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The Osteological Paradox Reconsidered

Mark Nathan Cohen; James W. Wood; George R. Milner

Current Anthropology, Vol. 35, No. 5. (Dec., 1994), pp. 629-637.

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Sat Aug 18 15:05:50 2007
Volume 35, Number 5, December 1994 1 629

ter, and Sontz 1971; Gallagher 1977; Hayden 1977, 1979)

that the rules may be so lax [at least with regard to the
The Osteological Paradox
overall morphology of the lithic artifacts) that the ar- Reconsidered
chaeologist may be unable to ascertain from the lithics
that they were made according to such rules. I suspect
[although I do not speak as a lithics specialist) that we MARK NATHAN COHEN
recognize the symbolic nature of the archaeological rec- Department of Anthropology, State University of N e w
ord of early Upper Paleolithic Europe more from its dec- York College at Plattsburgh, Plattsburgh, N.Y. 12901,
orative and representational art than from its lithics. U.S.A. 15 VII 94
Nevertheless, I am in complete agreement with
Byers's interpretation of the Middle-to-Upper-Paleolithic In 1982 George Armelagos and I [Cohen and Armelagos
transition in Europe with the one exception that there 1984) collected studies of pathology from skeletons and
are more kinds or levels of symbolic behavior than he mummies of prehistoric hunter-gatherers and farmers
mentions and that the origins of language are as impor- from every region of the world that had produced compa-
tant to understand as the origins of symbolic culture. rable data. We found a number of fairly consistent
., to see a scholar from outside
Above all. I am encouraged trends: [ I )that the frequency of nonspecific chronic in-
Paleolithic archaeology taking a serious and anything fection displayed by skeletons was commonly higher
but naive interest in what archaeology has to offer. If among farmers than among earlier hunter-gatherers; ( 2 )
we archaeologists can return the compliment by taking that the frequency of specific infections such as yaws
a serious and ideally not too naive interest in what other and tuberculosis or tuberculosis-like infection usually
disciplines have to tell us about the evolution of human increased as groups became larger and more sedentary;
culture and of the human mind, our discipline will bene- 13) that the frequency of intestinal infections and para-
fit enormously. sites increased with group size and sedentism when
mummies or feces were studied [see Allison 1984; see
References Cited also Reinhard, Hevly, and Anderson 1987); (4)that the
A X E L R O D , R. 1984 The evolution of cooperation. N e w York: Ba-
frequency of porotic hyperostosis, the skeletal lesion of
sic Books. [childhood?)anemia, was almost always higher among
C H A S E , P. G . 1987 Specialisation de la chasse et transition vers farmers than among earlier hunter-gatherers; ( 5 ) that
le Paleolithique superieur. L'Anthropologie 9 I : I 75-88. other signs of malnutrition [retarded growth and osteo-
-. 1988. "Scavenging and hunting i n the Middle Paleolithic: porosis in children, premature adult osteoporosis, re-
T h e evidence from Europe," i n Upper Pleistocene prehistory of
Western Eurasia. Edited by H. L. Dibble and A. Montet-White, duced tooth size, etc.) were more common among farm-
pp. 226-32. Philadelphia: University Museum, University of ers than earlier hunter-gatherers; (6) that the average
Pennsylvania. stature of measured adult individuals declined through-
-. 1989. "How different was Middle Paleolithic subsistence? out the Old World from the Paleolithic through the Neo-
A zooarchaeological perspective on the Middle t o Upper Paleo-
lithic transition," i n The human revolution. Edited by P. R.
lithic period; and (7)that signs of systemic stress visible
Mellars and C. Stringer, pp. 32 1-37. Edinburgh: Edinburgh Uni- in teeth, including macroscopic enamel hypoplasia and
versity Press. microscopic Wilson bands, were usually more frequent
-. 1991. Symbols and Paleolithic artifacts: Style, standardiza- and pronounced in farmers than among earlier hunter-
tion, and the imposition of arbitrary form. Journal of Anthropo- gatherers.
logical Archaeology 1o:193-214.
