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Editorial: The Urgent Need

for a Theological Anthropology

Stephen J. Wellum

T h e a g e - o l d q u e s t i o n s —W hat is
man? What is our purpose? Do we have any
value?—have become pressing and urgent ques-
various technologies alongside these ideological
viewpoints which have further questioned our
understanding of ourselves. After all, living in a day
tions today. No doubt, people in every day have of test-tube babies, trans-sexual operations, genetic
wrestled with these anthropological questions. But engineering, artificial intelligence, and potential
today, especially in the West, it seems as if these human cloning, the question of human dignity,
questions now consume us. Part value, and personhood have indeed become press-
Stephen J. Wellum is Professor of the reason for this is due to the ing. Are we creatures of dignity because we are
of Christian Theology at The South- so-called “demise” of the Christian created in God’s image? Or are we merely animals,
ern Baptist Theological Seminary.
worldview in the West and its influ- by-products of an impersonal evolutionary pro-
Dr. Wellum received his Ph.D. ence upon our larger society. Prior cess, things that can be, technologically speaking,
degree in theology from Trinity to the Enlightenment, Christian manipulated and re-fashioned for whatever ends
Evangelical Divinity School and
theology largely shaped our society, we deem best?
has also taught ­t heology at the
Associated Canadian Theological but due to the rise of competing This collective identity crisis is best illustrated
Schools and Northwest Baptist “isms,” as represented by the larger in the postmodern university (better: “di-versity”)
Theological College and Seminary categories of modernism and now where any Christian or unified view of human
in Canada. He has contributed
to several publications and a
postmodernism (e.g., Marxism, beings has disappeared. For example, in the biol-
collection of essays on theology secular humanism, existential- ogy classroom, humanity is viewed as nothing
and worldview issues. ism, nihilism, deconstructionism, more than a “naked ape,” to use the words of Des-
etc.), our culture is now suffering mond Morris. From the perspective of neurobiol-
from a collective identity crisis. What makes this ogy, humans are viewed merely as physical beings
identity crisis even more acute has been the rise of which seems to entail that the mind is reducible

2 SBJT 13.2 (2009): 2-3.

to the brain and that all human behavior, affec- difficult to see the disastrous results of such think-
tions, and willing is explained solely in terms of ing everywhere around us—e.g., our devaluation
neuro-chemical factors. In other disciplines we of human life in abortion, infanticide, euthanasia;
find competing images of human beings, but at the break-down of the family, gender confusion;
their core, all of these disciplines attempt to under- false views of human nature as applied to political
stand the nature of human beings from the per- theory; and the list could be multiplied.
spective of biological and social factors alone. In Secondly, there is an important lesson for
fact, various negative postmodern thinkers across Christians to learn as well, namely, we will never
the disciplines, have specifically questioned the understand correctly who we are apart from a
overly optimistic Enlightenment view of human theological anthropology. Scripture and Christian
beings as “rational beings” and free and autono- theology rightly affirm that human beings enjoy
mous “knowing subjects.” Instead, they now con- neither metaphysical nor methodological pride of
tend that humans have no fixed nature; there is no place: humanity comes second to God, both in the
“givenness” to us. Rather we are simply finite, mal- order of being (namely, creation) and in the order
leable, even determined beings conditioned solely of knowledge (namely, revelation). John Calvin
by our social-cultural-linguistic backgrounds. In develops this point in the opening sentences of
such a situation, it is nigh impossible to sustain any his famous Institutes: “Without the knowledge
view that human beings are creatures of dignity of God there is no knowledge of the self.” That is
and value. why Christian theology has typically placed our
From a Christian perspective, this current iden- discussions of anthropology after the doctrine
tity crisis demonstrates both a sad irony and an of God. Why? Because we only begin to know
important lesson. First, it is a sad irony because who we are once we view ourselves in relation
our present-day confusion, especially in the West, to our Creator. In this regard, in contrast to our
is directly tied to our rejection of the Christian present-day views of human beings, Christianity
worldview and our refusal to acknowledge that affirms at least two crucial truths about us: first,
we are creatures of God. Starting in the Enlight- human beings are unique and significant—we
enment era up until our present day, it has been have incredible value—because we are created in
fashionable to argue that “we have come of age,” God’s image. Scripture explains us in relation to a
that we do not need to retain the God of Scripture personal beginning (Gen 1:1), namely the Triune
in our thinking in order to understand who we God. Second, given the Fall, we who were created
are, or in the famous words of Alexander Pope, to be great are now moral rebels before God and
“the proper study of mankind is man” not God. deeply flawed by sin to the very core of our being.
But the sad irony of this rebellious approach to That is why the only solution to our problem is
anthropology is that, in the end, it leads to futility. nothing less than the sovereign and gracious ini-
It is a perfect illustration of the important truth, tiative of the Triune God on our behalf.
“ideas have consequences.” If we try to grasp who In the end, it is a theological anthropology which
we are apart from our Creator, the consequence we desperately need today, given the anthropolog-
is not understanding but disaster. Anthropology ical crisis of our day. That is why we are devoting
which seeks to study human beings apart from the this issue of SBJT to this crucial topic. Our world
Triune God inevitably ends up viewing us merely needs to be confronted afresh with the truth of
in terms of impersonal origins, products of matter, who we are in light of God’s Word. It is my prayer
motion, time, and chance. And even more: these that this issue will better equip each one of us not
false ideas never remain theoretical. Inevitably, only to know the truth but also to practice it, in an
people act upon what they believe, and it is not increasingly dark and de-humanizing age.

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