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WAR : ~ , . .~ .

.ONDS ., .

,-.I:,{.(..; " -
'vUL. 28 - No. 30
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Merchants ·Plan StGrts Trainint ~Iew ,Listfil',:' "'," , . .'. ·· .:GiYeft 'Siher Wings .Cftri8tln_s8lft'~:t8i.t,' .
.ft:......· .;ji: . , ":~&.l..:~(~etH'st ;:;(·';:'·:\t~>,<:." ~;:. ,:-:.J! a;S'MU',""e"d'":;kv;I!~~er'~~I1'.0~"'·.I·b·~ . aill·'0;RS" .
Booster· M~ting , . /1:•. f '
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". 'VII. _ " '

'f·"~·(;6.· ""::'~.: .; '\;i'~1r ··ft" ' :U,,·'U1i'I'UU" UIILI:: ut:

Whiteside Suggests' Job :·i·tf~tiucted fr~~' S-ilitcfive·,j~W~3·'fri.I~m ~~Iective ,'< " Citizens Accord Approval to Plan; Nearly
Placement for After Service. B~(ird No. 3 Service! Board No.4 $2000 in Sight; Final Returns Will Be
The War The following men wU1 repor.~ t"J The' .follOWing men. inducted by Published Next in Our Town
Local Board No.3, 1()9 Forrest Ave., Loea! Soard No.4, 9 S. Bryn Mawr
Methods to be employed and Narberth, to be entrained for Nell' Ave., iJ~ Mawr, wul go to New ------.--------<8 With several sectors to hear from,
agencies through which retailers
can work to combat Inflation will
be discussed at a booster meeting
Cup1berland Reception Center at 'eumbl! bi d 'Pa"
·8:30 A. M. on OCtober 21. These men . r n, ., on
were sworn Into the U. S. Army on' Pranc18 if. SChneider, Bala; Ralph
OCtobe 21
r, Sportsmen to Use the collection to provide funds for
Christmas gifts to Narberth's Serv-

to be held by the Narberth Busi·

October 7. L. smtih, Narberth; Robert M. Hud-
Francis C. Daugherty, 182 Grand- son, Bala: Joseph W. Flynn, W. Con-
High School'Range Ice !Men was reported as having
reached more than $1600 and the
COmmittee was hopeful that nearly
ness Council on November 10 at the view Rd., Ardmore; Thomas J. TO' shohOeken;. James W. Esrey, Haver- Will Conduct Classes $2000 would be realized.
Arcadia Restaurant. bin, 33 Cricket Ave., Ardmore; Fran· ford; Joseph F. Cooper, Wlssahlclton.
Plans for the meeting were dis- cis J. Dixon, 124 conway Ave., Ard- Phil Ert l' B Ma: On Safe Handling This means that there w1l1 be an
CUSsed Tuesday night when Nar- more" James J. Kincade, 238.g. a.; c Ho mes, ryn wr; Of Firearms ample sum for the original purpose
berth merchants met to outline the ~:; ,~m'g Ave., ArdJnOre; \it. ~~riee·. J. Redmond.- Llanerch;
Halbrooks, 4036 Walnut St., Phllli-'- Stante)' .'ft. ~ntz, W. Manayunk;
mUam Once more the Lower Merion High of purchasing the gifts and also
program. Walter Case, president of delphIa; John L. Sullivan, Jr., 213 J. Oarlin, Narberth; James w'nuam' SchOOl has granted permission to
the rifle team of the LoWer Merion
there should be a surplus which can
the Council. presided. JOSEPH E. McCAFFERTY Edgemont Ave.. AMinare; Oharles ·F. MeN'itbb.' Bryn Mawr; :Joseph J. be used to provide a token of appre·
As part of the November 10 pro- L. potter, 75 Cricket Ave., Ardmpre; Hartileti, CyIjwyd;james C. Neeson. Rod and Gun Club to use the High clation and good-Will to those addi,
Son of Mrs. Margaret P. McCaf- . , ,__ 0.2-.......;._ SChOOl's rifle range for indoor ~oot·
gram the Council expects to obtain David C. Casey, 111 Essex Ave., Nar·· ·ua'U"'-l"i.n.-.; ~UIa F. Juliano, W. tional men who w1ll leave the Bor-
ferty, 128 Conway av.. Nal"berth, . ......l... ,.w,..;" ,,_ .. tiA" h Ing during the Fall. Winter and
an 11lustrated lecture entitled "Re· Who recently enlisted in the 'United berth; Robert H. GOOde, 30 SlDt~ . ~.a,.';'fl"; . Jouu ,S. .-......onag y, Spring. ough In the future for the reception
tailer Fights Inflation." States Marine Corps, is now re- Road, Ardmore; Joseph ;J.'fimothy, .~~~ ~e; ~ch..el·F. Kelleghan. camps.
209 Haverford Ave., Narberth': ·,WU- ~.~; Wal~ S. Zorkowskl, At the recent meeting of the board
On Tuesday night J. J. Whiteside c~lvlng an intensive basic training l1am F. Brendlinger, Wynnew~'~" 'W: 'CfOiiiti,oho<iken;: George. Y. Park, Second Lieutenant Curtis o. of directors of the Lower Merion As OUR TOWN went to press last
asked the Council to sponsor a course at one of the famous leath· Apts., Wynne; John K. NulleD; 2M ~dmbre; James A. Holland, W. Con- Green, Jr., 22. son of Mr. and Mrs. Rod and Gun Club. held in the night a meeting was being held In
movement for assistance and job erneck training bases, Edgemont Ave., Ardmore; Alexan~er' shOhohlttin; StePhen XobylakewIcz, Curtis G, Green of Lakeview American Legion Hall in Narberth.
placement for returning soldiers af-
ter the war, He said there were
.liSe Wage 0f
J. Williamson, " College La" Have, r.-
~.' n,ayUnk; John H. Shillingford, Apartments. Wynwood rd., Nar-
ford; John J. Buckley, 37 Greenfield RQSernont; Joseph A. Tapley. Rox· berth; was a student officer In the
Ave., Ardmore; John t. ~rm'oU, '~h: Thom.s A; small. Jr., Hav. pilot class graduated from the ad-
John zentgraf, Ardmore. chairman
of the Club's small bore committee,
and Lloyd DuBois, Merion. outlined
the COmmunity Building In order to
select the various items which the
boxes will contain aDd also to ap-
282 boys from Narberth in the
p,rmed forces and there should be
some agency ~v act as clearing
Boro Laborers 214 Cricket Ave., Ardmore; Dudolph"e110rd;!tlchatc1; J. Jackson, Chester; vanced twin-engine Columbus Army
A. Tronc~l11t1. WynnewOOd Rfl·, ~~~ :A1!i~~ b. daUlhue, Ardmore; Wll- Flying School on Oct. 9. He was
more; Thomas A. Sulllvan. -112 0r!-cko ltEini~.JlIij¢~,.~ Mawr; Joseph transferred at graduation to the
plans for the coming rifle and pistol
season. Monday evening wUl be the
Club's regular rifle practice night.
point the several Committees which
w1ll look after the numerous details
involved in the packing and ship.
house to find them employment Plan, However. Must I et Ave.• Ardmore; Andrew G. I(~·F. fI~~Ollas;Btyn Mawr; James Army Air Forces, recei ving the In addltion to the regular cltfu
schedUle, a series of classes w1ll be ment.
Clay, 149 Cricket Ave., ArdJdore; J.' McllJiOY; QyriW)'d; William Red- coveted sUver wings of a flying of-
when they returned. Await Federa~ James J. Whelan, 120 Argyle'Rd., tlgti; Ithlln; WUltam H. Simons; W. ficer. , conducted under the sponsorship of There will also be a list commit-
Also under discussion was the sub· I Ardmore; Tliomas W, Morari. 15 QO~OhOckeU;' Andrew Manner, Jr.. the Lower Merion Rod and Gun Club tee wnich will check closelY on all
Raiston Ave., Upper DarbY;; JoSeph' ~i-yn MaoWi-; Alphler 3. Silverio. training on Nov. 15, 1941 at Jack-
Lieutenant Green entered .pilot
ject of decorating the business cen· Approva in its program to teach the princi· the addresses and which will also
ter at Christmas time. By motion Laborers working in the Borough B. Maslnton, 334 Locust Ave., Ard~ ~tyn ~a.r; NichOlas R. Augustlno. SOh. Miss., and attended the school pies of "Safe Handling of Firearms" endeavor to secure the facts from
declslon was postponed until a later Will get a wage adjustment to meet more; Louis J. Volpi, 229 'Ham~en .W,Mqriayrinlt; John McAnUlty, Bryn ilt Greenville. Miss., before being to persons who are not famUiar with thOSe families which have not as yet
TUesday night·s meeting was held
I increased living cOsts as soon as Ave., Narberth; Kalti1an H. Sllvert, Mawr;, LesUs Edgcomb, Jr., Coates- transferred to the Columbus Air
pOSSible. 1818 S. 6th St.. PhUa,; Oharles ~U1e;' Theodore 'J: qleba, W. Clm-
the use of pistols, rifles and shot,
reported the whereabouts of their
enlisted kin, the purpose .being to
Base for his final stage of training. make sUre that none Is overlooked.
in the Green Room at the Arcadia Members of the Narberth Coun- O'Donnell, 419 Grove P~., ~a,r~rtJ:F ~oh~~ 'Chln1e, A. Kelly, lBtyn At the l'",O::"'lIL imam meeting of the
$;rl.~~ .~"Wl:.I. :~chard. '1" :~loan,. ·Cynwyd;·-.
Restaurant. cil reached this decision at .their MortOn D. BreslOW,
monthly meeting Monday night. Ave., Narberth; Joseph B. ~oan, RocOO SMveUa, W. 1itanayUnlt; Rob-
Roland Fleer, president of the lII, 318 Aubrey Rei., wynnewood; eft; DaVis, 'W. Manayunk; Frederick:
Presbyterians To Club. Raymond Trudgeon, Overbrook
Hills. and George Floyd, Narberth,
Next week's OUR TOWN will rl!-
port the final returns of the collec-

tion and also the make-up of the re-
New Scho"ol Term Council. presided. Louis Luciano. 242 lona 'Ave., N",r- J. ;P1ke. ~., W. COnshohocken; Benj-'
The report and recommendation berth; Joseph I. Rowan, Jr., 225 Ion.a amtri' Readerman; Phlla.; Frank J....
told members present that they were
making provision for carrying th~
ClUb through its regUlar Fall and
spective committees.
It iii also state<:! that a list of the

For Magistrates for the i~crease was made by W. A. Ave., Narberth; Raymond A:'Oerlo, J~kson, Bryn Mawr; Lewis A. Dor·
Fox, chairman of the highway and 23 E. Spring Ave., Ardmore:· WtlUam' ant,..Bryp Mawr; Conrad Melas, Missioners from China.
Th alan d d G
Winter trap shOOting. program. contributOrs will be made In a per-
manent form and it will be kept In

ua t e-
d On P4~ ·f(1"') ~ala,prnW'Yd; Ernest N. DeBona, the vaults of the National Bank of
sewer com1Jilittee. (c " 01
Squires from Delaware The increase anticipated is six 011 allue , . yii. M~aywik; Howard W, Hltner, an Narberth as an important record of
And Chester Coun- cents an ·hour.
Fox stated that the National War
d~·tiI· ~U '~r' ~~~en; ,Charlea J. Dun-
g: 'IV ,,,.0'iIl;-~ Mawt; 301m P. Jacquot,
malo to Tell About
Th for Draftees Narberth's participation in the Sec-
ond World War.
. ' . " \y;C~~ohocken;· RObert O. Oowan,

ties Will Be Invited eir ,Experiences .

LabOr Board has announced that
. no increase or decrease in wages
Magl.5trates illt~o~h~ut ~ • tr:l- can be authorized until the in-
C". . . " .. •
.ehi Cidtdt·
OmilIUnl., ·.."II! "w. OonShohOck~n; William H. Davts, The sixth annual Missionary Con-
aryn Ml!-wr; otto H. Deising, W. ference of. the Narberth Presbyterian Legion to
e p en
Those who have not as yet made
thcir contributions are asked to
send them without delay to Carl B.
p t~~a :ar in th: M~nt :~~r~ creases or decreases haVe been sub- '. ,·t· '. ,'_"'~ . ,r .
ConshOho~ken; Charles L. Jones, Church'·'W~.b£lhe¥ October I'll to 25. Become Physically Metzger, Jr., fund treasurer, at the
C te y J ~i f th P gAs'" mltted and approved by the Board. Dr. Ble-bere s ~erlon; GeOrge K .. Bach. Merionj . The Ref;$rry:J>etersrOf Guate· F. .. Bank.
socouint us" oo
ation SC... eel w ~ , chewmeace
open in This stipulation ' it •was pointed ,. 0 arlanS·tf" '·W~~"I'.oJ'
R "f' .' ·vw·~
: ','"
~, . '. .
Leon mala, wW o""n the mOrning serVice
It .
Norr1stOwn'Novemb~r 7. . out, ~,~anges in h.. :.:~ .".;,"" .: .....~! ... ~··:2t'·. ;~;.;~\Ue.rt.,~.fY.n~, .. ".~:wr; .~oJJF .. 1:!'r:· ~Of ~ec()~~~e~~e.,,?~is}S,~V. ~e- .. ' .Th!! American~~lo~ of Ardmore
'. '");'.l;W.~',war£Mt .. "M~'
· ,'~_J .. ,"
inittatej-las yeartij~l
wages, WhlCh.wete;·.ma~e-"Pf:l~·,·,t<l'f ·\;jJUI~.. ., ....
'.. "~""~' 'ftM,..ber".,.. ··~~~+I·-:'.·.>'¥a . ,.. ::.. -, :'~'. ~:~'-:-' -:<"··,,····'60....;:;;· . " . :
the""'ON • .'. . . ." . 1!iVeD·8, pro~~ ~
. "'~~."~l-~' 0' ;J~., ..~ tet"S .,.
,,, .. " , . ' ,'., . . . . .
iffl:~~'.') - . fi· .....•
'".j, ".~c~:_~e ,l~~t,ro,r, b.@S~n~,t~.hUuatIYFID a move~
. ·Q'1f tolfo'diig'J:iIS'~'
:m'·en·t·~:.. re'hab111ta~"" men w1'lo have
'm ". "", "'"
instruction of the minor judiciary . MeDlbets of the' ~ COUDC?ll would do 'muoh: tTc;,·,·'8ttiiluIII;f;e·,~the:.~.,.~~q1. :YV.~'.QOnshohocken; Wll·.. UIltCln.frOm"":'Pi1neeton l:'e1l1 ary.
will deal this year with civil action since the beginning of the war and neIghbOrlY si>irlt' df·',:t.,ht . "Bala- U~ ;.....CO.QU1b. :Sryn Mawr,; John
been tUrneci down by local draft
The Rev. Walla,ce MerWin who ar- boards because of physical candi-
The pupils of the, Narberth parc-
an d c iV1l 1'aw the gradual increase of prices have Cynwyd commun lties ~""'''ding to 0.,..-:.,.. nnlBn, '" 'Bam;
' • . Edward L. McCouch, rived from., Ohina . on the exchange tions. . ehlal and public schools are reported
An nouucemen . t th t th
h I maintained a pollcy of adjusting
e sc 00
be t ...;,u4'Biij,;t;:if
would be expanded this year to in- wages of the Borough e.mployes to who spoke at the TuesdaY'lUnCheOn MEt ~':J~:" h
clude aU those magistrates of Dela- increased costs of liVing. meeting Of the Bala-CynWyd-Nar- t.r_~, Augl d'
D W. Manayt1nk; WllUam T. Way, ship G;reSQQlm,.,wm spea'll: to the
the Rev, Her r w. leDe':i 'oW; .,' (]:la~ri'. .' lll'':- A H tto B
D agMecQr. i to
"th f
G~ uh n, B rynryn a?:O He

