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II ARB ERTHe ') ',1'.~ U ~: 1T Y LIB R ARY




VOLUME 19, No.5

Players to Present To Appear in Play !Annual Post Banquet Malus Bow Tomorrow Hoover and the Republican Ticket
ttThree Wise Fools" i to be Held Tonight Carry Borough by Big Majorities
First Vehicle of Season to bel George W. Elliott, Former Di-
rector of Public Safety, Roosevelt Receives 590 to 1701 for Hoover; Peters
Given at School Next
. to Speak Polls 1558 Votes and Ditter 1541;
Thomas Gets 47
The annual banquet of the Harold Narberth Vote by Districts Despite his failure in the Jlalion
The Narberth Players will present Hoover carried the Borough of Nar-
their first vehicle of the 1!l32-33 sea- D. Narberth,
of Speakman will Post,beAmerican
held in the Legion,
L('g'- :I 'I'olal
, herth by 1111 votes at the general
son, "Three Wise Fools," in the au- ion Room of the Community Building prI~~I:\~;,~ 7!12 :17:1 17111 election on Tuesday. Hoover's vote
ditorium of the 'd Narberth . NoPublic
em t,hl'S evenl'ng. Hoosel'elt .... 5:16 251 22G ll:; 5!IU Ivas 1701 to 5!l0 for' Roosevelt.
, Ch 00 I nex t F rl ay evening,
S v - 'l'l G .)- 1,1 1- 1l,'ln(lsOllle 11IaJ'01'I'tl'es \vere ,'llso gl'v-
15 'I k The tickets have been reduced to Upshaw (Pro.) U .,
lOmas .. ,.. ',
b er 18 , a t 8. 0 e oc . I en to the Republican ticket with Hel>-
The play, a three-act comeuy " 1.
uy one dollar and fifty cents in order U. S. Senator resentative Fred C. Peters and J.
Austin Stl'ong, d ea I s WIt I Ie na s . I tl t ' I that the event need not be passed up na\'is (R) .. , W7 6-,',:\.17 Hil8 William Ditter, Congressman-elcct,
and tribulations of three old cromes
W 0, mce y se
. I ttl e d In
. 11
we -worn l' s,
. I
for economic reasons. All men of till'
"ommunity arc invited.
I Hupp (D.) .. , 25:1 2G7 12G GIG
\"all Essen (S.)
Fithian (1'ro,) :IS 7:1 17 128
26 II ,17 I
having wide margins over their Dem-
' ocratic opponents. Peters polled 1558
ure jolted out of their placid lives. principal speaker will be I'otes to 597 for Burns, while Ditter

The cast is unique in that it in-
I d but tw
0 \
vomen and cleven
men. The feminine parts are talwn
George 'V. Elliott, secretary of the
Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Elliott, who lives in Overbrook,
Representative In Congress
Ditter 507 68~ 315 1",11
Pendleton .. , 253 2G,1 127 64-1
\\'Insor (S.) , 2,,].1 46
,I'olled up a two and one-half to une
majority over Philip C. Pendleton,
, Democratic and Libcral candidate.
by Mrs. Faith Farmer and Miss Dol'. who UJilll Jln y OIlC 0/ thc two /em- is a former director of public safety daughtcr 0/ Dr. and Mrs. Edwi)/ Taylor (1'1'0.) ~ H 14 67 Ditter's vote was 1541 to 644 for Pell-
othy Spcck, both of whom have ap- ini)/crolcsin"ThJ'cc WiscFools,"
in Philadelphia. Jack KeI Iy, Olympic C. TOIV1I, of Narberth, who will II
ool'er ("ll) L, ,
.•.••"S 1-
." I I' n I)r"\'I'ous III'oductl'OII S' by the 10 b.,. gi"cn 1 Nby theb th Narb('/'th
S 1 I I'ltty-d' o'lrsman
,. " is also eXI>ected to be pres- 1Ill/he hn' ddJ1lt I/t a tea to bc Assemblyman
II ea I
L( L
C)'.~ 111 t tC UJ' C1" C LOO (ll/I- It fJi/'('1I Ill! her ]ll/rcnts tOJJlorrow l'elelS (ILl .. ,.II 7110 :\17 1",,8
I In the vote for U. S. Senator', Janles
ayers. lori/ll/l )/e:!'t F,
rida ll c1'c)/i)/g. e I. Burns (11.) ., 2:W 2111 121 fin ,J. Davis won handily with 1518 votes
The male members of the cast arc: The Banquet Committee is headed ut the HOl/SC of Colollilll Dumes. .S('o\'lll(,' (l'.II.)
, ,12 88 ."7 1,,-, ! to 646 for Lawrence H. Hupp, his
.J. Bedford Woole~', Alan J. Smith, hy Charles Greyer, assisted by A. Per- !- ,' Dcmocratic opponent. Edwin J. Fith-
James D, Sutherland, John E. Flynn, Budget Pruning to ry Redifer, Jr., Arthur L. Cooke ano U . d C . . I ian, Prohibition candidate, showed
John Baker, Elmer E. Lane, Hervey ,Iohn C. Nash. Marios Chios, Area- nlte ampalgn to Narberth Registers ! uncxpected strcngth, polling 128
C. Keim, Elmer D. Hacl,man, .Joseph Commence Monday dia Restaurant proprietor, will be the Open on Monday h G 'd V. ; votes.
A. Hongler, Jere Gorman and .lame,; caterer. I 5t rl IctorYi In the County Mr. Ditter received
I ..
I". Shannon, Jr.
The three cronies, Theodor!' Filld- Many Citizens Are Expecte to tended the Baptist Church, where a T
n,'.', l'l'cll anti l'I'I'ascl'ble banlrer', 1)1'. Attend Borough Council
d Last Sunday evening the Post at-
ota 0
I f $258 654
' . to.e
b I
All --- :
0- Aigledinger Scores Twice, Har- i dlcton with but two of the 182 dis-
lIearly a 30,000 majority over Pcn-
",. . , • sllecial Armistice Day service was
I' cated to Main Line . d C . h P , tricts missing his vote being no H'l6
Richard Gaunt, eminent psychologisl; Meeting 'hdd. The Rev. Robert E. Keighton, S . rlS an unOlng am er- ., " ,
and Judge Trumball arc played by I h h I I' . ectlon f B '11' I with :33,253 for his Democratic op-
, pastor of tIe c urc and Clap alJ\ 01 I orm rl lant Y ponent.
Messn;. Wooley, Smith and Suther, 501j70 TAX CUT URGED Ihe Post, ~reached on democracy in EXPENSES ARE SMALL
land, respectively. The ardent lover "veryday hfe. PLAY WEST PARK SAT.. Pteh,terFs,. receLived. la~, 8,001? l~lljori~IY
o[ the play, Gordon Schuyler, ncphew \Vork will begin in earnest on thc . I :In c Irst egis a Ive (Istnct, PI-
of old Findley, is played by Mr. !!l33 budget at the November mcet- EI f A total of $258,654.00 WIll be allo- I , N. b . h B ,,' C b. . 'I; ing up H,0!!8 votes, with all but Iwo
ection 0 Officers at cated to the Main Line relief agen- I ~he ar el t 0) s lu contInUl ( i districts complete.
•"Iyllll, a newcomer to the Players. ing of the Narberth Borough Council Muliercs' Mectill!! M d cies by the United Campa 'gn whi'l I heIr undefeated season as they tum- i ' .
Mr. Baker takes the part of an es- on MOllday night. ~ all ay opens on Monday, prOVIded . , IIt. .IS suc· C I hIed the strong Kensington A Clast;
. ..... I
I workers
. . IJ\ the Borough
('aped convict and Mr. Lane is the It is expecl<'d that there will be a i The Mulieres of the Narbel'lll Fil'e .". . , : Saturday by a score of 13-6. The: "xpresse( satIsfactIOn over the ma-
b I b Ie J h C h M "ess[ul, It was announced at an 01'- r ' • _. • . " J'orities given Hoover and the Re]lUb-
U1~, em ezz 1', 0 n raws ay. . r. ("onsiderab1<~ nUlllb,'r of citizens in at- i Company will hol,1 their rl'gnlar llleet- ganization meeting of chairman allo ~ame was featured by long 1 uns b~ ! '.. . .. > " '.
) I plays d ~ theH partI of ' Deteetlve
S Icndallce at 11ll' mecLing who are in- '1 JIg I'll 1.' 1111 IIal1 OIl l\lOll.lU ay aI'ler- workers held at Green HJ11 . Farms lIarris , . and McGarr" , ~, of N'lrberth , . , I 11I C,111 " .', In the I dSecond and I hud
'J I' l\~
D I. •
I 00 e an l\Lr. ong er IS ergeant l('rested in securing a largl'r reduc- I
. tl I'
• h . I .
ooon <It - .,., w en <1n (' ecttnn 0 1,Ist 1hlllsday I1Ight.
f.. '.' and Enyard of Kensington the for- hslllcts oover e uy three to one,
" I t I' " t ' th F' t D' t . t
CI ancy. Mr. Sh enon IS Ie po Iceman Ilioll ill the Borough t'1X rat!' than i s ' .( I I 1\1 1h Iller running sixty-five ~"Irds late in IU' liS maJ0r!'y In e Irs IS TIC
"()Iltcer~ WI I ta ,p p ace. I r~. ,0 n Of this total $176000 Oil will b('\ . . . ", Itt
' ~ . t he Ja~t period.
h"J 1\~L essl·s. Haclrnlan an d Gorn1 an. I
an<I t IIe two 111en servan t sarI' p Iaye(1 ""Illemplated by Council,
A t f t I 'bl th BUllI
. , ,II
( ano fII"
1\ •. E I
s. (war
d H. . ., . .
aw~ aH I'dl~tl"lbuted by
the '
" ,
Mall1 Lllle hmerg- I 1'1 N b tI 1 I I I
was 011 y WO 0 one.
D ' Ieauers
C'mocratlc .l
Oil the 01 h('r
The IlIa" is being'
liam H. Muller.

I d b 'V'I
coac Ie ~'
cu 0 wo aJl( POSSI y
I - 1111'11" \vas fOI'" '''Cll as tIl' I'nsult (If 'I
- . e,
ree III c wrge 0 the nom illatIOns.
' . I' 'nc\, Committce through its [onr co-
','IIH' s('cond dancl' in the S( n'eS wil: "'j)cl'"ting ag"endes. These are 111l'.'
. Ie ar er 1 10ys HI( S('vpra
(·hallces to 'cor" I'n the olJenillg npl' 1I,lnd, wcre satisfied In lhal I{o"se"elt
'. :'

The Players' press agent points out I'ec-ommendation of the Finance Com-! 1)(' hpld on November 25, and the host- Main Line Federation of Churchps, IOd, as McGarry IIItercepted paSSl'S l(ccl\~d ,I 1,lIgel .\ot~ lhan \\IIS gl~UI
LSL • L • " -'.,. " " • ,. r • " , ' r'"

