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Vetamin A
Maintains the health of the epithelial tissues which line all the external and internal
surfaces of the body, including the linings of the vagina and the uterus in women. Liver,
egg, yolk, cheese, butter and carrots are good sources.
Deficiencies of both vitamin B2 and folic acid have been linked with infertility, and
women planning a pregnancy should ensure that they eat plenty of foods rich in folic acid
well before conception. Watercress is a particularly good source of folic acid. Lean meat,
chicken, fish, wheatgerm, brewer’s yeast, beans and pulses, peanuts and bananas provide
B6. These foods are all rich in folic acid. Dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach and
cabbage, liver, oranges, avocado, beetroot and broccoli are all rich in folic acid.
Increasing vitamin C intake may be helpful in boosting fertility, particularly for men;
tests have shown that taking 500-1000 milligrams a day can increase the number and
quality of sperm produced and reduce abnormalities. This vitamin may also help to
prevent the condition known as ‘agglutination', in which the sperm becomes stuck
together and are unable to reach the egg. All fruit and vegetables – particularly kiwi fruit,
peppers, blackcurrants, strawberries and citrus fruits – contain abundant quantities of
vitamin C.
A powerful antioxidant, vitamin E helps to protect the ova from damage. Sunflower,
safflower oils and some vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, margarine, wheatgerm and
avocados contain high levels.
There is probably more than a grain of truth in the theory that oysters are good for your
sex life, as they are the richest food source of zinc, and zinc is known to be one of the key
nutrients involved in enhancing libido & the production of sperm. Low levels of zinc
have been linked both with poor libido in women and with a low sperm count in men.
You can obtain zinc from shellfish (particularly oysters), wholemeal bread, brown rice,
dark green leafy Vegetables, lean red meat and turkey
This mineral is vital to ensure the production of healthy ova & sperms. Learn meat, offal,
brown rice and porridge oats are good sources
The metabolism of the female hormone oestrogen depends on manganese. It follows that
a deficiency of manganese will significantly reduce fertility in women. Spinach,
chestnuts, tea, oats, wholegrain cereals, wheatgerm, raisins, pineapple, beans, peas and
nuts are all good sources of manganese.
Essential fatty acids
Linoleic acid is important for sperm production. Sunflower and vegetables oils and nuts
contain plentiful amounts.
Phytoestrogens :
Chemical of plant origin that resemble the female hormone oestrogen are abundant in
Soya bean and Soya products such as Soya drinks and tofu. They may also help protect
against prostate and other cancers by preventing the growth of tumors.
Antioxidants :
Fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants which may lower the risk of cervical
cancer. They neutralize the harmful substances produced by the body.

Food and sexual prowess has been linked throughout history. Prunes, ginseng, aniseed,
onion and garlic, carrots, ginger, artichokes, Aubergine

are some of the foods that have been claimed to enhance sexual pleasure.
According to mythology, love goddess Aphrodite was known by her own formulated
preparations and ointments that she gives to her lovers to increase their sexual power.
This is the reason of why today we are calling all stimulating elixirs as aphrodisiacs.
Nowadays men are not such lucky and we highly recommend to read this article to men
who live in big cities.

Without doubt best aphrodisiacs are Sun, a good sleep and fresh air. A good sleep is
necessary for the body to pack itself up, to increase its energy and revitalize its
hormones. Sun light is a powerful doping for our body including sexual hormones. The
main reason of men's vitality in holidays is being relaxed in fresh air. But in Autumn's
cloudy days some natural reinforcements may help a lot.

Magical power of foods:

Basil, clove, ginger, onion, tomato, radish, celery, egg, carrot, red pepper, oats,
asparagus, fresh onion, chestnut, hazelnut, pistachio nut, coconut, cucumber, oyster,
caviar are main foods to improve your sexual power. Having them in your weekly menu
selections would be a wise choice. Specially, foods containing vitamin E like pistachio,
almond, hazelnut and walnut are natural drugs for impotence and erectile disorders.

Red is good for men's vitality:

When we say aphrodisiacs we generally mean drugs for men because they must be active
in sexual relationships. In other words, for a successful lovemaking they must be aroused
and erected. For a man vigor red color is important. In astrology Mars represents man
and its sexual power, and Mars's color symbol is red. So, red colored foods and drinks are
recommended for man's arousal. For example red pepper, red ginseng...