. "hi S d
a: i t
A committee apPOinted by the
p in U~l ay ev:ndng '~h Bullock-Sanderson Post will obtain
v, eOrw i aS wthorfe WI d three pledges: one from anyone who
hard at work in formulating the
letters Which are to be entered in
the contest in connection with thE

Fibre Co,Jltainer W-II

. . ' wawr; exan e r . usn, young pe pen l b0 rce an 'all
ware and Chester counties, as well berth Rotary Club. 'OLi:~e;.oeorgeL: Buckley, Bala- 'occuPied China. would ~ike to help fin~nci yin Christmas boxcs which will be sent
as Montgomery, was made by Wal· I The speaker, who is pastor of the. 'CYJiwyd; Eric J. Hl5der. Narberth; Major A. H. Bolla, Ohaplain, Fort sponsonng the movement. two, fro~ to every Narberth man In the
ter B. Lownes. Jr.: ~rdmore, preSl·
dent o~ the ASSOCiation. ."
SalVlllle 135.000 Presbyterian Church of the: Coven· 'EarFL. HanSon, Gilltlwyne; Edmund DiX. N. J:, w11l speak on "The Work doctors ~d dentists who are willin"
ant, was Con~ AI;-·. P. '01'%01, W.' Conshohocken: John' of the ChIlplain," Wednesday at 8:00 to contnbute professional serVices
Armed Forces.

Tons f Meta'I
The letter which Is chosen will
The lnstructor at the AsSOCiation s brecht, chairman of the day. M. Berry, Oynwyd; Daniel J. Hen- p.m. and three. from men who, providing result in an award of a $25 War
schOOl will be Raymond B. Pearl- 0 Dr. Bieber told them of a remark. esef,. w. ManayWl!k; Edward' J. The miSSionary dinner wlll be they are rehabiUtated, W~ll submit Bond to Its authOr and shOUld it
stIDe, NOrristown attorney and soli- E. E. Clark, Narberth. introduced he had heard from a man who: se,1d .rinelon W Conshohocken' Stanley .served On Friday at 6~O p.m When t.o draft board reclassific tlon and come to pass, In the opinion of the
cltor of . the organization. Afte~"
noon seSSIOns from 2 to 5 p. m. wlll this week the first fibre container
that genUine commu~lty spirit .C. ~d~y,
. " .u~ i
conshDbock~" Martin the "oung peOPle' wlll gather ~ hear offer their services for enUstment.
J H. Sibley Lea, Ardmore, Is chair-
jUdges, that no letter submitted
be held in CtlUrt Room "D," Court for 011 to be seen in this part of not in eVldence until one rea,eh!!«i F: ~cDermott,.~. Kana)'unk; .Wal- the ·Rev."Lester J. Soerheide. who Is man of the committee.. Commander qUite filis the reqUirements, each
House, Norristown, at the invitation the country. Wayne on the Main Line. -He told ter; K'Orsznlak, W. ~anaYUDk, An. the missionary pastor of .church in of the Post Is H. M, Harman. Dr. participant will receive a war stamp
of the Montgomery County com- As area manager for the Macmil· of a bUsiness group in Wilkes Barre ~ Cosentino, W. M:anayunk. Clay Oounty. Mr. Edwin Gn~1llan is Douglas MacFarlan, member of the In recognition of his or her interest
anti endeavor.

.Fberth r.: TA.

missioners. Ian Petroleum Corporation of Cali- that had employed a prof~8Slona1 .;. \ " the chSlnnan of tlle dinner {lorwnit- Post, is helping to plan the rehab1l1-
The Board of Judges is comprised
At the meeting of the Association romia, Clark presented the first glad hander to make the acqualnt-. N'.. :' D tee. assisted by the members of the. tatlon program.
Tuesday night at Lakeside Inn container to George R. Conover, ance of every new reaident.. It waa: . ~ Clipper Club.. All members of thp The movement has received the of Miss Marguerite Campbell, MlSS
Fanny Loos and Mrs. Robert Fel-
Lim erick Joseph Prince solicitor of Coordinator of the Philadelphia this woman's dUty he said to Intra,: _.' ~."',: ..r... ,.'·:'·
, ,
the Montgomery County controller's Newspaper United Scrap Metal duce the new resident to the pastqr ~
omce Norristown gave a report ori- Drive. Of the church she attended, acquain
, ~.~.,., ~~.
tlons b pea er
church family and the community endorsement of the Montgomery
, S k a r e invited to secure their reserva·
The HUlto County Council of Defense.
lows WoOd and the contest wUl close
on OCtober 10.
in tin f th' Cd t t her with any local reJP1ll\~ns which .... Branch of Christian Endeavor will be What is sought. according to the
~ep:rt~e;tO~t s~a~~ co~~:::.n~e ta~:;\,~~P~I~ee:i ~a w~~e :s:wa~~~~
. . .;~clut
would' effect the management of her' Dinner l e preThsent· H R b h Se.rvice flag HU,ng committee, Is a message which w11l
carry tile most appropriate senti,
repDrt referred ~o the Montgomery 135.000 tons of metal ordinarily used nousehold. and glye, b~~_:8ome Idea
Count~ association as one of the by the petroleum industry in the Of the local geograp~y,
"'~~Y' In ·Schoo
, ,.' i .,r.:f~ "'L~"
vRe. orace y urn woes-
caped from Thalland, the Rev. wu-
lIam Webb, China Inland Mission,
At Autocar Company ments to those in the camps
and on the war front!. from the
~O$\ ...progreSSive in the State. It distribution of oU to motorists, Dr. Bieber is one of the charte~ t;~~~T~tI and the Rev, Charles Ernest Scott An unusually large service fiag home-towns which they' have left
Cited the annual school for magis, The California firm has per- members of the RotalJ': ~IU~. ..j'1'hlnr~&uJar monthly meeting of of China will contribute to the pro- was recently hung over, the main and what the community means to
trates as one Of its most progressive fected the "tlnless" can from paper r· ~.~ ,P. T. A. will be held gram. entrance to the Autocar factory on convey to the absent men by the
features. processed from surplus farm pro-
Especially the report referred i to ducts and has offered the rights to
TIme Ex·tended to on,~.x-mday,· October 19, in the, Dr SCott' directOr of the China Lancaster Pike in Ardmore. It COll-
SCh~J ·auditorium. Dr. Ivor Grit-. Citle~ Evan'gelist1c Movement, The talns. in Its central star, the figure
gift box Which is sent them.

the greater degree of cooperat on the new col1tainer to the entire in- Remoy"'e F.-re Haz'ard ~b,
that existed between county magis·, dUstry Without profit'~f:ddent of ..Philadelphia COllege, '~iOnar1~bhhdten, iLAtl 'I'lfe The~ Autocar employes in the Armed'
M .. Be. D., F .. R. S. A.. North ChI >,#I),ef#CW4 ~hoo1, for "374" whiCh was the number of
Giles Sworn in as
trates an~ the Office of the con~rol- ·ApProval of the teooD'uneQdaUon of f Phatmacy and;. SCience; .wlll ologicalSemfiiarj of tiie, North Bervices as of september:
ler:, which is held bY Dr, ·Frank ~•. Approve Proposal to give Charles ~nldill!.t· bUilder, ijJMk on; ~·'1!lllucattbn':'Beglns at. 'QhJna"Ohurch', '1'5 on w~r furlough So many men .are leaving the Health Board Member
K. Barker, Gladwyne. untU JulY', 1943, to vacate the barn H~e" Musical. selections will be,fr.o~:· 'Tslhan. Durln'g ~ recent Autocar ranks every week that it is W. Ralph Gues, 214 Lanthwyn
At the meeting a committee was
appoint~d by Magistrate Lownes to
'To Cut Weeds at the rear of 102 co~WaY av., Which' givleh by, the P. T. A. choir, under, l106ds ~f'the 'Yellbw Rivetbe direct. the plan of the company to change
he uses for a shop, was given at; th~ direction of :Mrs, w..,
James ,ed, the work of the' 100,000 9hlnese the figUre on -their service flag once
lane, Narberth, has been sworn in
to fill the unexpired term of Mrs.
investigate the possibUities of es- T,pe recomtnendatiQn for cutting BOJ;ough COUDcll meeting Monday Dr~en'. " f'!!,mlne 'Re~ief Workmen:' . a month In the future so as to be Nellie P. Hoffman resigning member
tabl1sh1ng a central county co». weeds at the southwest comer of Es· night. ' . . .The P. T. A. will give' an old' . The Cqnference will close Sunday sure to honor all Autocar men all of the Board of Heal~h, according to,
stable's omee at Norristown. Magis. sex and ElmwoOd avs., Was passed Wllliam P. Davies, chairman of rishloned sauer kMut' dinner. on Q,ctober>:2S~ with a shOWing of a new' the time. the report of George O. SChroder,
trate Lownes said tha.t War had at the Borough Oouncil meeting the property committee, r~PQrteli ThursdaY. OCtober 22, 'm the schOOl: ~a.;.(Jhl'Ome . film' of missionary ------- chairman of the water, llght and
depleted the ranks of the .con- MondaY,l)lght. . ,that the bam was 'a ,serious fire $(eteria. Dinner will be &erved. be.. work'in Mexico." P t d tel health committee. at the Borough
stables and a central omce would
It was reported that the pt-ompt h'azatel to the .comm~ity. and mUst-t.~Cln t~e l1oUl'S' of 5 ~30 ' and 7 :30
solve problems of transportation and WOrk on the new Inlet to reUev¢ COl,Ue 'down ,at the;.,oppqr:tune, ·p.zn,~.Mrti. H4ttY Nelllon, chiUnnan musical arrangements for the meet-
at the same time make emc1ent storm and water drainage at Shady momel1,t.
.Mi<.' W. 'J.' 'Dr'ennen-' completed the
. ' . ' o!',theftriance and budget commit- tngs. Dr. Bruce Carey, Girard Col- Bell, son of MI'. and Mrs,. George
romo e 0 orpora
Promotion of Frederick C. HIm-
Council meeting Monday night.·
Mr. Schroder reported that the
petition submitted by Stlrllng Chain
constable service available to all the lane and Wynnedale rd.. proved I.
In. consideration for Mr, Jenlttn$, tee 1V11i'f:le ~ charge. lege wllliead the singing Sunday and C, Hllnsell, 929 Montgomery av.. fOr the installation of llghts on
county justices of the peace. .successful after the last rain storm. I who has been In bUStneas in' Nar~ .'i'be/.p~'T~·"'A,'Obi1d'sStUdy Group Wednesday evenings and Dr. Sarle Narberth. to the rank of corpOral Wynnedale rd, would be kept on flle

' A'
May E qua Zize ssessm.·ents:
berth fOr oyer 35 years, he sua- wt1J:"";"n 'its F8.U sections on Wed- d1'QW11, of Eastern Baptist Theolog. in the' U. S. Army Air Corps was
,ges~d-.t~· extension of the notice. ~'ry'~"2II' .. 1 '30
~ln.~,tllr'~ttrittY' ;:Udl~g. ~A::~
to JUly 1943. .
leal Seminary"wllJ. lead the singing announce(i this week. Hansell en-
On Monday, Tuesday and Thursday listed in Philadelphia and is now
until the necessary materials are
available. The Phl1adel·phla Elec-
tric COmpany cannot do this work
'" . 'll~ClLi'Pt~~"I11"wUl be the theme evenings. stationed In Florida. until after the war.

In . Our Bust-n·ess DGr1SWOld,_~roUgh

4strt-ct Serv.Ices In ChiCillO
" "tille'" "
':.~~;<tIae'!'~ :~ons
- - e .. ns~" ~ : .~cttOnNof,·Xr~.Lee
F.or·'W·6 L' ower M.ertOn Odds On Favorite under tn" _
::;.J~. .~(~.'t':'J.' " '_
"fio.nd n. ig h
'A plan tliatis expected to result nlade by E. O.
in an equaUzation of assessments in assessor.. This is the trlenauQl' year
assessme~ts ~llyers Q~.',~~~~eD*; ;~. '.... ,- ".... '. l~
··,·M· . be
.~. rs . 1. ~n
15'thaGme . Tl'r.- h rJ
Funeral services a",.be1JiIt"~eld'.~,·· . """;,;;;
v. Y t t n a v er .
the buSineSS dlstrict of 'Narberth was [or in whIch
.",'ft" '" , "
ChlCl1:g<J .for WIUde
approved Monday night by the or governing bodt!!S may appea.t any who died suddenlY earlY ~ILY, ~ . ',; .~1II·' . 'B~ '
" . . . ::. • '.

