchronous Transmission
In the USA in the ea rly 1980s, it wa s cle ar tha t a ne w sta nda rd wa s re quire d to ove rcom e
the lim ita tions prese nte d by P DH networks, so the ANSI (Am e rica n Na tiona l Sta nda rds
Institute ) SO NET (synchronous optica l ne twork ) sta nda rd wa s born in 1984. By 1988,
colla bora tion be twee n ANSI a nd C C ITT produce d an inte rnational sta nda rd, a supe rse t of
SO NET, ca lled synchronous digita l hierarchy (SDH).
US SO NET sta ndards are ba se d on STS-1 (synchronous tra nsport signa l) equiva lent to
51.84Mbit/s. W he n e ncode d a nd m odula te d onto a fibre optic ca rrie r STS-1 is k nown a s
O C -1. This pa rticula r rate wa s chose n to a ccom m oda te a US T-3 ple siochronous pa yloa d to
m ainta in ba ckwa rds com pa tibility with P DH. Highe r da ta ra te s a re m ultiple s of this up to
STS-48, which is 2,488Gbit/s.
SDH is ba se d on a n STM-1 (155.52Mbit/s) ra te , which is ide ntical to the SO NET STS-3 ra te .
Som e highe r be arer ra te s coincide with SO NET ra te s such a s: STS-12 a nd STM-4 =
622Mbit/s, a nd STS-48 a nd STM-16 = 2.488Gbit/s. Me rcury is curre ntly tria ling STM-1 a nd
STM-16 rate equipm e nt.
SDH supports the tra nsm ission of a ll P DH pa yloa ds, othe r tha n 8Mbit/s, a nd ATM, SMDS
and MAN da ta . Most im portantly, be ca use e a ch type of pa yloa d is tra nsm itte d in containers
synchronous with the STM-1 fram e, sele cte d payloa ds m a y be inse rte d or e x tracted from
the STM-1 or STM-N a ggrega te without the ne e d to fully hie ra rchica lly de -m ultiplex a s with
PDH syste m s.
Further, a ll SDH e quipm e nt is software controlle d, e ve n down to the individua l chip,
allowing ce ntra lise d m ana gem e nt of the network configura tion, a nd la rge ly obvia te s the
ne e d for plugs a nd socke ts. A future SDH ne twork could look lik e Figure 4.

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Figure 4- An Example Future SDH Digital Network
Benefits of SDH Transmission
SDH tra nsm ission syste m s ha ve m a ny be ne fits ove r P DH:

Software Control a llows ex te nsive use of intelligent ne twork m a nage m e nt

softwa re for high fle x ibility, fa st and e a sy re -configura bility, and e fficient
network m ana ge m e nt.

Survivability. W ith SDH, ring ne twork s be com e pra ctica ble a nd their use
e na ble s a utom a tic re configura tion a nd tra ffic rerouting whe n a link is da m a ge d.
End-to-end m onitoring will a llow full m ana gem e nt and m a inte na nce of the
whole ne twork .

Efficient drop and insert. SDH a llows sim ple a nd e fficie nt cross-connect without
full hie ra rchica l m ultiplex ing or de -m ultiple x ing. A single E1 2.048Mbit/s ta il ca n
be droppe d or inse rte d with re la tive ea se e ve n on Gbit/s link s.

Standardisation e nables the inte rconne ction of e quipm ent from diffe re nt
supplie rs through support of com m on digita l and optical sta ndards and
inte rfaces.

Robustness and resilience of installe d ne tworks is incre ase d.

Equipment size and operating costs a re reduce d by re m oving the ne e d for

bank s of m ultiplex e rs a nd de-m ultiplex e rs. Follow-on m ainte na nce costs a re
a lso re duced.

Backwards compatibly will ena ble SDH link s to support P DH traffic.

Future proof. SDH form s the ba sis, in pa rtne rship with ATM (a synchronous
tra nsfe r m ode ), of broad-ba nd tra nsm ission, othe rwise k nown a s B-ISDN or the
pre cursor of this se rvice in the form of Switche d Multim e gabit Da ta Service ,

The introduction of synchronous digital tra nsm ission in the form of SDH will e ventua lly
re volutionise a ll a spects of public data com m unication from individual lea se d lines through
to trunk ne tworks. Beca use of the sta te -of-the -a rt nature of SDH a nd SO NET te chnology,
there are e xtensive fie ld tria ls ta k ing pla ce in 1992 throughout the world prior to
introduction in the 1993 - 1995 tim e scale .
The re is still a la ck of understa nding of the ra m ifica tions of the introduction of SDH within
te le com m unica tions operations. In pra ctice , the use of e x te nsive softwa re control will
im pa ct positive ly a ll pa rts of the busine ss. It is not so m uch a que stion of whether the
te chnology will be tak e n up, but when.
Introduction of SDH will le a d to the a va ila bility of m a ny new broa d-band da ta se rvice s
providing use rs with incre ase d fle xibility. It is in this a re a whe re confusion reigns with
pote ntial te chnologie s vying for supre m a cy. The se will be discussed in future issue s of
Te chnology W atch.
Im porta ntly for P TO s, SDH will bring a bout m ore com pe tition be twe en e quipm e nt supplie rs
de signing e sse ntia lly to a com m on sta nda rd. O ne practical e ffe ct could be to force
equipm e nt price s down, brought a bout by the la rger volum e s e nge nde re d by a cce ss to
world ra the r tha n loca l m a rk ets. At le ast one m a nufa cture r is currently sta ting that the y will
be spe nding up to 80% of the ir SDH de ve lopm e nt budge ts on m a na ge m ent softwa re
ra ther tha n hardwa re . Such wa s the situa tion in the com puter industry in the e arly 1980s.
Not le a st, it will have a gre a t im pact on such issue s as sta ffing le vels a nd re quired
pe rsona l sk ills of personne l within P TO s.
SDH deploym e nt will ta ke a grea t de a l of inve stm e nt a nd effort since it re pla ce s the ve ry
infra structure of the world's core com m unica tions ne tworks. But it m ust not be forgotten
that the re a re still m a ny issue s to be re solve d.
The be ne fits to be ga ine d in term s of im proving ope ra tor profita bility, a nd he lping them to
com pe te in the new m a rk e ts of the 1990s, a re so high tha t de ploym e nt of SDH is just a
que stion of tim e .

