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designfeature By Ron Schmitt, Sensor Research and Development Corp



Understanding electromagnetic
fields and antenna radiation
takes (almost) no math
nderstanding antennas and electromagnet- fend laws without regard to the truth. Even without

U ic fields is obviously important in RF engi- my device, the stray electromagnetic energy from the
neering, in which capturing and propagating power lines is radiated away and lost, so I might as
waves are primary objectives. An understanding of well use it.” The lawyer stands his ground and says
RF fields is also important for dealing with the elec- that the engineer will still be stealing.
tromagnetic-compatibility (EMC) aspects of every Who is right? The lawyer is correct, even though
electronic product, including digital systems. EMC he probably doesn’t know the difference between re-
design is concerned with preventing circuits from active and radiating electromagnetic fields. The field
producing inadvertent electromagnetic radiation surrounding the power lines is a reactive field, mean-
and stray electromagnetic fields. EMC also involves ing that it stores energy as opposed to radiating en-
preventing circuits from misbehaving as a result of ergy, so the engineer’s device would in fact be “steal-
ambient radio waves and fields. With digital systems’ ing” energy from the power lines. But why? Why do
ever-increasing frequencies and edge rates, EMC is some circuits produce fields that only store energy,
becoming harder to achieve and is no longer a top- whereas others produce fields that radiate it?
ic just for experts. The seemingly mystical process-
es by which circuits radiate energy are actually quite THE ENERGY GOES BACK AND FORTH
simple. To understand them, you don’t even need To further examine this situation, consider the cir-
to know Maxwell’s equations. cuit of Figure 1a. It is a simple circuit consisting of
Consider the following fictitious disagreement. an ac power source driving an inductor. If the in-
An electrical engineer is telling a lawyer friend about ductor is ideal, no energy is lost from the power sup-
a new home-electronics project.
The engineer lives near some
high-voltage power lines
Figure 1
and is working on a device
for harnessing the power of the
60-Hz electromagnetic field that
permeates his property. The
lawyer immediately states that
what the engineer plans to do
would, in effect, be stealing from (a) (b)
the utility company.
This statement angers the en- An inductor creates a reactive field that stores energy (a). Adding a second induc-
gineer, who replies, “That’s the tor harnesses the reactive field to transfer energy to a load without metallic con-
trouble with you lawyers. You de- tact (b). March 2, 2000 | edn 77
designfeature Electromagnetic fields

ply. The inductor does, however, produce

an electromagnetic field. Because
Figure 2
no energy is lost, this field is pure-
ly a storage field. The circuit pumps pow-
er into the field, which then returns en-
ergy to the circuit. Because of this energy
cycling, the current and voltage of the in-
ductor are out of phase by 908, thus pro-
ducing a reactive impedance, ZL5jvL. (a) (b)
The reactive nature of the impedance ex-
plains why such storage fields are called A capacitor creates a reactive field that stores energy (a). Adding a second capacitor harnesses
reactive fields. some of the reactive field to transfer energy to a load without metallic contact (b).
Referring to Figure 1b, when you place
a second circuit consisting of an l=l/2
inductor and a resistor near the Figure 3
first circuit, the field from L1 couples to
L2 and causes current to flow in the re-
sistor. (The coupled fields create a trans-
former.) The reactive field transfers en-
ergy from the source to the resistor even
though the original circuit has not (a) (b)
changed. This action suggests that a re-
active field can store or transfer energy, The two most basic antennas are a loop antenna whose circumference is equal to the source wave-
depending upon what other electrical or length divided by 2 (a) and a dipole antenna whose length is equal to the source wavelength divid-
magnetic devices are in the field. So the ed by 2 (b).
reactive field “reacts” with devices that
are within it. Similarly, a capacitor creates does and that he was just collecting the For a single charged particle, such as
a reactive field that can store energy, radiating energy with a receiving anten- an electron, the electric field forms a sim-
transfer energy, or do both (Figure 2). na. However, when the engineer meas- ple radial pattern (Figure 4). By conven-
Now consider the circuits of Figure 3. ured the field on his property, he meas- tion, the field lines point outward for a
An ac voltage source drives two types of ured the reactive field surrounding the positive (1) charge and inward for a neg-
ideal antennas, a half-wavelength loop power lines. When he activates his inven- ative (2) charge. The field remains the
and a half-wavelength dipole. Unlike the tion, he is coupling to the reactive field same over time; hence, it is called a stat-
previous circuits, the antennas launch and removing energy that is stored in the ic field. The field stores the particle’s elec-
propagating fields that continuously car- field surrounding the power lines—en- tromagnetic energy. When another
ry energy away from the source. The en- ergy that would otherwise be cycled to the charge is present, the field imparts a force
ergy is not stored but propagates from loads. The circuit is analogous to the on the other object, and energy is trans-
the source regardless of whether there is transformer circuit in Figure 1b, so the ferred. When no other charged particles
a receiving antenna. This energy loss ap- engineer is, in fact, stealing the power. are present, the field has no effect but to
pears as resistance to the source in a sim- These examples illuminate the charac- store energy. The fact that energy is trans-
ilar manner to how loss in a resistor cor- teristics of reactive and radiating elec- ferred from the field only when another
responds to heat loss. tromagnetic fields, but they still do not charged particle is present is a defining
Now back to the engineer and the answer the question of why or how radi- characteristic of the static field. As you
lawyer. The engineer thought that the ation occurs. To understand radiation, it will soon learn, this fact does not hold
power-transmission line near his house is best to start with the analysis of the true for a radiating field.
was radiating energy the way an antenna field of a point charge. Now consider the same charged par-


