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An introduction to feeding small

Feed is the single largest cost associated with raising small ruminants, typically
accounting for 60% or more of total production costs. It goes without saying that
nutrition exerts a very large influence on flock reproduction, milk production,
and lamb and kid growth.

Late-gestation and lactation are the most

critical periods for ewe and doe nutrition,
with lactation placing the highest nutritional
demands on ewes/does. Nutrition level
largely determines growth rate in lambs and
kids. Lambs and kids with higher growth
potential have higher nutritional needs,
especially with regards to protein. Animals
receiving inadequate diets are more prone to
disease and will fail to reach their genetic potential.

Small ruminants require energy, protein, vitamins, minerals, fiber, and water.
Energy (calories) is usually the most limiting nutrient, whereas protein is the
most expensive. Deficiencies, excesses, and imbalances of vitamins and minerals
can limit animal performance and lead to various health problems. Fiber (bulk) is
necessary to maintain a healthy rumen environment and prevent digestive
upsets. Water is the cheapest feed ingredient, yet often the most neglected.

Many factors affect the nutritional requirements of small ruminants:

maintenance, growth, pregnancy, lactation, fiber production, activity, and
environment. As a general rule of thumb, sheep and goats will consume 2 to 4
percent of their body weight on a dry matter basis in feed. The exact percentage
varies according to the size (weight) of the animal, with smaller animals needing
a higher intake (percentage-wise) to maintain their weight.

Maintenance requirements increase as the level of the animals' activity increases.

For example, a sheep or goat that has to travel a farther distance for feed and
water will have a higher maintenance requirements than animals in a feed lot.
Environmental conditions also affect maintenance requirements. In cold and
severe weather, sheep and goats require more feed to maintain body heat. The
added stresses of pregnancy, lactation, and growth further increase nutrient

The following chart gives the nutritional requirements for various classes of
sheep and goats:
Sheep Percent Protein (CP) Percent Energy (TDN)
Maintenance (154 lb.
9.6 57.6
mature ewe)
Late Gestation
180-225% lamb crop 11.2 66.7
14.8 64.5
Nursing Twins
Early Weaned Lambs
(66 lbs.)
14.5 75.8
Moderate growth
High Growth
Lamb Finishing
11.7 77.1
88 lbs., 4-7 mos of age
Yearlings (110 lbs.) 9.1 57.6
Source: Sixth Revised Edition, National Research Council, 1985.

Goats Percent Protein (CP) Percent Energy (TDN)

Bucks 11 60
Dry Doe 10 55
Late Gestation 11 60
11 60
Avg. Milk
14 65
High Milk
Weanling 14 68
Yearlings 12 65

The next chart gives typical "book values" or "ballpark" figures for the nutritional
content of various feedstuffs commonly fed to sheep and goats.

Feed Stuff Percent Protein (CP) Percent Energy (TDN)

Mature Pasture 8 50
Clover Pasture 25 69
Orchardgrass Pasture 18 65
Browse (Honeysuckle) 16 72
Soybean Meal 44 88
Complete Pellets 12 78
Barley Grain 13.5 84
Corn Grain 10 89
Poor Hay 8 50
Grass Hay 12 58
Mixed Hay 15 50
Legume Hay 18 62

A sheep or goat's nutritional requirements can be met by feeding a variety of feed

stuffs. Feed ingredients can substitute for one another so long as the animals’
nutritional requirements are being met. Small ruminant feeding programs should
take into account animal requirements, feed availability, and costs of nutrients.

Pasture, forbs, and browse

Pasture, forbs, and browse are usually the
primary and most economical source of
nutrients for sheep and goats, and in some
cases, pasture is all small ruminants need to
meet their nutritional requirements. Pasture
tends to be high in energy and protein when it
is in a vegetative state. However, it can have a
high moisture content, and sometimes it may
be difficult for high-producing animals to eat
enough grass to meet their nutrient

As pasture plants mature, palatability and digestibility decline, thus it is

important to rotate pastures to keep plants in a vegetative state. During the early
part of the grazing season, browse (woody plants, vines and brush) and forbs
(weeds) tend to be higher in protein and energy than ordinary pasture. Sheep are
excellent weed eaters. Goats are natural browsers and have the unique ability to
select plants when they are at their most nutritious state. Sheep and goats that
browse have fewer problems with internal parasites.

Hay is the primary source of nutrients for small ruminants during the winter or
non-grazing season. Hay varies tremendously in quality, and the only way to
know the nutritional content is to have the hay analyzed by a forage testing
laboratory. Hay tends to be a moderate source of protein and energy for sheep
and goats. Legume hays --alfalfa, clover, lespedeza -- tend to be higher in protein,
vitamins and minerals, especially calcium, than grass hays. The energy, as well as
protein content of hay depends upon the maturity of the forage when it was
harvested for forage. Proper curing and storage is also necessary to maintain
nutritional quality of hay.
Silage made from forage or grain crops has been successfully fed to both sheep
and goats; however, special attention must be paid to quality, as moldy silage can
cause listeriosis or "circling disease" in small ruminants. As with fresh forage, the
high-producing animal often cannot consume enough high moisture silage to
meet its nutritional needs. Silage is typically fed on large farms, due to the need
for storage and automated feeding equipment.

It is oftentimes necessary to feed concentrates to provide the nutrients that
forage alone cannot provide. This is particularly true in the case of high-
producing animals. There are also times and situations where concentrates are a
more economical source of nutrients. Creep feeding and supplemental feeding of
lambs and kids has been shown to increase growth weight, but should only be
done to the extent that it increases profit.

There are two types of concentrate feeds: carbonaceous and proteinaceous.

Carbonaceous concentrates or "energy" feeds tend to be low in protein (8-11%).
They include the cereal grains --corn, barley, wheat, oats, milo, and rye. It is not
necessary to process grains for sheep and goats unless the animals are less than
six weeks of age and lack a functioning rumen.

One of the problems with feeding a lot of

cereal grains is that they are high in
phosphorus content, but low in calcium.
Feeding a diet that is high in phosphorus and
low in calcium can cause urinary calculi
(kidney stones) in wethers and intact males.
Inadequate calcium can lead to milk fever
(hypocalcemia) in pregnant or lactating

Proteinaceous concentrates or "protein

supplements" contain high levels of protein (>15%) and may be of animal or plant
origin. They include soybean meal, cottonseed meal, and fish meal. Ruminant-
derived meat and bone meal cannot (by law) be fed to other ruminants, including
as sheep and goats. Protein quantity is generally more important than protein
quality (amino acid content) in ruminant livestock since the microorganisms in
the rumen manufacture their own body protein.

Livestock do not store excess protein; it is burned as energy or eliminated (as

nitrogen) by the kidneys. Since parasites often cause blood loss in small
ruminants, higher levels of protein in the diet may enable the animal to mount a
greater immune response to parasites.
By-products feeds, such as fat, soy hulls, wheat middlings, and broiler litter may
contain high levels of various nutrients and can be incorporated into small
ruminant diets if they are cost effective. Due to its copper content, it is not
recommended that sheep be fed broiler litter for sustained periods of time.

Many feed companies offer "complete" sheep and/or goat feeds -- pelleted or
textured -- which are balanced for the needs of the animals in a particular
production class. Pelleted rations have an advantage in that the animals cannot
sort feed ingredients. While complete sheep feeds have been available for many
years, it has only been in recent years, that meat goat rations have been
introduced to the market place. Complete feeds come in 50 or 100 lb. sacks and
tend to be much more expensive than home-made concentrate rations.

Vitamins and minerals

Many minerals are required by small ruminants. The most important are salt,
calcium, and phosphorus. The ratio of calcium to phosphorus should be kept
around 2:1 to prevent urinary calculi. Vitamins are need in small amounts. Small
ruminants require vitamins A, D and E, whereas vitamin K and all the B vitamins
are manufactured in the rumen.

A free choice salt-vitamin-mineral premix

should be made available to small ruminants
at all times, unless a premix has been
incorporated into the grain ration or TMR
(total mixed ration). In the very least, ewes
and does should be fed pre-choice mineral
during late gestation and lactation. Either a
loose mineral or mineral block may be
offered. Force-feeding minerals and vitamins
is actually better than offering it free choice
since animals will not consume minerals
according to their needs.

Mid-Atlantic soils are typically deficient in selenium, thus the premix should be
fortified with selenium to prevent white muscle disease in lambs and kids and
reproductive problems in females. Supplementing selenium via the feed or
mineral is preferred to giving selenium injections.

Goats appear to have a much higher tolerance for copper in their diets as
compared to sheep, thus it is recommended that feeds and/or premixes contain
copper, unless the goats are co-mingled with sheep. Sheep should be fed mineral
mixes that have been specifically formulated for sheep.

It is possible to get pelleted supplements that contain vitamins and minerals, as

well as high levels of protein (34-40%). These supplements can easily be
combined with whole grains or by-product feeds to create a balanced concentrate
ration. Coccidiostats and antibiotics can also be added to the mineral mix or
supplement. Bovatec® (lasalocid) is FDA- approved to coccidiosis in lambs.
Rumensin® (monensin) is FDA approved for goats. Deccox® is approved as a
coccidiostat for both species.

Small ruminants should have ad libitum
access to clean, fresh water at all times. A
mature animal will consume between ¾ to 1
½ gallons of water per day. Water
requirements and intake increase greatly
during late gestation and during lactation.
Water requirements increase substantially
when environmental temperatures rise above
70?F and decline with very cold
environmental temperatures.

An animal’s nutrient requirements will increase if it has to consume cold water

during cold weather. Rain, dew, and snowfall may dramatically decrease free
water intake. Inadequate water intake can cause various health problems. In
addition water and feed intake are positively correlated.


Nutrition plays a major role in the overall productivity, health, and well-being of the
sheep flock. Because feed costs account for approximately two-thirds of the total cost of
production on most Virginia sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition
management a top priority. Nutrient requirements of sheep vary with differences in age,
body weight, and stage of production. The five major categories of nutrients required by
sheep are: 1) water; 2) energy; 3) protein; 4) vitamins; and 5) minerals. During the
grazing season, sheep are able to meet their nutrient requirements from pasture and a salt
and mineral supplement. Hay is provided to the flock when forages are limited, and grain
may be added to the diet at certain stages of production when additional nutrient
supplementation is required. Small grain pastures or stockpiled fescue can supply up to
one-half of the feed requirements of the ewe flock during the winter. For winter-born
lambs, creep diets and diets for early-weaned lambs are formulated from high energy feed
grains and protein supplements to promote accelerated growth. During the grazing
season, pastures of mixed grass and clover, alfalfa, small grain, and turnip serve as
excellent sources of nutrition for growing lambs. A source of clean, fresh water is
provided to sheep at all times.

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Feeding the Ewe Flock

Ewe body weight does not remain constant throughout the year, but changes with stage of
production. Nutrient requirements are lowest for ewes during maintenance, increase
gradually from early to late gestation, and are highest during lactation. Decisions
affecting feeding management are improved significantly by knowing ewe body weight
and condition score at three distinct stages of production: 1) three weeks before breeding;
2) mid-gestation; and 3) weaning. Condition score is a subjective measure of body fat
that is most easily determined by handling ewes down their back. It is the best method
available to monitor nutritional status and overall well-being of the sheep flock.
Condition scores range from 0 to 5, with 0 being extremely thin and 5 being very fat.
Condition scores at either end of the scale are undesirable. Ideally, ewes should range
from a condition score of 2.5 at weaning to a 3.5 at lambing. When necessary, thin ewes
are separated and fed additional energy to increase body condition. Conversely, obese
ewes are separated and fed a lower energy diet at a stage of production when body weight
loss is acceptable. It should be noted that problems with overfat ewes are far fewer than
those associated with ewes that are too thin.

Starting two weeks before breeding and continuing two weeks into the breeding period,
ewes should be placed on high-quality pasture or supplemented daily with .75 to 1 pound
whole shelled corn or barley. This management practice is called flushing and has been
shown to improve lambing percentage by 10 to 20 percent. Flushing works best with
mature ewes that are in moderate body condition, and has been shown to be more
effective for early- and out-of-season breeding than at the seasonal peak of ovulation
during the fall. Most prenatal deaths occur within the first 25 days after breeding and are
usually associated with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is important not to make dramatic
reductions in nutrient supplies during the breeding season. Pastures with more than 50
percent clover or other legumes should be avoided during breeding because legumes may
contain estrogenic compounds that reduce conception rates. From breeding to six weeks
before lambing, the ewe flock can be maintained on permanent pastures, small grain
pastures, stockpiled fescue, aftermath crop fields, or hay. Fetal growth is minimal, and
the total feed requirement of the ewe is not significantly different from a maintenance

The developing fetus acquires approximately two-thirds of its weight during the last six
weeks of pregnancy. Rumen capacity may be limited with ewes carrying multiple fetuses.
Therefore, it is important to supplement ewes with .75 to 1 pound of corn or barley in
addition to their normal diet starting six weeks before lambing, to prevent pregnancy
toxemia, low birth weights, weak lambs at birth, and low milk production. Producers
should be careful not to overfeed grain during late gestation, which could result in
lambing difficulty caused by large lambs.

After lambing, the energy and protein requirements of the ewe increase by 30 and 55
percent, respectively. Failure to supplement ewes accordingly results in excessive body
weight loss, low milk production, mismothering, and poor lamb gains. Protein
supplementation is especially critical for ewe flocks with a high percentage of multiple
births. Unless high quality legume hays are fed, protein supplementation will be
necessary as a part of the grain portion of the diet. A general rule of thumb for
concentrate feeding of lactating ewes is 1 pound of grain for each lamb nursing the ewe.
Ewes should be sorted into feeding groups based on type of rearing (single, twin, etc.) to
make sure grain supplements are neither over- or underfed. Table 1 gives the TDN and
crude protein requirements of ewes based on body weight and stage of production. By
knowing the nutrient requirements of the ewe and the nutrient content of the feed, diets
can be properly formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the ewe. Shown in Table 2 are
the estimated quantities of hay, corn and soybean meal that would be fed to a 175 pound
ewe at different stages of production and with different crude protein values for the hay.
To successfully use this table, hay samples should be submitted to a testing lab to
determine its crude protein content.

