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-trunu, the LUF\'l' ot rhc hml~" rrvcr-c-, .n rhv rip-, 1- k·g.ll1r und IIghr. rhl'~ .HL· 111.1<"ILTrll:LI:" ot l'Ilg_IIWatng.


ru r , prndUd'. lit .11) .IJl~tLJIt .. r.i tr

h,i-, nme .llld .iu.un, Lh.mgL'd rhl: ~'nlll'''': of hi,n'r~.

1 ike 1III'I'IHLlln,. the LLllllro'ltl rec urv ecl bOIl

II .1' rh~· culrnm.inon (If .1 Inl1':': rt~hlhll()1!II,_<d l'\ oluuon.

H urnan-, h.ld been hunting .1IlJ \\ a rruu; II nil '1111 pk 1\ oodcn hll\\' tllr mono: than ill.ll()1 J

~ l',lh when, about till' third nullcnniu rn I'l , bllwYl'r, trum

,\ 1t;'!lrtlt.l!lli,l til [.11',111 InJl" pendcnrl. hq':.1[1 rxpcrtmenruu; w rth II .1~' til ~'llh.lIlLl' rhcrr bowv' -pr: !l)!lt1g action hv mrruJ lI;.;ill~ orhcr rn.ircria I : ThL~ .ipphed horn HI rhe ~IJe (It the hO\\ f J..:tnf! the .irvhcr, rhe >"ILk· in dllllrrt',,~illl1 \\ hell rhc I~('II I, drawn, .111J rhn .1pphLLI "'1I1l'W ro the ourw.ird ,jJL·.

In, h Ott

Herve Archery Fe~tl\a (I , •• ) rr ~or Dodge Iowa WII le OttOIT ,iI r svalr,

"hI> ~ tal9"wcl i! g i d on on 0 a pol tndav s 'POll 51'100\ I ~ l'~!' bw'l~· e e pa terns s [ rt var ous d,stan, \ I' ,\ as Ottoman bOWYNS whose cchnol ogy gil p Suln" Sel ", 'recur. _d cornpos.t .. bo· .... 111 17gB v« h ...... ru h

th ultan Illm~ t shot ,11 nttow

SSS 30 meters f963 vds] a drs .Jnc!' r"cord that rr oder n compos e bows hi"~ y"'t to ~pprogth

II h Il'll I~ III rt'l1~h m, III rhc rn Ill.'~', tlw~ r~·J\I .. e:d the \\ llllLk'1l l lcrncnr II rhc [lll\\ [0 .1 ..,11111 lOrl' \\ h. '''L ,,,IL' rill,' \\.h til L·t'p rh ... '11l~'\\ ,lIlJ rh,' horn .1 liunvd.

1111..' nevr Jt', el'Ir'Illl'llt \\,1" the JI"';'l\'~ I'~' rh.u, h\ rr.11t1111i.; tlil' rlr" IIf rhe h,)\\ .... lrml», til curv l' f(If"\\,lrd. In r1w !lPr'[1~I[~' d I rl·J.:I1( >I' ot the dr,lI\,-tht' "recurv c" ilj the rccurvcd dl"lgn-hL rrh !IlL' P()\\ LT .llhl the .1~UIr.k~ of rh\.' ],0\\ ~ilul...l hl'

mcrc.i-cd vul I mun , rhouuh .rr rill' l("[ III' m.ik im; it h.udcr til Jr.1\\. \l1J over rhl.' IIk!1t rhe' hl1\\', \' I[ ~r"dll.lll~ h"r u- "r"nllg .u nun , he h'1\\ \ L'r, t"ltnJ rh.rr rL,hl',1 ri Ilg H~ 11111 h"

,111.1 ~l'lltl~ H·~rllrll1).: 1T~ () 1'Ij.!111 ,I I curve .11" I Ft',rornl Ir~ !lrl,~lll,d 1'11\\ ur,

\ -, 1.1\ 11111~-,[,'11I.hl1g prvhreu, .. ~' tor the h 1\\' ll\ cr the ,\~ I ml, 111.1~ " .111,1 uth, I" \\~',lrlilh ".I\llf·~·J hI luropc.mur dlnHI1!h rh~' I ~[h cvnrurv I~ .:n:JltI.'J \1 rrh hdl'ln~ ,h,IJ'll" .uul r~',h.,pL' rhl' 1',11111\.',11 (II the ()IJ \\odd, III 'i4r, m . l' .tn.her ... III rr v, unr

I ~ ,j1.111 Jl1lll1ilft'l,ll.llh,·r, .1l1J, 111 lvmlc-

• 11.,\,1111'01 g.lhl 111.ll.lIh, l,)!~ pn.m-, "lIJ (,n:l'J,." [hl'~ Cirl"l1 pre\ .llkd (lIlT rh~· Orrll"ltllll1\ 1Il~.111[1"\. ,\llId, 1.1[~·I', III ,\ I.trnuu-, C:IJI1~ltd hl'l\\l'l:l1 rhr Rom.11l .11'1111 ,111..1 rl1l' l', in (,4 Ill, I

II .t~ w nulir.i n 11I"tPri,11l I , ("

f le.irh ,-,11k..! "rhv 111..'\ c·r-t.lIlirl': qUI' vr ' d'W,1 rrcd thl ~',l'[\\ ,HJ .nl I .Hl~l' Ilf rhc 1{1I1ll.lil FJ11I,irl'. It W,I" nur rh.rr tlw, i~lI(lrL',-1 ,uc:ht.'r\ -rliL I' -.11111'''

1)( J\\ [11\1 'I '--,

\"[)I'fll rl~

II' [p rh, ,ll"r(I\\. RlI'fL 111. rill hL'!" I "I 111'111\\ 'I'~ Illh-\.IIHL1r> 1\'1'1,111 ll'k rill ,1.,d'II,/IIl,1 no".k, II "-III'..!, , rhuhrcr.i h lI','" 11,1111.11 i'r".Hh [II ,h"~11 hi .. C11l·111\ I hrll~ll!h rhl' he.u r.

111 1-1.1111. lOll, till' h, '\1 h. tid ... 1 'r,'LI,11 pl,,~l'. II I' ril,' \\ ,'.11'011 [he \r~'h,ll1gt I (, rbru-l h,lIhlt'd dll\\ 11 r. ~ \,1.1111. [I". IlIll (Iod 1.111111l1.lIltivd rill' l'rophcr \ luh .un rn u-i . \Olll, 411 I'.hlll/' "rr.uhru.n-." .,1' rni Irtit'd ,.\~- 111;':" Ilhl ,r"riL' .1hlllJ[ rht: Iln11,hl't r"~u,, \HI ,1I'~hl'l \ .'1' I H .11 fLI -rrenctlu-n hllth l'lll~ .111\1 "1'Ll!. .lnc! \\ htit ""'!ll, h.ldlrh ~'lh_llllr,l~t' utterprct.mou-, ,)lIlLr .. kd In lilt c-r.ibhvhI11L1H III H~I1l'r~ rn-rruc non h rlllld,l 11h'J1[,,J tIl rhl '11..11 tltllL"", III I 'i 1;; rlic t )1111111.111 ruler \ l.ihmud u h"rh .1'1'l'"I~ III 111111 I \1 hc n he LII111111.1Ilcll'l1 lih ul\J1'[i.r ~"111 til -vt dp\\11 111 w ruuu; !II .iv.ul tI'k' Illhll'll1.Hillil ,lhulI; .11 .... h,·r\ . I k \\.1' ,Ij.illg 1111 .. , he ,lllI1111111~<.:d, " .. " un.], r 111\ r()~ ,II P,ll rnn.tu« 1111\ I,," 111.11 .1""llIlr, Lillllph'll' kill 1\\ k',I~, "r

rln ~IJIII/,llrhl' "\,lll1rk!j't rill' l'rophct , .ind h\ ddl!.!.L'nLl "I))il,' [II 1'''''''''''' the ,Il'!.!.rll" l)t hilI h \\ or ldv."

