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Dirección de Educación Media y Terminal

Departamento de Secundarias Generales

Subjefatura Técnico Pedagógica

From Lesson 15 to 18 PROJECT PLAN Weeks: 4 sessions

SECOND GRADE Unit: 4 “House and home”

Project title/name: House/Apartment for sell/rent.”

Social Aim: To get information about what houses/apartments are for sale or rent in their neighbourhood.
Pedagogical Aim: Using the language of the unit 4 , students will produce a classified advertisement or a brochure describing a
house/apartment for rent or sale.
Day1 Day2 Day3 Day4

In class: Time: 50’ In class: Time: 50’ In class: Time: 50’ In class: Time: 50’
- Activities: T negotiates the name of the Exchange the first draft with other Oral presentation of their projects.
project. teams. (5’ per team).
Ss in team work select the
material that they are going to use. In teams make corrections of the first Self-evaluation: T gives a ss a
draft. sheet of paper with an evaluation
Ss and T determine the final product about their project s
(classified advertisement or a brochure). Return the first draft to the teams.
T asks Ss what a classified I learned
advertisement is? What is a brochure? Teams work in their corrections and
Ss make the first draft of their make their final product (classified The most interesting thing I
and show some of them. What are the classified advertisement/brochure,
differences between them? advertisement/brochure). learned was
writing characteristics from
house/apartment chosen for Evaluation: T monitoring the team work, I had difficulty with
sell/rent. give feedback when is necessary.
Which characteristics are we going to I would like to learn more about
include on them? (Pictures, price, size, T grades the team work focus on the
Ss setting up and showing their

rooms, furniture, material, location) consolidation of language in unit 4.

Linking devices, capital letters, spelling. advertisement/brochure describing
a house/apartment for sale/rent.

T gives time to the Ss to make teams (Display them in the school: office,

halls, library, computer room, wall

(4-5 Ss). newspaper, classrooms).

Teams share out the responsibilities for Evaluation; T grades the team
each one. work focus on the use of language

of the Unit 4.

Resources: Resources: Resources: Resources:


Pictures of houses/Apartment Pictures of houses/Apartment Pictures of houses/Apartment Their own classified


Magazines Magazines Magazines
Newspaper Newspaper Newspaper
Advertisements Advertisements Advertisements
Brochure Catalogue Catalogue

Homework: Homework: Bring the final product Homework:

Gathering the resources scissors, glue, Gathering the resources scissors, Bring the self evaluation made.
sheet of paper, markers etc. for the next glue, sheet of paper, markers etc.
session. for the next session.

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