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J. Avian Biol.

39: 647652, 2008

doi: 10.1111/j.1600-048X.2008.04450.x
# 2008 The Authors. J. Compilation # 2008 J. Avian Biol.
Received 10 December 2007, accepted 11 March 2008

Between-male variation in sperm size, velocity and longevity in sand

martins Riparia riparia

Fabrice Helfenstein, Tibor Szép, Zsolt Nagy, Bart Kempenaers and Richard H. Wagner
F. Helfenstein (correspondence), Evolutionary Ecology Group, Zoological Institute, University of Bern, Baltzerstrasse 6, CH-3012 Bern,
Switzerland. E-mail:  R. H. Wagner, Konrad Lorenz Institute, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Savoyenstrasse 1a,
A-1160 Vienna, Austria.  T. Sze´p, Institute of Environmental Sciences, College of Nyı´regyha´za, P.O. Box 166, H-4401 Nyı´regyha´za,
Hungary.  Z. Nagy, MME/BirdLife Hungary, Ko¨lto ut 21, H-1121 Budapest, Hungary.  B. Kempenaers, Department Behavioural Ecology,
Evolutionary Genetics, Max Planck Institute for Ornithology, Postfach 1564, D-82305 Starnberg, Germany.

Sperm mobility is known to be an important determinant of a male’s sperm competitive ability. Although more debated,
sperm length and its relation to sperm swimming ability has also been proposed to determine a male’s fertilisation
potential. Furthermore, both mobility and length may covary with a male’s phenotype, either positively (the phenotype-
linked fertility hypothesis) or negatively if, for instance, low-quality males have less access to females but invest more in
sperm production. Using dummy females, we collected sperm samples from wild sand martins Riparia raparia males. We
investigated the relationship between sperm length and sperm swimming speed as measured by sperm straight line
velocity (VSL), and determined whether sperm traits are correlated with male body size and condition. We found that
total sperm length is repeatable within-ejaculate and shows substantial inter-male variation. Sperm length was associated
with sperm velocity: males with short sperm have sperm that swim initially faster but die sooner, whereas males with
longer sperm have sperm that swim more slowly but for a longer time. Smaller males produced sperm with higher overall
velocity. This correlation between male size and sperm behaviour may reflect alternative fertilisation strategies where
small males having less mating opportunities invest more in sperm competitive ability. The existence of such alternative
strategies would participate in maintaining variation in sperm length and velocity in this species.

It is now well established that sperm swimming ability Stockley et al. 1997). Within species some empirical data
influences the outcome of sperm competition. In the sea also suggest a positive relationship between sperm size and
urchin Lytechinus variegatus, males producing faster sperm sperm competitiveness (LaMunyon and Ward 1998,
have higher rates of fertilisation (Levitan 2000), while in Oppliger et al. 2003). However, the positive relationship
boars Sus scrofa domesticus, a variety of sperm motility between sperm length and sperm swimming speed proposed
parameters are correlated with male fertility (Holt et al. by theoretical models has seldom been tested (LaMunyon
1997). In birds, sperm mobility or velocity are primary and Ward 1998, Gage et al. 2004, Birkhead et al. 2005).
determinants of male fertility (Froman et al. 1999), and Thus, the degree to which sperm size determines success in
males having highly mobile sperm sire a greater propor- sperm competition is currently under debate.
tion of offspring in competitive fertilisation experiments The idea that male phenotype, i.e. social status, body size
(Birkhead et al. 1999, Donoghue et al. 1999, Denk et al. or the size of sexual ornaments, may reflect sperm quality is
2005). Similar results have been found in fish such as the also under debate. The phenotype-linked fertility hypoth-
Atlantic salmon Salmo salar (Gage et al. 2004). esis proposes that females would benefit from choosing
Besides sperm swimming ability, sperm length has been males with elaborated sexual ornaments if they maximize
hypothesized to also play a role in determining a male’s the chances of mating with fertile males (Sheldon 1994).
sperm competitive ability. The exact mechanism by which Tests of this hypothesis in birds, fish and mammals have
this would operate is unknown but it has been proposed yielded contradictory results with some studies finding a
that sperm length is positively related to sperm speed and relationship between male phenotype and ejaculate quality
thus that sperm length should increase with increasing risk (Matthews et al. 1997, Simmons and Kotiaho 2002, Peters
of sperm competition (Parker 1998). Comparative studies et al. 2004, Malo et al. 2005, Schulte-Hostedde and
found some support for this hypothesis in various taxa Montgomerie 2006) while others do not (Birkhead and
including insects, frogs, birds and mammals (Gomendio Fletcher 1995, Liljedal et al. 1999, Pilastro and Bisazza
and Roldan 1991, 1993, Briskie and Montgomerie 1992, 1999). Theoretical developments (Parker 1998) also contra-
Gage 1994, Briskie et al. 1997, Byrne et al. 2003; but see dict the phenotype-linked fertility hypothesis in suggesting