· Bor~~gb.'·c:ounel1. . . ' ;~lessmen~ bi!,f~r,e ·.th.e·'11oiitg?~erY.·morn~' at h18. h.0il1e~.:~ i\illJ,i~>.f '~;::'~!!:"t.'~~~!'. ~ tb~,t f\'e<JnPle',We8'its'· ,. suBTTltBAN BIG SIX has one of its greate.5t teams be·
Th~ 'plan 'calls tor the ·professlonaJ·Co\inty ~d fbr ~liii.t&;.an4 r~., Merion,., .•,:'... ':;"'... <,: ,~' F"'.'Ht~ .,!(lthaS··DeIln~deid;na faJlswere looktrig forward,'to ~he . I Y. cam!' an acCl!pted fact .last SatUl:-
allP~~1l?1l1",d~l.s1X or'more propert~e8.·R:e~1S1on'p!i:1-'.QeS:'W';ltan 'l;l\~P~ . ,.·:~~r ~e~n ~~9!l:·.~~~.·~·:n~\ 'I~' r#~··~q,~.~:~~w~~~.; :.1~~~"1lonQa~':i:nee6long, Qf,J:;QWel:Mel'o . ~tal\drn.r of tlie TelUnS . .day when Coach Dick' Mattis~ pro-.
thil.t .te_.out~flln~witll t,}1~ pre: .s.oJl.~~oncomll1lsslori~rdslaJi:leX1l~.reaaon,'Wh1:·..~bbe~,tc;Jj:)k)·~I:.~ . ,....,• . e':~'.::Ol~~~!~'~':da,..!lO~q~d.;rHaY~ord ..<H.!gll"ftg\U'tns. . I:" f' ' .. ',. . ' . W, L. P:d.:. teges ran roughshod over Ablng-'
vailing ·ll;lvel ~of'a$1ssment$.· COm- ~eJ:' pf.. this Boa~, . • . I '. ~. With a, '32...eliJ,lbre : ~l~.~" ..;~ :~ ~~ ' . j i l l~t6'.1i8'1e:~~ war.',lJonda: JHwolild be 'one ·'.of, EIllhPane6 ~r LoWer' Mer.on .•• 1 0 1000 ton, 41~6, at ,PennyPacker Field; ~t .' .

·~::::,tit;~~n~~~~l:,es~'~o:~~:' :~~~l\v~re~=~:: 1:i'~9l~'e"~t~~~:' ·~i~t:~~~~.~J~ ,;'~.~;.~A~;/:~~l ~~!it~~i~~~~~:,=~':~~~:~2Ig~lV~J.~t~t:.;~::~1· 1~. ,~:".~=~e~~~e:~e~:r~e~i~~~

been'p~v~~en~'for- ~0!l'etlme., ·.·d~~~J~,Oarr, "w1tl?- facts . d!il,~~' t*.'PIill'e:delpbla/'anci'~~l'·~ .:~_{~~biehBhi»\ ~,~ Ji\~t&:tJl!l~Ho~:It.h.lli:f:J,~~~ '. ~b~ngtQIl :g Forge game, was handed a .stun.
· At'the propoSal of Henry .P. Carr. utes., We kIu>W ~at uneq .~s~ . ~ ~was "sent 'to:<ni1~aIO{~\\tie' \)~f1:-tbb~J':det&tlO~ Jar,'4ireatlJ!8':tl\e l~i8.,~\ra~ •.,!J\J~'ev.entf,,5m.Cl!,:hav~ Ii~~~~' ~ ~ '0 0 Ding .26-0 reveroo by sl.I.Pposedly II-
chalrn'lan of the' fthani:~ comnutteie:, :~~ntsh~,:e ~~~. tor. liO e' tl,lrie 'nlbbe~: was
born. "", 'H'i." .;, .,'1 ,,;:':: .::,: ~,"~:::,~ :", :'~.:. '''.;<.. '' ' , " . ' ':l,(',\i11,nged t~ pictUre Clom,pJe.t.ely,.. ' Hav~ o~ ~ .. • .' 0 weak Oheltenham eleven at ElkInS
oouncllm.e~ have a~ho~ed the e2t: ~ this 1$ o~.fti'st ,~~ttY'i to.. :. ~bbeii8: u':''.·hf.i· ~ .,' ,:';" :11~,,!, ;~!Lt;'lqu.:~,a,re ;~a:' • ~ .t.P.,e.r.. MerioIUn.~des ....the Week·eD~ Schedule and . Park. , . ,
~1f'i'tu~e"o,t"notti,lOre.tlian·$400"tt . approach the, p~b1eih\'brIJ~$S- ~U:'''~ .:aon;::wurue':a:~.,·~ti;·-~.!j(~;#,~~I~~I~i14~A'.iid.~'~B,fQp~e' Rl~;SJ~a3!.1t,will, } ProJla~le ,Wln~eni . As a result COach Mattia bas.
have the Ilropertles. appraised. NaT· ments in anl~tell1gent.~~er. ~ dat1Kh~i Jeanne•. , , '~;,' - " ·F,..:; ;~~:~~!r.At:"ls.-· .. .'tn"f~r· h~l~t .•b~'.,~ 'ptlifi! on' faV~l'lte. to; crW1h PlRJID~Y-Radnor at CHEL- been workin'g overtime this week'
, \"'." berth.. SC~ool ·;Board. is expected to .~~e. llre., ~ea . to b#nk a u.t ..",' t.r~~,:.h!l'Ve· :uve~ .t;. . ..~. :~§\'~~~',.~:na.t: ·:.lU'1p-.;.,~ '" ~ur: .. ~t:dJ,~ }~'ords •. ,~e<il1t~Uon.. appeal's ~. trying to keep th.e. M,aroon from. .
..'~.,. , . 'cOJi'ci1~ !n"the actton ~dapproprIate the eq~tlop. 'of ~ .t, ·~·.acl~.e./l ~~ 1alit ..' ',,' D, . : tEo .' ~'. ", ,cap:.P~t~t~tbt:I:~I·,~'~:a1Di_' the'.saD1e a:s·year . . ~rrtmDAY-LO'W3!B~~ . ~~ng overconfident. "Bav~rfo1'd is

...;,:,-' ,.8"'8~e~tlti.~;;-"._,-,~,--, '. ,,'.' ~ ~~.Jjq. ,". '~~" ~ .. ' ~'.' 1;. c__; tlit'.()n Ulll h~n ~~D-~Va}1~i33 •.~~. :.X.?N.~~'1!a~erf~~, _ _ iI.l'Ways da:n~roWl.~eY're much . . .
";.Ij·~'r· " ,~~on tlle·proPerUe&,~e. ,0!U"8tatl~:~~:'eXpei1UI.p~"1 J,tt.. a:coal comPa.m',,{,"'t\;.):-';·~,;~:"~' ,f" ;, " " ",'",,'.'JE .' '._ ~:'" "",'" ,~'t~enOIr~----:--, '---~ _.- ''''': .", . ---'~-~--(Cf)n'muelt;'Oii;'Pq• ...;F6~)~·;;.:·':---'-·. ::.
\·'::;·!;~·~~~\~.iil!::·: ""':,\,;{'{i.yl '~~'2';:;:"i:'!;;1:if"; ~ :'ti~t;~>''.t ;~\"l\f''i,,:; 'i,' ; " ',';,.. ,'{;;';<',:,,':' .'. .':. ". .,',' .' ' ~~

. .t ....4 • ..cQlld. ClAulDaller Octob..... 1Jil.' Ilt
Narbertb. Pa~ under tb......ct ot Marala
tit. :i>6iJt'om_
t. lITi:

Founc:lect in 19.14. by. the Narberth. Gi¥ic ~icdio"l

,. -""--~-~-'" ,,-- "•.- ... ~>-~ •. _.-_._.-.- ~------

~,o}! ~~ ~&.qn~~e1~!l.
GEORGE· A. WALKER. P""'uh« Rev. R9bpI t E. J{elghtnn. Pa""r
HELEN,FITUATRlCK, B",ifU!n ltIfmatn Narberth. Pa. auy CroYle, Centennial Rd .. Penn
TEXAS is tbebiggest state
RUSSELL E. fRANZ" Ad'l'ertising M~fUlg~
flUNDAY Valley, was installed Tue,sdllY night
the size of 'the. U~~~d, S*~ ~~t t1la~ I~ t the [One .St~ ~t:ite , .oritr, 9 ".:; A. M.---("hurch
111 uO A. :U.-Allult rlo~~.
as the new senior vice-commander
Publlahed Every Thursday claim to fame .. ~.a,N·i ~.,~< brne'l teP,' us ~ tamlt SPq:" 11 :00 A. M.-HQtvt":oIt Hump Sp.rYI("l'. ~e-r· of the, T.h~me.ll D. Vandiver Post,
' . , .. ' . .~, ~~eJ'; w)ia~ y:~u q~ • ., g a.. uif.,

mnn lJr lh~ PB!tt01". "F:(1nh'~
Deadline for advertising and news COpy-Wednesday, 5 P. M. ... . . ~t>('n·t.'· ~p'~C'ial MusIc. Al11ericq.n Legion, of :Qala-Cynwyd.
Subscription rate--$2 per year. in advance tJie. a~t~r sa>?" if a rexan's afP~nd h:e 11 WP.ll~F."UAy
Other otrJcers installed wert! Ar-
sa~ that Texas baS, got. the biggest. or the B :00 P. M.-rla~!il In Ht'l!l(inU9 Edu('Q-
·,ltow 10 Tendl Itt,· tnur C. Haw~IlJ$. sen~or vice-cam·
Publication Oftlce-E1ght Cricket Avenue. Ardmore. PL
Phone-Ardmore 5720 and 5721; Greenwood 7740 uden or the wo~s~ or. ~ best of w:hat-
Ju!;lon,'" mander; J. Gentry Daggy, j\lnlQr
ever it ~s. And' he'll be pretty .near right T\lI:f!!"DA,
10 :10 A. M.-Th..- \"hllt· 'rn"~ antI "~Vom .. vice-commander; Kendrick Buntley,

toO. "n'~ AR!HH'latlun. adjutant;. 'Nathllnlel Sarr. finance

LEGAL NOTIC:ES T,ake weather, for instance. Where else officer; 4e0n Webster Melcher. hili-
LEGAL NOTICES c;ap )'.ou. find such bot weather and, such , "'X
aad Price a~. torlan; Lawrence V. McDonOUgh.
cold. \\:!!ather, right on top of each other? Rev. Clll'l R. Hammerl)". Minister sergeant-at-arms.
SUMMARY OF AUDITOR'S REPORT OF THE "1'Olk.J like to yarn uQUnd, down here RIJ!';OA Y
Members of' the execUtive com-
':U A. M.-<buMlh Bebool.
SCHOOL DISTIUCT OF THE BOROUGH OF NARBERTH about. the. fierce weather. A lot of fabu- 11 :00 A. ~1.-MorlllnJ{ \\'lln-hin. ~prmon mittee are Worrell J\. Riggs, Joseph Youean
louS. iiories t~n up like the' one about 'the
hy thp Re\'. ('lIrl H. lIam~
rnfOl'\)' • Taylor. William M. 1<'redericks. Earl
Montejomery County, Pennsylvania
mule.: ~am, that; w.;as ~adiDg. ~~t on a 1:45 P. M.-Youth F_lIowlhlp,
WF.:Il!';F.;lDA Y
D. Sha1fer. Charles F. Slechta and Increase, the
Noticr Is hpreby glvffi that the Auditors Report of the School District _.. PHiL'" ... terri~ly\ hot day in. September when a 8:00 P. M.-Mld-Wp~k !"ervlce. William Prescott Watts.
nortl1er' came up. The lead· mule froze to The following will serve on the
of the Borough of Narberth for thc year ending July 1. 1942 has been flied SHINE IPS
In the Office of the Prothonotary at Norristown on September 18. 1942. and death and the mule at the end of the team died of sunstroke simul- , 'Wlnd\lor alld Oral'lln~ aV.
Rn. BJ'y~'tIt II. KIrkland. Putor House Committee: J, Gentry I>a.g-
that the said report will bc confirmed absolutely unless an appeal Is taken taneously'" ' ,
Joha Vra~~;.~I':;>";~" J'~t~~ol~.~~m.. rlllU 'gy. chairman; Gelfge Gillespie. Alec
Car's Battery
tlwretrom wlthin tl11rty days from the date of flUng said report. Another unique feature about. Texas is loc:o weed, the qQ,.lities of Hicks. Wm. H. ]1'redericks, Lawrence
~1'''1).\ ,.
~ .....-
which h.we eluded scientific anll1pis for years. Says Mr. Philips I "If ~:4:i :\. :M -nl·\'. Hanv T·... ~
"I V. McDonough. By mai~taining the proper
T)1{' lollowing Is a cCYllcL'ie summary or st:ltement of said report: a horse or cow happens to ge~ a: mouthful of it. they soon, become 11.UtI .\ :\f.-I{.'\" II-If' ~ 1,"1"1 ,,'
Entertainment Committee: Roger
addicts, and the things they do I ~d the way they act after they get
li:C, }O M.-I{.·,.. , \\'.111111'1- :\I,·~ \\ Ill. w.-ter level and keeping ter-
IlI<;Ct;tl·T,. ,;":4;, I', M.-I{,·\', llrlllll'l F'lll"~I"llP ~n,l L. McCall. chairman; King Allen.
'1 1· ~ 1],1 .11;1 \ lit II a shot of this stuff never b~ been seen anywhere else unless possibly ~Tr)\lP
II /If 1'111 i..:,1:1I1 .I.·w . .
Ani} HI'(lI&;:I"'9 who 11:\\,' I'~­
Chas. F. Schlecta, Doc, Williams. minals dean, your battery
'at a convention of businessmen."· Mr. Philips even brags about the ("'1\11 ~ tt· ('f'J' If" 1 ('11, i-ll. Joe Chesterman, Nathaniel ~arr. can be made to last longer.
n. I',ll I' Texas prairie fires. We have the biggest, hotteSt, wildest, most destrUc- S:OIl P. ~f -1:.'\
I '" P.\ Y Defense Committee: Alec Hicks. . Our skilled mRhanics will
11 ~ -,., '''i 11.,r.lrl' H\hllltl
,;., I', '\~
tive prairie fires here' ever held on earth. he says pl',!)udly. Tt'E~P·\ Y chairman.
~I ' i I.' ", ,\ ,\',,'1
1'1 -:
"Big Spring" is the name or a. West Texas town-"the biggest. ~:oo P. ~f.-T:,·\ ("h,ltlt's f>n··~t ~",tl. Membership Committee: Joe Tay- check fo.. you and. prescribe
little town in the U. S. A..:' ar;cording, to its, i11hal>it~tsl ~d Shine WI·;nXr-:"p.I Y lor. chairman; 'Conrad Albrecht a new battery if necessary.
S:OOP,:\f-:\tnio' ,\ndpw n. ~"ll'l, Leon Webster Melcher.
Philip's book of this title is told as