Near (reactive) field Far (radiated) field
Carrier of force Virtual photon Photon
Energy Stores energy; can transfer energy via Propagates (radiates) energy
inductive or capacitive coupling
Longevity Extinguishes when source power is turned off. Propagates until absorbed
Interaction Act of measuring field or receiving power from field Act of measuring field or receiving power from field
causes changes in voltages/currents in source circuit has no effect on source
Shape of field Depends completely on source circuit Spherical waves; at far distances, field takes shape
of plane waves
Wave impedance Depends on source circuit and medium Depends solely on propagation medium

78 edn | March 2, 2000

designfeature Electromagnetic fields

extend outward at the speed of

Figure 4 light. For example, light takes
about eight minutes to travel from
the sun to earth. If the sun were to
suddenly extinguish, people on
earth would not know until eight
minutes later. Similarly, as a parti-
cle moves, the surrounding field
continually updates to its new po-
sition, but this information can
propagate only at the speed of
light. Points in the space sur-
rounding the particle actually ex-
perience the field corresponding to
where the particle used to be. This
delay is known as time retardation.
It seems reasonable to assume that
even a charge moving at constant
velocity should cause the field lines
to bend because of time retarda-
tion. However, nature (that is, the
electromagnetic field) gets around
the delay by predicting where the
particle will be based on its past ve-
locity. Therefore, field lines of par-
ticles moving at constant velocities
do not bend. This behavior stems
from Einstein’s theory of special
relativity, which states that veloci-
ty is a relative—not an absolute—
measurement. Furthermore, the
bent field lines of the charge cor-
respond to radiating energy.
Therefore, if the field lines are
straight in one observer’s reference
frame, conservation of energy re-
(a) (b)
quires that all other observers per-
ceive them as straight.
You can show the electric field of a static charge (a) or a dipole (b) as a vector plot, a streamline plot, and
a log-magnitude contour plot. A CURIOUS KINK
To understand why the bent
ticle moving at a constant velocity, much ier, the rest of this article ignores the field lines of a charge correspond to ra-
lower than the speed of light. The parti- magnetic field. diated energy, consider a charged parti-
cle carries the field wherever it goes, and, When a charged particle accelerates, cle that starts at rest and is “kicked” into
at any instant, the field appears the same the lines of the electric field start to bend motion by an impulsive force. When the
as in the static case (Figure 5a). In addi- (Figure 5b). A review of Einstein’s theo- particle accelerates, a kink appears in the
tion, because the charge is now moving, ry of relativity helps to explain why the field immediately surrounding the parti-
a magnetic field also surrounds the bending occurs: No particle, energy, or cle. This kink propagates away from the
charge in a cylindrical manner, as gov- information can travel faster than the charge, updating the rest of the field that
erned by Lorentz’s law. This magnetic speed of light, c. This speed limit holds has lagged behind (Figure 5c). Part of the
field is a consequence of the fact that a for fields as well as particles. For that energy exerted by the driving force is ex-
moving electric field produces a mag- matter, a field is just a group of virtual pended to propagate the kink in the field.
netic field and vice versa. As with a stat- particles (see sidebar “Quantum physics Therefore, the kink carries with it ener-
ic charge, both the electric and magnet- and virtual photons”). For instance, if a gy that is electromagnetic radiation.
ic fields of a constant-velocity charge charged particle were suddenly created, Fourier analysis shows that because the
store energy and transmit electric and its field would not instantly appear every- kink is a transient, it consists of a super-
magnetic forces only when other charges where. The field would first appear im- position of many frequencies. Therefore,
are present. To make the description eas- mediately around the particle and then a charge accelerating in this manner si-

