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Leuco -Anthocyanins

Low Temperature Station for Research in Biochemistry and Biophysis, Cambridge, and
Department of Scientific and Industrial Research
(Received 10 October 1953)
A method for the detection of leuco-anthocyanins, alcohol (3-methylbutan-1-ol) to give a supernatant
and the chromatographic identification of the an- layer just deep enough to be drawn cleanly into a
thocyanidins formed from them by boiling with capillary tube, from which the solution is spotted on
mineral acid, has been described in an earlier paper the starting line of the chromatogram. The applica-
(Bate-Smith, 1953). This method has been improved tions are repeated, employing a current of hot air to
and applied to the leaves and other tissues of accelerate drying, until the colour is deep enough
numerous species of plants. In the present paper the to ensure visibility of the anthocyanidins on the
results of identification of anthocyanidins produced developed chromatogram. A marker of known
from leuco-anthocyanins in some ofthese species are identity is applied on each paper.
reported. In the paper which follows the systematic In order to prevent the anthocyanidins from
distribution of the leuco-anthocyanin reaction in fading, it is necessary to maintain a low pH during
leaves is discussed. chromatography. This was originally achieved
(Bate-Smith & Westall, 1950) by using the upper
EXPERIMENTAL AND RESULTS phase of the mixture n-butanol-2N-HCl (1:1, v/v).
A solvent brought to our notice by Forestal
Paper chromatographic 8eparation of anthocyanidin8 Laboratories has given better-defined spots and
The main problem is to obtain a solution of the more consistent results. This 'Forestal solvent'
anthocyanidins in sufficient concentration for consists of water-acetic acid-conc. HCI (10:30:3,
paper chromatography, without at the same time v/v). Solvents containing m-cresol and HCl have
concentrating irrelevant substances. This is ac- also been tested, and one of these consisting of
complished by converting the leuco-anthocyanins m-cresol-5-5N-HCl-acetic acid (1: 1: 1, v/v) (acetic
into anthocyanidins in aqueous solution (rather acid is added in order to bring the aqueous and
than in methanol as described previously) and phenolic constituents into a single phase) has given
extracting the anthocyanidins with i8oamyl alcohol. promising results. As was found with the phenolic
Conveniently, 0-2-1-0 g. of tissue is covered with solvents employed in earlier work on the chromato-
2N-HC1 (about 3 ml.) in a test tube, and heated in graphy of flavonoid compounds (Bate-Smith, 1949),
boiling water for 20 min. The aqueous solution is this solvent has the effect of suppressing the lyo-
decanted (filtered if necessary) into a small narrow philic properties of methoxyl groups to a greater
test tube and shaken with sufficient i8oamyl extent than the aliphatic solvents, so that the order
Table 1. E. and R, values of some anthocyanidins
Solvent system
n-Butanol-HCl Acetic acid-HCl acetic acid
Emas. Rp value
Pelargonidin 530 0-80 0-68 0-82
Cyanidin 545 I
0769 0-50 0-69
Paeonidin i 0*72 0-63 0-87
Delphinidi 0-35 0-30 0-52
Petunidin 555 0-45 0-45 0-75
Malvidin 0-53 0*60 0-90
Table 2. Spectrographic examination of Application to various plant twsues
anthocyanidins from leaves The earlier work (Bate-Smith, 1953) was confined
Chromatographic to a study of white flowers, in which interference
Species (mP.) identification from other substances present is reduced to a
Cinnamomnum sericeum 544 Cyanidin minimum. No difficulty has been experienced in
Eriobotrya japonica 543 Cyanidin extending the study to leaves, in spite of the
Persea grat8smima 545 Cyanidin
Raphiolepi8 indsca 543 Cyanidin presence of chlorophyll, since this is largely