~11i1"'I,krl'd it 111 ,I.'l.llI1J.lf\ IIlII',II'Lllll:C ,1111-1 thu-, ('ll1.'d til I'LrtL-d ,lr,h~l'\ ~qlllr'- 111<'11 r I Ir r.1LtI'-~. r he I\~ 1,ln11l1~·". ,'n rhc orlu-r lund, \ .1Iu,'d, .1IlJ rhrIud ~l1rnl'lhIl1l! to ,hi \\ trh till' r;ld eh.rr H, 1.IIHILIT1l (ludl\ ",I 11K RI11l1,111 1.,ll1rlrt' h\ ahuur 11111(1 ~l'.lr ... , \\111..11 It ... 1.111 IWg,l1l w irh rill' b.irrlv III ,\l.II.I/!.III'[ III Ill-I. I[ \\.h [(I rlil' "d\lIk lurk .. , \\ h'l IwrL' true 111.hll'r .. Ilf till' h •• \\,

h LT~ Imrtlrj,,;,ll \\ urk 1111 ,I n, I1t r~ ~r~·,lk ... pI till' 1q.:'l'mI.H\ 1\'r'l,ll1 .irvhcr ",i id I'll 11.11,' -h. I[ .111 .1 rrt ,\\ dlrlll1l!.h ,I rll c-ccnnnu-tvr :.' rlu kl1l.'"'' or "r,l"". ,lilt! Ilf l )rrlll1l.1n \,·11111 III \\ 1,[1,

t11 1-:-;:-', rwr"ol1,1rh 'oL't .1 .. [til un-ur r,h'l',1 .. Ii r.1I11.-\.. n:u 11'.1 ,iI' ,\~1'-.SII merer-. til' 'lhJ \.Ird,-f.urlll'f till' IW"'I m..dcrn hll\\ ,hI HIt. In [irvr.rlure, the hoI\' "l'L.1I1h' """LI,1[~'d \1 nil I!Fl,H htl'lIl'" .1" ,l \ irtu.rl vvtvu-iun lIt 1111..'Ir hI 1(.1 11."-.\11 I,k.) I, ru ir III 1,ILt t.irtcrvhcd. ,111,', rhl' archer, In J r;1\\ 111~ rlu ho\\, rr.tuvlcr ... l'rH:J'),\1 trill" 111' hlld~ int« [h,· hlKh 11t rlh' hll\\, "hen' It I' ... ("rcd until hl rt,le.l"l'"

~..- '1 impl« botcs ("sl!lf-bnr.I'$"! ,11',' Wh,H I1Hhr r~'()I'Il' rl\lnk lIf \\ 11"'11 rhl'\ rhrn], ,)1 bow,,>. '-,llnH: ;1l,(lt)11 ro 411,1 illil ~'l',lr~ .1)!II,· h II, rook u vtn Ji qf wuud .lIltl [ll,d I[~ l'lllb touerlu-r \\·nh .1 r.iur .. tri,,~ [p .. rl,11t: till' t'i r-r \\L'.I PI 111 \,;lluld ~t"rL' l'llngy, Tlu rn.'1111w I~ "I mplc: l h,' un her f'iilb h.\I . .k on rhc 'frill).!. dr,,\\'mg the hll\\' ['I ,I <m.rllcr r.tdius curve. \,\'11"11 rhe archer lct-, ~II lit rho: -uiuu. rhc l'l1er)!~ ~tnrt'd ITl the htl\\', to rhv arrow, l,hflllg I[ ~ihtt'F ;ll1d t,HIlll'r rh.m [he ,1rLiwr\ h.111J '-lIulJ rhro« 1[,

LOIlgbult's .lrL· m.i .. k ut' ont' 01' 111' 'fe Plt'Ci;.·' ot \\'nnd-r) PIcall. ) t'\\', O'i,l}.\l" or hlac]; \\,;llnm-.Inc.i thl'~ .1rL' .I~ rull or r.rller rh.m the archer, Ill' ,rnlllgl',r .Irt' r"\\l"ftull'nl1u)!h ro "hlll)( ,1Il .1 rrll\' rh rtlLlg,h ;1 pl.ue of armor .ir J(,,) rnerer-, 1400 ~ d~ I. though their rnurv r}pil·,11 r.ingc i-, .11")111 h.lli th,ir. T" ... IW!1( ,1 Innghow wrrh .K(lIr"I.~ require-, gre.u ~ktil .111..1 vrrcnurh. l-,,...~ [P reload, tlw I(lngbo\\' \\.1" reputedl. Robm I in.,J\ \\I.',lPIII1 ,'~ hl' ro.uncd Sbl'l'\\ IHld F(lrt:~f in tile' 12.1)1)\. ,lT1d ir 1.1IL'r dOIllin.Ut:d rh,' h,urldid~l ... ot IhmhL'rn Furor" from I HIt! rtl I ~O(), ~l'l'JH~d .11111In~ orlwr thint!~ wilh ,1',Urtllg \ i..:wr; [0 rhl..'


Bmi~h .I!!.lJn~r rilL' hl'l1..:h in I ~-t(, ,J[ rh~' Itmlt' (Ii l rl.·":~ ,lml ,1g.1111 111 1-11'1 .n \~lIkollrt. The di"ld, .1Ilt,l)!C 01 .1 IIl11Ch(l\\ "th,H If .. 'lit' n:quirl" rhl,;' ,Ir~hu ht' 1'1111111[: lt I, ,11t11l1"r illlpl1"lhl,' (0 ,h'l!l~ ,I 1(}I1~h'l\\ \\ hilt· l'Idill~ .1 hlll"~~',

COlJltJOsile holl'~ ,Ire [, ri~~III\ 1ll.1Jl "f \\IH,d, horn .1Ild

I II 11 !l.l,llrh 'I1l'Llrl~.III\ mcntu In rlll' .\r,lh b!II\. \.!lJ11IlHIf1I~ mrcrprcrcd ,1, rdnrill~ ro ,I ~1)1l11~n,m: 111m-though ,,1[11~' ~ch"hr' 1ll'lit;\l' rh.u rill' ~';lrlil',t \ILI,111l1 \\.lrfl"r~ troru rhc .\r.,I'I.ll1 Peninsul.i thnl '1l11pk h'l\\~ unnl rl1l'1 J!..lill~·d the k now-how ro c onvrrucr "olnrn~i[L'" from ..::nlh.ILlL·n:LI 1,1ll~1, 'lILh .1' "'yri,l. .lndl'l'd. ,l how ,,;nri~rJl'I'l'd tfl 11,1\ L' l'L·lnngl.'d [0 \'[Llh.lmlll.ld, 1101\ In hul', r f Ipk.\Pi ). lL h!:11 111. i, l1l,h_L: nt h,l111 h<l(l. ;":L'\ l'nllL'Il'~". hy the nrnc Ih .. hndrrh wen: \.od I fi~·d in rhc I.:igh rh ccnturv, the how uvccl hy xlu-hm-, had Inng be .. 11 rhe C( 'n'l [","'>1 rc he IW. in II'hi,_h the wOrld wa~ ~.1ld r() corrcvpond [(I hone. thl.· horn ro fl .. vh, the .. i ril'W~ til arrcne-, .ind the ),4lu, 1(1 hlood.