C H A S E , P . G . , A N D H A R O L D L. D I B B L E . 1992. Scientific archae-
I have interpreted these data as supporting the conclu-
ology and the origins o f symbolism: A reply t o Bednarik. Cam- sion that biological stress increased with farming [Co-
bridge Archaeological Iournal 2:42-5 I . hen 1989). I continue to interpret them this way, and I
G A L L A G H E R , 7 . 1977. Contemporary stone tools i n Ethiopia: Im- note from at least two papers in the 1990s that Arme-
plications for archaeology. Journal of Field Archaeology 4: lagos and colleagues also continue to make this interpre-
G A M B L E , C L I V E . I $182.Interaction and alliance i n Paleolithic so- tation [Armelagos 1990, Armelagos, Goodman, and Ja-
ciety. Man 17:92-102. cobs 1991; see also Goodman 1993).This interpretation
C O U L D , R . , D. K O S T E R , A N D A. S O N T Z . 1971. T h e lithic as- makes the implicit assumption that skeletons in a cem-
semblage of the Western Desert Aborigines of Australia. Ameri- etery, at least on the average, are reasonably representa-
can Antiquity 36:149-46.
H A M I L T O N , W . D. 1964. T h e genetical evolution of social behav-
tive of the living populations that produced them and
ior. Iournal of Theoretical Biology 7:1-16. therefore that changes in skeletal assemblages reflect
H A Y D E N , B. 1977. "Stone tool functions i n the Western Desert," real changes in the health of once-living populations.
i n Stone tools as cultural markers: Change, evolution, and This is an assumption made implicitly or explicitly,
complexity. Edited by R. V . S. Wright, pp. 178-88. Canberra: with varying degrees of caution, by most quantitatively
Humanities Press.
-. 1979. Paleolithic reflections: Lithic technology and ethno- oriented paleopathologists.
graphic excavation among the Australian Aborigines. Atlantic The skeletal data and our interoretation of them have
Highlands: Humanities Press. been challenged, however. In elaborating what they call
S T R I N G E R , C . B . , A N D C . G A M B L E . 1993. In search of the Ne- "the osteological paradox," Wood et al. [CA 33:343-70;
anderthals: Solving the puzzle of human origins. London:
Thames and Hudson. see also Harpending 1990) suggest that a number of fac-
W A A L , F . D E . 1989. Chimpanzee politics: Power and sex among tors including nonstationarity, hidden heterogeneity,
apes. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. differential frailty, and selective mortality can bias the

sample of skeletons in a cemetery, making it an unrepre- so the low rates of hypoplasia in prehistoric foragers
sentative sample of a once-living people and rendering should not be surprising. Tuberculosis and related dis-
conclusions about the impact of economic change on eases occur primarily in archaeological samples from re-
human health unreliable. The points that they raise cent, relatively urban environments, mimicking the pat-
seem theoretically to be valid, and I note that they are tern of the disease of the present day (Cohen 1989).
discussed positively by a number of my colleagues in Goodman (1993) has pointed out, also, that enamel hy-
skeletal analysis with reference to the analysis of indi- poplasia, one of the few skeletal pathologies that can
vidual populations (see CA* comments). However, readily be seen in living individuals, has repeatedly been
their theoretical arguments lead them to offer a reinter- found to occur among living people in the pattern that
pretation of health trends associated with the origins of our hypothesis predicts-it is regularly more common
agriculture which, from a broad geographic and temporal in lower-class than in upper-class individuals, sug-
perspective, 1 find untenable and refutable. gesting that it reflects relative stress rather than relative
Wood et al. begin by conceding that Armelagos and I background nutrition or resilience. Can it really be mere
may be correct in our interpretation of the consequences coincidence that our direct explanation of paleopatho-
of early farming, but they argue that other interpreta- logical data fits so well with these expectations?
