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Oleh :


NIM : CAC 108 003





Most clays are crystillne ; that is, they have a definite, repeating arrangement of atoms
of which they are composed. The majority are made up of planes of oxygen atoms silicon and
aluminum atoms holding the oxygens together by ionic bonding, which is the attraction of
positively and negatively charged atoms. Three or four planes of oxygen atoms with
intervening silicon and aluminum ion (or others, depending upon the clay) make up layer.
One clay particle is composed of many layer stacked like a deck of cards. A clay particle is
called a micelle. A few clays have the oxygen and others atoms less regularly oriented and
are called amorphous materials.

Clays have a net negative charge, which will attract and hold positively charged ions
called cations. Common soil cations include potassium (K+), sodium (Na +), ammonium
(NH4+), calcium (Ca2+), magnesium (Mg2+), hydrogen (H+), and aluminum dhydroxide
(Al[OH]2 +). The amounts of these positive cationseld by clays vary with the kind of clay.
Plant roots can use some exchangeable basic cations from the clay. Exchangeable cations
requires other cations to replace those removed. Other cationsweathering from mineals o
hydrogen from the dissolving of carbon dioxide in water (CO2 comes from respiration of
roots and from organic matter decomposition) are able to exchange for ions already on the
exchange sites. (Acidic cations are mostly H+, the hydroxy aluminum ions the hydroxy iron

Clays are referred to by group names. The crystalline clays with silica
monthmorillonite, hydrous mica (illite), vermiculite, chlorite and kaolinite are known as
silicate clays. Some of the amorphous clays, which are noncrystalline but have silica, are
included as silicate clays. Sesquioxides are a group of iron and aluminum oxides and hydrous
oxides. Manganese oxides and titanium oxide are often included.


When a cation such as Si4+ or Al3+ is surrounded in a ³close fit´ by oxygens and has
planes fitted on the exposed surfaces, the names of the geometric shapes are use to indicate
the special relationships. Thus, the Si4+ surrounded by 4 oxygens forms a tethahedron (4
sides) and the unit has tethahedral coordination. The 6 oxyens needed to fit snughly around
the larger Al3+forms an 8-sided octahedron, and the Al3+ is in octahedral coordination.

The planes of oxygen held together by Si4+ are tethahedrally oriented and are referred
to as a (silica) tethahedral sheet. One of these planes of oxygen plus a second plane of
oxygens(or hydroxyl) are held together by Al3+, are octahedrally oriented, and are referred to
as the (alumina) octahedral sheet. One silica sheet per one alumina sheet is a 1 : 1 lattice. A 2
: 1 lattice has 2 silica sheets per alumina sheet.

m  Y 
Sebagianbesartanahliatialahdarikristal; merekamempunyaisusunantertentu,
yaitumengulangisusunan atom. Mayoritasdibuatataspesawatsilikon atom oksigendan
aluminum atom memegangoksigenbersamaolehmengikatbersifat ion, yang
beratraksisecarapositifdan atom bermuatannegatif.tigaatauempatpesawat atom
oksigendengancampurtangansilikondan aluminum ion (ataulain, tergantungatastanahliat)
merupakansebuahlapisan. Satupartikeltanahliatdisusundaribanyaklapisan yang
micelle.beberapatanahliatmempunyaioksigendanatom yang lain yang kurangteraturdisebut
material tanpabentuk.

Tanah liatmempunyaimuatannegatif, yang

akanmenarikdanmemegangionbermuatanpositifyang disebutkation.
Kationtanahtermasukkalium (K ), sodium (Na ), ammonium (NH4 ), zatkapur (Ca2+),
+ + +

magnesium (Mg2+), hidrogen (H+), dan aluminum hidroksida (Al(OH)2 +).

anmemerlukankation lain untukmenggantikanataumemindahkanitu.
Kerusakankarenaiklimkationlaindari mineral atauhidrogenberasaluntukmenghancurkan gas
asam-arang di air (CO2 datangdaripernafasanakardandaripembusukanbahanorganik)
dapatditukaruntuk ion telah di tempatpenukaran. (kationasamkebanyakan H+, ion aluminum
hidroksidadan ion besihidoksida.