that males that have low access to females, e.g. small males, 995 ml pre-warmed (408C) Dulbecco’s Medium leading to
may invest more in sperm expenditure to compensate for a 1ml of sperm/buffer solution. When the ejaculate was
lower number of mating opportunities. Support for this deposited outside the false cloaca we used the 5 ml of buffer
hypothesis comes from the feral fowl Gallus gallus domes- to hydrate and collect the sample. A 7 ml-sample was then
ticus where sub-dominant males, which are less preferred by loaded within a prewarmed (408C) MicroCell (50 mm
females and have less access to them, produce more mobile chamber depth, Conception Technologies, San Diego) and
sperm than dominant males (Pizzari et al. 2007). the slide placed under a microscope equipped with a
Overall, studies testing the relationship between sperm 20  bright-field objective under a dark-field condition
size and motility and the relationship between male generated with a Ph2 annular phase ring. Sperm motion
phenotype and sperm quality are scarce. This is undoubt- was recorded for 15 min on a DV cassette using a video
edly because obtaining samples of live sperm from free- camera fitted to the microscope and plugged to a DV
ranging animals is difficult. The goal of our study was to handycam used as a recorder. Electricity for the apparatus
investigate how sperm velocity, a measure of sperm (microscope, heating stage and controller, video camera)
swimming ability, sperm length and sperm longevity are was supplied by a car battery plugged to a 12230V AC/
related to each other in the sand martin Riparia riparia. The DC 300W converter. While videotaping sperm motion, we
sand martin is a colonial, socially monogamous species weighed the male (90.5 g) and measured its left tarsus
where extra-pair copulations and fertilizations are common (91.102 mm), left wing (91 mm), left external tail feather
and sperm competition is intense (Nicholls et al. 2001). (91 mm), and sternum (91.102 mm). We sometimes failed
Sand martin males are known to be prone to copulate with to take all measures causing sample sizes to vary.
a dummy female, thus allowing the collection of natural Video recordings of sperm motion were later analysed
ejaculates (Nicholls 2000). To test whether male phenotype using the Hobson Sperm Tracker System at the Max Planck
may signal sperm characteristics in the sand martin, we Institute for Ornithology, Seewiesen, Germany. For each
examined correlations between both sperm length and sample, we took five measures of straight line velocity (VSL)
velocity and body measures and condition. As intra- using a 60 s sampling interval and a 60 s pause between
ejaculate variation in sperm morphology may be indicative intervals. This allowed us to monitor the dynamics of sperm
of more or less stable spermatogenesis (Schulte-Hostedde velocity over a period of several minutes after ejaculation
and Montgomerie 2006) we also tested the correlation and thus to derive sperm longevity from statistical models as
between intra-ejaculate variance (SD) in sperm length and the rate at which sperm velocity declines with time (Froman
body measures and condition. and Feltmann 2000). The minimum track time was 1.2 s,
which minimized the risk that the tracking system would
count a moving particle as a motile sperm (Froman and