A man who is always wearing pale, pastel or dark colored dresses may get less
excitations. Maybe this is the reason of using red lights, red under wares, red bed
sheets... to create an erotic environment. Red coral or ruby stone are also good for
increasing man's energy.

Women who feel sexually less active may also profit from red color and stones. But the
must important aphrodisiacs for a woman is love and affection added into lovemaking.

As vegetal aphrodisiacs, vitamins are very helpful for a successful sex life. Specially
vitamin E is vital for men. Beside pills you can get vitamin E through natural foods and
specially hazelnut contains many minerals and essential fat acids. To overcome the
fatigue syndrome due to modern life and high technology, vitamin B is also indispensable.

Avoid depression:

Remember that behind sexual troubles, many hormonal and nourishing disorders, and
heavy depressions may exist. Also, after a serious depression or a nutrition disorder only
a treatment of natural mixtures may not be sufficient, in such cases help of a psychiatrist
(sexologist) or nutrition expert is needed.

Heavy training may be harmful:

For a healthy sexual life a light and not tiring training program is as important as vegetal
aphrodisiacs. A light and regular exercise program will balance your metabolism and
hormonal system to keep you sexually active. But beware of heavy and tiring training
programs because an extra low fat texture may cause a performance decrease.

Yoga, meditation and many other positive energy techniques are recommended to purify
your brain against stress and support sexual energy. Right breathing exercises are also
important for a successful sex life. If you insist for heavy training please pay special
attention for a regular and healthy nutrition.

A Special Booster Formula for Men:

Put 1 kg. of a good quality flower honey into a glass pot, add 250 gr. powdered ginger,
100 gr. powdered Indian saffron, 50 gr. peeled and pounded green cardamom, 1 gr.
saffron, 5 gr. pounded coriander, 4 sweet spoons of pounded stinging nettle seeds, 2
sweet spoons of royal jelly, 4 sweet spoonful of pollen, 100 gr. unshelled and pounded
pistachio nut and 100 gr. of pine nut. Stir and mix the whole with a wood spoon. You can
store the pot in a cool and gloomy place. If you don't have any allergy or illness against
those ingredients, eat one tablespoon 2 times (morning and night) in a day.

Food For Sex Power And Energy - Calculate Calorie


We eat food for energy but 99% don't know which food give them proper energy or
required vitamins and minerals or required daily calories and any body can see his
required calories which he need daily by checking total body weight and then multiply
with 40 because per kg you need 40 calories, for example I am 67kg so I have to take
maximum 2680 calories daily in my food which are best for my body, for proper growth,
and for my body vital force which protect us from diseases and maintain our Health.

Which Food Is Best For Sex Power And Sex Energy?

Today topic is which foods have such Qualities and how they are working for sexual
excitement, erection or sex power so I try to explain and share with you these information

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Testosterone

Testosterone is a male hormone which plays a vital role in a man's health and sexuality.
Its production is dependent on zinc and vitamin B and although it is not found directly in
the food we eat, certain foods can lead the body to produce more of it.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Zinc

Zinc is known as the sex mineral and is needed for the production of testosterone.
Around 50 percent of the selenium in a man is in the testes and seminal ducts; men lose
selenium in semen, therefore you need to keep levels topped up.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Function Of


Testosterone is highly important for both men and women. However, men produce
around 40 to 60 times more testosterone than women. Normally, testosterone levels in
men are about 30% higher in the morning than at night time. This may explain why men
are more interested in sex in the morning and is part of the reason for spontaneous
morning erections. Low testosterone levels decreases libido, increases the loss of muscles
and bone density but most importantly, it increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Between 8-12 million men have low or borderline low testosterone.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Which Foods Give

Adding some of the following foods to your daily diet can increase your levels of
testosterone in the long term. These foods are also known as natural libido enhancers or
aphrodisiacs and can be used for both men and women alikeness.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Oysters

Oysters have a high Zinc content which raises the testosterone and sperm production.
Zinc is vital for many processes affecting the body; it helps to build new cells, boost the
immune system, promotes growth, mental alertness, aids in proper brain function and
plays an active role in the health of the male and female reproductive system giving you a
testosterone boost. Oysters are better eaten fresh and raw. They are also a good source of
Magnesium and Phosphorus, and a very good source of Protein, Vitamin D, Vitamin
B12, Iron, Copper, Manganese and Selenium.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Oily Fish

Essential fats such as the omega 3 fatty acids found in fish and flaxseed as well as
saturated fats are essential for normal testosterone production. Salmon and sardines as
another good source of B vitamins B5, B6, B12, all of which are important in keeping
good reproductive health. Salmon is also a great source of vitamin A and zinc.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Banana

