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Chapter 11

Generating the Report

of Analysis

Learning Objectives
After completing this chapter, you will be able to:
• Generate a report using the ANSYS Report Generator.
• Estimate error in the solution due to element shape.
11-2 ANSYS for Designers


In any analysis problem, a considerable time is spent for the documentation of analysis results.
To reduce the time involved in the preparation of documentation, you can use the ANSYS
Report Generator. Using the ANSYS Report Generator, you can record images, numerical

data, tables, and other important information from the ANSYS Graphic User Interface, and
later on, you can compile these information automatically in the form of a report. The ANSYS
Report Generator is also used to generate the HTML based report, which can be posted
directly on the website. The method of generating the report of analysis using the ANSYS
Report Generator can be broadly classified into three categories and these are as follows:

1. Starting the ANSYS Report Generator and then specifying the name of the report and
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working directory to save the captured and the generated report.

2. Capturing images, animation, numerical data, tables, and other important information.

3. Preparing the report using the data collected in the previous step.

Starting the ANSYS Report Generator

To start ANSYS Report Generator, choose File > Report Generator from the Utility Menu;
the Choose Report Location dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 11-1. To specify
the location where the report directory will be created, choose the Report Directory displayed
on the right of the Report Directory text box; the Browse for Folder dialog box will be

displayed, as shown in Figure 11-2. In this dialog box, specify the location for the report
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directory and then choose the OK button.

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Figure 11-1 The Choose Report Location dialog box

Enter the name of the report in the Report Directory text box. All captures and information
collected while generating the report along with the generated report will be saved in the
specified folder in the Report Directory text box. The default name of the report directory

If the specified report directory does not exist, ANSYS will create the report directory. In this
directory, you can save the report to be generated and the related data. If the specified report
directory already exists, then you can append the data to be collected with the existing data
in the report directory or can overwrite the existing data with the new one. Select the desired
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-3
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Figure 11-2 The Browse for Folder dialog box

radio button from the Choose Report Location dialog box to specify whether the data will be
appended or overwritten.

After specifying the desired settings, choose the OK button from the Choose Report Location

dialog box; the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box will be displayed, as shown in

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Figure 11-3. Simultaneously, the ANSYS Graphics area will be resized and the background
color will change to white. As a result, now the captures generated using the ANSYS Report
Generator will be of appropriate size and contrast for compiling them into a report.

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Figure 11-3 The ANSYS Report Generation dialog box

If the specified report directory does not exist, the Directory Creation message box will be
displayed, as shown in Figure 11-4. You can specify different report directories by choosing the
No button from the Directory Creation message box. On doing so, the Choose Report Location
dialog box will be displayed again. However, if you want ANSYS to create the specified report
directory, then choose the Yes button from the Directory Creation message box.
11-4 ANSYS for Designers

Figure 11-4 The Directory Creation message box

Tip. Resizing the graphics area after the display of ANSYS Report Generation
dialog box may cause problem in the size of the images while compiling the report.
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Therefore, it is highly recommended not to resize the graphics area once the
ANSYS Report Generation dialog box is displayed.

Capturing Images for the Report

You can take the screen captures of the ANSYS graphics area using the Image Capture
button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box. The images captured using
this button are saved in the images folder that is created automatically in the report
directory specified by the user. The default name of the image file will be imageX.png, where
X is a number starting from 1 and its value increment by 1 whenever you take a new capture.
The image files are saved in *.png format (Portable Network Graphics format).

To capture an image, choose the Image Capture button

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from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box; the

Image Capture dialog box will be displayed, as shown
in Figure 11-5. Enter a caption for the image in the
Caption edit box. The caption will be displayed below
the image in the final report. The default caption for
the image will be jobname Image X, where X is a Figure 11-5 The Image Capture
number starting from 1 and its value will increment by 1 dialog box
when you take the next capture. Choose the OK button
from the Image Capture dialog box; the image of the graphics area with white background
will be saved in the Images folder under the report directory.
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Capturing Animations for the Report

You can record the animation displayed in the Postprocessing phase of ANSYS using
the Animation Capture button in the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box. The
image files that are compiled together to generate an animation are saved in the
animseq_X folder (where X is a number starting from 1 and its value will increment by 1
whenever you record a new capture). This folder is crested automatically in the report
directory specified by the user. The default name of the image file will be frameX.png, where
X is a number starting from 0 and its value will increment by 1 with each consecutive frame
of the animation. The other images related to animation player are saved in a folder named
anim_images in the report directory specified by the user.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-5

The POST1 Postprocessor must be activated to capture animation in the Postprocessing phase
of ANSYS. Otherwise, the Warning message box will be displayed stating that Animation
capture is only possible in POST1 with a SET command issued, refer to Figure 11-6.
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Figure 11-6 The Warning message box

