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Chapter 1

 Why do you think the Queen didn't want a Republican governmentto be elected?

 What did Jack Barker tell the Royal Family about their new homes?

He tell the Royal Family that they will get a pensioner's bungalow and they're entitled to one as an ordinary
citizen of this country.

 What did Jack Barker do with the Queen's crown and what do you think this signified?

Jack Barker held the crown over his head so that everyone could see it.

Chapter 2

 Describe Beverley and Tony Threadgold.

Tony Threadgold was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. Beverley was fat and blonde, wearing clothes a size too
small for her. They were husband and wife.

 List five things the Queen observed in Hell Close.

The Queen observed in Hell Close that the street smelled bad. Somebody in the Close was burning car
tyres. Not one house had all its windows. Fences bronken. Gardens were full of rubbish.

 What was the first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana and how was it solved?

The first problem for the Queen, Charles and Diana was that the carpets were too big for the small rooms.
They solved there called a handyman.

Chapter 3

 Why wouldn't the Queen let Trish into the house?

 Why couldn't the Queen warm the room?

The Queen couldn't warm the room because they're rats.

 Describe how the Queen injured herself and how she got out of her house.

Chapter 4

 Why did all the women visit Diana and what did this show about the people in Hell Close?

The women visit Diana that some of them had brought autograph books.

 What things about family life in Hell Close were new for Diana?

For her was new not to have her Mercedes-Benz 500SL.

 What did Beverley teach the Royal Family?

Beverley teach the Royal Family make a cup of tea.

Chapter 5
 How was Philip's new life affecting him?

To Philip it affects the surroundings to him, that smell bad, this sad one, discouraged and it does not want
to go out, prefers to remain in house.

 What important facts do we learn about Philomena?

Philomena dressed slowly in many layers. Then she put on her coat, a scarf and a hat. She went to the
kitchen to make her breakfast. In the kitchen there were five slices of bread, a small piece of cheese and
enough cereal for half a bowl. She would have to wait another two days until her pension arrived.

Chapter 6

 Diana was upset about two things in court. What were they?

She was jealous and she decided to put on some weight.

 How was Anne different from the other members of her family?

Chapter 7

 Find four reasons why Queen needed money immediately.

She needed money immediately because she had borrow money from her grandson for the gas meter,
she haven't got any food or heating and, when the electricity goes, she'll have no light and she was
nothing in the fridge, and the cupboards were empty.

 Fitzroy promised his mother that he would never go into betting shop. How did he keep this promise?

 Why did Fitzroy and the Queen Mother like each other and why were they both happy at the end of the

They like each other because the Queen Mother pulled a 5 pounds note from her bag and gave it to
Fitzroy. They both happy at the end of the chapter because the Queen Mother had a new friend.

Chapter 8

 Why couldn't the Queen get her Emergency Payment?

Because she don't remeber her present adress because she had been living for four days there.

 How did the Queen finally get some money and what did she think made it impossible?

The Queen get some money cause her dog hasn't got anithing to eat, and she think made it impossible
because the DDS was closing.

 Compare the butcher's attitude to his two customers.

Chapter 9

 What did Diana and Charles each want to do with the money they had?

With the money they want buy any food for breakfast, pay the hair curt the Charles and fertilizer the
garden .

 Summarise briefly the problems that Marigold Road Junior School had.

The toilets aren't inside the school and Charles and Diana haven't got any money for buy books, pencils,
paper, glue, paint, gym equipment or teachers.
 Why was Diana feeling sad at the end of the chapter?

Because she had no fun. She never went out. She desesperately needed a haircut. If she wasn't careful,
she would soon look loke Beverley Threadgold.

Chapter 10

 Why did Anne enjoy talking to Spiggy?

Because Spiggy knew nothing about her.

2. Where was Prince Edward and what was he doing?

Prince Edward was go a mental hospital, called Grimstone Towers. When he was there he go into bed.

3. What changes was Jack Barker going make?

Jack Barker was going to be less the taxation but more money was going to be given to the poor, to
educaton, to housing, and the Nationas Health Service.

Chapter 11

 Why did Trish McPherson think that the Treadgolds were unstable?

Because she couldn't forget that Beverley had once tried to attack her.

 Why did the Queen find life horrible?

Because she haven't got any money, her husband is in a mental hospital, her daughter is having a
relationship with a handyman, her son will be in court on Thursday and her dog is becoming a hooligan.

 If Trish had read the letter in her briefcase, what would she have realised?

Chapter 12

 Why was the Queen angry with Charles when she saw him in the courtroom?

Because she had told him to wear a suit and to get his hair cut.

 Why did Diana think the Royal Family wasn't emotional?

Because when they get the veredict the Queen showed no emotion and Diana started to cry.

 Apart from the letter to his mother, what other letters did Charles want to write?

Charles want to write to the governor about the overcrowded conditions in prision.

Chapter 13

 What shows that Anne was used to riding horses?

 According to his letter, why was Charles having problems with the other men?

Because the governor was treating Charles with great respect.

 How do we know that Sayako was rich?

Because he had manageress, a limousine, and went to the Buckingham Palace Hotel.
Chapter 14

 What decision do you think Charles made when he lookes out of his cell windows?

Charles looked out of the cell window. He could see the top branches ot the trees outside. He wanted
freedom very much.

 Why did Diana like Fitzroy?

Diana looked over the onions at Fitzroy. He was so tall, and good-looking. He was so well dressed. His
fingernails were clean and he was kind to his mother.