Table 1. Changes in the Daily Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Protein
Requirements of a Ewe from Maintenance Through Early Lactation.
Ewe weight
a a
130 lb 155 lb 175 lba 200 lba
Stage of TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein
production lb
Maintenance 1.30 0.23 1.50 0.25 1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29
1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29 1.80 0.31 1.90 0.33
2.60 0.45 2.80 0.47 2.90 0.49 3.00 0.51
lactation, 3.30 0.70 3.60 0.73 3.70 0.76 3.80 0.78
lactation, 3.70 0.89 4.00 0.92 4.30 0.96 4.60 0.99
lactation, 3.90 0.99 4.20 1.02 4.60 1.06 5.00 1.10
Based on ewe weight at breeding time.
National Research Council recommendations for ewes expected to have a 180-to 225-percent lamb crop. If
130-to 150-percent lamb crop is expected, then you can reduce total digestible nutrients by 0.4 pound and
protein by 0.05 pound.
Estimates made by adding on one-half of the difference between ewes nursing singles and twins to the
amount indicated for ewes nursing twins.
Table 2. The Amount of Hay, Shelled Corn (SC), and Soybean Meal (SBM) Required
to Meet the Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Crude Protein (CP) Requirements
of a 175-lb Ewe When the Hay Contains Different Protein Levels.
Stage of Percent protein in hay*
production 16.5 15.0 12.5 10.0
Maintenance Hay 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
Hay 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
Late Hay 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20
pregnancy SC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
SBM — — — 0.10
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(single) SC 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.15
SBM — — 0.10 0.40
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(twins) SC 2.25 2.10 1.90 1.15
SBM — 0.10 0.40 0.75
Early lactation Hay 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
(triplets) SC 3.15 2.95 2.70 2.45
SBM 0.45 0.65 0.90 1.15
Note: Adjusted from dry matter values: Corn - 80 percent TDN and 8.8 percent CP, SBM -80 percent TDN
and 44 percent CP, Hay - 50 percent TDN. TDN of hay increases as hay quality increases, but is left
constant here for ease of discussion and diet calculations.
*Percentages are figured on an as-fed basis, as are the pounds of feed.

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Feeding Lambs

Feeding programs in Virginia for growing and finishing lambs are different for winter-
and spring-lambing production systems. Lambs born from November through early
February will likely be grown and finished on high concentrate feeds. Lambs born after
the middle of February are placed on pasture with their dams where they remain
throughout the spring and summer. If necessary, spring-born lambs are weaned and
finished to market weight in the fall, using a grain on grass feeding program or placed in
a feedlot for an abbreviated period of high concentrate feeding.

Lambs on a winter-lambing program should have access to a high quality creep feed by
the time they are seven days old. Creep feeds should contain 18 to 20 percent crude
protein and be low in fiber (high in energy). The source of protein in commercially
prepared lamb creep pellets should be all natural protein. Because the rumen of young
lambs is not fully developed, urea should not be used as a partial source of protein in the
diet. A 2:1 calcium to phosphorous ratio is maintained in on-farm feed mixes by adding
feed grade limestone at 1 percent of the diet. Calcium to phosphorous ratios of less than
2:1 may lead to urinary calculi (water belly), which most often results in the death of the
lamb. If the addition of limestone to the diet fails to control urinary calculi, ammonium
chloride should be added at .5 percent of the diet. When constructing a creep area, keep
the following points in mind: 1) place the creep in a convenient location close to an area
where the ewe flock congregates; 2) have openings on at least two sides of the creep and
several openings per side; 3) keep the creep area clean and well bedded; 4) place a light
over the creep to help attract the lambs to the feed or arrange the creep in such a way that
the sun shines into the area during the day; 5) provide fresh water in the creep area; and
6) construct the creep feeder so that lambs cannot stand and play in it. Allow 2 inches of
trough space per lamb.

Winter-born lambs should be weaned and adjusted to a growing diet by the time they are
two months of age. A growing diet for lambs weighing 40 to 70 pounds should contain
approximately 78 percent TDN and 16 percent crude protein. At body weights of 70
pounds and up, the level of crude protein in the diet can be lowered to 14 percent. Feed
efficiency values range from 2 pounds of feed per pound of gain for light weight young,
growing lambs on up to 3.5 to 4 pounds of feed per pound of gain as winter-born lambs
approach their optimum market weight. Feed efficiency values for old-crop (spring born)
feeder lambs weighing 75 pounds and up in the fall average 5 to 5.5 pounds of feed per
pound of gain when a whole-grain feeding program is used. Whole-grain feeding
improves feed efficiency, increases rate of gain, and lowers the feed cost per pound of
lamb gain. Whole-grain diets consist of whole (unprocessed) grains, such as shelled corn
or barley, mixed with a pelleted protein-mineral supplement. No roughage is contained in
the feed or supplemented on the side. Consequently, the diet is high in energy and
promotes accelerated lamb gains.

Ground ear corn, silage, and urea should not be fed until lambs are weighing 65 pounds
and up. Creep diets should be ground or pelleted. Weaned lamb growing and finishing
diets may be ground, pelleted, or consist of a mixture of whole grain and a pelleted

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Ram Feeding

Rams should have a body condition score of 3.5 to 4 before the beginning of the breeding
season. Once turned in with the ewes for breeding, rams spend very little time eating.
They can lose up to 12 percent of their body weight during a 45-day breeding period.
That equates to 30 pounds for a 250 pound ram. Poor nutrition is a major cause of ram
mortality. As the sheep industry has moved away from smaller framed, earlier maturing
types of sheep to larger framed, later maturing types of sheep, they have increased the
rams' mature body weight. In many cases, forage alone is not adequate nutrition for
placing rams in proper body condition for the breeding season. At the very least, rams
should be evaluated for body condition six weeks before breeding. Thin rams should
receive grain supplementation as a means to increase body weight and condition. It takes
50 days and approximately 2.5 pounds of corn per day in addition to a ram's normal diet
to move him from a weight of 225 pounds to 250 pounds. Mature rams, not in breeding,
can be maintained on pasture or wintered on good quality hay. Six to eight pounds of
mixed grass and clover hay is sufficient to meet the daily energy requirements of a 250
pound ram. A free choice source of water, salt, and minerals should be available at all

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Feeds for Sheep


Permanent pasture should be the predominant source of nutrition for the sheep flock.
Intensive sheep production systems where the sheep are housed and fed harvested feeds
are not as profitable as more extensive production systems where they harvest their own
feed. When a sufficient quantity of forage is available, sheep are able to meet their
nutrient requirements from forage alone along with a supplemental source of salt and
minerals. Clover should be overseeded on permanent pastures in the winter to improve
the quantity and quality of forage produced during the grazing season. Sheep prefer to
graze leafy, vegetative growth that is 2 to 6 inches tall rather than stemmy, more mature
forages. Pasture growth is not distributed evenly throughout the year. Approximately 60
percent of the annual dry matter production of most species of cool season grasses occurs
in the spring. When pastures are not stocked heavily enough to utilize the spring flush of
growth, sheep graze and regraze certain areas while other areas are left to mature and go
to seed. This type of grazing behavior weakens those plants that are grazed more
frequently and gives the less desirable plants a competitive advantage. Approximately
one-third of spring pasture should be fenced for hay production. After a hay cutting,
pasture should be given a three- to four-week recovery period before making it available
for grazing the remainder of the year. Rotational grazing programs designed for the
movement of sheep every 10 to 14 days are instituted in late June and early July to
improve both pasture and lamb production. More intensive rotational grazing systems
where higher stocking rates are used help to promote more complete forage utilization,
but also require greater input costs in the form of fence and water and may result in
higher levels of internal parasitism, increased risk of coccidiosis, and impaired lamb

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Average or poor quality hay should be fed during gestation, leaving the higher quality
hay to be fed during lactation. Because protein requirements of the ewe increase
dramatically after lambing, less protein supplementation from concentrate feeds is
required when higher quality hay is used. Second-cutting, mixed grass-clover hay may be
more economical to feed to the ewe flock than alfalfa hay. This is especially true if alfalfa
hay must be purchased from off the farm. Alfalfa hay is an excellent feed for sheep and is
best used during lactation when ewes require more protein to promote higher levels of
milk production. Many producers have fed alfalfa hay to gestating ewes with good
results. However, some producers feeding alfalfa hay to gestating ewes have experienced
problems with vaginal prolapses, late term abortions, and milk fever. If alfalfa hay is
being fed during late gestation, it should be limit fed and be free of must and mold.
Because of its high quality and palatability, ewes consume more alfalfa hay than is
needed. The bulkiness of the hay in the rumen may place pressure on the reproductive
tract, resulting in a vaginal prolapse before lambing. Ewes receiving alfalfa hay during
gestation are more prone to milk fever than ewes fed grass hay. Because alfalfa is high in
calcium, ewes are able to meet their calcium requirements without mobilizing body stores
of calcium. However, after lambing, ewes not accustomed to mobilizing bone calcium
may experience milk fever because of their inability to meet the additional calcium
requirements associated with lactation. Regardless of the type of hay fed, producers
should submit hay samples to a forage testing lab to determine its nutrient content. By
knowing the nutrient content of the hay, diets can be more accurately and economically
formulated for the sheep flock.

In general, there is less waste and more flexibility when feeding hay harvested as square
bales. However, round bales can provide quality feed for sheep when stored and fed
properly. To minimize dry matter and nutrient losses, which can approach 40 to 50
percent, round bales should be covered with plastic for outside storage or placed under
shelter. Bales should be stored on pallets or tires to prevent ground contact. Feeding
round bales without a feeder may result in as much as 30 percent of the hay being wasted,
and poses a hazard to the sheep should the bales roll over. A variety of round bale feeders
are commercially available. Feeders designed in the shape of a cradle hold the bales up
off the ground, are maintenance free, and appear to work best for minimizing waste.

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High quality, finely chopped (1/4 to 1/2 inch) corn, grass, or small grain silage is
acceptable feed for sheep. Care must be taken to properly harvest, store, and feed silage.
Poorly packed silage may contain harmful molds, which causes listeriosis (circling
disease) in sheep. Moldy or frozen silage should be discarded and troughs should be
cleaned daily.

Corn silage is low in protein and calcium. Studies have shown that the addition of 20
pounds of urea, 10 pounds of ground limestone, 4 pounds of dicalcium phosphate, and 5
pounds of calcium sulfate per ton of silage at the time of ensiling makes a complete feed
for the ewe flock by increasing its crude protein and calcium content. Alternatively, extra
protein, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins can be supplied through a grain mix
topdressed on the silage at the time of feeding.

Because of its high moisture content, 3 pounds of silage is required to supply the TDN
furnished by 1.5 pounds of hay. The bulkiness of silage prevents adequate dry matter
intake and its use as the sole source of feed for ewes in late gestation. A typical diet fed to
ewes during the last four weeks of pregnancy on an as fed basis would contain: 6 pounds
of corn silage (35 percent dry matter), 2 pounds of hay, 0.5 pound of corn, and 0.25
pound of soybean meal.

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When additional energy and protein are required, corn and soybean meal commonly form
the basis of the grain portion of the diet. However, when justified by supply or price,
other grains may replace all or part of the corn and soybean meal in a diet. The energy
value of other common grains compared to corn and the maximum amounts to use in ewe
and lamb diets are given in Table 3. Because of its high fiber content, the replacement
value of oats ranges from 50 to 100 percent. The higher replacement rate is used for
breeding sheep, while the lower rate is used in creep feeds and finishing diets for lambs.
Alternative sources of protein to soybean meal include cottonseed and peanut meal.

Table 3. Value of Grain Substitutes for Corn.

Maximum Replacement for
Ingredient Energy Value of Corn %
Corn (%)
Corn 100 100
Barley 90 100
Oats 80 50-100
Wheat 100 50
Sorghum 90 100

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Differences in Value

To determine if other feeds are a better value than corn or soybean meal, comparisons can
be made based on the cost per unit of nutrient. If corn is selling for $0.06 per pound and
barley is selling for $0.05 per pound, which is the better buy for TDN? Divide $0.06 per
pound by 92 percent TDN for corn to get $0.065 per pound of TDN. Divide $0.05 per
pound by 85 percent TDN for barley to get $0.059 per pound of TDN. In this example,
even though barley has a lower TDN value than corn, it is still a better buy than corn. If
alfalfa hay is selling for $120 a ton and soybean meal is selling for $250 a ton, which is
the better buy for crude protein? Divide $0.06 per pound by 15 percent crude protein for
alfalfa hay to get $0.40 per pound of crude protein. Divide $0.125 per pound by 44
percent crude protein for soybean meal to get $0.284 per pound of crude protein. In this
example, even though alfalfa hay is selling for less than half the price of soybean meal,
soybean meal is still a better buy than alfalfa hay.

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Alternative Feeds

Table 4 provides a list of some of the by-products of grain milling and processing and
certain nontraditional feeds that are commonly available in Virginia. They are considered
to have more value and less risk when fed to the ewe flock than to lambs. Caution should
be used when substituting alternative feeds for corn and soybean meal when they appear
to be a better value. Although these feeds may be comparable in terms of nutrient
analysis, the animals may not perform similarly. Therefore, it is important to know if
there are problems with certain alternative feeds, and to monitor the performance of the
sheep flock once changes have been made.

Table 4. Potential Alternative Feeds for Sheep in Virginia.

Average Nutrient
Ingredienta Limitations Remarks
Corn Gluten Feed 80% TDN 24% Crude No Limitations Best used as a source
Protein of protein to go with
corn or barley
Dry Distillers Grains 87% TDN 27% Crude No Limitations Can be substituted for
Protein up to one half of the
soybean meal in the
diet without losing the
benefits of all soybean
Hominy Feed 92% TDN 11% Crude Limit to 1 lb per day Feed within one month
Protein of purchase
Soybean Hulls 77% TDN 14% Crude No Limitations Works well as a
Protein supplement to hay
Wheat Midds 18% 82% TDN Limit to 1 lb per day Pelleted form is easier
Crude Protein to handle and feed
Whole Cottonseed 94% TDN Limit to l lb per day Contains Gossypol and
23% Crude Protein should not be fed to
young lambs
With the exception of soy hulls, all of these feeds are low in calcium and high in phosphorous. Therefore,
calcium supplementation is necessary when these feeds are used.

