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Time Diversification and Estimation Risk

Bjorn Hansson and Mattias Persson

The recommendation that investors with long investment horizons tilt their
portfolios toward stocks is cominonplace. We used a nonparametric
bootstrap approach to investigate whether in a mean-variance-efficient
portfolio, the lueightsfor U.S. stocks and U.S. T-bills vary in a systematic
manner with investment horizon. This approach allowed us to analyze the
impact of estimation risk on the optimal weights of stocks and fixed-income
securities. The results show that an investor can gain from time
diversification: The weights for stocks in an efficient portfolio were
significantly larger for long investment horizons than a one-year horizon.

ractitioners in the United States commonly if markets behave like a random walk and investors
recommend that an investor with a long have constant relative risk aversion (Van Eaton and
investment horizon—someone saving for Conover; Jagannathan and Kocherlakota).
retirement, for example—tilt her or his port- Our purpose in the study reported here was to
folio toward stocks and away from fixed-income analyze whether mean-variance-efficient portfolio
secui-ities. This recommendation is an important weights for stocks and T-bills vary significantly
example of putting into practice the concept of time with the investment horizon for a buy-and-hold
diversification, which generally implies a system- strategy. The data in this exercise were real return
atic relationship between the portfolio weights for a data for a well-diversified U.S. stock portfolio and
particular asset class and investment horizon. the short-term, nominally risk-free rate from 1900
To say that investors with a long horizon to 1997. The analysis presupposed that investors
should invest more heavily in stocks than investors form optimal investment strategies based only on
with a short horizon is almost conventional wis- historical estimates of the following parameters or
dom, because the relative riskiness of stocks com- inputs to the optimization problem: means, vari-
pared with bonds is supposed to diminish with the ances, and covariances. The model is uncondi-
length of the horizon {Lee 1990; Siegel 1994; Thorley tional, in the sense that the agents do not explicitly
1995). Some well-known economists have attacked try to model any possible time-series relationships
this recommendation^among others, Samuelson among the assets. We implicitly accounted for any
(1994), Bodie, Merton, and Samuelson (1992), and possible time dependencies in the observed return-
Jagannathan and Kocherlakota (1996). Their asser- generating processes, however, by resampling a
tions are based on the following theoretical result: great number of return series from the original data
If the return series follow a random walk and the through a computer-intensive method called
investors have constant relative risk aversion, then "bootstrapping with moving blocks." This strategy
time diversification cannot exist. As pointed out by differs trom that used by Jagannathan and Kocher-
Van Eaton and Conover (1998), however, the two lakota and several others, who constructed statisti-
camps are not analyzing the same type of invest- cal models of asset returns.
ment problem. The attackers are looking at a The bootstrap approach allowed us to study an
dynamic investment problem in which the given important (but often forgotten) issue, namely, esti-
horizon is chopped up into several periods of the mation risk, in which the true parameters of the
same length, whereas the adherents of time diversi- return distributions are unknown.^ In a mean-
fication are analyzing the effects of increasing the variance context, the inputs to the mean-variance
horizon for a buy-and-hold strategy. In such a case, model are sample estimates only, not the true
the optimal weights may vary with the horizon even parameters. The problem of estimation risk is a very
important empirical problem; Jobson and Korkie
(1981) showed that the biases in mean-variance opti-
Bjorn Hansson is professor of economics and Mattias mization can be large. In addition, the composition
Persson is a Ph.D. candidate in economics at Lund of the sample efficient portfolios is extremely sensi-
University, Szueden. tive to changes in the estimates of the asset means

September/October 2000 55
Financial Analysts journal

(Best and Grauer 1991). Furthermore, Broadie (1993)