U' I b mittee made at the October meeting. I ''''S('S will be Mrs. E. C. Griswold, the Bala-Cynw"d Social Ser'vice or Whittingham crashing off tackle to Alfred E. SmIth 111 1,!l28, nlal(1ng
that If you want to earn a out I . I >tt, t "0 T "I' 't I · ' l' " th' b II I, . th' t" It the largest DellllJ~l'i\lIC ,oLe l'Vl;"
'ruts and mental grooves'-and how n a e cr 0 ur own ,IS 1\1rs. Robl'rt J. Dothard, Mrs. Ar- League, the \Vayne Neighborhood p ,IC1I1g C a (eep 111 e opponen s l i d ' N b t1
wl'pk, A. E. Wohlert stat('d that noth- lhur Goldsmith, Mrs. E. A. R. AI- League, and the Paoli Red Cross. lerritory, but due to f"umb1<'s they: po ,e . 111 ar er I.
(Continued on I'a~e Five) ing but a reduction of fifty per cent. bun~er and Mrs. Robert Bennett. The Oth ' . ., '.. U' h' . I lost chances. Late in the initial ljuar-· Smllh received 53!! votes and Boov-
. h . Id' f N el olgamza ons w lch WI) . 1823 in 1928
Funeral for George
. I d H Id W d d I
III t e tax rate wou
berth residents.
satls y
1\11' Wohlert stated this week that' ,
: p('r person or $150 per couple
.' .'
ar· admission for these dances is 75 cents shan' in the relief funds are th('
'I H Itl
ommunl y ea I an
d C' ' A
(Continued on raA'e Six) "I .
Adherents of Norman Thomas, So-
cialistic candidate, also had cause for
W Ie an e e nes ay .'
"no ('Ifort would be made to send an I .
I ContributIOns of any lund, such as alion, Ardmore;. the Haverfol'll Com- Music Program to Feature
.' "
satisfactIOn, as he receIved the larg-
Funeral services were held Wed- organized delegation to the meeting. i C~~:h~lg, fO~df liurmtUl:e d'1n~ toys, ~unit~ ;:enter ~ th; Conllnul~ty/>Jurs~ Open Club Meeting Tues., cst Socialist vote yet polled in the
nesday afte;noon for George \Vieland Such a movement must be spontane-l wl I' gra e u y recel~e. y any .ssocla IOn, . 0 ,erw~n, .ao I anu . ! 1301'0ugh. The 47 Thomas votes also
of 116 Woodside avenue at the An~ ous," he said. "If taxes go down Illlember of th: orgaJllzatl~n, the l\lalve,l:n; ~IIIldren s AId SoclCt~; Boy The Women's Commumty Club of: carried through to a large extent for
: d k'· I t I '11' C '1 IlIlemb.ers of whIch are devoting one IIno GIrl Scouts and Ivy CroIl Con- Narberth will hold a meeting in the I tIle other' Socl'all'st calldl'dates Van
(Irew J B alI" un erta 1I1g par ors, proper Y va ues WI rIse. ome cal Y I h . f l · , .,
:19th an'd Chestnut streets Philadel- i[ you ~vant a seat at this meeting.;'!' a~ to t e drepalrd 0 Tahny garmed~ts ".descent Home, Wayne. . Co.mmunity Building on Tuesday at I~ssen receiving 47 and Mary Winsor,
. , ' wlIleh arc onate esc arc IS- L·t ' . t1 M' L' d' . 230 P M
phia, Interment was in Camden, N. J. Preliminary estimates on the lll3:3 t 'b t d t th .d f N b th as year 111 Ie am lIIe Islnet·· . . 46.
Mr. Wieland, long a familiar fig- budget have been prepared by chair- ~\~ Ie °h' he nee ~ 0 I adr ~r . a total of $721,000 was given by 7,· An exceptionally attractive musi- One of the surpriscs of the clec-
urI' in the life of the community diNI men of the various committees of " I lcle~ w IC nla Y e HP alIce Ind' a 500 persons. The total expcnses of ('al program will be presented by till' lion was the speed wilh which the
last Saturday at his home He . , was Coullell . and subnlltted . to Clarence oarre . 111 f ront 0f EI m
.. .a arc IS- tIIe U't d C
m campaign '. f 01. tl Ie> en t'lie . chUlrman
. . of the M uSle . D epartment, lIallots were counted In . the Second
, ., . . lnbuted to those famlhes JIl Narberth "car n UI t d t I th thO . I l\~ . B ' F B t d II th .. ': . . .
sixty-seven. He had conducted a bar- l{aeber, chaIrman of the F i n a n c e . ," a 10 l e o ess an one- III I ,1'5. urns'. es, an a e lesl-\Illstrlcl, where the vote, over
ber shop in Narberth for the past 18 Committee. who ar.e In need of them. Both men s o[ one pCI' cent. of the amount: co)· ,Ients of the community are cordially 1000, was cast. The returns from
, , . . , and clllldren's shoes are badly needed. Ie ted ' , 't d t tt d th" . . .
years, being located first in the old ReVISIOn of these cstlnlates Will be- c . . IIlVI e 0 a en as IS IS an opell tillS (lIstrlct were completed about 10
arcade and later moving to Forrest g-in at Monday's meeting and the bud- I W. Logan MacCoy, who jJreslded meeting. I o'clock, while the First and Third
avpnue next to Elm Hall. . f.:d will be passed on first reading at Missionary Society to at last week's mceting, is chairman of Lillian Britt Heinsohn and Nellie were finished before eleven.
He was a member of Cassia Lodge, II lh(' December meeting. The budget Meet Next ThUl'sday Ihe Main Line district, assisted by Britt Tabor will present "Song Pie- Despite the inclemency of the
No. 273, F. and A. M.; Montgomery 'lI'llinanee will then hold over until Alfred ? Maule, ~ice-c~airman for t ures of the Old South." weather the vote cast in Narberth ap-
Royal Chapter, No. 262, Keystone As- the .1 anuary mecting for pussage 011 The Women's Missionary Society of Ihe sectIOn from CIty LlIlC. to B~yn A feature of the afternoon will be' proxima ted. that cast in 1928. There
sembly; No. 2 of Artisans, Quaker second and third readings, at which tlH' Narberlh Presbyterian Church ~Ia:vr, and Rodney. K.. Merrlcl" vlce- a talk by Adolph Vogel. conductor of were 23·11 Presidential votes cast
City Council, and No. 17, S. D. of L. lime amendments may be made. will hold its regular monthly meet- chamllan for the dlstl'lct from Rose- 1he 1\1ain Line Orchestra, whose sub· Tuesday for four candidates and 2362
Mr. Wieland is survived by his wid- ing on Thursday afternoon, Novem- 1II0nt to ~alley Forge. ject will be "Development of Musi<~ for Hoover and Smith in 1928.
ow, Mrs. Anna Wieland (nee Bassler) Anti-Mergcrites Meeting hl'r 17, at 2.30 o'dock. A meetlllg of Narberth worl,ers Since Beethoven - Commercializil1~
and two daughters, Ida Wieland and A meeting has been called for Wed- Mrs. Archibald Campbell, a mi~sion- held. Wedn~sd.ay night in the Com- Present Day Music." Mrs. C. W. To Hear About Etchings
Mrs. Harry Pulch, Jr. nesday evening at 8 o'clock in the ar~' from Chosen, will be the speaker IIIU~lty BUIlding was addressed by Sunderland will be the hostess. A meeting of the art department
Legion Room of the Community and the music will be furnished by LoUIS A. Young, Mr. MacCoy and Mr.' The program of the club on No· of the Women's Community Club of
Building of those residents who m'l' Mrs. C. S. Wilmot. I\Iaule. Mrs. P. A. Wales, chairman vember 29 will be in charge of thc Narberth, Mrs. P. A. Wales, chair-
Open Duplicate Tourney interested in rctaining the Borough Mrs. John Van Ness will have for Narberth, with the Rev. Gibson Literature Committee, Mrs. Walter man, will be held at the home of
at Bridge Club Monday status for Narherth. "The Othrr Sid" charge of the devotions and the Pray- n"'l as co-chairman. They will be as- J. Odiorne, chairman. The speake I' Mrs. Nelson Rowley, 210 Chestnut
of the Merger" will be presented h~' 1'1' Circle will meet at 2 o'clock ~isted by the following captains: Mrs. will be Mrs. Lucy C. Pickles, who avenue, this afternoon at 2 P. M.
The Narberth Bridge Club will hold thp Narberth Borough Citizens' Com- Paul Loos, Mrs. Horace I. McConnell, will talk on «Idio~yncrasies of 11Ius- Mrs. Franklin P. Dunlop will be the
an open duplicate bridge toul'l1an1l'nl mittee. To be Guests in West Chester I\1rs. Harold Mead and Mrs. E. N. trious Men." E. S. MacCawley will speaker. Her topic will be "Etchings."
in the club rooms on Monday evening The Sunshine Bible Class of the (Continuer! on Page Five) talk on Current Booles. Mrs. Robed
for the members and their guests. Hold Annual Luncheon
Mr. and Mrs. John A. Lafore, of Narberth Methodist Episcopal Church A. Compton will be the hostess.
There will be prizes and refreshments. will be entertained by the Berean Bi- E. F. Cobb Tells How The Board of Directors of the c1uh The Women's Foreign Missionary
Penn Valley Farms, arc entertaining
The winners in the duplicate tour-
the Bridlewild Association at a breal,- hIe Class of the West Chester Meth- Cement is Mallufactl!red held a meeting at the home of the of the Narberth Methodist Episcopal
nament of the women's division of the
rast on Saturday before the drag odist Church in West Chester next president, Mrs. Joseph A. Hongler, Oil Church held their annual luncheon ill
club last Friday afternoon were: N, Tuesday evening. Tile h' f P I Tuesday morning. Parrish Hall on Monday.
hunt. Istory 0 ort and Cement,
and S., Mrs. H. I. McConnell and
Mrs. Allan Schubert; E. and W., Mr::;. with a vivid description of the meth-
lods by which it is manufactured,
J. H. Baker and Mrs. M. V. Donnelly.
This Friday aft('rnoon there will ttCalico Dogs" and ttGingham Cats" Being formed the topic Tuesday of a talk Business Council Plans Decorations for
by Edward F. Cobb, of Merwyn road.
be a closed duplicate tournament for
Made by Narberth Juniors for Bazaar Merion, before the Bala-Cynwyd-Nar-
Christmas; Hopes to Aid Narberth's Poor
the members only.
On Friday afternoon, Novembrr 18, berth Rotary Club.
the women's division will also hold an- The Junior Community Club has the home of Mrs. E. J. Corrigan, Nar- Mr. Cobb traced a bag of cement Plans for an illuminated Christmas bel'S are expected to pay dues that
other open tournament for the memo mlterrd upon a project of sewing- berth Hall. The girls accomplish II from its original form in the shale display on Haverford avenue and for will leave a surplus.
rocks to the completed product. The aid to Narberth's unemployed were Following a plea by Squire Fred
bers and their guests. Refreshml'lIts and their work consists of fashioning great deal meeting together in this
process, involving close chemical su- made at a dinner meeting of the Nar- Walzer, it was voted that part of any
will be served at 1 o'clock, while the vpry appealing stuffed animals. These manner, and enjoy a sociable evening surplus aftcr payment of decorations,
card playing begins at 2. For res· "calico dogs" and "gingham cats" are as well. pervifdon, is an intricate and expens- berth Business Council, held at Esh-
prvations call Mrs. Charles A. Stoudt. to be ::;old at one booth of a bazaar The hi-monthly meeting of the club ive one. am Manor Inn, Montgomery pike, be given, at discretion of the Execu-
which the Juniors will hold in con- was held on Thursday, November 10, Rock containing lime and clay is ncar Wynnewood, Wednesday night. tivp Board, to aid the Christmas fUlld
junction with an evening card party, at the club room in the Community first ground to a powder finer than The meeting was attended by thirty, for Narberths' unrmployed. This may
Hold Donation Day lIllIount to over a hundred dollars.
The annual Donation Day at the the middle of December. The date Center. Report of this will be given flour, Mr. Cobb said, and then burn- half the membership.
cd in a kiln at a temperature of 2700 The evergreens and lights will be It was decided to open a new class
King's Daughters' Home for the Aged ano all the interesting details will be in detail in next week's issue.
New members are still being taken degrees. The clinkers formed, of ex- placed along Haverford avenue from of members, for business people of
on Sabine avenue, Narberth, was helll announced later. the Borough who do not maintain
on Wednesday. Luncheon was serv- The first of the sewing meeting wa::; into the club, and it is probable that cessive hardness, are then ground in the Narberth National Bank to Nar-
very soon the 50-mark will be reach- heavy and expensive machinery to berth avenue, and up that street to shops in the Haverford avenue ::;ec-
ed and all kinds of fancy articles held at the home of Mrs. James D.
tion. For these, the dues will be six
were on sale. Mrs. William Fischer, Moore, on Dudley avenue, last Thurs- ed, which is the number necessary to form cement. Six hundred pounds the theatre, the same as last year.
give the club voting privileges at the of rock must be used to make a bar- The cost is partially covered by funds dollars a year, as com{lured with the
of Cynwyd, represented the Kings' day, and the next sewing meeting
Daughters of St. Andrew's Chapp\' will be Thursday, November 17, at (ContlnueQ on Page Five) reI of cement, he said.
l in the treasury, and in addition mem- (ConllnUeQ on Pal;'p Five)

Nov.ember 11, 1932
l'agc lwo
. -'11'. - - -\ ---I~ro-m--~~~d-W-a-y~o this;::-e -o~--s-o-I: hy Mrs. Albrecht, without w~ose-;:r-I at the home of Mrs. P. Donald Fol- •
dS and .r'a
nth £:ocal Chlovies I well, 227 N. Bowman avenue, Merion,

O, W
~' Tl\..l' I;
A Co,operalive Community Newspaper,!
..l ~ ,
l..Jrtre C es
I lude and mcditation." Thcn he no- IllOnious and wholc-hearted co-opcra-
t.I'ced that the solitude was not com- lion, the nursery of good deeds plnnt-
plete. Others, like himself, were seat- eel and cultivated by Mr. Albl'echt Exceptional Shows Are
on Tue,:day at 3.30 P. M.
The soloists will be Lucius Cole,
founded In 1914 by the Narberth ~iviC. Conference ed here and thel'e, quietly looking to- violinist, a graduate of the Royal Con- •
A"Ul.laticHl. and published every Fnday i "Conference" is one of several ward the chancel. None was engaged "ould not have succeeded. 011 Egyptian's Program
servatory of Music, BrusRels, and a
at N.arberth. Pa, , ,,,'rds whieh were worn thread-bare in any visible acts of devotion, They The Main Line is fortunate to have
former member of the Philadelphia
III husiness jargon, in the decade that i were just sitting and looldng; possibly such a citizen who produces such au- Their latest comcdy will he 1"'1'-
PIII:lp AtIN' Orchcstra; Orlando Cole, 'cellist, a
llollel't :\1,,,,,·., Livlll"HlOII. l'uhliHllel'
I'a,,,er"", I,;,lilor I
i now SClms to be effectually closed. [meditating, Further scrutiny reveal- mirable results from the earth, as arc formcd by the Marx Brolhel's at the
I'~ I'd that all of them wpl'e
ll1ember of the Curtis Institute Quar-
Aline :II"A,
, 1:"lll'rls, ""l'Ial 1';llIlOI'
A,!\'c'l'tlsill:; Manal'\'el' 'L'lle Vagrant earllesl\y
. desires' to , n1l'lI, which
, "void the us~ of It, but what slllg e might or might not be sIgnificant. Cer-
258 Ha~ Ave., Narberth I wu.-cl is there t.hat so suituhly de· tainly thel'e arc plenty of women out
shown in his plant nurseries, and who,
Il~gYlltian in Cynwyd t.his FridllY and
all unostentatiously, affects for good Snturday, Groucho, Harpo, Chi<-u and
tdte; Harry Blank, baritone, and Le-
I'oy Bawden, pianist, a member of the
Telep~e-Narbe"th 2545; If no answer,: ,crib,s a galhering of people [01' dis- : and about lower Broadway ut. that
Ardmore 3100 i "us ion and commun aelion'! Any-' liul!' of daY. The Vagrant saw none
lhe lives of many peopl,e.
1.eppo give as funny a perfornilinee
In "111l1'se Feathers" as in "Anilllal
Zeckwer-Hahn faculty. The tickets -

are 75 cents each and may be pur-

SUbscription prlc;;;-;;;r year In advance: way, that. was the kind of meeting in Tl'inity Church while he sat I Germantown. CI'al'" r.;" and "Cocoanuts."
chased at the door.
A~s" t.~1e p~ogral~l,
i \\'Illch lhew 'fhe Vagrant recently to P .
1';"I .. ,.p,] aH H""OIl,I ... la"H ,"allpl' I iln ollice in lower New York City.' oung rlest . , . I on week-end in-
bl'1' 1:1. I!l\ I. al Ih" I'OHI OIE!'e Ilt :"a,'- I 1'1 l [' 1'1 ,I II I Ilg I'll' It. was a 111easant 111ace for llUlet I Arguments Agamst Merger 'I ,·Iudllll!.' at Saturday's matlllee, IS the

~:;'~I., 1';( .. 111111,,1' till' A,'I "r ,I,ll C ' : 1)\I~iJl('sS custums by ending during the Ihought, but. just what to think about:
:I' , II 3' 1'1 cun erence ma Wu Ie C la e '
Advanced by Resident: Itoyal Filip~no Orchestra, n st.ring
'th t all'l II y ug' The Vag-rant could not at t.he ll\onwnt: ---' "'alld Ihat. Will perfol'lIl on tl1l! sl.nge,
1l001l IlU1II' WI ou m', Ig , I S - , ' . '
i I.' l' I I' t t.1 e1' Sl>'t lkcide. The spot-light on tlw mal'hle To the Editor of "Our Town'" i ,I. plays WIth the Iync abandon and
1,~l!S lOllS or UIlC 1111g oge 1 .
========:=-==-====-==== ~
Friday, November 11. 1932
developed quite suddenly and Ullex- statual'Y
I .
o~er '
the altar did pl'l)(lu~e; The main string upon which Ihe;
I~ll' 11l~asll1g
. ' '
rhythm fol' which South