80 edn | March 2, 2000

designfeature Electromagnetic fields

multaneously radiates en- celeration, but also to quantum-energy-

Figure 5 ergy at many frequencies. state (orbital) changes of electrons
You can also analyze bound into atoms.
this phenomenon from a
kinetic-energy perspec- THE FIELD OF AN OSCILLATING CHARGE
tive. In freshman physics, A charge moving in a circle experi-
you learned that it takes a ences a sinusoidal acceleration. In fact, si-
force to accelerate a parti- nusoidal acceleration occurs for a charge
cle and that the force moving in any oscillatory manner. In this
transfers energy to the case, the “kinks” in the field are continu-
particle, thus increasing its ously varying and sinusoidal, and the
kinetic energy. The same electromagnetic radiation occurs only at
analysis holds true for the the frequency of oscillation. An oscillat-
particle’s field. Energy is ing charge produces rippling waves that
(b) required to accelerate the propagate outward, in some ways similar
field. This energy propa- to the waves produced when you toss a
gates outward as a wave, pebble into a pond (Figure 6b).
increasing the field’s ki- If you connect a constant voltage
netic energy (Figure 6a). across a length of wire, the voltage caus-
All electromagnetic ra- es a proportional current governed by
diation—be it RF, ther- Ohm’s law (I5V/R). The dc current
mal, or optical—is created traveling in a wire consists of migrating
by changing the energy of electrons. Although the path of each in-
electrons or other charged dividual electron is random and com-
The electric field follows a particle moving to the right with con- particles. This general plex, the average movement of the elec-
stant velocity (a); the electric field follows a particle moving to statement applies not trons, considered as a group, causes a
the right with constant acceleration (b); the electric field follows only to free-electron-en- constant drift of charge. Therefore, at a
a particle coming into motion from a resting condition (c). Parti- ergy changes that result macroscopic level, you can ignore the
cle locations and field lines at earlier times appear in gray. from acceleration and de- specifics of each electron and model the
current as a fictitious charge
traveling at a constant ve-
Figure 6 locity. Radiation does not
occur because the effective
charge travels at a constant
velocity and experiences no
acceleration. (Collisions at
the atomic level cause ran-
domness in the electron
movement. This random
component of motion pro-
duces thermal radiation and
electrical noise, which are
not germane to this discus-
If the voltage across a wire
slowly oscillates in time at
frequency fo, the accompa-
nying electric field takes the
same form as that of the dc

These log-magnitude plots show

the electric field of accelerated
charges. A charge starts at rest
and is accelerated by a short
impulsive force (a). A charge
starts at rest and is sinusoidally
accelerated along the horizontal
(a) (b) axis (b).