Tanah liatdibagidalamdenganbeberapagolongan.Tanah
liatsepertikristaldengantanahkerikilmonthmorillonite, hydrouabrak (illite, vermiculite,
khloritdan kaolin dikenalsebagaitanahliatsilikat. Sebagiandaritanahliattanpabentuk, yang
dicakupsebagaitanahliatsilikat.sesquioksidakelompokbesidan aluminum oksidadan
hydrousoksida. manganoksidadan titanium oksidaseringtermasuk.

 Y m Y

Bilakationseperti Si4 +atau Al3+terapit di ³close fit´

denganoksigendanmempunyaipesawatmencoba di membukapermukaan,
namabentukgeometrismenggunakanhubungankhusus. Jadi, Si4+terapitdengan 4
bentukoksigentethahedron (4 sisi) dansatutethahedralkoordinasi. 6
oksigenmemerlukanenergiyang cocokuntukmengelilingi Al3 yang
lebihbesardalambentukbidangdelapan, dan Al3 di oktahedralkoordinasi.

Pesawatoksigenmenahanbersamaoleh Si4 +tethahedraldandirujuksebagai (tanahkerikil)

tethahedralhelai.salahsatudaripesawatinimempuyaioksigenlebih, pesawatkeduaoksigen
(atauhidroksil) dipegangbersamaoleh Al3+, oktahedral, dandirujuk (oksidaluminiumsebagai)
oktahedralhelai. satuhelaitanahkerikil per satuhelaioksidaluminiumpola 1: 1. Pola 2: 1,
mempunyai 2 helaitanahkerikil per helaioksidaluminium


 Cation exchange capacity (CEC) is the amount of exchangeable cations per unit
weight of dry soil. It is measured in centimoles (+) of cations per kilogram soil [cmol(+)/kg].
the term ³centimoles(+)´ is used because the number of negative sites in a given soil sample
does not change, but the weight of cations that may be adsorbed to those sites at one time do
change. One centimole (+) of cation X occupies the same number of cation exchange sites as
one centimole (+) of cations Y (a different cation). (If chemical weight unit were used, one
gram of cation X would not occupy the same number of cation exchange sites would one
gram of cation). Measuring the CEC in centimoles (+) of cations per kilogram of material
keeps the CEC value the same regardless of what cations occupy the sites.
The amount of exchangeable cations in most soils are surprisingly large. Usually to
depths of normal rooting (60-90 cm or 2-3ft), the amounts of exchangeable ion range from
hundreds to thousand of kilograms per hectare.
Exchangeable plus soluable K + are the major immediate sources of potassium to
plants. A CEC measurement of exchangeable K+ allows an estimate of weather or not
fertilizer potassium needs to be added. As an example, a CEC measurement of less than
400kg/ha of K+ to a depth of 30 cm (about 366 lb/ a-1 ft depth) indicates that a crop having a
high potassium requirement would need added potassium fertilizers.

Y " 
Is the cation exchange capacity (CEC) always the same in a given soil? The answer is
yes, approximately, if the soil pH, humus, and clay contents remain the same. The soil¶s CEC
does change as these properties change.


The measurement of CEC is time consuming and often not measured because of this
cost. One method use to estimate CEC is simple straightforward. First, estimate or measure
the clay and humus percentages. Second, assign an ³average´ CEC value to each 1 percent of
clay or humus. Third, add up the CEC contributions for the clay or humus. In general, each
percentage of humus contributes about 1.5-2.0 cmol(+)/kg of CEC and each percentage of
clay contributes about these amounts in cmol(+)/kg: montmorillonite = 0.6-1.0, kaolinite =
0.02-0.10, and sesquioxides = 0.05. Since soil contents of hydrous mica, chlorite, or
vermiculite are usually quite small, it is difficult to know how to estimate these.
The kind and proportions of the various cations are discussed later. In general, the
calcium ions dominate the CEC except in quite acidic soils. Al(OH)2+ ion dominates in soils
of pH about 4-6. Below pH 4, more Al3+ and H+ occur on the exchange sites.
Note that the discussion of cation exchange capacity has considered primarily the
plant nutrients calcium, magnesium, ammonium, and potassium. Anions (an-I-ons) the
negatively charged nutrients such as sulfate, nitrate, phosphate, molybdate, borate, and
chloride, are not held on cation exchange sites. Also, few of the other micronutrients are held
there; the form hydroxides or carborates of low solubility and are available to the plants
directly from the small amounts solubilized into the soil solution. However, most soils have a
low anion exchange capacity.