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Urea is not a protein supplement, but a source of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) for protein
synthesis by rumen bacteria. It should be used only in conjunction with high-energy feeds
such as corn. Urea, which is 45 percent nitrogen and has a crude protein equivalent of
281 percent, should not supply over one-third of the total nitrogen in a diet. To determine
the pounds of nitrogen in a diet, multiply the total pounds of crude protein in the diet by
16 percent. Other general rules for the use of urea are: 1) should not be more than 1
percent of the diet or 3 percent of the concentrate mix; and 2) should not be more than 5
percent of a supplement to be used with low grade roughages.

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Salt and mineral supplementation is required on a free choice, year-round basis. Failure
to supplement salt and minerals results in low fertility, weak lambs at birth, lowered milk
production, impaired immunity, and numerous metabolic disorders. A variety of salt and
mineral supplements specifically formulated for sheep are commercially available. These
supplements range from trace mineralized salt (TMS) fortified with selenium to complete
mineral mixes containing all of the macro and micro minerals required by sheep. In
general, TMS fortified with selenium is all that is needed during the spring and summer
when sheep are grazing high quality pastures containing more than 20 percent clover.
Complete mineral mixes are recommended when grazing low quality roughages, starting
four weeks before breeding, during breeding, and during late gestation and early
lactation. Virginia is a selenium deficient state. Studies have clearly shown that selenium
supplementation for pregnant ewes via a mineral mix is superior to selenium injections in
late gestation. Mineral supplements formulated for cattle and horses should not be used
for sheep because they are high in copper, which is toxic to sheep. Mineral concentration
is oftentimes expressed in parts per million (ppm). Equivalent expressions for 1 ppm are
1 milligram per kilogram or .0001 percent. When high grain diets, certain alternative
feeds, or silage are fed to sheep, additional calcium is required in the diet. This can be
supplied by adding feed grade limestone to the feed. A general rule is to add limestone at
1 percent of the diet.

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Pasture or high-quality hay provides the vitamins required by most classes of sheep.
However, after a drought, or when low-quality hay or silage is fed, a supplement
supplying vitamins A, D, and E may be needed. Estimated daily vitamin requirements for
ewes during late pregnancy and lactation are: 6,500 international units (IU) Vitamin A,
400 IU Vitamin D, and 40 IU Vitamin E. To assure an adequate supply of vitamins, a
vitamin supplement containing 3,000,000 IU Vitamin A, 200,000 IU Vitamin D, and
25,000 IU Vitamin E may be added to each ton of feed for ewes and lambs.

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Feed Additives

Antibiotics or ionophores are often added to the diet to improve animal performance.
Antibiotics are fed to reduce the incidence of subclinical bacterial infections of the
digestive and respiratory tracts. Ionophores are used to control coccidiosis in lambs fed
under confinement. The use of antibiotics and ionophores has been shown to improve
lamb average daily gain and feed efficiency. To date, the combined use of antibiotics and
ionophores in the same feed is not approved. Chlortetracycline (Aureomycin), an
antibiotic, is added at the rate of 20 to 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs to improve
lamb performance. Supplementing pregnant ewes with 65 mg of Chlortetracycline daily
starting six weeks before lambing and continuing six weeks into lactation has been shown
to cause a significant reduction in baby lamb mortality. Lasalocid (Bovatec), an
ionophore, is added at the rate of 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs fed in confinement.
The use of lasalocid has been shown to improve lamb gain and feed efficiency by
approximately 10 percent.

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Sheep must have a free-choice supply of clean, fresh water. If adequate fresh water is
available and convenient, a lactating ewe will consume approximately 2 to 3 gallons a
day. Frozen water supplies, muddy conditions where sheep have to drink, and long
distances to water reduce water intake and have a negative impact on production. Heated
water bowls should be used during the winter to encourage adequate consumption of
water by lactating ewes and lambs. Water bowls should be checked and cleaned on a
daily basis.
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Pearson Square

Protein is often the major limiting nutrient in a sheep diet. The Pearson Square is used to
formulate simple diets on the basis of protein.

Problem: Using Table 1, assume a 155 lb ewe needs .92 lb crude protein per day to meet
her nutrient requirements in early lactation. Four pounds of mixed grass-clover hay (13%
crude protein) will be fed per day along with 2 lb of a mixture of barley and soybean
meal. What proportion of barley and soybean meal should be used in the mix?

1. Determine the percentage of crude protein (CP) contributed by the hay.

a. 4 lb x .88% Dry Matter = 3.52 lb Dry Matter
b. 3.52 lb Dry Matter x 13% CP = .46 lb CP

2. Determine the amount of additional CP needed from the barley and soybean meal
a. .92 lb CP Required - .46 lb CP from the Hay = .46 lb additional CP
3. Determine the percentage of crude protein needed in the barley and soybean meal
a. 2 lb x .90% Dry Matter = 1.8 lb Dry Matter
b. .46 lb additional CP needed ÷ 1.8 lb Dry Matter = 25.5% CP in the grain
4. Use a Pearson Square to determine the proportion of barley and soybean meal in
the mix.
a. Subtract diagonally across the square, the smaller number from the larger
number without regard to the sign and record the difference at the right
b. The parts of each feed can be expressed as a percentage of the total.
 18.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 56% Barley
 14.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 44% Soybean Meal
c. Check the math to make sure that .46 lb CP is coming from the barley and
soybean meal mix.
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 56% Barley x 11% CP = .11
lb CP
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 44% Soybean Meal x 44% CP
= .35 lb CP
 .11 lb CP from Barley + .35 lb CP from Soybean Meal = .46 lb CP
from the 2 lb Grain Mix

Table 5. Sample Diets for Creep Feeding, Growing Lambs, and Finishing Lambs.
Feed Ingredient 18% Crude Protein* (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 54 59 54 68
Whole Oats 20 10 - -
Whole Barley - - 20 -
Soybean Meal 25 25 25 26
Feed Grade
1 1 1 1
Molasses - 5 - 5
Vitamin Premix + + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + + +
*To be fed with free choice source of high quality alfalfa hay.
Feed Ingredient 16% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 59 59
Alfalfa Pellets
25 -
(17% CP)
Ground Legume
- 23
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 15 17
Feed Grade
1 1
Vitamin Premix + +
Antibiotic or
+ +
Feed Ingredient 13% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Shelled Corn - - 85
Cracked Corn 64 - -
Corn and Cob
- 59 -
Ground Legume
28 26 -
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 7 9 -
Supplement (36% - - 15
Feed Grade
1 1 -
Vitamin Premix + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + +
*Vitamins and minerals are included in the pelleted protein supplement.

Table 6. Feeder Space Requirements - Inches Per Head.

Hay Rack Grain Trough Creep Feeder
Ewes - Limit Fed 18-24 16-20 -
Ewes - Self Fed 6-8 4-6 -
Baby Lambs - - 2
Feeder Lambs - Limit
- 9-12 -
Feeder Lambs - Self
- 1-2 -

Additional Recommended Reading

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-024, Finishing Lambs With Whole

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-366, Sheep Grazing Management.


Tables 1 and 2 were adapted from Management Guidelines for Efficient Sheep
Production. North Central Regional Extension Publication 240.

Commercial products are named in this publication for

informational purposes only. Virginia Cooperative
Extension does not endorse these products and does not
intend discrimination against other products Introduction

Nutrition plays a major role in the overall productivity, health, and well-being of the
sheep flock. Because feed costs account for approximately two-thirds of the total cost of
production on most Virginia sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition
management a top priority. Nutrient requirements of sheep vary with differences in age,
body weight, and stage of production. The five major categories of nutrients required by
sheep are: 1) water; 2) energy; 3) protein; 4) vitamins; and 5) minerals. During the
grazing season, sheep are able to meet their nutrient requirements from pasture and a salt
and mineral supplement. Hay is provided to the flock when forages are limited, and grain
may be added to the diet at certain stages of production when additional nutrient
supplementation is required. Small grain pastures or stockpiled fescue can supply up to
one-half of the feed requirements of the ewe flock during the winter. For winter-born
lambs, creep diets and diets for early-weaned lambs are formulated from high energy feed
grains and protein supplements to promote accelerated growth. During the grazing
season, pastures of mixed grass and clover, alfalfa, small grain, and turnip serve as
excellent sources of nutrition for growing lambs. A source of clean, fresh water is
provided to sheep at all times.

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Feeding the Ewe Flock

Ewe body weight does not remain constant throughout the year, but changes with stage of
production. Nutrient requirements are lowest for ewes during maintenance, increase
gradually from early to late gestation, and are highest during lactation. Decisions
affecting feeding management are improved significantly by knowing ewe body weight
and condition score at three distinct stages of production: 1) three weeks before breeding;
2) mid-gestation; and 3) weaning. Condition score is a subjective measure of body fat
that is most easily determined by handling ewes down their back. It is the best method
available to monitor nutritional status and overall well-being of the sheep flock.
Condition scores range from 0 to 5, with 0 being extremely thin and 5 being very fat.
Condition scores at either end of the scale are undesirable. Ideally, ewes should range
from a condition score of 2.5 at weaning to a 3.5 at lambing. When necessary, thin ewes
are separated and fed additional energy to increase body condition. Conversely, obese
ewes are separated and fed a lower energy diet at a stage of production when body weight
loss is acceptable. It should be noted that problems with overfat ewes are far fewer than
those associated with ewes that are too thin.
Starting two weeks before breeding and continuing two weeks into the breeding period,
ewes should be placed on high-quality pasture or supplemented daily with .75 to 1 pound
whole shelled corn or barley. This management practice is called flushing and has been
shown to improve lambing percentage by 10 to 20 percent. Flushing works best with
mature ewes that are in moderate body condition, and has been shown to be more
effective for early- and out-of-season breeding than at the seasonal peak of ovulation
during the fall. Most prenatal deaths occur within the first 25 days after breeding and are
usually associated with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is important not to make dramatic
reductions in nutrient supplies during the breeding season. Pastures with more than 50
percent clover or other legumes should be avoided during breeding because legumes may
contain estrogenic compounds that reduce conception rates. From breeding to six weeks
before lambing, the ewe flock can be maintained on permanent pastures, small grain
pastures, stockpiled fescue, aftermath crop fields, or hay. Fetal growth is minimal, and
the total feed requirement of the ewe is not significantly different from a maintenance

The developing fetus acquires approximately two-thirds of its weight during the last six
weeks of pregnancy. Rumen capacity may be limited with ewes carrying multiple fetuses.
Therefore, it is important to supplement ewes with .75 to 1 pound of corn or barley in
addition to their normal diet starting six weeks before lambing, to prevent pregnancy
toxemia, low birth weights, weak lambs at birth, and low milk production. Producers
should be careful not to overfeed grain during late gestation, which could result in
lambing difficulty caused by large lambs.

After lambing, the energy and protein requirements of the ewe increase by 30 and 55
percent, respectively. Failure to supplement ewes accordingly results in excessive body
weight loss, low milk production, mismothering, and poor lamb gains. Protein
supplementation is especially critical for ewe flocks with a high percentage of multiple
births. Unless high quality legume hays are fed, protein supplementation will be
necessary as a part of the grain portion of the diet. A general rule of thumb for
concentrate feeding of lactating ewes is 1 pound of grain for each lamb nursing the ewe.
Ewes should be sorted into feeding groups based on type of rearing (single, twin, etc.) to
make sure grain supplements are neither over- or underfed. Table 1 gives the TDN and
crude protein requirements of ewes based on body weight and stage of production. By
knowing the nutrient requirements of the ewe and the nutrient content of the feed, diets
can be properly formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the ewe. Shown in Table 2 are
the estimated quantities of hay, corn and soybean meal that would be fed to a 175 pound
ewe at different stages of production and with different crude protein values for the hay.
To successfully use this table, hay samples should be submitted to a testing lab to
determine its crude protein content.

Table 1. Changes in the Daily Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Protein
Requirements of a Ewe from Maintenance Through Early Lactation.
Stage of Ewe weight
production 130 lb a
155 lb a
175 lba 200 lba
TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein
Maintenance 1.30 0.23 1.50 0.25 1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29
1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29 1.80 0.31 1.90 0.33
2.60 0.45 2.80 0.47 2.90 0.49 3.00 0.51
lactation, 3.30 0.70 3.60 0.73 3.70 0.76 3.80 0.78
lactation, 3.70 0.89 4.00 0.92 4.30 0.96 4.60 0.99
lactation, 3.90 0.99 4.20 1.02 4.60 1.06 5.00 1.10
Based on ewe weight at breeding time.
National Research Council recommendations for ewes expected to have a 180-to 225-percent lamb crop. If
130-to 150-percent lamb crop is expected, then you can reduce total digestible nutrients by 0.4 pound and
protein by 0.05 pound.
Estimates made by adding on one-half of the difference between ewes nursing singles and twins to the
amount indicated for ewes nursing twins.
Table 2. The Amount of Hay, Shelled Corn (SC), and Soybean Meal (SBM) Required
to Meet the Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Crude Protein (CP) Requirements
of a 175-lb Ewe When the Hay Contains Different Protein Levels.
Percent protein in hay*
Stage of 16.5 15.0 12.5 10.0
production lb
Maintenance Hay 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
Hay 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
Late Hay 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20
pregnancy SC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
SBM — — — 0.10
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(single) SC 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.15
SBM — — 0.10 0.40
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(twins) SC 2.25 2.10 1.90 1.15
SBM — 0.10 0.40 0.75
Early lactation Hay 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
(triplets) SC 3.15 2.95 2.70 2.45
SBM 0.45 0.65 0.90 1.15
Note: Adjusted from dry matter values: Corn - 80 percent TDN and 8.8 percent CP, SBM -80 percent TDN
and 44 percent CP, Hay - 50 percent TDN. TDN of hay increases as hay quality increases, but is left
constant here for ease of discussion and diet calculations.
*Percentages are figured on an as-fed basis, as are the pounds of feed.

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Feeding Lambs

Feeding programs in Virginia for growing and finishing lambs are different for winter-
and spring-lambing production systems. Lambs born from November through early
February will likely be grown and finished on high concentrate feeds. Lambs born after
the middle of February are placed on pasture with their dams where they remain
throughout the spring and summer. If necessary, spring-born lambs are weaned and
finished to market weight in the fall, using a grain on grass feeding program or placed in
a feedlot for an abbreviated period of high concentrate feeding.