Hernandez Caballero Indiana M. CI: 15.242.745

Asignatura: SCO

Publicado por Estudiantes - en 23:25 0 comentarios

Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M

What is Gigabit Ethernet?

Giga bit Ethe rnet is an e x te nsion of the highly succe ssful 10 Mbps (10BASE-T) Etherne t and

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100 Mbps (100BASE-T) Fa st Ethe rne t sta ndards for ne twork conne ctivity (see Figure 2).
IEEE has given a pproval to the Giga bit Etherne t proje ct a s the IEEE 802.3z Ta sk Force, a nd
the spe cification is e x pecte d to be com ple te in e a rly 1998. The re have be e n m ore than
200 individua ls re pre senting m ore than 50 com pa nie s involve d in the spe cifica tion
activitie s to da te .

Figure 2. Functional elements of Gigabit Ethernet technology.

Giga bit Ethe rnet is fully com pa tible with the huge insta lle d base of Etherne t and Fa st
Etherne t node s. The origina l Etherne t spe cifica tion was de fine d by the fra m e form a t a nd
support for C SMA/CD (C arrie r Se nse Multiple Acce ss with Collision De te ction) protocol, full
duple x , flow control, a nd m a na ge m e nt obje cts a s de fine d by the IEEE 802.3 sta nda rd.
Giga bit Ethe rnet will e m ploy a ll of these spe cifica tions.
In short, Giga bit Etherne t is the sa m e Ethe rne t that m ana gers a lre a dy know a nd use , but
10 tim e s fa ste r than Fa st Etherne t and 100 tim e s faster tha n Ethe rnet. It a lso supports
additional fe a ture s tha t a ccom m odate today's bandwidth-hungry a pplications a nd m a tch
the incre a sing powe r of the se rve r a nd de sk top.

The Benefits of Gigabit Ethernet To support increa sing ba ndwidth ne e ds,

Giga bit Ethe rnet incorpora te s e nha nce m ents that e nable fa st optica l fibe r conne ctions a t
the physical laye r of the network . It provide s a tenfold incre a se in MAC (Media Access
Control) la ye r da ta ra te s to support video confe re ncing, com ple x im a ging a nd othe r da ta -
inte nsive a pplica tions.
Giga bit Ethe rnet has the adva nta ge of being com pa tible with the m ost popula r ne twork ing
archite cture , Ethernet. Since its introduction in the e a rly 1980s, Ethe rne t de ploym ent ha s
be e n ra pid, quickly oversha dowing ne twork ing conne ction choice s such as Tok e n Ring a nd

Giga bit Ethe rnet com patibility with Ethe rne t pre se rve s inve stm e nts in a dm inistra tor
ex pe rtise and support sta ff tra ining, while ta k ing a dvanta ge of use r fam iliarity. The re is no
ne e d to purcha se additiona l protocol stack s or inve st in ne w m iddlewa re . Just as 100 Mbps

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Fast Ethe rnet provide d a low-cost, incre m enta l m igra tion from 10 Mbps Ethe rne t, Giga bit
Etherne t will provide the ne xt logica l m igra tion to 1000 Mbps ba ndwidth.
By 1996, a ccording to IDC re se arch proje ctions, m ore tha n 80 pe rce nt of insta lled
conne ctions we re Ethe rne t. The dom inance of Etherne t is e x pected to continue be yond
1998, pa rticula rly as this com pa tible and sca lable standa rd m oves to giga bit spe e ds. In
addition to a wide r choice of products a nd ve ndors, this m ark et dom inance ha s brought
with it a ste a dy decre ase in Etherne t ha rdwa re costs (se e Figure 3).

Figure 3. Ethernet and Fast Ethernet products have shown steady cost reductions over time.
Similar trends are anticipated for Gigabit Ethernet products. (Source: Dell Oro Group)
As Inform a tion Te chnology (IT) de partm e nts a dopt Fast Etherne t, a nd eve ntually Giga bit
Etherne t to e nha nce network pe rform ance to support robust de sktop ne e ds, the y will se e :

Incre a sed ne twork perform a nce le ve ls, including traffic loca lization a nd high-
spee d cross se gm e nt m ovem e nt
Incre a sed ne twork sca le a bility — it will be e asie r to a dd a nd m ana ge m ore
users a nd "hungrie r" applica tions
De crea se d ove ra ll costs ove r tim e

Fast Ethernet Paves the Way to Gigabit Ethernet The

proliferation of Inte l P entium ®, P e ntium ® Pro and Pe ntium ® II proce ssor-ba se d de sk tops
in corpora te ne tworks, com bined with ne w ba ndwidth-inte nsive ope ra ting syste m s a nd
applica tions, ha s a lrea dy influence d m a ny LAN de cision m ak e rs to m igra te to Fast
Etherne t. First propose d in 1993, Fa st Ethe rne t is quick ly be com ing the high-spee d
te chnology for today's LANs and corpora te de sk top use rs. It e njoys broad m ulti-ve ndor
support a nd brisk m igra tion interest a m ong custom e rs.
Inte l be lieve s Giga bit Etherne t will e njoy ra pid de ploym ent, following the prove n tra ck