• I I II II t. 'l'h V a t \v
' (ll'C "I Y III e agr< n as fl' e I he ('ffect II1tend.ed, but, aft('I' all, It
e ' , 't I ' t
' lllergc1'I es lal'Jl IS . Ie savIIlg o· a l . I f Seas Islanders
, are Iloted,
,,' and hall
Anent Tax Reductrons 'I anI ! a Ione on B roa u way nea l' 'fI'I"ty 'I I
wns a spot-hght; no more, no less,'
d' I' I' r ' : few dollar;; in t.axes,
They set'lll 10: '
. won ('onsHlerable acclallll 111 thIS
In last w('('I\'s isstl(' of "0111" Church. IIis pace slackened, busitll'ss I he got.hlc mches, nn ~ vau 1.1111, 1,IIto
, • .'. Now
, ' "nullIIY. ,
, , 'kl f d d f h' . d IIH' upp<'r shaclows were intert'};tll1g,.lhll1k that Pl'Ople are so sordid Ihat.:, Edmund Lowe, VIetor l\lcLllglen
'l'oWtl." ;\, E. \\'o!lh'l'1. III a It'lt.l'l·: matter.s ~11ulc y a, e Tom ll~t m~n I'ath('r satisfying ~n the wholl' hilt Ihe only way to aPPl'l11 to t.helll is', '"HI Richard Arlen give I'ohust illlli· Marx Brothers
, ] I' ,)-II'I :llId ' . ('asl •\' revcrl.Ing 10 a 0) ,l'rlllg Thl' Vagrant, could , not rpcall at" t.he through their , poc\,dhool,s, whIch .
10 till' I'dltol', ad\'o('alt'l a "111 0
""I\)(!<-r<,r Iw was soon pel'rlllg
, ' ' , .:
I I \'idulil jwrformanl'('s iu the CClll)('dv.
\(,1' "I'll! ill till' I\Ol'otl"'!I tnx I'atl'. I' 1 'I' I' [' 'I' "I. 1l10nwnt how the Tl'inity interiol' I'llt-' will adnllt arl' qUlt(' flat. .Just. 1I0W. Fol': "Guilly As Hell," coming 10 CVllwvd
~ , I II'UUg I t W Iron Jla IlIgs u 1'1111 Y . , , ' • ' •
alld IIl'g('d that a ,h'I:'!:at iOIl of; .'hul'l'h\'ard. - I'd arehitectually. As he gazed up at the shgl~t ehfference 111 .taxes, they' 1I1'Xt. IHullda~' and Tu!'sday, H,','oll1' FEATHERS"
, ' ] I .' I'· ' IIIl' arches he fclt a rumbling tl'l'llIor would give up our adllllrable eOlIl-, Il1ellCkd :Is g-oocl adult fan',
t'ltlZPllS att,'lll t \(' II('XI 111('(', , IJlg 0 [' ,oo~
P P rOVl'd cr" ,alld was remllll\cd ' , that. probably ~uh- tllunlty ' ' ' . 'lor \\llIch
Sjll1'lt, " ,.',
Natlll'llh IS Exeelll'nt entertalllment , .IS "Ma- And on the Hage:
('ollllt'il Oil :\Iollda,\' lilgltt alld; "Ill'~'e, :111;; WIll I~evel' du,,' IIIS"husI- surface trains were running decp un-, outstanding, I unlh-rst.and thaI. we oIanl<' Hnc1;I'tt',~r," till' Egyptian'" feat.- Royal Filipino
makl' ImO\\'1I l111'il' \\'islll's !o tlH'. lIess IlIslIncl remll1dcd hllll, \V,hat elf'r where he was sit.ting, Unpll'ns' would lose our zOlling- ordinance by 'Ire "','dnf,,'da\' nlld Thul'sclav, Onl'
('ollllt'ililll'll. i : would ' 'Iny one , of t.hose ' exccullves
" nnt thought WIth ,. .
VISIOns of Vl'l'y old, Inergmg' ' WI'th tl 1C 'I' owns I'lip. '1'1 liS" " , I','asnn -.Is ,: nlC Ilard Bennl'tl.' Two Orchestra
"I . whom yOli have .Just left thlllk I[ he gothic arches enduring model'll "ibl'a-: 10 ml', woulcl be a great mistake, as' "thers nl'e George Raft. n IJ{'\\' and
Thl' \a!'lll'l'lh ('o\lllt'tl IS a ",a:,s 1,;lwuld be pa:;sing and see you stand-, tion! The Vagrant. got up at OlltC', our town would then be thrown open rising film star; and Alison Skipwol'th, Monday and Tuesday Next to SPt' l.itizl'IlS nt its 1II""ti11gs,;lng hcre a-gaze.'!" That was a Vt'ry On his way out., his att(,lltion was at-' 10 anyoile who wished to I'l'side 11l'rp. who plays the role of a lovable old Edmlllld Lowe. Richard Arlen
\ o'ootll\' 11l1ll1lu'I' of 1'(Il1lfol'tahlt>! (I'ue and searchlllg prod from t.he sal- l.raded to a small alcove in which n, Our playground would no longer b,~ .'I'OlllIl1rC'] in the nHllllwr of Marie Victor !tJcl,aglen
. ~
('hail's . ]ll'o\,idt'd fill' lids ]llll'- :i''II' ~,
aI',' '-l"lrnill'gside . , or TIll' " Vag1"lnt's
, sing-Ie electric ' light illumlnat(·d. a In-:I'xduslvcly ' ours. Dressler. Also on tlw (ll'ogram will "GUILTY AS HELL"
:111 til '\' 'II" \Is('d tllll S ( ,,'h'Hacler
, ] . " , that Side willch" has strug- hie and thl' pale face anI Iclerical " ('01-, \Vhy do not the mergl'rllc's ' move I'C' a request!'( l ' ,
rl'pl'tltloll of " S Il'lelly
• A funny comedy
poSt', 1 (. ". " i gh'd , for'years. 10 m'l!,e ' hUll" recoglllz ,:e lal' of him who was seatl'd l.herl'. A into the Township if t.hey pl'l'ft'I' con- (r nre I'la) II e, " a very funny comedy,
WedneSday and Thursday
dolll, ; and abIde by the ,stel:n r,ealttlcs of hIe sign on the table announcl'll thaI. a' ditions there? wit.h Zasu Pitts and The]m:l TocJd,
'l'lH' BIl!'ollgh ('O\lIlI'ihlll'll an' n'·, and ,suP~lOrt h~s fa,mtlY 111 that Ill·Oj.ler priC'st would be there during certain: As I sec the matter, it. is pnrely Next week-pnd's feature l1<'eds lit. Ric"ard Benne/t. George Raft
Aliso" Skipworth
spollsi\'(' to till' wish('s of 111l' rl'si., slatlOn JI1 whIch 1t has ple~sed God hours every day "for consultation." for selfish reasons that they desire Ik publicity; it has be(>n widely hail-
lo, p,lace t.hem. Because he, IS an U,II-, One was consulting him at., to merO'.e, Either jlOlitical advance- I,d as the sUlwr-film, In the cinema "MADAME
d,'lIls, I I' il is t Ill' will Ill' t h(' llIa- IVI II lllg worI\Cr, a po~r f amI I y l,lrovl d -' Ilw moment. The face of thaI. pl'it'f;1. lI1ent or .... the fact that theil' children I rendition of Vicki Baum's nll':el, RACKETEER"
jOl'ity lhat lht' tax I'atl' Ill' ('lIt ;1(; :'1', a walldere~' of nllnd and, oI !Jod~, s('emed to The Vagrant. tn he too: may nttend some other school. The "(irand Hott'I," are .John and Lionel -Exl client Enterta Inment
IH'I' 1'('Id. 1"';'uI!'dless of \\'hat st'l'\'" L'he Vagrnnt Ig,nored the vOIce of, IllS young; too unmarked by living life.: only thing against oul' school is the Ilarrymore. .Joan Crawfol'd, Gr(>ta And 23SU Pitts and Th"lma Todd
i,'"s ha\' .. tl) Ill' disl'ollt illIU"!. that, "cononlle cOllsclel~ce, and was :lIued All his blacks would be black and his, distance fOl' the small pupils nn the Garbo alld \Vall:!ee Beel'Y· Not to
r~tllrn'n~~ by request, In

('''Itld I", dotH', Iher!':!t by ot.her allllll'ss persoll S, t.our- whit!'s. white', no doubt, with no place' South side, Scholastically Narherth be missed. alld worth seeillg again. "STRjCTL Y UNRELIABLE"
-- ---- -- --
.: isl.H, no doubt, who t!,ll'~1 appeart'll ill ill his out!ool, for the middling g-rnys pupils are among the be;t at LoweI'
--_.-.~-- ~._-.- ---~----

, ' ~ riday and Saturday Next

(oll,;ldl'l' wllt'l'(' t hl' laxpay('!'s: the churchyard exanllnlllg tilt', gl:ave- which color so much of human con- ~rerion. Chandu at Narberth
1I1011t'~' g'IH'S, rII 111l' I :lIdg('1 1'01': stones and reading t.he ill~Cl'lpt.lOlI~; tluct, No, The Vagrant would not It has not been satisfactorily prov- Thrilling- ent!'rtainment is givpn ill /0/'" "'lei
Joan Cl'dJl'ford
Lionel Barrymore
this , \'' O\'l'l' *l,l.llllll , \I'as al I Otl't I , "I wOlHkr . how t.hev . got III there , ,care to consu It h'1111 pro f '
essJOnn II y I'e- c'u that t.he savmg ' , taxes would Iw ""'1
111 \, JaIl<IU, tl 1<' 1\1 agH'lan.
., " ati N ar-
til' Greta Garbo
1'01' ,pa nll('! It 01, 'lilt 1'l'('st a lid 101" ' i Ihought
" ' , , Ther' ,
, , ',
"must bC,r gm,I' I mg C1,'th' er sou I or. b Ot Iy, ,.,,0 co I'
II.. \'pry great by the consummatIOn ' 0
fil . l I TJ H,a t1'1' th'IS WI'!' J,-1'111,
,!'r I 'Inc 1III ! - Wa/lace Beery
, I" : t' I I I ',. ,,: lhue s '~ g,lte opell ~om( whe! (. ullli I hurried out to the busy strpet, where Ihis proposed mergel'. Our stre(>ts nre il1g an Armistice Day matilll'p, 2,:1O "GRAND HOTEL"
Sill, dll"~ 1I11( s , Oil IOllt
, I"Sll' s,:" '''In get III '100" :, OII,lIe" sl'll'led along h,' found IllS , IlIISIl1CSS
. "
ego walllllg f ot·; in very good condItion . and ' reqUIre (' ' 1\1 "nc t I ay. 1'1 ',( munlI r,ow!' anI I
\\ ollid t!lt' l'f'Slll,'nt s oj t h" BOI" I lhe fenc~, leavmg hIS bUSlIll:;;S ego and him. Quit.e eontentedly and wit.hout, very little outlay of money for their Ikla Lugosi compete for suprplllaey
ollg'h favo!' dl'falllt illg' 011 olltstalld.' II.S worrll's thel'e on the sIdewalk t.o :I word they merged again alHl ami a- 'npkc'ep while some of the> roads in in a film marked by clever clir('('tioll
,IlIg' hOllt I S. 'g'lVIlIg'
" \al' Ill'l't IIS
' l'I...t \,: It : Hhift for itself as best it might, bl y se t 0 ff't oge th' el t 0 fi neI some th"I11g, the T' ownsh'Ip are not 111 . goo d con d'1- aliI 1 ac t'mg, suspense anII I1\111101',
a hbll.k 1'\'" I'rolll whieh 1h,'I't' \\'Oltl, I I
. "
Men Only
' Before any open g-atl' was rt'achld
10 p~t
" •
, Ion ane
I \ '11 at so 1 t'me' tl e
10'1, n I' I
THE VAGRANT. 'near future, need to be improved. \Vill Monday and Tue;;day, is an intcr"st.·
In· I ,
"Big Cit", Blu!'s," comin'" IJ{'Xt
,.., NarbertH THEATRE
Ill' 110 I'l't'o\'('!'~'! \\ l' 1111llk 1I0t. The Vagrant came to the dool's of. i we not have to be taxed for that? illg detective story, starring- ,Ioall
I 'ollsid('1' 1hI' ot ht'r s('I'\,il"'s alit] Trinity Church itsd r and lost his in-: h b \Vhy should these mergerites, some BlolldplI and Eric Linl\('n, A!so hook-
including Armistice Day
NOW PLAYING-Mat. 2,30 P, M,
thillk holl' Illall~' ~'Oll \\'Illtld Ill' will· I t,erest in t~e graveyard in a newl y -. In t eMail au : of whom are what might he called ed is "Evolution," the sensational
illg' to fOl'pg'o, 10'01' lil'(' pl'ot,','t i011 ; IOI'~lIed dcslre to ent~r, that, church, 0 11 e\\'-co111(' rs. be allowed to teal' down' Ihought-eol1lpellillg film that has at.·
:f; 1011' II I '1 : whIch he had 110t vlslt.ed In many 'III that the older generation so care· ll'a('\t'd widesprpad interest. the Magician. with Bela Lugosl
,'I), IS a ot t'l, ~lll'" .\' lIot all ,'('aJ'S. He went in dr o llj1l'd into one Praises Mr. Albrecht 'fill 'I 'It' I ftc I n\ 'nO" 1 ve Fol' W e(hll'sd"l~' ,'Incl 'l'll111",',I"I~' til,' and Edmund Lowe,
Mouse comedy.
Also Mickey
, "1 ." 'I'., t.hc'. E'lll'tllr llf "Our TO\"ll·." . 1 V 1111, I P a . r la'l " p '0 n
l'xo!'llltHllt '~o
SHill t'OIlSI""I'II!'" tit.' f t h e rear pews ianI d gaze a IlOU ttlla t y " I "bl t' I " th , "Ot! " that being a part of the Township N I al'lerth
I managenwnt offers \\,('11·
('nil'i!'I1I',\' of t ht' ;\H I'! 1\')'1 h Fil't, dim and impressive interiol'. "\Vhew!" '~lI1 ,ll mna e arAlclbe 0111 , eND I did not work out to the best intcr-' g"ownec!, b('aulifully suffering COli· Next Monday and Tuesday
.. :\nnl\'('r~ar" 0 f tw' l !'eclt.s urs- . Joan Blondell "nd Eric Linden In
I 'Cllll pall \' a lid t h(' 10\\' lin' i !lSlll'· he thoug-ht, that was a suddcn change , I 1\ . II t'00 nIl
('I'I('S(\ S a I e () f t1. }P 1'(':1
I ests..
of our town?• ,tance
\Vorld."Bennett in "Two Ag-aiJlHt t h(' I
allt.t' I'at('s whidl I'l'sllit tlwI'prl'OIll,!. lIul'st'rips this spll'llllid eiti;:"11 has; Will not some public citizen of Nar- AND: "EVOLUTION"-the am"z,
']'1 l' I . .lolll UIII) f :presellt );arl)('I,th Borough rat 1', II' t I berth suggest some means bv which Ing. unheard·of pleture-somethlng
1(' ,0r'oHg' I pan; ,f ." 01' i eu Iva 1'1, " '" to make you think and talk, You
, '1'1 I.' "tl "I' I HlIt. \\'('1'1' 1h(' 11I1'I'g('I' allpl'o,,(',l hy It 1!')I'C' 110t tl'll of tIle C'll'II'I'I"s '111,1' w(' may avert this disaster? i Bcncfit Musicalc Tue8day should see It!
po I It'P. It' Se) ill'IPS (I lP () h.(II'S' ' .-'" - ,.' I . ,
, , t ht' ('oil it. HI 11I\\'a H,'!, WoHlll h;I n' 'human reconstl'uction work or t h" i Balance up what we WIll lose WIth at Folwcll Home Merion
Wednesd"y and Thursday
oil dllt .\. h('I't' al'(' lIxt'd I,,' ~
. "elltle.' . I ] l' tl t " j' sub!l'cl, of ,,"UI' sl'{)f !'ltkl'ly I \\'Ila t we mll1J gaIn ' b e f ore slgnll1g
.. on ,
. I ' to )(' ma( P II)' 1" Pl1\'IIH'II, 0 " ,"' , , , • I C,,"sta"ce BC"IIelf i"
llIali s agTl'('IIIt'lIt al t \(, san\(' lIglll'("
as pHlll " III th,' , , ' alld ,'all.:,bolldt':! d(,ht, wl1II'h,woHld
, ' ,
. ,rrqllll'(, ,
wOlllen whose ('ntrance into 1I01n('s the dotted 11l1e.
was paid b" thIs . Nursery 1\lall-- I ., Jt;'
l\IRS 1',-
A benefit musicale for the Seholar·
ship Fund will be given by the Phil- I "TWO AGAjNST the WORLD"

lIot \'('I'\, wt'l1 hi' I't'dlll'PIl. "I h('r!' , Hl'al'l\'. tl11'f'" 1I11lls addlt IOllal. . , ' I 'f
wonwn. II1to w lOse h e new hOj](' was . , I alIe I p h'la Al ulllnae of Smith College I '----------------~
, It \'. J' 1'1' 1 t I 1\\'1\('11 \'011 Hlld thr!'!' mills to Hille 1)lantt'll h" tran s j11antation illto lhl' Rcpuhlican Wom~n Invited
IIII~' I )ee\\'I'I' II 1t'('I'S III Sll(' I a: . " ' '-.---.
' 1 I] I
s t l'p s lOll t :t' \\'1'1'" 1"1 W(',
, ,""
'I 1 11
I' . Hlld sllhil'al'1 lhl'l'" I'I'0In lS thl'l'e hot hOIl;;(' of a Home.
• 01'
is 1I0t Sll 1I111l'h dill'el'l'II('(' 1I('1\\'('t'lI' Your sketch does not tell 01 a!
. "
to Hannah Penn House Tues.

