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Which book of the Bible comes after Issiah? Jeremiah

Who is the Min. of Mining and Energy? James Robertson
What does OAS stand for? Organization of American
if X+Y= 29 and X=16. What is Y? 13
What do you call the residence of a nun? Convent
On June 21, where would the sun be located? Overhead at the Tropic of Cancer
What relation what Abraham to Terah? Son
What type of rocks are marble tiles made from? Metamorphic
What is the state of change from gas to liquid known as? Condensation
How many moons does Saturn have? 17
Ho discovered the circulation of blood?William Harvey
What is the study of physical life or living matter known as? Biology
What is the capital of the Cayman Islands? Georgetown
Which girl’s school won champs in 2001? Vere Technical
Which parish was the capital of JA in 1873? Kingston
In which parish can you find the Castle Mountain? Portland
What is the plural of Maid of Honour? Maids of Honour
From a verb from courage? Encourage
Who was principal of KC in 1980? Woodburn Miller
What does the ‘J’ in PJ Patterson stand for? James
What type of doctor specializes in children? Pediatrician
Which religion was founded by Mohammad? Islam
On which continent can you find Botswana? Africa
What is the Nationality of the tennis player Rafael Nadal? Spanish
What does the abbreviation CARIFESTA mean? Caribbean Festival of Arts
What is the main language spoken in Egypt? Arabic
What is the square of 13? 169
What is the capital of St. Vincent? Kingstown
Complete the proverb- Speech is silver… Silence is Gold
Form a adjective from machine? Mechanical
What is the name of the valley found in St. Elizabeth? Nassau
What is the killing of a race known as? Genocide
What is the nationality of the footballer Robert Baggio? Italian
How many degrees is the Arctic Circle south of the Equator? 66 ½
Give a 5 letter synonym for the word confess? Admit
What does the prefix ‘peri’ mean? Around
what is the feminine of a gander? Goose
Form an adverb from the word destroy destruction
Where is known as the land of flying fish? Babados
What is known as Black diamond? Coal
Which book of the bible comes after Galatians? Ephesians
Who is the Min of Justice? Dorothy Lightbourne
What does IOC mean? International Olympic Committee
If X-Y=29 and X=42. What is Y? 13
What do you call the place of residence of a monk or priest? Monastery
On March 21, where is the sun located? Overhead at the equator
What relation was Abraham to Lot? Uncle
Under which rock type would you find Gypsum? Sedimentary
what is the state of change from solid to gas known as? Sublimation
How many moons does Jupiter have? 16
Who discovered the sea route to India in 1498? Vasco Da Gama
What is the study of the human mind called? Psychology
What is the capital of Antigua? St. Johns
Which boy’s school won boys champ in 2001? KC
Where was King’s House located in 1870? Spanish Town
In which parish can you find Castle Mountain? Portland
What is the plural of swine? Swine
Form a verb from sweet? Sweeten
Who was principal of KC in 1975? Dr. John McNab
What does the “W” in George W Bush stand for? Walker
What type of doctor specializes in the eye? Optomologist
Which religion was founded by Abraham? Judaism
ON which continent can you find Belarus? Europe
What is the nationality of the tennis player Roger Federer?Swiss
What does the Abbreviation CARIFTA mean? Caribbean Free Trade Area
What is the main language spoken in Holland? Dutch
What is the square of 25? 625
What is the capital of Grenada? St. Georges
Complete the proverb: Too Much of one thing… is good for nothing
Form an adjective from providence? Providential
What is the name of the valley found in Trelawny? Queen of Spain
What is the killing of a baby known as?Infanticide
What is the nationality of the footballer ZInedine Zidane? French
How many degrees us the tropic of cancer north of the equator? 23 ½
Give a 4 letter synonym for narrate? Tell
what does the prefic ‘sub’ mean? Under
what is the feminine of emperor? Empress
form an adverb from occasion occasionally
form a noun from the word free ? freedom
What is known as capital punishment? The death sentence
Which gas is the lightest of all substances? Hydrogen

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