Lambs on a winter-lambing program should have access to a high quality creep feed by
the time they are seven days old. Creep feeds should contain 18 to 20 percent crude
protein and be low in fiber (high in energy). The source of protein in commercially
prepared lamb creep pellets should be all natural protein. Because the rumen of young
lambs is not fully developed, urea should not be used as a partial source of protein in the
diet. A 2:1 calcium to phosphorous ratio is maintained in on-farm feed mixes by adding
feed grade limestone at 1 percent of the diet. Calcium to phosphorous ratios of less than
2:1 may lead to urinary calculi (water belly), which most often results in the death of the
lamb. If the addition of limestone to the diet fails to control urinary calculi, ammonium
chloride should be added at .5 percent of the diet. When constructing a creep area, keep
the following points in mind: 1) place the creep in a convenient location close to an area
where the ewe flock congregates; 2) have openings on at least two sides of the creep and
several openings per side; 3) keep the creep area clean and well bedded; 4) place a light
over the creep to help attract the lambs to the feed or arrange the creep in such a way that
the sun shines into the area during the day; 5) provide fresh water in the creep area; and
6) construct the creep feeder so that lambs cannot stand and play in it. Allow 2 inches of
trough space per lamb.

Winter-born lambs should be weaned and adjusted to a growing diet by the time they are
two months of age. A growing diet for lambs weighing 40 to 70 pounds should contain
approximately 78 percent TDN and 16 percent crude protein. At body weights of 70
pounds and up, the level of crude protein in the diet can be lowered to 14 percent. Feed
efficiency values range from 2 pounds of feed per pound of gain for light weight young,
growing lambs on up to 3.5 to 4 pounds of feed per pound of gain as winter-born lambs
approach their optimum market weight. Feed efficiency values for old-crop (spring born)
feeder lambs weighing 75 pounds and up in the fall average 5 to 5.5 pounds of feed per
pound of gain when a whole-grain feeding program is used. Whole-grain feeding
improves feed efficiency, increases rate of gain, and lowers the feed cost per pound of
lamb gain. Whole-grain diets consist of whole (unprocessed) grains, such as shelled corn
or barley, mixed with a pelleted protein-mineral supplement. No roughage is contained in
the feed or supplemented on the side. Consequently, the diet is high in energy and
promotes accelerated lamb gains.

Ground ear corn, silage, and urea should not be fed until lambs are weighing 65 pounds
and up. Creep diets should be ground or pelleted. Weaned lamb growing and finishing
diets may be ground, pelleted, or consist of a mixture of whole grain and a pelleted

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Ram Feeding

Rams should have a body condition score of 3.5 to 4 before the beginning of the breeding
season. Once turned in with the ewes for breeding, rams spend very little time eating.
They can lose up to 12 percent of their body weight during a 45-day breeding period.
That equates to 30 pounds for a 250 pound ram. Poor nutrition is a major cause of ram
mortality. As the sheep industry has moved away from smaller framed, earlier maturing
types of sheep to larger framed, later maturing types of sheep, they have increased the
rams' mature body weight. In many cases, forage alone is not adequate nutrition for
placing rams in proper body condition for the breeding season. At the very least, rams
should be evaluated for body condition six weeks before breeding. Thin rams should
receive grain supplementation as a means to increase body weight and condition. It takes
50 days and approximately 2.5 pounds of corn per day in addition to a ram's normal diet
to move him from a weight of 225 pounds to 250 pounds. Mature rams, not in breeding,
can be maintained on pasture or wintered on good quality hay. Six to eight pounds of
mixed grass and clover hay is sufficient to meet the daily energy requirements of a 250
pound ram. A free choice source of water, salt, and minerals should be available at all

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Feeds for Sheep


Permanent pasture should be the predominant source of nutrition for the sheep flock.
Intensive sheep production systems where the sheep are housed and fed harvested feeds
are not as profitable as more extensive production systems where they harvest their own
feed. When a sufficient quantity of forage is available, sheep are able to meet their
nutrient requirements from forage alone along with a supplemental source of salt and
minerals. Clover should be overseeded on permanent pastures in the winter to improve
the quantity and quality of forage produced during the grazing season. Sheep prefer to
graze leafy, vegetative growth that is 2 to 6 inches tall rather than stemmy, more mature
forages. Pasture growth is not distributed evenly throughout the year. Approximately 60
percent of the annual dry matter production of most species of cool season grasses occurs
in the spring. When pastures are not stocked heavily enough to utilize the spring flush of
growth, sheep graze and regraze certain areas while other areas are left to mature and go
to seed. This type of grazing behavior weakens those plants that are grazed more
frequently and gives the less desirable plants a competitive advantage. Approximately
one-third of spring pasture should be fenced for hay production. After a hay cutting,
pasture should be given a three- to four-week recovery period before making it available
for grazing the remainder of the year. Rotational grazing programs designed for the
movement of sheep every 10 to 14 days are instituted in late June and early July to
improve both pasture and lamb production. More intensive rotational grazing systems
where higher stocking rates are used help to promote more complete forage utilization,
but also require greater input costs in the form of fence and water and may result in
higher levels of internal parasitism, increased risk of coccidiosis, and impaired lamb

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Average or poor quality hay should be fed during gestation, leaving the higher quality
hay to be fed during lactation. Because protein requirements of the ewe increase
dramatically after lambing, less protein supplementation from concentrate feeds is
required when higher quality hay is used. Second-cutting, mixed grass-clover hay may be
more economical to feed to the ewe flock than alfalfa hay. This is especially true if alfalfa
hay must be purchased from off the farm. Alfalfa hay is an excellent feed for sheep and is
best used during lactation when ewes require more protein to promote higher levels of
milk production. Many producers have fed alfalfa hay to gestating ewes with good
results. However, some producers feeding alfalfa hay to gestating ewes have experienced
problems with vaginal prolapses, late term abortions, and milk fever. If alfalfa hay is
being fed during late gestation, it should be limit fed and be free of must and mold.
Because of its high quality and palatability, ewes consume more alfalfa hay than is
needed. The bulkiness of the hay in the rumen may place pressure on the reproductive
tract, resulting in a vaginal prolapse before lambing. Ewes receiving alfalfa hay during
gestation are more prone to milk fever than ewes fed grass hay. Because alfalfa is high in
calcium, ewes are able to meet their calcium requirements without mobilizing body stores
of calcium. However, after lambing, ewes not accustomed to mobilizing bone calcium
may experience milk fever because of their inability to meet the additional calcium
requirements associated with lactation. Regardless of the type of hay fed, producers
should submit hay samples to a forage testing lab to determine its nutrient content. By
knowing the nutrient content of the hay, diets can be more accurately and economically
formulated for the sheep flock.

In general, there is less waste and more flexibility when feeding hay harvested as square
bales. However, round bales can provide quality feed for sheep when stored and fed
properly. To minimize dry matter and nutrient losses, which can approach 40 to 50
percent, round bales should be covered with plastic for outside storage or placed under
shelter. Bales should be stored on pallets or tires to prevent ground contact. Feeding
round bales without a feeder may result in as much as 30 percent of the hay being wasted,
and poses a hazard to the sheep should the bales roll over. A variety of round bale feeders
are commercially available. Feeders designed in the shape of a cradle hold the bales up
off the ground, are maintenance free, and appear to work best for minimizing waste.

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High quality, finely chopped (1/4 to 1/2 inch) corn, grass, or small grain silage is
acceptable feed for sheep. Care must be taken to properly harvest, store, and feed silage.
Poorly packed silage may contain harmful molds, which causes listeriosis (circling
disease) in sheep. Moldy or frozen silage should be discarded and troughs should be
cleaned daily.

Corn silage is low in protein and calcium. Studies have shown that the addition of 20
pounds of urea, 10 pounds of ground limestone, 4 pounds of dicalcium phosphate, and 5
pounds of calcium sulfate per ton of silage at the time of ensiling makes a complete feed
for the ewe flock by increasing its crude protein and calcium content. Alternatively, extra
protein, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins can be supplied through a grain mix
topdressed on the silage at the time of feeding.

Because of its high moisture content, 3 pounds of silage is required to supply the TDN
furnished by 1.5 pounds of hay. The bulkiness of silage prevents adequate dry matter
intake and its use as the sole source of feed for ewes in late gestation. A typical diet fed to
ewes during the last four weeks of pregnancy on an as fed basis would contain: 6 pounds
of corn silage (35 percent dry matter), 2 pounds of hay, 0.5 pound of corn, and 0.25
pound of soybean meal.

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When additional energy and protein are required, corn and soybean meal commonly form
the basis of the grain portion of the diet. However, when justified by supply or price,
other grains may replace all or part of the corn and soybean meal in a diet. The energy
value of other common grains compared to corn and the maximum amounts to use in ewe
and lamb diets are given in Table 3. Because of its high fiber content, the replacement
value of oats ranges from 50 to 100 percent. The higher replacement rate is used for
breeding sheep, while the lower rate is used in creep feeds and finishing diets for lambs.
Alternative sources of protein to soybean meal include cottonseed and peanut meal.

Table 3. Value of Grain Substitutes for Corn.

Maximum Replacement for
Ingredient Energy Value of Corn %
Corn (%)
Corn 100 100
Barley 90 100
Oats 80 50-100
Wheat 100 50
Sorghum 90 100

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Differences in Value

To determine if other feeds are a better value than corn or soybean meal, comparisons can
be made based on the cost per unit of nutrient. If corn is selling for $0.06 per pound and
barley is selling for $0.05 per pound, which is the better buy for TDN? Divide $0.06 per
pound by 92 percent TDN for corn to get $0.065 per pound of TDN. Divide $0.05 per
pound by 85 percent TDN for barley to get $0.059 per pound of TDN. In this example,
even though barley has a lower TDN value than corn, it is still a better buy than corn. If
alfalfa hay is selling for $120 a ton and soybean meal is selling for $250 a ton, which is
the better buy for crude protein? Divide $0.06 per pound by 15 percent crude protein for
alfalfa hay to get $0.40 per pound of crude protein. Divide $0.125 per pound by 44
percent crude protein for soybean meal to get $0.284 per pound of crude protein. In this
example, even though alfalfa hay is selling for less than half the price of soybean meal,
soybean meal is still a better buy than alfalfa hay.

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Alternative Feeds

Table 4 provides a list of some of the by-products of grain milling and processing and
certain nontraditional feeds that are commonly available in Virginia. They are considered
to have more value and less risk when fed to the ewe flock than to lambs. Caution should
be used when substituting alternative feeds for corn and soybean meal when they appear
to be a better value. Although these feeds may be comparable in terms of nutrient
analysis, the animals may not perform similarly. Therefore, it is important to know if
there are problems with certain alternative feeds, and to monitor the performance of the
sheep flock once changes have been made.

Table 4. Potential Alternative Feeds for Sheep in Virginia.

Average Nutrient
Ingredienta Limitations Remarks
Corn Gluten Feed 80% TDN 24% Crude No Limitations Best used as a source
Protein of protein to go with
corn or barley
Dry Distillers Grains 87% TDN 27% Crude No Limitations Can be substituted for
Protein up to one half of the
soybean meal in the
diet without losing the
benefits of all soybean
Hominy Feed 92% TDN 11% Crude Limit to 1 lb per day Feed within one month
Protein of purchase
Soybean Hulls 77% TDN 14% Crude No Limitations Works well as a
Protein supplement to hay
Wheat Midds 18% 82% TDN Limit to 1 lb per day Pelleted form is easier
Crude Protein to handle and feed
Whole Cottonseed 94% TDN Limit to l lb per day Contains Gossypol and
23% Crude Protein should not be fed to
young lambs
With the exception of soy hulls, all of these feeds are low in calcium and high in phosphorous. Therefore,
calcium supplementation is necessary when these feeds are used.

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Urea is not a protein supplement, but a source of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) for protein
synthesis by rumen bacteria. It should be used only in conjunction with high-energy feeds
such as corn. Urea, which is 45 percent nitrogen and has a crude protein equivalent of
281 percent, should not supply over one-third of the total nitrogen in a diet. To determine
the pounds of nitrogen in a diet, multiply the total pounds of crude protein in the diet by
16 percent. Other general rules for the use of urea are: 1) should not be more than 1
percent of the diet or 3 percent of the concentrate mix; and 2) should not be more than 5
percent of a supplement to be used with low grade roughages.

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Salt and mineral supplementation is required on a free choice, year-round basis. Failure
to supplement salt and minerals results in low fertility, weak lambs at birth, lowered milk
production, impaired immunity, and numerous metabolic disorders. A variety of salt and
mineral supplements specifically formulated for sheep are commercially available. These
supplements range from trace mineralized salt (TMS) fortified with selenium to complete
mineral mixes containing all of the macro and micro minerals required by sheep. In
general, TMS fortified with selenium is all that is needed during the spring and summer
when sheep are grazing high quality pastures containing more than 20 percent clover.
Complete mineral mixes are recommended when grazing low quality roughages, starting
four weeks before breeding, during breeding, and during late gestation and early
lactation. Virginia is a selenium deficient state. Studies have clearly shown that selenium
supplementation for pregnant ewes via a mineral mix is superior to selenium injections in
late gestation. Mineral supplements formulated for cattle and horses should not be used
for sheep because they are high in copper, which is toxic to sheep. Mineral concentration
is oftentimes expressed in parts per million (ppm). Equivalent expressions for 1 ppm are
1 milligram per kilogram or .0001 percent. When high grain diets, certain alternative
feeds, or silage are fed to sheep, additional calcium is required in the diet. This can be
supplied by adding feed grade limestone to the feed. A general rule is to add limestone at
1 percent of the diet.

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Pasture or high-quality hay provides the vitamins required by most classes of sheep.
However, after a drought, or when low-quality hay or silage is fed, a supplement
supplying vitamins A, D, and E may be needed. Estimated daily vitamin requirements for
ewes during late pregnancy and lactation are: 6,500 international units (IU) Vitamin A,
400 IU Vitamin D, and 40 IU Vitamin E. To assure an adequate supply of vitamins, a
vitamin supplement containing 3,000,000 IU Vitamin A, 200,000 IU Vitamin D, and
25,000 IU Vitamin E may be added to each ton of feed for ewes and lambs.