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re cords of Ethe rne t a nd Fast Ethe rnet. It a ddre sse s the bandwidth dile m m a without
re quiring costly protocol cha nge s.
Most im porta nt, Giga bit Ethe rne t prom ises to e fficie ntly m a tch the powe r of high-
pe rform a nce P C s tha t incre asingly popula te the LAN. As busine sses go to these m ore
powe rful processors, they ne e d a high-perform a nce infra structure all the wa y from the
de sk top to the ba ck bone .

How Will Gigabit Ethernet be Deployed? Gigabit Ethe rne t de ploym e nt

scena rios will m ost lik e ly m irror the m ode l of Fa st Ethe rne t, though the new te chnology is
ex pe cte d to be com e standa rdize d a nd im ple m e nted a t a n eve n fa ste r ra te . The
tra nsform a tion will be drive n by se ve ra l fa ctors:

The e sta blished popularity of Ethe rnet a nd the com pa tibility offered by Giga bit
Ethe rnet solutions
The e x perie nce a nd m om e ntum a lre a dy garne re d in bringing Fa st Ethe rne t to
m a rk et
The com m itm e nt a nd ex pe rtise of the ve ndors involved

Deployment Scenarios
Scenario 1: Giga bit Ethe rnet will be switche d a nd route d at the network ba ck bone with
switch-to-switch conne ctions. The first insta llations will use optica l fibe r for long connections
be twe e n buildings a nd coppe r link s for shorte r conne ctions.

Scenario 1
Scenario 2: Ne x t, switch-to-se rve r de ploym e nts will be im plem e nte d to boost a cce ss to
critica l se rver re source s. Ma ny 100 Mbps switche s conta in m odule slots that will
accom m oda te Gigabit Ethe rne t so the y will be a ble to uplink to se rve r connections a t
1000 Mbps.

Scenario 2
Scenario 3: Fina lly, a s desk top costs com e down and user ne twork de m a nds incre a se,
Giga bit Ethe rnet will m ove to the work group and de sktop le ve l; Giga bit Ethe rne t switches
will e nte r the ba ck bone a s older switche s a re replace d a nd Giga bit Ethe rnet will tak e ove r
the switch fabric. This evolution will be drive n by the increa sing insta lla tion of 100 Mbps
PC s a s the sta ndard de sk top, a nd the m igra tion of powe r use rs to switche d 100 Mbps, and
switch-to-switch uplink conne ctions will a dva nce to 1000 Mbps. At this tim e, custom e rs will
see giga bit link s tha t a re com plia nt with the insta lle d base of UTP C ategory 5 ca bling.
(O ve r copper m e dia , the Giga bit Etherne t Standa rds C om m itte e ha s propose d two dista nce
options: 25 m e ters a nd 100 m e te rs.)

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Scenario 3

Figure 4. Strong growth is predicted for Gigabit Ethernet products. (Source: IDC #12382, Nov. 96)

Intel's Plans for Gigabit Ethernet Intel is unique ly positione d in the

em e rging m a rk e t for Giga bit Ethe rne t products. W ith stre ngths in chip de sign, te chnology
de ve lopm e nt a nd volum e m a nufa cturing, Intel will be a ble to give custom ers best-of-cla ss
products and com pre he nsive solutions at the best value .
Inte l ha s e sta blishe d itse lf a s a lea de r in the transition to Fa st Ethe rne t, with its fa m ily of
Fast Ethe rnet desk top, se rve r and m obile ada pte rs, print se rve rs, hubs a nd switche s. The
PC I bus for Inte l a rchite cture P Cs and se rve rs is ta ilor-m a de for toda y's powe r use rs. A 32-
bit P C I im ple m enta tion alre a dy pum ps out da ta in the m ulti-hundre d m ega bits ra nge . In
the future , a 64-bit P CI bus will ea sily ha ndle Giga bit Ethe rnet throughput a t the de sk top.
Ada ptive Te chnology is one ex a m ple of how Inte l's silicon e x pe rtise ha s he lpe d to boost
ne twork pe rform a nce a nd e x te nd the product life of both ne twork ada pte rs a nd switche s.
Tha t sa m e e x pe rtise will ke e p Inte l a t the fore front of Gigabit chip spe e d enha nce m e nts,
as we ll.
O ngoing re la tionships with ke y industry le a de rs — C isco, Microsoft a nd othe rs — re fle ct
Inte l's com m itm e nt to ex te nding a nd supporting industry sta nda rds by working with the se
le a de rs to provide e nd-to-e nd, de sktop-to-ca m pus solutions. This coope ra tion will assure
com pa tibility with Gigabit Ethe rne t products tha t e m e rge from othe r vendors.
Inte l inte nds to bring the sa m e com m itm e nt to Giga bit Ethe rnet solutions a s it ha s to Fa st
Etherne t, initia lly focusing on uplink s to the ba ck bone , switch-to-switch link s, a nd switch-to-
server conne ctions. The stra te gy will be ex te nded as ne e de d to othe r high-ba ndwidth
ne twork ing products, in order to provide com ple te , cost-e ffe ctive solutions, from the
de sk top to the ba ck bone .