tions of the skeletal material are equally possible (and Furthermore, it is arguable at best whether nutrition
equally difficult to prove or disprove). They argue, in and health improved with farming and sedentism among
particular, that the apparent increase in pathology as- prehistoric populations as Wood et al. assume or
sociated with early farming populations in fact could whether survivorship was significantly greater in early
reflect an improvement in health. They suggest that agricultural groups than in hunter-gatherers. Optimal
farming populations may normally have been better- foraging data (reviewed in Cohen 1989; see also Simms
nourished and longer-lived than their hunting-and- 1987, Russell 1988) suggest that prehistoric hunter-
gathering forebears and thus better able to record gatherers were in a position of descending to agriculture
stresses in their skeletons. By this interpretation, the as once-superior economic strategies had to be aban-
frequency of infection (or other pathology) did not in- doned (see, in particular, Russell's description of the ef-
crease with farming, but its record was more fully pre- ficiency of harvesting wild and then domestic einkorn
served in the skeletons of better-nourished, more resil- wheat). Hunter-gatherers should typically have had bet-
ient, longer-lived farming populations. The skeletons of ter background nutrition (as well as fewer background
foragers were relatively pathology-free not because the infections) than farmers and should normally have been
foragers were healthy but because they died of insults the more resilient even though the stresses of mobility
before their skeletons could record them. Using this itself might have worked against them.
logic, Wood et al. produce a reevaluation of the Dickson The perspective of Wood et al, may be affected by their
Mounds archaeological sequence spanning the adoption (and our) familiarity with the !Kung San of the Kalahari,
and intensification of agriculture in Illinois. They sug- whose caloric intake is marginal (at the low end of the
gest that low average ages at death and high frequencies modern hunter-gatherer spectrum and undoubtedly well
of dental enamel hypoplasia in the latest, fully agricul- below that of prehistoric hunter-gatherers [see Cohen
tural population, previously read as a record of declining 19891) and who gain weight and resilience when they
health and longevity (Goodman et al. 1984)~ might actu- settle down under 20th-century conditions with 20th-
ally be indicative of increased fertility and biological century benefits (Pennington 1992). Under these condi-
privilege. tions they attain a success at rearing their children that
I respectfully disagree. Various types of evidence sug- should imply population growth rates greater than those
gest that ours is the more probable interpretation. For displayed by either prehistoric hunter-gatherers or pre-
one thing, the conclusions from paleopathology, as I historic farmers-so their use as an ethnographic anal-
have interpreted it, conform so closely to observations ogy for prehistory may be limited.
of health from ethnography and predictions from epide- In general, populations settling down under zoth-
miological theory that they should be taken as they ap- century conditions often display either increased fertil-
pear. For example, epidemiological theory predicts an ity or increased survivorship or both. However, neither
increase in infection and parasite rates with sedentism can have occurred to any significant degree with the be-
and larger group size, supporting the direct interpreta- ginning of the Neolithic, as I will show. Perhaps more
tion of this pattern of pathology in the skeletons. More- to the point, neither fertility nor survivorship can have
over, the pattern of increasing infection and parasites changed very much at the Neolithic transition unless
with group size and sedentism occurs repeatedly in com- the two changed in opposite directions. The best esti-
parisons of historical and modern populations (Cohen mates typically suggest that the rate of growth for our
1989). Similarly, modern hunter-gatherers display very species as a whole accelerated from an average of about
low rates of juvenile infection, malnutrition, and ane- 0.01% per year before the adoption of farming to only
mia, just as their prehistoric counterparts display low about 0.1% after it (see, e.g., Hassan 1981, Bentley,
rates of porotic hyperostosis (see also Kent and Dunn's Goldberg, and Jasienska 1993). Even if we assume that
[1993] discussion of hypoferremia in newly settled San this entire acceleration resulted from increased survivor-
in the Kalahari). Contemporary hunter-gatherers also ship with no contribution from increased fertility, there
display relatively low rates of weanling diarrhea, simply was not enough of an improvement in survivor-
thought to be a major contributor to enamel hypoplasia, ship on the average to account for the increase in visible
Volume 3 5 , Number 5, December 1994 / 631

pathology. For the !Kung San, for example, an increase selection for color in any one generation may be rather
from 44% to 45% of individuals surviving to the mean small.
age of maternity would suffice to explain the accelerated In fact, the sample of deaths in a population will al-
Neolithic growth rate of 0.1%~but it alone could not ways include both a selected and a random component.
