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Agrile Marketing Plan

Institute of Health Management

Thrombotic diseases are the leading causes of mortality
Submitted in developed countries, outnumbering all other causes
by Noor-us-Sahar
combined. Improving the safety of antithrombotic therapy is a challenge of enormous social, medical, and
economic significance. Currently marketed Submitted to Sirdrugs,
antithrombotic Aewazincluding
Rizvi anticoagulants, antiplatelet drugs, and
fibrinolytic agents, can prevent, interrupt, or reverse the progressive growth of blood "clots" that can lead to blood
vessel occlusion (thrombosis). Unfortunately, all marketed antithrombotic agents also impair hemostasis, the
normal arrest of bleeding. Because of this dangerous side effect, antithrombotic drugs must be administered at
low doses that may not be effective, and thus fail to prevent or cure a disease that affects millions of people each
of human life. Our responsibility is to manufacture and market high quality and affordable products while serving the best intere

We believe in:
Collective Responsibility & Integrity

Participative Management

Ongoing Interpersonal Communication

Mentoring and nurturing other colleagues

Continuous Improvement

Thrombosis is a general name for blood vessel occlusion diseases, which are the leading
causes of mortality in developed countries, outnumbering all other causes combined.
Thrombosis causes damage to vulnerable circulatory beds and leads to heart conditions
such as stroke, and other high mortality vaso-occlusive diseases. Current treatment
includes antithrombotic drugs, mostly blood thinners that can prevent, interrupt, or
reverse the progressive growth of blood clots.


Thrombotic diseases such as peripheral arterial disease, “hardened” arteries or deep

vein thrombosis are the leading causes of mortality in developed countries,
outnumbering all other causes combined. Preventing the number one cause of death in
developed countries is an enormous task that is being addressed by pharmaceutical
companies through medication. Since currently available thrombosis prevention drugs
cannot be prescribed safely at their most effective levels, new, more effective drugs
without dangerous or unsafe side effects are needed

Agrile® offers people at risk of a coronary event due to thrombosis a drug that substantially reduces
the probability of a debilitating and potentially deadly heart attack or stroke. Patients will also benefit
from having a drug that retains normal platelet function avoiding risky side effects such as prolonged
or spontaneous bleeding caused by other anti-platelet drugs.

Physicians can directly measure platelet count to determine the maximum effective dosage for each
patient because it directly affects the number of circulating platelets, rather than platelet function.

People being treated with Agrile® will lessen the possibility of hospitalization and long term care that
is necessary following a heart attack or stroke, avoiding the high cost associated with the aftercare of
coronary episodes. Because of the reduction in serious side effects, patients using Agrile® will enjoy
a higher quality of life with a minimum of restriction experienced by many people being treated with
other drugs


Bleeding is the primary problem with all drugs in this class. All marketed antithrombotic
drugs have this significant side effect, as they impair homeostasis, and encounter a risk
of bleeding as indicated by the doctors we interviewed. “The obvious problem is the
increased bleeding” or “There is a high risk for internal bleeding which creates problems
for endoscopies


Because of this dangerous side effect, antithrombotic drugs must be administered at

low doses that are not fully efficacious, and thus, are limited in treating a disease that
affects millions of people each year. This insufficiency and major drawback of current
therapeutic approaches explains in part why vascular diseases remain the leading cause
of disability in the United States and the third leading cause of death.

Another problem is that current drugs are not always administered only once a day
(depends on the patient’s condition). We found in our research that” My patients usually
forget to take the second or third pill” and that “If a new drug comes along that is just
as effective, but easier to deliver, that is a big decision factor” and even “Taking a pill
once a day vs. multiple times a day will influence my decision to prescribe a drug”.


Because of the danger of side effects and the limited effectiveness of current
treatments for Thrombosis and frequency of taking a dosage, we see a business
opportunity to develop a new drug that will effectively treat Thrombosis, while reducing
dramatically the risk of side effects.


