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Beyond the Diversity Office:

Building a Culture of Inclusion
By Steven Schulman

Senior Vice President, Human Resources
AXA Equitable Life Insurance Company

It can be argued part of the organization. To start, companies must have an

that having a diversity and employee base that represents the communities they serve. HR
inclusion functional area must ensure that there is a diverse population of talent joining
itself can pose a challenge the company; that there are development opportunities for all
to creating an inclusive employees at all levels; and that there is a pipeline of talented
culture. While a diversity individuals of all backgrounds primed for leadership roles.
office is essential to building a foundation where differences But even with the support of a diversity office, senior
are not only acknowledged, but embraced, perception can be management, and HR, a company will not successfully build
that it is simply the responsibility of that team alone to create an inclusive culture. Employees must drive the creation of a
a diverse and inclusive workplace. If a diversity office is seen workplace that embraces the uniqueness of everyone and the
as a separate business area, it may take a company’s employees benefits this brings to them individually and to the company.
longer to embrace their own responsibility for creating an
Employees, through their pride in what makes them dis-
inclusive environment—not because they don’t believe in it,
tinct, will naturally create a culture where people feel valued
but because they believe it is already being addressed.
for their differences. Employee Re-

To overcome this myth, the source Groups (ERGs) are invaluable
diversity office must be viewed as a in helping employees mobilize around
partner, rather than the sole driver of I’m not suggesting that similar passions and channel their en-
a company’s culture of acceptance and
inclusion. It should be the foundation organizations do not ergy into efforts that support business
objectives, engagement, and profes-
upon which an inclusive culture is
need a diversity office— sional development. ERGs can help

built, by the support and strength of build confidence; foster respect for di-
senior management, human resources,
and employees.
quite the opposite. versity; and promote new ideas from
all employees through active support
For maximum impact on a com- of diversity initiatives.
pany’s success, diversity and inclusion I’m not suggesting that organizations do not need a
must be embedded into all areas of the business to transform diversity office—quite the opposite. The office is needed to
these ideals into core business principles. Senior management raise awareness, and provide guidance and support, while
commitment is critical. But commitment is not just something facilitating understanding of, and appreciation for, differences.
that senior executives can talk about—they must demonstrate But a diversity office alone cannot be expected to weave diversity
it by their own engagement and personal accountability. They and inclusion into the fabric of an organization; that can only
must set measurable goals for themselves and their teams, and happen with the drive, commitment, and accountability of an
be accountable for achieving them. organization’s people—senior management, human resources,
Human Resources (HR) must provide an infrastructure and employees. PDJ
that allows diversity and inclusion to thrive as an integral

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