Tlfl·n~n \ y
Welfare Committee: Conrad Al·
a series of reminiscences by the 1~
I -', ~ I" ",II
S:OO P. :\t.-H.,\'. \\'111iafll II ,y,·lJh.
FHIIl.\Y brecht; chairman; Tom Oneill, Alec
" r
druggist, who had lived there: s~ce "'1;.1 fi:10 J', M -Y')lItll.\" 1""'I,1+"~ Plnn"r TI,','
Hicks. .
the days when druggists only. ~1d. ..~t
T "p~l "Y' .1, :--' ' .. , 111,j, \", 1 )11111' •

" 1. !·'.ll\
~ .'
1 . .'11 ;.,
~ I :.;

drugs, when doctors rode ·horseb.a~k .~,

E. r;p"j" r'll,n~, "'II·
BI.'1nr/1 Fellowship Oommlttee: George
Gll1esple. chairman; Phillip Wilson. MAIN LINE
to get; to their patients be~~",;.),.'~·:
. ~ ,\.
Iirtm Arrn~tl"{)t1I-!. I'r"""lld,·nt.
1'11PTH', "\1111 ,.1' :\1:1rllt'd Sick Committee: George Gray. ·BArrEIYi 4ND
',' .• 1) " and buggy, was too,slow. and ('l\lll"p~. 1'-=l'nl1~II"'z,
'1 1:,.""1
1 ,\ 1', •. \ I"
~,ll,ll I' when every house had a hi~hing. R:OO P . ~1.-l·''';l\ .... r ~1," tin!: (llf mpn In Activity Committee: Evan Spang-
th .. I)U~lllf"'~ ~1\Jd ......
:~ '.. II 11 post in front of it. • i ~T':\:II.\ Y
ler. chairman. When Your Car Won't Start,
.\ ,~, I J : .111' , t ~' '" 1 'I II Womell didn't use cosmetics like 9:~:-; A. ~.-n . . \ T.I'Fll .. r . l ~n""'1\1'ilj.. CaU ARDMORE 1825
11'IILl A. :\1.-H, v. L"~'l'r ,1.' :-:l"·llll:'lllt'.
I:, \ I 1"·1 :.... thcy do now, though occasionally a r,:~', " . :\f. -Y(,"n~ I', 11!,1,"s },I.', ~'nL!" Deficient In Minerals
-.1" "\
blushing damsel would come into,the "Th" f':111 of ('hll!'!l al,·1
Leading authoritll!s believe 99 p~r 304 W. Lancaster Ave.
,,',.1 \'\ :~ 711 I ."' Co :\11<,:"illn~." H,·\·, T::,\:ITlI :\1
~'. II "11 III
store and ask for ten cents' worth of Klr1<13n l.
l cent of the American people are de· Ardmore
,,: It"l ''':
.\ I
prepared chalk "with just a small tint of pink, please." ••• It.nd some- j:~:i P. M.-··:'\:t>w 1.11"1" III nl,1 :\1,'~irll" ficlent In rnlnerals, particularly cal·
times, Mr. Philips says, "a girl would put. a drop/of. vanill~ flavoring h:nd:lrhr"nl,· ~"111l.1
j T,
,\ 111:'"\\'
1.",7" '., fllm .1n ~h'xlr:ln :\liR"inn...: clurn and Iron.
behind her ear and she would smell good.enougp to,eat."
The cowboys liked theit,s~.w~ do~ in those <lay~ "We,didn't I'lRST CHURCH OlP CHRIST.
~know. it. was to. kill the bacw-ia. but we knew it had to be cooked SCIEJNTIST
Lln...ood and Atben. ave.. ....rd...or. IISUN RISES OV.ER ALL II
~ '.1"·,":- through to be saf~" Once a cowboy ordered: a. steak and. when it 11 :00 A. Jo{.~<!und~y Seboel.
;· .... 1 1-, ~ 11. '::(\,\ <.; came on. it, was rare. He called over 11 :00 A. M.-Mornln~ ••rvlee. FOR QUALITY CLEANING SERVICE
8 :00 P. M,-B,·pnlnJ: ~(lr\ ire.
.. II n: 1'.",.1 ., the widow who ran the restaurant WEDNIll8DA Y DUPONT PER.CLENE
1:00 P. M.-Ev.. nln~ meetln~.
The im~roved process of Dry Cleantng for garments and

~ \ and laid. "Ma'am, I've seen cows R .. adln~ room at ~ Rltlenhou... Plsc..

~ ~...' ge~
n, " .'1 F'·11I 1. .1111:. 1 l'll} .' I. open .....ek-day. trom 9;10 A. M. te ousehold Furn1sh1nss by Sc1e9tlflc.MethodS
well. that was hurt worse than '5;SO P. M .. Wedl\yd...,. trom , to 9:45

~~ thIS one."
P. M .• TbUl'aday' from 7:10 to 9:30

':"~' ~:ican
,; . '1111 . ," .\ ~ 1 7" ,,~' 1 \;: P. 1(. anli Bunda7 from I to 5 P. M.
·l·.t\"...; 1 I, ..' I jl I t~ . . . One aspect :f life that HOLY TRINITY LUTHERAN CHURCH
• 1:,'(" .> . .101, :'1"'1, W09.dbln.. and Narb..rth aVII.
It· • . . has been firmly implanted in the Rey,' etetu. A. senft. putor
F\lll,1 III 1.. "'" nil
"~.' mind of W. I,. White's adQpted

Fu n,] I ~,I, 9:45 A, M.-Blble School for all age•.
daughw-, Mafgaret (he wrQ~about
.. I '1\ ,-.
11:00 A. M.-!tfornlnH' S('r\'iN..-nr. R(lnft
w1l1 ('onuuC't lhp Rl·r\·lrf'.

I'fl,I,'lIt I'. I ne~~
.... '"
$ 4 ~,.nno.()n
1 (,1, 'i~>tl.'~
. .;;..' _ . .' her a .couple.. of: years ago in "jour-
'A1I'1. ~y £~, M~~et'~)1 ~ t~~t eyery-
bodY in the United States.. alwaYJ
, Rey. .Jame. 1'. Tone". Rector
TH' .... '. ..
~1. 9 ti4,v, ... '.
RQ,AU. . .:.
54th.·cm6 CIT-Y.- LINE
~~,his o~J~~ ~cture.. in the,'1)1dlcPUd.was ItJl'f'.·-~",,·~, <"ConDor'
" Rev. Cb.a•• T. plnan , . . ...
Main pte..t~a·' ~ 'at.·
lIN«.CAS . "AVlNU'
.,~!f .'
,_~, ~ 4ri'*,tt
brought to this. countrY mar bou1~tbr;1i EaglaniU l'be.'. waf phOto-='
"T- ••
n. Ball" .ma••l!li: ., &114 8 A: M. -
EA1\f_ I'lF.£IITP.Y••
~m"~r 21. 1~12 Proth~nnt:1ry. graphed on her ~ival. When Life :Migazine iiite,viewed'~:' White' A. M. ma.s":
11Sunday ' e:n. 7:S0. 9, 10:15 and
ot -10·1-~t

· some months back, she again saw her pictures in the papers_ When Holy D's)' masseo: 6. 7. 8, 9 and 10
A. M.

G0'. Standard. Bearer EmpbaSlzes she went· to Emporia, Kansas, to visit her gr-andpa (William Allen
White) she saw both grandpa's and: her'owrt picture' in the papers
once more. And with the. publ_!caJio~ of h~ daddy's, new book, "They 'Mr.s~ Whitaker Repor.ts ~~14­
N( "}d' Of Spurr.-ng W'ar Product.·OJ1
,,,.'~, . " ..'
Were Expendable," which the Book-of-the-Month Club is distribut-
ing far and wide, she-you guessed it-saw. her loster father's picture .On Children's Care " " " " " , tie up
• h in the pa pcr still again. ~ .... Mrs. E. Pierce MytH's of Wynd-
c. ~ T an 1000 Attend Norristown Rally;· moor. president of th~ Council for Long, Distan~e lines by talking
y' P-.",

Rbi' can Cd'd f Janna. Brown. and ID.

e,ouneptyu ovt.
t P . C d
Af n I a es raise on. uct 0
ter Inspecting New Hospit-al
"I' Along The James Joseph Ganly, Jr., son of Mrs:
Mary Ganly. of Highland Park. N. J
Social Welfare of Montgomery
County presided at two recent
meetings of the Council where re-
longer than necessary. Give
~ 10ntgomery County Republicans gave a tumultuous wei.
( - ~,' to General Edward Martin, and other, State and local
Main Line The marriage will take place on
.:··1'Saturday. Novem~r 14, in St. 1.-
PQrts were presented by committee
chairmen. Mrs. Walter J. Whit- WAR CALLS the right of wal -
aker. Bala->Cynwyd, chairman of
lates, ",:he~ .they toured. the County last Thursday and Mrs. Philip H. Wright, 228 Kent Thomas of V1llanova. Rosemont. the Family and Child Welfare
* * *
_ </ (

':r;" ded their VIS,t With a r0L!S1ng rally at Norristown City Hall. rd., Wynnewood; Mr. and Mrs. ~tion, reported for Mrs. Howard
praise was accorded the@> Hluold DrippS, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Mrs. David H. McDvain, of Haver- A, Wolf of Jenkintown. who is
governmen t by G 1
enera. Dr Ha'rry Romig. Swartz, of Haverford. are occupy-
ing one of the Skytop Club cot- ford. w1ll be honor gut!st at a lun-
chalrman of the committee on da.y
care for chlldren of women work-
and other candidates who fl"·S
'0 P k f Chi•.
cheon and 'shower to b . given
, by ing in defense industry.
course of their tour made' ea. 0 . na tages in the Poconos. during the'l
autumn season.
Mrs. RObert Grqben. of W,ynnewood,

arid Mfs. ~reii A,' ~ar\t)lurst, o{

f inspection to the County's
•spltal at the Institution Dis-
Dr. Harry H. Romig. of China.
wlll be the speaker at the Annual
* * *
Aviation Cadet Frederick C.
Freeport, L. I • "QUY' U.. $. WAR· BONDS"
* •.
Get t~is NEW
orne .and the Upper Perkio- Women's LUncheon at the Over- Wheeler. 408 Mill rd., Wynnewood, 'A;
recently reported to Greenville", Mr. and Mrs. Parley Gilmore, of
II', • al ley Park. brook Presbyterian ChurCh on Mon- Miss., for further fUght training.· Fall Rlvert M·· ' t he en-
Norristown rally attended by day. October 19. at 12:30 p. m. Dr. .gagement of their da.lJg~ter. ~ss
han 1000 persons. was pre-
by a buffet supper in the
Romig has had a distinguished ca-
reer in China and is one of the mls-
* * * R.pth Gilmore. to Mr. Hallowell
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Taylor ,Vllughn Morgan, Jr.• son of Mr. and
( ''. all for members of the Re- ~~nary leaders from that country Brown. of Rosemont. announce the Mrs. Morgan. Fenn av, and Pen-
n County Committee and 0 have been repa trla ted and re- engagement of their daughter. Miss wrnn
.rd., Wynnewood.
turned home recently' on the "Grip-
.. :.t sholm." .
.• e the Republican standard-
oearer, tall ,and soldierly, spoke -_. . .-... -- -- -- --_. -'

With eVident and sincere conViction

on the isSUes of the campaign. He 10
touched on the rich historical heri-
tage of Montgomery' County. its
fine government and Institutions.
~' '., . IS~ :.eUR Q~tAi
Q.n Y'~,u:r
its outstanding leaders, emptlaslz..
ing again the need for spuring War. . .'
production and preserving the four
.,.:.h .....
Lloyd H. Wood. chairman of the· . '. " We..
don't need a," doctor to
County Committee and a candi- , .. 1 . Wilbur S. Millet' t~U us - w,~, C~!I ~!~~m'~5,~
date for 're-election to the Legls~ ,~"., '. ' .'. , ',: ..
lature. presided at the Norristown ';,.. . .... PAINtiNG·' our own Case. We'r.• S'uffe~ Prolong the life of your efectric appli-
",. " , . DE~~A,TIIf,G" ing from shortage of' help and
and other rallies.
.. . '.. anees by k~ping the"li!1 good cOl'!dition.
Others who spoke or were intro- ' . 104 J10RREST ·AVlll. euentiaJ materials, '41\d, cfr~-,
du~d 'included John C. Bell, Jr., . . : 'l!N~lIIft1:J'" PA..' . '. .. . ; ._.:.,: ".: ;.~' 1\ ' 19.. ai~Y.~Jin:, thi~ t~~~, m(i!lY op,Rroved
~:did:::la~:d L1:~~~na'~o:::~e~.I~lji'i:i"': ',..•''i·,'iibi~~'l ~\':'i'i'~i :i71 ~:rj':-i·;~2i: i;9i;:"i~ :i:"1:: tic curtaUrn~".t ~r'I deliyedes.
eleGtri~ re~a,r dtlQler~.(lre off~ri~Q. a neY( t¥~ 'of"lifeinsurqnce" for;,your' electric
County has the finest government We h~pe you will help us helpers. Call.the~I",c;trieal Assoth;itipo Qfa ~ihl., Rllio m~, fQf.,tJ\~,d~ler in your
,f a,ny County In the state" and '
that '''W,e mUst preservQ out-Amer!.' ,.
.meet these Wartime Restric-. ~ocalit¥ offering .thi~ eomplete,serA,ceat ,ci, Her~~s what he'll. do:
. tion~i ~Yr ~!Syi~gy~ur: ~ul1~!e,
can form of government aQd our
American way of life by v.oting the, ready when our driver calls ~ . In~p,.,d. Y9~' ",cll~r.•I!i.effie. ~apP"I~I'!C.~t \' 'In,p~d you.r. floor and tabl. lamps;
straigb~.:ij.epubUcan ticket." Ji~lXgB •.• and p,te4llIe, al!ow us s~f;, _~,,~,;raJ!"~ '''J!~sh,rt .,.,ri....~!~r',~~~r". "
. :'~lJ~. M.S~earn~, c~ndlqatil"fQr the, . 8t~." gi~i~.•lt.I\l!!a~. if· ~-i~ ~r8,~~ •.s.
fi~i~pt. ti~e t~ ~~ y.ou.r~ Wp,f~~

'TJ".pair your lamp: and. applianc. COrdi :...:.

