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Time Frame: 45-60 minutes

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
A. react critically to what is read by judging the relevance and worth of
ideas, soundness of the author’s reasoning, and the effectiveness of
the presentation;
B. draw conclusions from the set of details, and;
C. make accurate inferences and judgments

II. Subject Matter

A. Title of the Text: Teenage Smoking in the Philippines
B. Reference:

III. Materials:
A. Pre-reading Activity: pictures to be posted on the board
B. Reading Activity: copy of the article “Teenage Smoking in the

IV. Procedure
A. Motivation Activity:
Have the students react on the pictures that exhibit the examples and
effects of teenage smoking posted on the board. Through this, the students should
be able to activate their background knowledge about the given pictures.

B. Unlocking of difficulties:
Unfamiliar words are taken from the text to be given definition and
sample sentences. Such words are as follows:

1. curious — interested in what is not one’s personal or proper

2. puffed — induce, intake, inhale
3. ceased — stop, end, terminate
4. premature — early, oversoon
5. remiss — negligent
6. teenage —
7. ironic — sardonic
8. exposure — liability, openness, the condition of being
9. ban — forbid, outlaw, illegalize
10. investigation — inquiry, surveying
11. substitute — a person who takes of or acts instead of
another, exchange
12. enforce — to put something in effect or operation
13. legislators —
14. incentives — initial, beginning, initiative
C. While Reading:
Silent Reading
1. Distribute copies of the article, Teenage Smoking in the Philippines
(see attachment) to the students. Give the students 3-5 minutes to read and take
note of the facts given in the text.

D. Motive Questions:
1. Have the students involve them selves in the discussion on:
• Justifying a stance towards the article.
• Cite examples from the facts given on Philippine context.

2. Have the students answer some proposed questions of the teacher.

• Is it really cool to smoke?
• Among the first three facts stated, there were a large
percentage of young people who deal with smoking, now,
why were they encouraged to do such? What influences are
there in the environment that made them so active in this
kind of activity?
• For the gentlemen in the class, what reasons do you find
why men usually wants to learn smoking at a very young
• For the ladies of the class, what is your stand regarding
statement/fact number 9 and 10?
• After the class has read the proposed solutions of the
author, do you think these would help deduce the smoking
activity of the Filipinos?

V. Evaluation:
Debate: Divide the class into two and give them one of the most
controversial issues in our society today. Let them choose their side of
the argument and the group that will be able to give more POI’s wins.

VI. Homework:
Read the selection found on page 256 of your book entitled, The
Philippines Today, which discusses the vast changes that occur in our
society. Be able to identify the advantages and disadvantages of these
changes in our discussion tomorrow.

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