Methods Feltmann 2000). Among the various sperm motility
parameters computed by the Hobson Sperm Tracker, we
The study was conducted on a sand martin colony chose to use the straight line velocity (VSL) because it has
comprising seven sub-colonies situated on the Tisza River, been previously shown to be a good predictor of male
Hungary (488 11?N, 218 28?E; Szép 1995) from 27 April to fertility in several taxa (reviewed in Pizzari et al. 2004)
19 May 2003. Five females found dead at the bottom of the including birds (Denk et al. 2005), and it provides a
riverbank were stuffed, fitted with a false cloaca and fixed at measure of sperm motility that can readily be used to test
the end of a fishing rod in copulatory posture to serve as the relationship between sperm speed and sperm length.
dummies, a method previously used in this species by Ten to 28 (mean9SE: 1992) sperm were measured for
Nicholls and collaborators (2001). The dummy female was their total length from steady video pictures.
placed in the centre of a 33 25 cm clapnet (Moudrý, We captured 60 males that copulated with dummy
Czech Republic) that was triggered from the distance to females. Some males did not ejaculate during the copulation
capture copulating males immediately after they ejaculated. (n 22, 36.6%). In eight cases (13.3%) the dummy
Dummy females were presented either from 06.15 to attracted several males that successively copulated with it,
10.50, or from 15.30 to 19.50 (local time), when male sand resulting in a mixture of ejaculates that could not be used.
martins exhibit the highest probability of copulating with a Eventually, we obtained measurements of sperm length for
female mount (Nicholls 2000). The five models were used 28 males and, due to technical problems, video recordings
alternatively and presented for 30 min or until a male of motile sperm from 14 males.
copulated with it. If no male copulated with the dummy The males that were prone to copulate with our
female, we moved to another sub-colony. If a male dummies could form a biased subset of the male popula-
copulated with the dummy, we collected the ejaculate and tion. If they were, those males should differ in their mean
immediately recorded sperm motion. The dummy was morphology and should exhibit smaller variance in those
afterwards presented again in the same colony. The time of traits compared to the whole male population. We thus
copulation and when the sample was videotaped were compared mean values and variances of all traits between
recorded to the nearest second in order to calculate the time our sample (measures taken by ZN and FH) and a larger
elapsed between ejaculation and sperm analysis. sample of males (ranging from 202 to 580 individuals,
The model’s false cloaca was filled with 5 ml of measures taken by TS) captured during the intensive
Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium (4500 mg glucose/l, ringing campaign later in the season.
110 mg sodium pyruvate/l, L-glutamine, Sigma Aldrich) to VSL was square-root transformed prior to analyses to
hydrate the transferred ejaculate and facilitate its collection. match modelling assumptions. Analyses involving repeated
The ejaculate collected from the false cloaca was mixed to measures within the same male were conducted with