.' .~-v~o--
- -- ~ .~ M arketC
~---., - -

t ht, '·llllpt·t lOll ot "sh,'s alll1 I'tlh.IIlSh.:

maillll'IWII('!' alld l'l'palr
sll.('!'ts and SI'W!'I'S, t hI' BOl'llllg'h'I
01" ItS:.111(' " )'('sldls,
I· 01 I()\\'I II ~'" tllI'I'" IS pl'll'1<'11
. a
: Conllllunity House erl'eled on Rig-ht-' Republican women of the Main
COlllllllllllty , House · was the hot-lH'd, at the Hannah Penn House. 11th
" and '1
~ ~ ~~ ey ~
this \,('al' allot\,'d ~11,lil)J ,;l(), ;\ot: l'Ollllt'JISl"] \'l'J'sioll of t hI' 19:1:2 I \lItl· which kept many a young man from: Locust streets. Philadelphia, next The Finest Meats
,. I 'I' I ,"'I't. Sh()\l'ill~' 1t')\I' nlOIll'\' W:lS al· evil habits and nurtured an uprig-hl. I Tuesday afternoon, which will be ad-

so \ elT " 1Il1l1' I POIISIl' ('I']IIlY ~ t IL' l'X- I~

"lottl'll ,
for I'xjH'lIditllJ'1' •litis \'I'al', ,, Spll'lt
' . 111
., hIm, keepmg "hl~ " hfe III prop-' dl'essed by Isaac Marcosson, celebrat-
t(,lIt 01 the \\'01'1\ lI1\,oh'('I1. }. 01", ", , ;, i 1'1' courses, Your article does not! ed travcler and author, He will speal, \'\'1' have made a general NOTE THESE WEEK· END
t I ll' ('0 II t'l.t 1011 O'I' g'a J' I lagI'. t hI' BOI'-l! ~('J'1I111I\Z(, It ,,'a
. 1'1'111,I. 1\', , Ih ' " lellIof I, hIS water can full of londly . I
on the "World and Uncle Sam," at, Rib Roast (thick end)"", ,lb., 22c
lIugh 1l<1~'S *1 A()(l. I I' t hI' illl1i\'il1- 11'~'1I11' dO\\'11 to I oUIIl't1 11I~'('t lug Ill. w?rds-cheerin g words and watering i:l P. M, . , 'i Price Reduction Rump Ste"k ' ...... ' .. ' .. ' ,lb., 32c
'11 IIC)IIL'(']I(llll'I' I'll
, " l I IS OSI'(
I Ol"I'! liS
hlJll Hall Oil :\lolll1a\' mg'ht and WIth hard cash many a needy per-I Mrs. George Horace Lornner WIll, 'I
. ' .
H"mburg Steak, freshly
ground ' , .. , .. Ib" 20c
I' h(':lI' tltl' di""lIssioll 011 IIt'xt. \,('al"s son, Your article does not tell ofl preside and the hostesses will be l\Tr~," I
11 ! '
'] I I' I affecting ever)' food item we sell. Frenched Lamb Chops"., ,lb., 30c
. ('011
, II I It H' I 0111' ,t liS t' Il'ap . ' BlId!!'('t, r f \'011 wish your Opillioll qUlct words smoot ling faml Y 11'1'1-: ell' on
y l ' . I' ' I ' ' N t W e
. orson, M F
rs, 'ran k P . ,, Now, even more than l'ver bl'fore Sugar.cured regUlar Hams"., 16c
LIg'htltlg' till' stl'('t'ts oj thl' BOl'ollgh ' . 1" latiolls in his neighborhood. It does! Croft. Mrs. D, Sherrell and Mrs, I
in our half century of fair dl'aling, Our own celebrated cure of break·
l'os1s :jq.:WO alld thl' Hoal'd of 10 t'~l\Il11. ,YOll III list It' III 011 thl' I not tell how sympathetically thisl'Vi11iam C. Gray will be at the tea, you get finest ml'at value for your
fast Bacon:
sliced, 25c
Hpalth SIH'lIds *~A;,I', IIIl/st of ,lIIaloll g' oj th(' l\1I(1g-l'1 alld 1I0t 1'1'" nursery of good actions was nurtured I table. , I
money. at Bradley's, whole piece, 20c

\I'h idl goes i'm' 1111, '11'1:ISpl't' I'1011.\ Sl'rve .VOI1l' gr()\r!s 11 lit i] it i,; , I~ l>i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~n

10'01' thl' t'al'<' and lIIaillt,'II:1I11'l' of :ldoptl'd ill .Ia II 11:11',\', , 2106-08 Market Street Sign
lh,' I'laygTolllld alld I 'Ollllllllllil\' I Wl 1M' The For EfFICIENT SERVICE 01 tIle
) 'I \' I t' " - ' ': lCre t 1e oney Goes a,,,i PUOMPT DELIVERY Best
I 'III t IIlg' til' SUIll o· :r.... :! I!I IS ap·, Intl'rest on bond issues and
prllpl·iafl'cl: slll'l'h'

not \'(']'\'

r:::- I
sinking funds " " , . " , 513,5:17.50
I~OIlSidpl'illg t ht' \\'idt'spl't'ad list' to i Fire pl'otection " , " , " , ' 8,100,00 Richards-Fisher Call Rittenhouse 7070 Meats
whieh thl' bllildillg aile! gl'OlllHls al'e: Police prot.ectiou ',""'" Company
Ash collection, highwaYS :
r,' " _
)lilt. . l'e('I'I\'t'S :f;~,:2;lO,
I he Ltlll':ll'\' and sewers ,., ... "., '.. 11,601,50 I'

In t ilile of tlPpl't'ssioll )ll'opll' I'<'ad Garbage collection ,.",.' 1,400.00 amlOllllce their removal to
11101'1'. it has hC'ell pl'o\'l'd, \\'ollid Playground and Commu-
il hI' wise to cUl'tail tilt' lihrar,,'s
lIsefu!lll'ss 111ldl'I' t h('
nity building" ..... ",'el;m- Library, """ .. , .. " .. ,
2,250.00 I 413·415·417 No 63rd Street
,RecreatIon Board , .. ,.", 850,00 '
st allel's! -Just across City Line from
:' Street Lighting' .. ,.,.' . 4,200.00,
\r I' Lloubt if ~ll', Wohlel't would Board of Health '.'" . 2,450.00, thl'ir prescnt location VALUE
ad\'lll'atl' tltt' l'urtailnlt'llt of mall,": Repayment of loans , 16,000.00
150,00 If the prcsent business conditions have taught us anything,
of thl' st'I'Yi('l's 1'l'lHlel'l'll h\' the: Interest on Loans, , , . " . ,
, I" tIt -'II I State tax on loans,." .", it is thc valuc of substantial things. Frivolous sales appeals
I ,ol'Ollg'l. "' , II' ,,'a 1I s :I;l ,pl'l' !B I B oroug I1 T reasurer .
one, 150.00 More Space
mean little today. Jeddo-Highland, with its sound, basic
1'('lIt tax I'('dllcllllll, .\ (·ut ol two Sewer rentals,., ... " " . 400,00 Cheaper Rates purity, has always made a substantial appeal to thoughtful
mills and possihly lhn'(' IS 1'011' Rent of Council Chamber 800,00 I Better Facilities
fiO.OO buyel's. Thoughtful buycrs being on the increase,
templatel] hy l'ol\l1l'il 1'01' lIext Shade Tree Commission ,.
Jeddo-Highland is making rapid gains in new fricnds.
Vl'ar hy fUl't IWI' pariug' of l'xI)('IISl'S General expenses (includes
-The same courteous serVice
'1 " I I 1" " ' clerical help, publishing
lilt \l'lt I 110 a)(1 ItlOlI II' Sl'l'VICPS 01'(I'Inances, s t a t'loner~',
;: Narberth Coal Company
useful and neCCSsar? to residl'lIts of etc.) ,.,, . 3,400.00,
t Itl' BOI'ough. Superintendent of Public : 1'~cJlp1J S. D,ll/lie. O ..'IIer
Atb'ocates of thl' ml'rg'el' might

means, of "<"Cttlll'" "a. "

Works .. " ... ,,··,···,
point out that this would be It Salary of Borough Treas..
, Salary of Borough Solicitor
' . rl'dut'ed Salary 0f Secretary",...
tax rute. Lower ~Il'rioll's present
3,300,00 !
360.00 '
75.00 I
Phone, GranlOte 8400
Telephone Narberth 2430-2431

rate is 9 nlill~
exaetl? Ilal£ of tllc Total .............•. $86~8~001~'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-5c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I
• .:November 11, 1932 OUR TOWN Page Three

withen, daughter of Mrs. Van Court I Iller, of State and Hageysford road, bel' 3. The committee in charge are Junior C. E. Elects
Carwithen, of Merion, in honor of her I Penn Valley. Mr. Deubler and his now working hard for this affair.
THE FIRESIDE It' t M' N E Ca II ({uests will attend the Temple-Penn
The Junior Christian Endeavor of
\.he Narberth Presbyterian Church
I ebutan e SIS er: ISS ona . 1'- State game on Saturday.
withem, were Miss Anne P. Stauffer, . Needlework Guild's Annual Plumbing : Heating
Mrs. George H. Elmer and Mrs. held a party in the Church Parlors
Miss Flora Fergusson, Miss Margaret! Mr. Arthur G. Compton, Jr., son of Meeting to be Held Tuesday last Friday An election of officers 100 Forest Avenue,
.l·'lorence Woodland, of Baltimore, A Bayliss Miss Mary B. Bayliss Miss' Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Compton, of for the coming year took place. They Phone: Narberth 36j2
Md., will spend the Thanl,sgiving l\iary E. Smith, Miss Jane R. W~tson, i Woodbine ave~ue, ~il1 leave this Fri- The Narberth Branch of the Nee- are as follows: President, Peggy
\ week l1-S the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Miss Phyllis C. Lueders, Miss Eliza-j day on a huntmg trIp near Chambers- dlework Guild of America will hold Starn; Vice-president, Iris Goodrich;
Herbert B. Price, of Anthwyn road. beth Ann Schwarz, Miss Mary Louise! hurg, Pa. its annual meeting in the Holy 'frin- Rccretary, Dorothy Havilick, anti
Kelly, Miss Anna Lux, Miss Suzan~ I Dr. and Mrs. Garth Boerielw, of ity Lutheran Church on Tuesday af- treasurer, Ruth Woolmington.
Mrs. J. Taylor Darlington, who is
.spending some time in Olean, N. Y.,
Marsh, Miss Virginia Means, Miss! Kenilworth road, entertained at din- ternoon at 2.00 P. M.
~s expected to return to her home on ~..
Ima Timberlake, Miss Marguerite Iller at the Arcadia in Philadelphia An exhibition of the garments col- ;. f
Dudley avenue, next week.
Timberlake, Miss Jean Harcum, Mr.· "n Tuesday evening. The guests were lected by the 69 directors will be dis- PROPOSALS
Mrs. R. H. Durbin, of N. Narberth Townsend MacIntosh, Mr. Robert I DI·. and Mrs. S. I. Darnell, of Easton i played. The speaker will be MrR. Bids fOl' Ihe collection of garbage. from
lIvenue, is visiting friends in Cleve- Thomas, Mr. Ralph Seltzer; Mr. Tho,/Dr. and Mrs. William A. Pearson, Miss Fowler from the Home for Conval- all hou!!es, aplll·tments, stores, holels and
land, Ohio. Illas Walker, Mr. Frank Bruner, Mr. Ituth Britsch, Dr. Brice Newbaker and llscents at Broomall, Pa. reslauranlS In the Borough of Narberth,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Livingston, of for the year 193~, are hereby requested.
lIarry Neel, Mr. Percy Neel, Mr. Dr. Nelson Westcott. .
I~ssex avenue, had as their guests
Luncheon will be served to the di- The bids will be received hy the Secre-
.James Carnes, Mr. Wesley O'Neill,! Mr. John Whitney, son of Mr. and rectors and members by the Mission- lary of the Borough Council up to 8
last week-end, Dr. and Mrs. J. F. Mr. John Power, Mr. Richard Val-! Mrs. H. V. Whitney, of Essex avenue, ary Society of the church. Reserva- P. 1\1. l\1onda~', Decembel' 12, 1932, at
Shields, of Philadelphia, and Mr. and
Mrs. William Kenney, of Pittsburgh.
i which time a regUlar meeting of the Hor-
leney, Mr. William Tuttle, Mr.. W. and Mr. Harwood Loos, son of Mr. Lions may be made by calling Mrs. A. ough Coun,,11 convenes and the opening
Biddle McIlvain, Mr. Mace Scoville, I and Mrs. Paul R. Loos, of Shirley G. Compton, 198 Woodbine avenue. of Ihe bids will talle place. Just Like Finding It
Miss Thelma Livingston had as her Mr. Edward Hammond, Mr. Ward I mad, spent the week-end in Bethle. The church will be open on Mon- Contracts will be awarded to the lowe!!t Since the thrifl bug hit the family,
guests over the week-end Miss Betty l"l'ench, Mr. Tate McE. Robertson, Jr." hem, Pa., where they were the guests day evening after seven to receive responsible bidder, and Council reserves Sister has had to do a lot of sav-
the right to reject any or all bid!!.
Kenneyand Mr. William Kenney, Jr., Mr. Howard W. McIlvain, Mr. Dicker-I .,r Mr. and Mrs. Walter Boulier. garments from directors and any time Collections will be reqUired In accord- ing. But her last year's wool dress
who is a law student at the University son McIlvain, Mr. Lynn Thrasher, Mr·i Mr. and Mrs. W. A. MacKellar, of nfter ten A. M. on Tuesday morning. alice with the following schedule: looks as good as new after we gave
·of Pittsburgh. Mr. and Mrs. Living. Thomas H. Payne, Mr. Cadwallader I';. i Ileechwood lane, were among the Three collections a weelt during the it a good cleaning.
Hton and their guests attended the Payne, Mr., Humbert B. Powell, ~r.,! I(uests at a dinner party on Wednes- months of l\la~', June, JUly, August, Sep-
Penn-Pitt game last Saturday.
Mrs. W. C. Spencer, of Dudley ave-
~~r. John 0 Keefe,. Mr. Walter ChIP-!llay evening given by MI'. and Mrs.
Dance at St. Matthias'
Friday evening, Novembel' 18,
tembel' and October.
Two collections a week during the

nue, left on Wednesday for Daytona
pICk, Mr. Walter Nicholson, Mr. Fran- . George Wilson of Audubon N. J.
ds Greene, Mr. William McNichol and ' ,
months of ~ovembel·. December, January.
II card party and dance will be held Fehruar~·. March and AllJ·ll. Adelizzi Bros.
at St. Matthias' Hall, Bala, under the SucceHsful hldder will be "equh'ed to Clcaners. Dyers, Furriers,
Beach, Florida, where she will visit ~Ir. Harry Smith. Set Bazaar Date
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. Walter auspices of St. Margaret's Sodality furnish hondo 'T ai/oring, Pressing
Mrs.. Bernard
. C. . Keenan,
. of Avol\ Th e A nnua I Bazaar 0 f th. e
Meth- of Narberth. All are welcome. Ticl,. ,J. R. II AI~L,
Brown, for two weeks.
road, IS ~p~~dmg ~hls week In Boston, ,odist Episcopal Church will be held ets can be secured from membel'R of Chairman "·'\lcr. Ltg-ht and Ilealth 102 Forest Ave., Narb. 2602
238 Bala Ave., Cyn. 928
Mrs. John W. Dennis, of Anthwyn Comtniltee.
Mass., vlsltmg frIends. I in Parrish Hall on Monday, Decem- the Sodality. (oIl-~[j)
road, will entertain at a luncheon and l\lrs. Roy Griffiths, of Pittsburgh, i
bridge on Friday, November 18.

