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DNA Helpdesk version 2.

70 Database Structure

NetSupport DNA Helpdesk Database Structure

For Helpdesk version 2.70

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DNA Helpdesk version 2.70 Database Structure


Table : HD_ADUpdates 4
Table Structure 4

Table : HD_Audit_Trail 5
Table Structure 5

Table HD_Category 5
Table Structure 5

Table HD_Comp 6
Table Structure 6

Table HD_Contact 7
Table Structure 7

Table : HD_CustomDataAssign 8
Table Structure 8

Table HD_CustomDataLists 8
Table Structure 8

Table : HD_CustomDataSections 8
Table Structure 8

Table : HD_CustomDataTabs 9
Table Structure 9

Table HD_CustomFields 9
Table Structure 9

Table HD_DashReports 10
Table Structure 10

Table HD_Dept 10
Table Structure 10

Table : HD_Email_Extract_Rules 11
Table Structure 11

Table : HD_Email_Template 11
Table Structure 11

Table HD_Es_Action 12
Table Structure 12

Table HD_Es_Filter 12
Table Structure 12

Table HD_Es_FilterDetail 13
Table Structure 13

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Table HD_Es_Ticket 13
Table Structure 13

Table HD_Files 14
Table Structure 14

Table : HD_Hols 14
Table Structure 14

Table : HD_Lic 14
Table Structure 14

Table HD_Notify 15
Table Structure 15

Table HD_Notify_Recip 15
Table Structure 15

Table HD_Options 16
Table Structure 16

Table HD_Permissions 16
Table Structure 16

Table HD_Pref 17
Table Structure 17

Table HD_Priority 17
Table Structure 17

Table HD_ReportFolders 18
Table Structure 18

Table HD_ReportPermissions 18
Table Structure 18

Table HD_Reports 18
Table Structure 18

Table HD_Resolution 19
Table Structure 19

Table : SavedSearchAssign 19
Table Structure 19

Table : HD_SavedSearches 19
Table Structure 19

Table : HD_SavedSearchItems 20
Table Structure 20

Table HD_Solution 20
Table Structure 20

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Table : HD_Solution_Formated 20
Table Structure 20

Table : HD_SolutionFiles 21
Table Structure 21

Table HD_Status 21
Table Structure 21

Table HD_Ticket 22
Table Structure 22

Table HD_Ticket_detail 23
Table Structure 23

Table HD_TicketCustomData 23
Table Structure 23

Table HD_TicketFiles 23
Table Structure 23

Table : HD_WorkingHours 24
Table Structure 24

Table : HD_ADUpdates
This table holds the details of when each user in the Helpdesk Database was last updated by
the Active Directory sync service

Table Structure
Field Name Description
NTUserName This is the NT Username that relates to a user in the HD_Contact
LastUpdate This is the Date and Time of the last update
DontSync This is a flag to control whether the user details are updated to
match those defined in the Active Directory

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Table : HD_Audit_Trail
This table holds the Audit Trail details for each Ticket

Table Structure
Field Name Description
TicketId This is the ID for the ticket that relates to the HD_Ticket Table
TimeStamp This is the Date and Time of the event in the Audit Trail
FullName This is the Full Name of the user that initiated the event
Event This is the text of the event detail

Table HD_Category
Holds the list of Categories that helpdesk tickets can be raised against

Table Structure
Field Name Description
CategoryId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Parent This relates to a CategoryId in this table this enables the category
list to hierarchical.
CatDesc This is a Text description of the Category
Assignee This contains the ContactId of the person would be the assignee of
any tickets created by contact that belong to this Category
DeptAssignee This contains the DeptId of the Department that would be the
assignee of any tickets created by contact that belong to this
Active If a category is deleted but it is assigned to a ticket or a solution then
the category (ticket Type) is marked as inactive
0 – means that the Ticket Type is not active and is not displayed in
any lists
1- means the Ticket Type is active

SortOrder This is the User Defined Sort Order based on the CategoryId
DefaultPri This contains the Default Priority for tickets of this type and is used
when determining the priority for a new ticket
ParentList A comma separated list of the parents of this Type
FullCatDesc The Full description of the Type calculated from its parents