",r:v•. ~.!l~·VfN'~'~ y'~,..r~o.m~. h~..!(J',I ~~~,~~; (!("•.IC,,~!'P.tal,,)~
Ii;: .• : ," 1i09.d!., Jr..,sliCretm.w~ Af~ . sat;ijictor.ily•... .
",'IO~.ct.~dclean(~no~~i~~)~y~"r1",~1I::.,.,,'E~h~ ~~rIClrnp. ~bQlb~
~:~c.:,fa~!Jra~d,a~ .Clli1d!4-e.-~.fqi: r~~:
l::' '.~~~iC?n:'Yln~~II\. ~,1,)'putmaH, ,~~ , ..

';';\:, . 'd.c:1lt~for C01W.e,I!li~~t..l~ge;·

ct" ~~!!!l8m.~J. ~\XiW!'!Di::'J?1~~" .. ...... ·lIopc
100.,.,. I ft",c
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.:' .'; .
,··.:In. '..
~..\ 1-. o,:~,~, ' ... <,: '.M~~hlln.ndbtlon. Iolmpra"•
t . .
,\i·:'.:;li3ta~,' ',' ee.n~, ~,a!l~q\.,·;li3il~~~fi
.r~';'::::' Edmon,lIs,. M;rs~ ~ary:,:Eleer~r, Co~n~ ,
~O""'.~I: '~II,.. ..: Iii.~'it·~i:';irQ'.:·· our
JlIrm,.'., ,T~ ~ .ho·in..
."" .
. . .' .. ~

~.\::. tatiyes ~r~,C..';jti1iti'·';··,~ "
,V Y;lau.rill'lqto~~V~" ~","JCIfIC.8;S;
(;)11 : •.,.. \,,' ~~'~~!I;fu¥I' irt YO~r bOIl\.~
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., ,;'. Ql?llile.
'I;.~;:; .H~ ·:Qr~l',;>j~.i ~,' .:Bta~ • Sei'lAt.i\1'·
'~orgl1 B"''''~arn I,"~: ( , ·he---r·
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OCTOBER IS, 1942===::::::::==:::;::=================0 U R

·10 W N ===:::::::=======~========"==========='AGE TH~b
NarbarthJuniors FIR E 5 IDE e
I' 8w0sO"-:S:';vIRQQU1Qll'
Fas.hio.n Sho.w u....
:I .! Rose Kuong, noted Chi~se act-
I, Models Chosen from Mrs. William P. Schenck, 222 charge of camouflage work in the res~, will spenk td}l1~, ~~,b~* of.
~. L:mthwyn lane, Narberth, leaves cana,.dlan Navy since last February. the Women'S c'ommunity 'Club' of
Club Members Friday to vlsl~.her son..Ensign Jphn
. P. Schenck, at the Naval Air ala·
Narberth at the regular meetfnR
Mrs. A. E. Fitzgerald, Avon Apts.. In the Community"BUildfnlt,'1'Ile:q;,'
The Junior Women'., Club of Nar- Lion, Jacksonville, Fla. ! Narberth, entertained her bridge day, October 20, at 2 :00 p.m. Her
berth hl'ld their F.1ll Fa~hlon Show Mrs. Barry S. Mellor and Miss club Tuesday evening. topic will be "The Soul of China::
and bridge Thur.~duy night at the Helen Mellor. Chestnut av .. Nar- ~.. *
Miss Kuong. ·born In Austril1ia
berth. •ill accompany Mrs. Schenck Roy Williams. son of Mrs. Ethel: of Chinese parents" has a
COmmunity BUilding.
Mrs. William E. Clear. member-
* * * Williams, of Narberth. Is singing on well known InteTpretOt of SnalJ:'es:'
Mrs. Ray Gowland. 40 S. Narberth a Sunday evening program over peare.· She devised her prestmt hope..
ship chairman. !1l1d Misli Jean av.. Narberth. entertained hN Station KDKA, Pittsburgh. of program after revisiting war
btaples. education chairman. were bridge club Wednesday evening. Roy was captain of the Lower torn China.
In charge of the affair. Member~ * * * Merion Basketball Team. .
* * *
of their committees were Mrs. Cor-
n(,\iu~ Alexander, Mrs. Harry Ben·
Mr.. and Mrs. Curtis C. Green,
Lakeview apt~" Nilrberth. are spend-
mg some time In Columbus, Ohio,
Mrs. Frank Elliott. Jr. Flat Rock
News of .
net. Mr~. James Pollock, Mrs. Da\'ld It . tt dl th d tlo exer- rd., Penn valley, gave a shower and
Greer. Mrs. Robert Leech. Mis.>
Dorothy Hood. Miss Mary PhilipS
a el a en ng e gra ua n

. reen.
tea In honor of Mrs. David Howe
CGlseG~ of their son. Lieutenant Curtis McIlvain Tuesday afternoon. . RALA-CYNWYD
and Mr'. John Eldenberg.
The models were Mr~. Gri'wold.
* * *
LieUtenant and Mrs. E. P. Elliot. * ~
Mr. and Mrs. Hervey C. Kelm. 202 * Junior High
of Ottawa, Canada. formerly of Nar- Dudley av., Narberth. attended The
Miss M. Schlegel. Mis~ Mary Philips. berth, announce the birth of a son, 'Certified Accountant Convention by JANE HANSCOM
Mrs. C. Waller. Miss Cathrrlne Pur- Stewart Spencer, on september 28. held in the Penn Harris Hotel, Oc- and FLORENCE HICKMAN
cl'll. Mr.'. John Flynn. Mrs. Robert Lieutenant Elliot has been tn tober 9 and 10. The students of
Slg"l. Mrs. David Vlnt, Mr~. A. F. Junior High SchOOl nre participat-
ing I~ a National Fire Prevention
John~ton. and Mrs. William Cahill.
Mr~. Richard Young Medary. Mrs.
J. Robinson Fogg. Mrs. Robert Bush, • HI'CH . NOTES
• Week from October 4 'to 10. They
urge the citizens of Lower Merion
Mrs. Joseph C. Dougherty, Mrs. V. Township to do everything they pos-
A. Pardo. Miss Harriet Rogers, Miss sibly can to prevent fires because
Miriam SCI1!"gCI. Mr~. Lewis 01'- Class of 1945 - Lower Merion High School
now every fire helps the Axis. A
vanf'Y. Mis~ Mar~' C Fen,uwn. Mrs. program wlll be presented on Octo- RepUbliCan candidate .tor Governor, General Edward Martin. Ileft fronn congratul.
A., th£> air raid alarm pierced the handkl'rchlef from its hind leg. ates Martln L. Horn, superintendent of the Montgomery County Institution District Homp.
Robprt W. Hirr1111'Y. Mrs. Wilford ber 15 to aid the campaign. by the
stillness of L. M. on Tuesday. OCto- with Its mouth. on Its new hospital. just completed. The G. O. P. standard bearer termed It a "magni-
B:1llcl"o.';s. Jr .. Mrs. R. Park Berck.
Mrs. V. J. Stoltz. Mrs. E. George.
bf'r 6, the students were attending
thl'ir second period class. QUickly *
Hallowe-en will soon be here and * * 9T English class. The play will be
acted entirely by students and will
ncent Institution" aooing, "Al1d best of all, it's paid for." In the group arp Jol1l1 C. Bpll.
Jr., of Lower Merion, candidate for Lieutenant Governor; Judge Allen M. Stearn£> canell-
1\11"s. R. BrownpIl. Mrs. D. J. Vint. And quietly they assembled at the with It, It will brin Lower Merion's be coached by Miss Edith Wilson. ~ate for the Supr;me Court; William 1. Troutman, candidate for congressman-~t.large.
posts to which they were assigned. flr~t big dance of the year. This t,;ounty otUclalS. cou'nty Candidates and others who accompanied the General on the
Jr.. MrS. M. Tat t£>rsfirld. and Mrs. Elaine Myrallus wl1l play the part mornmg tour. .
Here they remained until the all Barn Dance, so named because the
Roy Gowland arc th£> new memb£>rs
clear was sounded about ten min- lads \\'111 dress as farmers and thE'
C!! the judge; David Ez1ckson that
Who w!'re w£>lcomed at thp m<>et Ing utes later. laSSies as farmerettes, ·will be held -of >·the District. Attorney; Camll1a
volpI. Court (jUicer; Joan Potter.
Women's Commqnity Invited tQJSermon
last Week.
* • III
on Saturday, October 17, 9:0.0 p.m.
Lower Merion has added La in LowE'r Merion Sen10r High. Mu- COunsel for' the defense; Foster
Club of· Narberth. At Old· Swedes' Church
Crosse to Its extra-curricular actlv· sic wlIl be furnished by Jackie Brown. Clerk of the court; and the
jurymen are to be: John Kane. Mrs. Howard Nl'fI and ;\lis~ Maude
ities. Under the sklllful direction Field's orche-stra and refreshments ThorJl1 are among tl1p l'psldpnts ot
of Miss RamOOe and Clive Knowles. will be served. Elizabeth Hogeson. Alice Lachman,
Blair Wetherald. B1l1 Oakes, Janet Bala-Cynwyd who have bePll inntl',j
manager, the team hopes to play
many prl va te schools early in the
On October 9 the Gas Unit of * * Bernstlne. Molly Patrick. Bill Fiske.
Parry Scott. Charl£>~ Herbruck,
to hear thi' first sermon 01 the R:
spring. The team holds It.s prac- the Council of Defense presented a R.E'v. Olivrr James Hart in tile
Evens Hunt and Bob Kane.
tices ('very day after school and very Interesting program on th£> quaint Gloria Dei <Old SWMes')
The clubs organized this year for will do so until the weather be· Pennypacker Field. They demon- The defendants. or eleven major Church. Delaware av. llnd Christ ian
th£> pupils of the seventh and eighth strated how the Gas Unit would go causes of fire are: kerosene, Peter
comes unfavorable. sLS.. Philadelphia. at 11 :00 a. m. on
grndl'~ are as follows:
The Ping pong Club has fiftl'en * * into operation in the event of an
Ree<>ntly Don r Palmer and Mr. enemy gas attack. The program
Martin; cigarette. Bob Allen; matCh.
Tam Toohill; electricity. Eleanor friday: Morning· October 18.
members and no olllcprs. In a r£>-
cent tournament Jim Whitmoyer
Hutton were elected president and was under the direction of Mr.
spon.sor, respectively, of the Jun- Walter J. Beasten. field officer;
Canty: rubbish. Jack Mi~dleton; gas.
Susan 8tellwagon: defective chim-
Bridge Lectures
was champion. Mr. Cappalonga is
sponsor of this club.
ior Class. Dick Whitings was elect- . Dr. T. O. Jones. gas identification
ed vice-president of the class; officer; officer J. McMahon, gas
ney. Barbara Boardmen: gasoline:
Jean McHenry; lightning. Ed Min-
Miss Olive Peterson w1ll giv£> the
third In a series of six bridge leI" DE raTBZQT%C
ture" Friday at 10:00 a. m" in St.
* *
Th<> Dramatic Club. undl'r th£> * Peggy Heebn£>s secretary; and Bob police; Dr. H. C. Earnshaw, gas
medical officer; Mr. E. H. Snow.
shall; bonfires, George Compton:
spontaneous combustion. Nancy Vad· Mary's Parish House. Her topics .... ~-=:£ .A

direction of Mrs. Fl£'lch£>r. is busy Healy treasurer. will be "Rebids." Oct. 16; "No Trump
bus loader; Dr. Marshall Gates: nero
reading over play.'. Nine pupils
make up this club.
* * *
'The Merionlte Staff. published the air raid warden Dr. Edward Haen-
Bids and Responses." Oct. 23; "De-
fense Bidding." Oct. 30; "Opening ~
first school paper of the year on tsch, was the announcer. Leads." Nov. 6.
* * * OCtober 7. Under the careful di-
* * *
Under the direction of Mr. HArk·
ness. the pupils of the Scil'nce Club
are doing experiments. This club
rection of Charles McCarthy, edi- The girls' Hi- Y, whose president
tor, the newspaper shows a great ls Gloria Brown, Is entertaining
Those who wish to remain afwr
the lecture to Play hands, must call
Mrs. Robert Coleman, Ardmore 1517;
I J. J.
has fil tccn member~. deal of Improvement over the pre- different groups of sophomore girls
vious year's. at weekly teas. These teas enable
Mrs. H. Royer Smith, Hilltop 1693; 1 FOOD MARKET
Narberth 3668
* *
The Marionette Club has thirteen
members th~~~~te~ 'j?resident
* • • • the Hi-Y members to become' ·1liC·
.. ~exas':rom!llY",_ oow4x!;v ent/U1".a1n- :quainted' with the new girls of the
or St. Mary's Parish House, Ard-
more 1486,

er llnd his wonder horse, Baby Doll, class. '!be committee chiUrmen for ,<~ .. :~.~.~' .".~ ..~~.~~" ..~: --=.. --:'""' .