is visiting her mother, Mrs. Margaret I • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Among the g'uests will be Mrs. Mitch- 'l"itnths, of Sabine avenue, this week. l • •
ell Stead, Mrs. Howard Shay, Mrs.
Fl'anklin Titlow and l\frs. Walter 1\1rs.entertained
road, J. Harold aWay, of Wynnewood
foursome at lunch- • •
Young. lOon and bridge on Wednesday. The •
Mrs. J. W. Prior, of Worcester, I~uests were l\1rs. John Driver, Mr~.. .. • • •
1\lass., is the guest of her son and .Iohn Hanna and Mrs. R. J. Dothard. • •
(Iaughtel'-in-Iaw, Mr. and Mrs. George
C. Prior, of Forrest avenue, this week. 1\11'. Pearson Duebler, accompanied
loy several of his classmates, will r~·
• V
~ OU
·ll Slhen d Less and L·'')Ie Better., Prices Iistcd hcre are among •
Among the guests who attended the
dance at The Warwick on Tuesday
lum from Penn State College thIS
Friday and spend the week-end with

r thosc effective this Friday and •

evening, given by Miss Louise Car- his parenb;, DI·. and I\1rs. E. S. Deu- • Black Walnut Kernels lb., 49c FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES •
r:~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=-al • sa L k C B I
• . ver a e ut eets..... argest can, c
10 Sweet juicy Oranges. . doz., 25c •

We Do More Than Repair Shoes • - Snow-white Cauliflower 19c and 25c ea, •

: Astor Orange Pekoe Tea I-lb. can, 39c Fresh Green Spinach 'i4-pk" 19c :
(This is Ihe secolld ill (J serics of FOOT FACTS AND FOOT NOTES.
Wauh for Ihe lIexl, December 2. Lasl 1II0tl/h we poillled 0111 Ihc impor-
lallce of lire shoe rebllilder being able 10 recoglli;:e fOOl Iroubles by meallS
: Reiner's Ammonia quart bottle, 10c Golden yellow Bananas doz., I5c :
of Ihe cot,dilion 0/ shoes brollg/rl hi", /0 repair, alld being able 10 advise
customers on fOOl care.) I • - Jersey Sweet Potatoes 3 lb" IOc •
It is safe to assume that the grcat majority of foot defectivcs
• Scottissue Paper

•• Wilb ur ' S Cocoa
3 rolls, 25c
/2 - lb •
11 can, 10c
Schimmel's Pure
These are positively the finest pre-
serves money can buy. Absolutely
pure sugar and fruit. All Flavors.
19C ••

wcre born with strong normal feet; most defccts are the result of
I • ill 1II0deYllislic jars 12·oz. jar. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . •
lack of proper care by parents in infancy. Examination of
school children has rcvcaled 80 per cent. of girls and 65 pCI' I • Van Camp's Tuna Fish 2 cans, 25c lb •
ccnt. of boys had definite foot troubles. The slight deviations
and abnormalitics of thcse children's feet are being made to I• Marrow Beans 2 ., 9c.
yield to treatmcnt. Taken at a more advanced age, when the I : Fancy Grape Fruit No. 2 can, 14c :
bone structure and cartilage of thc fcet had become harder and
more brittle, thcsc defects would have bccn far more difficult
I• Fancy Apricots, new pack 2 lb., 25c •
to correct. • Penn Treaty Cider Vinegar. .lg. bot., 13c •
BECAUSE A LARGE PERCENTAGE OF FOOT ILLS : California Lima Beans 2 lb., 14<: lello, all flavors. . . . . . . . . .. ..3 pkg., 25c :
is duc to wcaring shoes that do not fit, childrcn's shocs should
be purchascd with care, and kept ill good repair. Scnsitive
bones of thc fect are cramped and misshapcn inside ill-fitting : Haxton Fancy Apple Sauce. No.2 can, 9c Match that strike anywhere ... 6 boxes, 25c :
shoes, and ultimately as the rcsistance of thc muscles wears down
under thc constant strain, thc archcs give way. The strain is •• Mackerel Fillets white and fat, 10c Lake Shore Honey 15-oz. bot., 20c • •
convcyed to thc lcgs, hips, and back, frequently rcsulting in
gcneral ncrvous disorders. That is why care of the fcct should
not be delayed, hut should be bcgun in infancy. Necessarily,
thc pal'l'nt is charged with this rcsponsibility.
(More abollt Ihis ncxl 11I011/1,) • Cake Cooler •
: with each pkg. of Snloked Beef Tongues .. lb., 29c ~::;~I_l~iIIed Chickens .... lb., 25c :
Goodwear Shoe Repair • GOLD MEDAL 23c •
252 Haverford Avenue-B. G. COllslalllille : CAKE FLOUR Best Pure Lard 3 lb., 25c Loin Veal Chops. . . . .. lb., 35c :
• Bosant •
• tile wonder coffee Thick R'b R .lb. 22c Rack o~ Brcast of •
: cnd I oast. . . . . , Stewing Veal. . .... 2 lb., 25c :
• lb., 23c genuinc •
•• Quaker Leg spring
Lanlb ..... lb., 27C Shoul~cr
)f Spnng
Lamb . . • . . •
lb., 15C•.
• the aristocrat coffee Whole •
• lb., 27c or half Pork Loins ..... lb., 19c Shoulder of Pork. . . .. lb., 15c •

I: Astor Coffee Franklin GRANULATED SUGAR, lO-lb. bag, 43c :

• I-lb. can, 29c •
: P 8(, G Campbell's Baked Beans Your Phillipp's Tomato Soup :
• Ch' Flak Choice
Quick Cooking Oats PhiJlipp's Pea Soup •
Is Your Market RISING? • IpSO es Fancy White Rice (pkg.) Sardines in oil or mustard •

Savings Bank depositors show a steadily rising : 19. pkg., 17c New Crop Prunes (pound) Ivory Soap :

record. Every month their principal gets • 2 sm!. pkg., 15c Log Cabin Pancake Flour Camay Soap •
larger, increased by weekly deposits and inter- • Sealect Evaporated Milk (tall can) Sweetheart Soap •
est. They "collect" more than they put in. : Mione Hand Soap Phillipp's delicious Spaghetti (can) Each Babbitt's Cleanser :-
Take a tip from seasoned savers. It's fun and I • 2 cans, 15c •
PROFITABLE to watch the steadily rising of
value of your savings account. You're always
: Red Ripe Libby's Rosedale Red SALMON, 2 tall cans, 29c :
on the "long" side and you will never be sold
• New Pack
large can, 10e
Pillsbury, G o l d .
Medal or Ceresota ••
5 lb. bag, 19c •
12 lb. bag, 39c :
The I· •
Narberth National Bank
Member Federal Reserve System
Open 8 A. M. daily for your convenience,
I •
Cott e r's Mar k e t Haverford Avenue, Narberth:
Just Call NARBERTH 2250 •
I •. •••
Eighteen Years of Continuous Service-As Near as Your Telephone
and also Friday evenings from 7 to 9


Page Four OUR TOWN November 11, 1932

Funeral for A. R. -r ,

Canitie3 (Gray Hair)

is not necessary; why look years
II,', Church Notes I Justice Held Monday!
Carpenter .:. Builder .:. Jobbing
Let's Get Acquainted • • •
For good workmanship and materials at very moderate price,
older? HAIR TINTING now you will find it worth while to let us give an estimate:
gives woman that which is Day-Narberth 3973·M
Noted Genealogist Died Last Night-Narberth 4044
hers-natural color lustrous hair. PAPERHANGING, INTERIOR PAINTING
Ask for more information and rec- The Presbyterian Church Friday at Narberth
ommendations of satisfied custom- .Itev. John Van Ness, D.D., Minister Home
ers, Bring Your Old

Suzanne BEAUTY
Meetings for November 13:
!l,45 A. !\i.-Bible School. I". M. AUTHOR OF MANY BOOKS
: Itohb, Gt~npral Superintendent.
Hats and Shoes to
I V...·e·1I Make Them I-Ike New
216 Dudley Ave.. Narb. 2324 Funeral services were held Mon-! 105 N. Narberth Ave••Phone NARBERTH 2340
11.00 A. M. - Morning Worship. day afternbon for Alfred Rudolph! Narb. Ave. Near Theatre

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I 'Sennonu~nilie~ening~llieW~Justi~ ~ 400 S. Na~erth awnOO'I~U~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;;~;~~~~~;-~'~;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;;~

fare Canva~s. Text: "They need not, Narberth, who died last Friday night. II
CHAS. S. EBERT (iI'part; give ye them to cat." I Burial was at Laurel Hill Cemetery, I
11.00 A. M.-The Junior Church, I lIe was in his 76th year.
Jobbing Carpenter 1
condueled by Mrs. Digby and Mrs. A noted genealogist, Mr. JUstice i