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Table HD_Comp
Holds the information relating to the companies that are configured in the system
By Default at installation only one company will be created

Table Structure
Field Name Description
CompId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
CompName This is the Name of the Company
DateCreated This is the date that this record was Created.
CompContact This contains a reference to a ContactId in Table HD_Contact that
relates to the main contact person for this company
PhoneNo This contains the Main Phone number for the company
PostalAddress This contains the Postal address of the company
Assignee This contains the ContactId of the person would be the assignee of
any tickets created by contact that belong to this company
DeptAssignee This contains the DeptId of the Department that would be the
assignee of any tickets created by contact that belong to this
Active Default value is 1
If the Company is deleted and the company contains departments
that are set to not active this is set to 0 and the company is no
longer displayed in the helpdesk, if there are not department in the
company then the record is deleted.
DefaultPri Reserved for future use

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Table HD_Contact
Contains Information about contacts

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ContactId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
FullName This is the Fullname of the contact
DeptId This is an integer that relates to a DeptId in HD_Dept that defines
the department and company that this contact belongs to.
EmailAddress This is the contacts Email Address
PhoneNo This is the contacts Phone Number
CellNo This is the contacts Mobile Phone Number
TechStaff This is a Tiny Int that defines whether or not this contact is a
member of Technical Staff responsible for managing Helpdesk
NTUserName This is an NT Username for integration with NT Security
Active Whether this user is a current user (ie tech staff that have left need
still need to be recored on the system for historic Tickets
Set to 0 for deleted users
Set to 1 for active users
Password An encypted Password
DateCreated The Date and time that this contact was created
LoggedOn This is set to 1 if the user is currently logged on to the helpdesk
LastUpdate This is a time stamp of the last time the logged on user requested a
web page and is used to detect when a user has logged off the
AllTickOpt This field only applies to Helpdesk Operators, when this is 1 the All
Tickets option is available on the menu to this user.
DefaultPri This contains the Default Priority set for the user and is used to
determine the priority of a new ticket

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Table : HD_CustomDataAssign
This table contains the details of which custom data fields are displayed on tickets dependant
on the selected contact and ticket type.

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ID This is a unquie identifier for the table
CustomFieldId This relates to the Id for a custom field definition in the
HD_CustomFields Table
DeptId This is the ID of a Department for a contact that the field will be
displayed for
CompId This is the ID of a Company for a contact that the field will be
displayed for
ContactId This is the ID of a contact for which the custom field will be
displayed for
CatId This is the ID of a Ticket Type that the field will be displayed for

Table HD_CustomDataLists
This table defines the list used for a combo type of custom field

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ListId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ListValue This is the value of the list entry

Table : HD_CustomDataSections
This table holds the definition of the sections that hold the custom data fields

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SectionId This is a unique identifier for the section
Title This is the text that is displayed in the title of the section
Saved This is a flag to say that the section is Saved an therefore displayed
to users of the helpdesk, during the design phase this flag is not set
SortOrder This is an integer that defines which order sections are displayed in
TabId This relates to a TabId in the HD_CustomDataTabs table and
defines which tab the section is contained in. If this is null then the
section is displayed on the main form of the Ticket

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Table : HD_CustomDataTabs
This table holds the definitions of the tabs for the custom data

Table Structure
Field Name Description
TabId This is a unique identifier for the tab
Title This is the text that is displayed on the tab
Saved This is a flag to say that the tab is Saved an therefore displayed to
users of the helpdesk, during the design phase this flag is not set
SortOrder This is an integer that defines which order tabs are displayed in

Table HD_CustomFields
Records the Customer Ticket Data created

Table Structure

Field Name Description

CustomFieldId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
CustomFieldName This is the Name of the Custom Field created
Field Type This is the Field Type of the Custom Field created such as Text Box,
Tick Box,
Mandatory Whether the Custom Data is Mandatory for the Ticket
CustomListId This is the Integer relates to the ListId in HD_CustomDataList
Numeric Whether the Custom Field Data will only contain Numeric data
OperatorOnly This Custom data field is only displayed to Helpdesk Operators
SectionId This is the Integer that relates to the SectionId in
DisplayCreate This Customer Field will be displayed on the New Ticket form
Display Edit This Customer Field will be displayed on the edit Ticket form
Saved When set to 0 the custom data field is only displayed in the
customer data editor,
When set to 1 the custom Data Field is available as defined by the
DisplayCreate and Display Edit fields
SortOrder This is the User Defined Sort Order based on the CustomFieldId
FileSize This is the maxium length of the fields data
HalfRow When set to 0 the field is displayed across the entire page
Default Value This is the Default Value of the Custom Field if Specified