Min x'y X -lixx
indicated that estimates of efficient portfolios are
optimistically biased predictors of actual efficient subject to I'x = 1
portfolios (i.e., they overestimate expected returns x>0,
and underestimate the variance of reaims).^ We
focus on the asset weights rather than the means and where
the variances of the efficient portfolios. X = the weight vector
y - the variance-covariance matrix
We not only analyzed the existence of time
diversification, but we also tested whether time ^i = the vector of expected returns for the
diversification is significant in a statistical sense investment horizon under consider-
(i.e., whether significant statistical differences exist ation
between the optimal weights for different invest- X = "the price of risk" or the marginal rate of
ment horizons).^ We were able to do so because we substitution of expected return for vari-
generated empirical distributions of the optimal ance
weights by using a nonparametric bootstrap. There- I = a vector of ones
fore, we were not constrained by the fact that our A nonnegativity restriction is imposed on the
data contained few nonoverlapping investment weights because all asset positions are assumed to
horizons of, for example, 10 years. Instead, via be positive for long investment horizons. An inves-
resampling, we could construct the empirical dis- tor with low risk aversion will choose a portfolio
tributions for the optimal weights and thus use the with a high lambda, whereas an extremely risk-
sample information to the utmost. averse investor will choose a portfolio with the
smallest possible variance, the so-called "minimum-
variance portfolio," which has a lambda equal to
Data zero. Lambda in an interval of 0 to 10 was used in
Our monthly data for U.S. stocks and T-bills from the optimization because this interval captures effi-
1900 to 1997 were in the form of two total-return cient portfolios from the all-stock portfolio to the
indexes: The stock data were a total-return index minimum-variance portfolio located at lambda
based on the S&P 500 Index and the bill index pro- equal to zero. In our comparison of portfolios from
vided the returns from holding 90-day U.S. T-bills. different investment horizons, we use portfolios
with the same lambda, which implies that the port-
From these two indexes, we constructed series of
folios will differ with respect to expected return and
continuous returns. We made the assumpHon that variance but will have the same risk price.
investors are interested only in real consumption Keep in mind that for two assets, it is not pos-
possibilities and deflated the return series by the sible to compare weights for the same return target.
seasonally adjusted U.S. Consumer Price Index cal- The procedure we used gives the same portfolio
culated by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. Thus, weights for all horizons because the resampled
the optimization problem involves a trade-off average returns are almost identical for different
between the expected value of real returns and the horizons.
variance of real returns.
The Bootstrap Approach. Tiie bootstrap
method, introduced by Efron (1979), is a computer-
Method intensive method for estimating the distribution of
In this section, we describe the optimization method an estimator or a statistic by resampling the data at
used to find the asset weights of the efficient portfo- hand. In this study, we used a nonparametric mov-
lios and how we applied the bootstrap approach to ing block bootstrap introduced by Carlstein (1986)
construct empirical distributions for asset weights. aiid Kiinch (1989), in wliich serial dependence, as
weii as cross-sectional correlation, is preserved
Efficient Portfolios. Investors were assumed within the blocks. We used a nonparametric boot-
to use the mean-variance criterion when forming strap because a parametric form gives inconsistent
their optimal portfolios, and the investment hori- estimates if the structure of the serial correlation is
zons we considered were 1 year, 5 years, and 10 misspecified or not tractable. The assets were drawn
years.^ The investors look for the portfolio weights cross-sectionally, so they belonged to the same time
period in the original series. Tlius, we never con-
X that minimize the following trade-off between structed a five-year relationship between stocks and
variance and expected return for a particular bills that did not exist in the original series.
investment horizon:^

©2000, Association for Investment Management and Research

Time Diversification and Estimation Risk

The sample of real continuous returns on obtained an indication of the magnitude of the esti-
stocks and bills, R, was grouped into k overlapping mation risk from the intervals because the confi-
blocks of 60 months. We chose a block length of 60 dence region displayed the degree of uncertainty
months because it is probably long enough to pick associated with the efficient frontier. Our bootstrap
up most forms of possible time dependencies. The approach to measuring estimation risk is an alterna-
blocks were then resampled with replacement b tive to the confidence regions of Jobson (1991) and
times until a series R* with the same length as R was the methods proposed in Michaud (1998).
obtained, which was equivalent to constructing a
realization or trajectory for stocks and bills for each
drawing or R*. From each resampled R*, we calcu- Analysis
lated a variance-covariance matrix, V*, and an Before discussion of time diversification and esti-
expected return vector, \i*, for each investment mation risk, we will first take a brief look at the
horizon from nonoverlapping holding-period data. Figure 1 depicts our original index series for
retuims. We then used \* and [i* as inputs to the stocks and bills and two bootstrap realizations of
mean-variance optimization and obtained the opti- total returns for stocks and bills, which imply four
mal portfolio weights, x*. We repeated this proce- trajectories. The bootstrap realizations illustrate the
dure 1,000 times. In the end, we had a set of trajectories when the weight in stocks was high and
bootstrapped observations for each optimal portfo- low, respectively: "Stocks High" and "Bills Low"
lio in the mean-variance optimization and every are from one bootstrap realization; "Stocks Low"
investment horizon. and "Bills High" are from another realization.
The empirical distribution of the weights, based These trajectories resemble the original index
on the bootstrap samples, allowed us to draw infer- series. As Figure 1 shows, a high weight in stocks,
ences about the weights. We constructed 90 percent "Stocks High," does not have to be associated with
confidence intervals based on the percentiles of the an extreme positive realization for stocks. In this
distribution of the assets weights. We ordered the case, the high weight in stocks is connected with an
observations in ascending order. That is, the 5 per- extreme negative realization for bills. The same is
cent percentile, x*^^\ is the 50th ordered value of the true for the relationship between "Stocks Low" and
replications and j"f^""' is the 95 percent percentile "Bills High," but in that case, the risk-free asset had
and the 950th ordered value of the replications. We extremely low volatility.