He rna nde z C aba lle ro India na M. CI: 15.242.745

Asigna tura : SC O
Fue nte :http://im a ge /im gre s?
im gurl=http://www.inte /network /connectivity/re sources/doc_libra ry/te ch_brie f/pix/giga bit_ethe rn
et_fig1.gif&im gre furl=http://www.inte /network /connectivity/re sources/doc_libra ry/te ch_brie f/giga
bit_e the rnet.htm &usg=__LuFuk 8i3jhDtKFNvALBe P 4ecAe I=&h=270&w=410&sz=10&hl=e s&sta rt=18&um
=1&itbs=1&tbnid=JpUR eJ_rIZeIk M:&tbnh=82&tbnw=125&pre v=/im age s%3Fq%3DGiga bit%2BEthe rne t
%26um %3D1%26hl%3De s%26clie nt%3Dfire fox -a %26sa %3DG%26rls%3Dorg.m ozilla:e s-
ES:officia l%26cha nnel%3Ds%26tbs%3Disch:1

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

Publicado por Estudiantes - en 23:15 0 comentarios

Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M

Core DWDM network protection

Figur e 1 shows a typical DWDM link

Figur e 1: Typical unpr otected DWDM link

Some of the wavelengths in the link may be sections of a lar ger single wavelength networ k such as a Sonet/SDH r ing
or IP mesh. Ser vices tr anspor ted over this wavelength (T1 ser vice in the diagr am), may be pr otected by the
networ k's inher ent r ecover y mechanism. Other wavelengths within the link may car r y high-speed point-to-point
tr affic as a "leased line" ser vice. Ser vices of this type may be combined to use one DWDM wavelength. These ar e
called "sub-lambda ser vices". If a single ser vice utilizes a dedicated DWDM wavelength, it is r efer r ed to as a
"wavelength ser vice". As can be seen fr om the figur e above, clients of these ser vices ar e not pr otected and any
failur e in the DWDM link will inter r upt their tr affic.

The high availability of these cr itical ser vices is achieved thr ough the use of r edundant r esour ces (equipment and
fiber ) and pr otection systems that per for m automatic pr otection switching (APS) when failur e of a wor king
r esour ce is detected. Ther e ar e sever al solutions for pr otection of DWDM networ ks. The choice of solution
depends on the r edundant r esour ces being used as well as the r equir ed pr otection scheme. Resour ce r edundancy
may var y accor ding to var ious factor s: cost and geogr aphical limitations, detection and r epair time, etc. The
pr otection scheme is deter mined by deployment consider ations. For example, paths in which ther e ar e lar ge
length differ ences between the wor king and pr otection links may r equir e a "dual-ended" pr otection scheme, to
avoid pr oblems associated with latency imbalance.

Lynx pr ovides the following solutions for DWDM networ k pr otection:

Optical channel/path pr otection

DWDM line pr otection

1:n DWDM tr ibutar y pr otection

In-line amplifier pr otection

Optical Channel /Path Protection

This mechanism pr ovides end-to-end pr otection of an entir e DWDM channel, fr om one client site to the other . It is
based on complete channel r edundancy, including fiber s, inline equipment and tr ansponder line-car ds that
inter face with the CPE.
Figur e 2 shows an example of optical channel pr otection.

Figur e 2: Optical channel/path pr otection

In some optical channels, which contain tr anspor t equipment and inter connecting fiber s, failur es can be detected
by monitor ing the optical signal. In such cases, per for ming 1+1 single-ended pr otection can be done by fiber

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…
pr otection systems. For other pr otection schemes, such as dual-ended pr otection, Lynx pr ovides special in-band
signaling solutions. In cases wher e the tr anspor t equipment does not suppor t shut-off dur ing failur e, but sends AIS
signals instead, failur e detection must be done at the pr otocol level. Lynx offer s Optical Failur e Monitor ing (OFM)
modules, capable of detecting failur es in all these situations. Lynx has also developed a unique technology,
LynxSense™, to ensur e that pr otection switches will indeed switch immediately when r equir ed.

Some Lynx pr otection systems allow user s to car r y extr a tr affic, ther eby impr oving the utilization of the networ k
r edundancy. This extr a tr affic is car r ied over the pr otection channel while both channels ar e oper ational.

DW DM Line Protection
In some cases, deploying a r edundant DWDM line may be mor e cost-effective than using sever al r edundant
channels: this depends on the number of active channels in a DWDM link that r equir e pr otection (e.g., not
segments of SDH/Sonet r ings), and the amount of in-line tr anspor t equipment. Assuming that the ter minal
tr ansponder s can be pr otected thr ough a 1+N pr otection scheme (Figur e 3), and that the passive Mux/Demux is
highly r eliable, car r ier s may choose to pr otect only the DWDM line. Figur e 4 shows such an application.

One dir ection depicted (client Tx)

Upon failur e of the blue tr ansponder the backup tr anspoder is configur es to Blue and the
client and networ k fiber s pr eviously connected to the blue tr ansponder ar e switched to the
backup one.

Figur e 3: 1-N pr otection scheme

Figur e 4: DWDM line pr otection

As in the case of 1+1 single-ended optical channel pr otection, simple DWDM lines (such as clear fiber ) can be
pr otected by fiber pr otection systems. DWDM lines wher e in-line equipment such as EDFA is used, may be
subjected to noisy optical signals dur ing failur es. Optical power monitor ing may not be sufficient, and Lynx's
Optical Failur e Monitor (OFM) for DWDM lines is r ecommended for effective and compr ehensive failur e detection.