82 edn | March 2, 2000

designfeature Electromagnetic fields

charge, except that the magnitude the length of the wire because both pa-
varies between positive and nega- Figure 7 rameters increase the amount of moving
tive values (Figure 8). charge. The radiation power is also pro-
portional to the frequency because the
RADIATION FROM OSCILLATING CHARGES charge experiences a greater acceleration
Relating frequency to wavelength by at higher frequencies. (Imagine yourself
l5c/f, you can define a slow oscillation on a spinning ride at an amusement
as any frequency whose corresponding park. The faster it spins, the greater the
wavelength is much greater than the acceleration you and your lunch feel.)
length of the wire. This condition is of- Expressed algebraically, Radiated pow-
ten called quasistatic. In this case, the cur- er~current3length3frequency.
rent in the wire varies sinusoidally, and This expression clearly shows why RF
the effective charge experiences a sinu- signals radiate more readily than do low-
soidal acceleration. Consequently, the os- er frequency signals, such as those in the
cillating charge radiates electromagnet- In this depiction of the electric field surround- audio range. In other words, a given cir-
ic energy at frequency fo. The power ing a wire carrying a dc current, shades of gray cuit radiates more at higher frequencies.
(energy per time) radiated is propor- denote the relative voltage levels inside the Because wavelength is inversely propor-
tional to the magnitude of current and wire. Magenta arrows denote the current. tional to frequency (?5c/f), an equiva-


Quantum physics was born just mental unit, Planck’s constant. looking at, you shine a light principle and the law of conser-
100 years ago. In 1900, Max Mathematically, you can state source (or electron beam) on the vation of energy. You can never
Planck presented his theory on this concept as E=hn, where E is object. Although the light beam directly observe or measure
the quantization of energy levels energy, h is Planck’s constant, may not have much conse- these ephemeral particles, hence
of thermal radiation. Five years and n is the frequency of the quence when you measure large the term “virtual particles.”
later, Albert Einstein further ex- photon. Another principle of objects, such as a baseball, it Now back to electromagnetic
panded quantum physics when quantum physics is the Heisen- drastically changes the position, fields. The stored energy in an
he postulated that all energy is berg uncertainty principle. To momentum, or both of tiny ob- electromagnetic field allows the
quantized. At the core of his the- Einstein’s dismay, it was his jects, such as electrons. The only creation of these virtual particles.
ory was the notion that light and quantum theory that led directly way to get around this problem These particles carry the electro-
electromagnetic radiation in gen- to the uncertainty principle, would be to reduce the power of magnetic force in reactive or
eral are quantized into particles which states that all measure- the light source to an infinitesi- nonradiating fields. The particles
called photons. This concept ments have inherent uncertainty. mal level. But Einstein’s quantum have all of the properties of the
points out the bizarre wave-parti- Einstein expressed his dislike theory limits how small the ener- real photons that make up radiat-
cle duality of light. In some ways, of this uncertainty when he said, gy can be. To observe any object, ing fields except that they are
electromagnetic radiation acts as “God does not play dice,” but he you must transfer an amount of fleeting in time and can never ex-
a distributed wave of energy. In could never disprove the exis- energy, E.5hn, which alters ist unless their source is present.
other respects, radiation acts as a tence of uncertainty. Specifically, the state of the object you are An electron in free space is a
localized particle. the uncertainty principle states observing. Hence, the very act of good example. It is surrounded
Now what about the energy in that you can never know both measuring or interacting with a by a static electric field that stores
static or reactive electromagnetic the exact position and momen- particle changes its position and energy. When no other charged
fields? Quantum physics states tum of any particle. Mathemati- or momentum. Thus, you are left particles are present, the virtual
that any energy must consist of cally, the bounds on the errors in with bizarre consequences that photons that constitute the field
individual packets, or quanta, but determining position (Dx) and even Einstein didn’t foresee. appear and disappear unnoticed
this statement implies that even momentum (Dp) are related as From another point of view, without transferring energy. Now,
the static field must consist of follows: DpDxMh/(4p). the uncertainty principle states if you place a second charge near
particles. In fact, the static field The uncertainty principle is not that particles of small enough the electron, the electron’s virtual
does consist of particles—virtual a limit set by the accuracy of energy and short enough life photons transmit a force to the
photons. To explain virtual pho- measuring equipment. It is a fun- spans can exist, but you can nev- charge. In a reciprocal manner,
tons, step further into the strange damental property of nature. er measure them. This idea is the virtual photons from the field
world of quantum physics. This concept is straightforward: stated as: DEDtmh/(4p). of the charged particle transmit a
At the crux of quantum To measure a particle, you must This expression allows for “vir- force to the electron. This strange
physics is the idea that all elec- interact with it. Think about look- tual particles” to spontaneously behavior is how electromagnetic
tromagnetic energy is transferred ing at small objects through a mi- appear and disappear as long as force operates at the quantum
in integer quantities of a funda- croscope. To see what you’re they obey both the uncertainty level.