Figure 1. Orlginai Total-Return Series and Trajectories for Stocks and BiMs
(iognormal scale)


Stocks Low Bills Low

Stocks High Bills High
Stocks Bills

September/October 2000 57
Financial Analysts Journal

Time Diversification. To discuss the exist- horizon is smaller than the X** at the 1-year invest-
ence of time diversification (i.e., whether any signif- ment horizon. For many portfolios, having the
icant differences would exist between the weights same relative increase in weight would not even be
for short versus long horizons), we start by simply possible because the weight has an upper bound of
comparing average weights. Then, we will turn to 1 as a result of the prohibition of short sales.
proper statistical inference. The most direct test of time diversification is to
Table 1 reports the average weights and the compare the weights from the same trajectory. To
90 percent confidence intervals for the weight in decrease the effect of estimation errors, we matched
stocks for various efficient portfolios and invest- our weights from each bootstrap realization (trajec-
ment horizons. (The results for bills are not pre- tory) and counted the number of cases in which the
sented because they are an exact mirror image of 5-year stock weight, .Y5, and 10-year stock weight,
the results for stocks.) Only results for lambda in .rlO, was above the corresponding 1-year weight, xl.
the interval of 0 to 1 are reported because for higher This procedure produces low estimation errors
lambda, most of the efficient portfolios consisted because extreme one-year weights are usually asso-
of 100 percent stocks.'' The average weight in ciated with extreme weights for the longer horizons.
stocks increases with investment horizon, whereas The result is presented in Figure 2. Note that the
(and as a result) the average weight in bills falls number of cases when, for example, the stock weight
with investment horizon. We found the largest for the five-year horizon is larger than the corre-
relative differences in average weights for portfo- sponding one-year weight ranges from 700 to 865—
lios with low lambdas. Comparison of the average that is, in more than half of the drawings. The critical
weights for 1- and 10-year investment horizons values are 521 and 537 for, respectively, the 95 per-
with lambda equal to zero (i.e., the minimum- cent and 99 percent level. Thus, significant differ-
variance portfolio) shows that the average weight ences appear for all levels of lambda. The greatest
increases from 2.9 percent in stocks to 11.3 percent significance is encountered for an absolute risk aver-
in stocks with the longer horizon. For these hori- sion around 0.5, which is a quite moderate level. The
zons, when lambda equals 1, the relative weight significance is always higher for the 5-year horizon
increase at the long horizon is smaller. because the 10-year horizon has larger estimation
errors as a result of having fewer nonoverlapping
In fact, if time diversification exists, the largest
observations. Therefore, we found a systematic rela-
relative difference in the asset weights will always
tionship between the investment horizon and the
be found at low lambdas, at least when only two
allocation to stocks in mean-variance-efficient port-
assets are being considered. For a lambda larger
folios: Investors with long investment horizons
than some X**, the efficient portfolio will always
should have relatively more stocks than investors
consist of 100 percent stocks. If time diversification
with short horizons.
exists, the implication is that the X** at the 10-year

Tabie 1 . Average Weights and Confidence Intervais at the 90 Percent Levei forthe Weights in Stocks, S
Investment Horizon Irwestment Horizon Investment Horizon
1 Year 5 Years 10 Years

X •• •<**]
r 1
V. [..'-] •<-) •<•-'*)
s[.v*" "'J

1 0.249 0.682 1.000 0.418 0.825 1,000 0,351 0.815 1,000

0,90 0.230 0,634 1.000 0,385 0.787 1,000 0,324 0,781 1.000
0.80 0.212 0.579 1.000 0,350 0,739 1,000 0,302 0,741 1,000
0.75 0.202 0,549 1.000 0.333 0.712 1,000 0,292 0.718 1,000
0.70 0.190 0.517 0.981 0,317 0,682 1,000 0.278 0,693 1.000
0.60 0.170 0.450 0.845 0.288 0.615 1.000 0,238 0.635 1.000
0.50 0.149 0.380 0.699 0.252 0.537 1.000 0.182 0,567 1.000
0.40 0,127 0.309 0.549 0.208 0.450 0.847 0.134 0.486 1.000
0.35 0,117 0.274 0,482 0.186 0,405 0.750 0.103 0.441 0.989
0.30 0.106 0.238 0.413 0.155 0.359 0.656 0.081 0.393 0,874
0.25 0.097 0.202 0,347 0,123 0.312 0.559 0.040 0.344 0.774
0.20 0.086 0.167 0,280 0.082 0.265 0.478 0,000 0.295 0,669
0,15 0.069 0,131 0.214 0,036 0.218 0,415 0,000 0.245 0,577
0.10 0.047 0.096 0.152 0,000 0.172 0,350 0,000 0.196 0,475
0.05 0.017 0.060 0.103 0.000 0.130 0.288 0,000 0.151 0,400
0 0,000 0,029 0.075 0.000 0.095 0.252 0.000 0,113 0,341