The benefit to the patients will be better health and life style, as one of our interviewees
indicated: “Side effect profile is extremely important to patients; they want it to be
minimized”. The benefits to the doctor include easier monitoring of their patients with
more accurate information. It is also less likely that patients will forget to take a pill. The
benefits to the insurance companies are a cost saving since Agrile® will lessen the
possibility of hospitalization and long term care that are associated with heart attacks or

The bottom line is Agrile® will provide benefits for all parties, patients, doctors, and
insurance companies.


Agrile® is an oral sustained-release formulation of low-dose anagrelide. Anagrelide is

currently an FDA approved drug used for the treatment of a form of blood cancer called
Essential Thrombocytosis (ET). ET is partially characterized by an abnormally high
platelet count, greater than 600,000/mL, while normal platelet counts typically range
from 100,000 - 150,000/mL. ET is thought to be caused by hyper-proliferation of platelet
producing structures in the bone marrow. While the exact mechanism of Anagrelide is
unknown, Anagrelide works by interfering with the development of these platelet
producing structures. The reduction of these platelet factories decreases the production
rate of platelets thereby reducing the number of circulating platelets in the

It has been known since 1991 that platelet count within the normal range is an
independent risk factor, similar to cholesterol and several other risk factors, for
thrombotic vascular events. The relationship between platelet count and the frequency
of coronary events may be approximately linear. Platelet counts in the low normal range
(e.g., 80% of average) are safe, and even a greatly reduced platelet count does not
typically cause spontaneous bleeding in humans. Meanwhile, platelet count reduction is
antithrombotic in animal models. Studies have shown direct correlation between platelet
count and thrombus growth in primates. Agrile® efficacy and safety profiles should be
quite favorable since the drug is already effective in humans.


Agrile® is a prescription only drug intended to be used and indicated for the reduction
of atherosclerotic (thrombotic) events (myocardial infarction, stroke, and vascular
death) in patients suffering from arteriosclerosis, “hardened” arteries, documented by
recent stroke, recent myocardial infarction, or established peripheral arterial disease.
Additional and broader target indications include reduction of vaso-occlusive events in
patients without a history of such events, prevention of synthetic and natural vascular
graft and dialysis access graft occlusions, reduction of cerebrovascular and peripheral
vascular events in patients with atrial fibrillation, and reduction of atherosclerotic events
and organ damage in patients with diabetes mellitus.


Agrile®offers people at risk of a coronary event due to thrombosis a drug that

substantially reduces the probability of a debilitating and potentially deadly heart attack
or stroke. Patients will also benefit from having a drug that retains normal platelet
function avoiding risky side effects such as prolonged or spontaneous bleeding caused
by other anti-platelet drugs.

Physicians can directly measure platelet count to determine the maximum effective
dosage for each patient because it directly affects the number of circulating platelets,
rather than platelet function. People being treated with Agrile® will lessen the
possibility of hospitalization and long term care that is necessary following a heart
attack or stroke, avoiding the high cost associated with the aftercare of coronary
episodes. Because of the reduction in serious side effects, patients using Agrile®will
enjoy a higher quality of life with a minimum of restriction experienced by many people
being treated with other drugs.

Insurance providers of people who use Agrile® will see the health benefits of a more
effective heart attack and stroke prevention drug that provides an overall cost reduction
compared to other treatments.


Total Pakistan Pharma Market is US$ 1.572 billion while the total World Market is US$
751 Bn on with a growth of 3.4
If we look at the market of systemic antiplatelet in Pakistan, the data revealed that it is the largest
therapeutic segment (Rs. 22,626 million) accounting for approximately 33.7% of the total
pharmaceutical market




Marketing success depends heavily on the ability of a company to identify groups of

customers with similar needs. When a customer ‘hires’ a product to get the job done
he/she is using a set of measures of its value. The key issue in marketing is; what is it
that customers’ value?