84 edn | March 2, 2000

designfeature Electromagnetic fields

lent expression is: Radiated power~cur- impedance purely real, and the radiation comes negligible. These nonconstant
rent3length/wavelength. pattern is simple (single-lobed) and terms taken together represent the pow-
Hence, at a given source voltage and broad. er in the reactive field.
frequency, the radiated power is propor- The boundary between the near and
tional to the length of the wire. In other NEAR AND FAR FIELD far fields is generally considered to fall at
words, the longer you make an antenna, As mentioned earlier, an ac circuit has about l/(2p). Furthermore, the reactive
the more it radiates. a reactive field and a radiating field. The field typically becomes negligible at dis-
Until now, the discussion has dealt reactive field of an ac source circuit or tances of 3 to 10l. It is interesting to
only with slowly oscillating fields. When system is often called the near field be- compute the boundary at different fre-
you increase the frequency of the voltage cause it is concentrated near the source. quencies. At 60 Hz, the boundary is 833
source so that the wavelength is approx- Similarly, the radiating field is referred to km. Therefore, almost all cases of 60-Hz
imately equal to or less than the length of as the far field because its effects extend interference occur in the near (reactive)
the wire, the quasistatic picture no longer far from the source. Here’s why. field. At 100 MHz, the boundary is 0.5m,
holds true. The current is no longer equal You can represent the power density of making this frequency useful for radio
throughout the length of wire (Figure 9). an electromagnetic field at a distance, r, communication. At 5x1014 Hz (optical
In fact, the current points in different di- from the source by a series in 1/r: waves), the boundary is 0.1 mm, explain-
rections at different locations. These op- Field power density5PD5C1/r21 ing why optical sources such as light
posing currents cause destructive inter- C2/r31C3/r41.... bulbs always appear as radiating sources
ference just as water waves colliding from Now, imagine a sphere with radius, r, and never as reactive sources.
opposite directions tend to cancel each centered at the source. You can calculate The near and far fields have other
other out. The result is that the radiation the total power passing through the sur- characteristics. The shape of the near
is no longer directly proportional to the face of the sphere by multiplying the field is closely related to the structure of
wire or antenna length. power density by the sphere’s surface the source, whereas the far field becomes
Figure 10 shows a plot of radiated area: independent of the source, taking the
power as a function of antenna length. Total power leaving sphere5P5 form of spherical waves. At large dis-
When the antenna is smaller than a wave- (4apr2)PD54p(C11C2/r1C3/r21...). tances, the far field takes the form of trav-
length, the radiated power is roughly When you examine this formula, you eling plane waves. The requirement for
proportional to the length. However, for can see that the first term is purely a con- the plane-wave approximation is
wire lengths near or above a wavelength, stant. For this term, no matter what size r>2(ds1dr)2/l, where ds is the size of the
the radiated power relates as a slowly in- you make the sphere, the same amount source antenna, dr is the size of the re-
creasing and oscillating function. So, why of power flows through it. This result is ceiving antenna, and r is the distance be-
is a length of l/2 usually chosen for di- just a mathematical way of showing that tween the antennas. The wave impedance
pole antennas (l/4 for a monopole)? The power flows away from the source. (ratio of electric- to magnetic-field mag-
“diminishing returns” of the radiated Therefore, the first term is due solely to nitude) of the near field is also a function
power versus wire length partially ex- the radiated field. Also, as r gets large, all of the source circuit, whereas in the far
plain why dipole antennas’ length is usu- the other terms become negligible, leav- field, the wave impedance, h, depends
ally chosen to be less than a wavelength). ing only the radiated term. Conversely, at only on the medium (h5377V in free
The length of l/2 is chosen because at close distances (small values of r), the space). Figure 11 graphs the wave im-
this wavelength, the antenna is electri- nonconstant terms become much larg- pedance as a function of distance. Table
cally resonant, which makes its electrical er, and the constant radiating term be- 1 summarizes the field characteristics.

