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Pro--Kashi Traditional all natural bokashi wheat bran in-

fused with Beneficial Microorganisms.

Who we are
No Genetically Modified Organisms

No chemicals, no preservatives

Safe, efficient, reduced Green House gases

Pro-Kashi is a small family based busi-
ness intent on educating, enabling, and
providing quality products to our custom-
compared to traditional composting methods
Composting year round (indoor and outdoor)
ers. Through the use of Pro-Kashi´s pro-
biotic enfused bokashi wheat bran one Able to handle materials not compostable by
Wheat Bran
can reduce their environmental impact by other methods (meats and dairy)
recycling their organic kitchen wastes and
reusing them to improve their soils, gar- Able to handle any amount of waste material
den, and home grown foods large or small at any time

Unlike conventional composting (which No turning, low labor method of composting

can take up to a year, requires turning,
Increases macro and micro soil biology,
large bins, is unable to accept meats,
organic matter, and bio-available nutrients
dairy, fat products, and looses a large
quantity of nutrients), Pro-Kashi wheat Retains more nutrients in composted materi-
bran processes all home generated or- als through fermentative process than tradi-
ganic wastes through an anaerobic fer- tional methods while adding plant and soil
mentation process that is cleaner, safer, ready vitamins, minerals, and enzymes
higher in bio available nutrients to the soil
and plants in a fraction of the time and all Composting anywhere (Apartments, Condos,
year long. small or limited yard space)

Beneficial organisms outcompete or destroy

pathogens, creating a healthier plant/soil

Original Bokashi Wheat Bran
Japanese traditional composting inspired by
Bryan McGrath Phone: 678-557-0689 Dr. Teruo Higa
Lawrenceville, GA 30043 E-mail:
Bokashi (noun) Process Uses
Use any container (1-5 gallon or larger) with an
Japanese for “Fermented Organic Matter.” Bokashi bran can compost organic kitchen
air tight lid—preferably with a spigot or spout on
wastes to include meats and dairy (not possi-
the bottom -although not absolutely necessary.
System of anaerobic composting of organic ble with other composting methods)
materials that includes meats and dairy. Fill the bottom of the container first with a thin
Bokashi bran is used as a natural kitty litter
layer of Pro-Kashi Wheat Bran Bokashi and
Wheat or Rice Bran that is inoculated with and odor reducer in cat boxes and small ani-
begin layering organic kitchen wastes on top—
Beneficial Microorganisms that ferment mal cages
no more than 2” to 3” deep.
organic waste for composting.
Bokashi bran can be used to compost pet
After each layer of waste sprinkle a 1/8 cup or
History wastes in an outdoor digester. This compost
small handful of Pro-Kashi bran on top, press
cannot be used for human gardening/food
down with a small plate, piece of cardboard, or
Japanese scientist Dr. consumption; however, it can be used to fertil-
anything to remove/exclude as much air as
Teruo Higa a professor ize ornamental plants and flowers.
possible from inside the layer and cover the top
of horticulture at the (this is an anaerobic—without air process).
College of Agriculture, Bokashi bran can be used by itself to stimu-
University of the Ryu- late soils, compost piles, lawns, break down
Snap on your bucket’s air tight lid—that is it.
kyus in Okinawa, Japan garden wastes, increase soil micro and macro
Continue the process of adding waste material
studied the use of Bene- biota.
layers and Pro-Kashi bran until the bucket is
ficial Microorganisms full. All the while the material inside is ferment- Bokashi liquid that is drained from the buckets
and their use to promote ing and being inoculated with Beneficial Micro- during fermentation is a living tea full of bene-
safe, effective, nontoxic natural farming and organisms that are digesting the waste. ficial and bioactive microorganisms, enzymes,
soil building alternatives to the use of
and vitamins.
chemical agents. Every 2-3 days remove the liquid that will collect
in the bottom of the bucket. This is a living tea Bokashi liquid can be diluted and sprayed as
How that has additional uses - do not waste it. a foliar fertilizer on plants, flowers, soils, and
traditional compost piles.
Bokashi composting uses naturally occur- When the bucket is full, allow it to ferment
ring bacteria, yeasts, and phototropic organ- sealed for an additional 2 weeks. Drain the liq- Bokashi liquid can be used full strength to
isms to ferment/pickle organic wastes. uid one last time and then simply bury the remove odors from drains, naturally digest
Guiding the decomposition process this way waste 6” to 12” inches deep in the garden. clogs in slow running drains, and added safely
prevents the loss of nutrients in the com- to septic systems to increase their efficiency.
Do not let plant roots come into contact with the
posted materials, makes these nutrients
fresh material for about 2 weeks when burying. Bokashi composting can be done year round.
more bioactive and quickly available to
Alternatively add Bokashi to existing compost
plants and soil organisms, while adding
piles, tumbler bins, or place in the bottom of
naturally occurring beneficial enzymes. Bo-
raised bed or planter pots (place a layer of soil
kashi compost feeds the soil which in turn
creates a healthier environment that feeds
or compost in the bottom of the planter pot first, Pro-Kashi
then Bokashi compost, then a 12” layer of soil
the plants; allowing the plant to use its en-
on top). When adding Bokashi compost to the
ergy to grow larger, healthier, faster. Bryan McGrath
ground, mix some soil into the fermented waste Lawrenceville, GA 30043
Ingredients: Wheat Bran,
to assist in the final break down of the material. Phone: 678-557-0689 Water, Molasses, Beneficial
After 2 weeks plant directly on top. E-mail: Microorganisms

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