To capture an animation, choose the Animation Capture button from the ANSYS Report
Generation dialog box; the Animation Capture dialog box will be displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-7. In this dialog box, enter a caption for the animation in the Caption edit box.
The caption will be displayed below the animation in the final report. The default caption for
the animation will be jobname Animation X, where X is a number starting from 1 and its
value will increment by 1 whenever you record a new animation. Select the required type of
animation to be captured from the list box displayed in the Animation Capture dialog box.
Now, choose the OK button. Depending upon the option selected from the list box, an
associated Animation Settings dialog box will be displayed. For example, if you select the
Deformed Shape option from the Animation Capture dialog box, the Animate Deformed

Shape dialog box will be displayed. In this dialog box, specify the desired settings and choose

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the OK button; the preview of the animation will be displayed once in the graphics area and
the ANSYS Report Generator will save the animation in the specified report directory.

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Figure 11-7 The Animation Capture dialog box

11-6 ANSYS for Designers

Capturing Data Tables for the Report

You can capture a predefined data table or a customized table in ANSYS using the
Table Capture button of the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box. The table
captured using this button will be saved in the report directory of the file named

ansysTable.js. Later on, the data saved in this file can be retrieved while compiling the
report. The captured table will be saved with the name table_X, where X is a number starting
from 1 and its value will increment by 1 whenever you capture the next table.

To capture a data table, choose the Table Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation
dialog box; the Table Capture dialog box will be displayed; as shown in Figure 11-8. In this
dialog box, enter a caption for the table in the Caption edit box. The caption will be displayed
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below the table in the final report. The default caption for the data table will be jobname
Table X, where X is a number starting from 1 and its value will increment by 1 whenever you
capture the next table. According to your requirement, select the predefined table from the
list box displayed in the Table Capture dialog box and then choose the OK button. The
ANSYS Report Generator will save the table.
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Figure 11-8 The Table Capture dialog box

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Creating and Capturing User-defined Tables

To create and capture user-defined tables, select the Custom Table option from the list box
in the Table Capture dialog box. Now, specify the numbers of columns and rows in the
Columns and Rows spinner of the Custom Table Size area, respectively. Next, choose the
OK button; the Custom Table Definition window will be displayed, as shown in Figure 11-9.
Enter the desired data in the cells of the table and choose the Write button from the Custom
Table Definition window to accept the defined table. The user-defined table will be saved in
the ansysTable.js file that can be used later for compiling the report.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-7
Figure 11-9 The Custom Table Definition window

Capturing Lists for the Report

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You can capture the lists of results in ANSYS using the Listing Capture button of the
ANSYS Report Generation dialog box. The lists captured using this button will be
saved in the report directory in a file named ansysListings.js. Later on, these lists
can be retrieved while compiling the report. The captured list will be saved with the name
listing_X, where X is a number starting from 1 and its value will increment by 1 whenever
you capture the next result listing.

To capture the result listings, choose the Listing Capture button from the ANSYS Report
Generation dialog box; the Listing Data Capture dialog box will be displayed, as shown in
Figure 11-10. In this dialog box, enter a caption for the result listing in the Caption edit box.
The caption will be displayed below the list in the final report. The default caption for the list
will be jobname Listing X, where X is a number starting from 1 and its value will increment

by 1 whenever you capture the next answer list. Next, enter the ANSYS command that will

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generate the desired result listing in the ANSYS Command edit box; the corresponding list
of results will be created. For example, if you want to capture lists for nodal loads, enter
PRNLD in the ANSYS Command edit box. Similarly, enter PRNSOL to capture the list of
nodal solution, enter PRRSOL to capture the lists of reaction forces, and so on. Next, choose
the OK button from the Listing Data Capture dialog box; ANSYS will record the specified
listing in the ansysListings.js file.

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Figure 11-10 The Listing Data Capture dialog box

Compiling the Report

After capturing all the required information of analysis, you need to compile them in
the form of a report. To generate the report, choose the HTML Report Assembler
button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box; the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 11-11. The options in this dialog box are
discussed next.
11-8 ANSYS for Designers
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Figure 11-11 The HTML Report Assembler dialog box

The TEXT button is used to enter the HTML formatted text in the report. To do so, choose
this button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog box; the HTML Text edit box will be
added to the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box. Next, enter the desired
text in the HTML Text edit box; the text entered will be displayed in the report as it is.

The HTML FILE button is used to include the data in the report from an existing HTML
file. To do so, choose the HTML FILE button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog
box; the Open dialog box will be displayed. Select the HTML file that you want to import
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-9

into the report and choose the Open button; the data from the specified HTML file will be
imported into the report and displayed on the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box.

The IMAGE button is used to insert an image into the report. Note that only the image files
that are saved in the .png, .jpeg, .gif format can be imported into the report. To insert an
image, choose the IMAGE button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog box; the Open
dialog box will be displayed. Select the image file that you want to insert into the report and
choose the Open button; the specified file will be copied to the images folder of the report
directory and inserted into the report. Also, the preview of the inserted image will be displayed

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on the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.