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Feed Additives

Antibiotics or ionophores are often added to the diet to improve animal performance.
Antibiotics are fed to reduce the incidence of subclinical bacterial infections of the
digestive and respiratory tracts. Ionophores are used to control coccidiosis in lambs fed
under confinement. The use of antibiotics and ionophores has been shown to improve
lamb average daily gain and feed efficiency. To date, the combined use of antibiotics and
ionophores in the same feed is not approved. Chlortetracycline (Aureomycin), an
antibiotic, is added at the rate of 20 to 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs to improve
lamb performance. Supplementing pregnant ewes with 65 mg of Chlortetracycline daily
starting six weeks before lambing and continuing six weeks into lactation has been shown
to cause a significant reduction in baby lamb mortality. Lasalocid (Bovatec), an
ionophore, is added at the rate of 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs fed in confinement.
The use of lasalocid has been shown to improve lamb gain and feed efficiency by
approximately 10 percent.

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Sheep must have a free-choice supply of clean, fresh water. If adequate fresh water is
available and convenient, a lactating ewe will consume approximately 2 to 3 gallons a
day. Frozen water supplies, muddy conditions where sheep have to drink, and long
distances to water reduce water intake and have a negative impact on production. Heated
water bowls should be used during the winter to encourage adequate consumption of
water by lactating ewes and lambs. Water bowls should be checked and cleaned on a
daily basis.

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Pearson Square

Protein is often the major limiting nutrient in a sheep diet. The Pearson Square is used to
formulate simple diets on the basis of protein.

Problem: Using Table 1, assume a 155 lb ewe needs .92 lb crude protein per day to meet
her nutrient requirements in early lactation. Four pounds of mixed grass-clover hay (13%
crude protein) will be fed per day along with 2 lb of a mixture of barley and soybean
meal. What proportion of barley and soybean meal should be used in the mix?
1. Determine the percentage of crude protein (CP) contributed by the hay.
a. 4 lb x .88% Dry Matter = 3.52 lb Dry Matter
b. 3.52 lb Dry Matter x 13% CP = .46 lb CP

2. Determine the amount of additional CP needed from the barley and soybean meal
a. .92 lb CP Required - .46 lb CP from the Hay = .46 lb additional CP
3. Determine the percentage of crude protein needed in the barley and soybean meal
a. 2 lb x .90% Dry Matter = 1.8 lb Dry Matter
b. .46 lb additional CP needed ÷ 1.8 lb Dry Matter = 25.5% CP in the grain
4. Use a Pearson Square to determine the proportion of barley and soybean meal in
the mix.
a. Subtract diagonally across the square, the smaller number from the larger
number without regard to the sign and record the difference at the right
b. The parts of each feed can be expressed as a percentage of the total.
 18.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 56% Barley
 14.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 44% Soybean Meal
c. Check the math to make sure that .46 lb CP is coming from the barley and
soybean meal mix.
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 56% Barley x 11% CP = .11
lb CP
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 44% Soybean Meal x 44% CP
= .35 lb CP
 .11 lb CP from Barley + .35 lb CP from Soybean Meal = .46 lb CP
from the 2 lb Grain Mix
Table 5. Sample Diets for Creep Feeding, Growing Lambs, and Finishing Lambs.
Feed Ingredient 18% Crude Protein* (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 54 59 54 68
Whole Oats 20 10 - -
Whole Barley - - 20 -
Soybean Meal 25 25 25 26
Feed Grade
1 1 1 1
Molasses - 5 - 5
Vitamin Premix + + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + + +
*To be fed with free choice source of high quality alfalfa hay.
Feed Ingredient 16% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 59 59
Alfalfa Pellets
25 -
(17% CP)
Ground Legume
- 23
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 15 17
Feed Grade
1 1
Vitamin Premix + +
Antibiotic or
+ +
Feed Ingredient 13% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Shelled Corn - - 85
Cracked Corn 64 - -
Corn and Cob
- 59 -
Ground Legume
28 26 -
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 7 9 -
Supplement (36% - - 15
Feed Grade
1 1 -
Vitamin Premix + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + +
*Vitamins and minerals are included in the pelleted protein supplement.

Table 6. Feeder Space Requirements - Inches Per Head.

Hay Rack Grain Trough Creep Feeder
Ewes - Limit Fed 18-24 16-20 -
Ewes - Self Fed 6-8 4-6 -
Baby Lambs - - 2
Feeder Lambs - Limit
- 9-12 -
Feeder Lambs - Self
- 1-2 -

Additional Recommended Reading

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-024, Finishing Lambs With Whole

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-366, Sheep Grazing Management.


Tables 1 and 2 were adapted from Management Guidelines for Efficient Sheep
Production. North Central Regional Extension Publication 240.


Commercial products are named in this publication for informational purposes only.
Virginia Cooperative Extension does not endorse these products and does not intend
discrimination against other products which also may be suitable.


Nutrition plays a major role in the overall productivity, health, and well-being of the
sheep flock. Because feed costs account for approximately two-thirds of the total cost of
production on most Virginia sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition
management a top priority. Nutrient requirements of sheep vary with differences in age,
body weight, and stage of production. The five major categories of nutrients required by
sheep are: 1) water; 2) energy; 3) protein; 4) vitamins; and 5) minerals. During the
grazing season, sheep are able to meet their nutrient requirements from pasture and a salt
and mineral supplement. Hay is provided to the flock when forages are limited, and grain
may be added to the diet at certain stages of production when additional nutrient
supplementation is required. Small grain pastures or stockpiled fescue can supply up to
one-half of the feed requirements of the ewe flock during the winter. For winter-born
lambs, creep diets and diets for early-weaned lambs are formulated from high energy feed
grains and protein supplements to promote accelerated growth. During the grazing
season, pastures of mixed grass and clover, alfalfa, small grain, and turnip serve as
excellent sources of nutrition for growing lambs. A source of clean, fresh water is
provided to sheep at all times.

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Feeding the Ewe Flock

Ewe body weight does not remain constant throughout the year, but changes with stage of
production. Nutrient requirements are lowest for ewes during maintenance, increase
gradually from early to late gestation, and are highest during lactation. Decisions
affecting feeding management are improved significantly by knowing ewe body weight
and condition score at three distinct stages of production: 1) three weeks before breeding;
2) mid-gestation; and 3) weaning. Condition score is a subjective measure of body fat
that is most easily determined by handling ewes down their back. It is the best method
available to monitor nutritional status and overall well-being of the sheep flock.
Condition scores range from 0 to 5, with 0 being extremely thin and 5 being very fat.
Condition scores at either end of the scale are undesirable. Ideally, ewes should range
from a condition score of 2.5 at weaning to a 3.5 at lambing. When necessary, thin ewes
are separated and fed additional energy to increase body condition. Conversely, obese
ewes are separated and fed a lower energy diet at a stage of production when body weight
loss is acceptable. It should be noted that problems with overfat ewes are far fewer than
those associated with ewes that are too thin.

Starting two weeks before breeding and continuing two weeks into the breeding period,
ewes should be placed on high-quality pasture or supplemented daily with .75 to 1 pound
whole shelled corn or barley. This management practice is called flushing and has been
shown to improve lambing percentage by 10 to 20 percent. Flushing works best with
mature ewes that are in moderate body condition, and has been shown to be more
effective for early- and out-of-season breeding than at the seasonal peak of ovulation
during the fall. Most prenatal deaths occur within the first 25 days after breeding and are
usually associated with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is important not to make dramatic
reductions in nutrient supplies during the breeding season. Pastures with more than 50
percent clover or other legumes should be avoided during breeding because legumes may
contain estrogenic compounds that reduce conception rates. From breeding to six weeks
before lambing, the ewe flock can be maintained on permanent pastures, small grain
pastures, stockpiled fescue, aftermath crop fields, or hay. Fetal growth is minimal, and
the total feed requirement of the ewe is not significantly different from a maintenance
The developing fetus acquires approximately two-thirds of its weight during the last six
weeks of pregnancy. Rumen capacity may be limited with ewes carrying multiple fetuses.
Therefore, it is important to supplement ewes with .75 to 1 pound of corn or barley in
addition to their normal diet starting six weeks before lambing, to prevent pregnancy
toxemia, low birth weights, weak lambs at birth, and low milk production. Producers
should be careful not to overfeed grain during late gestation, which could result in
lambing difficulty caused by large lambs.

After lambing, the energy and protein requirements of the ewe increase by 30 and 55
percent, respectively. Failure to supplement ewes accordingly results in excessive body
weight loss, low milk production, mismothering, and poor lamb gains. Protein
supplementation is especially critical for ewe flocks with a high percentage of multiple
births. Unless high quality legume hays are fed, protein supplementation will be
necessary as a part of the grain portion of the diet. A general rule of thumb for
concentrate feeding of lactating ewes is 1 pound of grain for each lamb nursing the ewe.
Ewes should be sorted into feeding groups based on type of rearing (single, twin, etc.) to
make sure grain supplements are neither over- or underfed. Table 1 gives the TDN and
crude protein requirements of ewes based on body weight and stage of production. By
knowing the nutrient requirements of the ewe and the nutrient content of the feed, diets
can be properly formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the ewe. Shown in Table 2 are
the estimated quantities of hay, corn and soybean meal that would be fed to a 175 pound
ewe at different stages of production and with different crude protein values for the hay.
To successfully use this table, hay samples should be submitted to a testing lab to
determine its crude protein content.

Table 1. Changes in the Daily Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Protein
Requirements of a Ewe from Maintenance Through Early Lactation.
Ewe weight
a a
130 lb 155 lb 175 lba 200 lba
Stage of TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein
production lb
Maintenance 1.30 0.23 1.50 0.25 1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29
1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29 1.80 0.31 1.90 0.33
2.60 0.45 2.80 0.47 2.90 0.49 3.00 0.51
lactation, 3.30 0.70 3.60 0.73 3.70 0.76 3.80 0.78
lactation, 3.70 0.89 4.00 0.92 4.30 0.96 4.60 0.99
Early 3.90 0.99 4.20 1.02 4.60 1.06 5.00 1.10
Based on ewe weight at breeding time.
National Research Council recommendations for ewes expected to have a 180-to 225-percent lamb crop. If
130-to 150-percent lamb crop is expected, then you can reduce total digestible nutrients by 0.4 pound and
protein by 0.05 pound.
Estimates made by adding on one-half of the difference between ewes nursing singles and twins to the
amount indicated for ewes nursing twins.
Table 2. The Amount of Hay, Shelled Corn (SC), and Soybean Meal (SBM) Required
to Meet the Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Crude Protein (CP) Requirements
of a 175-lb Ewe When the Hay Contains Different Protein Levels.
Percent protein in hay*
Stage of 16.5 15.0 12.5 10.0
production lb
Maintenance Hay 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
Hay 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
Late Hay 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20
pregnancy SC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
SBM — — — 0.10
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(single) SC 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.15
SBM — — 0.10 0.40
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(twins) SC 2.25 2.10 1.90 1.15
SBM — 0.10 0.40 0.75
Early lactation Hay 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
(triplets) SC 3.15 2.95 2.70 2.45
SBM 0.45 0.65 0.90 1.15
Note: Adjusted from dry matter values: Corn - 80 percent TDN and 8.8 percent CP, SBM -80 percent TDN
and 44 percent CP, Hay - 50 percent TDN. TDN of hay increases as hay quality increases, but is left
constant here for ease of discussion and diet calculations.
*Percentages are figured on an as-fed basis, as are the pounds of feed.

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Feeding Lambs

Feeding programs in Virginia for growing and finishing lambs are different for winter-
and spring-lambing production systems. Lambs born from November through early
February will likely be grown and finished on high concentrate feeds. Lambs born after
the middle of February are placed on pasture with their dams where they remain
throughout the spring and summer. If necessary, spring-born lambs are weaned and
finished to market weight in the fall, using a grain on grass feeding program or placed in
a feedlot for an abbreviated period of high concentrate feeding.

Lambs on a winter-lambing program should have access to a high quality creep feed by
the time they are seven days old. Creep feeds should contain 18 to 20 percent crude
protein and be low in fiber (high in energy). The source of protein in commercially
prepared lamb creep pellets should be all natural protein. Because the rumen of young
lambs is not fully developed, urea should not be used as a partial source of protein in the
diet. A 2:1 calcium to phosphorous ratio is maintained in on-farm feed mixes by adding
feed grade limestone at 1 percent of the diet. Calcium to phosphorous ratios of less than
2:1 may lead to urinary calculi (water belly), which most often results in the death of the
lamb. If the addition of limestone to the diet fails to control urinary calculi, ammonium
chloride should be added at .5 percent of the diet. When constructing a creep area, keep
the following points in mind: 1) place the creep in a convenient location close to an area
where the ewe flock congregates; 2) have openings on at least two sides of the creep and
several openings per side; 3) keep the creep area clean and well bedded; 4) place a light
over the creep to help attract the lambs to the feed or arrange the creep in such a way that
the sun shines into the area during the day; 5) provide fresh water in the creep area; and
6) construct the creep feeder so that lambs cannot stand and play in it. Allow 2 inches of
trough space per lamb.

Winter-born lambs should be weaned and adjusted to a growing diet by the time they are
two months of age. A growing diet for lambs weighing 40 to 70 pounds should contain
approximately 78 percent TDN and 16 percent crude protein. At body weights of 70
pounds and up, the level of crude protein in the diet can be lowered to 14 percent. Feed
efficiency values range from 2 pounds of feed per pound of gain for light weight young,
growing lambs on up to 3.5 to 4 pounds of feed per pound of gain as winter-born lambs
approach their optimum market weight. Feed efficiency values for old-crop (spring born)
feeder lambs weighing 75 pounds and up in the fall average 5 to 5.5 pounds of feed per
pound of gain when a whole-grain feeding program is used. Whole-grain feeding
improves feed efficiency, increases rate of gain, and lowers the feed cost per pound of
lamb gain. Whole-grain diets consist of whole (unprocessed) grains, such as shelled corn
or barley, mixed with a pelleted protein-mineral supplement. No roughage is contained in
the feed or supplemented on the side. Consequently, the diet is high in energy and
promotes accelerated lamb gains.

