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Volume 3, Issue 3 August 2010

If I then, your
Lord and Teacher,
have washed your

John 13:14-15
feet, you also ought
to wash one an-
other’s feet. For I
have given you an
Lutheran Bible Translators
example, that you
also should do just
as I have done to
Following the Family you.
Sam has mas-
tered the art of scooter
riding this summer and • Pray for the health of
is now learning the art Cara and baby #3 com-
of “wading into very ing in late November.
cold water” at a free
pool/park nearby. In • Pray for us as we pre-
the last few months, pare to move back to the
he’s added countless words to his vocabulary and U.S. for a time and also
learned to be a caring, sharing big brother (most work to learn as much
days :)). French as we can while
Lucy is on the go all of the time. She walks/
we have so many re-
runs everywhere, talking her own little language the whole way. She loves playing chase,
dancing, and making friends wherever we go. She is our social butterfly. sources at our fingertips
• Pray for Sam and Lucy
Worship in a Second Language (adapted from our blog)
through all of the transi-
We are coming up on our one year anniversary of being in France. I was reflect-

Pray For Us...

ing today as I walked home from church how much has changed in that time, in particu- tions to come.
lar at church on Sundays. When we first got here, we couldn't wait to go to a service just • Pray that God would
so we could be surrounded by a community of believers. We really enjoyed going for continue to open the
those first few weeks because we knew that while we understood very little, we were sur-
hearts of the Nizaa peo-
rounded by our brothers and sisters.
After that first month, if I'm honest, I began to like going to church less. The joy ple to His Word in their
of being surrounded by believers was overshadowed by the frustration of not being able language.
to understand fully or be understood. Church was not much different than going to class. • Pray for increased
It was another language learning experience, not really a place where relationships were
monthly support and a
being built. It was a good frustration, though, because of any place or event, that desire
to know the language and know it well was urgent when it came to church. We worked fully-funded vehicle fund
hard so that church wouldn't feel like school. By February, instead of just being able to by January 2011.
pick out individual words, we were able to follow an entire service.
Along with the progression in language learning has come a change in how I view
Sundays. It is no longer the same as going to school. We have gotten to know people at
the church and enjoy seeing them, conversing with them, and hearing what God is doing
in their lives. We don't have to focus quite so hard at pronouncing things correctly and
understanding words in songs (because, for the most part, the words are very familiar
now) and are therefore beginning to focus just a teeny bit more on the meaning behind
the words and the implications for our lives. In sum, it's becoming more of a worship ex-
perience than an intellectual exercise, which is definitely a beautiful thing.
HOWEVER. I do believe that no matter how many years we lived here or how
well we knew the language, we would still come home and want to listen to a sermon and
read the Word in English. If I read the same passage in French and in English, even though We were all blessed to spend time
I understand both, God speaks much louder through the English. Living here has been a with Cara’s parents who came to
blessing to our ministry in many ways, but I think one of the biggest lessons He has taught visit in June.
us this year is the urgency of helping others to have the Word in their heart language.
(continued on back)
How You Can Support Us
We have tickets for September 14 to return to the U.S. We are planning on spending about 5 months building closer
relationships with our brothers and sisters in the U.S. We are not the only ones to recognize the importance of being sup-
ported in ministry. Paul asked fellow believers to pray for him as well: “I urge you , brothers, by our
Lord Jesus Christ and by the love of the Spirit, to join me in my struggle by praying to God for
me” (Romans 15:30). The reason is clear: “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against
the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the
spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.” (Eph. 6:12) We can study hard, have the needed funds,
prepare ourselves for the transitions, and learn the needed skills, but it will all be in vain if done with-
out constantly relying on and seeking the Lord.
Another important way of supporting this ministry is through financial gifts. We will not
receive approval to go to Cameroon without regular monthly support and the funds to buy a vehicle to
drive there. You can see the diagrams on the right which illustrate the need and the instructions at
the bottom of this page for how to give (the monthly funding diagram is an average of funds received
in 2010- it is down 7% from last newsletter due to a very low month in May).
Given these needs, we are hoping to meet new friends and also visit some of you again. As of
this writing, we have two Sundays open for speaking in Indiana (one in October, the other in Novem-
ber) and two Sundays open in January (Topeka area). We have plenty of dates open for speaking
mid-week– the event doesn’t have to be anything large or formal. In fact, relaxed evenings with peo-
ple in their homes are often one of the best ways for us to get to know one another! Please use the
contact info below to let us know what dates work for you. We’ll be in the Indy area from October 7
through the end of the year. We’re planning on being in Topeka the first two weeks of January.
We look forward to visiting many of you. Thank you for your support and encouragement!

Helping us serve YOU!

For awhile now we have been praying about how to better serve you, our supporters. We have realized during our time in
France just how important it is to have a strong support base, knowing that there are many praying for this ministry and
for our family. Each e-mail or letter we receive is SUCH a blessing and encouragement to us. Like any relationship, our rela-
tionship with you isn't to be one-sided: we want to be a blessing and encouragement to you all, as well. We have created a
survey that we would like each of you to complete with the goal of knowing you better and knowing how we can better serve
you. It will take about 5 minutes of your time and can be found at the following web ad-
dress: Thank you to all of you who have
already filled this out! Your feedback is much appreciated!

(continued from front) We will never know completely what that must be like- we have
owned and read Bibles in English our whole lives- but we did experience a little taste of
what it is like this year. No matter how well we know this language, it will never be our
heart language. The Word is just that much clearer, more powerful The mission of
and transforming when it is in the language that we laugh in and cry
in and dream in. Our prayer is that the Nizaa and the many other LBT is to help
peoples of the world who do not have the Word in their heart lan- bring people to
guage might receive it soon- that they would clearly see its beauty faith in Jesus
Some exisiting Nizaa literature. We
and truth and that they might be utterly transformed as He speaks Christ by making
look forward to the day when God’s
Word will be a part of this!
to them through it.
the Word of God
available to those
Write to us at: Send financial support to:
who do not yet
Kory, Cara, Sam, and Lucy Fay Lutheran Bible Translators
have it in the lan-
11 Rue de la Libération P.O. Box 2050
guage of their
73000 Barberaz Aurora, IL 60507-2050
hearts. For more
FRANCE (Make checks out to Lutheran
information on Bible Translators and write Fay
LBT go to ministry, Fay vehicle, or Fay
household setup on the memo line)

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