Phone: NARBERTH 4163

237 lona Avenue
~~~~~ __ ~~. ~ ",~......~,/,_~~~_~
Smith. was the author of several volumes on!
6.45 P. 1\1.-The three Christian g'canealugy and was a member of the I
I'~ndeavor Meetings. Ilistorical :::iociety of Pennsylvania', I
7,45 P. I\L-Evening Worship. Ser- the Genealugical :::iociely of Pennsyl- I
lOon theme: "Forgiveness of Sin." vania, the Society of Genealogists of
ITuesday Evening-Community Hi- Lundon and the Monthly Meeting of
hIe Class: taught by Miss Harrison. l,'riends, Philadelphia. , Present
Wednesday Evening Prayer i Born in West Philadelphia, 1"ebl'u-:

~Ieeting. Favorite verses will be' ary tI, 11157, the son of the late AI-!
,'al1<'d for. ' (red Humphries Justice and l\ln;. :::iu-:
Thursday. 2.:30 P, 1\L-Me(~ting of san Humphries McIlvain Justice, hi:;·
I hI' W oml'n's Missionary Society. An ancestry dated back to the associates:
Talk Ab.out :1(\(1\'(·ss will be made by Mrs. Archi- of William Penn.
hald Campbell, superintl'n<\('nt of Hi- As a young man, 1\11'. Justice was I

hie Women in Chosen. associated with his father in the;
wholesale cutlery and silverware:,
A 3 Act Comedy by Austin Strong
Baptist Church of the E'/Iallgcl business of A. B. Justice and Co.:
See the used and new car Sunday, November 13: I The firm today is known as A. R JUs-:
values at H,45 A. 1\I.-The Church School. I lice and Co., and Mr. Juslice's broth-I Under special arrangement with Samuel French of New York
10.00 A. I\L-1\Ien's Class taught! cr, F. Millwood Justice, is president.;
Kirsch hy the Pas lor. The Gospel of Marl! I Mr. J uslice relired from the firm I
Music by the Norwood Orchestra, R. B. Parker, Conducting
is proving a must interesting study. 'Illany years ago to devote his atten-:
Chevrolet Co. i
I 11.00 A. 1\1. - 1\1?rning Worship. tiun to other inlerests in this coulltry:
208 BaJa Avenue i \ luI'. guest speake1: will be Dr. 'V. H.' and :::ianlo Dumingo. III late ~'ears i
Leslie, who has Just returned front: he has devoted his entire time to
PHONE, CYNWYD 81 t he Belgian Congo in Africa. : .:ellealogical research.
7.45 P. M.-Evening Worship. Ser- ~ 1 11l(') 1\1 J t'

Narb<'rth-Merion-Penn Valley
Tuesday, Novenlber 15:
. onsera vlOn 111

8 .1; )~ P • 1\1 . -0 rgan I>'

R r'
e IglOll.

: "
n .)~.' r. us Ice marne( l!ISS
Jessie Lewis. He is survived by his

,eclla I b y 1\1 r. :, WIfe; a son,

l>h'\' S J
I Ip yng ustlce, 0 '
. I 1\K'

. fi
I-oc~ I &
Reli~ble ICE "
.'itan ey
I T R'ff
,. t 'I' t : l3eaumont, Texas; two daughters,
el. ,,,"5815 ant so IS',! I' \ 1 I . J' •
Service "I'
I 1\1'ld
I re d 1\1j.
I{ ay, soprano. .,e\'L' 1\, III re( "eWls I' ustlce f I and l\lrs. "
't f or f Ul' tl leI' (('Ull
1 ' \S. George D.. Col ms, 0 Iammonton,

200 Woudbine Ave. N ar b. 4058
':;;;;;:::;;:~~=~;;;:;:~~;;;::;;, I' o.
I '\',l'( Ines d av, N ovel1l ber 1 (j:·
"()O P • 1\1'
I f
Th e F
orum mee
• N .•1.; a SIster, Mrs. Henry P. Canby,:
l s'1n, of San I'l'rnando,
d d'
,. Cahf.,
I brothl'!', F. MIllwood Jm;bce, of Nur-
" and IllS,I
. ,
1.11' ,Iurc 1 or le con 1I1U~. ISCUS- berth.
Automobile SlOn of the nature of RdlglUl1 and
ils place in our own age. I

Repairing Thursday, November 17: Organ Recital Tuesday at I

8.00 P.M.-Class in Religiuus Edu-: Narberth Baptist Church I
In All lis Branches

"ation for the Teachers in the Church!
School. The Pastor discusses with: On Tuesday evening at eight-fif-
Tickets: 50 Cents, Including Tax
Get our prices IIwlhod of presenting Religion in th(' i leen o'clock an organ recital will be
on storage S"hool. i presented in the Baptist Church of

• Next Sunday, N"ovember 20-Com-! the Evangel in Narberth. The 01'-
1I1unity Service. Speaker, Dr. Homer' ganist will be Stanley T. Reiff, Mus. I
, 1'. Rainey, presiuent of Bucknell Uni- Bac. and A.A.G.O., organist and Il1U-! The Narberth Players invite your membership.
Speedway and I \'('I'sit~,. sical director of the church. :
The many friellds of Mr. Reiff will
Pathfinder Tires Methodist Episcopal Church . Ill' glad to hear him again as he of-: Annual dues of only $2.50 give the right to two tickets

American and
• Hev. Samuel MacAdams, Minisler ; fel's a program of organ music that:
Sunday, November 13: I includes two numbers of his own com- ,
to each of three performances.
!1.4fi A. 1\I.-Sunda~· School. position. Assisting Mr. Reiff will be'
Amoco Gas
11.00 A. 1\1. - Morning Wurship. Miss Mildred 1\1. Kay, soprano solo- See Mrs. J. S. Harris, 135 Merion Avenue.
Washing and Greasing WI' shall have as our guest speaker ist of the church.
~[r. Alfred C. Maule, who will speak Some indication of the interesting
NARBERTH in the interest of the United Cam-, lIumbers to be uffered ma,' be oblain- !
pu ign. All members of the Commun-! I'd from the following pr~gral1l: :
Bridge Garage ify who ~re not attending our sister i Prelude from Festival Suite, !tl'ill'; :
Narberth Avenue at the Bridge ('hurches 111 the Borough should hear i Londonderry Air, Arr. by Lemare;
PHONE NARBERTH 2603 Mr. Maule. ~ .. . :'Ot' tertury on 'f WO Ch' l'IS Ian L ymns, I
t' 1{ " Remember the Date! November 18, 1932
fUI) P. M.-Ep\\o.rlh Leagu? ,Guill1lant; Solo-Going Home, ])vor- I

7.45 P. 1\J.-Evel1lng WorshIp. Sl'r-; ak; Fugue in F Minor, Hanuel; E\e- I

'lion bv the pastor. '. I I' I I "CO ")

, . November 15: '[>\,('1'11' ; L' \
igle (ntrilluelngtw lymn
oU 0 - C OlllC U n l 0 11'
~ ~urum '~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
1111, II
. an-
• I

7,45 P,' 1\ Bearers an~1 del; llonulnzl', Svendsen; Epithalmn- .. ----~- ---,-----~~-- ~,_~

118rnsw Young \T omen s • MlsslOnarv

'I.ations' Rally 1II Fletcher M. E.
Church, 54th and 1\lnster streets,'

orgal1l-,IUJ1l, '\.'Oo(1man.

Philadelphia. Meet at church at 7.20 I Mel'lOn Boy Scouts

*ItUnOJ/lit. -: 1/tllutlualHi·
1'01' transportation.
Wednesday, November 16:
Thank More Supporters

The Merion Boy Scouts extend their

~ - !l.00 P. I\I.-Prayer Meeting.
thanl_s for support of the moving pie-

Thursday, November 17:
2.00 P. 1\I.-l\Ieeting of the Wom- lure benefit given this week at the i
lin's Home Missionary Society in the, Narberth Theatre for Christmas bas-:
Church Parlor. , kels, to the following residents, in au-
i dition lo those published last week:
------------- i W. Grafton Knight, J. S. W. Hol-

Gas Heat
Ion, Elizabeth S. John;;on, B. V. Pfeif-

. j~

First Story Hour on

~ ,fer, W. A. Martin, Charles Hiley, I

. '.. . W. W. Drumming, Hem)" J. l\Ioller, i
1';Hrle Brockett, Robert H. Ri~sillg('r, i
l;'urrcstcr H. Scutt, D. 'Webster Bell,
Sara H. Pilliun, T. W. Anurews,:
Charles G. Child, Tholllas Shallcross,

Offl• Monday to be "Party": 1I0mer F. Wonders, H. 1\1. Eberhard,

11'.G. Boltolfsen.
The first storv hour of the season: Chcster D. Rottner, Clara M. l\1ur-,
, "'1TH OUR
IVS ••• ten •• ' fifteen under the auspie;s of the Narberth Li-: phy, G. R. McAbee, Caspar W. B. ~
F rda • • • body of I
f:gl of muscle,
oak, go tearing by 1 , • •
hrary will be held on Monday after- i Townsend, Henry W. l\Iarston, J os. R. :
lIoon, November 14, at four o'clock. I Baird, Wm. B. Brendlinger, R. C.
present Furnace
brain and brawn .~ The first meeting after the long va-' Cal'l'icl_, Jos. Eshelman, Charles II.:
functioning in unison. I~alion is so IIllich anticipated by the: 131.'1'1', George L. Morrison, F. D. Cas-:
It'l all a matter of con·
ditioning , • • reg u 1a r children lIw t l\Ii::;s Church has ar- un ave, James \V. Birch, Rubert Boyd,
practice and IYltematic ranged to make of it a festive oeea-, Clarence A. Palmer, Lewis Church,:
building with ~;ion. It will be what the l'hildren! Sherman Reed, M. T. l\IcGleughlin. I You can now install a Janitrol-a simple self-contained unit, in prac..
GOLDEN GUERNSEY 11H'lIlselvcs eall a "party." A table A. D. W. Smith, Judge Stillwaj!o!1, .1.
MILK with (~allcl\c',s and flowprs, cups and l~. Macklin, Sam \V. 'Vood, n, Il . ticallyany type or size of furnace or boiler, and convert your present
Dature'l t>erfecc food and
saucers and plates, trays of cookies Johnson.

body fuel.
Gold." Gu......,. Mill< co"'. and cakes, and urns of something to, Ewd. K. Rhoaus, A. L. Oliver. (,' furnace into a fully automatic gas house-
~ ONLY fcoID Guern••r cam.

and carrI..
the 01lid&1 Go14ea
Gu......... end."'...\<.
drink. ,A. Hughes, R. J. Hughes, Geo. 1\1.'
heating plant • • • No extensive alterations
Through the kindness of Mrs. Wm.: l31ack, Wm. C. Gray, W. COngd'lll.'
Visit the Dairy Bungalow B. Goodall, a member of the Board Wm. D. Sherrered, O. J. Stagpl', 111.. ••• much below the cost of a gas furnace or
of Trustees, who will take charge of \7. 'Vickham, 'V. P. Johnson, Bernard'

BROOKMEAD the circulating desk at this time, it; Bloch, 1\1. R. Rhoads, H. C. Williarm;,
will bc possible for Miss Christ to A. N. Wetherill, Thomas Robins, V.
boiler ••• Worth inves-

tigating NOW ... Easy

Installed Price
give assistance on this special occa- It. Dunlap, Wm. P. Norris, and
Guernsey Dairies sion. The usual time wm be devoted, Russell D. Brinton, H. H. Russell,
to story-telling, and Miss Church has i Lon W .•luurdet, Glenna Collett Yare,
monthly payments. UP
West Lancaster Ave., Wayne arranged a very interesting program; David G. Hibbs, J. H. R. Roberts, Sam-
of stories to engage the attention of luel F. Irwin, Philip Murray, Paul
'Phone-Wayne 1121
the children, And all children ar(' Bleyden, D. B. Decker, A. W. W ood- PHILADELPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY
uA Complete, Dependable Dairy welcome. Foul' o'clock, Monday th(' I lI1un, C. S, Wilford, Ralph Nush, W. All Our Suburban Stores
Ser,,;ce" I
14th, at the Library. I
W, Finley, Clarence E. Hall. Tune in on WCAU, Philadelphia Electric Half-hour, e"e"" Tuesday, at 7.15, and Friday, at 7.45 P. M.
Page Five
'November 11, 1932
home of Mrs. C. Arley Farmer, on United Campaign I Players to Present
ness? Ability to act is not a pre-
I'equisite-though that is valuable-
Wo-odbine and Cleveland avenues. to Open Monday I "Three Wise Fools"
The Literary Inquest IlIlt merely an interest in amateur lhe-
Mrs. Jesse Harris reviewed a Japan-
eHe story, "The Mother," by Yske
(Continued from Pall'e Onel I IContinued f"om Page One) ntricals."
Conducted by Tsrumi, which was translated recent-
lIeymann. , . . 110
. avoid them-listen to the advice of Tickets for the show, which wil1 be
Walter D. I· uller IS cha11'llJRn for, Ihe 'eminent psychologist' and then ~iven the one night only, are reported
Richard Powell : Iy into English. the campaign in Penn Valley. · I
L' . .
see what happens when the right kmd 1.0 be selling nicely and a capacity
People who dislike adulatory book I -------- FIe a d quar t ers f or th e M am Inc
:t'eviews arc hereby urged to erect ! "Calico Dogs" and "Gingham Division has been opened at 33 Rit-! of 'tonic emotion' comes along. For IlOuse is anticipated.
By ROBER,. J. EDGAR lenhouse Place, Ardmore, under the I those who must have 'meller-dl'am- Special music will be provided at
,lemporar~' bomb-proof shelters of Cats" Made by Juniors
,cYIIJClsm. The occasion is E. Alex- 1
direction of Miss Joan i
Wollaston mer' there's some of that, too, and, lhe performance by the Norwood Or-
(Cuntlllued from Page Olle, whose services have been loaned to lof course, there is plenty of 'love in- chestra of eight pieces led by R. B .
,undet' Powell's "Yonder Lies Adven- 'AlIIl ," .. s]Jrillg m'ose on lite um'den the campaign by the Community tere,;t' and romance. The ingredients Parker.
.lUre" (Macmillan. $3. Published Oc-
.tober 2'llh). For while "Yonder Lies
fnil' annual convention of the State Fed- ([ealth and Civic Association. I of a good play are all there."
Adventure" is not the long-awaited, Uke lite spirit of love, fell, evcrll- eration. Mrs. Harold Griest, of Mer- The total expenses for this year I And he. a?ds, "By the. way, the Read the advertisements!
Great American Novel, it is the best i where." ion avenue, is very anxious to hear will be under $1700, as all of the work-I Players mVlte memberships. For
from any girls who would care to I'rs are volunteers with the exception 'I~vo-firty' you get two. tickets f.or each

story of tra"e! and adventure that'i - 51W II C1J.
L join. of one full time and one part time, u[ the three plays given dUl'l~g the
we have been privileged to rcad since I '
T. E. Lawrence's "Revolt in thc Des- \ And what of our garden of spl"ing'! November 26th is a very special stenographer. i year; and th~re are very en~oYllble
crL." It i~ 11 spicy breeze, cutting! I"aded and frost-deadened stems cut. date on the Junior calendar. There The goal of the campaign thiH year IlIlonthly mee~l1lgs, largely SOCial, al-
t.hrough the must.y odor of oflices and i down. Weeds removed. Hardy bulbs i,.; to be a Fall Dance, in charge of is $6,000,000; $3,600,000 of which goes [though ~resJ(lent Green docs g'et
cobwebbed f a c t o r i e s . : .. the Finance Committee, Miss Alberta 10 the Welfare Federation $1400 _ 'I ~ome busll1ess transacted. Remember
: planted. Old plants cleaned, diVIded Davis, chairman, and it is assumed 000 to the Federation of J~wish Ihe grand time we had on the 'Show LEAVING SOON
Every once in a while the wheels: and re-set. Perhaps the entire beds, that the successful dance of last Charities, and $1,000,000 to supple-' Boat' due to Judge Corson's kind-
Exhibition by
" and cogs of modern civilization throw: 01' borders, have been turned over, ~pring's program will set the marl,
,off a spark: a man who refnses to the soil fertilized, and all the Jllants for this sccond affair. The Legion ll1ent the unemployment relief funds II WILLIAM TEFFT

be pig('onholed in some safe job, Such; re-planted. New roses planted. New Hall, so attractive in its comfortable
from State and Federal soureeH to SCHWARZ
men go everywhere, sec evel'y~hillg'" shrubs and trees ordered for planting setting, will be the scene of the dance,
.lIut seldom do they have the gift of,' hl'fore the ground becomes hard froz- and good music has been secured, as
words to tell about it. Colonel Pow-, en. Autumn is the time to build th.~ well as a special entertainment feat-