In the complex pharmaceutical world, market segmentation means dividing the market
to distinct groups of buyers or decision makers. We adopted this definition with an
emphasis on distinct groups of decision makers. In our case we identified three groups
of decision makers with somewhat different desired outcome, and different reasons to
buy. The three main market segments are doctors, insurers, and patients. All three are
closely related. A patient is unlikely to receive a medication if it is not prescribed by
his/her doctor, and doctors may not prescribe a medication that is not covered by the
insurer in order to be considerate with their patients’ pocket.


Since Agrile®is treating a vascular disease with major implications to risks of heart
attacks and strokes; we anticipate that the most influential physicians that will
eventually determine the shape of the market are cardiologists. One of the cardiologists
we interviewed can be a typical example of our typical target consumer/influencer.

Cardiologists treat patients for a variety of cardiovascular diseases. He sees patient’s

daily suffering from Thrombosis and he cares a lot for their wellbeing and ability to be
able to pay for their medications, as a consumer is a visionary in nature. He feels that
eventually genetic engineering would be the ultimate solution for Thrombosis, but for
the moment he is willing to try new drugs if they can provide his patients a “Better life
style with fewer pills a day”.


Insurers typically use a pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) to manage their drugs. PBMs
are external organizations that purchase drugs directly from the pharmaceutical
companies. Because they purchase in large quantities they can achieve tremendous
savings per unit. This savings translates into lower costs per medication for the health
insurance company that uses the PBM.
A “formulary” is a list of medications that will be covered under the insured patient’s
insurance benefit. The PBM, as part of their process, performs an analysis on all the
available drugs in each drug category, and ranks them according to cost and
effectiveness. Those drugs that are the cheapest and have at least the same safety and
effectiveness profile are ranked highest. Those drugs that cost the most and have equal
or poorer safety and effectiveness profiles are ranked lowest.

Based on this analysis, the formulary contains “preferred drugs” which are sometimes
referred to as “tier – 1” that have the highest ranking. The health insurer typically gives
a discount to the patient for these drugs in order to channel them to use these drugs.

“Tier – 2” drugs typically are more expensive but equally effectiveness. The patient will
pay more for these drugs because they are more expensive and there is a tier-1

“Tier – 3” drugs are the most expensive and are typically only offered by the insurer if
(a) there is no cheaper substitute, or (b) the doctor insists (and can document) that the
patient does not respond to other medications. Insurers typically only pay for ½ the
price (or less) of these drugs, and the patient pays the rest.

Therefore, health insurers rely on the comparative analysis of drugs in each drug class.
Drugs are compared on price, safety and clinical effectiveness. In most cases, the
cheapest drug alternative with a similar safety and effectiveness profile will be chosen
as the preferred drug in that drug class.

Insurers consider different information to select which drug to cover. For example, drugs
for multiple indications are preferred over drugs for single indications. Similarly, drugs
with fewer contra-indications or side-effects are preferred over those with those with
either more contra-indications or side-effects, or major contra-indications or side-effects.
This is a critical criteria for Agrile®, which strives on lowering side effects and contra-
indications (i.e., bleeding) to become a drug of choice for insurers.


The CVD’s have been derived from several interviews we had with physicians and
insurance company consultants. These led us to summarize the decision-related
attributes that are perceived by the prospected customers to be highly important in
their decision making to buy. Since Thrombosis is the most significant unmet medical
challenge to human well-being it justifies intensive efforts to find and develop improved
treatment modalities. The problem is grave. Accordingly, the potential market for safe
and efficacious products is substantial for these three market segments. These are the
CVD’s for the respective segments. We included physicians and patients in the same
table because most value drivers are the same for these groups.

Although all currently marketed antithrombotic agents produce a risk of increased

bleeding, the worldwide sales of existing products (anticoagulants, antiplatelet agents,
fibrinolytics) are estimated to have surpassed $30 billion annually (including both
proprietary and generic products). Unfortunately, extensive investigation we conducted
to gain detailed information on market size and market share revealed that these
reports are available for a fee of thousands of dollars.