Generalized Linear Mixed Models using the Restricted
Maximum-Likelihood estimation method (REML-GLMM,
Littell et al. 2006) and assuming normal distribution of the
error. The male’s identity was declared as the random
subject using an unstructured R matrix and intercepts and
slopes were allowed to vary among males. Degrees of
freedom for fixed effects were estimated with the Sat-
terthwaite approximation, which may yield non-integer
numbers. Modelling assumptions were validated by plotting
model residuals against predicted values and by testing
the residuals’ normality. Analyses were conducted using the
SAS, version 9.1. All tests are two-tailed with significance
level set at a 0.05.

Figure 1. Within- and among-male variation in total sperm
Males who copulated with dummy females did not length. Circles represent individual means (9SE) in total sperm
statistically differ in size from males captured during the length based on 10 to 28 spermatozoa per male. Males are
intensive ringing campaign later in the season (all t B1.85, numbered and ranked from small to large average sperm length.
P 0.065). However, they differed in their body mass
(t 5.50, PB0.001, df 611). Yet, this difference is likely Morphological traits did also not covary with sperm velocity
to be mostly due to a seasonal change in body mass. Our (REML-GLMM: time since ejaculation: all F 5.90,
sample also showed similar variances in all morphological P B0.032; morphological traits: all F B3.49, P 0.09),
traits measured (all F B2.09, P 0.15). The males who except for tarsus length which was negatively correlated with
copulated with our dummies can thus be considered as a sperm velocity (REML-GLMM: time since ejaculation:
representative sample of the whole population. F1,11.7 5.62, P 0.036; tarsus length: F1,11.2 5.31,
Sperm length showed variation within and among males P 0.04). Males having small tarsi had sperm with higher
(Table 1, Fig. 1). The average time elapsed between male overall velocity (Fig. 3).
ejaculation and the start of the 15 min video recording was Our modest sample may prevent us from detecting
9 min 35 s (range: 5 min 39 s to 11 min 17 s). A first existing relationships between sperm length, variation in
analysis modelling VSL as a function of time elapsed since sperm length or sperm velocity and male morphology. This
ejaculation and using male identity as a random factor is reflected in the low power of all analyses (ranging from
(REML-GLMM) revealed that: 1) VSL significantly de- 0.05 to 0.48), with the exception of the analysis testing for a
clined with time (b9SE 0.01890.007, F1,13 5.70,
correlation between body mass and sperm velocity (0.79).
P 0.03), and that 2) males differed in their initial sperm
Thus, we may have been unable to detect existing relation-
velocity (different intercepts) and in the rate at which their
ships that would be revealed with a larger sample.
sperm velocity declined (different slopes). Entering the
males’ mean sperm length in this model resulted in VSL to
be significantly explained by an interaction between sperm
length and time elapsed since ejaculation (F1,11.6 4.81, Discussion
P B0.05). In other words, sperm size was correlated with
sperm longevity, with males having the shortest sperm Theoretical developments investigating the circumstances
exhibiting: 1) the highest initial sperm velocity, and 2) the under which sperm competition would select for increased
steepest decline in velocity, whereas males having longer sperm length have relied on the intuitive assumption that
sperm showed stable intermediate velocity (Fig. 2). sperm length is positively associated with sperm swimming
None of the morphological traits we measured correlated speed (Gomendio and Roldan 1991, Parker 1998), an
with total sperm length or intra-ejaculate variation in sperm assumption that has seldom been tested. We did not find a
length (within ejaculate/male standard deviation) (all ½r½ direct correlation between sperm length and sperm velocity
B0.32, P0.10, n 2228). Body condition (body mass or that sperm longevity negatively covaried with sperm
accounted for tarsus length used as an explanatory variable length. We found that short sperm have a higher initial
in the model) did not covary with sperm length (mass: velocity but a shorter lifespan whereas long sperm have a
F1,18 0.06, P 0.80; tarsus: F1,18 0.02, P 0.89), or lower initial velocity but a higher longevity. This contradicts
with intra-ejaculate variation (SD) in sperm length (mass: the general assumption that sperm size is traded against
F1,18 0.01, P 0.92; tarsus: F1,18 0.00, P 0.98). sperm longevity (Cardullo and Baltz 1991, Immler and

Table 1. Variation in total sperm length (mm) among samples of 28 male sand martins.