Figure 8 Figure 9

(a) (b)
(a) (b)
The electric field surrounding a wire carries a rapidly varying ac
The electric fields surrounding a wire carry a slowly varying ac current. Magen- current. Magenta arrows denote the current, and shades of gray
ta arrows denote the current, and shades of gray denote the relative voltage denote the relative voltage levels inside the wire at time t50
levels inside the wire at time t50 (a) and at time t5T/2, a half-cycle later (b). (a) and at time t5T/2, a half-cycle later (b).

86 edn | March 2, 2000

designfeature Electromagnetic fields

Stationary charges and charges mov-

ing with constant velocity produce
F i g u r e 10
reactive fields; accelerating charges
produce radiating fields in addition to
the reactive field. DC sources cause a
constant drift of charges and hence pro-
duce reactive fields. AC sources cause the
acceleration of charges and produce both
reactive and radiating fields. Radiating RADIATION POWER
fields carry energy away from the source
regardless of whether there is a receiving
circuit or antenna. In the absence of an-
other circuit, reactive fields store energy
capacitively, inductively, or both ways. In
the presence of another circuit, reactive
fields can transfer energy through in-
ductive or capacitive coupling. In gener-
al, radiation increases with frequency and ANTENNA LENGTH
antenna length. Similarly, radiation and
transmission-line effects are usually neg-
Radiated power emitted from a dipole antenna is a function of the antenna length. The source cur-
ligible when wires are much shorter than
rent is 1A.
a wavelength. The reactive field’s charac-
teristics depend greatly on the source cir-
cuit. The radiating field’s characteristics,
such as wave impedance, are in-
F i g u r e 11
dependent of the source.k

1. Feynman, R, R Leighton, and M
Sands, The Feynman Lectures on Physics,
Addison-Wesley, 1963.
2. Epstein, L, Thinking Physics—Is WAVE IMPEDANCE
Gedanken Physics; Practical Lessons in (V)
Critical Thinking, Second Edition, Insight
Press, 1989.
3. Marion, J and M Heald, Classical
Electromagnetic Radiation, Second Edi-
tion, Academic Press, 1980.
4. Eisberg, R and R Resnick, Quantum
Physics of Atoms, Molecules, Solids, Nuclei,
and Particles, Second Edition, John Wiley DISTANCE FROM ANTENNA
& Sons, 1985. (WAVELENGTHS)
5. Baylis, W, Electrodynamics, A Mod-
ern Geometric Approach. Birkhaeuser, Compare the wave impedance as a function of distance from a loop antenna (as in Figure 3a) with
1999. that of a dipole (as in Figure 3b). In the near field, the loop antenna’s radiated energy is mostly
6. Jackson, J, Classical Electrodynamics, magnetic. At close range, the dipole antenna’s radiated energy is mostly electric. In the far field,
Second Edition. John Wiley & Sons, 1975. the division between electric and magnetic energy is the same for both antenna types.
7. Ramo, S, J Whinnery, T VanDuzer,
Fields and Waves in Communication Elec- Van Nostrand Reinhold Co, 1988. and products. Recently, he has worked on
tronics, Second Edition, John Wiley & 11. Bansal, Rajeev,“The far-field: How 315- and 915-MHz surface-acoustic-wave
Sons, 1984. far is far enough?” Applied Microwave & (SAW) oscillators for polymer-coated SAW
8. Georgi, H, “A unified theory of ele- Wireless, November 1999. chemical sensors. He has a BSEE from Cor-
mentary particles and forces”, Scientific nell University (Ithaca, NY) and an MSEE
American, April 1981. Author’s bio graphy from the University of Pennsylvania
9. Paul, C, Introduction to Electromag- Ron Schmitt is the director of electrical en- (Philadelphia). He is currently a PhD can-
netic Compatibility, John Wiley & Sons, gineering support for Sensor Research and didate at the University of Maine (Orono,
1992. Development Corp (Orono, ME), where he ME). He enjoys sports and traveling with
10. Lo, Y and S Lee, Antenna Hand- manages the group responsible for elec- his wife, Kim. You can reach Ron Schmitt
book—Theory, Applications, and Design, tronics design for chemical-sensor research at
88 edn | March 2, 2000

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