explain the apparent increase in pathology among early I suggest that under most circumstances the effects of
farmers-especially because both ethnographic compar- selection will show up only as relatively minor statisti-
isons and some paleodemographic life tables suggest cal currents against the background of competing fac-
that fertility often increased with farming, further reduc- tors. I submit that, except under very extreme selective
ing any possible average Neolithic increase in survivor- conditions, the actual death cohort for a population for
ship (Cohen 1989, Buikstra, Konigsberg, and Bullington any year will normally be a fairly good representation of
1986, Wood et al.) the living population from which it came because of
Further, re historic farmers also commonlv have the random nature of the unselected deaths, with only
higher rates of dental caries than hunter-ga;herers. a small bias for each of various slight selective advan-
Should we conclude, as almost all scholars do, that the tages. In particular, most human deaths are probably
farmers' diet was more cariogenic than that of hunter- only weakly related to the chronic illnesses that human
gatherers, or should we conclude that hunter-gatherers skeletons display (or those pathologies make only a
~ormally'alsosuffered but died of acute cariogeiesis be- small percentage contribution to the probability of dy-
fore their teeth had had the chance to develop lesions ing), and skeletons may therefore be a relatively random
while farmers lived long enough to develop caries? Con- sample with regard to visible skeletal pathology in the
versely, some prehistoric hunter-gatherers have greater population. (In fact, accidents and zoonotic diseases [see
skeletal robusticity and more arthritis than farmers. Is Fiennes 19781, significant causes of death among hunter-
this simply because the hunter-gatherers lived long gatherers and early farmers which tend to strike active
enough to develop robusticity and arthritis but farmers adults, would arguably kill those who were otherwise
did not? We can reconcile these two contradictory pat- the most fit and the least frail). In specific instances, of
terns only by recognizing that each pathology is telling course, severe selection or random statistical departure
us something of its own character and the lifestvle of from expected frequencies ("drift") may make any one
its victims by its pattern in the skeletons. I submk that skeletal sample a misleading sample of the parent popu-
caries and arthritis and also chronic afflictions like peri- lation. I protect myself from this possibility by using
ostitis and porotic hyperostosis should be interpreted as only trends that occur repeatedly in different popula-
diseases whose skeletal pathology is fairly straightfor- tions.
ward. Diseases like measles, which are known to kill One possible application of this reasoning is the
without scarring the skeleton, will unquestionably have change in stature from the Paleolithic to the Neolithic
to be dealt with in a different manner. throughout the Old World. If we consider that only se-
Perhaps we can resolve our differences by pointing lected mortality affects the distribution of heights in the
out that heterogeneity, differential frailty, and selective cemeteries, then, as Wood et al, claim, the declining
mortality, although real, do not play quantitatively as stature of Neolithic populations might represent the
important a selective role in the creation of cemetery overall good health and nutrition of the population from
samples as Wood et al. imply. which they come. However, if we allow that a signifi-
If the individuals in a population were completely cant portion of the dead represent random deaths (with
equal in their risk of dying from all causes (or if all regard to stature), as they certainly must, the implica-
causes of death were strictly accidental), we would ex- tion is that the Neolithic skeletons represent a universe
pect a death cohort or a cemetery full of such cohorts of smaller people and therefore presumably a population
to be a random and usually representative sample of the with declining nutrition-which is of course what the
living group, as the our hypothesis assumes. As Wood optimal foraging data suggest we should find.
et al. point out, however, populations are in reality het- Although there is ample room for further discussion,
erogeneous in various ways; individuals are not at equal I suggest that for now, on the whole, the conclusions
risk of dying from each cause, and death is selective. of Cohen (1989) and Cohen and Armelagos (1984) can
But, as is true when we study natural selection and evo- stand.