Bananas are good because they are rich in potassium and B vitamins like riboflavin
which are necessary for testosterone production. Bananas also contain the enzyme
bromelain that is thought to enhance the male libido. Banana juice is a great way to
introduce bananas into your daily diet. The juice is delicious with a creamy consistency.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Avocados

Avocados contain vitamin B6, helpful in increasing male hormone production and they
have high levels of folic acid which helps to metabolize proteins to keep nerves and skin
healthy. Moreover, avocado also has potassium that assists in regulating the thyroid gland
that may help in increasing male libido. Other nutritional benefits found in avocados are,
folic acid, B-vitamins and vitamin E. The avocado is virtually the only fruit that has
monounsaturated fat. Other sources of vitamin B6 are bananas, raspberries, watermelons,
peppers and Brussels sprouts.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Asparagus

Asparagus are rich in vitamin E, which stimulates the production of testosterone. Other
benefits found from Vitamin E consumption are theprotection against prostate cancer and
Alzheimer's disease.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Benefits Of Vitamin


Another benefit of consuming foods rich in Vitamin E, is that it reduces the risk of
developing bladder cancer which kills 12,500 Americans annually, being the fourth
leading cancer killer among men, and four times more common in men than women.
(source: the annual meeting of the American Association of Cancer Research, Orlando,
FL, May 23, 2004.)

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Figs (Ingeer)

Figs are high in amino acids, which researchers believe can increase libido and your
sexual stamina

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Food For Hard Penis

Now we study in more details about such food that increase sex power and Make hard

What you eat and simple diet changes can made to get harder erections and increased
libido naturally and safely. Here we will look at the best foods for harder erections.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Smoking, Drinking

And Recreational Drugs Are Harmful

The first point to keep in mind is that you are what you eat and you need to cut out the
inputs that cause erection problems which are - smoking, drinking and recreational drugs,
either cut down or stop altogether.Next as a general rule, cut out refined and processed
foods as much as possible and eat as "naturally from the earth" as you can; these foods
will simply have more nutritional value.

Now let's look at the foods you should include in your diet.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: How Oily Fish Works
In Sex Power?

One of the best foods for harder erections. The omega-3 fatty acids in oily fish enhance
blood flow around the body and to the penis and strong blood flow is essential for a hard
erection. Any of the following are good choices - salmon, mackerel, trout and fresh tuna.
Try and have oily fish at least 3 times a week. It's also a rich source of selenium and zinc.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: How Nuts Work In

Sex Power?

Don't like fish go nuts! Nuts such as almonds are a good source of essential fatty acids
as well.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: How Eggs Work In

Sex Power?

You may not see it as a sexy food but it is! Eggs are high in vitamins B6 and B5; these
help balance hormone levels and fight stress which leads to higher sex drive and harder
Food For Sex Power And Energy: How Banana Works
In Sex Power?

Bananas are rich potassium, which is a great tonic for your heart and general blood
circulation which is of course necessary to get an erection. Getting enough potassium
helps keep your sodium levels level, stopping high blood pressure.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: How Figs Work In

Sex Power?

Figs are high in amino acids; increase libido and can also improve sexual energy and
help you get a strong erection.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Onion In Sex


Onion increases libido and also strengthens the sex organs. The allicin present in onions
thins the blood and enhances overall circulation.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Celery In Sex


Snack on celery when your hungry it's great at increasing sexual energy as it helps with
testosterone production.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Cherries And

Berries Good For Sex Power

Cherries and berries are full of anthocyanins, which protect your artery walls, helping
prevent the fatty plaques that lead to atherosclerosis. Any brightly colored fruit is good
and good choices are - peaches and nectarines.

When cooking use these herbs and you will have tasty foods for harder erections These
get your blood pumping strongly around the body and to the genital region and they work
quickly - ever notice a rush of blood to your face when eating spicy food? Well that's
what chilies to move the blood.

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Ginger In

Sex Power?

Use Ginger in your cooking if you can and you can also take it as a daily tonic. Take a
tablespoon of ginger juice with a half-boiled egg and some honey once daily and within a
few weeks you will notice the difference in your health and libido daily. It gets the blood
pumping and that's as we have seen just what you need

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Role Of Garlic In Sex

Garlic like onions contains allicin and increases blood flow as well as protecting the

Food For Sex Power And Energy: Tips For Sex Power

• Avoid chemical food preservatives and stay with good fresh fruit, veggies and meats,
and nuts!