·1.s Irene Burns and secretary is

brought with them to Lower Mer- these teas are: Jean Simpson, in .1Il .
Betsy MaCLeod. Miss Gassner is
helping the pupils to prepare for a iOn a truly great show on October charge of refreshments; Barbara
7. The students were amazed at Floyd, in ch!U'ge Of entertainment; LET I-lIM OVERSLEEP!
their sklll! With a bUll whip and Dorothy Baker. in charge ot WI-lY SHOU LU YOU
* *
Soccer and football are being * Texas Tommy cut off pieces of invi ta tions. ..,.,.".~t\ 1-lA.~ 10 WAKE HIM UP?
played by the ninete£>n members of
the Athletic Club. This club is
sponsored by Mr. Benner.
paper behind his own ear, and kept
three lariats going at once. He had
his horse ring a bell and untie a week!
Fire Prevention Week is every * * I
ML';,;; Fricke and
dlrp~·· ~
* Mr~. *Eaton
the ."ember~ in the Arch-
Mulieres Card Party Heads ~oundl·lhat I
Lois Jenkins is presldl'nt
J!Uie Edison and Mary
Nednesday Afternoon Supervised- "Rushing"
Forty-four co-eds were pledged
r ." ..1,"1 arp ~corekeepers. The Mulieres of the Narberth
Fire COmpany will hold the first to the four sororities on the Dick-
* * *
Club, under the direc- In a series of five card parties at inson College campus last week.
r'~ Mr hman. is preparing
1 ... the home of Mrs. George Gilpin, The "rushing" program was super-
:"1" tl1l' ;!fst issue of the school Jr.. MCClenaghan's Mill rd., Penn vised 'by the Pan-Hellenic Council
. paper, "The Sun Dial." Demetra Valley, Wednesday. OCtober 21. A of which Miss Marcia Mathews,
Chios Is editor with Tommy Lewis light luncheon will be served at Bala-CynWYd, Is president.
and Bob Chambers as assistant edi- 12:30. NEEDED by the American neel Cros..
washing machine, single bed Bnd mBt-
tors. Other reporters are Mary Pur- Mrs. Charles Haist, Mrs. John tress. Call ned Cross Beadqual tel'''
Wetzel, Mrs. Shaver. and Mrs.
ring; Libby Rldneour. Alice Richard- Ardmore 3100.
son, Kempie Dunn. Jean Ridge. Eberhardt Mueller are the mem- ("HI1E~Tt.Y :-':E~OI;;J) hv tlU" Main Line
Margaret Robb, Marian Jones, Ann bers of the committee. Reserva- F't·tlt'lratilln or ("hurch;'",. HUJ.:R !Jxl~;
Miner. Joyce Relsener, Jane Miller.tions may be made by calling Mrs. . '.FOn SALF:-Fun Hp:luty
sized Mllph' ("ouch: Rmnll botlk('a~I'; co)(lC'trlr toaster;
nt·~t Crib. cX<'t\Ue-nt conllillon. $10.00. a Ill) tli~ht"~. P,honu Ardmore r,~51.
Billy Lillis. Joe Rae, and Donald Gilpin, Narberth 2655; or Mrs. O·Pan Top (-'nrpet ~w('p.Jlt'r. .Anlhl\r
GOUII·tR Rn,I SIH'rbpt ~ In~8~!'. Phune PIANOS
Deer. Mueller, Narberth 3883. Cyn\\,ycl 4830. .
The' regular monthly meeting of
* * *
There are tWE'lve members in the t~e MuUeres 'was held Monday
Library Club. Irene Burns Is presi- afternoon at Elm Hall.
flOAL UR.\TE. ~O" x 11". ~:!O. Call C~·n·
w)"l1 i!.~O.
Pianos Bonght
Grand. &\: UprIghts
Quick Remo\'al
Fair Prlc..s
Courteous MPh
dent and 'Betsy MacLeod is secre- Fon SA L8-MahoRnn;\' [)Inln~ Boom WRITE
tary. .RuUr, 'Yrtlnul Flnt TOI) Dl"Hk. ::::'olld & Carefnl p, UUGUES a: SON

* * * Collect. $1854..12 Can'ed Oak T,nlJlti. All in "pry J;'ootl

condition. Phune :'\3rberth 3830. PlaDo Movinr
118.8 JllU'ket st.

. . ~'r.l¥s.l~es
As yet the members of the Glee All. 7450 West 11\04
Club has not been chosen, . H~ME IMPRQVE¥EftlTS J!:ftIl1I1Kl',. Ora. ~.18
. Tax Collector, John R. HaU, re- co:-:cnElTE WORK .. -
curbs. steps, clrl\,ewIlYB, WANTED r~ BUY .
The orchestra Is meeting every ported to the Borough Council on CRUSHED sTO:>,E Dltl\·F:WAYS.
FI.AG~TOl'lE WA:-:TF:D - wAsnlllns. REFRIGERA·
Thursday. Mr. Qiest IS taking the lI40nday night that $1,85U2 of. prop- WALKS. PORCHES.
Tons. An,' mal\e, any'COri<1ItIQ!l, Ot"!>'
TOP SOIL-pIE VBIIY, B~": $1.15
plaCe of Mr. Shortz, who went in ertytaxes .. and $105.60 of occupa- per ton, 4 tOD JlltB. nt once. '''.\II go an.Ywhere.; Call Vic•.
773,1. Arter 6:QO:.:;P.c. M., Wav. 4669. .
the Army: He is teaching the wind tional taxes had been collected in DUMP TRUCKS TO lITRE
George 1(eller. 31,2 Powell ltd., l<prlng·
Instruments. Narbet:,thdllqng the month of Sep- field. Phone R-nrnrthmot'e 1!l2. SITUATIONS WANTED
te~l:ier, ·leaVing a balance of $13,- AMO~ &I paperhBn~n" and pnlnt-
Namerth Needlework 643.11'·of 'property taxes, and $1839
Of ocpupatlo.ijal taxes to be col-
Ing Hardwood noon soraped.
o\,atJpg of any klnrt.
I ~ months to
Call Grllnlte 4100 bel ween 6:00
I.AUNDnV WORK to' trike home-bu....
die or hampet~ .-44 Proll'llllct a;y.. Br,n
Mawr. Phone,Bryn Mawr .1395• .
assimilable form. This all-impor-
tant mineral regulates the irrita-
lectAid, .. "
Guild and 8:00 'P, M.

HELP WANTE~MALE- bility of tissue and relaxes
muscl~, Milk also brings you '.~.
oN a rb e r t h Needle~ork
meetings are held the second
ThUrsday of every month in the
L.' .,~,,··.t·.'.~.'.A....... .~.
_ .
' - L ' ,i Window .hades • Vel1etlan Blinds
Do ,'OU hove spare ·ume''.,n your hands,
ond would YOl,l be Interested In part
or full time work pnller plealilant sur-
roundings? St. Mory1e LilUndry haa
many other minerals, vitamins
and f(>OC1 essentials that promote
vigorous health. It is Nature'S
. Community Building for all daY

.6e~:. ~,r.I··
1015-1019 LANCASTER AVE~ Bryn ?trawl need for women 'or' girl, ·to· rilar~, .o·d.

S.h.YI.t C.;Oim. p._:n.y Phone Bry.n. Mawr 1120. or ,. "I

most nearly perfect food.
or nn!'sh. C.all lotI'.. C/'Pmle, .A.tdmore ,
Needlework Guild of Amer- I.' 4400. : • Government nutritionists rec-
ROOMS FOR REN] ommend 'Q quart of milk daily
.;.. ..:. 1eo. was incorporated In 1896. and
iS~heonly national charity col-
CO)lPA'NION tor elderly lady. Middle- for each child and at least a
The Link Behv8etiFor8st and Home CYSW\'D--Prl\'ate' jlbme. ..oom wIth agell woman. renlled.. liVing tn or Clo"·
to Brookli~J" 'No ho~(,work•. 9130. a, pint for every adult.
lectinlJ new clothing and articles
ar household linen and distributing
29..lala.. Ave,·.~\IN., ,d'
llrl\'ole bath. • Will rent furnished 01
unfurnished' to r"n/led woman .. Oaralfe m. to 6:30 p. m, 'dally eXCl.\lpt,Sqnday.
Write fOr Ijttervle:w to'.B'o~ 148. Haver-
N1 easy way to give your fam-
Closed 12 o'CloCkSci"~ . 1
a\'ntlo,ltle. .Flve· mlnut"s to It·aln or Uy their daily requirement is by
them: through established institu- QY:ftwyd 662, bus. Phone cinwyli 1993-j. forcl Township NeW., LI~!1erchi Pll;
serving Tastier Supplee Seal~st
.., . ..tlo~.
~~ is non sectarian both as '~~~=~;;~;;;~~~;;~~;;~=::;;:;:~~~~5;';:=~~.
to. thoseIt who give and those. whoJ, .. ;,.._.-J~~,,".. ~j";"~;;:;'~~""'J;~o!!'!'~~.~:::·4~:~·~~'~io~,,::,,~,;,;,:, ~. INST~UC110"
"1':.' .
'~. . reCeive; G1f~ rapge from two or : . ..
..... triDre blatikets~.:a..few ~ i .54~~?"!~~Yo.~,!~ . ~$.A~OTBP~o.:RT~~ .
I .' . . .' . . .... '.

r .:.~,~";~~~!.~-:~:~~,, ~\~~If:~~S.~;.,o~.

~;;.Q~~.' '.. ..' .'" .. ".' ••.....

. :.

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. ,ilj6r,/)~;ik-"
.... .
TOW N=::::;::=========:::;:=::::;:=============OCTOBER 15. 1942
PAGE FOUR============================O UR •
Chaikin, Up. the Scotch Foursomes Scores
Girl~ Scouts' Cookie N'omin'ate Orr to
Sal~ Exceeds Goal
olir"Scouts of the Main Line hav~
CALLING THE W-RN Head Civic Group
-t~ their goal of 14000 boxes 01
cookies sold, which Is 4.000 more
There's only one wa:t to! explain Smith stressed pass defense Dr. Hubley R. Owen
W'" S k t A I
Ha~erford's p~a
t,lan .last year's total. More cooldes lAwer Menon's one-Sided, victory In this week's praciicd in prep-
ha~e been ordered from the com-
over Abingtori'and rout aratlon for Frlda.y's night game . I a nnua
pany to supply the additional orderE at the hands' Of, CheltllDhahl. Low- willi Florida at Shlbe Pa.rk. Meeting
er Merion has a much stronger Florida Is undefeated and ClUIord H. Orr has been nomln-
st11l coming In.
team than even the most optimistic scored quite an upset by beat- ated for re-election as president of
N~xt week will end the sale. At
of us believed and Abington and l~g Auburn, 7-0, last week. The the Wynnewood Civte Association
Strawbridge and Clothier's in Ard·
Haverford, espec ally the latter. Gators are a real test. The when the organization holds its aq-
more, where a Window display fea-
IHlve been sadly over rated, game should give us a fairly, nual meet\llg next Tuesday night
turing the Girl Scout cookie Sale
attracts the shoppers, a booth w1l1 True, Ha\erford h1\d two of its gord idea as to how strong the at the Agnes Irwin School, Clothier
b<'st baCk.> en the IllJury !1st and Wildcats really are. I'd .. Wynnewood.
be serviced by lldults to stll cookleE
to thc public. Mrs. William A co-captaIn and tackle Dan Phipps
was !ne!lglble SaturdaY but from
* * The speaker w111 be Dr. Hubley
R, Owen, director of health in
Dyer. 107 WoodSide rd. Ardmore
t1as madc the arrangements for this all accounts Cheltenham would Coach Rcy Randall at Haverford Phltadelphia. Dr. Owen wl1l speak
booth. 11aH' pn'\'alled even had thc Ford evidently has one of the better of maintaming health standards In
,taL, been In the hneup, The weak- elevens in the small college class a country at war.
!lPS- of Haverford's reservrs wa" The Main L'ners crushed Allc- Other officers nominated for re-
Lower Merion Odds :lC\'('f so eVlde11t as 111 this contC'st I gheny. 33-0. in their open?r and election are Homer H. HeWitt, Jr..
(Continued from Palle One J Yl't lwforc t he spa-son started it I then made tileir debut before the for vice-president; Edwin W. Sem-
',tronger than that Cheltenham looked as If the Fords mIght hav{' home folkB by cru,<;hing su~que ans, for secretary; Lewis W. Gib-
game Il1dl~ated." he warned ·yester· ,0/11etl1111/:. T1H'Y Wer{' r:lt{'d among hanna. 27-6, last Saturaay. bons for treasurer; Joseph J
day. "Don·t forgel the undl'rdo~ \lll' l:krly tcp thrl'e by l'lval cO:lch- Haverford entertallls Drexl'1 Tech !-:lumpp for as.slstant secretary. at\d
always has the advantage m "'9 "5 l:1 thc BIg SIX, en Walton Field thIS Wl ~k and Harry C. K{'ssll'r for a.ssistant
traditIOnal game such as this one' OJ"l~1l1ally we assumrd lor vari-\ should have no difflrulty chalkl11g treasurer.
Although bitterly disappointed b~ [,115 1'I',I.,ons that Ab1l1gton wasn't lip nctory No. 3 as thc Drag-ons Ten nom natpd to serve for di-
thc .',hcwmg of hiS team at Chel- II P to !l,<; usual par, but when the appear to be below par. They wcre rectors for three years are WilHam
Blll Stmson, Havcrford
" h(1)'cl ul of the Fords giv-
Ghosts dc'feated H;l\'erford we fig- beaten by Delaware and Juniata K Barclay, Jr.. Carlos Berg-uido. I
IHPd we'd had the wool put over tn their two starts. I Jr" J, GIbson McI Bunting, Walter
VI: a rlO5C ~ame Just how our eyl'S, that thc Ghoots probably I
C. FeImster. Jr.. Frederick A. Fan· Action snapShot of the activity on the first tee at Bala Golf Club on Labor Day.
11' S;lld, may depcnd upon
y;ere as g:Jod as ever. Now it ap· ~ R Bo d 3 lyn, Henry R. Heebner, Charles P ::;everal members of the golf committee are up to their ears In work while trying to get
leh arUOll, If any, seen by I)cars that our onginal hunch on "eV( ego ar i Orr. LOUiS L. McIlhenney. Howard tne ::;cotch Foursomes off on schedule.
Vall'r:o, fullback, and Kirk A.b1I1gton was correct whil<' the (Continued from Page One> i R. Rapp and WilHam Nelson West,
halfback Tiley were hurt '~CI1eral high rating gIven Ha\er- W \Ventz. 205 Wayne AVc., Nar. I 3rd. Alexander M Rae has been Navy LeaCJue Needs
, I

Valle~ Forgc game and did· 'ord \\:b all wrong. berth; WilHam F. Burnham, 367 Au. nomll1ated to serve as director for Only One Building Camera Club
P~~!~'~n~~~ IO~~I~~~e
lad week, Co-raptalI1 Dan
To be 1>1 utally frank. w~ dan't brey Rd , Wynnewood; Ray W. P{'o- ; two years.
;p' rall~) tarkle, also was on
bl'II{'I'[' an~' team other than L. M pies. 132 Cncket Ave .. Ardmore John'
Anyone who has bicycles to loan
e11l1c", bell1g down In hiS
III the BIg SIX rat{'s much better R. Nordblcm. 309 Conway av., Nar-I
Fall Lunche-on Af w" ,,,",d Com'" Club wi1l or sel1 to the Navy League Bicycle
]lan medIOcre, Upper Darby cer- berth: Earl H. Graham. 1603 Brock v in Narberth during the month of hold the third In Its series of Fal1 Corps for the duration, please cal!