If you want the result to be inserted into the report on executing an ANSYS command, then
choose the DYNAMIC DATA button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog box. On
doing so, the ANSYS command edit box will be added to the right pane of the HTML
Report Assembler dialog box. Enter a command in this edit box; the corresponding result
will be inserted into the report. Note that you can also add more than one command in this
edit box.


The REPORT HEADING button is used to specify the title, author name, and subtitle of the

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report. To do so, choose the REPORT HEADING button from the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box; the Report Heading dialog box will be displayed, as shown in Figure 11-12.
Enter the title, author name, and subtitle in the respective edit boxes and choose the OK
button; the preview of the data entered will be displayed on the right pane. Figure 11-13
displays the preview of a report heading.

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Figure 11-12 The Report Heading dialog box

Figure 11-13 The preview of the report heading

11-10 ANSYS for Designers

The REPORT IMAGES list box is used to insert the captured images and animation in the
report. The preview of all images and animation captured for this report will be displayed in
the REPORT IMAGES list box. If you move the cursor to any image in this list box, the
caption of that particular image or animation will be displayed with the cursor. To insert an

image or animation into a report, click on the required image or animation; the specified
image will be inserted into the report. Also, the preview of the inserted image will be displayed
on the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.


The REPORT TABLES/REPORT LISTS button is used to insert the saved tables/result lists
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into the report. The tables/result lists saved in this report are displayed in the form of buttons
in the REPORT TABLES/REPORT LISTS list box. Some starting characters of the caption
specified while capturing the table/result listing are displayed on these buttons. If you move
the cursor over any button in these list boxes, the caption of that particular table/result listing
will be displayed with the cursor. To insert the table/result listing into the report, choose the
required button; the specified table/result listing will be inserted into the report, and the
icon for the table/result listing and the corresponding caption will be displayed on the right
pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.

Preview Report
The Preview Report button is used to preview the compiled report. To do so, choose

the Preview Report button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog box; a separate
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window of the default internet explorer will open and the preview of the report will
be displayed in that window. After previewing the report, close the internet explorer.

Delete item
The Delete item button is used to delete the specified item from the report. To do so,
select the report entry to be deleted from the right pane of the HTML Report
Assembler dialog box and then choose the Delete item button; the selected report
entry will be deleted.

Move item up/Move item down

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The Move item up/Move item down button is used to change the position of the
report entity in the report. To do so, choose the Move item up button to move the
selected report entry up. Similarly, choose the /Move item down button to move it

You cannot change the position of the entries made using the REPORT HEADING tool. These
entries will always be displayed at the top of the report.

To change the caption of entities inserted into the report, click in the edit box that is displayed
at the lower side of each report entity on the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box. Then, enter the text that you want to display with the corresponding entity in the
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-11

You can insert a page break into the report by selecting the Insert page break for Microsoft
IE check box from the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box. On doing so,
the content of the report will move to the next page while printing it.

After compiling the report, choose File > Save from the Utility Menu of the HTML Report
Assembler dialog box; the report will be saved to the specified report directory by the default
name jobname_report.html. To save the report and close the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box simultaneously, choose File > Save and Close from the Utility Menu of the
HTML Report Assembler dialog box. You can upload this *.html file directly on internet
using any web hosting program.

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Changing the Default Settings of the ANSYS Report Generator
You can change the settings that affect the normal
working of the ANSYS Report Generator. To do so,
choose the Settings button from the ANSYS Report
Generation dialog box; the Settings dialog box will
be displayed, as shown in Figure 11-14. The options
in the Settings dialog box are discussed next.

The Modify graphics window background check box

is selected by default in this dialog box. As a result,
Figure 11-14 The Settings dialog box
when the ANSYS Report Generation dialog box is

invoked, the background of the ANSYS graphics area

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changes to white. Clear this check box if you want to retain the default background while
capturing the data using the ANSYS Report Generator dialog box.

The Write capture commands to the log file check box is also selected by default. As a result,
the information of all data captured using the ANSYS Report Generator dialog box is written
in the ANSYS log file. Clear this check box, if you do not want this information to be written
in the ANSYS log file.

The Write report to the log file check box is also selected by default. As a result, the
information regarding the compilation of report using the HTML Report Assembler tool is
written in the ANSYS log file. Clear this check box, if you do not want this information to be
written in the ANSYS log file. Evaluation Copy
The Percentage of Graphics Size for Animation spinner is used to specify the percentage of
graphics area to be used for capturing images and animations using the ANSYS Report
Generation dialog box. 100 is set as the default value in the Percentage of Graphics Size
for Animation spinner and therefore, captures and animations are resized to cover 100% of
the graphics area.