Agrile® will target and penetrate the defined and well-established market of the leading
antithrombotic (antiplatelet) product in the Pakistan. Plavix® (Bristol-Myers Squibb),
Lowplate (Pharmevo) that has surpassed $3.3 billion in annual sales in 2009. The
market for continues to grow


Thrombosis is not only a common disease, but also growing in numbers in the world.
This opens the opportunity for potential growth. Agrile® targets specifically patients
with arterial thrombosis. Each year in the Pakistan alone there are new cases of
peripheral arterial disease. These are potential target consumers per year! Therefore,
we anticipate that growth will come directly from an increased number of patients per


Accurate data on market share is extremely difficult to come by, or is very expensive to obtain.
According to Agrile® estimates the key players in the proprietary antithrombotic drugs market are
Plavix® and Ticlid. Of the two, Plavix® outsells Ticlid by a 7:1 ratio, translating into approximately
87.5% market share, compared to only 12.5% by Ticlid of patients per year.

This figure also shows approximately 0.5M new cases of stroke per year. However, more
rigorous counting of stroke cases in all racial and ethnic groups increased the yearly
estimate to 731,000 cases.
Deep venous thrombosis 2MMyocardial infarction 1.1MStroke 0.5MRenal dialysis access
grafts 0.5M Peripheral arterial disease 2.6



Plavix®, the primary competitor for Agrile® inhibits platelet aggregation by blocking the
platelet receptor for adenosine diphosphate, a known platelet agonist. Generic aspirin,
another widely used platelet inhibitor, acts by reducing the production of a substance
called “prostaglandins”. Prostaglandins in the blood trigger a series of events that cause
blood platelets to clump together and form blood clots. Thus, when aspirin inhibits
prostaglandins, it inhibits the formation of blood clots as well.

Since Plavix® is marginally more effective than aspirin alone, and aspirin is sold by
numerous companies, the Competitor Analysis will focus on Plavix®.

Indications: Plavix® is indicated for the reduction of atherosclerotic events

(myocardial infarction, stroke, and vascular death) in patients with atherosclerosis
documented by recent stroke, recent myocardial infarction, or established peripheral
arterial disease.

Other Competitors: Additionally, Ticlid® and Flowplate® will be potential competitors

to Agrile® (See chart below). As with Plavix®, both of these drugs work to inhibit
platelet buildup, thus decreasing the chance of arterial blockage. Agrile®is the only
product in this field that works by inhibiting platelet production rather than buildup.
Platelets already in the bloodstream continue to function normally. This results in a safer
overall product and sharply reduces the incident of serious bleeding events.


• Efficacy: Taken once daily by high risk patients over a prolonged period of time,
Plavix® has been shown to marginally reduce the overall risk of adverse
cardiovascular events from 10.64% to 9.78% (CAPRIE trial) without an apparent
significant increase in bleeding events (3.7% aspirin vs. 5.3% Plavix®, p>0.05),
although Plavix® is generally considered to produce more bleeding than aspirin after
surgery or trauma.

• Safety: No safety advantage, such as decrease in gatrointestinal bleeds, could be

documented in the pivotal trial of Plavix® vs. aspirin. In the absence of more
effective and/or safer drugs, Plavix® is likely to be prescribed off-label to many
patients, and especially to those who complain of gastric side effects (pain) with

• Long-term Plavix® therapy does not require frequent and routine laboratory

• Its combination with aspirin is well tolerated and improves patient outcomes

• Safety: The bleeding event rate is higher in both Plavix®-treated and aspirin-treated
patients than in the general population. Severe bleeding occurs at similar rates with
the two drugs. Gastrointestinal and intracranial bleeding are severe and potentially
life threatening adverse events. Deaths due to bleeding partially offset the
advantages of the treatment.

• Plavix® may interfere with the clearance of several drugs that are metabolized by the
liver. Severe neutropenia (bone marrow depression) is a rare but recognized life-
threatening adverse effect of both Plavix® and its parent molecule, ticlopidine.

• Thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura is a rare but severe adverse effect of Plavix®.