Ground ear corn, silage, and urea should not be fed until lambs are weighing 65 pounds
and up. Creep diets should be ground or pelleted. Weaned lamb growing and finishing
diets may be ground, pelleted, or consist of a mixture of whole grain and a pelleted

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Ram Feeding

Rams should have a body condition score of 3.5 to 4 before the beginning of the breeding
season. Once turned in with the ewes for breeding, rams spend very little time eating.
They can lose up to 12 percent of their body weight during a 45-day breeding period.
That equates to 30 pounds for a 250 pound ram. Poor nutrition is a major cause of ram
mortality. As the sheep industry has moved away from smaller framed, earlier maturing
types of sheep to larger framed, later maturing types of sheep, they have increased the
rams' mature body weight. In many cases, forage alone is not adequate nutrition for
placing rams in proper body condition for the breeding season. At the very least, rams
should be evaluated for body condition six weeks before breeding. Thin rams should
receive grain supplementation as a means to increase body weight and condition. It takes
50 days and approximately 2.5 pounds of corn per day in addition to a ram's normal diet
to move him from a weight of 225 pounds to 250 pounds. Mature rams, not in breeding,
can be maintained on pasture or wintered on good quality hay. Six to eight pounds of
mixed grass and clover hay is sufficient to meet the daily energy requirements of a 250
pound ram. A free choice source of water, salt, and minerals should be available at all

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Feeds for Sheep


Permanent pasture should be the predominant source of nutrition for the sheep flock.
Intensive sheep production systems where the sheep are housed and fed harvested feeds
are not as profitable as more extensive production systems where they harvest their own
feed. When a sufficient quantity of forage is available, sheep are able to meet their
nutrient requirements from forage alone along with a supplemental source of salt and
minerals. Clover should be overseeded on permanent pastures in the winter to improve
the quantity and quality of forage produced during the grazing season. Sheep prefer to
graze leafy, vegetative growth that is 2 to 6 inches tall rather than stemmy, more mature
forages. Pasture growth is not distributed evenly throughout the year. Approximately 60
percent of the annual dry matter production of most species of cool season grasses occurs
in the spring. When pastures are not stocked heavily enough to utilize the spring flush of
growth, sheep graze and regraze certain areas while other areas are left to mature and go
to seed. This type of grazing behavior weakens those plants that are grazed more
frequently and gives the less desirable plants a competitive advantage. Approximately
one-third of spring pasture should be fenced for hay production. After a hay cutting,
pasture should be given a three- to four-week recovery period before making it available
for grazing the remainder of the year. Rotational grazing programs designed for the
movement of sheep every 10 to 14 days are instituted in late June and early July to
improve both pasture and lamb production. More intensive rotational grazing systems
where higher stocking rates are used help to promote more complete forage utilization,
but also require greater input costs in the form of fence and water and may result in
higher levels of internal parasitism, increased risk of coccidiosis, and impaired lamb

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Average or poor quality hay should be fed during gestation, leaving the higher quality
hay to be fed during lactation. Because protein requirements of the ewe increase
dramatically after lambing, less protein supplementation from concentrate feeds is
required when higher quality hay is used. Second-cutting, mixed grass-clover hay may be
more economical to feed to the ewe flock than alfalfa hay. This is especially true if alfalfa
hay must be purchased from off the farm. Alfalfa hay is an excellent feed for sheep and is
best used during lactation when ewes require more protein to promote higher levels of
milk production. Many producers have fed alfalfa hay to gestating ewes with good
results. However, some producers feeding alfalfa hay to gestating ewes have experienced
problems with vaginal prolapses, late term abortions, and milk fever. If alfalfa hay is
being fed during late gestation, it should be limit fed and be free of must and mold.
Because of its high quality and palatability, ewes consume more alfalfa hay than is
needed. The bulkiness of the hay in the rumen may place pressure on the reproductive
tract, resulting in a vaginal prolapse before lambing. Ewes receiving alfalfa hay during
gestation are more prone to milk fever than ewes fed grass hay. Because alfalfa is high in
calcium, ewes are able to meet their calcium requirements without mobilizing body stores
of calcium. However, after lambing, ewes not accustomed to mobilizing bone calcium
may experience milk fever because of their inability to meet the additional calcium
requirements associated with lactation. Regardless of the type of hay fed, producers
should submit hay samples to a forage testing lab to determine its nutrient content. By
knowing the nutrient content of the hay, diets can be more accurately and economically
formulated for the sheep flock.

In general, there is less waste and more flexibility when feeding hay harvested as square
bales. However, round bales can provide quality feed for sheep when stored and fed
properly. To minimize dry matter and nutrient losses, which can approach 40 to 50
percent, round bales should be covered with plastic for outside storage or placed under
shelter. Bales should be stored on pallets or tires to prevent ground contact. Feeding
round bales without a feeder may result in as much as 30 percent of the hay being wasted,
and poses a hazard to the sheep should the bales roll over. A variety of round bale feeders
are commercially available. Feeders designed in the shape of a cradle hold the bales up
off the ground, are maintenance free, and appear to work best for minimizing waste.

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High quality, finely chopped (1/4 to 1/2 inch) corn, grass, or small grain silage is
acceptable feed for sheep. Care must be taken to properly harvest, store, and feed silage.
Poorly packed silage may contain harmful molds, which causes listeriosis (circling
disease) in sheep. Moldy or frozen silage should be discarded and troughs should be
cleaned daily.

Corn silage is low in protein and calcium. Studies have shown that the addition of 20
pounds of urea, 10 pounds of ground limestone, 4 pounds of dicalcium phosphate, and 5
pounds of calcium sulfate per ton of silage at the time of ensiling makes a complete feed
for the ewe flock by increasing its crude protein and calcium content. Alternatively, extra
protein, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins can be supplied through a grain mix
topdressed on the silage at the time of feeding.

Because of its high moisture content, 3 pounds of silage is required to supply the TDN
furnished by 1.5 pounds of hay. The bulkiness of silage prevents adequate dry matter
intake and its use as the sole source of feed for ewes in late gestation. A typical diet fed to
ewes during the last four weeks of pregnancy on an as fed basis would contain: 6 pounds
of corn silage (35 percent dry matter), 2 pounds of hay, 0.5 pound of corn, and 0.25
pound of soybean meal.

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When additional energy and protein are required, corn and soybean meal commonly form
the basis of the grain portion of the diet. However, when justified by supply or price,
other grains may replace all or part of the corn and soybean meal in a diet. The energy
value of other common grains compared to corn and the maximum amounts to use in ewe
and lamb diets are given in Table 3. Because of its high fiber content, the replacement
value of oats ranges from 50 to 100 percent. The higher replacement rate is used for
breeding sheep, while the lower rate is used in creep feeds and finishing diets for lambs.
Alternative sources of protein to soybean meal include cottonseed and peanut meal.

Table 3. Value of Grain Substitutes for Corn.

Maximum Replacement for
Ingredient Energy Value of Corn %
Corn (%)
Corn 100 100
Barley 90 100
Oats 80 50-100
Wheat 100 50
Sorghum 90 100

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Differences in Value

To determine if other feeds are a better value than corn or soybean meal, comparisons can
be made based on the cost per unit of nutrient. If corn is selling for $0.06 per pound and
barley is selling for $0.05 per pound, which is the better buy for TDN? Divide $0.06 per
pound by 92 percent TDN for corn to get $0.065 per pound of TDN. Divide $0.05 per
pound by 85 percent TDN for barley to get $0.059 per pound of TDN. In this example,
even though barley has a lower TDN value than corn, it is still a better buy than corn. If
alfalfa hay is selling for $120 a ton and soybean meal is selling for $250 a ton, which is
the better buy for crude protein? Divide $0.06 per pound by 15 percent crude protein for
alfalfa hay to get $0.40 per pound of crude protein. Divide $0.125 per pound by 44
percent crude protein for soybean meal to get $0.284 per pound of crude protein. In this
example, even though alfalfa hay is selling for less than half the price of soybean meal,
soybean meal is still a better buy than alfalfa hay.

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Alternative Feeds

Table 4 provides a list of some of the by-products of grain milling and processing and
certain nontraditional feeds that are commonly available in Virginia. They are considered
to have more value and less risk when fed to the ewe flock than to lambs. Caution should
be used when substituting alternative feeds for corn and soybean meal when they appear
to be a better value. Although these feeds may be comparable in terms of nutrient
analysis, the animals may not perform similarly. Therefore, it is important to know if
there are problems with certain alternative feeds, and to monitor the performance of the
sheep flock once changes have been made.

Table 4. Potential Alternative Feeds for Sheep in Virginia.

Average Nutrient
Ingredienta Limitations Remarks
Corn Gluten Feed 80% TDN 24% Crude No Limitations Best used as a source
Protein of protein to go with
corn or barley
Dry Distillers Grains 87% TDN 27% Crude No Limitations Can be substituted for
Protein up to one half of the
soybean meal in the
diet without losing the
benefits of all soybean
Hominy Feed 92% TDN 11% Crude Limit to 1 lb per day Feed within one month
Protein of purchase
Soybean Hulls 77% TDN 14% Crude No Limitations Works well as a
Protein supplement to hay
Wheat Midds 18% 82% TDN Limit to 1 lb per day Pelleted form is easier
Crude Protein to handle and feed
Whole Cottonseed 94% TDN Limit to l lb per day Contains Gossypol and
23% Crude Protein should not be fed to
young lambs
With the exception of soy hulls, all of these feeds are low in calcium and high in phosphorous. Therefore,
calcium supplementation is necessary when these feeds are used.

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Urea is not a protein supplement, but a source of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) for protein
synthesis by rumen bacteria. It should be used only in conjunction with high-energy feeds
such as corn. Urea, which is 45 percent nitrogen and has a crude protein equivalent of
281 percent, should not supply over one-third of the total nitrogen in a diet. To determine
the pounds of nitrogen in a diet, multiply the total pounds of crude protein in the diet by
16 percent. Other general rules for the use of urea are: 1) should not be more than 1
percent of the diet or 3 percent of the concentrate mix; and 2) should not be more than 5
percent of a supplement to be used with low grade roughages.

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Salt and mineral supplementation is required on a free choice, year-round basis. Failure
to supplement salt and minerals results in low fertility, weak lambs at birth, lowered milk
production, impaired immunity, and numerous metabolic disorders. A variety of salt and
mineral supplements specifically formulated for sheep are commercially available. These
supplements range from trace mineralized salt (TMS) fortified with selenium to complete
mineral mixes containing all of the macro and micro minerals required by sheep. In
general, TMS fortified with selenium is all that is needed during the spring and summer
when sheep are grazing high quality pastures containing more than 20 percent clover.
Complete mineral mixes are recommended when grazing low quality roughages, starting
four weeks before breeding, during breeding, and during late gestation and early
lactation. Virginia is a selenium deficient state. Studies have clearly shown that selenium
supplementation for pregnant ewes via a mineral mix is superior to selenium injections in
late gestation. Mineral supplements formulated for cattle and horses should not be used
for sheep because they are high in copper, which is toxic to sheep. Mineral concentration
is oftentimes expressed in parts per million (ppm). Equivalent expressions for 1 ppm are
1 milligram per kilogram or .0001 percent. When high grain diets, certain alternative
feeds, or silage are fed to sheep, additional calcium is required in the diet. This can be
supplied by adding feed grade limestone to the feed. A general rule is to add limestone at
1 percent of the diet.

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Pasture or high-quality hay provides the vitamins required by most classes of sheep.
However, after a drought, or when low-quality hay or silage is fed, a supplement
supplying vitamins A, D, and E may be needed. Estimated daily vitamin requirements for
ewes during late pregnancy and lactation are: 6,500 international units (IU) Vitamin A,
400 IU Vitamin D, and 40 IU Vitamin E. To assure an adequate supply of vitamins, a
vitamin supplement containing 3,000,000 IU Vitamin A, 200,000 IU Vitamin D, and
25,000 IU Vitamin E may be added to each ton of feed for ewes and lambs.

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Feed Additives

Antibiotics or ionophores are often added to the diet to improve animal performance.
Antibiotics are fed to reduce the incidence of subclinical bacterial infections of the
digestive and respiratory tracts. Ionophores are used to control coccidiosis in lambs fed
under confinement. The use of antibiotics and ionophores has been shown to improve
lamb average daily gain and feed efficiency. To date, the combined use of antibiotics and
ionophores in the same feed is not approved. Chlortetracycline (Aureomycin), an
antibiotic, is added at the rate of 20 to 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs to improve
lamb performance. Supplementing pregnant ewes with 65 mg of Chlortetracycline daily
starting six weeks before lambing and continuing six weeks into lactation has been shown
to cause a significant reduction in baby lamb mortality. Lasalocid (Bovatec), an
ionophore, is added at the rate of 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs fed in confinement.
The use of lasalocid has been shown to improve lamb gain and feed efficiency by
approximately 10 percent.
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Sheep must have a free-choice supply of clean, fresh water. If adequate fresh water is
available and convenient, a lactating ewe will consume approximately 2 to 3 gallons a
day. Frozen water supplies, muddy conditions where sheep have to drink, and long
distances to water reduce water intake and have a negative impact on production. Heated
water bowls should be used during the winter to encourage adequate consumption of
water by lactating ewes and lambs. Water bowls should be checked and cleaned on a
daily basis.

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Pearson Square

Protein is often the major limiting nutrient in a sheep diet. The Pearson Square is used to
formulate simple diets on the basis of protein.

Problem: Using Table 1, assume a 155 lb ewe needs .92 lb crude protein per day to meet
her nutrient requirements in early lactation. Four pounds of mixed grass-clover hay (13%
crude protein) will be fed per day along with 2 lb of a mixture of barley and soybean
meal. What proportion of barley and soybean meal should be used in the mix?

