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Academy of the Magi - Mankind's Destiny: Ascension!

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Star Chamber
Our Constellation ACADEMY OF THE MAGI:
Classes in the Initiatory Path
The Wizard Phaeron
Academy of the Magi The Faculty of Ascension House consists of Initiated Adepts, Teachers, Guides and Master
Teachers in the Lineage of King Solomon through the SpiritualMysterySchool. Our Founder; the
2009 Initiations
Wizard Phaeron (Rev. Albert Anderson) is a member of the Maitreya Council of the 3rd.
Magickal Lodge RayMysterySchool; anchoring the Ray of Raphael.
Practitioner and Lightworker
We offer classes, workshops, and seminars in the curriculum of the Initiatory Path of the
MysterySchool. Our Coursework includes classes which are preparatory for Initiation as Adept,
DNA Activation Teacher, and Guide. Beyond the Coursework necessary for these Sacred Initiations, we offer
classes in the Western Mystery Tradition, based in the Hermetic Heritage. These advanced
courses are designed to enhance and enrich the Mystery School Coursework to prepare the
Consultations candidate to become a Master in his own right and enter the Sacred Conclave of the Council of the
Wise.There are five divisions of Coursework in the Academy of the Magi.

Communication This Coursework consists of:

Angelic Encounters
Classes for Seekers:
A Message to the GLBT
The first group of 16 classes is intended for anyone. They are classes about Magick, Spirituality,
Cosmology, and Psychic Development. They have been designed to give the Seeker an accurate
overview of the areas of study that a serious student would need to understand are the foundation
for classes in these subjects that would be pursued by an Initiate who has achieved the Level of

Upon the completion of these classes the Seeker will be fully prepared to approach the Initiation
into the ranks of Adepts. This awesome first step into the Great Work of the Ages must be
approached with clarity of purpose and intention. The Aspirant must accept the reality that this
Initiation is in some aspects a death. It is the death of the Seeker in order that the Neophyte
Adept may be born. It is recommended as strongly as possible; that any Aspirant to this Initiation
be given a DNA Activation and allowed sufficient time for the Activation to be integrated. There
are of course some few individuals who will approach the gates of Initiation with their Etheric
A Constellation of Souls in Ascension
Body already and/or naturally empowered. These individuals are the exceptions, but the Teacher,
Guide, or Preceptor must be prepared to facilitate such worthy beings.

To request the Class Description for the 16 classes in the Curriculum of Classes for Seekers, please
contact us at the following link:

Classes for Initiated Adepts:

The Adept curriculum builds upon the Initiation and the pre-Initiation classes that the Neophyte
has just completed. This next corpus of Instruction is intended to become increasingly more and
more experiential. The substance of Lore to be imparted is also meant to become more theoretical
and formal.

The supposition is that; by having accepted the Initiation into the Grade of Adept the individual
has truly made a commitment to on going daily Ritual work, further increasingly difficult study,
and a role of servant to the Hierarchy and to Humanity. 3/01/2010
Academy of the Magi - Mankind's Destiny: Ascension! Page 2 of 2 The lessons in this curriculum for Initiated Adepts are more advanced; but are built upon those in
Contact the Wizard Phaeron at (347) 294- the first corpus. It would be most difficult for almost anyone to benefit from these classes without
0415 or
the preceding instruction and Initiation.

There are a total of 42 “Units of Study” in the Curriculum for Initiated Adepts. These are
classified as “Units of Study” because, in addition to the Lectures which are central to each of
these units, there is a Practicum which is required in order to integrate the content of the
Lectures. In the course of completing the Practicum the Adept increasingly received Tutelage and
Patronage from the Hierarchy of Light and his personal Guides.

These classes are intended to provide the Adept with a set of Magickal Tools and a comprehensive
understanding of the Major veins of Magickal Thought. Upon completion of this curriculum the
Adept is versed in a sufficient number of diverse techniques and philosophies to be able to make a
clear decision about his contribution to the Great Work and also to be sensitized to his Divine
Mission. Further study will be intended to prepare the Adept to go further into service as a
Teacher, Guide, or Mentor to other Seekers and Adepts.


To register or request the Class Description of the 42 classes which constitute the Curriculum of
Classes for Initiated Adepts, please contact us via the following link:

Developmental Classes for Teachers:

The next level of instruction will be both an apprenticeship and a guided Independent Study. The
next Initiatory stage in the Adepts development is the Teacher Initiation. Since the pattern diverts
into two distinct modus at this point; the path to Master Teacher and the Path to Guide, the
nature of the required accomplishments are similar but not identical. The Master Teacher will
need to specialize in the skills of teaching and mentoring other Teachers. The Guide will need to
possess teaching skills as well but must also be focused on the roles of Priest(ess) of the Light, and
Healer. Both must also develop a close alignment and tutelage from the Hierarchy in order to
perform their tasks as Mediators for the Hierarchy.

Entering Into Mastery:

There is a framework of Developmental Process suggested for accomplishing the stated goals of
becoming Master Teacher or the Other Master Grade of Guide. Yet it must be clearly noted that
the actual design for a regimen or curriculum for these Aspirants to higher office and service must
be determined by the Aspirant’s connection to the Hierarchy and their (the Masters and Ascended
Entities) “handing down”.

Our Faculty is fully committed to the development and growth of the Neophyte Masters; as they
were with the Neophyte Adepts. In the process of giving them support our Faculty relies both
upon their personal experiences and the Tutelage of their Patrons and Guides through Channeling
and Divination.

Council of the Wise:

Beyond these classes and programs the Individual Aspirants will be encouraged to become what
Michael Polanyi described as “Members of a Hueristic Society of Explorers”. That collegial
relationship eschews swollen egos and provides the potential for our community in service to grow
and flourish. Consistent scholarship and ongoing research will empower us all and give us a
continually expanding syllabus. We should stress Classicism and Tradition, while we participate
in the unfolding of wisdom and the continuing reception of those things that are being handed
down to us. It was Dr. F. Israel Regardie who said, “A bad poet or bad musician is but a reproach
to his particular art, and his name soon perishes from the memory of his people. A charlatan or
an impostor Magician, however, imperils the whole world, casting a heavy veil of the translucent
light of the spirit which it was his principal duty to bring to the sons of men.”

When Thoth the Atlantean spoke his supplication to the Masters of the Halls of Amenti,
thousands of years ago; they responded, “Go, as ye will. So be it decreed. Master are ye of your
destiny, free to take or reject at will. Take ye the power, take ye the wisdom. Shine as a light
among the children of men.” This will be our destiny, this will be our reward. This is our
fulfillment and our ultimate goal.

Please give your support for Ascension House. 3/01/2010

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