58 ©2000, Association for Investment Management and Research

Time Diversification and Estimation Risk

Figure 2. i\Aatched Weights in Stocks

N u m b e r of Observations

900 .v5 > A-1 847 855 865 863 848

830 838 815
800 740 764

700 735
713 696 '•
600 xlO > xl 655






0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0,80 0.90 1.00


Estimation Risk. Turning to the confidence are also larger for the portfolios with X ^ 0.5. Thus,
intervals in Table 1, note that the width of the inter- the number of extreme weights increases both with
val generally increases with lambda. The cause is lambda and with investment horizon.
what is called "error maximization" (Michaud
1989), which is the dark side of portfolio optimiza- Results with Different Block Lengths.
tion: In search of assets that increase the return and Finally, we analyzed whether our results were sen-
decrease the risk of a portfolio, the optimization sitive to the chosen block length.^ Choosing a block
procedure favors assets with overestimated length involves a trade-off. On the one hand, as
expected returns and underestimated risks. Thus, block length decreases, the moving block bootstrap
our result is in line with the well-known result that will destroy the time dependency of the data and
portfolios close to the minimum-variance portfolio average accuracy will decline. On the other hand,
have less estimation error (see, for example. Best as block size increases, fewer blocks will result, the
and Grauer, Broadie, and Chopra and Ziemba 1993). pseudodata will tend to look alike, and again, aver-
Table 1 shows that the interval width generally age accuracy will decline. Berkowitz and Kilian
increases with the investment horizon. One reason (1996) found that the performance of the moving
is the presence of fewer nonoverlapping observa- block bootstrap tends to be fairly stable in the
tions at longer investment horizons. Figure 3 and neighborhood of the optimal block size.
Figure 4 show the ordered weights for stocks for all
three investment horizons and portfolios with We used block sizes of 84 and 120 months to
lambda equal to, respectively, 0.1 and 0.5. Compar- check the robustness of our results for a block size
ing the slopes of the curves in Figure 3 shows that of 60 months but found that the results did not
our estimates of the stock weights for the one-year change the overall picture:^ We still concluded that
horizon are quite stable and that the uncertainty in investors with long investment horizons should tilt
our estimates increases with the investment horizon. their portfolio weights toward stocks. The optimal
The number of extreme weights—that is, the niim- block length, in the sense of taking care of as much
ber of cases when the weight for stocks is 0 or 1— mean reversion in stock returns as possible, is prob-
also increases with the investment horizon. This ably greater than 60 months but below 120 months.
phenomenon makes the confidence intervals wider
and thereby makes our estimates more uncertain. Tentative Expianation. Our results indicate
Figure 4 shows that the variation in weights for X = that the weights for stocks in efficient portfolios are
0.5 is larger than the variation in weights for the significantly greater for longer horizons than for a
portfolios at ^ - 0.1. The numbers of extreme weights one-year horizon (and vice versa for bills). A tenta-
tive explanation is that over certain investment

