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The leadership of the GPK Kokurikulum is very important in carrying out co-curricular
activities in schools. A strong leadership will strengthen the status of co-curricular in
schools. This research will study the perceptions of teachers towards the leadership
process of GPK Kokurikulum from the aspects of planning, supervision, evaluation and
communication in strengthening co-curricular. The research, looked at the difference in
the leadership process of GPK Kokurikulum from the aspects of planning, supervision,
evaluation and communication for different genders. Apart from gender, the research also
looked at the relationship between the leadership process of GPK Kokurikulum from the
aspects of planning, supervision, evaluation and communication with the strengthening of
co-curricular. Strengthening of co-curricular is divided into three components, which are
championship achievements, the number of students chosen to represent the district, and
strengthening the co-corricular activities which comprise of student leadership skills, the
decline in disciplinary cases, multi-racial relationships, a clean adopted area and the
increase in students involvement in co-curricular activities. The methodology used in this
research is survey, using questionnaire as a research instrument. The questionnaire was
developed by the researcher and contains of 42 items which use a 5-point Likert Scale.
The Cronbach Alpha for the overall leadership process of GPK Kokurikulum used in this
research is 0.943. The number of respondents in this research are 120 teachers from 12
schools in the Gombak’s district. The data obtained was analysed using descriptive
statistics, such as frequencies, mean and percentiles in order to analyse the profile of the
respondents and to answer the research question. For inferential statistics, the T-test was
used to look at the differences in the leadership process for different genders, while
Pearson Correlation Coefficient was used to look at the correlation between the
leadership process and the strengthening of co-curricular. SPSS 13.0 for Windows
program was used to process the obtained the data. The findings from this research
showed that the leadership of the GPK Kokurikulum from the aspects of planning,
supervision, evaluation and communications are practice in schools. The mean score for
all four processes fall between 3.45 to 3.89. This showed that the leadership processes are
often used. The T-test results from the three GPK Kokurikulum aspect showed a
significant difference between the leadership processes from the gender aspect, except for
the supervision leadership process, which showed that there is no difference between the
leadership processes from the gender aspect. While Pearson Correlation Coefficient
showed that there is significant correlation between the leadership process and the
strengthening of co-curricular activities in schools.

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