  Y Y!

Kapasitastukarkation (KTK)jumlahkationdapatditukarkan per
beratsatuantanahkering.inidipertimbangkandenganbaik di centimole ( kation per kilogram
tanah [cmol(+/kg)]. Istilah ³centimoles(+)´ digunakankarenatempatnegatifbanyaknya di
ditentukantanahsederhanatidakmerubah, tetapiberatkation yang
mungkinserapketempatitupada suatu waktulakukanmerubah. satucentimole ( kation
Xmenempatisamajumlahtempatpenukarankationserentakcentimole ( tahunkation (
berbedakation). (jikasatuanberatkimiamenggunakan, satu gram kation
Xakantidakmenempatisamajumlahtempatpenukarankationakansatu gram kation).
mengukurcec di centimole ( kationper kilogram bahanmenyimpan
Jumlahkationdapatditukarkan di paling tanahanehnyabesar.biasanyakekerendahan
normal memakukan (60-90 cm atau 2-3ft, jumlahdaridapatditukarkan ion
terbentangdariratuskeribudari kilogram per hektar.
Lebihdapatditukarkansoluable K+sumberdengansegerautamakaliumketanam-tanaman.
KTK ukurandapatditukarkan
K+ mengizinkanmemperkirakancuacaatautidakkaliumpupukmemerlukanuntuk;menjadimenam
bahkan. sebagai suatu contoh, cecukurankurangdari 400kg/ha dari k+ kekedalaman 30 cm
kira-kira 366 lb/ a-1 ftkedalaman)

ApakahKapasitasTukarkation (KTK)selalusamadalamdi ditentukantanah?
menjawabya, Š Š , jikatanah pH, humus, dansisamuatantanahliatsama.


metodemenggunakanmemperkirakancec. pertama,
perkirakanatauukurantanahliatdanpersentase humus. kedua, perbantukan ³average´
KTKnilaikesetiap 1 persentanahliatatau humus. ketiga, menjumlahkan
KTKsumbanganuntuktanahliatatauhumu. secaraumum,
setiappersendarihumumenyumbangkantentang 1.5-2.0 cmol(+/kg) dari
KTKdansetiappersendaritanahliatmenyumbangkantentanginijumlah di cmol(+/kg):
montmorillonite = 0.6-1.0, kaolin = 0.02-0.10, dansesquioxide = 0.05.
sejakmuatantanahhydrouabrak, khlorit, atau vermiculite biasanyasungguhkecil,
Baikdanbagiankationmacamdibincangnanti.secaraumum, zatkapur ion mendominasi
KTKkecuali di sungguhtanahasam. Al(OH)2+ ion mendominasi di tanah pHtentang 4-6.
dibawahph 4, banyak Al3+dan H+terjadi di tempatpenukaran.
tanaman, magnesium, ammonium, dankalium.Anion (an-i-
on)bahangizibermuatannegatifseperti sulfate, asamnitrat, fosfat, molibdate, asamgarambor,
danklorida, tidakmenahan di tempatpenukarankation. juga, beberapa lain micronutrient
dipegang di sana; hidroksidabentukataucarboratedayalarutrendahdantersediauntuktanam-
tanamansecaralangsungdarijumlahkecilkeencerantanah. Akantetapi,
sebagianbesartanahmempunyaikapasitastukarkation yang rendah.

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