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Strengthening Public-Private Partnerships to Accelerate Global

Electricity Technology Deployment – Survey of Best Practices

I. Introduction

There is universal agreement among development banks, the United Nations, National
Governments, technology research and developers, electricity generating and delivery
companies and their associations and labor unions that effective public-private
partnerships are critical to the deployment of clean electricity technologies and to provide
power to those who are not served or are under served. But why do partnerships work
well or sometimes fail to deliver expected benefits?

The results of this survey of best practices by partnership advocates and practitioners and
beneficiaries will be used to strengthen existing and new partnerships with a catalog of
best practices and to demonstrate their monitored effectiveness in countries, selected by
the UN, World Bank and country volunteers.

This survey has been designed to be easy to complete. Questions are based on researched
resources such as Institute for Public-Private Partnerships, World Bank, United Nations,
and World Business Council for Sustainable Development. The e8 will work with partner
organizations to develop a report which analyzes the data and highlights best practices.
Survey participants will receive a final copy in 2011.

II. Instructions

Please complete this survey in English. An electronic version of the survey is available
at or Once completed, please
email it to Kristy Monk at or fax +1.614.716.2499 by January 28,
2011. Please direct your questions about the survey to Ms. Monk at +1.614.716.2032.

For the purposes of this survey, a public-private partnership can be defined as a specific
arrangement between one (or more) public entities and one (or more) private entities to
complete a given project.

III. Respondent Information

Name ____________________________________________________________
Title _____________________________________________________________
Organization ______________________________________________________
Email ________________________ Phone _________________

Which international organization referred you to this survey?

__World Bank

__Other (please specify: _________________)

Please check the description that best fits your role as a promoter of public-private
partnerships for electricity technology deployment:
__Electricity sector regulator (please specify country________________________)
__Technology manufacturer/vendor
__Electricity provider
__Electricity/energy association
__Electricity technology research developer
__Financial organization
__Development agency or bank (please specify by name and location

__United Nations office (please specify by name and location_________________)
__Non-governmental organization/civil society
__Other (please specify, _______________________________)

Does you country have a national sustainable energy strategy or similar plan that includes
electricity? ____(Y/N) If yes, could you please share the strategy?

If yes, does the strategy describe the role of public-private partnerships?


IV. Supporting Policies

1. Please rate the importance of these policy elements that can help promote low carbon
technologies and energy efficiency measures?

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
Recognition of the differences in cost and maturity
of low-carbon energy technologies; and incent
Energy efficiency performance standards
Technology roadmap development with a diverse
energy mix with financial incentives
Public funding to R&D and demonstration
Government adoption of long term liability for
stored CO2
A legal framework for carbon storage
A streamlined permitting process
An environment conducive to investment
Access to grid

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not
important important important important
International public-private partnerships for
technology transfer
Clear roles and responsibilities for integration of
renewables and distributed resources
Long-term regulatory clarity and certainty
Models for regulating carbon storage in different
Intellectual property rights
Financial incentives such as feed-in tariffs,
production credits, rebates for mature technologies
Adequate return on investment in regulated T&D
A clear framework of legislation
Strong local private sector development
Policy support by civil society or general public
Delineated roles of public and private sector

2. Rate the effectiveness of these ways energy policies can be established so public-
private partnerships can promote any type of low carbon technologies, infrastructure
expansion (transmission, distribution, storage) and support the deployment of efficient
technologies, particularly to unserved and underserved populations.

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
National energy plan
Executive order
National legislation
International treaty/accord
Regional agreements
Market-based mechanisms
Other, specify

3. If you are an electricity regulator, what are your government’s key policies for
stimulating public-private partnerships for promoting low carbon technologies,
infrastructure expansion (transmission, distribution, storage) and support the deployment
of efficient technologies?

V. Defining Effective Public-Private Partnerships

4. Please rate the importance of the following policy options that best support public-
private partnerships in research, development, demonstration and deployment of projects
at scale across a wide range of promising emerging clean energy technologies.

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
Create technology roadmaps and set development
Recognize that a carbon price alone will not bring
necessary new technologies to market
Promote cross-sectoral R&D
Provide public and private funding for R&D on
breakthrough technologies
Set up international public-private partnerships for
technology transfer
Provide a platform for international R&D exchange
Protect intellectual property rights
Invest in R&D for utility-scale electric energy
storage, high power electronics and
superconductors, and large scale demonstrations of
new combinations of plant and fuel
Provide public and private funding for
demonstrations of new technologies in different
Develop an international platform for national
policy development on CCS
Develop strong local private sector
Other, please specify

5. Rate the importance of these benefits produced by strong public-private partnerships

for electricity technology deployment.

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
Develop human capital
Fuel business productivity and expansion
Promote local and foreign investment and trade
Improve access to electricity
Raise standards of living
Stimulate local economic development
Improve environmental quality
Create employment
Other, please specify

6. Rate your level of agreement with these potential ways the private sector can
contribute to the strongest partnerships for electricity technology deployment.