,Ju,t J.' each of these n-xue-, piety,

,I, ..:liff~·rt'nr nlk· In the leI flrklllg.' of rhe 1'(H.h. e.ich ut rhc bow's clcmcnr-, has a ~lIni'larl~ "peLifi" lunctiun, "The -mew r,lkl'~ the tcnvu-n," Sm'orn} cvpl.unv, "Th ... hurn on the hdl~ r.lh',> rill' ~om- 1""''';"lon, .ind in rhl.:' middle. rhe \\ nod t,lkL''> rhc vhcur \[re\\. Ir\ .1 \lIl1pk rr~·!111\1.·, lour If ~mL LJ, -n't g~'l the der.ulv nghr," he w.irns. "~'1)1I'1I have prtl~- 1~1l1~." .-\ itt'r .ill. \\ IWIl dra \\ n, rhe hendIn!! I~orrlllll' i it rhc hll\\ hl.:',1r \IIIlW ,-.:; kdrJ!!r.Hn" Id rrl·.., ... urc per '· 1.. .. '11· nmeter l,2-lIJtJ Jh/~q rn), If th •. • h~·I1~ ~";1!1- T11l[ ,1.111J rhc CIJtl1rrl""IIIn. LI hu..:kll'" .111..1 i~' the h.u.k ul tilt' hll" I..WIlII!

rlw 'r1\·[,h. ir pLlII, .ip.rrr. ... \ r nr-r." ;-"'l\'{l['I1~ lorrk""L'" "1111 I'r I if rill' hll\\', I rn.ule "rlllL'."

1" .• 11'1 v hu\\ ~ a, 1111 J, HI br '·'rLTi,·nL'L·J ';LmilcH t.ulurc-, II, ,hl' ,k\,dl)PI1"'11[ nt rccurvcd corn po ,I[(,' dl.''>lgn'' hu r rh.l n b

[; I rr.1llt: i r1 [",C,ll-l'tl rill' .\lid th~' c.ipture ot

\\ L',l po 11<, 111 W~HI irnc, rCl'hlloh1f!,:- w.iv r.l["',dl~· J i ffLI'l.:d ." bn\\ ~ cr ... over wide .Hea" influCI1Lt'J e.rch other, "The cultural L',,,;-h,lnf-\l- W.1~

i ncredi hie," :-.; ovotny ,;1 ~" \\ irh cnchuvr.ivm.

.. We h.i \'L' an rde.t (I r Wh,l t a rypi'_;;11 nm\

,_ Srav n url\-'rung I"

I..~ s ~h~ep IIOff' en_ red ,,,,ll lwl1ld" 2, D.;.tdll of [h;;- gr ~, -I r!i'pl (0 01

Tw,lsl or'1p05110 1'0.', 3.-5. DBt~ $ of 10th.

cern I~ TLJrk 511 COmpD~I[e bOW5 IlMde of ".'ood hO'n lnd ~IfWW (01 f' (j with

I, ather 'lei P~"'! d

.. lm:JJ,d animal .. incw, I hl"> can 1':1\.l rlu, vamc rll\\L'" ,1' ~1 IClllgho\\' bur in.l sm.illcr, li~htl.'r form u,,\hlc I'll' ,\ mounted .rrchcr,

Recur: -ed composite bou-s .1 re rill" Illfhl powerful, 1.:11111- r.t ... r lk~r)!rl knuw n. The rvcurv c rckr' fll rhc [1]1~ curve inn\.1 rd. in rill' J irl-dil m (If rhl' "hnt. F;Kh 1:1 n:rri! 1T1 I'lt rhr r~'~'lIn L'd ,-oll1p\l~iIl' "L''''I~I1-Pcr'';l.ln. Tnrkl~h. InJI.111 ur

\'lnJl!-'.ill~-'\(d, 111 .1 p.irticul.: r .ina: I flt' I'l'N,11l how, fnr rx.trnp]c .. rr.r.h« dJ'I.1IlL" till' I"ln\\ er: Ih~ lllrkl~h htl\\' ',1~ n fK t·, ,11.-~·LLr,1,~ ((If eli .. r,ln~l·. "nl1W rl'l..Lirlnl .. "mpll,>m· hq\\ '> U'l' ocher m.urnal .. : The (_ hlll~"L' h( 1\\', for l·\:.1111 ["'It .. I .. 111,1J ... \\ r rh .1 h,l111- h,(, Lltr~' cuvcrvd wirh vtrip-, "t' ~"Ull~ h.Hn]'"IIII!1 rill' ".11.~ (Ill· or '>11l~'wl ,I I III JriL·d.\iIJ 1>,1 I IIhoo nil the hL'I1~.

Crossbou« ;11'1.' 111IHJ1ltl'd 111 .l llH't.ll ~ran\l' l'qlll["'r~'d With ,\ Cr'.lllk. whu.h ,L!r\~'" rill'

CrO~~'51i'(tlom oj ccmposue Til k sl) bows sf ow the 1.1) ermg 01 mmerrcts All I I I~t ;}

IIOIl bl· ... cf on ~Il A~~\ nan r"II.,f ~ll0"\~ om' 1T10'(110d of;t 11'9,n9 "~C\Jr\t~·d bov, !dsh thn urua I.,. rE'q.,J r

rw p- opt. n ! I It d Or a rilly d. ~ 9n ·d f rrn n \h- 'Jor~ h p


.1fLhl'r.l rncch.irucul .llj\ .111· t.l!;!!.' 111 .Jr,l\\ illg the I~(I\\.'. Ilwu).:.h I I ~11Pl)r., 1\ uh j.:r"L',ll ~11l" er .uul .1<., lIr;lL~. iI', Inl1~ ., rdpaJi 11).\ rune" made If mort' uwtul in "1I:ge~ ih.m

ill h.irtlc«. ( 1'Ii",hn\\" 1\~'rL' JC\,d.lrl.:'ll .1nJ u,,,J In lurupc m the II th Il' I ;;th CC11lur)'. .ind l urnpr.inv .lh" lk'rlo:L'J rhern ill t hc \liddle r;1"[ durrng rhe l rus.ulc-,

Ir,'1l1 l',l .. h cultur .. hl(lk~'d hkc , hur .ir rhL '.lJl1l· IIIIW. there U'ldd h, .1I1~

v an.mon III IKf\H'~·n."

\\ 1111.· I'LT'I.lIh. 1'.lrrh'.lIh, Iurk-, :Xlol1~"k :-'Iu~h.ll~ .II1J O(hl'f, .111 11ll-!1l1 ~ Jel'l'inp~'d rr.ultnouv. rl111~r .1rLIH'r~ r!ld.l~ l"IIi'IJer Turk ivh how, ot t1w I.Ht' I -Ot)'.; .md I HOI r~ IfJ he Ill ... hi~i1-\\ .uer rn.irk 01 rhe Ullilpctv

m"l'1" rhl' 1.[ ... [ In,.lde I.!.r,ldl1,lll~ g,IH' lip /.,:1,1" In Ju,.Ir. .. .irc h 1I11"l'l t tull-nrnc t, I r~''''~·.lI\, hlllg .1 nJ 111,' k IIlg hnw .. rrntl'''~I(II,.,II~. I k bl'~,lIl bv n:.ltlillg ,1 hnllk

un :\,II-rh Arncnc.ui I "II~ .iud, hciru; ,111 ;1\ Id horxem.u: hunwlt, mcd hl~ h,\II\.1 .ir Ilh,kll1~ dw , ... hurt horn-and-vinew bow .. Pi.lin., lmli.iu mhl''> lhl.'..J lor hunriru; hlltt'alu, .. But ;1 h\.l~'" 111 the b.ick (It my

I" fOri Dod,]!!. ~ r oUf1g archer draws his t,o~~ wl"tp ~Illlng on a "s teel horse hal ~Imulate-~ the c~'H1 "ngp of shooting l'Onl Lhu ~~ddl fOf nOVI[I;~, Th~ 14th-cenlurv author of fH~nrldl Ar(h .:. for 8f'9Inn€'n wrote of yOLIng MamllJ~ archer .. , A~ rl!gard5 llu! Qu.llltlPS 0 the

ncvtc= tho found nrIon~ upon willet> they dl rest are hunuhtv he annq att!!n!ivel~ and

obi InCJ!1 lOt ',h ch I~ pte asmq to God A 1T1lg"~) -ll"Id HI~ [\IIe~ .. enqer

m- hO\I, Aru-r rhar rim!', firearm .. Iwgan ro .. · thr h.mldil'l...l. fl'l\ vr ,1 nJ It'll cr pl'Ork' h.1I.1 tunc for .irchcrv .1~ ~I'(lrr •. rrul till' h(l\\ I'cr\ .irt declined,