1. Determine the percentage of crude protein (CP) contributed by the hay.

a. 4 lb x .88% Dry Matter = 3.52 lb Dry Matter
b. 3.52 lb Dry Matter x 13% CP = .46 lb CP
2. Determine the amount of additional CP needed from the barley and soybean meal
a. .92 lb CP Required - .46 lb CP from the Hay = .46 lb additional CP
3. Determine the percentage of crude protein needed in the barley and soybean meal
a. 2 lb x .90% Dry Matter = 1.8 lb Dry Matter
b. .46 lb additional CP needed ÷ 1.8 lb Dry Matter = 25.5% CP in the grain
4. Use a Pearson Square to determine the proportion of barley and soybean meal in
the mix.
a. Subtract diagonally across the square, the smaller number from the larger
number without regard to the sign and record the difference at the right
b. The parts of each feed can be expressed as a percentage of the total.
 18.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 56% Barley
 14.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 44% Soybean Meal
c. Check the math to make sure that .46 lb CP is coming from the barley and
soybean meal mix.
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 56% Barley x 11% CP = .11
lb CP
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 44% Soybean Meal x 44% CP
= .35 lb CP
 .11 lb CP from Barley + .35 lb CP from Soybean Meal = .46 lb CP
from the 2 lb Grain Mix

Table 5. Sample Diets for Creep Feeding, Growing Lambs, and Finishing Lambs.
Feed Ingredient 18% Crude Protein* (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 54 59 54 68
Whole Oats 20 10 - -
Whole Barley - - 20 -
Soybean Meal 25 25 25 26
Feed Grade
1 1 1 1
Molasses - 5 - 5
Vitamin Premix + + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + + +
*To be fed with free choice source of high quality alfalfa hay.
Feed Ingredient 16% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 59 59
Alfalfa Pellets 25 -
(17% CP)
Ground Legume
- 23
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 15 17
Feed Grade
1 1
Vitamin Premix + +
Antibiotic or
+ +
Feed Ingredient 13% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Shelled Corn - - 85
Cracked Corn 64 - -
Corn and Cob
- 59 -
Ground Legume
28 26 -
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 7 9 -
Supplement (36% - - 15
Feed Grade
1 1 -
Vitamin Premix + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + +
*Vitamins and minerals are included in the pelleted protein supplement.

Table 6. Feeder Space Requirements - Inches Per Head.

Hay Rack Grain Trough Creep Feeder
Ewes - Limit Fed 18-24 16-20 -
Ewes - Self Fed 6-8 4-6 -
Baby Lambs - - 2
Feeder Lambs - Limit
- 9-12 -
Feeder Lambs - Self
- 1-2 -
Additional Recommended Reading

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-024, Finishing Lambs With Whole

Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication 410-366, Sheep Grazing Management.


Tables 1 and 2 were adapted from Management Guidelines for Efficient Sheep
Production. North Central Regional Extension Publication 240.


Commercial products are named in this publication for informational purposes only.
Virginia Cooperative Extension does not endorse these products and does not intend
discrimination against other products which also may be suitable.


Nutrition plays a major role in the overall productivity, health, and well-being of the
sheep flock. Because feed costs account for approximately two-thirds of the total cost of
production on most Virginia sheep farms, it is important that producers consider nutrition
management a top priority. Nutrient requirements of sheep vary with differences in age,
body weight, and stage of production. The five major categories of nutrients required by
sheep are: 1) water; 2) energy; 3) protein; 4) vitamins; and 5) minerals. During the
grazing season, sheep are able to meet their nutrient requirements from pasture and a salt
and mineral supplement. Hay is provided to the flock when forages are limited, and grain
may be added to the diet at certain stages of production when additional nutrient
supplementation is required. Small grain pastures or stockpiled fescue can supply up to
one-half of the feed requirements of the ewe flock during the winter. For winter-born
lambs, creep diets and diets for early-weaned lambs are formulated from high energy feed
grains and protein supplements to promote accelerated growth. During the grazing
season, pastures of mixed grass and clover, alfalfa, small grain, and turnip serve as
excellent sources of nutrition for growing lambs. A source of clean, fresh water is
provided to sheep at all times.

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Feeding the Ewe Flock

Ewe body weight does not remain constant throughout the year, but changes with stage of
production. Nutrient requirements are lowest for ewes during maintenance, increase
gradually from early to late gestation, and are highest during lactation. Decisions
affecting feeding management are improved significantly by knowing ewe body weight
and condition score at three distinct stages of production: 1) three weeks before breeding;
2) mid-gestation; and 3) weaning. Condition score is a subjective measure of body fat
that is most easily determined by handling ewes down their back. It is the best method
available to monitor nutritional status and overall well-being of the sheep flock.
Condition scores range from 0 to 5, with 0 being extremely thin and 5 being very fat.
Condition scores at either end of the scale are undesirable. Ideally, ewes should range
from a condition score of 2.5 at weaning to a 3.5 at lambing. When necessary, thin ewes
are separated and fed additional energy to increase body condition. Conversely, obese
ewes are separated and fed a lower energy diet at a stage of production when body weight
loss is acceptable. It should be noted that problems with overfat ewes are far fewer than
those associated with ewes that are too thin.

Starting two weeks before breeding and continuing two weeks into the breeding period,
ewes should be placed on high-quality pasture or supplemented daily with .75 to 1 pound
whole shelled corn or barley. This management practice is called flushing and has been
shown to improve lambing percentage by 10 to 20 percent. Flushing works best with
mature ewes that are in moderate body condition, and has been shown to be more
effective for early- and out-of-season breeding than at the seasonal peak of ovulation
during the fall. Most prenatal deaths occur within the first 25 days after breeding and are
usually associated with poor nutrition. Therefore, it is important not to make dramatic
reductions in nutrient supplies during the breeding season. Pastures with more than 50
percent clover or other legumes should be avoided during breeding because legumes may
contain estrogenic compounds that reduce conception rates. From breeding to six weeks
before lambing, the ewe flock can be maintained on permanent pastures, small grain
pastures, stockpiled fescue, aftermath crop fields, or hay. Fetal growth is minimal, and
the total feed requirement of the ewe is not significantly different from a maintenance

The developing fetus acquires approximately two-thirds of its weight during the last six
weeks of pregnancy. Rumen capacity may be limited with ewes carrying multiple fetuses.
Therefore, it is important to supplement ewes with .75 to 1 pound of corn or barley in
addition to their normal diet starting six weeks before lambing, to prevent pregnancy
toxemia, low birth weights, weak lambs at birth, and low milk production. Producers
should be careful not to overfeed grain during late gestation, which could result in
lambing difficulty caused by large lambs.

After lambing, the energy and protein requirements of the ewe increase by 30 and 55
percent, respectively. Failure to supplement ewes accordingly results in excessive body
weight loss, low milk production, mismothering, and poor lamb gains. Protein
supplementation is especially critical for ewe flocks with a high percentage of multiple
births. Unless high quality legume hays are fed, protein supplementation will be
necessary as a part of the grain portion of the diet. A general rule of thumb for
concentrate feeding of lactating ewes is 1 pound of grain for each lamb nursing the ewe.
Ewes should be sorted into feeding groups based on type of rearing (single, twin, etc.) to
make sure grain supplements are neither over- or underfed. Table 1 gives the TDN and
crude protein requirements of ewes based on body weight and stage of production. By
knowing the nutrient requirements of the ewe and the nutrient content of the feed, diets
can be properly formulated to meet the nutritional needs of the ewe. Shown in Table 2 are
the estimated quantities of hay, corn and soybean meal that would be fed to a 175 pound
ewe at different stages of production and with different crude protein values for the hay.
To successfully use this table, hay samples should be submitted to a testing lab to
determine its crude protein content.

Table 1. Changes in the Daily Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Protein
Requirements of a Ewe from Maintenance Through Early Lactation.
Ewe weight
a a
130 lb 155 lb 175 lba 200 lba
Stage of TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein TDN Protein
production lb
Maintenance 1.30 0.23 1.50 0.25 1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29
1.60 0.27 1.70 0.29 1.80 0.31 1.90 0.33
2.60 0.45 2.80 0.47 2.90 0.49 3.00 0.51
lactation, 3.30 0.70 3.60 0.73 3.70 0.76 3.80 0.78
lactation, 3.70 0.89 4.00 0.92 4.30 0.96 4.60 0.99
lactation, 3.90 0.99 4.20 1.02 4.60 1.06 5.00 1.10
Based on ewe weight at breeding time.
National Research Council recommendations for ewes expected to have a 180-to 225-percent lamb crop. If
130-to 150-percent lamb crop is expected, then you can reduce total digestible nutrients by 0.4 pound and
protein by 0.05 pound.
Estimates made by adding on one-half of the difference between ewes nursing singles and twins to the
amount indicated for ewes nursing twins.
Table 2. The Amount of Hay, Shelled Corn (SC), and Soybean Meal (SBM) Required
to Meet the Total Digestible Nutrients (TDN) and Crude Protein (CP) Requirements
of a 175-lb Ewe When the Hay Contains Different Protein Levels.
Percent protein in hay*
Stage of 16.5 15.0 12.5 10.0
production lb
Maintenance Hay 3.25 3.25 3.25 3.25
Hay 3.75 3.75 3.75 3.75
Late Hay 4.20 4.20 4.20 4.20
pregnancy SC 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00
SBM — — — 0.10
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(single) SC 1.50 1.50 1.40 1.15
SBM — — 0.10 0.40
Early lactation Hay 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00
(twins) SC 2.25 2.10 1.90 1.15
SBM — 0.10 0.40 0.75
Early lactation Hay 3.50 3.50 3.50 3.50
(triplets) SC 3.15 2.95 2.70 2.45
SBM 0.45 0.65 0.90 1.15
Note: Adjusted from dry matter values: Corn - 80 percent TDN and 8.8 percent CP, SBM -80 percent TDN
and 44 percent CP, Hay - 50 percent TDN. TDN of hay increases as hay quality increases, but is left
constant here for ease of discussion and diet calculations.
*Percentages are figured on an as-fed basis, as are the pounds of feed.

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Feeding Lambs

Feeding programs in Virginia for growing and finishing lambs are different for winter-
and spring-lambing production systems. Lambs born from November through early
February will likely be grown and finished on high concentrate feeds. Lambs born after
the middle of February are placed on pasture with their dams where they remain
throughout the spring and summer. If necessary, spring-born lambs are weaned and
finished to market weight in the fall, using a grain on grass feeding program or placed in
a feedlot for an abbreviated period of high concentrate feeding.

Lambs on a winter-lambing program should have access to a high quality creep feed by
the time they are seven days old. Creep feeds should contain 18 to 20 percent crude
protein and be low in fiber (high in energy). The source of protein in commercially
prepared lamb creep pellets should be all natural protein. Because the rumen of young
lambs is not fully developed, urea should not be used as a partial source of protein in the
diet. A 2:1 calcium to phosphorous ratio is maintained in on-farm feed mixes by adding
feed grade limestone at 1 percent of the diet. Calcium to phosphorous ratios of less than
2:1 may lead to urinary calculi (water belly), which most often results in the death of the
lamb. If the addition of limestone to the diet fails to control urinary calculi, ammonium
chloride should be added at .5 percent of the diet. When constructing a creep area, keep
the following points in mind: 1) place the creep in a convenient location close to an area
where the ewe flock congregates; 2) have openings on at least two sides of the creep and
several openings per side; 3) keep the creep area clean and well bedded; 4) place a light
over the creep to help attract the lambs to the feed or arrange the creep in such a way that
the sun shines into the area during the day; 5) provide fresh water in the creep area; and
6) construct the creep feeder so that lambs cannot stand and play in it. Allow 2 inches of
trough space per lamb.

Winter-born lambs should be weaned and adjusted to a growing diet by the time they are
two months of age. A growing diet for lambs weighing 40 to 70 pounds should contain
approximately 78 percent TDN and 16 percent crude protein. At body weights of 70
pounds and up, the level of crude protein in the diet can be lowered to 14 percent. Feed
efficiency values range from 2 pounds of feed per pound of gain for light weight young,
growing lambs on up to 3.5 to 4 pounds of feed per pound of gain as winter-born lambs
approach their optimum market weight. Feed efficiency values for old-crop (spring born)
feeder lambs weighing 75 pounds and up in the fall average 5 to 5.5 pounds of feed per
pound of gain when a whole-grain feeding program is used. Whole-grain feeding
improves feed efficiency, increases rate of gain, and lowers the feed cost per pound of
lamb gain. Whole-grain diets consist of whole (unprocessed) grains, such as shelled corn
or barley, mixed with a pelleted protein-mineral supplement. No roughage is contained in
the feed or supplemented on the side. Consequently, the diet is high in energy and
promotes accelerated lamb gains.

Ground ear corn, silage, and urea should not be fed until lambs are weighing 65 pounds
and up. Creep diets should be ground or pelleted. Weaned lamb growing and finishing
diets may be ground, pelleted, or consist of a mixture of whole grain and a pelleted

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Ram Feeding

Rams should have a body condition score of 3.5 to 4 before the beginning of the breeding
season. Once turned in with the ewes for breeding, rams spend very little time eating.
They can lose up to 12 percent of their body weight during a 45-day breeding period.
That equates to 30 pounds for a 250 pound ram. Poor nutrition is a major cause of ram
mortality. As the sheep industry has moved away from smaller framed, earlier maturing
types of sheep to larger framed, later maturing types of sheep, they have increased the
rams' mature body weight. In many cases, forage alone is not adequate nutrition for
placing rams in proper body condition for the breeding season. At the very least, rams
should be evaluated for body condition six weeks before breeding. Thin rams should
receive grain supplementation as a means to increase body weight and condition. It takes
50 days and approximately 2.5 pounds of corn per day in addition to a ram's normal diet
to move him from a weight of 225 pounds to 250 pounds. Mature rams, not in breeding,
can be maintained on pasture or wintered on good quality hay. Six to eight pounds of
mixed grass and clover hay is sufficient to meet the daily energy requirements of a 250
pound ram. A free choice source of water, salt, and minerals should be available at all

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Feeds for Sheep


Permanent pasture should be the predominant source of nutrition for the sheep flock.
Intensive sheep production systems where the sheep are housed and fed harvested feeds
are not as profitable as more extensive production systems where they harvest their own
feed. When a sufficient quantity of forage is available, sheep are able to meet their
nutrient requirements from forage alone along with a supplemental source of salt and
minerals. Clover should be overseeded on permanent pastures in the winter to improve
the quantity and quality of forage produced during the grazing season. Sheep prefer to
graze leafy, vegetative growth that is 2 to 6 inches tall rather than stemmy, more mature
forages. Pasture growth is not distributed evenly throughout the year. Approximately 60
percent of the annual dry matter production of most species of cool season grasses occurs
in the spring. When pastures are not stocked heavily enough to utilize the spring flush of
growth, sheep graze and regraze certain areas while other areas are left to mature and go
to seed. This type of grazing behavior weakens those plants that are grazed more
frequently and gives the less desirable plants a competitive advantage. Approximately
one-third of spring pasture should be fenced for hay production. After a hay cutting,
pasture should be given a three- to four-week recovery period before making it available
for grazing the remainder of the year. Rotational grazing programs designed for the
movement of sheep every 10 to 14 days are instituted in late June and early July to
improve both pasture and lamb production. More intensive rotational grazing systems
where higher stocking rates are used help to promote more complete forage utilization,
but also require greater input costs in the form of fence and water and may result in
higher levels of internal parasitism, increased risk of coccidiosis, and impaired lamb

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Average or poor quality hay should be fed during gestation, leaving the higher quality
hay to be fed during lactation. Because protein requirements of the ewe increase
dramatically after lambing, less protein supplementation from concentrate feeds is
required when higher quality hay is used. Second-cutting, mixed grass-clover hay may be
more economical to feed to the ewe flock than alfalfa hay. This is especially true if alfalfa
hay must be purchased from off the farm. Alfalfa hay is an excellent feed for sheep and is
best used during lactation when ewes require more protein to promote higher levels of
milk production. Many producers have fed alfalfa hay to gestating ewes with good
results. However, some producers feeding alfalfa hay to gestating ewes have experienced
problems with vaginal prolapses, late term abortions, and milk fever. If alfalfa hay is
being fed during late gestation, it should be limit fed and be free of must and mold.
Because of its high quality and palatability, ewes consume more alfalfa hay than is
needed. The bulkiness of the hay in the rumen may place pressure on the reproductive
tract, resulting in a vaginal prolapse before lambing. Ewes receiving alfalfa hay during
gestation are more prone to milk fever than ewes fed grass hay. Because alfalfa is high in
calcium, ewes are able to meet their calcium requirements without mobilizing body stores
of calcium. However, after lambing, ewes not accustomed to mobilizing bone calcium
may experience milk fever because of their inability to meet the additional calcium
requirements associated with lactation. Regardless of the type of hay fed, producers
should submit hay samples to a forage testing lab to determine its nutrient content. By
knowing the nutrient content of the hay, diets can be more accurately and economically
formulated for the sheep flock.

