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from my perspective…

Media, Diversity, and Negative Perceptions

and Assumptions
By Linda Jimenez

Chief Diversity Officer and Staff Vice President—Diversity & Inclusion
WellPoint, Inc.

In the past 50 years, After the attacks of 9/11, the media dedicated significant time
as technology has made and coverage to the event and the surrounding circumstances,
tremendous advancements, which led to the public’s indictment of Osama Bin Laden for
the power of the media has the attack, and greatly influenced the public’s perception about
also gained increased influence the existence of weapons of mass destruction.
as more individuals are able to Many similarities occurred with regard to the health care
access real time information reform debate. While I applaud the attention given to this
with greater rapidity. Increasingly, we live in a society dependent important issue, it can be problematic if the media receives
on this information and communication to perform our daily and reports inaccurate information, only shares one side of the
activities. We all make decisions based on the information that argument, or over-simplifies a complicated subject. This can
we gather. We live in an age where there are myriad media inadvertently lead to the propagation of negative perceptions
sources and, more often than not, these sources carry a bias on and assumptions about people and companies, and prevent a
each issue. healthy and necessary public forum from occurring.
As a society, we have put a tremendous amount of trust in the The health care reform debate is illustrative of how an issue
media as an authority on a broad range of topics, and we rely on was distorted or over-simplified, and led to the complete public
them for accurate information on current events, entertainment, polarization on an issue. Instead of objectively looking at the
and education. The media can be a helpful, but equally harmful, system’s overall failure, the media became complacent in its
force. The inundation of repetitive messages can develop and reporting and often remained focused on a few surface issues.
perpetuate negative perceptions and assumptions, as well as This often resulted in blaming the system’s failure on just one
shape our opinions and beliefs—sometimes correctly, other sector of the health care industry, and reinforced the public’s
times incorrectly. negative perception of some health care organizations and the
As seasoned diversity practitioners, we stress the importance people who work at these companies.
of viewing things from different perspectives. The media can Omitted from the public discourse were the many other
shape our attitudes about a multitude of things from what we issues complicating the health care system, as well as the efforts
buy, the people we admire (and those we don’t), our perceptions those within the health care industry made to advance ideas on
of political issues like immigration and health care, to social best ways to offer quality and affordable health care to more
issues focused on diversity facets such as race, gender, sexual Americans. The media’s reporting did very little to advance the
orientation, and age. We all need to be vigilant, and ensure public discourse on what health care reform is and how it should
that we look for opposing opinions and evaluate the facts for be shaped, and actually limited the public’s knowledge on what
ourselves, rather than blindly accept one media outlet’s or one are the real and myriad issues crippling our nation’s system.
individual’s version of the “truth.”
Let us remember: generalizations, assumptions, and
Journalism is a profession like any other, and certain standards perceptions can all be influenced by the media, but it is up to
of quality and professionalism must always be maintained. each of us, as diversity champions, to be diligent in encouraging
At the same time, in this age of prolific media sources and the discovery and evaluation of all perspectives, opinions, and
abundant perspectives, we must all make sure we take time to accurate information. PDJ
find differing viewpoints.

Linda Jimenez is a native of San Antonio, Texas, and attended

the University of Texas at Austin where she received her B.A.
with honors. She is also a graduate of the University of Texas
School of Law and has spent 20 years specializing in labor
and employment law.

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