.. ['hnl' \1 crt' prubu hi ~ J Il'\\ J1~'"rlc .lIi\~· \\ h'l klll:\\ hI 1\\' ro make .... 0111'..,"'· rrc h(}\\"~ until \\'lfld \X.H II," ;":1I\()tll~' ~~'L"'lILH'-'~. "Bllt unforrun.uclv. nllhlld~ in Turkcv tu .. l.n .• ir k,l~r [II Ill) kllllll I l'J~l'. knll\~~ how til budd rhl..'lll. Ir rnllk ,ml~ (lIll' ~l'ncr.1 rinn to In,"' rlw kIlClWh:dgl' clltlrd~,"

I hl: ~k,;in: Ttt reCI'\lT .1nJ rl'JI~"'O\c:r rh,JT knowb.lgo: h;l~ turnt.:J into.1n ~lll· \..lln';[11111 II!! r.1,."OIl h)r ;"\.,)1 ()rl1~', who

(, Salldl ,\11111<0 W(J"~

nund," Ill' ".IY'. "\\,1., the hi 'wn I ~rL'\\' lip with in l I~'.:h( )~I(1\.l" i.I--ol Tu rl, 111\':,Jin~ l-uropc .tIIJ b~~I~·J..:m~ \'1\:1111.1."

He ~.lld ;1, much (D hm~ expert

1 irn Fbk,,·r. whom Iw mvr hy ..:h,I11';(..'

III ( ,llllnrlll.1 in 1';)<)2, .1 nme B.lhor rcrncrn hl'r\ .1' - rJ1L' , c 11 irh ilf rill.' recunsrrucnun (If .\"1.111 '!llllpU~lrl' huwv." ThL'ir .11'i ... i,1I1,l I,)~. he .1Jd .. , 1.1lIghil1g. were "(lm~ 111 thl' ... m.llk"'I miiltlrJr) ~nIUr" 111 the 1I1l I I'l·r .. l', ..

\X'h.H rh~· ~rntlr l.1ckl'J in 1l1lmhL'I"", it more dlJI1 11l.llk lip (or ill l,kdl..:.1rI1l11, .'~ Nmllrll) dN:m~'r~·J \\hL'1l ltlkd pur h 1111 "I [oUI:h WI rh .I df )..:h III idt.

,I 1'111 ,ICI .. t .H rh, LII~I\ n 'II \ ot

\\' b'-' "1'0.111_ '-or r\1 () ~ '-'.1 r v, "l h nudt I, III hcen re-cur .. hilllo! -\".111 .:nlllp''''I1~· [,11\"" ,lJlJ he \\ .1, \1 dl ~ 1111\\ 11 In .HLlwr\ ctr .. k- .. hlr III' c-ctcn-rv r libr.irv tit honk .. III lnuli-h. RlI,,1.111 .111...1 l\'r,l,l1l ,111<..1 h.l, tile .. hlll),tlllg Illrh rhIILl~.'l1d, Ilf phllt1h..:qpiL·d 1'.'r'I.'I· .... flw more th.111 rh,ir. ;--';1I\lIrI11 '.Iy~, "hl'

h. I ,III rill' tl'.:h 11 i<..J I know-how."

I ike 1'.!I\f1rn~. "",hllliJt h.ld 'tartL',1 put ft.',ILling h'H'k v, ",,(lUrIll),: h,hli"gr,l phil" .ind rr,lcklllg Jp\\ 11 nl'rl I'll"" or \\ nrmu he rh'1I1).:,IH nuuhr cunram u\l'ful III tnrlll.ltlt1ll, ()n~' ...r h~', 'I a~' \1 .I~ J hook pu hll~l1l'd In .1 undon 111 I C)-O. \,II\Ic"l'" -'1.l'dhT~·: • \ II 1 I1gll.!'f., \ 'crs« )1/ ,/11.1 J- ,\'f'll~/tl' in {I/ d \ 1.1II/('(If/~c \\ '( «l:

I111 ,\(c/;ery, 111 II hlLh .ruthor .. I. D.

1 .. uh.i Jll ,lnJ \\', I,. P .ircr ... , III l' "II ... .ire

J l-trh-cenrurv .\r,d'll rre.m-«: III I ~'r~t' nrlcd hl!'l/! (,hOly,1I .u-Tullul, /1 ,\I,l'nt.11 k.lll/)' ,11- \115/.,,1,1./1,. I(lo,~'h rr.m ... I.Hl,d .1'> 1--::$.'11/1.7/, srcbcr, 1"1' Ht'glllllcr$. TIll' text h., d h~'~'11 1\ ri rrcn .11 .l rinu- wlwl! the ,\.I.lI11Jub h.1J LIIIlI il1LlI1g1~ dcmon-rr.ircd [11 .. ' pl'lI\\ l'~~ "i rhvrr Mt,;hl'''' hI r!'F1l'lIll1,l! till' ,\hlll)!!11 ;l"'.Ildl till El!~ ~1[ .1!lJ .~ ri., ill 12(,11. lr P"[I\ Idl·d h,l',iL d.iru Oil IlfJ\\ \,·Oll'oTnl .... - riun. ~Llrpkm~'rHf.:d II uh mtorm.uron ~k,lIH:d from other l'.1rh !\,'\h .11ll.1 with (lh'~'n unon-, Jeril'l'J Ir.un ihc .lLahnr\ ,,\\ n t'\j"Il'rillll'llt.nitll1,

\,]1'111','11 ArL'/;en' .. howcd rh .. · \\'iHIJI'n .. (In: lit [ill' <':lIlllp,,,itl' 1'11\\ w.i-, 11];11..1 ... of fin' clcrucm»: rhc h.mdle III Ihl' ccnn-r, r\1'D lunh-, I<JII$I.II"'\ 1111 eirhcr ~IJl' .nul t11~' ":111'\ ~'d fir" l$ii'.I"~) rh.n .ire either .Hr,h.IlL'J ttl or m.ulc " ... p.irt oj !I'L' 1/1l~"/I'''' 111 cirhcr l...l'oL·, rlw rap .. Lin not tll':\: rhev raper ... h.lrpl~ [II till' 11I'~ k ". \\ her .. rill' <trinu i" .rrr.u hcd. In m,lll~' htl\\""" rill' ~I~ .11, ~lIl1ply cxrcnd .. dw curve iii the du -,, bur l'ar!: hn\\'Yl'r, IlllrmlULl'd [he f.lI11PlI' rccurve g.lIl· rh .. hll\\'" rhcrr tollnlliar, \\'.Ih'-Jlk~· .,·. their j-:1"l'.Ht'r L;lP,lC'lt~· fllf tcnsron "nd rhc.r j-:1"l'oHt'r power, Th .... , .. • ,\ !;'FC the h,)\\ .. :\(InltllY wanrcd til luuld.

To make the cure, :--,:"\ l1(n\ 'L'il'.:t, rll'':l'~ 01 Am .. rrc.iu h.II"J rock 111~,pk. rh, CI(N·,r m.ll.:h l1l.' ":.111 find Ill·.lll~ tllf the fi Ill'-~I',III1.:J Ill.] pi!;' i.l "ored b~ Turkl .. h h,~\\ vcr.;, IlkI.:' [helll, h~ CH\"t·~ [hc h.lllJk inrtl J f.!.l'mh rOlll1ti(..'J torm. 0\,.11 iIi t.'rn~ ... - ... ~'.:ri(1n. rh~lt fir .. l"1lI11tnrr,1hh III

lih' h.1I1d, lhr.: 11f1~~'r" ~ urlinu ,Irl 'U.llJ

rh. '\\L'II.ll1d h,ho,k. ["'I,lrd rbc 1',,11111, In 1"'1"'\ id,' ,1 tirru ~rip, h'I\\~'\ 1,'1', rlu. h.mdle IllLl'! nfl! I'~' '0 '111.111 rh.i r rlw tJ Il~er, rULh .lroILIf1l11,; [hL' p.llm-flu! \\(lul-I Lrl\1[,'. In LHt.'d, ,1 he,lrlng 111 II h'Lh rhc hm\ \.01 lid ,\\ 1\ cl.