IRepubl-Ican Women
! 'ford has bed ten Lower Mrs. Eo W. Bolton, Cynwyd 1395,
: :linly can't be too strcng, haVl11g haven Rd., Ov{'rbrook Park: Thea· September to L, J. Lura, 3 Elmwood hikes Sunday afternoon, October 18
onl,l" t \\ ICC in 14 pre\·iou.s won enly one gallle 111 thrpl' starts dore Ferworda. 108 E Montgcmery av.. according to the report of Louis The Club has been very active dur-
, " ,I [act that ham't helped :::h{'lt"nham didn't show much un Ave .. Ardmore; Harold E. Balaity, 18 The annual Fall luncheon of the
Jm on tl1(' Brookl1l1e cam- ,11 !l 111"t Ha\'l'rford and 1- hardly E. Lancastl'r Ave, Ardmore; James Republican Women of Pennsylvan-
A. Young, chairman of the build- ing the Summer under the leader- HAND CROCHETED
1n A-I "l('ven Radnor is woefully J McDermott. 214 Cricket Av{', Ard- la will be held at the Hannah Penn ing committee, at Borough Council ship of Its president, Mr. Albert E.
DeFl'lIce show1I1g narY a \\('ak, Abington is deCidedly wl'akl'r 1110re; Edwin M. Lo03ely, 18 S~hool House, PhiladelphIa, on October 19. Monday evening. Horsley. Regular weekly meetings
the l{'~ I11Jury that kept mil Hal'erford 15 no better than [1, Ardmore; Charles F Stoudt, 213 12.45 p.m. During the month 17 inspections have been held on Monday evenings,
ICU\'e earlier In the se:lson i:1S! ,l'"r probably w{'aker Woodside Avp .. Nar!Y'rth: David W Sp,'akl'l's \\'111 be William S. were made. and three bUlldmg op· and Illu.strated lectures on photog-
L M. to I\.<; most dl'clsi\'P L< "er :\oleMon, just b['ginnhl!:" Coughltn, Sulgravp Dr, Ardmore, Uvengood. Jr.. Secn·taD' of In-
eratlons completed. raphy. furnished by the Eastman
0\'1'1' A~ II1gton in then' long
He' tallied three tourhdawU'
to feel its oats. is definitely
stronger and should be able to
The follow1l1g will b(' {'ntrained for ternal AlIairs: Mrs. C. Fred Rau.
Fort Mpade. Mdryland, at 9 :47 am sp!.'aklllg on "Tax I.;sues-As Wom- No 011 burner permits were issued. Kodak Company. have been a I
o extra POlI1ts to account waltz through the above eompt'- I on October 21 1942 ell See Them" and David W. Harris. monthly feature, There has been I
f the Maroon'5 pOints, titian without ever having to I Raymond H, MIles, 154 Walnut chalrll1an of the Republican City Home Department experimentation In indoOr portrait I
Ice scored 11Is first six, go all the way out. The Maroon Ave .. Ardmore; Harry 0, Showell. I Committee. photography and still life, with an
on a short plunge follow-
is so gifted in talent that it :!~4 Simpson Rd.. Ardmore: George The American Home Department occasional all-Kodachrome show
These smart looking Beanies
cll11g to the back of the head
should be able to overpoWl'r all W. Carter. 156 Walnut AV{'. Ard- of the Westgate Hills Woman's Club furnished by its members.
,4-yard drl\'e in the second
Abington also scored 111 the its rh'als on thl' strength of its mOre: Jack Turkel', 232 IndIan Cr. Property Sold at wll1 meet ne'tt Thursday evening at
_ comfortably and defy the
Autumn winds. Really a de-

DU nU-N If
rcscr\'(s alolle. Onrconfi,lcnce Dr, 01'('1 bruck; Edward T W11ite. 8.30 p. m. at the home of the chair· light to wear. Your choice
quarter, lit tie How a I'd
sKlppmg fiVe yards around
will be L. !\J:s main fOe f10m 33J
Spnng AH' .. Ardmore
11 256 Merion Rdo man, Mrs. S. Shaw, 230 Fairlamb of colors,
cap a 66-yard drlvc. How- here in, And ("'al'h ;\latti" will WIlliam Pj,h'S Menon Office av., Westgate
The October 27.
Board will

"1 ..
I automatic safety ti1at re-

~hen Ray Uccel1ettl. Abing- t:::,:.afT::O~tl..\nF.~'ATS? IDyemSOcrakti~ CAanddidate ;:~P~I~~ ~:r:~e ;~~o;.o~::lol:~a~:~ ~~:~~, ~t ~~:s~~::e:~Z:~~e~Ohn Narbertn 2430 $1.65 UP
back, stC'pped over mto th{'
e while attemptll1g to punt Much to t11e surpme 01 mes! 0: 0 pea. In r more I The Pel111sYl¥ania Company to 'edd H°gbl d '" I
.. I an Fuel
Helene Po Watwood
the Philip W. D~on and Donna F.
us. VIllanova Colle'''' WI." knockl'd •
" lrst p{'riod. prOVided Lowcr
with an 8-& halftime lead.
:lIT, 20-13. bv the M':;nha'ttan B{'ach
~ G' . <v'ss or G overnor
DnA mfPetm fl Will be Hheldd at
ea quartLrs, Dunon. 11Is Wife. who will o~cupy
"'~O"l 243 Haverford Ave.

I, the 3000 fans were unprc- b I u;rd ele\en III the Wlld- Lancaster and Cnck{'t an. Ard- th::o premises on November 8. Koppers Coke (Next 10 I\ledia Drug)
, or the majestic matter in - s at
I1Ight I" a ed open.'r last Saturday more
Sll1be Park . Fndav- ,~
O~tober 16 at 8 '30
, . The property consists of a single •
I, the Maroon overWhelmed Th{' Coast Guard ~ame here with p.m, residence on a lot havmg a front- HALt'H S. DUNNE NARBERTH
(, IStS In the second half, The none of the great bal1~wO' that The speakers will be Charles age of 100 ft. containing six bed- 2S8 HAVEBFORD.AV&
.' ' en simply battered the &b· 5urrounds other service teaihS. The~ Moyer, Democratic candidate for rooms and two baths with attached NARBERTH. PA. • 8.30 Nar. 2119
iefenses t:> smithereens and
1 'P three wuch(ioWbs in the
had, many former college and semi- Congress. and Gerald Nocton. can-
pro stars In their lIneup and were- dldate fcr Senate, th~ ;;
gaIiJr~a~g~~~.~I~t~w~a~s~-=SO~I~d~f~0~r;$:I~I~,OO~O~';;~~;Z;~~;5~~5~~~~~;;;~~~~~~~~~~!~~~~~5~~~~~~~!~~~~E~~~~~'~1 I .
arter and tWo more In the
quite a f0rmldable opponent, but Mr. Ross IS expected to be at
,,' :iod.
!lttle had been heard about the me Ardmore Head(luarters on Oc-
Ice touched alI the second
team until It took the field. tober 23.
'eworks when he slashed
Everything considered, Clippel --------
Ie and raced 39 yards for
nd touchdown on the third Smith, Villanova coach. was pleased
by the grand ba We put up by ll1S
85 Ready for
the half. Soon afterward,
'oon marched 66-yards and Wildcais. "I'm certainly glad we
~pened with fuch a strong team,"
Blackout Driving A"WEEKLY'GUIDE to Lectures, Exhibi-
I' , drOve over from the one, he said. "We learned a lot from Under the dIrection of Mrs. Frank
I'd score of the period re- the game." K. Reese 85 members of the Red
tions, Theatres, Sports, Music, Motion
rom a forward-lateral pas~
,uart. Whiting to Heindel.
A c cor din g to Clipper. Pu~ Cross Motor Corp, are I'pady for Pictures, Restaurants, and Cafes_
. '
Vaughn, Coast Guard halfback Illy erner;;ency during the coming
er racing 37 yards for the
\\ho was a star at TennesseC'. was prolonged blackout. They have all EXHIBITIONS
th!.' mamsprillg cf one of the best :aken lIltncate trall1ing in blackout MUSIC MiSCELLANEOUS FRANKLIN IN8TITUTE
At,,'att"r )(.-nt ~In",pum. 1 ~, S. 7lh ~t­
ltute Joe Haenn circled end Record"d Clo••h·o! nU81c. nerll'am A Donolng-Brookllne Country Club, Mill :Sote: All ~kr\'tcc ~lcn tn unIform wtll I:xhillitlolls of !lll'ctl ]':xhlbltll
passing combinations he's seen III dnving ntl, Bruokline, Frltlny. Oct. 2, Jt'rry be udtnttted to Mus('utn antI Plarwtnllll111

I' nine for a touchdown that Stt-'rllh('r~ COI1Unclltatllr. at Y. ~1. ann 11' .ttlng ('Il\ .. llllJlull311l ruk In the wur.
IllS seven years a.s coach at Villa- );;;;';;;;;;';;;;;;';;;;~;;';;';;;;;;;;';;;;;~;;;'; ''''\'HA, Brun,l and 1'lITc ~lB, TUUHJilY8, Wold' S&~urday. Oct. :I, l:I~rby Wuod.. rt oe. :-:l'l'('t:l.l Exhibit" "1"111' FlglltlrH~ tn
(1:'11, j a 50-yard drive early III ~ I'. M, Free. IDdepeDdeDce Hall. 'tb "gd Chuta,,' };~hlblt ur Ihe ~Iunlh: "1.1!;1Itnln,," l'IIII,ldlll'lIl.,,' ll'lJ.dll.lI I'Juilo \\"ar C;lr-
noVa, "Vaughn's ability to fake de- "'" • •• " • •
, '~

rth quarter. Another sub.
oncy. tossed a 59-yard pass
fenders out of posilion and then
toss a strike in the opposite direc-
#iIT'S RE:AL" '\,'IIA M)IU1_hon,·
('very TUt'suu). h:W fl, m. at Mlllcn
lIall, U.-oad anll UClks

8t8., ::Sc.:;

Sta--op~n dally and, Sunday. 1:.6 A
toTbe P. M. F'rbe.·
4:80 Aquarium, north of Art Museum
on East bank of the Schu)'lkUI-Qpen
M Frum
tity 11
.... lllnldl1l5 dltH.:(J\lIY llr lilt:
r II "" Illn I11J:' all l I e Il C111\' Ity 111 tl l'
modt'rn rtIan-lHatl~ IighlnJn~ PTotlul't>tl h~
Itkll- lqnllN • . •\lll11g 'J Iltl'lC :--:tltl IS"
d"lphl,1 a" ",,,pH \1\ ,'(Ull' Illp,H<lry Jltt~ralY

1) 1\1 .... ~I to :, :;tJ, \\"cdnl'sdu,HI, :)


li' l": k Basile fcr the final tally t1l('11 free t., ~. ~ullda) s, ~ to ~.
tion was reminiscent of Sammy OUr Own \\'1'''\ 8~·IDI.hony ()r<'l.e_Ira, Outdoor dally 9 A .M. to 4:30 P. Y.; Bunda, ~f 8~1~;,clr~~~I;~~~',~~sl 1~~I~ln\l:,I;;l~X~::~:;I:i ~::~J:~: Pt"n"M, h'ania ,\cDdt*my of thp Fine Art".
H,t' 'ford never had a chance Baugh at hiS best. He also had ex-I l"oncprt eVI'1 y \VcJncslla~·. S :~o p. m .• In 9 A, M 10 5 p, M. Fr~_. 1 Ilload ~t nll,I\0 .\Ith. !:'ortjdh Annual
Gland COUll ur lhe Art Muse-urn, 25th Dancing _ CasJn'll Ballroom. Willow bN:,n Lrou.I;ht tOh"('llll'!" tOt tit' mont h uf
,,,,Iill' Cheltenham.) The Fords cptional rece1\·ers. It's unfortunate GrcJ\'(> park e\'('ry F'r:rlay and saturday. o(,tohl'l. anf! a (·ollt.,(·tllln of huHorlc .t1 1'llIJ.\lh Iphltl. "'alf'r Clliot ,lnd Print I';x ..
IOll"'1 d to stave off a Panther
, 1: ,: .... ith a grim goal Ime stand
the Coast Guard started late. It
preVented them 1rom gett1l1g a
I In,I PR"kwav

II. '! :';11 ,. III

'·1111811.·I._hln ()r('h~",trll (' __ nN"rtf't-()l'1
1)11 1-:,' ::n l' In 1':Il;':I~n'
"',l1kl01r Tour..-Conducted by On"lr1 'I,
MOltle, Thf('~.hour tours or hl8tortl"al
J'hllar1elpllla. starting at 1.30 P. M, ("\'{Ory
lu;hlnlJH; r()1ls, SO 111 l' nJ~ltl(' by FI Ullklll1
htm~4l'lr, \\111 be ffOstUIE"d tlll-:plht" \\Itll pholu;.traphs or lIghtnlOA' • Sf'\.'Tal
J't 1111.1
I'lIllY filst
{']"', (h t ::') to) :'\0\. :':~I.
It'ty or Mlnl.l(uro Jlntnt ..
lJ.1lly. 10 to G.

Made daily from l)r·tll.l lid , "lid", tl~l;': 11(>10'11 Tl \llh, I.