Compar ed to electr o-optical (OEO) pr otection mechanisms, optical switching is a far mor e cost-effective way of
pr otecting DWDM lines. Electr o-optical pr otection r equir es double multiplexing/demultiplexing, and N ter mination
and pr otection systems (wher e N is the number of potential wavelengths over the line).

In-line Amplifier Protection

In some cases, due to cost or geogr aphical limitations, the DWDM link cannot be r edundantly diver se; and the
pr otection solutions descr ibed above cannot be used. In other cases, wher e some for m of link pr otection exists,
ther e may be long lag times in identifying and r epair ing in-line amplifier s, leaving the networ k vulner able for
unacceptably long per iods. In such cases, car r ier s can use Lynx's EDFA systems to pr otect some of the in-line
amplifier s locally, pr oviding an option for immediate r ecover y while r epair cr ews ar e dispatched. Lynx 1:n (2+1)
add-on pr otection systems ar e used to pr otect an EDFA node (two EDFAs, one in each dir ection) with the use of a
single spar e EDFA. A special EDFA failur e monitor ing module, built into the pr otection system, is capable of
detecting EDFA failur es—including those in which the EDFA continues to tr ansmit optical power .
Figur e 5 shows an example of EDFA pr otection.

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

Figur e 5: In-line amplifier (EDFA) pr otection

Hernandez Caballero Indiana M. CI: 15.242.745

Asignatura: SCO

Publicado por Estudiantes - en 23:04 0 comentarios

Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M

Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) versus Wavelength

Division Multiplexing (WDM)
Ultrahigh-speed photonic networks c apable of acc ommodating the inc rease
in Internet data traffic will form the infrastructure of the information society
of the next generation. There are two types of multiplexing schemes to
ac commodate such large amount of information: wavelength division
multiplexing (WDM), whic h multiplexes signals using lightwaves with different
wavelengths, and time division multiplexing (TDM), which multiplexes signals
in different bit slots in the time domain. In WDM systems, transmitters and
rec eivers in eac h channel work independently, and thus WDM allows signals
with different format to be acc ommodated in one network. In this sense,
WDM is an "analog" multiplexing sc heme. In c onstrast, TDM requires
sophisticated signal processing employing, for example, multiplexers,
demultiplexers, c lock recovery, and network sync hronization. Nevertheless it
supports "digital" multiplexing, where sync hronized high speed signals are
processed together. Optical TDM (OTDM) makes the most of these
advantages in the optical domain and is another important technique for the
construction of photonic networks in addition to the development of
highspeed signal processing.

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

Fig. 1 TDM ve rsus W DM

1.28 Tbit/s OTDM signal transmission

Fig. 2 O ptica l transm ission system s and signa l pulse inte rva l.

Figure 2 shows the im prove m e nt in the TDM tra nsm ission spe e d in ba ckbone te rre stial
optica l tra nsm ission syste m s in Japa n. The tra nsm ission spe ed ha s incre ase d from 400
Mbit/s to 2.4 Gbit/s and 10 Gbit/s. W ith the he lp of W DM, the ca pa city ca n be incre ase d
furthe r. W ork on a 40 Gbit/s system is curre ntly in progress a nd it will be installe d in the
ba ck bone syste m in the nea r future . This system be ne fits from the de ve lopm ent of high
spe e d e le ctronic device s.
The ne x t re se a rch targe t is ultra high-spee d O TDM tra nsm ission with a bit rate of 160
Gbit/s or e ve n 1 Tbit/s, where highspee d signals are m ultiplex e d in the optical dom a in
alone , without the ne ed for a ny e le ctronic de vice s. O TDM tra nsm ission ope ra te s in a
re gim e fa r be yond the ca pa bility of ele ctronic de vices. In this re gim e ultra short pulses a re
tra nsm itted with pulse widths of pico se cond to a fe w hundre d fem to se cond orde r. This
would be im possible without the deve lopm e nt of a dvance d te chnologie s such a s the
ge ne ra tion of fem to-se cond pulses, highe r-orde r dispe rsion com pe nsa tion, and a ll-optica l
de m ultiple x e rs.

Fig. 3 Expe rim enta l se tup for 1.28 Tbit/s O TDM signa l tra nsm ission.
Figure 3 shows our se tup for a 1.28 Tbit/s-70 km O TDM transm ission ex pe rim e nt, which
wa s succe ssfully a chie ved for the first tim e in the world. A 3 ps, 10 GHz re gene ra tively a nd
ha rm onically m ode -lock e d fibe r la ser ope ra ting at 1.544 µm wa s use d a s the origina l pulse
source . The output lase r pulse wa s intensity-m odulated a t 10 Gbit/s a nd the pulse tra in
wa s couple d into a dispe rsion-fla tte ne d dispersion decrea sing fibe r. This re alize d a dia ba tic
soliton com pre ssion to le ss than 200 fs. W e incorpora te d a pha se m odulation te chnique
that com pensa te d for the third- a nd fourth-orde r dispe rsion of the tra nsm ission fiber. The
pre-chirpe d 10 GHz pulse tra in wa s optica lly m ultiplex e d to 640 Gbit/s by using a pla nar
lightwa ve circuit (PLC ). W e obta ine d a 1.28 Tbit/s signa l by polariza tion m ultiplex ing two
640 Gbit/s pulse tra ins.

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

Fig. 4 O ptica l signa l wa ve form in 1.28 Tbit/s O TDM signa l tra nsm ission.

