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Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia edisi ke-1 [MOE88] memuat 7 kelas kata, yaitu: n
(nomina), v (verba), a (adjective), adv (adverbia), num (numeralia), p (partikel), pron
(pronomina). Berdasarkan Technical Report Indonesian Basic Dictionary CICC [CIC95],
terdapat 18 katagori1 jenis kata untuk bahasa Indonesia, dari jumlah itu terdapat 49 subkatagori.
Tabel 4.1 memuat Indonesian Content Word2, dan tabel 4.2 memuat Indonesian Function Word3.

tabel 4-1 Indonesian Content Word [CIC95]

Part Of Speech Code Example

Category Sub-category
Noun IDN buku, mobil
Common Concrete Noun IDNCC siswa, kota
Common Abstract Noun IDNCA keadilan, pengetahuan
Proper Noun IDNPE Jakarta, Indonesia
Collective Noun IDNCL rakyat, umat
Numeric Coefficient Noun IDNCO batang, biji, helai
Pronoun IDPN
Personal Pronoun IDPNPS saya, anda, kamu
Indefinite Pronoun IDPNIN sesuatu, seseorang
Relative Pronoun IDPNRL yang
Interrogative Pronoun IDPNWH apa, siapa
Adjective IDAJ
Adjective which is gradable and can IDAJGP cantik, baru
occupy both attributive and predicative
in a sentence
Adjective which is not gradable and IDAJNP musnah, buntu
can occupy both attributive and
predicative in a sentence
Adjective which is not gradable and IDAJNG tunggal, nasional
can occupy the attributive position
Verb IDV
Intrasitive Verb IDVI
Intrasitive verb that is not need IDVIN bergembira, berlari
followed by a complement
Intrasitive verb that is followed by a IDVIO bertanam, percaya
complement which may consist of a
word, a phrase, or a clause
Transitive Verb IDVIP tinggal, berasal
Selanjutnya disebut jenis kata level 1 (first level)
definisi content word dari CICC: part of speech as noun, verb or adjective that will become a concept in the
interlingua representation
definisi function words dari CICC: part of speech that is used to indicate relation among concepts in a sentence.
Some function words are used to indicate the sentence aspect and tenses
Semi-transitive verb IDVST membaca, menulis
Transitive Verb that is followed by an IDVMT menyirami, membantu
Transitive Verb that is followed by an IDVBT mengirimi, membelikan
indirect and direct object
Transitive Verb that is followed by an IDVCT menanami, menjuluki
object and a complement
Linking verb IDVLK adalah, merupakan, menjadi
Extensial verb IDVEX ada
Adverb IDAD
Adverb that modifies a verb IDADVM selalu, sering
Adverb that modifies an adjective IDADAM agak, amat, paling
Adverb that modifies a noun IDADNM hanya
Adverb that modifies a sentence IDADSM sebaiknya, sesungguhnya
Numeral IDNUM
Cardinal Number IDNUMCD satu, dua
Ordinal Number IDNUMOD kesatu, kedua
Collective Number IDNUMCL ribuan, beratus-ratus
Article IDAR
Article that refers to non-generic IDARS Sri
concept and singularity. It is usually to
address a king or a queen
Article that refers to plurality IDARP para

Article that refers to non-generic IDARG si, sang

concept and singularity. It may be
followed by an animate or inanimate
Interjection IDINJ aduh, astaga
Phatic Category IDPTC harap, tolong, maaf
Number IDNBR 1, 2, 3
Unit Symbol IDUS kg, km , meter

tabel 4.2 Indonesian Function Words [CIC95]

Part Of Speech Code Example

Category Sub-category
Conjunction IDCJ
Coordinate conjuction IDCJCO dan, atau, tetapi
Subordinate conjuction IDCJSO jika, sejak, meskipun
Correlative conjuction IDCJCR baik, maupun
Extratextual conjuction which connects IDCJEX sebaliknya, oleh karena itu
the new sentence or a clause with the
previous one
Preposition IDPP di, ke, dari
Auxiliary IDAX
Auxiliary that has something with IDAXAM sedang, masih,
Modal auxiliary IDAXMM akan, boleh, dapat
Auxiliary that negate a verb or a noun IDAXNM tidak, bukan, jangan
Determiner IDDET sesuatu, semua
Particle IDPAR
Interrogative marker IDPARIN kah
Imperative marker IDPARIM lah
Emphasis marker IDPAREM pun
Symbol Symbol character IDSYM ?, !

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