Rhoicisaus rhomboidea 547, 553 Cyanidin, delphinidin destroyed in the process of heating with HCI. Any
Rumex lunaria 545 Cyanidin traces of chlorophyll which may remain are ex-
Thea sinensms 543, 557 Cyanidin, delphinidin tracted by the isoamyl alcohol, and appear on the
(dried green leaf,
China type clone) chromatogram near the solvent front. Leaves and
other tissues pigmented with anthocyanin are,
of the R, values of the anthocyanidins is different in however, not easy to work with and have so far been
this solvent from those in acetic acid-HCl and avoided. The leaftissues examinedwere from mature
n-butanol-HCl (Table 1). leaves not evidently pigmented with anthocyanins,
Most of the results recorded below have been freed from petioles and larger veins. Both immature
obtained with the Forestal solvent. In every and senescent leaves may contain anthocyanin
instance far tested, however, the chromatographic
so pigment which may not be visible on mere in-
results with the other solvents have agreed with spection, and were therefore avoided in a survey
those obtained with the Forestal solvent. Valuable confined to the incidence of leuco-anthocyanins. If
further confirmation that the substances produced anthocyanin pigmentation is not excessive, leuco-
are, in fact, anthocyanidins lies in the observation anthocyanins might still be detected in such
that in all solvents other than those containing instances by comparison with a control prepared
strong acid the substances are decolorized. from an aqueous extract of the tissue hydrolysed
with dilute acid. Robinson & Robinson (1933)
Spectrographic examination suggested such a procedure, selectively extracting
the hydrolysed anthocyanidin with isoamyl alcohol
Anthocyanidins have well-defined peaks in the and developing the leuco-anthocyanin in the under-
visible region, either in ethanolic HCI solution or lying aqueous layer. This would of course only apply
when examined directly as a spot on a paper if the leuco-anthocyanin were itself insoluble in
chromatogram by the method of Bradfield & Flood isoamyl alcohol. Rarely, tissues may contain pre-
(1953). By the latter method the values are formed anthocyanin in colourless form which is
accurate to no more than ± 2 m. Values for six converted into the normal coloured form on acidifi-
anthocyanidins are given in Table 1. cation; these also have been excluded from the
The anthocyanidin spots from digests of leaves present study.
were examined spectrographically on paper chro- Catechins, when heated with hydrochloric acid,
matograms and gave values of E,n,, shown in are converted into 'phlobaphenes' which dissolve in
Table 2. It will be seen that the spectrographic iwoamyl alcohol to give deep golden (catechins
data in every case confirmed the chromatographic proper) or brown (gallocatechins) solutions.
identification. In the case of leuco-anthocyanin The tissues of species belonging to certain
prepared from wood of Pinus maritima, and families give strong colour reactions which might
supplied by Professor J. Masquelier, the antho- interfere with the detection and identification of
cyanidin having the RF value of cyanidin gave anthocyanidins. Such species are Caryopteris
a maximum of 545 muL. tangutica and Tectona grandis in Verbenaceae,
124 E. C. BATE-SMITH I954
124 E. C. BATE-SMITH '~~~~~~
Table 3. Anthocyanidin8 formed from leuco-anthocyanin8 in leavea
The following results record the detection, by paper chromatography, of cyanidin (C) and delphinidin (D) formed from
leuco-anthocyanins by treatment with hydrochloric acid (see text). Where the concentration of anthocyanidin was appreci-
ably different from the average this is indicated by the letters 8 (strong) and w (weak).