Fugure 4 shows the input a nd output da ta patte rns. C le a n 640 Gbit/s signals we re
obta ine d in ea ch cha nne l. The pulse broa de ning afte r 70 k m transm ission wa s only 20 fs.
W e obta ine d a bit e rror ra te of 10 −9 wa s a chieve d for all the cha nnels.

He rna nde z C aba lle ro India na M. CI: 15.242.745

Asigna tura : SC O
Fue nte :http://im a ge /im gre s?
im gurl=http://www.nak a zawa .rie c.tohoku.a se rch/2-
1.jpg&im gre furl=http://www.nak a za wa .rie c.tohoku.a se rch/re 02.htm l&usg=__N5b5CW vKj
J_Hl2m nm hP O 6FN3gBc=&h=1017&w=987&sz=211&hl=es&sta rt=4&um =1&itbs=1&tbnid=NZvm H6C ZR3
w1YM:&tbnh=150&tbnw=146&pre v=/im a ges%3Fq%3DTDM%2Ba nd%2BW DM%2BCom pared%26um %3
D1%26hl%3De s%26clie nt%3Dfire fox -a %26rls%3Dorg.m ozilla :e s-
ES:officia l%26cha nnel%3Ds%26tbs%3Disch:1

Publicado por Estudiantes - en 23:00 0 comentarios

Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M

Marking SDH and DWDM packet friendly

Ba ck in 1993, I wrote a bout the a dva nce s tak ing pa ce in fiber optic technologies a nd
optical amplifiers. At tha t tim e , technology deve lopm e nt wa s principally conce rned with
im proving transm ission dista nces using optica l a m plifier te chnology a nd increa sing da ta
ra te s. These optical ca ble s a single wa ve le ngth a nd he nce provided provide d a single da ta
channel.W ide a rea tra ffic in the ea rly 1990s wa s principa lly dom ina te d by P ublic Switche d
Te lephone Ne twork (P STN) tele phony tra ffic as this wa s well be fore the ex plosion in da ta
tra ffic ca use d by the Inte rnet. W he n a dditional throughput wa s required, it wa s rela tive ly
sim ple to la y down a dditiona l fibre s in a te rrestria l e nvironm e nt. Inde e d, this becam e
sta nda rd proce dure to the e xtent tha t m a ny fibres we re la id in a single pipe with only a fe w
be ing use d or lit as it wa s k nown. Unlit fibre strands we re ca lled dark fibre. For terre strial
ne twork s when incre a sing tra ffic de m a nde d a dditional ba ndwidth on a link , it wa s sim ple
job to sim ply a dd additiona l ports the a ppropria te SDH e quipm ent a nd light up a n
additional da rk fibre.
Wave Division Multiplexing
(P icture cre dit: photeon)
In unde rse a ca ble s a dding
a dditiona l fibre s to support tra ffic
growth was not so ea sy so the
concept of Wave Division
Multiplexing (W DM) cam e into
com m on usa ge for point to point
links (the la bora tory de ve lopm e nt
of W DM actua lly we nt ba ck to the
1970s). The use of W DM e na ble d
transoce anic ca rrie rs to upgra de
the ba ndwidths of their undersea
ca ble s without the ne e d to la y
a dditiona l cables which would cost
m ultiple billions of Dollars.
As shown in the picture , a W DM ba se d syste m uses m ultiple wa ve le ngths thus m ultiplying
the ava ila ble ba ndwidth by the num ber wave le ngths tha t could be supported. The num be r
of wave lengths tha t could be use d and the da ta ra te on e a ch wave le ngth were lim ite d by
the qua lity of the optica l fibre tha t wa s be ing upgrade d a nd the curre nt sta te -of-the -a rt of
the optica l te rm ina tion e lectronics. Multiple x ers a nd de -m ultiple x ers a t e ithe r end of the
ca ble aggre gate d and split the com bine d data into se parate channe ls by converte d to a nd
from e le ctrica l signa ls.
A num be r of WDM te chnologie s or archite cture s we re sta ndardised ove r tim e . In the ea rly
da ys, Course Wavelength Division Multiplexing (CWDM) wa s re lative ly proprie ta ry in
na ture a nd m e a nt different things to diffe re nt com panies. CW DM com bines up to 16
wa ve le ngths onto a single fibre a nd use s a n ITU standa rd 20nm spa cing be twee n the
wa ve le ngths of 1310nm to 1610nm . W ith CW DM technology, since the wa ve le ngths are
re la tively fa r apa rt com pa re d to DW DM, the are ge nera lly re la tively che ap.
O ne of the m a jor issue s at the tim e was that Erbium Dope d Fibre Am plifie rs (EDFAs) as
de scribed in optical amplifiers could not be utilise d due to the wave le ngths se le cte d or the
fre que ncy sta bility re quire d to be a ble de-m ultiplex the m ultiplex e d signa ls