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Table HD_DashReports
Holds a list of Quick reports to be displayed on the dashboard

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ReportId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Description A Description of the Report
SqlStatment The SQL Statement to run to produce the Table of information
FormatOptions Reserved for future use

Table HD_Dept
Holds the information relating to the Departments that are that are configured for each

Table Structure
Field Name Description
DeptId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
DeptName This is the name of the department
CompId This relates to a CompId in the table HD_Comp that defines the
company that this department belongs to.
Manager This contains a Integer that relates to a ContactId in the table
HD_Contact that defines the manager of this department.
InitialAssignee This is a integer that relates to a ContactId in HD_Contact that
defines the Initial assignee for Tickets assigned to this Department
TechDept This is a Tiny Int that defines whether or not this department is a
Technical department responsible for managing Helpdesk Tickets
Assignee This contains the ContactId of the person would be the assignee of
any tickets created by contact that belong to this Department
DeptAssignee This contains the DeptId of the Department that would be the
assignee of any tickets created by contact that belong to this
Active Default value is 1
When a Department is deleted if it contains users that have been
marked as not active this is set to 0 and the department is no longer
displayed in the helpdesk.
If there are no users in the department then the record is deleted
DefaultPri Reserved for future use
Parent The Parent Department
ParentList A comma separated list of the parents for this department
FullDeptName The Full name of the Department Calculated from the Parents

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Table : HD_Email_Extract_Rules
This table holds the definition for the incoming email rules

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ExtractID This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Description This is the description of the rule that is displayed in the helpdesk
SourceField This is the field of the email in which to search
DestField This is the destination field
ExtractOperator This is how to extract the data from the email
Data1 Value defined to extract data
Data2 Value defined to extract data
SortOrder This is an integer that defines which order the rules are processed in
CaseSensitive This is a flag to indicate if the extraction rule should be case
Enabled A flag to indicate if the rule is enabled

Table : HD_Email_Template
This table holds the templates for all the emails that are sent by the server these can be
notification or Escalation emails.

Table Structure
Field Name Description
TemplateId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
FromAddress This is the Email address that the email will be sent from.
Subject This is the Subject line of the email
Body This is the body of the email and may contain place holders for
Description A friendly name for the template
HTML This field denotes whether the Email is to be sent in HTML format
0 means that the Email is sent as plain text
1 means that the Email is sent as HTML

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Table HD_Es_Action
This table contains the list of defined Escalation Actions

Table Structure

Field Name Description

ActionId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ActionType This is an Integer that defines what action to take and will be one of
0 Increase the Priority of a Ticket
1 Send a Notification
NotifyId This is an integer that relates to an NotifyId from HD_Notify table
that defines the Notification rule to use
ActionData Reserved for future use
FilterId This relates to the FilterId in the HD_Es_Filter table
Description The Name of this action

Table HD_Es_Filter
This table contains the list of defined Escalations

Table Structure
Field Name Description
FilterId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
FilterDesc This is a text Description of the escalation
DateCreated This is a Date and Time when the Escalation was Created
Owner This is an integer that relates to a ContactId In the HD_Contact table
that defines the user that created this Escalation
Enabled 0 – this escalation will not be processed
1 – this escalation will be processed

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Table HD_Es_FilterDetail
This table contains the Criteria for an escalation
The combination of FieldName, Operator, Criteria should build a SQL where clause eg
FieldName DueDate
Operator <
Criteria Getdate()


