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Section: 001 MWF 8:00-9:10am MATH 204

Textbook: Single Variable Calculus, 6th ed. Author: James Stewart

Instructor: Pamela Mazur Office Phone: 410-777-2589

E-Mail: Cell Phone: 443-848-8277
FAX: 410-777-2012

Office Hours: MWF 9:30 – 11:45am

TTH 9:30 – 11:00am
If these hours are not convenient I encourage you to speak with me and arrange
an appointment.


Last day to drop and receive a refund: 30 August
Last day to change to audit/credit: 16 September
Last day to withdraw and receive a grade of W: 15 November
Labor Day Break: 04 - 06 September
Thanksgiving Break: 25 – 28 November
Final Examinations: 06 - 12 December

** AACC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action, Title IX, ADA Title 504 **
** compliant institution. Call Disability Support Services, 410-777-2306 or **
** Maryland Relay 711, 72 hours in advance or e-mail to request **
** course accommodations. For information regarding Anne Arundel Community **
** College's compliance and complaints concerning discrimination or harassment, **
** call Karen Cook, Esq., AACC's federal compliance manager at 410-777-7370 or **
** Maryland Relay 711. **

This is a first course in calculus. Topics include limits and continuity; the
derivative and its applications; Mean Value Theorem; chain rule; differentials; the
integral; Fundamental Theorem of Calculus; and numerical integration.

**This course requires that the student have a working knowledge of Trigonometry.**

Prerequisite: One of the following standards must be fulfilled

1. Satisfactory completion of MAT 151 or MAT 142
2. Completion of 3 years of high school mathematics including
Trigonometry and an appropriate score on the SAT, ACT or on
the departmental Mathematics Placement Test

Good attendance is crucial to your success in this course. New material is
introduced during every class period. You cannot expect to achieve a satisfactory
grade unless absences and lateness are kept to a minimum. You are expected to
arrive for class on time and also to remain in class for the entire scheduled
instructional period.
You are responsible for all coursework as it is assigned. If you are absent, you
must determine what material you missed and complete the work as soon as possible.
Do not allow yourself to fall behind.
This section of MAT 191 is being taught as a web-based course. You will be required
to enter your solutions for homework problems using WebAssign, a website provided by
the publisher of your textbook. You will also be required to access class
information and materials using the class website in ANGEL, the online learning
management system that is used at AACC.

This is not an online course. The Angel website is intended to supplement the
material that is introduced in class and to make communication within the course
more efficient. This means that you are still required to attend class and
participate in the traditional face-to-face learning process.

You can access the Angel website for this course by doing the following:
 Log into the college web-portal MYAAC at
 Click the My Courses tab at the top of the page.
 You should see this class listed as a link. Click on the link and you will be
taken to the Angel website for this course.


Your semester grade will be based on points achieved as a percentage of total
possible points on graded assignments. The approximate point totals for different
types of assignments during the semester are given below:
4 Tests 350 pts. *A 90% & above
Problem Sets 200 pts. *B 80-89%
WebAssign Homework 80 pts. *C 70-79%
Final Examination 200 pts. *D 60-69%
Total 830 pts. *F Below 60%
All graded assignments are to be done in PENCIL and they must be LEGIBLE. Any work
submitted that does not meet these requirements will not graded.

There will be four tests during the semester. The point value and time
allotted for each test will be determined by its topic content. The date for
each test will be announced at least one week prior to the test.
No make-up tests will be given. If you must be absent on the day of a test,
and contact me within 24 hours of the test with a valid excuse, then your grade
on the final examination (the percentage correct) will be used to create the
grade for the test which was missed. This policy may be invoked twice. If you
are absent for more than two tests then your grade on the third and/or fourth
missed test will be zero.

The Final Examination will be a two-hour comprehensive test which will be worth
approximately 24% of your semester grade. You must take the Final Exam.

There will be five or six graded homework assignments called Problem Sets. A
Problem Set should be submitted on or before its due date. At the discretion
of your instructor, a Problem Set may be turned in late. When a Problem Set is
turned in late, the grade will be lowered by 10% of its point total per day of
Your success in this course is a function of the amount and quality of time that you
spend studying the topics and practicing the skills that are introduced during
class. You have a standing assignment to read and study the text as well as your
class notes and web resources. The textbook, with its examples and explanations,
should be used as a tool to aid you in understanding the topics introduced in class
and in doing the homework problems. Doing homework problems provides the practice
necessary to achieve mastery of the skills that are introduced in class and in the
textbook. Homework problems are assigned after completion of each textbook section.
You will be required to access your homework problems and post your answers using
WebAssign, an internet based supplement to your textbook. Your answers will be
graded on the website, but you will also be required to turn in your written work
for these problems periodically during the semester.


Your work in this course will require the use of a graphing calculator. The
department recommends either the TI-83 or TI-84. I will be using the TI-84 for
demonstration purposes during class.

When you are taking a test you will not be permitted to use any calculator that uses
a Computer-Based Algebra System. For example, you may not use the TI-89, TI-92, or
TI Voyage 200. If you have any questions about the acceptability of the calculator
you will be using, please speak with me before the first test.

I also plan to use MAPLE, a mathematics and computer algebra software package, in
the presentation of material during class. Later in the semester, if time permits,
you will be introduced to this software in our computer lab.


Acts of academic dishonesty such as cheating or plagiarism are violations of the
college’s Policy on Academic Integrity and are subject to formal disciplinary
action. Cheating on a test or the final examination will result in a grade of zero
for that assignment. You are encouraged to work together with your classmates or
seek additional help on daily homework assignments and problem sets.

Any student behavior that obstructs or disrupts my teaching or students’ learning is

an official act of misconduct and can result in the student being removed from the
class. It is each student’s responsibility to review the 2010-2011 Student Handbook
or college Catalog for complete policies and procedures

As a courtesy to your instructor and the other students in this class, please turn
off any cell phones, pagers and other electronic devices before class begins.


The Math Lab is located in Lib 107 and is staffed by faculty and peer tutors. Its
purpose is to offer students a place to get help with their math questions. No
appointment is necessary. You may use the resources of the Math Tutoring Lab in
order to complete the daily homework assignments or problem sets, but please
remember that the work you turn in must be your own. There is a significant
difference between seeking help and simply copying someone else’s work. The latter
is cheating and is subject to appropriate disciplinary action. You should not ask a
tutor to help you with any problems which are part of a take-home test.
I want to be as helpful as possible to each of my students. If you need help with
an assignment, in preparing for a test or you simply want to discuss how you are
doing in this class please contact me. My office hours, phone numbers and e-mail
address are listed at the beginning of this information packet. If the posted
office hours are not convenient, we can make other arrangements to discuss your
My teaching schedule for Fall Semester 2010 is listed below:
MAT 012 Sec 002 TTh 7:30 – 9:15am SCHZ 201
MAT 012 Sec 021 MWF Noon - 1:10pm SCHZ 207
MAT 191 Sec 001 MWF 8:00 – 9:10am MATH 204
MAT 142 Sec 875 Online

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