Any changes made using the Settings dialog box will become the default settings for the use of
the ANSYS Report Generation in future, unless you change the settings again.
11-12 ANSYS for Designers


Error estimation is used to list the estimated solution errors that occur because of poor mesh
quality. The error estimation process is based on discontinuity in the value of stress (static
analysis) or heat flux (thermal analysis) at the boundaries of the element. Error estimation is

valid only for:

1. POST1 (General Postprocessor)

2. Linear static structural and linear steady state thermal analysis
3. Solid (2D and 3D) and shell elements
4. Full graphics (Powergraphics must be turned off)
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If the above mentioned conditions are not met, the calculation of error estimation will be turned
off automatically.

In ANSYS, three types of errors occur due to the deformed element shape. These types are
discussed next.

Percentage Error in Energy Norm (SEPC)

Main Menu: General Postproc > List Results > Percent Error
The SEPC is used to list errors in stress, displacement, temperature, or thermal flux in a

model. After solving the analysis problem, choose General Postproc > List Results > Percent
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Error from the Main Menu; the SEPC value will be displayed in the Legend header of
deformed shape display, refer to Figure 11-15.

Figure 11-15 The SEPC value displayed in the Legend header

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Also, you can list the SEPC value separately in a window. To do so, choose General Postproc >
List Results > Percent Error from the Main Menu; the PRERR Command window will be
displayed with the SEPC value, as shown in Figure 11-16.

Figure 11-16 The PRERR Command window

Generating the Report of Analysis 11-13

Note that the SEPC value should be less than 10%. If this value is more than 10%, you must
check the point loads and stress singularities, and then try to reduce this value. But, if the
SEPC value still remains more than more than 10% even after checking point loads and
stress singularities, then plot the element energy error (SERR) contour.
Element Energy Error (SERR)
Main Menu: General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Element Solu
The SERR is the basic error measure from which other error quantities are derived. SERR is
the energy associated with the stress that is mismatched at the nodes of the element. To plot
the element energy error (SERR) contour, choose General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour

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Plot > Element Solu from the Main Menu; the Contour Element Solution Data dialog box
will be displayed. Click on the Error Estimation node in this dialog box; the node will expand
and display two sub-options. Select the Structural Error Energy sub-option and then choose
the OK button; the element energy error (SERR) contour will be displayed in the graphics

The areas having high SERR value need to be meshed densely (mesh refinement). Note that
the SERR value will be high at stress singularities, therefore, you must ignore these areas.
As mentioned earlier, the red color indicates the maximum stress zone, whereas the blue
color indicates the minimum stress zone. The element energy error (SERR) contour will help
you locate the trouble regions.

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Element Stress Deviations (SDSG)
Main Menu: General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Element Solu
The SDSG is used to measure the amount by which an element stress disagrees with the stress
averages at its nodes. To plot the element stress deviation (SDSG) contour, choose General
Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Element Solu from the Main Menu; the
Contour Element Solution Data dialog box will be displayed. Click on the Error Estimation
node; the node will expand and display two sub-options. Select the Absolute Maximum
Stress Variation option and then choose the OK button; the element stress deviation (SDSG)
contour will be displayed in the graphics area.

Maximum and Minimum Stress Bounds (SMXB and SMNB) Evaluation Copy
The stress bounds are used to determine the effect of mesh discretization error at
maximum stress. The stress bound values (SMXB and SMNB) are displayed in the Legend
header of the stress contours plot, as shown in Figure 11-17.

The maximum stress value should be less than the maximum stress bound (SMXB) value.
11-14 ANSYS for Designers

Figure 11-17 The Legend header of the stress contours

plot showing the stress bound values (SMXB and SMNB)
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Tutorial 1
In this tutorial, you will first calculate the maximum deflection and stress in members, display
deflection, display stress in structure member, shown in Figure 11-18, display it, and then
generate the report using the ANSYS Report Generator. The parameters to be used for the
tutorial are given below:

Force: F=10000 N Material properties: Young’s Modulus = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2


Poisson’s Ratio = 0.3

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Moment of Inertia Izz: 211000

(Expected time: 1 hr)
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Figure 11-18 Structure for Tutorial 1

The following steps are required to complete this tutorial:

a. Invoke the ANSYS Product Launcher window and start a new job.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-15

b. Set preferences and select the analysis type.

c. Create keypoints.
d. Create lines.
e. Define the element type for the members of the structure.
f. Define real constants.
g. Define material properties for the structure.
h. Mesh the structure.
i. Start the ANSYS Report Generator.
j. Capture the image of the meshed 3D model.
k. Apply load on the beam.
l. Capture the image of the structure with applied boundary conditions.

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m. Solve the analysis problem.
n. Postprocess results.
o. Capture the table listing, reaction forces, and displacements.
p. Capture the listing of all constraints acting on the selected items.
q. Compile the HTML report using all captured entities.
r. Save the job and exit the ANSYS session.

Invoking the ANSYS Product Launcher Window and Starting a New

First, you need to start the ANSYS Product Launcher window and then a new file.

1. Choose Start > All Programs (or Programs) > ANSYS 11.0 > ANSYS Product Launcher

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from the start menu; the ANSYS Product Launcher window is invoked.