Table Structure
Field Name Description
FilterDetailId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
FilterId This relates to the FilterId in the HD_Es_Filter table
FieldName This is a name of field from the HD field in the HD_Ticket table that
should be queried
Operatior This will be one of
0 =
1 >
2 <
3 Like
Criteria This is the criteria to match
ExecuteOrder This is the order in which the Criteria should be executed
JoinType Either a 0 or 1 and defines where to add a AND or OR to the end of
the criteria
Description The Name of this condition

Table HD_Es_Ticket
Records what escalations have been performed on a ticket

Table Structure
Field Name Description
FilterId This relates to the FilterId in the HD_Es_Filter table
TicketId This is an Integer that relates to a TicketId in HD_Ticket
DateStamp The date and time the escalation was performed

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Table HD_Files
Holds the list of all Uploaded files

Table Structure

Field Name Description

FileId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
FileName This is the Name of the Uploaded File
Folder This is the folder in which the file is installed
Description This is the Description of the Uploaded File
OperatorOnly Reserved for future use
UploadedAt This is the Date Time when the File was Uploaded
UploadedBy This is the ContactID of the Who Uploaded the File
FileSize This is the File Size of the Uploaded File in Bytes

Table : HD_Hols
This table holds the details of the Holidays that are defined for the Helpdesk, these holidays are
used for the escalation and due date calculations

Table Structure
Field Name Description
ID This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
StartDate This is the Start Date of the holiday
EndDate This is the End Date of the holiday
Description This is the text description of the holiday

Table : HD_Lic
This table holds the license details for the Helpdesk

Table Structure
Field Name Description
CompanyName This is the Company Name defined for the license
SerialNo This is the serial number defined for the license
LicCode This is the authorisation code for the license

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Table HD_Notify
Holds a list of Notification rules

Table Structure
Field Name Description
NotifyId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Condition This is an integer that defines when this notification rule is run
1 – Ticket Created
2 – Ticket Status Changed
4 – Ticket Priority Changed
8 – Ticket reassigned
16 – Due Date Changed
32 – Ticket Updated
64 – Ticket Closed
128 – Ticket Escalated

TemplateId This is an integer that relates to an EmailTemplateId from

HD_Email_Template that defines the template to use when sending
an Email
Enabled If set to 1 then this rule is processed
If set to 0 then this rule is not processed
Description A description of this rule

Table HD_Notify_Recip
Defines which persons a notification is sent to

Table Structure
Field Name Description
RecipId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
NotifyId This is an Integer that relates to a NotifyId in HD_Notify
RecipType This is an integer that defines who to send the email to
1- The contact for the Ticket
2- The Contact for a tickets manager
3- The Assignee for the ticket
4- The manager of the Assignee for a ticket
5- The Creator of a ticket
6- The manager of the Creator of a ticket
7- The Default company contact for the Company that the
Contact for a ticket belongs to
8- a specific email address
EmailAddress If the RecipType is 8 then this field will contain the specific email
ContactId Reserved for future use
AddressType Defines whether the recipient is a TO, CC or BCC addressee
1 - TO addressee
2 – CC Addressee
3 – BCC Addresee

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Table HD_Options
Records what escalations have been performed on a ticket

Table Structure
Field Name Description
OptionName The Name of the Option
sValue If the Option is a varchar this contains the value of the Option
iValue If the Option is a Integer this contains the value of the Option
sValue If the Option is a Text this contains the value of the Option

Table HD_Permissions
Holds the User Preferences for the default, Company, Department or Contact

Table Structure
Field Name Description
Id This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Permission This is an integer that relates to one of the permission constants that
defines the permission that this record grants or denies

ContactId This is the ContactId of the contact for which this record holds a
permission, this may be null is this record defines a permission for a
Department, Company or a Default premission.
DeptId This is the DeptId of the Department for which this record holds a
permission, this may be null is this record defines a permission for a
Contact, Company or a Default permission
CompId This is the CompId of the Company for which this record holds a
permission, this may be null is this record defines a permission for a
Contact, Department or a Default Permission
DenyPermission This is an integer if set to 1 then the Permission is denied else the
permission is granted

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Table HD_Pref
Holds the User Preferences for the default, Company, Department or Contact