\1".,1 hnl\" m.ulc \\ all duvr.rr- .lntl '11',lh.., .i- "Il).!I!.' elcnu-nr-, .ire lurkr-h, III m.i], .. , rhcrn. "IlI'I.m\ \.II!' -h-lL'I1' tll111'IL'f I ~I)"t "lXtl011, .If \\ IInJ .ind

, •• ,11., rlWI11 In u,IJ \\ .trcr t •• r three

J,,~ v, I'hcn hl' ... rv.unv rh c , [1\11 pk ... l'" IlltO L II n l'''' oj "'Illl b() dl'~rL'l'" l-ur 11,1\\, ill 1\ hic h rh, .., .1111,1 '''-,111" .ire 'L'P,l r.uc vlcmvnr-. [\ pl"',lll~ kllll\\ 11.1" Pervr.m

IiI l' clvruvur bow" IW"'ll-.IIlI" the du-rar-. rnt» .1 lll'lull' curve ,wd fmd, hr,l n .. he ... gn '11 Il1g

.ir rill' dL'\lrL'J ~lllgk' i'Clr [ill'

... il,lh .. , Tu .1 ..... l'rnhIL· the p.irr v. h~' LlI'L'''' h,.rh t'mh ,Ii the

h.l nJIL .1IlJ. It nlL'Linl. the l'nJ nl rh. ... 1~,lh .... I k rhvn ..til'" \' ,h,lll'J ... pl, .. l· ... inn: the du ... t.rr-, .uul •. 1ITI'r hfU,hlll~ un :,.:IUl', tlr~ til .. , l'll''_'~'''' ~nl!~I~- (0 torn1 .1 ,rrung, LlIlJl·rl'd,ihll..' illllH,

"""v\r ~l1ll1v' rhl' horn;

...... ,,' "111:- 1I~L"» horn _ He pr<'p.l re'.., ir h~ ... h.l \ 111).: otl rht' "lrt.1.;'l' FI,l~l''''' ... urrlllg It rnllJ:!.hl~ (II "ll" then

... rc.untnj; .111d t1.H[t'lllllg 1[, I r11l\\ ,1i.1\~· rill' hurn LlIHII he h.l'. 111111 strip- lit umturrn dm~'l!''''' the \\ tdtll u] rhc \\Ollt! (lire. I k gluL'''' rh,: horn ~[rlp' unru rhc b(l\\ .... hL'lh '0 [hl'~' I11t'l' I 111 tlw ... ~·IH ... ·r I;] 1 ilL h.mdlc, r hen h .. ' wuul- .1 r1'pr .u nund rhr bp\\ U-.111!.: ,1 rr.i.h

I , Chill net C .... I'\ r 11 As.,} IIV }OO allov, In ~r( '."r a ~ /o'-'gf" dr~w

[1'\11.11 [.1<,] ~.dl\·,1. 111 l urk ivh •. l {"/J(,td.:. llnll k t' 111 nlk rI1 (I.J 1111", t h t.: 1(/ If I d· '- Fl" .irc-, ,1111..'\ .. 11 prv .... un .lIoll).! rill' curve. '1IIIl'l'fI11l: out 1.'\ C .... :.:ILlL. I he how I, 111!\\ l. tr tl) lin 1,,1' WIL·r.,1 IIl'l'k" 111rh n-, l"Ild .. IIl·J I (I 111.1111 r ,1111 .1 ,nt, curve,

Thv ""l'" rvqurrc ,'\'L'[1 lon~L'r prcp.rr.mon. :-';ll\ 11m} hu~ ... II holt.: rvnlion .. 11'11111 .1 .. ;I.Hlgh[,'rhllu,t' and here vlcp.rrr ... trnm rr.ulirion ill rh.u he lI'l'''' .ld:l011t' [II dl'grL'.h~' rhem 11l"'[~'.ld 01 dll.' hl~hl~",'l1u;!l:lli<... n.lrhrb.i eh,ir \\.l~ Ihl·J III the p.h1. Btl t Ill" <Joe" .,11 ,!Ill ~ hL'L,lllo.,( hnth .irc l'<llt.llly l'Itl',rl\'l·. ''It

1. Wuer-bL.tfCllo horns .. w'lll ~havlf1g wUin9. ~Iofamlng and fJlull'q 10 d w""d .. p or !r\ ~vOlny'~ Oh 0 work 5"'01l 2 II .lldu19 blo,k~ of a I.Irkl'j.~1 Hylp fompo~IIC bow tWQ "'IP$ 01 hor" ' .... 0 dIHI.-.r hmns. two slyJfI\ (ilttit{h~dl. a grip di1d t"/, 0 bundle5

oj i I1Il!W lnl' f,"'~" d bow .:11 {ll'

top 5~OW~ Ihe f I\ilt Ul\i tung snapp.

3. After gluing horn to thle' m~l~ 01 the (Or .. N,j ornv liiy~ down \ II.,W 011 the OIJt510f' of tl)@ duHU 4. He combs th~ ~"H!W wh eh will h{,rl dry f 1 Wi'<,Io.-; pulling Ih~ ps of tn@' bo .... ever dQ7 r logelh"l Wh~n tn b "'" ~ (lIr~l!d had. lhe sln@l ..... WIll bl!' ~lri lthed. r:j1V1t19 'hI? bolil' f, 1 rno t' pow "n I' II .... ert made on IV f v« 0.,1 5 tl'" d yi'df

ot ~ed~Ontng Novol,,) I.. e~ rnolded torm~ (.llle[j It:'pe Ik~ to pull lh" bow

I '0 ~Hlllgmg po Itlon

rhc t.:ILll ,,111][ h,l". "1'l'~1- III ~r'~',1'~' 1111 If." '\11~I't111 l 'pl.lllh, "11'11 1.111, l'I.- ... llhl' _~rl.,"\ .!nd ~ILI" ,ii' 11011 rmv. ,111<1 t lu rr \\ ill hl· ,1 'f'l'" k Illwre' till n 1'1111 ;!IIIV." 111 hl)-!hll .. rrc .. ~nl 1'11\1, .

• 111 lIll~llIl.'d "pn:J h ,·l1l1ll;.:h ro 1111 ru ,Iuu' .1 1.11.11 \\1._.1 k II .. , ...

()nu' rhv 'lIle" I' ,lr~ ...... 'llltll\' hre'.lb tr III' \1 nil hi' tlll).!l'r~ _lnJ

.. "111[" thnlll~h If \\ rrh .1 111cL11 hj'll~h_ I he' ,'11,'" I ... 11()1~ ,1 m.i-, ut IlJli~. thl .. k iil'L'r" II hleh hr diP" in 11t't hid,' J,!ILh' h:torv 1,'~ln)! them 11Il tlu how. "I u-v flll- Jitl .. rvm k nurh- of "11lL.'1~." hl'

n pl.un-, "111f1 !Ugh tlk hl·l1l.l!llg porn, 'II, \ Illi ,Ih, .1\' u-«, rhl' 1.lng nher-, the -horrcr ril',n .Ire fill' hUlI.I'Il!-:. LI r .rrnund rhe h,ln,lll .i re.i .1I1d ,llollg rhe ~Idl''''' and Ihl'\ ~l'[ ,IH'rI,1I'Pl:d .irul ,r"g)!t'rn_llikt> hnck ... ··

I Ie .If'rlll· ... rhe .. .uu II III [11,1 Ilr

rhn:c: LIlli r-v-, ,-,11. h ... II1I.l rnuu; [h rl',

I'll I'i .ur 11~'a,. _\trt'r !llt' tlr.,r u iurvc.