2. Set the following options in the ANSYS Product Launcher window:

Simulation Environment: ANSYS

License: ANSYS Multiphysics

3. In the File Management tab, set the options as follows:

Working Directory: C:\ANSYS\c11

Job Name: tut01
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4. Choose the Run button from the ANSYS Product Launcher window; the ANSYS session
(ANSYS window along with the output window) gets started.

5. Choose File > Change Title from the Utility Menu; the Change Title dialog box is
displayed. Enter the name tut01 in the Enter new title edit box and choose the OK

Setting Preferences and Selecting the Analysis Type

Next, you need to set preferences and select the analysis type before proceeding to any
analysis. This filters out the menu choices.
11-16 ANSYS for Designers

1. Choose Preferences from the Main Menu; the Preferences for GUI Filtering dialog
box is displayed. Select the Structural check box and choose the OK button; the analysis
preference is set.

2. Next, to select the analysis type, choose Solution > Analysis Type > New Analysis from

the Main Menu; the New Analysis dialog box is displayed.

3. By default, the Static radio button is selected. If it is not selected, select it and choose the
OK button; the analysis type is set.

Creating Keypoints
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Now, you need to create keypoints to define the


1. Choose Preprocessor > Modeling > Create >

Keypoints > In Active CS from the Main Menu;
the Create Keypoints in Active Coordinate
System dialog box is displayed.

2. In this dialog box, choose the Apply button to

create a keypoint at the 0,0,0 location. Next, create
other keypoints using the coordinates shown in Figure 11-19 The coordinate values
for keypoints

Figure 11-19.
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3. Choose the OK button after entering coordinates of the last keypoint; keypoints are
created. To view all keypoints on the screen, choose the Fit View button from the Model
Control toolbar.

You can turn the display of the keypoint and line numbers on by selecting the Keypoint numbers
and Line numbers check boxes in the Plot Numbering Controls dialog box. To invoke this
dialog box, choose PlotCtrls > Numbering from the Utility Menu.

Creating Lines
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1. Choose Preprocessor > Modeling > Create > Lines > Lines > Straight Line from the
Main Menu; the Create Straight Line dialog box is displayed.

2. Select the keypoint numbers 1 and 2; the line is created. Next, select keypoints from the
graphics area, as shown in Figure 11-20, to create other lines. Next, choose the OK
button after creating the last line. Figure 11-21 shows the final structure created.

Defining the Element Type for Members of the Structure

Next, you need to define the element type for members of the structure. To do so, you
need to use the 2D elastic 3 element (Beam 3).
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-17
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Figure 11-20 Keypoints for creating lines Figure 11-21 The final structure created

1. Choose Preprocessor > Element Type > Add/Edit/Delete from the Main Menu; the
Element Types dialog box is displayed.

2. Choose the Add button from this dialog box; the Library of Element Types dialog box
is displayed.

3. Select the Beam category from the element category list area of the Library of Element
Types dialog box. Next, select the 2D elastic 3 element type from the element type list


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4. Choose the OK button from the Library of Element Types dialog box and then choose
the Close button from the Element Types dialog box; the 2D elastic 3 element type is

In ANSYS, the element (2D elastic 3) is known as “BEAM 3”.

Defining Real Constants

Next, you need to define the real constants for the beam.

1. Choose Preprocessor > Real Constants > Add/Edit/Delete from the Main Menu; the
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Real Constants dialog box is displayed.

2. Choose the Add button; the Element Type for Real Constants dialog box is displayed.

3. Choose the OK button; the Real Constants for Beam 3 dialog box is displayed. Enter
the following values in this dialog box:

Cross-sectional area = 1000 Area moment of inertia = 211000

Total beam height = 50

4. Choose OK and then the Close button; the real constants are set.
11-18 ANSYS for Designers

Defining Material Properties for the Beam

Next, you need to define material properties for the beam.

1. Choose Preprocessor > Material Props > Material Models from the Main Menu; the
Define Material Model Behavior dialog box is displayed.

2. Next, double-click on the Structural > Linear > Elastic > Isotropic in the Material
Models Available area; the Linear Isotropic Properties for Material Number 1 dialog
box is displayed.

3. Enter the following values for material properties:

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EX = 2.1e5 PRXY = 0.3

4. Choose the OK button from the Linear Isotropic Properties for Material Number 1
dialog box. Next, choose Material > Exit from the Define Material Model Behavior
dialog box. The material properties are assigned to the beam.

Meshing the Structure

Next, you need to mesh the structure using the MeshTool dialog box.

1. Choose Preprocessor > Meshing > MeshTool from the Main Menu; the MeshTool

dialog box is displayed.

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2. Select the Lines option from the Element Attributes drop-down list and choose the Set
button; the Line Attributes dialog box is displayed. Also, you are prompted to select the
line to assign attributes.