Actinidiaceae, Actinidia chinens8i, C; Aizoaceae, Carpobrotu8 acinaciformis, C; Anacardiaceae, Cotinu8 coggygria, C, D;
Anonaceae, A8imina triloba, C; Asclepiadaceae, Periploca graeca, C; Betulaceae, Corylu8 avellana, D; Caprifoliaceae,
Viburnun lantana, Cw; Celastraceae, Euonymus fortunei 'Silver Queen', C, D8; E. japonicus, C,D; E. radican8
'minimus', C, D; Cunoniaceae, CaUicoma 8erratifolia, C; Ebenaceae, Diospyro8lotu8,Cw, Dw; Ericaceae, Arbutu8
unedo, C, Dw; Macleania punctata, C; Rhododendron8mirnowii, C; Fagaceae, Fagu8sylvatica, C8, D; F. 8ylvaticat, C;
Juglandaceae, Juglan8 regia, Cs; Lauraceae,C.Cinnamomum sericeum, C; Persea gratissima, C; Leguminosae, Bauhinia
yunnanensis, C; Caesalpinia echinata, D; japonica, C; Cercis siliquastrum, C, D; Coronilla varia, C, D; Derris
elltiptica,C, C;D8;Desmodium canadense, Cs, D8; Hedy8arum multiflorum,Cw, D8; Le8pedeza thunbergii, C, D; Onobrychis
Pithecolobium dulce*, C; Poinciana regia*, C; Pterocarpus fraxinifolius, C; Rhynchosia pha8eoloides, C,
8ativa, C, D; Limnanthaceae, Limnanthes dougla8ii, C,Ds; Magnoliaceae, Magnolia denudata
Ds;M.Scorpiurus muricatus, C; Humulus
(= conspicua), Cw; Melastomaceae, Tibouchinasemidecandra, C, Ds; Moraceae, Ficus sycomoru8,
lupulu8, C, D; Myricaceae, Myrica gale, C, Ds; Oxalidaceae, Oxalis bupleurifolia, D; Platanaceae, Platanus orientali8,
C, Ds; Plumbaginaceae, Limonium latifolium, D; L. 8inuatum, D; Polygonaceae, Fagopyrum tataricum, C; Polygonum
aviculare, D; Rheum rhaponticumt, C; Rumex lunaria, C; Proteaceae,Grevillea robusta, D; Rhamnaceae, Rhamnus
cathartica, C, D; B. purshiana, C, Dw; Rosaceae, Agrimonia eupatoria*, C; Chaenomelesspeciosa (= Cydonia japonica
auct.), C; Eriobotrya japonica*, C; Fragaria (strawberry) 'Auchincruive Climax', C; KerriaPotentilla japonica*, C; MalusC;
sargentii*, C; Mespilus germanica*, Cs; NeiUia longiracemosa*, C;Osteomeles 8chwerinae*, C; aucuparia,fruticosa,
P. montana, C; Prunus pissardiit, C; Raphiolepis indica*, C; Sorbaria aitchisonii, C; Sorbus C; Spiraea
saltcifolia*, C; Salicacea, Populus canescens, C; Salix elaeagnos (=S. incana), C; Sapindacea, Koelreuteria paniculata,
C, D; Xanthoceras sorbifolia, C, D8; Saxifragaceae, Astilbe rosea 'Queen Alexandra', C; Boykinia aconitifolia, C;
Hydrangea hortensist, C; Ribes grossularia, D;R.sanguineum 'splendens', D; Tellima grandiflora, C, D; Theaceae
Camellia japonica, C; Theasinensis, Cw, Dw; Tiliaceae, Tilia europaea, C; Ulmaceae, Utmus procera, C; Vitaceae,
Parthenocisaus quinquefolia, C; Rhoicissus rhomboidea, C, D; Vitis viniferat, C.
Iridaceae, Iri8 pseudacorus, C, Ds; Liliaceae, Smilax rotundifolia, C.
Ginkgoaceae, Ginkgo biloba, D; Gnetaceae, Ephedra americana, Ds; E. nebrodensis, D8; Pinaceae, Araucaria bidwillii,
Cw; D; Metasequoia glyptostroboides, C; Sequoiadendron giganteum, D; Taxaceae, Taxus baccata, C, Dw.
Equisetaceae, Equi8etum telmateia, C; Polypodiaceae, Blechnum occidentate, C, D;
rotundifolia, Cw, D; Pteridium aquilinum, C; Pteris childsii, C.
Dryopteris elongata, C, D; Pellea
* Paeonidin also present.
t Results recorded by Robinson & Robinson (1933, 1934).
Table 4. Anthocyanidins formed from leuco-anthocyanins in fruits, etc.
Fruits and nuts Plant part Antocyanidin
Apple 'Bramley Seedling'
Betel nut
Flesh Cyanidin
Cacao, Criollo Bean, cotyledons Cyanidin
( Skin Cyanidin
Grape, purple I and
Seed delphinidin
Groundnut Testa Cyanidin
Hazel nut
Pear 'Conference' Flesh
Plum 'Victoria' Skin Cyanidin
Walnut Seedcoat Cyanidin
Roots, etc.