 How do we know that Diana had a sense of humour?

Because Diana said that Anne's hat it looks better on the horse that on her haid.

Chapter 15

 What Spiggy do to make the Queen think he was a kind man?

Because Spiggy was making a coffin for the Queen Mother.

 How did the neighbourds show their kindness to the Queen on the day of her mother's funeral?

They show their kindness saying: these are simple people and they've got very little money, but they're
very warm and kind.

 What did Charles do when the guard went to the toilet?

Charles was horrified by the terrible, dehydrated state of his garden, but he didn't have time to worry about
that just then. “quick, find my tracksuit and trainers,” he said quietly to Diana.

Chapter 16

 What three things made the Queen think that Jack Barker had spent all the money from Japan?

 Describe how the Queen's family was in chaos.

The Queen's family was Philip in a mental hospital, Charles was somewhere in Scotland without a roof
over his head, her middle son, Andrew, was serving on a submarine in Antarctica and now Edward was
missing. Anne was going out with the handyman, Diana was probably having an affair with Fitzroy and the
children were all beconig wild. Harris was also running around with a gang os street dogs.

 Why did the Queen decide to invite her neighbourds and why did she think it might be a “goodbye

Chapter 17

 What had Jack Barker done? Explain briefly what this meant for Britain.

Mr Barker walked up to the microphones and held ud his hand for quiet.

 What things happened on the balcony of Buckingham Palace that upset the Queen?

 What did Sayako try to do to win the support of the British public and how did this go wrong?

The princess Sayako hold Harry's under her arm.

La Reina y yo es una novela de 1992 / obra escrita por Sue Townsend.

El escenario es el Reino Unido, después de la Elección General de 1992, en la Casa de Windsor ha sido
privado de su condición real por el republicano del Partido Popular y sus miembros se pongan a vivir
como los británicos normal.

Después de un Pueblo Republicano de gobierno del Partido es elegido por el pueblo británico, que fueron
influenciados por los mensajes subliminales enviados a través de sus televisores por los miembros de la
unión de televisión técnicos manipulado por Jack Barker, la familia real tiene que abandonar el Palacio de
Buckingham y debe pasar a un consejo casa hacienda. Barker, como el nuevo Primer Ministro, Gran
Bretaña se transforma en una república y desmantela la monarquía.

En Eléboro Cerrar (apropiadamente conocido como "El infierno Cerrar" para sus habitantes desde hace
mucho tiempo), el nuevo hogar de la Familia Real, que aprendan a lidiar con el día normal de la gente
común. La Reina aprende a usar una cremallera o botones y que cinco horas de espera para ver a un
médico en un hospital de ordinario no es inusual. Ella se entera de que viven con ingresos de una pensión
pequeña y es difícil que usted tiene que organizar su presupuesto. En general, la Reina rápidamente
aprende a hacer frente a la situación y después no quieren volver al Palacio de Buckingham, debido a
todos los deberes que la esperan allí.

Por otro lado, su esposo Felipe no puede hacer frente a la situación. Se niega a comer, está molesto por
compartir la cama con su esposa y le gustaría estar en cualquier lugar pero en Eléboro Cerrar.

Carlos, el ex príncipe de Gales, descubre su gran amor por la jardinería. Aunque él y su esposa Diana,
Princesa de Gales, comienzan relaciones con sus vecinos, sus hijos, William y Harry, creo que la
situación en su conjunto es una aventura. Más tarde, Carlos es encarcelado y condenado por agredir a un
oficial de policía, un crimen que en realidad no cometió. Su hermana Ana, la Princesa Real, se decide por
un personal de mantenimiento local. El príncipe Andrés, duque de York, se menciona brevemente a servir
a bordo de un submarino bajo la capa de hielo del Ártico. Sus vecinos, que al principio escéptico,
finalmente incluir el ex-Reales en su sociedad y ayudar a ellos tanto como sus propias circunstancias lo

Aunque la reina madre es el más antiguo, aprende muy rápido cómo hacer frente a la nueva situación,
pero incluso en las circunstancias de los pobres Eléboro Cerca ella no se puede dejar de apostar a los
caballos. Su muerte sacude a todo el vecindario y todo el mundo participa en su precio, pero solemne
funeral. Una pescadería descontentos y su esposa iniciar una campaña para "Bring Nuestro monarca
Volver", por sus siglas BOMBA.

Jack Barker y su llamado "gabinete de cocina" hacer promesas muy caro a los votantes, por ejemplo,
aumentar las pensiones o la renovación de las escuelas, y pronto se meten en problemas con los
acreedores extranjeros. Después de conversaciones con el emperador japonés, Barker ha anunciado que
Gran Bretaña se convierta en parte del Imperio Japonés, con él mismo como Gobernador General. A
cambio, todos los reembolsos a Japón están suspendidas indefinidamente. Este acuerdo está sellado por
el matrimonio de la hija del emperador, Sayako a Edward, el hijo menor de la reina.

Entonces se puso de manifiesto que toda la historia fue la pesadilla de la Reina, despertar para encontrar
que los conservadores han ganado las elecciones en lugar - como de hecho sucedió realmente: John
Major fue devuelto como Primer Ministro. Sin embargo, en 2006 una secuela, la reina Camila, se publicó,
en el que los Reales siguen viviendo en el infierno Cerca y Jack Barker sigue en el poder.

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