Jull{urltC'!'!, or Hpec..'lml:'ns of "ftls~" IJght.
:-ul1l1<1', 1 III :'. l'aIIiUng-s trom l)('nnan·
,'! !t, first period, but the hom~ schedule which would have proved t \!I \\'ltJo:lIll' Jlltl:':ldlll \vt'I'kc.1ny from 9lh Ht. l'ntrancc of Ben.
l~olh.'lliun cxll1bHpd to Uel. ~L
jK.l1lin ['~r8nl{lIn Hold. SOc
a " l n ] ..
ame back with a 55-yard sound, washed apples SI':H(;l~1 H \\·H:'oIA~I:'>\()I·'F. u('t. I" ning," will ahllO he shown, tOJ.:t"lltt'r wIth
".lI" their real strength." .\c ,llll'l11 , 01 ~I t1"-tc 'lo :111, 1"nolou8 Silent llo\'lph, Yc Oltl Tlme!!l tilt' pCllodic demonstration 1)( n 11l1lf· J\r(ldt'my of ~llturRl ~d."nrf'M, 1!lt h anet
.,<,p'", period advance that sent of good quality 1"heatrt\ Allen's IanI') and McCallum It. milltun 'oIL Jh~htnlnU' Hash. Sl'cutHI the Pllrk,,·ny - "~I'l'e ttXlllhlllun of the.

CV"~r. Ol'l 17, ),Iatlg-e Bellam\' In "Lfllt1a Il'luor - Hall or Engineering, f\shcs ot the world Open dally

)ougherty, a nimble half-
;ross with a touchdown that
l heltenham a 7-0 halftime
50;, a gallon "untlulll: ( l i t . 17 ptl\ll
Vranl\IHI 1'1, Id, 3,Irll ,wei ~PHII'"
P"OtlP," and MfllY I'lt:klort! In ":-;<l,a~l
J.. n\ e,"

An "\Cllln~ \\'I,h SiJ:l1Iun,l 1:'llI1hl"l.:,
:!1 An·nll, Ilith aull )1RrkC't foIb;
CnmoufiRKt" tor Civilian J)~ft"nN": Title
popular exhihlUon on the pr'nt.~tple-M aile!
practice or protective conf,..'calml'l1t
h<,inJ;" conUnu('d,
lIull, AUldlll ... of ;-':,llUlill
HlIoI::l' of tlil' dill', 1"lll l"olllll\-
(lllls .\r" dnq.l,l .. t'd ltl.;l\lll~l ".111111'1\ halll ..
I,ll hll'kgl"untltl. tlilltf t:\hdllls ShllW
':<1 Reeves, Cheltenham full- (lOc returned on jug) t), t Ii;. \ IILulU'" 'S, F'lnr.d,. ~hlIH'
h .. \\, hlld~ 111'1 IIIJII d (lllin ll'ptilian all·
I',ld< :.:I!'(t ,11101 I.l~!lI~11 '111 I' ~1 ___ i Air Uald .·rf"("putioUH: Inc(lnnlnry. hn:h
t·I~lor>{ II,,\\, th'" 11\1. t\liv and whIle
parked the Panthers' sec· ••J" ~ .. ,w"' I II 1 I ' I'ltll •• "·lltlll.l I;'l!.: II!' ,~ r'll \JoO- 1."X,'Tl:RES (,:tplo~" es, lind Pot~Cln UIUI homhs IU,'
Ill." nll,.:l,tt' HI'oIto.oI I I If' l'hll.tddpllllJo
, ,1. If onslaught, gettmg touch-
' •••77··.. hun.ttl ;.ililh, J'illk. "(HlI "('Igh· Oc·tolwr 16-s.1-.l I'. ~l explaloed In the CI\·lilan Oerrns(" ,'xhlhl·
rt'1{wn l)all~!1 1'1;1 ~ulldlt.\ H 1 lo =>,
A thoughtflll Mother say': Faith" - I"'I'~
Prutt"lllwnt «'Il,ItHlllnlt\ tJun ncar•• S,h 1 ,Pla.nct,lIlum Ll,hhy, Thl'
in short plunges after sus- HOME MADE the 1',·\'. (I R; \\'jliJaml", ,J ul! I IlFlI11 ,
II,.. proper I()OatlQD'~,ol., n-fugc rovmN, And 1II0totle'01 St'l'I~ty or l'eono,'I"anlo, I ~th
'I am giving my childrcn LITTLE THEATRE by' nnh1,r'Ma]Mllm ~t('1 n: (',lll1h1JI' l'IlIIM- recommonded mt'lhollK of ('On8l! u<:llon, nnd r.. ot:u~t 8ts.-Exhlhlt of tiO pailltlnJt8
I11l1rehes in the third and MORE RICH GOLDEN by Sully. I'ealo, Stuart. \Vcst and Cuplcy.
Haturday, SOcl6:'ty, 1:106 ~o, RI\t~llbo\Js,-> :-;qUAI t'.
.hodge-row Theatre, Moylan. )la.-Rep· 1 tanlt)', h,· Ihtlpl\ «~ «'oftnplll: l!:1 hlcul hl"l1ok~

Apple Butter
. .n8
periods. respectively. Ted ~rto'Y throu~h ......,...... ng .. o\u., AI)"ttB prooHn" al'e also Dolly. exc. sun. and Mon .• 9 lo 6.
GUERNSEY MILK now that \Vt"dncadny
,lllied the other Cheltenham Curtl\ln at IL30 sharp, SChl'dulc lor week ,Ol\tobe.,I1-":Jlf P, )f. "D,'nmlllk·. In- sh~.'" '" ";"erle'an Mwedl.h HI.lorleal IIJII."um,
rld,e". $I ~1. H,21 " 71c avallnble at' ,bllll~ lfli;hl" h\' 1>1. HClllhanl SPIJI.
mcat is so high and not so -. tlul.ellm IInunl, Wedn•• d.,., l~Hh f'uttbmn A \'e.-WarlJnlC
,Ilter late In the third quar- plentiful. " the-Atrtl' I or at Olmut.'1 DrOll 1(II1'rl<-'11 l't'lltel, I'll'8~I'1 llllh;,. 1711 ThurlJd.y, Friday and Bunday, 1 ·to I ('"altoona or
0. J~, C'c~H.rc, cliltoon editor
l)11 Jl, 'Tulp,nUI1I' It .. ,." Oll 11 t 'ht.~tnut Ml' P. K.: Saturday. 10 A. )t. to • P. 14 of ~ew YOI k Times. Uct. 20 to Dec. 10.
! er a blocked kick paved the ()C'toht"r 18-11 nO A. ~L ·'Den'h·e II .. Closed Monduys, Admillsion. 25 cente.

'X.tlllt ,)II,ill" t •• '1 JI. 'TIll' "h,sh'lafl Oally, lQ to 0: SUD" 1 to 6,

rford made only cne real BROOKME'AD In :--:\111«' ell

,1I1') till'
,"Tilt' l'lt nil'''
(II I.

_ .. , 'Alnl!oi

I 1I111 I IlIt tlCI II
or l.lft'.. hy Dr. Douglas
EthhaJ Sm.-h'lY, l:.Hlfi So
It'''IlIlU6f' :-'Ilual r
Hll- Bomhs from spal'~." Onl)' a (t'~\" min·
Ull"s of walchlng the Mky on any clear
In the 1·.....18 .·loDetarium-"Bullds fllld
Wale,,'olor E.hlbltlon by Phllad<'lr,hlll
artist! at Philip RaJ;an AR80clalt's, Broad
-a dazzling march of 70 GUERNSEY DJUBIES FARM MARkETS 111,
tl.ll "
"Th ...
(It t
l'it'1l11'." I)lt It. "Till' l'le·
1-" • "fIll' pl"' d's PI~I'IP"'."
j':IO P. M. ""h., ~pliitual Ball" of the eveni.lg will UHuall)' yi('ld a "h'w of u
1\ Tnt' I lean Fl'll~nlh~ 8pr\'lcc Cornrnlllpe: t "8hootln~ etaI''' or meteor. Th<'sc fll'P
Sl. Suburban Slallon Bldll'" 1617 Penna.
;parked by co-captain Alfie ('olnnlnl I'hl'·j... Dr Aldan, Rldl")' A ,'C, ".' ,', ll~ed Car)'. Haec Sl. Friends' lhe ,near~st or hellvopl)' obJecls. fn, The Print Cluh. 1611 Llltlmer St., Oral
\' •• T
West Lancaster av•• Wayne Ardmore ~]aA'nlllla, I' 01 ufll , ., -,vh.Q~ we l!Iue ,tbem they al'C' RctuaHy In 111'10\\' !..m.'usJ.--..··Hlk Mcre~n color I.rlnta hy
III the fourth quarter~but 1H'low Aldall-"Tbc l'atay."
Villanova .:. Malvern 't' \ un p, M. "C'I"fRotH In India" h.v Kuma" , our 4tfI'lUfJphel'e. only a tow dozen milCH Leonard !'yllllnk nnd "Hut"c nnd Bull'gy
,", 'lham turned it aside with a Phone VVayne 1121 I II 111, .. :0. ., ,(
S .. hrhhnrhund )'hl~(""'1 r.07 ~oulh Nth Tom I"alr:w FOrUJ11, J.;lO Locu.$1 ht.gli.~ ',Many mUl10na or limes a dny, PIIY"," tu Oct. II. Weekda)·., 9 tu u'
, I " : " ,n the' eight yard line. , . , ... .. , e,e 114 ~t.-"IJ:\(' of s.", M',ltk" (prt't111~le uf Iday
.l, piece. of Irnn and stcel sl1T\'lvc Ihel,. ~alUr(ln~!'C. 9 to 1. •
Ol'lober ~o-II ,:1(\ ,\. 1\1. "The Collc!;~

It, )'I.,~\"ll ,\ntILn;onJ, ULt, ':1, ~ 1,1 OaahlllK lrlp througli the almOliphere and Unh'er.Il,· Museum, 3:1rd' &. Spruoo SU!.
li-I(' alltl .. 0(: !rll\ thl' C'nmmulliO" John F. Gum.. hy reach the eBrth from u'Ul8ide 8ptH,'l', -"(~hlnll," nn exhlhitlon of jadas. por ..
IIIt'rp. Hl',ulltlatUfOl. \\'tlllHm ("l'un ("hal'.. t
The.. are called m{!teor1tl'H. They maSt cl~laln, t.-,.tll.'M, ('ulor III'lols, HhH.c1ow play
!l'r ~('hool. H1" t'l 10rl1 t '0 I h.'l(l', Hobertfl be J~4Isc'·rnlhlo epe(!k8 of dust or thf'l)' flJ{Ull'M. t hen II kal L'ostume dl'~lgn". coin"
TIIE.\TIU~ 1I'~1I00 I' 'I 11 k may' be ebunks welgblng Dlan'y Ounces. an,I ,:;nm('s, and the ("attpar 'Vhlt n(')'
"'orrl·,.t-l:lllt\llk LJ.\\'tl.:I1l'C In "l...adY \\' ' ... , 00 Rt'\ 1o'W8 b)' Dr: H, poundtl _ or e\'l'n lOns. The (all or COI)I'l,.'UtJlJ Knlv('s. o(Octoher. Dally
In the llark." S 30. I'/~~~~:; ri~l~;,kaL'rt. Clu1 kl' Auditorium, such ohJects naturally reHulls In dam .. exc'Cpt Mon('u.)·s, 10 to ". SUlltla)o's, 1 to o.
"·olllut-Jt..'Hsh' Boyce Landis and Hoh-
J{t'tlh In 'Papll Is .\11." \ .:111 I'. :\1. "1"11" l,~.llat Hour" by the aRc l~nd .horror, nnll I'r tluccl!I r("sull~
o l'nh·er.11)- or 1',·nn.,·h·llnh, 8,'hnol 01
~IM~r, FultOh
HI H,"' .I. ShN"n. nUK. whlc ,ca,n he trnC'l'd (or many ('('ntul'lt:lt Fine J\rhl, 3:;rcl nnd Locust HtN -"Fl,\:o
J,uc'u,..(-' Th, In the
flit l'!'! ot ~l ,Jmlt'llh's Culleg t ' ~cm t\stJations c\".cry duy nt 3 nnd R.•IO
';Ul'",l JlflUNI',"
Town Hall l"rnturl('s or ~'f'n and l\lnnrwffl In Dra.w.
~ I III Y ht'll\
'\ exlrtl shows ~.'lUI tla)'(oI. Hundl\)".
>{t tiling
t ,\11 :'\ RI:O:UJ 8t. . , ... Ing-,"net. 5 to 2;). ',"cekda)t1, 9 to u;
O.,tuht"r '41-11,0(1 A, M. ("url'ont E'\'(OnIA l1 nd d lldllYS at. 4 1'. M,; Chlhll'cl1's Houl SntuHlu)'s, 9 to l.
"" )11l(!'! Restl(' n Howu.I'd. Phllommollan a
S tu y at 11 A. M. Adults adml tt~rt ""\'outhurrt> Art GRlIer,'. 920 I nl'l'Iulln-

To SOPHISTICATED 1 'Iul., ,l~t

I, I:' I'.
tlll~" h..\ '
t \\'ulnul
"The Making or a Mag,,-
UJlI'ohl .J. Boan of the CUl'lls
.__ ~~,... ....------------:.I tlJ'vn A \'I',---F'oUl'th Annuli.l .Mt.'mheTs' Ex.
hlhitlon or. pltlnllnK8. 11I'lnlh, tfcul1Jt\U'B
IU1Il L'1'.llts, (hot. ttl' 21. Vally, 10 to u.'o
APPETITES ('u'dIHhfnK" ('''. I'hllOTtllultan ('lUh,
Ol'loh<'t' 21-~ '00 P, 1\1. "The ;o.;ol"llcrn
::iundu)'ei. :: tlf' G.

" k- 'rf~,
.. ~,
.','Uo, J)I'lI'lct .or I'hlllillciphla" 1Iy
J\lIwl"t :\Inrc:letl, lLuJ5Ph.,ptj eLly Ht8toC~' Ru-
clcty. \\~h1t·ner Bt'aneh, Frep Llhrl\rY.
on .' 111, "lIlus[e aOlI, ~enals."n~c"
h~' LftPl)let. Su1rn;·,(LRbbt '. 'Ertu<iauoPIII

Ce 1"1'. 115",80. "19th, sl .. · ,
:30 r: "M',. ''':the' 1'1'\Jrr.:·o'r,''E"nlution''
h)' , Hugh' 'r, ,''ltIqnl'lt,·.
Sr.. ..all.rlcl!. Contc'I',
. pr?_t',Bld/f.:' '1714, Chola6)ul :1It. " .

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