In conclusion, Plavix® has displaced the use of aspirin for many cardiovascular
indications despite the facts that:

1) Plavix® may produce a greater risk of bleeding than aspirin;

2) Plavix® is only modestly more effective than Aspirin in reducing adverse

cardiovascular events.

3) Aspirin is quite inexpensive.

Thus, Agrile® which is expected to be both safer and more effective than Plavix®,
should have an enormous competitive advantage in this market, which has quickly
reached a substantial 3+ billion in sales.


Platelet inhibitors, which act by mechanisms other than through inhibition of the platelet ADP
receptor and platelet GPIIb/IIIa complex, could be superior to Plavix®. Such agents, e.g., PAR
receptor blockers, might already be under development, but none has yet reached the market
and might not be safe and efficacious. Some specific inhibitors of GPIIb/IIIa (e.g., Dupont's
compound) under development for chronic indications have exhibited unacceptable toxicity in
clinical trials, and thus were discontinued. Regardless of their mechanism of action, most new
agents, which produce global inhibition of platelet function, are expected to impair both
thrombosis and hemostasis because these approaches will hamper the natural defense functions
of all circulating platelets. Since Agrile ® does not impair platelet function; it is expected to have
exceptional hemostatic safety.

Selective targeting of the platelet count as a means to prevent thrombosis is a novel strategy
that the competition is not currently matching. Since the platelet count is regulated by the
activation of the megakaryocytic "mpl-pathway" (an intracellular protein kinase - signaling
pathway), Agrile® will also have patent protection on targeting the mpl-pathway in order to raise
barriers against potential competition in this area, and to protect the use of anagrelide.

Strengths Weaknesses

• More efficacious than the current dosage of

Plavix® (main competitor)
• Lower risk for bleeding complication. • Faces the uphill task of convincing
• Thrombosis treatment without impairing the Consultants and Physicians of its
homeostasis safety, which is not the case with
• Agrile® has an FDA approved compound other competing and well-established
• Strong strategy and business model that worked products
for other companies
• Strong team • The delay in approval
• A potential to reduce the thrombotic event rate
by more than 50% as compared to the
approximately 25 to 33% event rate reduction
produced by aspirin and Plavix®, respectively.

Opportunities Challenge

• Pharmaceutical companies are in constant need

of product pipeline extension
• Antithrombotic drugs is a defined and well- • Competition, particularly from
established market generic products
• There are unfulfilled customer needs in this
• Insurers consider how many treatments one drug
can satisfy
• Insurers look for drugs that can address both
acute and chronic use indications

This table is presenting a scan of internal and external traits that are important part of
our strategic planning process. The environmental factors that are internal to Agrile are
classified here as the strengths and weaknesses, and those external to the firm are
classified as the opportunities and threats. The SWOC analysis is providing us the
information that is helpful to match our product resources and capabilities to the
competitive environment in which our product Agrile® will operate.

Based on the information above we noticed new opportunities in the marketplace, such
as an unfulfilled customer need for a safer drug. This is discussed in our market strategy
part. With our marketing strategy we will try to convince the reader that we can develop
a competitive advantage by linking our strengths and the upcoming opportunities.
Specifically, we will demonstrate how our product is different and how it addresses
consumers’ needs for safer and better product


Entry in the anti-thrombosis drug market by Agrile® will rely on industry

standard practices of FDA approval, publication of research, physician
sanction and industry endorsement. Information about drug dosage,
indications and usage are not only required by regulation, but also provide
important education material for new patients. .

• Awareness program introduce to educate each patient about the role of

platelets in heart attack and stroke caused by thrombotic events. Plavix
and aspirin therapy treatments have already educated the market about
anti-platelet drugs, but patients using these therapies do not know how
effective these treatments are for them. Currently there are few machines
available that allow doctors to measure the effectiveness of Plavix or
aspirin for each patient. A significant benefit of platelet reduction is the
ability to directly measure its effectiveness on each and every patient,
with a simple blood test. Similar to cholesterol testing setting the standard
for cholesterol count, we will have the opportunity to create the “Gold
Standard” for platelet count.
• These awareness programs educations of consultants, physicians and the
introduction of a new standard for effectively measuring the amount of
risk of heart attack or stroke will open the doors for Agrile.
• Educational workshops


Sales team is operating in all major cities and towns of Pakistan. The most
important strength of the company is its own distribution network, which is
necessary indeed to give a push in sales not only in the launch phase but also
in all product life.

