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1. Thermal energy is the total of all kinetic and potential energies of all particles
inside an object, while temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the
particles in an object. Temperature is also the measure of hotness and coldness.
2. It is to allow your body and the thermometer to reach a certain thermal
equilibrium. It is the temperature of the thermometer the nurse is actually reading.
3. In Fahrenheit, it is 136.04 0F, while in Kelvin it is 330.95 K.


.1 Heat is the transfer of thermal energy and it only happens when there is
temperature difference between two objects in contact. Temperature is the average
kinetic energy of the particles in an object. Thermal energy is the grand total of all
energies inside an object.
.2 The rule for the direction of heat flow is simple. It is from an object with high
temperature to an object with low temperature or in short, it is from hot object to
cold object.
.3 Heat transfers from your hand to the cold surface. Heat is released in your
hand and that’s the reason why you feel cold. On the other hand, the cold surface
.4 A blanket is an insulator so it doesn’t allow much heat transfer from your body
to the surroundings. Heat remains and you feel warm.
.5 Metal caps contract more in cold freezers and is very hard to open, while
plastic caps contract lesser compared to metal caps. Opening plastic caps are easy!
.6 1,017,640 J
.7 When the steam is in contact with your skin, it must change its phase to water
and it must give off heat to your skin. It is given by the equation Q = − mL v . Lv for
steam is very enormous. It is the required heat that it must give to your skin and it’s
painful. The heat given off by boiling water is less than the temperature difference
between you and the boiling water at 1000C.


A. Choose the letter of the best answer.

1. Which kind of heat transfer can occur at vacuum?

a) Conduction c) Radiation
b) Convection d) Thermal expansion

2. Which of the following is TRUE about telephone wirings during daytime?

a) Telephone wirings become straight due to thermal contraction.
b) Telephone wirings will sag due to thermal expansion.
c) Telephone wirings rotate.
d) Telephone wirings’ length does not change.

3. A white-hot nail is placed on a cup with cold water. Which of the following
statements is true?
a) The cup with cold water has higher thermal energy than the white-hot nail.
b) The white-hot nail has higher temperature than the cup with cold water.
c) Heat will flow from the white-hot nail to the cup with cold water.
d) All of the above.

4. Which of the the following is the temperature of absolute zero in 0C?

a) 273.15 c) –273.15
b) 373 d) 0

5. When heat is added on a material,

a) it’s temperature will change.
b) it will expand.
c) thermal energy will increase.
d) all of the choices are correct.

B. Answer the following problems completely.

1. 10-16 s after the Big Bang, the temperature of the universe is 1014 K. convert this
temperature to Celsius and Fahrenheit scales.

2. How much heat is removed from 0.06 kg of steam at 1000C to change it to 0.06 kg
of water at 200C?

3. A 0.1 kg of brass at 900C is placed on a glass beaker containing 0.2 kg of water at

200C. Assume that there is no heat loss to the beaker or the surroundings, what is
the final temperature of the mixture?


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