lution, that other domain of differential frailty and selec-
tive mortalitv, not all or even most deaths are necessar-
ily selected, ;or are they all selected for the one trait or
condition under consideration. For example, even in
that famous model of natural selection, the British pep-
pered moth whose color evolved to match the tree-
trunks, presumably only a fraction of the moths are ac- JAMES W. W O O D A N D G E O R G E R. M I L N E R
tually eaten or spared because of their wing color. Department of Anthropology, Pennsylvania State
Others presumably are eaten or escape being eaten de- University, University Park, Pa. 16802, U.S.A. 8 VIII
spite their color-get caught on the wing, hit the wind- 94
screens of fast-moving trucks, fly too close to hot lights,
get stepped on, starve to death, or suffocate in the smog Several responses to our paper on "The Osteological Par-
that is darkening the trees. The visible effect of natural adox" (CA 33:343-70) have now appeared in CURRENT
ANTHROPOLOGY, and this may be a good time to reply of death by cardiovascular disease. Because of selective
to them all.' The commentators are evenly divided be- mortality, this one now-shattered vessel of clay, this
tween those who heartily loathed the paper and those kicker of buckets, tells us little about the three individu-
who basically liked it but wanted to make additional als who did not die. And this sort of selective mortality
points or to suggest ways of tackling some of the prob- must occur whenever ( I )individuals differ in their bio-
lems we discussed. Since our intention was to spark logical (or even "lifestyle") characteristics and ( 2 ) those
debate, we welcome all the comments, even those ac- characteristics bear some relationship to the likelihood
cusing us of scientific snobbery, nihilism, and aiding of death. Despite Cohen's assertion that deaths are es-
and abetting sinister pro-state, pro-civilization forces- sentially random, we suggest (and we are by no means
although how we can be both nihilist and pro-civ- the first to do so) that these two conditions are universal
ilization is something of a mystery to us. in human populations.
Our paper highlighted several problems that can con- This example allows us to lay to rest one point of
found inferences drawn from skeletal s a m ~ l e about
s the confusion in Goodman's comment (see his n. 7). Good-
health of prehistoric populations. These iifficulties are man equates the words "biological" and "genetic" in a
now widely recognized in epidemiology and demography way that we do not. Surely one's serum cholesterol level
but have received insufficient attention in research on is a biological characteristic. Yet our friend with the
skeletons from archaeological sites. As Goodman (CA clogged arteries may have had elevated serum choles-
34:281-88) and Saunders and Hoppa (1993) point out, terol because he had familial hypercholesterolemia (a
and indeed as we pointed out ourselves, osteologists genetic condition) or because he habitually ate fried egg
have long acknowledged that they deal with samples sandwiches with pork drippings three times a day (the
made up of life's failures at any particular age. But con- ever-popular Elvis Diet). In either case, elevated serum
trary to Goodman we see only limited progress being cholesterol is a frailty factor, and selective mortality will
made in the development of formal methods for building act upon it. If serum cholesterol is at least partially heri-
this insight into the interpretation of skeletal lesions. table (as, in fact, it is), then selective mortality in the
If problems of inference and interpretation have proven demographic sense will also constitute natural selection
difficult for researchers working with living popula- in the genetic sense. But demographic selectivity can
tions, we cannot imagine that they can be any easier for occur in the complete absence of natural selection.
those dealing with bones dug up from cemeteries. There are other lessons to be drawn from this parable.
Most of the problems we discussed in our paper stem The fact is, the miserable corpse at our feet did not die
from heterogeneous frailty and selective mortality, the in childhood from diphtheria, typhus, or smallpox, and
confounding effects of which can be illustrated with a he certainly did not die from marasmus precipitated by
homely parable. Suppose that one of the four authors of weanling diarrhea. Thus, the fact that cardiovascular
our original paper has grossly elevated serum cholesterol disease is responsible for such a high fraction of the ob-
levels, while the other three are normal, at least in that served deaths (IOO%in our sample so far) is partly attrib-
respedt. In the population at large, s e r u i cholesterol has utable to the comparative unimportance of other dis-
a measurable, monotonic association with the risk of eases in the population-the paradox of proportional
death from coronarv heart disease. Thus, an individual's mortality. And the multiple ischemic scars on his now-
serum cholesterol ievel can be considered a component stilled heart suggest that he lived under conditions that
of frailty, and our tiny population of coauthors is het- permitted him to survive with his disease for a consider-
erogeneous for frailty. Now suppose that our high- able period before the fatal heart attack that left him
cholesterol colleague keels over dead one day on dis- pining for the fjords. Indeed, had he died not from a heart
covering that he has been labeled a pro-civilization, attack but from chronic congestive heart failure-had
nihilistic, scientific snob in a major journal. An autopsy he not perused the pages of CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY
reveals that this ill-starred anthropologist suffered a that sore and dreadful morn-he would have left behind
myocardial infarction resulting from the plugging up of a heart in really terrible shape, and that hideous lump
his coronary arteries by atherosclerotic plaques, no of myocardial tissue would have been a sign, in all its
doubt aggravated by the arterial constriction that can ugliness, that he had managed to live successfully for
accompany acute psychological stress. In addition, mul- many years despite his illness. The worse the condition
tiple ischemic lesions are found on his heart, signs of of the heart, the longer the inferred survival-a kind of
past cardiac "events." We now have a mortality sample myocardial paradox.