3. Choose the Pick All button from the Line Attributes dialog box; all the line members
are selected in the graphics area and the modified Line Attributes dialog box is displayed.
In this dialog box, choose the OK button to assign default attributes.

4. In the Size Controls area of the MeshTool dialog box, choose the Set button that is next
to the Lines option; the Element Size on Picked Lines dialog box is displayed and you
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are prompted to select the line for size assignment.

5. Choose the Pick All button from the Element Size on Picked Lines dialog box; all the
line members are selected in the graphics area and the Element Sizes on Picked Lines
dialog box is displayed.

6. In this dialog box, enter 100 in the No. of element divisions edit box and choose the OK
button. You will notice that each line member is divided into 100 equal parts.

7. Choose the Mesh button from the MeshTool dialog box; the Mesh Lines dialog box is
displayed and you are prompted to select the line to be meshed.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-19

8. Select all line members of the structure from the graphics area by choosing the Pick All
button from the Mesh Lines dialog box; the line is meshed. Next, choose the Close
button from the MeshTool dialog box.

9. To see the shape and size of the meshed line, choose PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape
from the Utility Menu; the Size and Shape dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box,
select the Display of element check box and then choose the OK button; the 3D model
of the meshed beam is displayed in the graphics area.

10. Choose the Isometric View button from the Modal Control toolbar. Figure 11-22 shows
the isometric view of the 3D meshed structure.

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Figure 11-22 Isometric view of the 3D meshed structure

Starting the ANSYS Report Generator

To capture important information related to the report, you need to invoke the ANSYS
Report Generator and specify the name and location of the report directory where all
information related to the report is stored.
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1. Choose File > Report Generator from the UtilityMenu; the Choose Report Location
dialog box is displayed.

2. Next, choose the Report Directory (...) button on the right of the Report Directory text
box; the Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed.

3. Specify the location where you want to save all files related to the report to be generated.
Next, choose the OK button from the Browse for Folder dialog box.

4. Enter tut01_report in the Report Directory edit box of the Choose Report Location
dialog box and then choose the OK button; the Directory Creation message box is
11-20 ANSYS for Designers

5. Choose the Yes button from the Directory Creation message box; a folder named
tut01_report is created at the specified location.

This folder acts as a report directory where all information captured using the ANSYS
Report Generation dialog box will be saved automatically.

Capturing the Image of the Meshed 3D Model

Now, you need to capture the image of the meshed 3D model using the ANSYS Report
Generation dialog box.

1. Choose the Image Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
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box; the Image Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box, as shown in Figure 11-23, and choose the OK
button; the capture of the 3D meshed model gets saved in the specified report directory.

Figure 11-23 The Image Capture dialog box

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It is recommended not to close the ANSYS Report Generator dialog box because you can
invoke other tools and continue working on the specified analysis problem while the ANSYS
Report Generator dialog box is still open.

Applying Load on the Structure

Now, you need to apply load on the structure, in which both free ends of vertical members
are fixed and a downward force of 1000N is acting on the horizontal member.

1. Choose Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural >
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Displacement > On Nodes from the Main Menu; the Apply U,ROT on Nodes dialog
box is displayed. Also, you are prompted to select the nodes for displacement constraints.

2. Select the nodes at the lower end of both the vertical members of the structure and
choose the OK button; the modified Apply U,ROT on Nodes dialog box is displayed.

3. Select the UX and UY options from the DOFs to be constrained list box and choose the
OK button; the DOF constraints are applied at the lower end of both the vertical members
of the structure.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-21

Next, you need to apply force on the horizontal member of the structure.

4. Choose Preprocessor > Loads > Define Loads > Apply > Structural > Force/Moment >
On Keypoints from the Main Menu; the Apply
F/M on KPs dialog box is displayed.
5. Select the keypoint number 3 on the horizontal
member (intermediate keypoint) and choose the
OK button from the Apply F/M on KPs dialog
box; the modified Apply F/M on KPs dialog box
is displayed.

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6. Select the FY option from the Direction of
force/mom drop-down list and enter -10000 in
the Force/moment value edit box.

7. Choose the OK button; the force is applied, as Figure 11-24 Structure members with
shown in Figure 11-24. applied forces

Capturing the Image of the Structure with Applied Boundary

Now, you need to capture the image of the structure with various forces acting on members

using the ANSYS Report Generator.

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1. Choose the Image Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Image Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box, as shown in Figure 11-25, and choose the OK
button. The capture of the 3D meshed model gets saved in the specified report directory.

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Figure 11-25 The Image Capture dialog box

Solving the Analysis Problem

Next, you need to solve the analysis problem.

1. Choose Solution > Solve > Current LS from the Main Menu; the /STATUS Command
window and Solve Current Load Step dialog box are displayed. The /STATUS Command
window displays the solution options.
11-22 ANSYS for Designers

2. Choose the OK button from the Solve Current Load Step dialog box; the Note window
is displayed stating that the solution is done. Next, close the Note and /STATUS Command

Postprocessing Results

Next, you need to postprocess the results of analysis.