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…
In the la te 1990s there wa s a n
ex plosion of de ve lopm ent
activity a im e d a t de riving
be ne fit of the conce pt of
Dense Wavelength Division
Multiplexing (DWDM) to be
able to utilise EDFA a m plifie rs
that ope rated in 1550nm
window. EDFAs will a m plify a ny
num be r of wa ve le ngths
m odula te d a t a ny da ta ra te a s
long as they are within its
am plifica tion ba ndwidth.
DW DM com bine s up to 64
wa ve le ngths onto a single fibre a nd use s a n ITU standa rd tha t spe cifie s 100GHz or
200GHz spa cing betwee n the wa velengths, a rra nge d in se ve ra l ba nds around 1500-
1600nm . W ith DW DM te chnology, the wa ve le ngths are close togethe r tha n use d in C W DM,
re sulting in the m ultiple x ing e quipm e nt be ing m ore com ple x a nd ex pe nsive than C W DM.
Howeve r, DW DM a llowe d a m uch highe r de nsity of wa vele ngths a nd ena ble d longer
dista nces to be cove red through the use of EDFAs. DW DM syste m s we re de velope d tha t
could de live r tens of Te ra bits of da ta over a single fibre using up to 40 or 80 sim ulta ne ous
wa ve le ngths e.g. Lucent 1998.
I wouldn't cla im to be a n e x pe rt in the subje ct, but I would e x pect tha t in dense urba n
environm e nts or ove r longe r runs whe re a cce ss is ava ila ble to the fibre runs, it is
conside ra bly che a per to install additional runs of fibre tha n to install ex pe nsive DW DM
system s. An e xce ption to this would be a ca rrie r installing cable s a cross a continent. If
da rk fibre is a vaila ble the n it's a n e ve n sim ple r de cision.
Although conside ra ble a dva nce s were ta king pla ce a t optica l tra nsport with the a dve nt of
DW DM system s, e xisting SONET and SDH sta nda rds of the tim e we re lim ite d to work ing
with a single wa ve le ngth pe r fibre and we re a lso lim ite d to working with single optica l link s
in the physica l la yer. SDH could cope with astounding data ra te s on a single wa velengths,
but could not be use d with em e rging DW DM optical e quipm ent.
Optical Transport Hierarchy
This m a jor de ficie ncy in SDH / SO NET le d to further sta nda rds de ve lopm ent initia tives to
bring it "up to da te ". The se are known as the Optical Transport Network (OTN) working in
an Optical Transport Hierarchy (OTH) world. O TH is the sam e nom e ncla ture a s use d for
PDH a nd SDH ne twork s.
The ITU-T G.709 (re le a se d be twee n 1999 – 2003) sta nda rd Interfaces for the OTN is a
sta nda rdise d se t of m ethods for tra nsporting wave lengths in a DW DM optical ne twork tha t
allows the use of com ple te ly optica l switches known as Optical Cross Connects tha t does
not re quire e xpe nsive optica l-ele ctrica l-optical conversions. In e ffe ct G.709 provide s a
service abstraction layer be twe e n service s such a s sta nda rd SDH, IP , MPLS or Etherne t
and the physica l DW DM optica l tra nsport la yer. This capa bility is a lso k nown a s OTN/WDH
in a similar way that the ter m IP/MPLS is used . O ptica l signa ls with bit ra te s of 2.5, 10, a nd 40
Gbits/s were sta nda rdise d in G.709 (G.709 overview presentation) (G.709 tutorial).
The functiona lity a dded to SDH in G.709 is:

Ma na ge m e nt of optica l cha nne ls in the optical dom ain

Forward error correction (FEC) to im prove error pe rform a nce a nd e na ble

longer optica l spa ns

P rovide s sta nda rd m e thods for m a na ging end to e nd optica l wave le ngths

Other SDH extensions to bring SDH up to date and make it 'packet friendly'
Alm ost in pa ra lle l with the de velopm e nt of G.709 sta nda rds a num ber of othe r e x te nsions
we re m a de to SDH to m a ke it m ore pa ck e t frie ndly.
Generic Framing Procedure (GFP): The ITU, ANSI, a nd IETF have spe cifie d sta nda rds for
tra nsporting va rious se rvice s such a s IP , ATM a nd Ethe rne t ove r SO NET/SDH ne tworks. GFP
is a protocol for e nca psulating pack e ts ove r SO NET/SDH ne tworks.
Virtual Concatenation (VCA T): Pa ck e ts in da ta tra ffic such a s P ack e t ove r SO NET (P O S) are
conca te na te d into large r SO NET / SDH pa yloads to tra nsport the m m ore e fficiently.
Link Capacity A djustment Scheme (LCA S): W hen custom e rs' nee ds for ca pa city cha nge ,
they wa nt the cha nge to occur without any disruption in the se rvice. LCAS a VC AT control
m echa nism , provides this ca pa bility.
The se sta nda rds ha ve he lpe d SDH / SO NET to a da pt to an IP or Ethe rnet packe t ba se d
world which was m issing in the origina l protocol sta ndards of the e arly 1990s.
Next Generation SDH (NG-SDH)
If a SO NET or SDH ne twork is deploye d with all the ex te nsions tha t m a k e it pack e t friendly
is de ployed it is com m only ca lle d a Next Generation SDH (NG-SDH). The dia gra m be low,
shows the diffe re nt a ge s of SDH concluding in the la te st ITU sta nda rds work ca lled T-MP LS
( I cove r T-MPLS in: PBT – PBB-TE or will it be T-MPLS?

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

Transport A ges (Picture credit: TPA CK)

Multiservice provisioning platform (MSPP)
Anothe r term in wide spre ad use with adva nced optical ne twork s is MSPP .
SO NET / SDH e quipm ent use wha t a re k nown a s add / drop multiplexers (A DMs) to insert
or e xtra ct da ta from a n optica l link . Te chnology im provem e nts e na ble d ADMs to include
cross-conne ct functionality to m a nage m ultiple fibre rings and DW DM in a single chassis.
The se new de vice s replace d m ultiple le ga cy ADMs a nd a lso a llow connections directly from
Etherne t LANs to a service provide r's optica l ba ck bone . This capa bility wa s a rea l bene fit to
Me tro ne twork s sitting be twee n e nte rprise LANs a nd long dista nce carrie rs.
The re a re m a ny va ria nt a cronym s in use a s the re a re equipm e nt ve ndors:

Multiservice provisioning platform (MSPP): include s SDH m ultiplex ing,

som etim e s with add-drop, plus Ethe rne t ports, som e tim e s packe t m ultiple xing
a nd switching, som e tim e s W DM.