he let, rh, htl\\ Jr\ 1 .. ilurk Dr \1 "l·k, rn .11Im\ rhl ,lIll'll ru vhrink . .-\" rhc tlha, -hurtcn. rlll'~ f'f v rhe limb"

[I, curve 111 rm thcm-clvcv, .1 I'roc-l'" '\1'\ ntl1: l'11I..1Illf.\).!C .. ,,~ [~In):: ,J .. ( rlllg between tht' "'~ .th, ,llld [\\ hrill),t rr .1\ the "Il~'\\ 1.I'l1rr,1Lr" Thr-, I" till' hq!!11 runu 01 ,I rrll ... t·"~ rh,u ulnrn.ucl, ).:1\ l· ... the hcm Ih ... t rcnuth: It I~ t,l in-tilliru; the t1W!I\('I') II~ ,1 p.rrru uiar ';111'\(; 111[11 rhc Ilill'!"' III the horn, ,illl'l\ .md \\!ltld '" Ih.H. \1 hUI '\(1\ntl1~ I.HlT bcnd-, thl' hilI\' 111 the "PI'! '~Ir\' dlf'~·i.Will rt' -rruu; II. t:\t'r~ cell tit rill r.\I\\

\\ ill \\.1I1T In 'pnl1!1. h, .... I... l'h« rvn-um m~'rl·.hL·' \~ hell .'\(11 lIrnl pul!-, the h!I\1 111[11 full dr;1\I .... 11 rh.u Llr'(I11 rd~',hL' lill how\ Idwl-' '''I,ll' h.ick. unlc.r-luuu o n I.\Pl0"IW11It L·IWrj2.~_

Ihlt hdn['~' rh.i: h,IPI cn-, rhcrc I' -nll much rn ,In. """-tl\ litl1~ .lprlle, .1 'l',oIlJ ~'llIr'l' Iii ,,"11.'\\ •• lfr\'f \1 h ... h

hI. a ~,ll1i d rlt> t he h"". 1 h I' nm .. 111

1 hL·.H 1",\, \'\'lWIl dw lil11h, .IH' 111,,1- lea l-Ie, hl' ITtlc,I.·' ! hem t" l'T1 Ill! nl'

,h.l rpl~. t} 111~ rlw .<1; .ib-; ,,, L I",t' t":-:,l'!ilcr th~'\ .1111111'[ rou .. h. ;\ft~'r I.I~- 111;': till' nn.rl .. -IlUf',- I d "nL'\\, he tollim, rill' .... IIlW I'rtl,nilll·l'. rlu .. nmc

\. rO"l1lg t he 11111 h~ ,111 [he 11.1 ~ 1'\ vr dll' cemvr unri I til\' ho\\ 111111.., It hI: .1. I'rl'r 1(1. " rh,'11 ~ 1111 1~·,1\L· ir 111 lbat t"rm tor .lblltlt .1 ~ e.Ir. mll1il1l1llll, ) IIU "l"," h .. ' ~·,pl,lIm. "hIJ ... glue: (ll1h n:,le-hL'''

Ir, lull ,rrt'ngrh ,II rn 1(1 \ L·.lI"."

B~ 11111\ rhe h011 11,1, h~'L'1l ~llnt·J 'II mu .. h rh.rr rtu, [\\11 PIL'l,'- (II IH'm "11

i h hc II ~ 11" 11I11J!l r Ilh'l. r 111 Jill' \.l:llll r ur rh, h ll1dk-_ "\,OUIIIII dl[" .1 ,11\ l'r III h.ln..!\\'hld rlr h"lll·-",.ln·j' lhl' 1'1'["\ ,111\ Il1l1rc,"-,1I1d rn-crt-. II !11 fh~' fll1~' t:;,ll'. l tu.rllv. 11~' LlI\\'r, till' '"1l'W -..IJ

\1 uh ,[r'l" III II 11I1~' l-irch], rh.u

h,\ \ L lxvn ."l.ll..l'd h Ir .1 111 " .. ',1 II .HI r, ''I! 111]( flOw" It, lI-'l'~ lr.trh. r In~t,-.hi.

.111d «rron lu, 11,11 nt' 'If 1 II .1 lk-~ ,)1'.1[1,,11 :lrl'rtlpn,IH' It' rill' r~rt' lit hn\\ ill' h.i-, 111.1tlc. [. It ~lhlllld[. 1111 IIh h,l\\ .. , 1"'11.. rhi" ,I 'fl P lurtlu r, k'.lr1lll1i! I\T .. III order [(\ ,<,1;: .. '[ .1 pprnpn,Hl' H'r'l'~ pi

p" .. 'rn [0 lll'.:or,ltl' hi, blll\-',

I [I 'Ill rhc [I Ill .. '.0\ nrm ,LI r-, rhe \\"llill til tilt' d.lI Ill' tll· .. l.lrl'" .1 ho\\ ,-'11I111"Il'II.".1 I c.t r .lnd.l h.lll h"" 11'",1111 l'1.1f'-"l·J. ""ll1t lit II -pcnr 1I:">[lI1t.: rhe hll\\. ,ld'U,rll1~ it. .uul £1:'£111).: I( .li.,:.1111.

I k I' (It'rl'll 'n'n ,1 .. rrid. hh I,.,r,,-. b'll\ 111 h,1I1-1. .md ,If !L.l-I III Ill' .1 J,I\ he "rep' (lLlf"ll, hh .. rudlP ((1 ,hI1,1[ Hf!m-.. Illfo 'I.l,lcd h.lI,·, ilt dlrll hlhk,_ I h" 'l·nin;..: 111 rtlr.ll \)hiCi i .. ,,' hlKldll':. ,l.lld :--;.norny\ "'~'~'llr .. ·, .,[1

,h"lIrt'd. rh.u l'Il'n '[l'P IlIlI~' .,dl.~\ Ident, <]. l'.l'\, ~ .. r nurhuu; (Clllid hl' III I ire d":Cl pnvc. \\ uh 1111 m.t-rc r 1'11\\ ~ cr tn ~LI ilk, rhcrn, ,Ir~ her rod,l~ h.u e h.ul til lc.irn f ... I III hrll\ .. 111 11ll1 ... vum- ,II1J Irom old [t vt-; neirlu r lIt w lu, 11 t .. 11 ,1 Lnl1lrll'r~' ,(lIrI,

,\ .. ltlnpl)'Hl' hll\\ c,111 tllll"\ rcv u-, tull r.inuc 01 "nrt't' It 11111 t,d,l' I[ .1r,1I't. .uul lor rill' (,1:,,[ h(1 \\" .. , III\'lI'l,lhh "' muvrumv .111.1 prJ\ ,1Il' hl"'I'II'le,1I ,-(illl.'c· nun-, rhr- I' (k.lrly nor .111 "rrillil. "'Irhl'r I' ,[rlll~lI1)..: (11,1 bu\\ .. ,InJ t('''1 LIl~ r!WIIl, '1I1e!..' dllT.,

I, no \\,11 ro ,h'':'"

\\ ht'rhc'r or 1101 rhL'~

c'uLrid no\\' 1\ Irh ..

rh, r~'!NOI1, \\ hilv

d.1rll.t_L:l,d hi '1\\ ... 1..,111

h,' [.llel1 .lp,1I'r 1\ irh-

our ., .. 1ll.11l1 "I u.i I 111'.

thl'l \ tc Id 111 turrn.i-

rilll1 I '111~ ,J buur rill'

fUI.r! pr-uluct. ,1111..1

dill' there I~ hnll' til

Iwl!' lIJ1Jl.:r"'I,ll1d rhc

prOlt· ... ' .. \, for the !t ... t .. , rill'l t"dl"

1ll(1 .. rI~ Oil ,hllllllll!-!, tt'c h II 1'1 L1,", .md the ~h,lp{!.'r .. un cun-rrucnon ulrcn pnl\l ro I II: III i \'1:.1 hk·~ .. i Ilg .. ; III .. 111111.' l.l \~'~., rlw