ell does. In this book he relates his: hanly garden and spring is the time nrc, which will be announced as a
::::d;:::::~::::; Plans Christmas Aid
JC~- t~g

N. C.
will close November 19th. If you
haven't Seen these magnificent
Murals and Illustrative Paintings
(~x)leril'nce,.; up to the outllr.'ak o( the! to enJ'oy' it. g'rand surprise later. We suggest and Street Decorations! nuyS YOUR OWN G,\RAGE
No Down }'oymont in the Shull Gallery, No. 25 Bala
World \Var, which he was to observe, J. carly reservations, so that you need I
(C onUnued from Page Ollel I Co Ik
k S Ave., Bala-Cynwyd. do come in
during next week. Rooms are open
as a war correspondent and as an' Only six weeks until the ,.;hortest twe ve dollar dues of the prl'sent: "'hone BAR, 70I8-We Go Any"hero
officer in the A. I~. I". lIe was a .'on- not be one of the stay-at-homes on froll1 8.30 (0 5, Wednesday Eve-
days-and then the seed catalogs of such an important occasion. A grl'at members. ' O\l.,snoM~nd'"::e~ ~~£:;dE~':,.~~~j'~o? K. nings 8 to JO and Sunda}'s 2 to
I'ul in Turke)' during the crimson allother ,.'ear. man)' college students will doubtless Decision was also made to hold H. R. RIEGER CO. 5 P. M.
J'('jgn of Abdul Hamid; he was way- , ). he home for that weel,-end, and they three regular dinner meetings a year: 4638 Parrish St., Phila.-
laid by Italian bandits and captlll'l'd I .That ... <Tood forsytllia , tllat you ad- can b(~ assured of an evening of fun in spring, autumn, and in January, -------
hy Bedo.uins. In his mill.ion miles of: mired this sllring, was For,,;"l'hia , In- antIenJoyment ' .
at lIttle expense. when offers arc to be elected. - \-
wanderlllg" he sbot boar WIth the Duke termedia
· ht t' I tit' 'th
Spectabilis. Intermedia
The Welfare Committee is planning
President Ralph S. Dunne praised CARD PARTY AND DANCE
of L H'C. ens elll, lUn e( . Iger WI' ,meaning intermediate in form and l\1arios Chios for his work in arrang-
maharaJas, and took tea With the last: habit-not pendulous and not too tall on ,.;ome defini~e progran~ of assis~­ ing" all details of the meeting W cd-
Under AuspiCt's of
of th"" e'llull'b'll kl'll"S I CO" excI'tl'llg I t ' . h S b'I' . ' :1111'1' to a parttcular famIlv or fuml-
51. Margaret's Sodality, Narberth
" , . ' ~~. just rIg t. • pecta I lS meanlllg . . •. . nl'sday, at which an attendance of
hut ,J'u~t
< _ : Ill·

. ,as. I'nternsting
. ,. ar.." his Pick-:, ~I ' WIt
lOWV, . h f u II fl owers 0 f goo d co I- , h('s. 1\Irs.. Chfford.Goodwm, . . .chan'- forty-five had been promised. Enter- FJ-iday Evening .... Nov. 18, 1932
_ <.
de~cri)ltions• of husilll'SS
< ,OJ'. 'Th e varltJes . . SUS/lellsa an - d l' ' o/,- :I man of thiS work, . . IS mvestJgatmg , - to tainment arranged by Mr. Chios con-
crs• in his. , n'lth'e SYI"'lcuse
of th('·':11/111'1'. arc teo h Id 1'1' forms and fast:,lind . opportul1ltlCs
. '" for the. club
. s so- sisted of songs by Miss Catharine ST. MATTHIAS' HALL
Golden ~inetie~ 'I . 1 d b h . '. ('Ial servIce acttvltICS and It IS assur-
• " 'I lemg rep ace Y t e Improved va-' 1 1'1 . Getz, soprano and pianist; William BALA AVE., BALA
"Y I I' A It" . . ' 1('( t lUt much WI 1 be done along thiS
OI~( ('1' ,Il's ,( ven ure Ii-; a con-: \'lety. ! line articularlv for the Chri~tmas Basso, tenor and guitar player; and
densatlOn from Colonel Powell's dev-'! ). 'P-J . G. M' .
II ,.;('ason. Thomas A Elwood, baritone. ADMISSION SOc
('n t ran' I b 00 I,~, bOUllt I t oge th er b y I The second-('arliest showy spring, Cards in Lower Hall
the t,hrea(.l .uf his careel' :..nd adol'n- i ~hrub b the flowering almond, listed I ~......,~~~~~~.;-- ..~~~~~! Dancing on Main Floor
et! With VIVId alwcdotes. fhe allthol' ,nnder )lrunus or amaygdalus, offered: ~ • ~ .~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'I
~ ~I,,:i!:i===========================n
ii-; our idea of what Halliburtoll would in pink or white, and never grows
bl' if Halliburton's advl'ntures wen'. \'('ry tall.
not synthetic, what Seabrook would· ). i ~ :
General N otice- Classified Advertisements wl1l be ,-,harged only
hl' ,vith.., a hett(.'r scnse of humor,. and ,'. Kolkwitzia amabilis, also called the


what I'lo~'d Gibbons would he If he B('auty Bush, is perhaps the finest Ii Ufo or to regular suhsellbers to elt.her THE MAIN LINER. OUR TOWN. or ~
I'osse~sed a good English st~·le. ,!l'eiduous shrub that has been iiltro- ~ NEWS OF BAl,A-CYNWYD,
"Ill \\'ind," by James Hilton. (1\101'- dUled into American gardens in many I
row. $2.50. Published NO\'(~l1lh('r :,,'{'ar,.;. It flowers about June first, I
to residents
appl'ar tn the telephone directory; to personsof the Main Line
maintaining an whose

10 cenLs a IInc III each paper; 25 cents a line In It!' thrp~

-eS-MllIllllllm char~e. 3bc In one paper; 75 cents in all thre,'

lOth.) ,till' drooping branches are covered ~l'Rge of five words to the line, No hlackfaced type used
~; Compounded
During the Golden Twenties peo-: with pink flowers and the plant seems (oJ' ~~ Deadline
Classilled Insertiolls- will I.
he Ul'Ct:ptfloC) UIJ to \Vt'rlne="day. 5 ~~
\I I e wou II
IlaVe avo
'd I tl' b k I b b tl
I ('( ·lIS 00, 0 e ee e-proo
h' h .
Ie IS very
' h 'i
muc ~t o"'lock for OUR TOWN or

all 111I'ee pupers; Thursday, I o·clock. for THE ~~ Shea's Drug Store
with its cmphasis on the meaningless- in its flavor. If you only add one ~ MAIN I.1NER: Thursday, 5 o'clock [LlI' NEWS OF BALA-CYNWYD l
Iy coincidental nature of life, as they new shrub-get Kolkwitzia. a
P one Your Ads to ARDMORE 3100
At the Narberth Station Phone, Narberth 2838

gho~t. ~
might ha\'l' avoided a particularly ).
unpleasant For while we may;, For late sumnwr and autumn the i it
Ilresunll' that .JaIlH's Hiltoll is (Iuite: choice shrub is Abclia Chinellsi:; I'~"'~"'~~~~~""~~~~":-~~"'~~ ---------------
('orpon'al, there is a spectral horror I Grandiflora. Pretty pink bells, clean: Situatiorl5 Warlted I
llIU,;';,;:\L\K(:,\(l-Elizabeth 1 'C[,rSOIl, ~J:i
in this story that is laid in our preS-I glossy foliage-almost evergreen and: TYPIST-Ht'flne(1 YOUIlg- lady d.'~II'''K fnlll· IJUdl,e~~,_a\'enue, Narbel'th. I'holle K:U'- An Apartment at Hotel Pennsylvania
t!lIl-day world of depression. l'rob-: goes with broad-leaved evergre('ns. 0" pan tlnH' wOl'lL \\'111 (10 I)'pill!-\' at 1H'l'lh ,l,_,-.T. otf is the acme of comtort and con-
IIbly "Ill \\'illd" could not have been i ). hOI1H'. ("all :'\al'h"l'lh ~~~1. om1>II-ll A partmellts tor Rent venience. Combine this with
wriUclI durillg' prosperous years. Its' \Vhile the red chokeberry, Aronia IJAr''; \\'OHK-I'al't tinH', illuming'S, <le- f,'I'lt~IS:4EJ) J\PT., ~cl n" s::;; (·o\,prinf.! economy, and you have solved
ideas arc a product of contemporary' Arbutifolia, is not among the showi- sln,d. I:t'fs. I'h. AnI. 1:181. 01llhl1-1S t~:l:-:, ph'j', hot \Va h'r, }ll':t t, I'holle:\a 1"-
Ill'l"t 11 ~f)71. ',111111 t -11
the housing problem. You may
thought; it presents a philosophy of est of spring-flowering shrubs, it' :\11 III .LE-AGEIJ wbit,· woman, cxpprll'lu:- have the exclusive atmosphere
:-, 1~:'\1~. flll'ti. (lI' llllflll'll. I~l II. ~PI'. t'llll'.
negation and tired cynicism. more than makes up in its brilliant "II all,1 I'l'lia1>II', wall(S pCl'lnallt'nt posl- of your own home or enjoy the
porI-h. ~:-,n ('IJ\'l'rill~ g;I~. plel'. ht\\"att'I',
'Ve emphasize this gloomy under- autumn color of foliage and fruit. tlOII as ,'ook alld gem'l'lll housework Ht'fs, heat. g-al', Ph. :'\al'h. 21>7,1. 01111111-11 comfort of our public rooms,
· . d' S \ r. . f h b '1' tl I'h, :\1t'I', 1~~·1. om1>ll·~"
eurren t 1e~t It pass unnohce. uper- I ,l11e companIOn or t e n IUn y including lounge, parlor, and
liciall~', Hilton's book is a series of colored dogwoods. ("11.\\:)o")o"I';\·lt, lIonK"II"'" f'c1ul'al<'c1, EIIg-- public dining rooms.
swift-moving episodes; trag('dy, com- ). , .IiKh, Ih-HII"'S po~ltloll, fUI~ 01' pal'l time.. Real Estafe for Rent
C( 'Ii an( a( ven urc ru b SIlOU Id ers In,
. , P I't'
ar l1R uua
C b" II d 1\1
an yl 15 ea c oun~ I
!',Xl'l'Ii<'llt n·fs. Ph. AnI. 26:>8. olllb-tf l :".\ltI:I';I:TII: 11 ('I"\'"lalld a\"I1I1,', I> rnl.
llOl1:-;I'. (;:ll:l!~t'. :1;1:-,. ClI' stlh-I"t ;,", l11fillth~~
servant problem will
I I I t b e entirely elimi-
its pages. A f'mall uprising in t.lw, tain Lover, whit'h mcans little, but LAI':'\III(Y \\'OltK alld "I"allillg- (I,'sil't',!. uneXlllr. It'aHe $W. omllll-11
nated, optional maid service is available at a cost far
Far East fling,; a thin chain of coin- I for all evergreen plant for rock gar-' It,·fs. ('h, Ai'll. 1:181. om1>1 I-II less than you could purchase it for yourself. In fact,
cidence around the world. It alters! dens in sun and shade it fills a place i \\,Olll": of allY 1,11111 ,leslred, 01' laundry I Rooms !fJr Rerlt a complete hotel service is at your command at the
the life of a busin!'ss man in Eng-: all its own. Not showy in flower, it: to lake hUIlH'. Ht'fH. Ai'll. :18:16. : C():\llo'(lll'I'AIlLE fUl'nlshl'd 1'00ll1S III 1'1'1-
price of ordinary janitor apartment service.
lan,l, an aetJ'(:ss in Holh'wood antI a is olltstanding in winter, it lays close' omb-tr vale hOIlH', quie( I'e~idelltlal section, yet
. S I A '. '1 I • '. II Illlnll SCIIOOL girl tlesh'cH pos. as ('OllYt'lIit'llt to Htatioll. \Vith 01' without
reporter 111 ,out 1 menca untl at, to the ground, and ,lllst natura y I mother's helper Care of childl'ell. Ph. III'e:d'(a~1 01' full lIoanl. I'holle Xarberth I HOTEL PENNSYLVANIA
last it nl'arly wrecks a peace con-! !ills the space in between rocks to: Artl. :\8:16,' omb-If ,1161. omb-If is first-class, fireproof construction throughout. Con-
ference. !carryon when the herbaceous plants!1 --:-.--,-,-----------.:..-..:..:....
111 ',([ ScHOOL BOY wishes pal·t-tlmt sult your fire policy, your rate gives you a definite
• • • , • i . Warlted
Few faultf' eXIst 111 Hilton s sabr- i have (h.,t! back. An unusual plant, I
wor" of allY I'llal at rt'asollahle wagcs, : answer to the construction of the building in which
ieally brilliant style. He has missed· but there is nothing that can take! Outduol's 01' i"doors. l'l,olle Narllcrth' \\" A:'\TEIl Ullful'Illshel! Housel,celling you live. Our rate covering your property in this
producing a great book by only a! its phlc(, [01' c"erg're('n in the rock! IlIil. omb-tf AlIartlllt'llt. )'l'imte elltmnce. $~5 a hotel is the lowest in the city.
slight margin:_ ' t:arden. A native of our Southern i 1';Xl'gHJI~~CED BOOKI(Jo;I~PI~R ''1111 mOllth.
the difference b('twel'n: Ardmore. ""rite "B," The Malll omb-tf Liner.
cleverness and humanity. His charae-: mountains, where many wonderful; I,eell set bool,s for doctOI', Illdividual
COME and allow O?e of our Furnished and unfur-
I rd' h' I ' 01' store III spare time. I'holle Ardmore For Sale representatives to nished apartments, I
tel's arc too stant an Ize m tell'; plants arc found for Northern gar- i :l1t1o. ' omb·t! demonstrate the economies and
1"01: ';.\LE-~ I'hoi<-,· )lal'qut't ~t'at~-Fri-' to 6 rooms, from
types to eome fully alive against their I dens. I -,---,----- day aflt.~nIOOIi ('Olll'prtH, of the Phila. conveniences derived from liv-
sweeping bacl,ground. To those read-: ). I cOLOltbll womall desires day's worlt,
laundry. cooldug' or !:;el'\'illg' <.1lnnerH Ol'C'he:--tra. IlaIf HeaRn)) (alternate con- ing in this hotel. Enjoy the
$75,00 per month.
ers who demand a movie ending, "Ill i \Vhen in doubt as to whether to i (~oo<l refs. I'h. Ant. InG. omb-~r ""I'ts), \\'111 Kt'll In whol" 01' part. Ph.
_ I

Room and beth with

clean air and elevation of this complete hotel sery-
Wind" will appear most dissatisfying, force bulbs in soil, pebbles or wat('r:I ('1' \1)"
LlJ\TI' "UI'S~
' . . ., '" I~ \\111
' l.f t tl ,He \\'aynl' 1::j~I,
a <e \..l
section where you are but ten ice, $ 4 0 . 0 0 per
bnl. from that very aimlessness of plot --decide on bulb fibre. This eonveni- I or full time position. em, talte ehal'''e ~ ;,0 <;,AI.....\utOlll.ltiC ~101'ag'(' Gas \Vall'l': minutes by elevated, bus, or car
it draws its power. ent material is n ble,;sing to tho".. , ,f Doclor'H olli,'C' 01' will 1111", "!I" ,n' two Il"all"', $~~.. 1l1.. ",,,r !';'!Uiplllellt with from down town. I~h. _
Hearsay Evidence who like to grow bulbs indoors. Tn!;'" ,aticllt" i'l her Iron,,·, 11·,'1", '1:: ~Ialll Ti'''I'II11,stati" \:',"ll'ul 1'01' hlll'llin!-: hU<'I,-
(This item is very much off th(' 1 sufficient fibrc to half fill the bowl, "Iliel' or ,'all "rOllll,re :1101l, o, .. h-tl wlrC'at I'oal. $~;'. Call XIII'I ..:rtlr ~I>"S,
beaten track, but we'll admit it for soak the fibre and then squeeze the

it.s political angle.) A double set of I, excess water out, arrange the bulbs HAUD\\,OOD At &Your
Pille ServIce
1"lool'H Scraped & Jo'I'((:,\JTl'IU'; A:-lD 1101::';1';
llUOI>';, 1111 \\'oo<lsl<ll' aW'II11", :'\"rhcl·th. 3900 Chestnut Street ~
the "Gasoline Alley" cartoons had to: in the fibre, water the fibre ngain and 1"llIlshe'l, OIl! 1"luol's m:"It' IICW. l'hone Call Irplwt't'll :1 A. 111. allll r, 1'. :\!. P.HILADELPHIA
be furnished by the distributing syn-I )lour off the excess water. Place the Iladcliff" ~:148. olllb11-11! omhJl-l I
dicate when Republican newspapers, bowls in a cool dark place until the 1'.\1'I';ltll.\:'\' ;\:'\ll, I'" I", i,,~: ~ood wo,-l,,; 'I'Yl'BWIU'l'EltS soleI, I'ented and (cpall'- l;;;;==;;;;Unrestricted Parkin9 Evergreen 9000
protested that the strip was carry-I bulbs have made a good root growth; reus. Pl'i"l'~. E"l'le \\" :\Ial'slrall, 7o~11 eel, reas, onlce supplies. SuhUl'ball
ing too much Democratic propagan-! it is easy to see the roots with the :\Iont~ollll'r)' a \'e, I'holll' ~,,"It'l'th ~~R5.' 'J'ypewrller Co" 'l'lmes Medical Bldg. Ph.
' II 11
\\'e, we .... soon we
'11 b 'b ' h I I
e sus- h re. r en place the bows in day-
ombll-ll 'Al'd. 1378. Olllb-tf
pecting the motives of l\Iiekey Mouse.! light, but not in full sun. When the
UPJIOLS'J'I';1l1Nll '"1t1 r"p.; ~)lI'III!,:S of 3-
picee Ruitt'H n..' ll:dl'pd, ~IO: ('hair ,'eC'oV- Garagt's for Rerlt