Sales team is divided into following major regions, headed by Regional


• Karachi
• Hyderabad
• Thatta
• Mirpurkhas
• Sukkar
• Quetta
• Multan
• Faisalabad
• Lahore
• Rawalpindi
• Peshawar
Regional Managers are headed by Sales Managers (South, Central &
North), who report to Business Unit Head.


Sales team is equipped with product & sales knowledge with a successful
track record of new product launches , marketing team is legendary for
establishing new product’s launch campaign & promotional plan. Product
Managers are responsible for product strategy designing under the
supervision of Business Unit Head. Each Product Manager reports to his /
her respective Business Unit Head.


Introducing very attractive incentive plan for its sales team, which is as
follows :

Sales Promotion Officers:

There would be Per Pack Incentive for each SPO. The sales of each
pack will result
Rs. 20/- reward. This reward is independent to 100% unit wise target
At 100% target achievement, other than per pack incentive, 10% of
value achievement would also be rewarded.
Regional Managers
5% of 100% value achievement of region would be rewarded to
Regional Manager (No condition of all SPOs’ 100% achievement).
2% of 90% value achievement of region would be rewarded to Regional
Sales Managers
2% of 100% cumulative value achievement would be rewarded to Sales
Manager (No condition of all regions’ 100% achievement).
1% of 90% value achievement of regions would be rewarded to Sales
Annual Achiever
Annual target achiever (sales team) would be rewarded either a 3 days
(2 nights) Dubai trip or Umrah package


By launching Diaries, pens, stickers, watch, prescription pad, calendars,

Doctor’s gift etc An aggressive promotional campaign has been
planned for Agrile®, so as to create a lasting image. The detail of
these promotional activities include,
• Launching folder: There will be an attractive, eight page detailing
folder in which attempt has been made to highlight role. This launch
folder is developed with major focus on its role in, efficacy vs.
established treatments in different indications and its safety. This
folder will be used as leave behind detailing-aid.
• Prescription Pads: Beautiful prescription pads having the same
visual as appeared on the folder will serve as a useful product
reminder. The inside top, will carry the message of Agrile, which will
reinforce our objective of establishing it as a simple solution.
• Doctors’ Gift: Keeping the nature of product in mind we have this time
selected a unique “Four-in-One Torch” which is multipurpose torch with stand, pen
and highlighter. This will on one hand gives utility to doctor and on the other hand will
serves as a constant reminder for our brand.

• Stickers: Utility of stickers for products that require massive

coverage cannot be negated. To serve this purpose we have planned
very beautiful stickers having brand name ‘‘Agrile®”. These stickers
will be pasted in all major clinics, hospital wards and chemist shops.
• Physician Samples: We have allocated a handsome quantity of
physician samples, so as to bolster their confidence.
• Chemist Letter: In order to ensure product availability, chemists
letter are dispatched to all major chemists throughout Pakistan through
our distributors, so as to gain their support. This letter besides
informing them about product launch, contain useful information like
trade and retail price, product group etc. We are also providing these
letters to our sales team to help them in introducing Agrile to the
• Press Ads: We will employ indirect communication as well, mainly in
the form of press ads. In this regard, an attention getting ad is
developed which will appear in all important medical journals and


• 2 visit per month 13seconds detail


The thrombosis medication market is rapidly evolving, as new and complex

treatment strategies emerge for the wide variety of thrombotic indications.
The leading brands are also facing competition from new market entrants
and drugs in development. But the antithrombotics market leader, Plavix®,
may face competition from possibly more efficacious oral antiplatelets
currently in development. This is where Agrile® steps in. Our positioning
strategy was developed based on our strengths and the opportunities
presented in our SWOC analysis that revealed a specific customers need for a
better and safer oral anticoagulants solution.