Table Structure

Field Name Description

PrefId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ContactId This is the ContactId of the contact for which this record holds the
preferences, this may be null is this record defines preferences for a
Department, Company or the Default Preferences.
DeptId This is the DeptId of the Department for which this record holds the
preferences, this may be null is this record defines preferences for a
Contact, Company or the Default Preferences
CompId This is the CompId of the Company for which this record holds the
preferences, this may be null is this record defines preferences for a
Contact, Department or the Default Preferences
DateFormat This is the date format that this preference defines for the displaying
and inputting of dates
StartPage This holds the name of the default startpage for a contact with this
TicketList This lists the fields to be displayed in the ticket list
DisplayFilters 0 – the filters are not displayed on the ticket list
1 – the filters are displayed on the ticket list

ConmfirmMsg 0 – when a user closed a page without saving changes then a

prompt is not displayed
1 – when a user closed a page without saving changes then a
prompt is displayed
TicketlistRefesh The Time between automatic refreshes of ticket lists

Table HD_Priority
This table holds the details of the defined priority levels for the Helpdesk implementation

Table Structure

Field Name Description

PriId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
PriLevel This is the Level of the priority i.e. 0 is the most urgent
PriDesc This is a text description on the priority level e.g. Critical, Urgent,
High etc
PriImage This is the filename of the image to display for this priority

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Table HD_ReportFolders
Records what Folders exist and where the Reports are Located

Table Structure

Field Name Description

FolderId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
Name This is the Name of the Folder
Parent This relates to the FolderId in this table this enables the Folder list to
be hierarchical.
DateStamp This is the Date Stamp of when the Folder was Created

Table HD_ReportPermissions
Which Reports the Users have access to view

Table Structure

Field Name Description

ReportPermID This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ContactId This is the Integer that relates to the ContactId in HD_Contact
DeptId This is the Integer that relates to the DeptId in HD_Dept
CompId This is the Integer that relates to the CompId in HD_Comp
DenyAccess When set to 1 Access is explicitly denyed for the contact department
or company
FolderId This is the Integer that relates to the FolderID in HD_ReportFolders

Table HD_Reports
What reports are available

Table Structure

Field Name Description

ReportId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ReportFileName This is the filename of the RPT file
SQLStatment This is a SQL statement that defines the Record source for the
Description This is the Report Description, which is defined when you upload a
FolderID This is the Integer that relates to the FolderID in HD_ReportFolders

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Table HD_Resolution
Contains the Resolution codes for tickets

Table Structure

Field Name Description

ResCodeId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
ResCodeDesc This is a Text description of the Resolution
SortOrder This Defines the Order that the Resolutions are displayed in Lists

Table : SavedSearchAssign
This table stores the details of saved searches that are assigned to users

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SearchAssignId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
SearchId This is the SearchId that relates to data in the HD_SavedSearches
ContactId This is the Integer that relates to the ContactId in HD_Contact
DeptId This is the Integer that relates to the DeptId in HD_Dept
CompId This is the Integer that relates to the CompId in HD_Comp

Table : HD_SavedSearches
This table defines the details of a saved search

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SearchId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
SearchName This is the Name of the saved search
FieldList This is a comma separated list of the fields displayed in the search
WhereClause This is the Where clause for the search
Menu This is a flag that determines if the search is displayed on the menu
Owner This relates to a ContactId in the HD_Contact table and is the user
that created the search
sortOrder This is an integer that defines which order searches are displayed in

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Table : HD_SavedSearchItems
This table is used to store the Criteria for a saved search

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SearchCriteriaId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
SearchId This is the SearchId that relates to data in the HD_SavedSearches
OptionValue Value of the search Criteria
OptionText The text displayed in the User interface for this item
SortOrder This is an integer that defines which order search criteria items are
displayed in

Table HD_Solution
Holds solutions to Problems

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SolutionId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
CategoryId This relates to a CategoryId in the table HD_Category table that
defines the category of this problem
SolutionText A Text description of the solution
Creator This hold the ContactId of the Contact that Created this solution
DateCreated This holds the date and time that this solution was created
Active If the Solution is deleted but is is associated with a ticket the solution
is marked as inactive and is not displayed in any lists.
0 – means that this solution is deleted
1 – means the Solution is active
Published A Flag to indicate if this solution is published
PublishDate The Date and time that the solution was published
PublishedBy The Full name of the user that published the solution