Bergenia crassifolia Rhizome Cyanidin
Fagopyrum esculentum Root Cyanidin
Pinus maritima* Wood Cyanidin
Flowers (Bate-Smith, 1953)
Dombeya spectabilis
Erica carnea var. alba White petals
Raphiolepis ovata Cyanidin
* Material as named and supplied by Professor J. Masquelier, Faculte de Medecine et de Pharmacie, Bordeaux, France.
Galium spp. in Rubiaceae, E3callonia spp. in Saxi- lation is the same as that found in cyanidin (III) and
fragaceae, Garrya elliptica in Garryaceae, In- delphinidin (IV), respectively, and it is therefore
carvillea olgae in Bignoniaceae, and Aucuba japonica a matter of some importance, in connexion with the
in Cornaceae. In some instances the substances origin and function in the plant of the leuco-
responsible for these interfering reactions are known anthocyanins and catechins, that the leuco-antho-
(cf. Trim & Hill, 1952). cyanins should be restricted to the patterns of
Sugars in exceptionally high concentration, as in hydroxylation found in the catechins. The system-
some ripe fruits, when heated with hydrochloric atic significance of these results is discussed in the
acid give a golden-brown colour, soluble in isoamyl following paper.
alcohol to give a red-brown solution. On the SUMMARY
chromatogram a brown zone due to this pigment,
which appears cream-coloured when viewed in 1. The leuco-anthocyanins present in leaves,
ultraviolet light, is visible near the solvent front. fruits and other tissues are converted into antho-
Tentative identifications, based on measurements cyanidins by heating the tissues with 2N aqueous
of R. values, of the anthocyanidins formed from hydrochloric acid. The anthocyanidins are identified
leuco-anthocyanins present in leaves, seeds and by paper chromatography using the three solvent
fruits, are recorded in Tables 3 and 4. systems, n-butanol-2N hydrochloric acid (1: 1,
v/v), water-acetic acid-conc. hydrochloric acid
(10:30:3, v/v), and m-cresol-acetic acid-5-5N
DISCUSSION hydrochloric acid (1: 1:1, v/v).
A remarkable feature of the results obtained is that, 2. Except in Rosaceae and a few Leguminosae
with only a few exceptions, the leuco-anthocyanins (which appear to contain leuco-paeonidin) the leuco-
present in the tissues examined yielded only anthocyanins appear to be restricted to leuco-
cyanidin and delphinidin when digested with cyanidin and leuco-delphinidin.
hydrochloric acid. The exceptions were confined to The author wishes to thank Dr T. White of the Forestal
Rosaceae and Leguminosae, where, occasionally, Land, Timber and Railways Company Ltd., Harpenden,

(I) (II)

OH 0 r--NOH
(III) (IV)
an anthocyanidin corresponding in RF value with Herts, for supplying the details of the acetic acid-HCl
paeonidin was present on the chromatogram. These solvent, and Dr T. Swain for the spectrographic data in-
areas on the chromatogram were usually confused corporated in Tables 1 and 2. The work described in this
with a pinkish brown trail, which occurred in most paper was carried out as part of the programme of the Food
Investigation Organization of the Department of Scientific
species of Rosaceae, and also in those of Fagopyrum, and Industrial Research.
Vitis, Fagus, Populus, Boykinia, Le8pedeza and
The near relationship, from the chemical point of
view, of the leuco-anthocyanins and the catechins Bate-Smith, E. C. (1949). Symp. biochem. Soc. no. 3, p. 62.
has been discussed previously (Robinson & Robinson, Bate-Smith, E. C. (1953). J. exp. Bot. 4, 1.
1933; Bate-Smith, 1953). Up to the present no Bate-Smith, E. C. & Westall, R. G. (1950). Biochim.
biophys. Acta, 4, 417.
hydroxyflavans other than catechin (I) and gallo- Bradfield, A. E. & Flood, A. E. (1953). J. chem. Soc. p. 4740.
catechin (II) have been found in nature (cyano- Robinson, G. M. & Robinson, R. (1933). Biochem. J. 27,206.
maclurin, occurring uniquely in Artocarpus inte- Robinson,G. M. & Robinson,R. (1934). Biochem.J.28,1712.
grifolia, is excepted). Their pattern of hydroxy- Trim, A. R. & Hill, R. (1952). Biochem. J. 50, 310.

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