Mean SE Min. Max. CV Within-male repeatabilitya N0 P

109.6 0.5 105.4 114.2 2.2% 0.20 20.7 B0.001

Sensu Lessells and Boag (1987).

their bigger total length may be correlated with a longer
midpiece. In our study, we were not able to measure
midpiece length. Across bird species, a positive allometry
between midpiece length and flagellum length seems to be
the rule: midpiece length increases more per unit of flagellum
length and is positively correlated with total sperm length
(Immler and Birkhead 2007, Immler et al. 2007). However,
within species, midpiece size generally shows no association
with other components of sperm length (Morrow and Gage
2001a, Birkhead et al. 2005, Malo et al. 2006). Nonetheless,
if longer sperm have a higher mitochondrial load per unit of
size, this may translate into higher ATP content allowing
greater longevity (Froman and Kirby 2005).
Assuming that sperm size increases sperm survival,
theory also predicts that, if the timing between insemina-
tion and fertilisation increases, long sperm will be favoured
(Parker 1998). Conversely, if the risk of sperm competition
decreases, i.e. if the time between insemination and
fertilisation decreases, short sperm should be selected
(Parker 1998). Thus males producing small, fast and
Figure 2. Sperm straight line velocity (VSL, square-root trans- short-lived versus long, slow and long-lived sperm may
formed) as a function of the time since ejaculation and the male have different selective advantages depending on the timing
mean total sperm length. Data are predicted values from a REML- of insemination relative to fertilisation. When fertilisation
GLMM including the male’s identity as a random factor, allowing occurs shortly after insemination, fast swimming sperm may
intercepts and slopes to vary among males.
be able to outcompete rivals’ sperm in reaching the storage
organs and the ovum (Birkhead et al. 1999). When
Birkhead 2007, Immler et al. 2007). It also contrasts with fertilisation occurs long after insemination, slow swimming,
previous studies within (LaMunyon and Ward 1998), and long-lived sperm may have the selective advantage of being
across species (Gomendio and Roldan 1991, Stockley et al. passively lost from the female’s sperm storage glands at a
1997) that found long sperm to have higher maximum lower rate and therefore be more numerous by the time of
velocity and/or reduced longevity. It is however consistent fertilisation (Froman et al. 2002).
with results found in the sea urchin where sperm velocity and Sperm length and sperm velocity showed substantial
longevity trade off against each other (Levitan 2000). One variation among males, as found in other animals (Morrow
explanation why long sperm swim more slowly but live and Gage 2001a, Gage et al. 2002, Oppliger et al. 2003,
longer may be that long sperm are slowed down by higher Birkhead et al. 2005, Malo et al. 2006, Schulte-Hostedde
friction forces in the media due to their larger surface. Yet, and Montgomerie 2006). However, sperm velocity and
viability and/or longevity have been found to be important
determinants of a male’s sperm competition ability and are
hypothesised to be under directional selection (Holt et al.
1997, Birkhead et al. 1999, Donoghue et al. 1999, Hunter
and Birkhead 2002, Garcı́a-Gonzáles and Simmons 2005).
Additionally, there is good evidence that sperm length has
co-evolved with female reproductive anatomy (Briskie et al.
1997, Miller and Pitnick 2002) and it is hypothesised to be
under stabilizing selection (Calhim et al. 2007). Thus, what
maintains variation in both sperm velocity and size is
currently unclear. A first hypothesis is that sperm length
and sperm velocity are partially maternally inherited (Pizzari
and Birkhead 2002). This hypothesis has recently been
substantiated by studies showing that variations in sperm
design or motility have a partially sex-biased inheritance
(Ward 2000, Morrow and Gage 2001b, Froman et al.
2002, Birkhead et al. 2005, Dowling et al. 2007). However,
although maternal genetic effects contribute to variations in
sperm traits, their heritability also shows a direct paternal
genetic component (Simmons and Kotiaho 2002, Birkhead
et al. 2005, Simmons and Roberts 2005, Dowling et al.
Figure 3. Sperm straight line velocity (VSL, square-root trans- 2007).
formed) as a function of the time since ejaculation and the male A second hypothesis is that sperm characteristics are
tarsus length. Data are predicted values from a REML-GLMM condition-dependent sexually selected traits (Rowe and
including the male’s identity as a random factor, allowing Houle 1996). Condition-dependence has indeed been
intercepts and slopes to vary among males. found in sperm swimming speed and sperm length

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