We’ve found out that all the physicians we interviewed familiarize and
educate themselves with Plavix®, our main competitor. Statements like:
“Plavix® is pretty well tolerated”, “I usually prescribe Plavix® 75mg once a
day”, “Plavix® is really the only drug in its class that is used” helped as to
understand that in our customers mindset Plavix® is the leader. But at the
same time statements like: “occasionally someone is allergic to it or can not
tolerate it” and “There is someone allergic to everything somewhere, it would
be nice to have an alternative”, and most importantly “I’ll choose one med
over another if they have better cost, ease of administration, frequency of
dosing, safety” indicate that there is a place for a better replacement. This
had led us to decide that in order to position Agrile® in people’s mind we
should introduce ourselves as, better in performance, and the drug of choice
of cardiologists. The idea is to send a clear message that we responded to a
real market need and that we have a better product.

Since “People only know what they’re told” we will use all our efforts to
communicate our product Agrile® and to promote our product through
different channels to gain advantage over our competitors. Conferences
would be one of our main target efforts since this is one place cardiologists
decide to change to a new drug. Although “people do not easily or willingly
change their minds concerning a company or a product’s positioning” our
product solution will be addressed in an educating way using all marketing
communication strategies to gain market share. Ultimately we will align our
entry strategy of publication in scientific journals with our main target sector
(cardiologists), and establish a strong presence in this sector. We believe that
these steps will enable us to develop out credibility and leadership position in
the antithrombotic drugs market.

To summarize, we intend to be the drug of choice for cardiologists who

value the importance of lower risk of bleeding. Our product is a new product
in the existing antithrombotic category that provides lower chances for side
effects. Unlike its main competitor, Plavix®, our product does not impair
homeostasis, and is a safer drug, an attribute highly valued by cardiologists.



Safety Agrile®

Note that current drugs play in the same zone of efficacy-safety, while our
product will address a zone of functionality that is currently not challenged.
This is the basis of our competitive advantage


Plavix® is the clear and current market leader for anti thrombotic drugs.
Since Agrile® promises increased efficacy with reduced side effects, this
would suggest a premium over Plavix®, which currently sells for 15 per tab.
With this in mind, we will initially price Agrile® at 20rps. per tab.

Insurance companies are expected to find this pricing structure agreeable,

since increased efficacy with reduced side effects will reduce the overall
health costs of each patient. It is difficult to determine the direct costs of a
heart attack or stroke because the overall costs include immediate
hospitalization, followed by occupational and physical therapy plus long term
expenses related to resulting disability

Flowplate Agrile
Cl iclopidine A Prasugrel Anagrelide
opidogrel HCl spirin

Cost 15/tab 24/tab 10/tab 14/tab 20/tab


Agrile will eventually use a small but focused Direct Sales force comprised of
representatives that will target key hospitals and Cardiology specialty
centers. Secondary in focus will be Hematologists, and family practice
physicians. However, initially we will look to contract with companies that
specialize in providing outsourced sales and marketing services to the
biopharmaceutical and medical devices and diagnostics industries.

Determining where to focus our sales efforts will be a collaborative effort with
our contracted sales representatives.

Regarding physical distribution of our product, Agrile will seek to use a

series of wholesale drug distributors in order to more efficiently and cost
effectively transfers its products to pharmacies. This is a standard process
used by many large and small pharmaceutical companies


Regions Target1st Month 1 Month Month 3


Karachi 1 2500 1000 700 800

Karachi 2 2500 1000 700 800

Hyderabad 1500 600 400 500

Sukkar 1500 600 400 500

Quetta 1000 400 250 350

Multan 2500 1000 700 800

Faisalabad 2500 1000 700 800

Lahore 3000 1200 1000 800

Rawalpindi 2500 1000 700 800

Peshawar 2500 1000 700 800

Total 22,000 8800 6250 6950

Value 3,197,70 1,279,08 908,43 1,010,18

0 0 7 2

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