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DAr i, ERFAPP-15



CHECK ONE . Statement of Org8nIZ8tio
tl JUL (Rev . 01f2006)

Q This ~s an am end ..,"

Q8 This is can tnltlal' Statement of Organization
oomlnifEae-s s0cephn9
ntri30 nons,
# ------
days of
be filed uriMin 10 In
statement of Orgenlzeeat moot Y eL-6 n open Indexed

,An mibsf
rncurftng trfdebtedness exceeding of 0Tartir-W" .
making expenditures, a be imposail ta A~d Statements 10 days Wilier a new or arngrtded
Penalties may 0" She# NO within
a du3n9s in adtvily for Ar)Other for qte new
that exceeds 4750 office'OOt .
oommff" ooncem+ n9 the (Vmpaign
pR-1 d rsdosin9 rnforrr lafion
the name of the commktee .)
candidaW's last seine u1
ust fndude tha
COMMITTEE L 1 (A candidaee's

Elect Marty Danzer Committee

~p N : In catty t1tPo o~ `"tom Yeu stet rspo~n~ot!~}Sfabewide PAC ( 3 18tsM Party ( a )Court Csttt~l
Re6erttion Candidtrb9 ( 2 ( 0 ~ourlty
Standing for 3ubdlvitston t:ersdldate
( 1 )Stal+twideJLegitaaUveIJudgA ( 7 ),School Eloard or Outer Po1iGw1 ckylrounly ballot IeAUUnL
( 5 )County CardIdaG ( a SKY Candidats inctucH comrniKee Involved in mufti Pte
Su bdlvtsbn PAC 11 local t3Mlot due
~1o t1oo1 Board a O lt+er Political
candida6o's committee
fa a
COIIAMfTT££ CHAIR rnandaiEory
_COMMfTTEE TREASURER (rnalndet for a II c;ortrrttlltesar)
Na"'e Z 1
Name Matthew Nep~el
Lisa Danzer Mailing Addm" 1-1
Mailing Addrtssss 01 N Main Street
2fB63 Quail Ave
1. ~. Zip e 1
City I Zip CNssr~ 1 owa 1401
t%rolf COVnvila 51401

Phone ( 712) 792 - 4477

Phone ( 71 2 1 792-6013

9-Mail _ 1.- Mall

IN~ATEPU1Z O-SEOF OMM EE - C ecck rne Box Advocate forlagamst candidate(s) Advocate for~balMt Issues)
Comment or description: []
Advocate a sinst ballot issue(s)
All an da 9,ntar : County oca Candidates and I_ocommltttwster :
0,11604 Sought _, Couny SupeNisor
Counpr Carroll
Political Party (If applicable) Democrat (If activo in multiple ballot issue elections . attach list of countiv
District . 4
Date of Elactlon : November 7 2006
Year Standing for Election ._ 2Q06
6anK_ A.1,PW1 .HAe1S. "7

Elect Marty Danzer Committee

Marty D . Danzer
Nurse of Financial Institution/type ofAccount
Mailing Address ~. l ~
Iowa Savings Bank l checking account 22663 Quail Ave
Mailing Address
State b 1 Zip - 1 1
510 Highway 30 West
Iowa 51401
Cap T-7-

STATEMENT OF AFFIRMATION : By Ailing this document

the commtt%o affirms the following :
1 . me eomrnlfe end all persona
connect" wrlh the Commitlee undervtand U1at they are subject to the
rules in Choptnr 351 of the Iowa Adminmtralioe Code . laws in Iowa Code Chaptsrx 68A and 686 and the adniInQtratlvr.

2 That Iowa Code section 68A 402 and rule 351-

9 require the Aling of diadcaure reports and that y* fbilunr to file
sutgc+= the candidate or chairperson (In the Case of these reports on or before lhf: required dw deh39
committed other than a candidate's committee) to the automatic
imposition of other criminal arxf civil sancUOns ameasment of a civil Density and thio p(amibie
3 That Iowa Code section 68A 40' and niles 351-4
.38 through 4 43 require the placement of the words 'paid for
m2Rrrimlst nxoApt for thnae items e.,eempted by statute by' and the name of the committee on ail political
A committeo that wiohes to register a committee
does not Intend to cross the $750 filing threshold shallor rufe . name for pixwsev of using the morter'paid for by- and
file the Form DRSFA brm.
4 That fowe Code section 68A.503 and rufey
3°1 -4 44 through 4 52 prohibrtffte recc4pt of corporate
issue PACs contntwtions by all committees except for statewide and local ballot
5 A candidate and a candidate's committee
may only expend campsgn funds as DerMIm5d by Iowa oode
sections 68A 301 through 68A 303 and rule 3_51--4 25
6 Th m~ee adue file disdosure repws until all activity hats
diced Oe~fCo ceased . COMMIMM funds spent, debts re~Ofved, and e final rvpert
been end 8 AIateRlHrr; Gf


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