I foliage has made a fair growth the ered, $5. <10 anywhere. Call Lewis, G.AH.AGJ~ for reut, 508 IIotnewood Ilvenue,
ADVICE to~~~~~_
Holy Tri"ity LutheraIJ Church I
bowls may be placed in full sun to "'ayne H~6. omb-! r $" )It'r monlh. Phone Xarberth ~:l57-H. ~IOTIIEIIS • • • t'

Rev. Cletus A. Senft, Pastor i

finish their flowering. There arc AurEltATIO:,\ anel 1Jressmal<lu~, 1I1rs. 1\1.
It,'dlll'll, 011-18
Sunday, November 13, 1932: ,three stages in forcing bulbs-first, ~arllerth ~:l65.
Lost arid F oUrld O/ccldents happen in
!1.30 A. 1\I.-Bible School. I (~ool, moist darkness to make roots; PIANO 'l'UNING and rellalrlng In )'our

Theme: "Some Questions About 1m-1

make foliage, and third, heat and
town cost much less. Selld )lOS tal. Q. LOST-Pair of tortoise shell glasses. He-
11.00 A. !\I.-The ,Morning Service. second, mild heat with light to Uberll, 2~3 Williams avenue, Narberth. ward If relUmed 10 100 \V)'nneelale ave-
o-tr nue, or call Narberth 397~-\V. 011-11
even; {ami/If !
~summonaiJ DIME
l\I.-T~e n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~~;;~~;;~E~'
morality." sunlight to make bloom. Without a
7.45 P .. Vesper Service. good root growth the bulb cannot flow-I without Jelalf A DAY
Synod of East Pennsylvama WIll meet the all important one.
" The PhiladelphIa Confe~enc~ of the er well, so that the first stage is .,
,. 1mt
"'OIIIIl IfOU neeJa You 'Can have a telephone
Monday and Tuesday at GraceI ) . :ulI t .a t ttl i u .a t t r Ql t In t t try in your home for less than
10 cents a day!
Church, Drexel Hill. ! And now we come to appreciate the TELEPHONE
Thursday, 4.15 P. M.-confil'lua-I evergreen wood fern, Christmas fern, \ Located on Belmont Avenue above City Line;
lion Class meeting. ebony spleenwort and polypody-all Adjacent to the Bala-Cynwyd Section, accessible in Ifour home ! For the Monthly Rates
Thursda~', from 5.30-8.30 P. M.-l evergreen-when the other ferns have from all points. The Westminster landscape has call or inquire at the
Annual Saur Kraut Supper. Tickets, faded away. all the charm of a picturesque rural countryside.
fiO c~nts. . '
Friday, 4.15 P. M.-Llght BJ'lgacl.. Review Japanese Book
I For information-without obligation-call, write or telephone or ask any Bell employee
(Week-day Church School) .for boys The Literature Group of the W011l- Post Office Address: . Station I, Philadelphio
!lnd girls between 6 and 12 years of en's Community Club of Narberth I
nge. met on Tuesday afternoon at the
OUR TOWN November 11, 1932
Page Six

G ·dd M t Guild. It will be an excellent way of Lions Strengthen Hold. \ PEP BOYS 3-BATTLERS
Pep Boys
Maroon rl ers ee I dU'ning ~lOne~ for ~he Troop Fund, on 1st Place an League. Ble~Hing 509

188 J.l:l 1.8
Upper Darby Saturday, as each gl~l will be. glVen ten per cent. e u me'
mI........ . .I')":
l.,n each tlckct shCj ~ells. Last Friday's matches in the Nur-I F. Hallle,' 18,
I Yowell 141 153 164
.. --- . I Another scheme 'for the benefit of herth Inter-Church Bowling League I DeHlu·t ~05 iJ2i
Visitors Have Good But unnn- llur Troop was considered, IIamely, ,
resulted in the Lions strengthening: IlllndlclLP ..... '"
pressive Record for
Season I
Ill!' sdling of subscriptions for "The
I :\mel'ican Girl," the official Girl Scout
1I1agazine. If ten subscriptions are
their hold on first place. The Pilots
arc one point behind the Meteors.
The standing and scores:



Saturday, Nov. 12th
SERIES STARTED IN 1921 sold, the Troop wiII be given a tea
;l't. b('aring the Scout monogram. In
W. L. Pts. De lIIolt 16l
I \V. n. Smedley .. ~O~
I ill
531 Z P. M.
Lions 14 4 20 1I. T. Hrnedle): i 1j j lliO ~16 553
The only lull in the football storm, the event we are able to double or Pilots 11 7 15 1 Blind I ~~ l~H 1:18 :18!l
so far as Lower Merion is concerned, t.riple that number of subseriptions,
comes tomorrow afternoon when the we will add to our set of china.
Maroon horde meets Upper Darby in We lcarned two new songs in the Camels 8 10 12 at Villanova
a gridiron contest on Pennypacker circle. "You Can Dig My Grave
Field. Upper Darby has a good rec- With a Silver Spoon" and "Down By
Boosters 6 12 8
Pep Boys 6 12 8 Alhet·t . 148 476
ord to date, not impressive, but suc- the Old Mill Stream" have bCl'n add- 6 G. HumphrieH .,. 167 44"

Battlers 6 12 1017

Cauley . lfi8 152 4811
cessful so far as wins arc concerned. ed to our repertoire. PI LOTS 3-COLTS 1
Victories ove~ Media and Wi!mington The Troop is very much in need of I . PII~ts 167
C. Ilul1llJhrlc"
. 169
16i 231
cannot be dIscounted, espeCIally the I a strong box or trunk in which to
'I' t d f t d Ab I
190 188 5r; (Wildcats)
834 870 811 2515
I atter, f or W I mmg on e ea e - . keep its possessions in the Scout Goodrich 204 17:1 149 fi26
Boosters VERSUS
ington, 14 to 0, and the entire Lower 11'00m. If anyone cares to donate such Eidson 157 168 176 fiOI
121 :191 Forfeit
Merion team will admit that Abing- I a container, we could paint it and Haws 117 153
ton was one tough foe to defeat. emblazon our insignia thereon, ancl
Norristown defeated Upper Darby that kind person would earn our (!vcr-
three touchdowns, and Lower Merion lasting gratitude.
Handicap...... 89

Advertisers in this paper are relia-
2668! ble merchants. Deal wit.h them. DETROIT
188 149 (This Is the first appearance In PhUadelphla of
in turn defeated Norristown by three The Scribbler, INKY. Brennan 159
186 161
touchdowns, but that does not mcan Dickie 225 this famous Western team)
.Jewell 186 lH7 133
that the Maroon team is six touch-
downs better than the boys from
Rah! Rah! Upidah!. Far from it.
Narberth Registers
5th Grid Victory
193 136
167 201

!l64 874 812

Recipe for a
A team is never mentally the same <Continued from Page One)
Laneastel' Pike, Villanova
on different days. Upper Darby will tel' Whittingham got loose on a re-
Meteors A book, a jig.saw puzzle
play its heart out to defeat Lower verse that placed the ball on the op-

C. Humphries .. 183
Jl. 153 147 4831
Merion, while the same lads may not and some candy
care two hoots about a victory over
ponents' twenty-yard line. Aigledin- G. [)1L\'is •••••... HI 153 207 5011 General Admission, $1.10 Resel'ved Seats, $1.65
~er on the next play skirtecl left end Young 192 130 409'
Including Tax
Norristown. 10 place the ball on the five-yard line, .r. Humphries 186 176 166 528
H behooves the men of Adam to Whittingham made four yards through
Hal'tle~' 167 liO 186 523 Yom· choice of the FREE TRANSPOR1'ATION
gird their loins for another stiff ball the centre of the line, where Aigle- best, at Reserved seats are on sale at all PhiJa. & Western Stations, in-

834 844 836 2514 cluding transportation direct to stadium and return-No Extra
game tomorrow afternoon and to go dinger crossed the final stripe. His Camels Charge.
into the game with an alert mind anu Butler 147 239 565 SEATS ALSO ON SALE AT
try for the point was wide.
ready muscles, for the visiting foe will
he no set-up.
If our memory does not betray us,
Kensington, after the first half,
came back gamely and marched the Hoyle
Hublcan .. "
T. Donohue

Mawhinney .,

1,,5 199

43 1 1
224 Haverford Avenue
Vll1anova Coll~ge Gymnasium. A. G. Spalding & Bro., 113 S. 16th
St.• Phila.• Pa.; Gimbel Bros., 9th and Chestnut Sts.; E. C. Lynch
Ticket Agency, 69th St. Terminal; Davis Drug store, Airy &
DeKalb Sts., Norristown.
Upper Darby first played Lower Mer- ball from their thirty-yard line to tie Handicap 71 71 71 213
ion back in 1921, when the Maroon the score. With Enyard running the

jerseys ran rough-shod over said team hall for long gains the ball was plac- 826 832 890

55 to O. Since that first game the

going has been one of continuous vic-
t·U on the hometowners' twenty-yard
Iine, where Hackman tossed a pass to
ri==:;:=========i11 j
tories for the Merionites. The largest Burns for the visitors' score, but En-
~core of the series was rung up in yard's try for the point was blocked. SKELTON
I!l23, when Derham, the Sculls, Pl't- The Narberth boys Iwpt lighting
p]'son and many others ran amuck to IlJ1til they reached the opponents' DOMESTIC
pin the Upidahs, 71 to O. In later twenty-five-yard line, where McGar-
~'cars Adam's teams have had a hard
time getting the upper hand over this
ry tossed a pass to Cunningham, who
rail to the three-yard line before be-I
team. In 1928 Warren Lockwood bare- ing brought down. Aigledinger, on
Iy saved the Maroon cause by scor- two tries, again crossed the final line
to give his team the lead, as Harris
ing a touchdown and blocking a punt I d 1 . I d h .
for a safety, final score being, 8 to II ace - i1C \C t e pomt.
7. Last season Herb Thomas was the i Narberth threatened twice more in.
shining light in the Merionites' 13 to that final frame, as Harris got off
o conquest. on a sixty-five yard line placing the
: ball on the opponents' twent~'-yard
line, but fumbled to lose the ball.
Sub Juniors Plan Again the hometowners lost a touch-
Membership Campaign down as Parks dropped a pass with
a dear field ahead. In this period
'1'11" J.()'(~ater llart of the Sub .Junior t.he visitors were not able to come
Il\eetin~, held on Monday, was devoted past the hometowners' twent~'-yard
to making plans for the next nweting, line. Few of us actual1y appreciate
which will take place on November the comforts we cnjoy with the
21st. I\1rs. Chase co-operat.ed by dis- Line-up: usc of d:Jmestic fuels. It's a
cussing with us the plans iliadI' by Narberth Position Kensington
the Juniors for the coming winter, 'l'orchl'aJla
- .... . left end ... AI\'crez
glorious fecling to sit in the
thereby giving us many helpful sug- G. Humphries .left tackle Johnston old arm chair, light up a cigar
!-('stions. Dimidio ... left guard Schultz and read the news, till we are
It was deeided to make a drive for Finan ... centre Pettine sleepy; in perfcct ease, with
lI1embers, dividing into two teams, the Nelson
Hed and the White. The old mem- McLaughlin
lters will be asl'ed to renew their Young
memberships by paying their dues of McGarry
. right guard
right tackle Wo;mald

. right end ... McNair

quarterback. HaclmlUn
the winds howling just outside
the door. For the Skeptical....
one dollar each. The treasurer, Mur. Kl'im ... left halfbacl{ Burns
such comfort most efficiently
iel Wales, will collect the money and (Capt.)
divide the members into teams. The Whittingham right halfback . Enyard because they are selected solely
lI1embers will be alternated in the 01'- Aigledinger .fullback ... Deckert on merit and performance. CERTIFICATION is your protection. Inspection
der of their payment of dues. These (Capt.)
teams will compete for the larger Score by periods: Order your supply today be- by the Pennsylvania Scientific Research Commis-
number of new members; the losing Narberth 6 0 0 7-18 fore cold weather sets in.
group to treat the victorious team. Kensington. . . . . . .. 0 0 G 0- 6 sion is a disinterested guarantee for patrons of St.
Our next meeting will be held at Touchdowns - Aigledinger, 2; LEHIGH COAL
Dora Miller's house and will be a "pot- Ilurns. Point after touchdown-Har-
Mary's Laundry. For the discriminating Main Line
luck supper," followed by a brief ses- ris. Substitutions-Mulligan for Mc-
sion, at which time plans will be Nair, Gunser for Woznald, Harris for KOPPERS COKE resident it means hospital-sanitation, individual
made for the coming year. The re- 'l'orchiana, Chain for Nelson, A.
maindcr of the evening will be spent Humphries for Whittingham, Logan
laundry attention and a safeguarded product.
playing cards and dancing.
11'01' Mulligan, Casey for G. Hum-
phries, O'keefe for Young, Crocken
Corresponding Secretary. 1'01' Dimidio, Thomas for Finan, BALA-CYNWYD,
Parks for Keirn, Cunningham for
O'keefe, Torehiana for Cunningham, Suburban, Cynwyd 700·701 Skilled home managers trust the quality of
Narberth Girl Scouts l~inal1 for McLaughlin. Referee-
Plan Many Activities Reynolds, Dayton. Umpire-Dickie, Philadelphia, Greenwood 7484 foods that bear the certification required by the
The meeting of the Narberth Girl
Narberth. Linesman-Riley, P. M. C.I!!,==============:.! Federal Pure Food Act. Certified laundry service
Scout Troop, No.8, this week was
very quiet, as compared to the up- i carnes the same guarantee of purity and 'Workman-
I'oarious time on the previous Tues-
da~', when we had our Hallowe'en
Party. Everyone came in costume
SHE - L-L-A-C'D ship.
and repeated the Scout Promise at
the door as identification. Catherine Just one quart of Inside Gloss or Enamel to
Baily was chosen as the wearer of finsh the Living Room, and the earliest deliv-
the prettiest costume, Nancy Maclwn-
zie as the funniest, and Betty Sea-
ery from Philadelphia was sometime(?) next "Know where your Laundry Goes"
afternoon. No other brand could be used-the
sholtz as the cleverest. The usual
color must match. The purchase from us of
Hallowe'en games were played, with
amusing results, and the refreshments
Benj. Moore & Co.'s Paint
were varied and delicious. 'Ve told
ghost stoOries around the open fire. would have eliminated the delay. The quality
Onr meeting this week was devoted is good and the prices very reasonable indeed. We also carry a complete
10 the needs of others, many of them
line of Brushes, Varnish, Turpentine, Putty and Wax. Will Rent you the
Jlossible future Girl Scouts. Each
Girl Scout attempted to finish hem-
ming a diaper, given us by the Wel-l
fare Federation through Mrs. Downs. !
This is one of our contributions to I
Clarke Floor Sander by the day.

Shull Lumber Company

the Welfare Work in this dish·ict. I The Li,lk Between Forest and Home
While the hemming was going on:
much discussion took place in the cir- 'I 29 Bala Ave., Bala-Cynwyd Cynwyd 662 Ardmore 4400 Ardmore, Pa.
cleo The girls are seriously consider-
ing the selling of tickets for the Chil-· OPEN SATURDAYS UNTIL 3 P. M.
dren's Plays, given by the Theatre ll!:==============================~1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _...1

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