.1 uth: ir \\.h nnr ,I h(l\\ \":1' 1111 11",1 t .uul rhu- dlJ IWI .lh\.1\ ~ undcr-t.rnd \1 fur tIll' hllll ~lT~ \1 LTC tt'lIl1lh hun, III other c·.hc'''. rile' .rurhr II' ,h'lllll~'d k !lOll Inll!" rh.u h.1 .. IOllg dl ... lf1rl:,ll'l·ll. .vrul lilt' .lll~

~kilkd .. 1".11t-IIII'n. '('\ltlll~ 1"Illlllb our. 1",," \·LT' ~1I.1 r~lvd [111:1 r ~~'d', L~,

l nr 1.'\,lI11rk. 1"1 rll ir-, I~rl" .. i"ol p,lIl1h:r ... I 111 ,h'lll1hl.l~e ,111.1 11l.1l~ \,11',/(,,'11, \''t I",,", .1, IL', n, ,t pn II ulc V\,ld .1i1l1~'fl'II1Il' tllr

hll\\~. I r, umr- pi ru, ,1,1I1','ll1l 1][ ,I rl' nnr ,Lllld.Hdl/l·,I, .111 I 111.1111 01 rlh' ['1'01'( If[ 1(11]-. .1 rv l' \, l'I"'''l',1 III [l' rrn-, (It ,1 111,111', ,l11.H"IlI~, ~ IT rhvr. 1' .. 11" t,'llm~ 111 .. ( II h,lF 'lh' rh.u rn.m h,

\\'11\.'11 kit ,",eIWIIJt. II h, I -r.uul-, 1H'.Hh rll II 111,'[\'r, 1.111 1,' I,' . hlldl,1 hll\ l"111)! mc.t-urcmvnr-, [..1-,.J Ill! Ill" 11\\11 h"JI. I, h.lli.l "rrq~'J,rl'r"'I'" dr."1 111 '!II krill gr.ll1l' 121Jlllbl; It \1.1 .. impu-, .. II,11 r.l clr.I", rhl, I, bl,\ .• Hhl· ""~lhlll1g rill rhli..klll ...... or Ihe hOI\ IlllH.bC' it, ,rltllll'" In .1 I.ldl II ,,, l'lghl,

l'lllJl'rnl'nL :-,.\..hlllldl ~t'I~[

w,li'~ h III!.!, ltv 11'1i ml 111 I III '\'u'lld l'Jltlllll ,>I ]';1111 r me-r "1"p\!~!.J.\

-c lt-pubh .. h. d I cq- "(1(11., iur/;/,/'

.vr.hcrv ,/I/,{ tbc ( "/lI{lr',1I1' Hroll'lhll l)flh rhr 111l,1111~~ "-,1111 ~(ll11f~dl'd Illr .\!.lhlllLill II. hili ;II~" rh, rcvulr-, II· I-.Inp ... rq!\ l'i \ 1.'.lr~ 11t l"I'~'rlill~'i11.1- tu.n , \\ lnch \ Idd\ d dll11l'II"lltn .. .. ,1l·HI.dh \\ IIrknl." -I lien "L hmult .lht>llr ,I ho\\. \ cr 11.,n1l'd h'hn

,\ 1...f'I1L·I"IIIl •• 1 k.urv.m \\ htl II ,h 111,11..- 111g hll-':h!~ f'<llll'\l'li ,,1[11 l' \l11lTlc,llI hOI\.' (If hlHI1 .1111.1 .. inc«. ",-11I11IJ! -pcnt .1 'LIII1I1lL'r \\'I,h \kl'hL'r'ClIl k.HI] 111~ rhl II.J \" lit rrn .uul "1rll'\1

"l,h.l\ 1.', Ih .1IId vrr ur; "~hll1l\lt rdlll':cl hi" hi1"" I'rp!,llrru Ill' .'Ild Jl [\'rI11IIH, ,I \\ h 1,- h 111,1[1'1'1.11\ \\ ork"d hv,{: I hl' \ .. lulh: [l'lltl"n, trum L.\Trlc. lu ,11~l"\I'rL'd. f~n 1\ 11.."'d rill' hl",r ,llllI\, .1'I1d w.rn-r I'll fl ,II,) prll~ Ided th ... I>c ... r hi I 1'Il-

vvvu ,h')lJ,!!h ",11lll' rcvt- r' onuuvndrd _L:( .111J .inrelopc.

II II ,I, liN ,I hi HH th h tunc, 111 rill' 1.111 IIf I'i'll. '"l\llm~ ... 1141I\L·cl LII~ 0[1 hi, donr'fl'p \\ lib -·,nnw r,'.II" g\IPd ·'onh \mdll,lIl hOlh:' .... 1~ .. "'l'llIllIJr. w h» ,',,11 """l" !rl' II.h ..... hIIL~L·d ,\l1d dh.lpr" .inu.d h. l,llN.' 11l111~' wrrc "0 c rudc h\ lflll1l'.IF1,,']1,




g~ !1nw, \..:hmiJr recalls. "there \\.l' .1 network (It .ibour 10 people working • In rh h. \X: e ':.J I led each other ahuur once .1 day." lr I~ irnpnssrhle (0 chrorncle hUll thi-, I-!l"lgrjrhi.:.\ll~ diffll.,l'. informul "hO\\'~'~f\ club ' ,nl",d C::l.:h pruhlem I r~ member- encountered. hut 11IW example impart» their t"rer1l-n.:L' III vdlJbur,\[Ion ~l11d d e JI.;.mClIL The quevriun \1.1'. hIm heq rn uluc the horn [P the wood. l-ish-hl.iclder r.:lut'. rhl'} knew. i~ -trongcr rhan hid c glue, hut according !O some texts, Turk ivh bOIl ~'L:r~ t.l \ ored glue rn.ide lrorn rhc fnnt of ;J vtu rgcPI1-,> mouth, 11('[ if, bladder, '\' hen tlus proved umLlCCL'SSiu!. rhe ],0\1 I l'r~ decided there mighr he sorne ~ll1lhlp,ulr~·-lml'l1l1{)n.11 or (lIlf-11l I he revrs. Su. ir \~.l~ hack II) surirnering tl .. h hladdcrs .1[ (, ~ dq~rl"l'~ Cd~lu~ ! 151) Fl. Bur these re-ulrv. tno, prol t·J uns.uisfacrorv, - nlllCIHW III

the gl'llUp called ;1 chcnust lJ1 t'>:t'\\' Y'lr~ who made hide gl ue." Sch rnidt recalls, "And [he chemist !tdd us rh.ic

10 SMldl Ar~m(O world


t he rnt ,k·ud.lf \\ l·IJ.,:i1r 111 thv

I ixh hl.ulclc: uluc

\\ .1' hl~h .11ld II

\\,1" thcrctu«. ,lliflLulr f .. r II III P"'tlt'[l',lIl' 111[0 horn." I he .. oluriou II.h rn ddm~' rill' \tfl)I'~U II"h ~ILlI' wrrh rh; I\L·.,k. r hUt 1110H !,lllt'-

tr,n Ill)! 11Idl' ~llIl'.

:".(l\\ rhl'\ t,h.l·d .111111hl'r 1..1 I III I 11 drum: H,,\\ !lll .. 1- "hnldd rhr ~llIl' Il!ll h .. ' ~ 1111 I rh 111 111 .. 1 [hl' w.11 Illl)!hr !Il H IwILl. ltlJl rhu k nul [ill' "',11 nuuhr nll'turc. l nn r \\ .111W \In .. In \11 ... 1...111 h!J\\ ~ l r \\ ho ~ Ill. II

a cnllccror \\ hn '\-r.1\L·d 1-11\\ ...