Deformed Shape

1. Choose General Postproc > Plot Results > Deformed Shape from the Main Menu; the
Plot Deformed Shape dialog box is displayed.
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2. Select the Def + undeformed radio button from this dialog box and choose the OK
button; the deformed shape of the beam is displayed in the graphics area. Also, the
maximum value of deformation (DMX) is displayed in the Legend header, refer to
Figure 11-26.

Maximum Deformation = 2.575 mm

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Figure 11-26 The deformed shape of the structure

Capturing the Image and Recording the Animation of the Deformed

Now, you need to capture the image of the deformed shape of the structure and also
capture the animation of the deformed shape sequence using the ANSYS Report
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-23

1. Choose the Image Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Image Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box, as shown in Figure 11-27, and choose the OK
button. The capture of the 3D meshed model is saved in the specified report directory.
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Figure 11-27 The Image Capture dialog box

3. Choose the Animation Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Animation Capture dialog box is displayed.

4. Enter the text in the Caption edit box and select the Deformed Shape option from the
list box, as shown in Figure 11-28 . Next, choose the OK button; the Animation Deformed
Shape dialog box is displayed.

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Figure 11-28 The Animation Capture dialog box

5. Enter 20 in the No. of frames to create edit box and 0.2 in the Time delay (seconds) edit Evaluation Copy
box. Next, select the Def + undeformed radio button and choose the OK button from
the Animation Deformed Shape dialog box.The captured animation sequence for the
deformed shape is saved in the specified report directory.
11-24 ANSYS for Designers

Maximum and Minimum Stresses

1. Choose General Postproc > Plot Results > Contour Plot > Nodal Solu from the Main
Menu; the Contour Nodal Solution Data dialog box is displayed.

2. In this dialog box, choose Nodal Solution > Stress > von Mises stress and choose the
OK button; the stress contour is displayed in the graphics area. Also, the maximum and
minimum values of stresses (SMN and SMX) are displayed in the Legend header, refer
to Figure 11-29.

Maximum Stress = 0.014596 N/mm2

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Minimum Stress = 174.81 N/mm2

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Figure 11-29 The stress developed in the structure

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If stress contours are not displayed in the graphics area, and the maximum and minimum value
of stresses are not shown in the Legend header, choose PlotCtrls > Style > Size and Shape
from the Utility Menu; the Size and Shape dialog box is displayed. Select the Display of
element check box from this dialog box and choose the OK button.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-25

Capturing the Image and Recording the Animation of the Stress

Now, you need to capture the image and the animation of the stress contours using the
ANSYS Report Generator.
1. Choose the Image Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generator dialog
box; the Image Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box, as shown in Figure 11-30, and choose the OK
button. The capture of the 3D meshed model gets saved in the specified report directory.

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Figure 11-30 The Image Capture dialog box

3. Choose the Animation Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Animation Capture dialog box is displayed.

4. Enter the text in the Caption edit box and select the Deformed Results option from the

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list box, as shown in Figure 11-31. Next, choose the OK button; the Animation Nodal
Solution Data dialog box is displayed.

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Figure 11-31 The Animation Capture dialog box

5. Enter 20 in the No. of frames to create edit box and 0.2 in the Time delay (seconds) edit
box. Select Stress and von Mises SEQV options from the list boxes in the Contour
Nodal Solution Data area of the Animation Nodal Solution Data dialog box, refer to
Figure 11-32. Next, choose the OK button from the Animation Nodal Solution Data
dialog box; the capture of the animation sequence for the stress distribution is saved in
the specified report directory.
11-26 ANSYS for Designers
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Figure 11-32 The Animate Nodal Solution Data dialog box

Capturing the Table Listing of Reaction Forces

Next, you need to capture the table listing of the reaction forces using the ANSYS Report
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1. Choose the Table Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Table Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box of the Table Capture dialog box, as shown in
Figure 11-33. Select the Sum of the reaction forces option from the list box in the Table
Capture dialog box and choose the OK button. The reaction forces data is saved to the
specified report directory.

Capturing the Listing of all Constraints Acting on the Selected Items

Next, you need to capture the listing of all constraints acting on the selected items using
the ANSYS Report Generator.
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1. Choose the Listing Capture button from the ANSYS Report Generation dialog
box; the Listing Data Capture dialog box is displayed.

2. Enter the text in the Caption edit box and enter the command in the ANSYS Command
edit box, as shown in Figure 11-34. Choose the OK button from the Listing Data Capture
dialog box; the list of external forces acting on members of the structure is saved in a file
named ansysListings.js in the specified report directory.
Generating the Report of Analysis 11-27
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Figure 11-33 The Table Capture dialog box

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Figure 11-34 The Listing Data Capture dialog box

Compiling the HTML Report Using all Captured Entities

1. Choose the HTML Report Assembler button from the Assembly Report
Generation dialog box; the HTML Report Assembler dialog box is displayed.