September/October 2000
Financial Analysts Journal

Figure 3. Quantiie Functions for the Weights in Stocks at >. = 0.1

Weight in Stocks

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000

Number of Bootstrap Observations

horizons, the return-generating process for stocks is results are not caused by any particular paramet:ric
mean reverting and/or the process for bills is posi- assumptions of the return-generating processes.
tively autocorrelated. If so, the annualized risk for
stocks should fall with investment horizon whereas Conclusions
the risk for bills should increase. Table 2 displays Our main purpose has been to analyze whether
the average mean returns and average annualized mean-variance-efficient portfolio weights for stocks
standard deviations for stocks and bills and the and bills vary significantly with investment horizon
average correlation between stocks and bills from in a buy-and-hold strategy. In this analysis, we kept
the 1,000 bootstrap resamples. The risk for stocks the risk price, the slope of the efficient frontier, con-
falls from around 20 percent for the one-year hori- stant while varying the investment horizon from 1
zon to a bit above 17.5 percent for the five-year year to 5 years to 10 years. We used real U.S. return
horizon; the risk for bills increases from about 5 data from 1900 to 1997 for a well-diversified stock
percent for the one-year horizon to just above 7.5 portfolio and a short-term, nominally risk-free rate.
percent for the five-year horizon. Note in particuiar We used a bootstrap approach to analyze the
that the mean returns for stocks and bills are the variation in portfolio weights for stocks and bills
same for the three investment horizons. Because the for the different investment horizons—in particu-
return spread between stocks and bills is constant lar, a nonparametric moving block bootstrap with
over the investment horizons, the change in portfo- a block length of 60 months in which serial depen-
lio weights might stem from the fact that the stan- dence and cross-sectional correlation were pre-
dard deviation for stocks falls with longer served within the blocks. With this approach, we
investment horizons but increases for bills. Thus, could also study the impact of estimation risk on
our results may be at least partly explained by these the optimal weights of stocks and bills.
characteristics of the return-generating processes.
Keep in mind that our results follow from the use of As far as the question of estimation error is
moving blocks in the bootstrap procedure, which concerned, we found that estimation error increased
takes care of time dependency in the data; the with price of risk, X, and with investment horizon.
The ftrst effect is a result of error maximization.

60 ©2000, Association for Investment Management and Research

Time Diversification and Estimation Risk

Figure 4. Quantiie Functions for the Weights in Stocks at >. = 0.5

Weight in Stocks

0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000

Number of Bootstrap Observations

which implies that the optimization framework horizon portfolios. Thus, we conclude that our evi-
chooses assets with overestimated expected returns dence supports the existence of time diversification:
and imderestimated risks. The second effect is partly The weights for stocks in efficient portfolios are
a result of fewer nonoverlapping observations at significantly higher for long investment horizons
longer investment horizons than at shorter horizons. than for a one-year horizon.
To analyze whether any significant statistical
differences would show up in the stock weight for
the different investment horizons when lambda
was kept constant, we used a method that is quite
We would like to thank seminar participants at Lund
efficient in taking estimation errors into consider- University, the Finance and Macro workshop at EPRU,
ation: We matched the weights from our bootstrap Copenhagen Business School, the annual meetings of the
samples and counted the number of cases in which Southern Finance Association 1998 and the European
the longer horizon had a larger weight in stocks Financial Management Association 1999, and the
than the one-year horizon. For all lambdas, the Research Department at the Federal Reserve Bank of
stock weight was significantly larger for the longer- Atlanta for vaiuabie comments.

Tabie 2. Average Mean Returns, Standard Deviations, and Correlations

Investment Horizon Investment Horizon In\'estinent Horizon
lYear 5 Years 10 Years
Standard Standard Standard
Asset Mean Deviation Correlation Mean Deviation Correlation Mean Deviation Correlation
Stocks 6-09'Ji. 20.09% 0.15 6.09% 17.69% 0.24 6,09% 17,40% 0.23
Bills 0.95 5.09 0.95 7.64 0,95 7,53
Note: Standard deviation is annualized. Correlation is the correlation between stocks and bills.

September/October 2000 61
Financial Analysts Journal

1. More specifically, estimation risk means that the joint prob- 6. Markowitz (1992) and Sharpe (1991) used this optimization
ability density function of security returns,/{r| 6), is not method in an expected utility framework. Our minimization
completely known. Included are the situation when the func- problem is exactly the same as the optimization for an
tional form of/is unknown and the more common case in investor with a negative exponential utility function when
which the functional form of/is presumed to be known but the returns are jointly normally distributed. In this case,
the values of the parameter vector, 9, are unknown. Bawa, lambda is the absolute risk tolerance. But our optimization
Brown, and Klein (1979) provided a good overview of this method is an excellent approximation even if the investor
problem and its implications for optimal portfolio selection.
has some other utility function and/or the returns are not
2. Broadie used a Monte Carlo approach similar to the one
jointlynormallydistributed (see Levy and Markowitz 1979),
used by Jobson and Korkie but imposed a restriction on
short selling. 7. The results for lambdas greater than 1 are available from
3. Liang, Myer, and Webb (1996) used the bootstrap method the authors.
in a somewhat similar manner for studying the real estate 8. Li and Maddala (1997) and Berkowitz and Kilian (1996)
weight in a nriixed portfolio. found that a moving block bootstrap is sensitive to the
4. The data came from Taylor (1998). selection of biock length.
5. We also have results for a 20-year investment period but 9. The results for block lengths of 84 and 120 months are
they did not in any way change the overall results. available from the authors.

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