.nul rl'pllrteJ rh.rr tlw \\ oDd ,1nJ horl1 hur« nunure lorunrudm.rl ~nHI\l"" .h

;-. (I\'nrn>' ~11 h.,t'quenrl ~ d i~ .. ( 1\'('1'1.'...1, rhi ... gr(ln\'ln~ I~

.. Ul11l'fll11l· ... liuht, Ill'[ L'noll),:h t(, rouuhen

rhc ... u rf.Kt'~. KIIr 011 shorter htlw ... are n1On: hl~hh

-rrcwcd. [Ill' gnlll\

Ing rum Jl'ept'r.

Incn:a"'ln~ rhc

~'IHH;llr -u r~.Kl'

tllr the !-;Iut' h~' ,01111.' 40 perccn r.

Sch rmdt ser

:l l-our .,:( msrrucnng ... cr ar<.:r~ l1l' .1 t~ pl'

).fl\·nrn~· "till lJ~t' .... )(1[1lL' h.l\ c ,hllrr. rriangular teeth. \\ trh \\'hl.:11 hl' r.,u~hens up rh ... woud .1I1J horn. t )rl11'r, have 1!1I1~n reerh, i"iH' [II ~'i~lll I~~'I' cenri mcrcr, \\ Ilh whl .. h \:0\'0111 1 ~1.·(1rL''''



rh, horn .irul \\ ,u,J. It h ,ill' ··h.1I1d "o[ltrol." hl' .,.l~ -, rh.rr ~H.hlllidt Illllo"t lLII11lrl" in :'-,,,\(1[1\\ .... \\Iirk. ··11lk.1 -." h. '.l~ .... "I' h, .J 1(lllg "h,'f rht' 11l1I't 1l'\.hI11 .111~ ,kdk,d \\ hell If LPm,', l!!

l.t hn".ltll III, ..

fod.1\'. '\,O\,.,[tJI· .ll.,n vr.uul- IHIT .1" lllll' (if rhc r.j rr fl'll il' I"l'I11.1111 dL'dl~.lIu.1 10 \llll.o\l.'rlng rhe .. , .. ret-, III till' l .. trhc-r 1..' '1111'0'111.' ],,'\\ \ c-r .... \\ h ilL' I~.l k"r,

...... hrniclr .md orhcr- h.11 l' "'II1Ll' turned

(, ... rlu-r pur ... urr .... '\.UIOr1l\ h." 1(111'.1 rtL'J \\h,l[ he klllil\~ 1\1 cnuuuvr Ttlll\

11,\1'\ .H. \\ rrh \\ horn h. L".lhh,Ill'J

.... lul..l 1'",\\ .... To "'lIrr"!'l lu- l'.h'tPII

tor huw-; hL m.ll-l· ... nul

'vii ... k", 1.1h"r-!f1[ell'''l· hll'h "t hhcr~1.1'." .11lJ ptht r 111nder11 m,ULTI,1 l-, \1 H..I III ~I 'Ilflfl\l," tn rl·w.l1'~·h .. \hOllt tuur ;,.lr, ,1)!(1 .• itrcr l",l111ltlI11),: Ihe Lrn ... ' ,l'dllill o~ .1 ho\\ 111 .1 ( I~ 1'111.111 11111 ,,·\JIll. ~III (HilI I.hJIl\.!~J rh, ,h,q~t 0' hr,,'lrnpn'lt~· ],11\\~' ~(lrl" trr un III

1" 11111dl·d .. 111t1 he built up rh« ,lI1c'\\

.ir h .. ~ u.I-; \ 1.11'\. r.'I..l'nrh. he rr.ic]«. .. 1 ,1.'\1 n ,1 L 01"'\ o~ .111 OIl r-or-pruu 1 ur], 1 ... [, 1,.,,,1.. 1111 irc licr-, \\ hn'o.C .1l11 h.rr rcccn I h

. J I~ J hut \I h, ),c' .

I'.\pl'r~ ,lIhl ,,1lIr\.1: m.m-n.rl-, ~II\ 1)[11), h\·III:\ t·, 1l11)..dlt lw 1\.,11 ,hk rhroll)..:h lu-, ll.tul .. rhrcr,

H~ "I'll rl·l11.lI11' LIIIllIllIHl·d [11 r~1'11 ...HlIl~ .h l \ .ldh

,1" p""lbk' the

In.HL 11,11 .. [1L'1'''1.111 .111d I urk"h

],01\ \1.'1' ... U'IL'd. Hv plink 11\l.'r rccu rruu; rclcr

, l , I

o.:n.:~ ~ 1T1 fL"t', (II I h, I"'" ,lt ne ... k

111L\\': '\:Oblllh hc rv h.l" been .1hk 10 m.r], ... · IT \\!tl'k, ",\ true], .lnvcr frum

I lUrid,! rt'"d ,111 urnclc about nu .HIlI ,-.11kd [II rell me hi, r..:,r,lIlJ ',nhl'r r.lul-\ht 11II1l In m,l k~· b'lll'" In rhc I '.J.2( 1\ In

lvr.uibul. Ill' kept rucnr« niru; ~il1\..''' trom rhe ne .. k. l-, u i,lL"r~' Ill~'nwr~ ~'. :--.:,,' !lrT1~ wondcrv, "Or I' I hen' rl"lll~ ,ornl' \\ ,l~ tu me this ,int:w?" .-\11,1 11Iq ,I, h~' hllm"1i dOWI1 ,1 'llppl~ Clt -uir.ihle warer-bufta!« horn in

.I rhrce ~'t:,H" ,1~n. he \\,~lll[, one lLn [II find the ev.ict kmd of

111.1 pit- de~tTl bed h~' 1-.:.][1 i .1f1J uthcr-,

P"lkl'f, h()\\t'V..:f. ~'(lIl"IJn~ vuch ";[IIl~ cern (l\lT m.'[~'r1.11~ "n!\ r1,.,llgi/l·ll. ,.

;0.. l.ircn.ils. he rn.iint.nns. "01111 .iccuunr tur 10 pa":l'tl! 1>1 the how\ "'ucl."c",,,·'_ rhc re-t I~ dL"q . m. HLit while Nm"lTl1I' ,lgr,l" rh,u J""lgn i ... pararnounr. Iii.' r(I11Lll rh t:LI rjnu-, ,1I1J rc-pccrful of rbe centu ric (It l''\Pl.'rlCI1Cl' rhat went III [u dercrnuning jmr Ii1\' bc-r t] I ill' [II cut

! he .... lplll1g .1 nd l'\ en 1111 \\ hlLh 'ld~' Iii .1 h Ii I [0 grpw I r. .. [ h.1\~' 111.1d~' ,utnl' \ l'r~ .. trim)!. huwv," ,",II' ()tll~ v, 1~", "bur I -nll think I L.1I1 m.rke rhcrn pcr n mn much h •. -rrcr II I fl'.)III .Hr,!111 t he ri~ht m.trvri.t lv.'

l.'nnl rhcn, rill' "'llIt'~r t'ur rhc mudl'fn l'ljui\ .i lrnr ot till' rc .. \lf\~'J ~(lInp\l~itl: bl1w~'l'lII.·~·IHlIrll·~ nl hl"[ln'\' I.Pntillllt·", "J~ rnuc h ,I 11'1I"rr.HIUI1 ,h

,1 ]1:1""lon," ®i

~ www.atarn.orq http://~oas.mi5~ 01.1 ri,edul ant h re museu ml grayson/grayson,html


Lee Lawrence • ,

I. I

David H. Wells

ft 1 ·1 I', I - , t j' III • '[

I ,,,,r, »r 1 .!licl I' Itf enl IP, 1'1 I \1[1 ~ I , r I', ru: 11 PI, fI i 1\( ~,hod. 1,1 i I" I I c r,ol" r 'I, UJr·1l'lel .. d H t, I I, PIli,· )'1;, I ,,', .1

~JIOI" 1 1" I, l'dt.1 i ~ p, , , ru I l I I,

I I,>:'~J r II 1

::;:: Saracen Archery: An rng/ish Version and Exposition of a Marne/Ilk€' Worle on Archery

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