2. Next, choose the TEXT button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog box; the HTML

Evaluation Copy
Text edit box is added to the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.
Enter “This analysis is performed for the problem described in the Tutorial 1 of Chapter
11.” in the HTML Text edit box.

3. Choose the REPORT HEADING button from the HTML Report Assembler dialog
box; the Report Heading dialog box is displayed. In this dialog box, enter the required
text in the respective edit boxes, as shown in Figure 11-35, and then choose the OK
button; the specified information is displayed at the top of the report in the right pane of
the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.
11-28 ANSYS for Designers

Figure 11-35 The Report Heading dialog box

4. Select the animations and images listed in the REPORT IMAGES list box one by one.
All selected animations and images are inserted into the report. Also, the preview of the
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inserted animations and images is displayed in the right pane of the HTML Report
Assembler dialog box.

5. Select the Sum of the reac button from the REPORT TABLES list box; the specified
table list is inserted into the report, and the icon for the table listing and caption is
displayed on the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.

6. Choose the List of the con button from the REPORT LISTINGS list box; the specified
result listing will be inserted in the report and the icon for the result listing and caption
is displayed in the right pane of the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.

7. Now, use the Move item up and Move item down buttons to rearrange the

report entities in the following sequence:

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1. Report heading
2. Text
3. Image with caption “3D meshed model of the structure”
4. Image with caption “Structure members with the applied forces”
5. Report table with caption “Sum of the reaction forces”
6. Result listing with caption “List of the constraints on selected items”
7. Image with caption “Deformed and undeformed shape of the structure”
8. Animation with caption “Animation for the deformed shape of the structure”
9. Image with caption “Maximum and minimum stress in the members of the structure”
10. Animation with caption “Animation for the maximum and minimum stress”
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Figure 11-36 displays the HTML Report Assembler dialog box after rearranging all
report entities.

8. Choose the Preview Report button; a separate window of the default internet
explorer is invoked and the preview of the report is displayed in that window.
Figure 11-37 displays the Microsoft Internet Explorer window with the preview
of the report.

9. After previewing the report, close the internet explorer window.

Generating the Report of Analysis 11-29

Figure 11-36 The HTML Report Assembler dialog box Evaluation Copy For
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10. Choose File > Save option from the Utility Menu of the HTML Report Assembler
dialog box. The report is saved to the specified report directory by the default name
tut01_report with a file extension *.html.

11. Now, choose the Close button to exit the HTML Report Assembler dialog box.

Saving the Job and Exiting the ANSYS Session

1. Choose the SAVE_DB button from the ANSYS Toolbar; the job is saved.
11-30 ANSYS for Designers
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Figure 11-37 The Microsoft Internet Explorer window with the preview of the generated report
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2. Choose QUIT button from the ANSYS Toolbar; the Exit from ANSYS dialog box is
displayed. By default, the Save Geom+Loads radio button is selected. Now, select the
Save Everything radio button and choose the OK button; the ANSYS session is closed.

Self-Evaluation Test
Answer the following questions and then compare them to those given at the end of this
Evaluation Copy

1. ANSYS report is saved with the __________ file extension.

2. The __________ is the default name of the report directory where all files related to the
report are saved.

3. The __________ button is used to compile a report.

4. Animations can be captured in the Solution phase of ANSYS. (T/F)

5. The SEPC value should always be less than 10%. (T/F)

Generating the Report of Analysis 11-31

Review Questions
Answer the following questions:

1. The report file generated using the ANSYS Report Generator can be uploaded directly
on the Internet. (T/F)

2. The images captured using the ANSYS Report Generator are saved with a __________
file extension.

3. You can capture result listings in ANSYS using the Listing Capture button. (T/F)

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4. The maximum stress value should be less than the maximum stress bound (SMXB) value.

5. You cannot insert a customized table in the ANSYS Report Generator. (T/F)

Exercise 1
Perform an analysis for the beam shown in Figure 11-38. Then calculate the maximum
deflection and the maximum and minimum stresses developed in the beam. Also, generate

the report of the analysis using the ANSYS Report Generator.

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Force: P=10000 N/mm2 Material properties: Young’s Modulus = 2.1 x 105 N/mm2
Poisson’s Ratio = 0.3
(Expected time: 30 min)

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Figure 11-38 Beam for Exercise 1

11-32 ANSYS for Designers

Exercise 2
Perform an analysis for the structure shown in Figure 11-39. Then, calculate the deflection
and the stress developed in the members of the structure. Also, generate the report of the
analysis using the ANSYS Report Generator.

Force: F=100 N Material properties: Young’s Modulus = 2 x 105 N/mm2

Poisson’s Ratio = 0.27
(Expected time: 30 min)
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Figure 11-39 Structure for Exercise 2

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Answers to Self-Evaluation Test

1. .html, 2. jobname_report, 3. HTML Report Assembler, 4. F, 5. T

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