Multiservice switching platform (MSSP): a n MSP P with a large ca pa city for TDM

Multiservice transport node (MSTN): a n MSPP with fe a ture -rich pack e t switching.

Multiservice access node (MSA N): a n MSP P de signe d for custom er a cce ss,
la rge ly via coppe r pa irs ca rrying Digita l-Subscribe r Line (DSL) se rvice s.

Optical edge device (OED): a n MSSP with no W DM functions.

This has be e n a n inte re sting post in tha t it ha s brought toge the r m a ny of the technologie s
and protocols discusse d in the previous posts, in pa rticula r SDH, Ethernet a nd MPLS a nd
joine d the m to optical ne tworks. It se e m stra nge to sa y on one ha nd tha t the m a in
justifica tion of deploying conve rge d Next Generation Networks (NGNs) ba se d on IP is to
sim plify e x isting ne twork s a nd he nce re duce costs, but the n conside r the com ple x ity and
ple thora of a cronym s a nd standa rds associated with tha t!

He rna nde z C aba lle ro India na M. CI: 15.242.745

Asigna tura : SC O
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Publicado por Estudiantes - en 22:54 0 comentarios

Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M


In a typical fiber optic network, the data signal is transmitted using single

light pulse at either 1310 nm or 1550 nm wavelengths. Historically, the way

to inc rease the capacity of a single fiber is to inc rease the bit rate of the

signal (1 Mbps to 10 Mbps to 100 Mbps). Throughout the last 30 years,

optic al systems have increased their c apac ity regularly, allowing for

bandwidth upgrades that outpac ed the growth in bandwidth demands.

Prim a rily driven by Ethe rne t and pa cke t-ba se d service s, the ne e d for ba ndwidth ha s
ex plode d. Even m id-size d network ope ra tors a re de m anding m ultiple 10 Gbps pipes to

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accom m oda te la rge incre ase s for growing and dive rse a pplica tions such a s surve illa nce ,
ITV, a nd da ta -ce nte r conne ctions. This growth re quire s tra nsport that is fle x ible and
scala ble
W ave length division m ultiple x ing (W DM) is now a cost-effe ctive , flex ible and sca la ble
te chnology for incre a sing ca pacity of a fibe r ne twork . W DM archite cture is ba sed a sim ple
conce pt – inste ad of tra nsm itting a single signa l on a single wave le ngth, tra nsm it m ultiple
signals, e a ch with a diffe re nt wa vele ngth. Each re m ains a sepa ra te da ta signa l, at a ny bit
ra te with any protocol, una ffecte d by othe r signal on the fibe r.

Wave Division Multiplexing

The re a re two type s of W DM: Coa rse a nd De nse W a ve length Division Multiple x ing (C W DM
and DW DM).
CWDM use s a wide spe ctrum a nd a ccom m oda te s e ight cha nne ls. This wide spa cing of
channels a llows for the use of m odera te ly price d optics, but lim its ca pa city. C W DM is
typica lly used for lowe r-cost, lower-ca pa city, shorter-dista nce applica tions where cost is the
pa ra m ount decision crite ria .
DWDM syste m s pa ck 16 or m ore cha nne ls into a na rrow spectrum window very nea r the
1550 nm loca l a tte nua tion m inim um . Decrea sing cha nne l spacing re quire s the use of
m ore pre cise a nd costly optics, but a llows for significa ntly m ore sca la bility. Typica l DW DM
system s provide 1-44 cha nne ls of ca pacity, with som e new system s, offe ring up to 80-160
channels. DW DM is typica lly use d whe re high ca pa city is ne e de d ove r a lim ite d fibe r
re source or whe re it is cost prohibitive to de ploy m ore fibe r.
As with m ost tra nsport syste m s, the re a re re quire m e nts to add a nd drop tra ffic a long ring
and ta pe re d ne twork s. W DM syste m s support two type s of a dd/drop Fixe d a nd
Re configura ble O ptica l Add/Drop Multiple x ers (FO ADM a nd RO ADM).
FOADMs are ba se d on sim ple static fibe rs tha t pe rm it a dd/drop of pre de fined wa vele ngths.
The se syste m s a re fully integra te d a nd m ana gea ble and provide a fine ba la nce of
fe atures and cost.
ROADMs add the a bility to re m ote ly switch tra ffic from a W DM system at the wave length
la ye r. W hile m ore e x pe nsive tha n FO ADMs, RO ADMs a re use d in a pplication whe re tra ffic
pa tterns are not fully k nown or cha nge fre que ntly.
The k e y fe a ture s a nd be nefits of W DM include :

Protocol and Bit Rate A gnostic – wa vele ngths ca n a cce pt virtua lly a ny se rvice s

Fiber Capacity Expansion – W DM a dds up to 160X ba ndwidth to a single fibe r

Hi Cap/Long Haul and Lo Cap/Short Haul A pplications – CW DM a nd DW DM

provide price pe rform ance for virtua lly a ny ne twork

Remotely Provisionable – R O ADMs provide the fle xibility to change with

cha nging ne twork re quire m e nts

WDM Network

Hernandez Caballero Indiana M. CI: 15.242.745

Asignatura: SCO

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18/03/2011 64 DWDM Technology - conocimiento…

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Etiquetas: 3 Hernandez Caballero Indiana M

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