In general, there is less waste and more flexibility when feeding hay harvested as square
bales. However, round bales can provide quality feed for sheep when stored and fed
properly. To minimize dry matter and nutrient losses, which can approach 40 to 50
percent, round bales should be covered with plastic for outside storage or placed under
shelter. Bales should be stored on pallets or tires to prevent ground contact. Feeding
round bales without a feeder may result in as much as 30 percent of the hay being wasted,
and poses a hazard to the sheep should the bales roll over. A variety of round bale feeders
are commercially available. Feeders designed in the shape of a cradle hold the bales up
off the ground, are maintenance free, and appear to work best for minimizing waste.

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High quality, finely chopped (1/4 to 1/2 inch) corn, grass, or small grain silage is
acceptable feed for sheep. Care must be taken to properly harvest, store, and feed silage.
Poorly packed silage may contain harmful molds, which causes listeriosis (circling
disease) in sheep. Moldy or frozen silage should be discarded and troughs should be
cleaned daily.

Corn silage is low in protein and calcium. Studies have shown that the addition of 20
pounds of urea, 10 pounds of ground limestone, 4 pounds of dicalcium phosphate, and 5
pounds of calcium sulfate per ton of silage at the time of ensiling makes a complete feed
for the ewe flock by increasing its crude protein and calcium content. Alternatively, extra
protein, calcium, phosphorous, and vitamins can be supplied through a grain mix
topdressed on the silage at the time of feeding.
Because of its high moisture content, 3 pounds of silage is required to supply the TDN
furnished by 1.5 pounds of hay. The bulkiness of silage prevents adequate dry matter
intake and its use as the sole source of feed for ewes in late gestation. A typical diet fed to
ewes during the last four weeks of pregnancy on an as fed basis would contain: 6 pounds
of corn silage (35 percent dry matter), 2 pounds of hay, 0.5 pound of corn, and 0.25
pound of soybean meal.

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When additional energy and protein are required, corn and soybean meal commonly form
the basis of the grain portion of the diet. However, when justified by supply or price,
other grains may replace all or part of the corn and soybean meal in a diet. The energy
value of other common grains compared to corn and the maximum amounts to use in ewe
and lamb diets are given in Table 3. Because of its high fiber content, the replacement
value of oats ranges from 50 to 100 percent. The higher replacement rate is used for
breeding sheep, while the lower rate is used in creep feeds and finishing diets for lambs.
Alternative sources of protein to soybean meal include cottonseed and peanut meal.

Table 3. Value of Grain Substitutes for Corn.

Maximum Replacement for
Ingredient Energy Value of Corn %
Corn (%)
Corn 100 100
Barley 90 100
Oats 80 50-100
Wheat 100 50
Sorghum 90 100

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Differences in Value

To determine if other feeds are a better value than corn or soybean meal, comparisons can
be made based on the cost per unit of nutrient. If corn is selling for $0.06 per pound and
barley is selling for $0.05 per pound, which is the better buy for TDN? Divide $0.06 per
pound by 92 percent TDN for corn to get $0.065 per pound of TDN. Divide $0.05 per
pound by 85 percent TDN for barley to get $0.059 per pound of TDN. In this example,
even though barley has a lower TDN value than corn, it is still a better buy than corn. If
alfalfa hay is selling for $120 a ton and soybean meal is selling for $250 a ton, which is
the better buy for crude protein? Divide $0.06 per pound by 15 percent crude protein for
alfalfa hay to get $0.40 per pound of crude protein. Divide $0.125 per pound by 44
percent crude protein for soybean meal to get $0.284 per pound of crude protein. In this
example, even though alfalfa hay is selling for less than half the price of soybean meal,
soybean meal is still a better buy than alfalfa hay.

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Alternative Feeds

Table 4 provides a list of some of the by-products of grain milling and processing and
certain nontraditional feeds that are commonly available in Virginia. They are considered
to have more value and less risk when fed to the ewe flock than to lambs. Caution should
be used when substituting alternative feeds for corn and soybean meal when they appear
to be a better value. Although these feeds may be comparable in terms of nutrient
analysis, the animals may not perform similarly. Therefore, it is important to know if
there are problems with certain alternative feeds, and to monitor the performance of the
sheep flock once changes have been made.

Table 4. Potential Alternative Feeds for Sheep in Virginia.

Average Nutrient
Ingredienta Limitations Remarks
Corn Gluten Feed 80% TDN 24% Crude No Limitations Best used as a source
Protein of protein to go with
corn or barley
Dry Distillers Grains 87% TDN 27% Crude No Limitations Can be substituted for
Protein up to one half of the
soybean meal in the
diet without losing the
benefits of all soybean
Hominy Feed 92% TDN 11% Crude Limit to 1 lb per day Feed within one month
Protein of purchase
Soybean Hulls 77% TDN 14% Crude No Limitations Works well as a
Protein supplement to hay
Wheat Midds 18% 82% TDN Limit to 1 lb per day Pelleted form is easier
Crude Protein to handle and feed
Whole Cottonseed 94% TDN Limit to l lb per day Contains Gossypol and
23% Crude Protein should not be fed to
young lambs
With the exception of soy hulls, all of these feeds are low in calcium and high in phosphorous. Therefore,
calcium supplementation is necessary when these feeds are used.

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Urea is not a protein supplement, but a source of nonprotein nitrogen (NPN) for protein
synthesis by rumen bacteria. It should be used only in conjunction with high-energy feeds
such as corn. Urea, which is 45 percent nitrogen and has a crude protein equivalent of
281 percent, should not supply over one-third of the total nitrogen in a diet. To determine
the pounds of nitrogen in a diet, multiply the total pounds of crude protein in the diet by
16 percent. Other general rules for the use of urea are: 1) should not be more than 1
percent of the diet or 3 percent of the concentrate mix; and 2) should not be more than 5
percent of a supplement to be used with low grade roughages.

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Salt and mineral supplementation is required on a free choice, year-round basis. Failure
to supplement salt and minerals results in low fertility, weak lambs at birth, lowered milk
production, impaired immunity, and numerous metabolic disorders. A variety of salt and
mineral supplements specifically formulated for sheep are commercially available. These
supplements range from trace mineralized salt (TMS) fortified with selenium to complete
mineral mixes containing all of the macro and micro minerals required by sheep. In
general, TMS fortified with selenium is all that is needed during the spring and summer
when sheep are grazing high quality pastures containing more than 20 percent clover.
Complete mineral mixes are recommended when grazing low quality roughages, starting
four weeks before breeding, during breeding, and during late gestation and early
lactation. Virginia is a selenium deficient state. Studies have clearly shown that selenium
supplementation for pregnant ewes via a mineral mix is superior to selenium injections in
late gestation. Mineral supplements formulated for cattle and horses should not be used
for sheep because they are high in copper, which is toxic to sheep. Mineral concentration
is oftentimes expressed in parts per million (ppm). Equivalent expressions for 1 ppm are
1 milligram per kilogram or .0001 percent. When high grain diets, certain alternative
feeds, or silage are fed to sheep, additional calcium is required in the diet. This can be
supplied by adding feed grade limestone to the feed. A general rule is to add limestone at
1 percent of the diet.

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Pasture or high-quality hay provides the vitamins required by most classes of sheep.
However, after a drought, or when low-quality hay or silage is fed, a supplement
supplying vitamins A, D, and E may be needed. Estimated daily vitamin requirements for
ewes during late pregnancy and lactation are: 6,500 international units (IU) Vitamin A,
400 IU Vitamin D, and 40 IU Vitamin E. To assure an adequate supply of vitamins, a
vitamin supplement containing 3,000,000 IU Vitamin A, 200,000 IU Vitamin D, and
25,000 IU Vitamin E may be added to each ton of feed for ewes and lambs.

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Feed Additives

Antibiotics or ionophores are often added to the diet to improve animal performance.
Antibiotics are fed to reduce the incidence of subclinical bacterial infections of the
digestive and respiratory tracts. Ionophores are used to control coccidiosis in lambs fed
under confinement. The use of antibiotics and ionophores has been shown to improve
lamb average daily gain and feed efficiency. To date, the combined use of antibiotics and
ionophores in the same feed is not approved. Chlortetracycline (Aureomycin), an
antibiotic, is added at the rate of 20 to 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs to improve
lamb performance. Supplementing pregnant ewes with 65 mg of Chlortetracycline daily
starting six weeks before lambing and continuing six weeks into lactation has been shown
to cause a significant reduction in baby lamb mortality. Lasalocid (Bovatec), an
ionophore, is added at the rate of 30 grams per ton of feed for lambs fed in confinement.
The use of lasalocid has been shown to improve lamb gain and feed efficiency by
approximately 10 percent.

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Sheep must have a free-choice supply of clean, fresh water. If adequate fresh water is
available and convenient, a lactating ewe will consume approximately 2 to 3 gallons a
day. Frozen water supplies, muddy conditions where sheep have to drink, and long
distances to water reduce water intake and have a negative impact on production. Heated
water bowls should be used during the winter to encourage adequate consumption of
water by lactating ewes and lambs. Water bowls should be checked and cleaned on a
daily basis.

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Pearson Square

Protein is often the major limiting nutrient in a sheep diet. The Pearson Square is used to
formulate simple diets on the basis of protein.

Problem: Using Table 1, assume a 155 lb ewe needs .92 lb crude protein per day to meet
her nutrient requirements in early lactation. Four pounds of mixed grass-clover hay (13%
crude protein) will be fed per day along with 2 lb of a mixture of barley and soybean
meal. What proportion of barley and soybean meal should be used in the mix?

1. Determine the percentage of crude protein (CP) contributed by the hay.

a. 4 lb x .88% Dry Matter = 3.52 lb Dry Matter
b. 3.52 lb Dry Matter x 13% CP = .46 lb CP

2. Determine the amount of additional CP needed from the barley and soybean meal
a. .92 lb CP Required - .46 lb CP from the Hay = .46 lb additional CP
3. Determine the percentage of crude protein needed in the barley and soybean meal
a. 2 lb x .90% Dry Matter = 1.8 lb Dry Matter
b. .46 lb additional CP needed ÷ 1.8 lb Dry Matter = 25.5% CP in the grain
4. Use a Pearson Square to determine the proportion of barley and soybean meal in
the mix.
a. Subtract diagonally across the square, the smaller number from the larger
number without regard to the sign and record the difference at the right
b. The parts of each feed can be expressed as a percentage of the total.
18.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 56% Barley
14.5 ÷ 33.0 (100) = 44% Soybean Meal
c. Check the math to make sure that .46 lb CP is coming from the barley and
soybean meal mix.
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 56% Barley x 11% CP = .11
lb CP
 1.8 lb Dry Matter from Grain Mix x 44% Soybean Meal x 44% CP
= .35 lb CP
 .11 lb CP from Barley + .35 lb CP from Soybean Meal = .46 lb CP
from the 2 lb Grain Mix

Table 5. Sample Diets for Creep Feeding, Growing Lambs, and Finishing Lambs.
Feed Ingredient 18% Crude Protein* (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 54 59 54 68
Whole Oats 20 10 - -
Whole Barley - - 20 -
Soybean Meal 25 25 25 26
Feed Grade
1 1 1 1
Molasses - 5 - 5
Vitamin Premix + + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + + +
*To be fed with free choice source of high quality alfalfa hay.
Feed Ingredient 16% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Cracked Corn 59 59
Alfalfa Pellets
25 -
(17% CP)
Ground Legume
- 23
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 15 17
Feed Grade
1 1
Vitamin Premix + +
Antibiotic or
+ +
Feed Ingredient 13% Crude Protein (Percent Ingredient in the Diet)
Shelled Corn - - 85
Cracked Corn 64 - -
Corn and Cob - 59 -
Ground Legume
28 26 -
Hay (15% CP)
Soybean Meal 7 9 -
Supplement (36% - - 15
Feed Grade
1 1 -
Vitamin Premix + + +
Antibiotic or
+ + +
*Vitamins and minerals are included in the pelleted protein supplement.

Table 6. Feeder Space Requirements - Inches Per Head.

Hay Rack Grain Trough Creep Feeder
Ewes - Limit Fed 18-24 16-20 -
Ewes - Self Fed 6-8 4-6 -
Baby Lambs - - 2
Feeder Lambs - Limit
- 9-12 -
Feeder Lambs - Self
- 1-2 -

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