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Import Grids

Import a computational mesh that was created by an external package in a specific format. The panel
also allows restrictions to be placed on the range of entities imported and offsets to be applied on the
cells/vertices generated.



The required input is as follows:

1. Select the appropriate external file type from the Format button group.
2. Enter the file name(s) of the grid data to be imported in the text box(es) provided at the
bottom of the panel. Alternatively, click the adjacent button to activate pro-STAR’s built-in
file browser and use it to help locate the required file(s). Depending on the external system,
the following files are required:
(a) Ansys — imports a cell/element (.elem) and a vertex/node (.node) file. The data are
read using the ANSYS PREP7, EWRITE and NWRITE command format. The system’s
‘element type’ is used as a key to create new entries in the pro-STAR cell table (see
Chapter 3, “Cell properties” in the User Guide).
(b) Patran — imports elements and nodes via the specified .pat file. The data are read
using the PATRAN neutral data file format. The system’s ‘property identifier’ (PID) and
‘load set identifier’ are used to generate new cell types and boundary definitions, as
(c) Nastran — imports elements and nodes via the specified .nas file. The data are read
using the NASTRAN bulk data file format. The system’s ‘property identifier’ (NPID) is
used to create either new cell types or new materials (fluid streams), depending on
whether Type or Material has been selected in the Option pop-up menu.
(d) Grid3d — imports vertex data and implied cell definitions via the .g3d file, generated
using a subset of the PLOT3D™ specification. Select an option from the File Type
pop-up to indicate whether the input file is Coded or Binary. The system also generates
a new cell type for each block of data read in. Each entry in the “Cell Table” can be
optionally offset by a number typed in the Cell Table Offset text box.
(e) Ideas — imports nodes and elements via the specified .unv file. The data are read using
the IDEAS (SDRC) universal file format. Depending on the Option menu setting, the
system will create cell types that either
i) Preserve the IDEAS material property and colour id’s (option CTUNIQUE)
ii) Generate ones that merely match the IDEAS id on a one-to-one basis (option
(f) ICEM — imports pro-STAR-compatible cell and vertex data files produced by ICEM
CFD Tetra (see the ICEM technical manual). The mesh import procedure is identical to
the one used for transferring data between dissimilar computers following a CDSAVE
operation (see page 21-3 in the User Guide). Thus, the starting point is the specified
problem data (.inp) file. Reading this file initiates an automatic input of data in other
relevant files (e.g. .cel for cell data and .vrt for vertex data).
(g) CGNS — imports mesh data from a CGNS (.cgns) format file. Existing cells, vertices,
boundary regions and cell table entries are not overwritten. A new cell type is created for
each CGNS zone and a new boundary region for each GNS region, with a region type
similar to that originally specified. The contents of the CGNS file may be listed prior to
importing using command CGSTATS.
(h) pro-STAR — imports cell and vertex data generated by a previous pro-STAR session.
The user input required is as follows:
i) Cells to Import — select either All Cells or the required Cell Range, in terms of the
first and last cell number to read
ii) Vertices to Import — select either All Vertices or the required Vertex Range, in
terms of the first and last vertex number to read
iii) Cell Type Offset — an offset to be added to cell type indices upon input
iv) Vertex Offset — an offset to be added to vertex numbers upon input
v) Cell Offset — an offset to be added to cell numbers upon input
vi) File Type — the input file format, either Coded or Binary
vii) Cell definitions are read from a .cel file. Enter its name in the Cell File box, or
use pro-STAR’s built-in file browser to help locate it.
viii) Vertex definitions are read from a .vrt file. Enter its name in the Vertex File box,
or use pro-STAR’s built-in file browser to help locate it.
For all external systems other than ICEM:
• If you do not want all the elements or nodes in the file to be read, indicate the required
Element or Node Ranges by typing starting and finishing values in the text boxes provided.
• The translator uses the actual element and node numbers in the file as cell and vertex
numbers. Use the Offset boxes to offset these numbers to a higher value, or click the Add to
end button to preserve current vertex/cell numbers and simply add the imported grid to your
model’s existing structure. Note that if this option is chosen, the Offset boxes are
automatically loaded with the current maximum vertex and cell number (mxv and mxc,
• pro-STAR can import all the cell shapes that may be generated by the external packages
• If some imported cells do not comply with STAR’s cell orientation requirements (see
Chapter 3, “Cell orientation and correction” in the User Guide), use the Check Tool to
identify, collect and correct them (see Chapter 4, “Microscopic checking”). Command
CFLIP can also renumber the vertices of prismatic and tetrahedral cells so that their
collapsed faces do not lie on boundary surfaces. This operation is necessary in order to
ensure smooth running of STAR-CD’s numerical solution algorithms.

Click Import Grid to complete the operation.

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