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree nor Disagree
Access to private sector capital
Managerial experience
Access to new markets
New technology deployment
Improved project design and implementation
More effective use of resources
Long term commitment to project (>5 years)
Other, please specify

7. The public sector can contribute to the strongest partnerships in the following ways

Strongly Agree Neither Disagree Strongly

agree agree nor Disagree
Create low risk, predictable enabling political, legal and
regulatory environment with supportive policies and
Set long term tariffs for generation, transmission, and
distribution that support return on investment to start and
financially sustain projects and special incentives for
challenging areas such as off-grid locations, certain
technologies and research, development and deployment
Establish standards for project design, construction,
operations and maintenance
Define stakeholder processes
Establish long term electricity development goals and
timetable with a stable technology deployment program
Expand local financial lending capabilities to scale up
Create special incentives for challenging areas such as off-
grid locations, certain technologies and research,
development and deployment
Other, please specify

8. What contributes the most to ineffective partnerships? ________________________

VI. Financing

9. Rate each type of financing by its effectiveness at promoting low carbon technologies,
infrastructure expansion (transmission, distribution, storage) and the deployment of
efficient technologies.

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
Loan guarantees
Foreign direct investment
Local/National investment
Development banks
Power purchase agreements
Other, please specify

10. Please rate the importance of the role of public-private partnerships in ensuring the
proper financing is secured?

Extremely Very Important Slightly Not

important important important important
Guarantee by partners to fulfill all commitments
Providing a mix of funding sources to lower project
Reducing risk to participating investors
Other, please specify

11. If you are from the private sector, what are the key policies your company requires
for financing (or for research, development and deployment (RDD)) of low carbon
technologies, infrastructure expansion (transmission, distribution, storage) and support
the deployment of efficient technologies before entering into a public-private partnership
with a country?

VII. Case Studies

The following are questions related to experiences with public-private partnerships at

the project level.

12. Are there examples of projects that are part of your sustainable energy strategy to
provide electricity to all people and businesses? ____(Y/N)

13. Do you have case studies assessing public-private partnerships for financing (or
conducting RDD) low carbon technologies, infrastructure expansion (transmission,
distribution, storage) and supporting the deployment of efficient technologies that you are
willing to share? ____(Y/N) If yes, could you please share them using the attached

Please use the attached Lessons Learned Case Study Template for projects
highlighting public-private partnership best practices. They should include the
• Project(s) must involve a public-private partnership, defined as a specific
arrangement between one (or more) public entities and one (or more) private
entities to achieve a given project.
• The technologies include but are not limited to end-use energy efficiency,
supply-side energy efficiency, smart grid, solar, wind, biomass & geothermal,
hydro power, nuclear power, advanced coal, natural gas, fossil fuel
generation with carbon capture, and transmission & distribution.
• The project should involve the deployment of low and zero carbon-
emitting electricity technologies that yield benefits and services in a
developing and emerging country/region, increasing the targeted population's
access to electricity.
• The project does not need to have been successful in its implementation;
the main goal of this exercise is to learn from both success and "failures" and
it would be interesting to include both types of outcomes in the discussion.
• Project may be of any scale/size as long as it follows the above-mentioned
• Project(s) should be chosen for how it best illustrates success and/or
challenges of private-public partnerships.
• For each of the selected project, complete the attachment for reporting
your lessons learned.

VIII. Moving Forward

15. Which organization in your country could effectively participate in a demonstration

of best practices in a public-private partnership?

16. What would be, in your opinion, the added value of such an organization like e8, to
help building successful public-private partnerships?

17. Do you have a project that has public and private partners and has not moved forward
due to lack of needed policies? ___Y/N

Please describe the policies you require to move the project forward.

Public-Private Partnerships
Lessons Learned Case Study Template

Project Name:

Clean Development Mechanism: ____(Y/N)

Brief Description:

I. Public-Private Participants

Public Sector:

Private Sector:

II. Energy Policies

Please describe:
• How did energy policies in the host country affect your project decision-making?
• How about its implementation?
• Were any new energy policies put in place to facilitate the project?

III. Financing

Please describe:
• What financing scheme was used for the project?
• What role did the public-private partnership play in establishing the financing?

IV. Replicability

Replicability can be useful but not required.

Please describe:
• What aspect of your project is replicable, if any?
• What role does the public-private partnership play in ensuring the replicability of the

V. Long-term policy framework for climate change and low carbon generation and
energy efficiency

Please describe:
• Given what you have learned from the successes/challenges of the public-private
partnership in your project, can such a partnership influence long-term policy
• What role do the private actors have in influencing a framework that promoted low
carbon generation and energy efficiency?
• What must the public actors in the partnership do to ensure the viability and durability of
the policy framework in the long run?

VI. Research and Development

Please describe:
• Given what you have learned from the successes/challenges of the public-private
partnership in your project, what role can such a partnership play in promoting future
R&D in emerging clean technologies?
• What is the role of the private actors versus the public actors?

VII. Final Comments

Please describe what role the public-private partnership plays in the success/failure of a project
and how public-private partnerships can be strengthen.


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