Table : HD_Solution_Formated
This table contains the HTML Text of the solution

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SolutionId This relates to the SolutionId in the HD_Solution Table
SolutionHTML This is the formatted HTML of the solution Text

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Table : HD_SolutionFiles
This table defines the files that are attached to a solution

Table Structure
Field Name Description
SolutionId This relates to the SolutionId in the HD_Solution Table
FileId This is the Integer that relates to the FileId in HD_Files

Table HD_Status
Holds the list of statuses that a Helpdesk Ticket can be assigned

Table Structure
Field Name Description
StatusId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
StatusDesc This is a Text description of the Status
SortOrder This Defines the Order that the statuses are displayed in Lists
Closed 0 – this status is not a closed status
1 – this status is a closed status

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Table HD_Ticket
This table contains the information about each Ticket

Table Structure

Field Name Description

TicketId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer and is used
as the Ticket ID
DateCreated This is the date and Time that the Ticket was Created
DateClosed This is the date and time that the Ticket was Closed
DueDate This is the date that the Contact that logged the ticket entered as the
due date.
LastModified This is the date and time that this Ticket was last saved or Updated.
StatusChange This is the date and time that the Ticket last had a change of status.
PriChange This is the date and time that the Ticket last had a change of Priority
ContactId This is an Integer that relates to a ContactId in HD_Contact that is
the contact for the Ticket
PriId This is an Integer that relates to a PriId in the HD_Priority Table that
defines the priority of this problem.
StatusId This is an integer that relates to a StatusId in the HD_Status Table
that Defines the Current Status of the ticket.
Assignee This is an integer that relates to a ContactId in the HD_Contact
Table that defines the contact that this ticket is assigned to
Creator This is an integer that relates to a ContactId in the HD_Contact
Table that defines the contact that Created this Ticket.
DeviceId The ID from the DNA PC table of the device that this ticket relates to
Solution This is an Integer that relates to a SolutionId in the table
HD_Solution that defines the solution for this Ticket
CategoryId This relates to a CategoryId in the table HD_Category table that
defines the category of this problem
ArchiveDate This is the date that this Ticket was Archived.
Description This is the original description of the problem as entered when
creating the Ticket
Summary This is the Summary field on a ticket
ResCode This Relates to a ResCodeId in the HD_Resolutions Table and
defines the resolution code for a closed ticket
IPAddress This is the IP Address used for Remote Control when there is no
DNA Integration set

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Table HD_Ticket_detail
Hold the detail of the Helpdesk Ticket

Table Structure

Field Name Description

DetailId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
TicketId This is an Integer that relates to a TicketId in HD_Ticket
DetailType This is an integer that defines the Type of Detail record and should
be one of
0 Web Update by Tech Staff
1 Web Update by Contact
2.Telephone Update from Tech Staff
3 Telephone Update by Contact
4 Email Update form Tech Staff
5 Email Update from Contact
DetailText This is a text field that contains the detail
TimeStamp This is the date and time that this Detail was added
Updater This is an integer that relates to a contacted in HD_Contact that
defines the person adding this update
TimeTaken This is the Amount of time entered when then note was added to the

Table HD_TicketCustomData
Records what Custom Ticket Data based on TicketId

Table Structure
Field Name Description
TicketId This is the Integer that relates to the TicketId in HD_Ticket
CustomFieldId This is the primary key and is an auto numbering integer
TextValue This is the value of the field if the field is a textarea
StringValue This is the Value of the field if the field type is not a textarea

Table HD_TicketFiles
Holds the list of Uploaded files based on TicketId

Table Structure
Field Name Description
TicketId This is the Integer that relates to the TicketId in HD_Ticket
FileId This is the Integer that relates to the Field in HD_Files

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DNA Helpdesk version 2.70 Database Structure
Table : HD_WorkingHours
This table contains the details of the defined working ours for the helpdesk

Table Structure
Field Name Description
Dayofweek An integer defining the day of the week
StartTime The working hours start time
EndTime The working hours end time

Andy Gibbons Page 24 of 24 11/03/2008

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