• Use a zinc supplement and a good rounded multivitamin like POWER vitamin. A
medium boiled egg, sprouted grain bread toast, a moderate slice of cheese with an apple
and a grapefruit is an amazing energy and good balanced breakfast. The cheese works
with the apple, the grapefruit works with the egg.

• Keep protein high in your eating, and don't drop down to low level protein only, like
beans. Keep with good protein. Raw and lightly steamed vegs.

• Sleep and rest is huge, like about 8 hours per night and keep the body well water

• Keep to minimum products with what is called gum in them, as well as nitrate and
nitrite preservative, as found high in beef. Those preservative are common saltpeter,
which is noted for reducing sex drive. This goes back too, to bacon, ham, canned meat,
and dli type meats

• Wear underwear that gives cooling air circulation around your testicles. They do their
job best when they are 2 deg. below body temperature. That's why they are outside the
body and held away in a sac. Bunching up in tight briefs hinders cooling.

• Vegetables and nuts increase it, and so does some exposure to sunlight.

• Another fun way to maintain a high-energy food diet is to create high-energy drinks.
One of the most effective high-energy drinks includes bananas, honey, eggs and milk.
The bananas honey and eggs are what give your body the high energy, while the milk
helps mix it together to make a delicious 'milkshake' like drink.

Final Words:
Doctor kk you gave me very tuff assignment for such foods so I search a lot on net and
my books and added my personal experience also I hope that this informative article in
enough for food for sexual power. (H/dr_Qasim)

Doctor kk and waterr

I hope this use full information & experience which I shared with you will give you full
answer which you asked yesterday. Homoeopathic medical system have strong believe on
vital fours of human body in medical science we says immune system and homoeopathic
medicine improve the Vital fours of human body and then our body own immune system
fights against disease or against bacteria or virus and when your vital fours get weak the
symptoms starts appear in human body of disease .

Same like this these high energy food having very special vitamins and minerals such as
Zink , selenium , potassium , vitamin B, vitamin B, or all other things which I have
shared above take very important part in hormonal functions or to make strong immune
system .

Men love sex and eating, but not all of them are aware of the fact that food they have can
improve their sexual health. The point is that some food products enhance male sexual
potence, greatly increase libido and help maintain sexual activity at any age. It does not
matter whether you suffer from lack of energy or atherosclerosis or simply want your
body to produce high quality sperm. Make some changes in your diet! This will
considerably improve your sexual health and sex life in future

Food product:Eggs

Effect: you enjoy sex longer

This will be your third date with this pretty girl whom you met in laundry. Your agitation
tortures you : “Is she going to have sex with me? What does she expect me to do in
bed?”. Relax and try to calm down your nerves, to say nothing of other parts of your
body. Even if you are going to take her to a restaurant, have dinner before your date. In
your case the best dinner is any sort of egg dish. Fried eggs, omelet or boiled eggs – all
these dishes are a perfect source of vitamin B which helps to get rid of stress and
nervousness and positively influences sexual health as well as health in general.

Being worried, nervous or depressed usually means lack of vitamin B. Always have
enough amount of this vitamin. It will make you calm and self-confident. No early
ejaculation! Have fun!
Food product: Vanilla ice-cream

Food product: Vanilla ice-cream

Ice-cream is a product which increases erection duration. Ice-cream is reach in calcium
and phosphor – two minerals increasing libido and generally improving sexual health. A
usual ice-cream cone contains circa 200 mg of calcium i.e the dose which if taken every
day is likely to make your orgasm more intensive. The fact is that muscles responsible for
ejaculation need calcium to contract properly.

But choose vanilla ice-cream, rather than another one, let’s say chocolate. Results of
scientific researches show that smell of vanilla makes men relaxed and calm by releasing
them from stress and depression.
Food product:Liver

Effect: improves sperm quality

There is no better source of vitamin A than liver. Vitamin A is one of the most necessary
for sexual health as it increases fertility. Results of scientific researches show that men
whose diet contains enough amount of vitamin A have better sperm and higher libido in
comparison with those who do not care about such minor things as presence of enough
vitamins in food they have
In addition liver is a perfect source of zinc. Every time you ejaculate you loose about 5
mg of zinc that is circa one third of daily need of this micronutrient element. Therefore
even one passionate week-end is likely to exhaust all the accumulated zinc in your body.

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