on our hands, albeit a small one. What can we infer This example can be criticized, most obviously be-
about the health status of the living population that cause the sample is ludicrously small but more interest-
launched this lost soul on his journey across the Styx? ingly because the other three coauthors will eventually
Obviously not much, except that it contained at least die, and we will then have an opportunity to bring their
one individual who was apparently at an elevated risk blighted carcasses under the pathologist's knife. That,
one might think, would provide an unbiased view of the
entire population. But each and every death will misrep-
I. Although this response is written by only two of the original resent the remaining frailty distribution among the liv-
coauthors, the other two have read and endorsed it. An additional
article focusing on the issues raised in our paper has appeared in the ing at whatever age the death occurs-except, of course,
Yearbook of Physical Anthropology [Saunders and Hoppa 1993). for the very last death, for that particular coauthor will
Volume 3 5 , Number 5, December 1994 1 633

be perfectly representative of himself. Acquired condi- Pretending that it doesn't matter is precisely what Co-
tions, including those associated with aging, will partly hen [above)tries to do. As he remarks, his preferred in-
regenerate the upper tail of the frailty distribution terpretation of the paleodemographic and paleopatho-
among the survivors, so that selective mortality will al- logical evidence "makes the implicit assumption that
ways produce corpses that look terrible, no matter what skeletons in a cemetery, at least on the average, are rea-
the general health of the population. The fact that one sonably representative of the living populations that
in five Americans will eventually die of cancer does not produced them and therefore that changes in skeletal
mean that 20% of living Americans have cancer right assemblages reflect real changes in the health of once-
now. living populations. This is an assumption made implic-
Byers [CA 35:282-84) makes an interesting point in itly or explicitly, with varying degrees of caution, by
this connection. He suggests that it may be possible to most quantitatively oriented paleopathologists." That
assess the magnitude of the selective mortality acting was precisely the point of our paper: paleopathologists
on a trait such as stature by examining shifts in the do make this assumption, often without examining its
distribution of the trait among individuals who die at implications for their inferences. But according to Co-
later [presumably postselection) ages. The specific tests hen, the assumption that the dead are representative of
he advocates, however, are lacking in statistical power, the living is justifiable because mortality is largely ran-
as he is careful to point out; they also make a strong dom with respect to individual characteristics: "I sub-
presumption that the trait of interest is normally distrib- mit that, except under very extreme selective condi-
uted at the outset of the selection process, for otherwise tions, the actual death cohort for a population for any
measures of skew and kurtosis by themselves are unin- year will normally be a fairly good representation of
formative about selection. An assumption of normality the living population from which it came because of
may be approximately correct for stature but is unlikely the random nature of the unselected deaths." Frankly,
to hold for many frailty factors (see Schork, Welder, and we don't know whether to be terrified or relieved by
Schork 1990). Still, Byers's basic idea is sound. Here we this conclusion-terrified because even the healthiest
sketch an alternative approach to the same problem, an among us can drop dead tomorrow for no good reason,
approach that may be both more general and more pow- relieved because we can all stop worrying about diet,
erful. If z is a frailty factor, be it stature or whatever, exercise, and those annoying annual check-ups. We re-
then.the conditional distribution of z among survivors spectfully suggest that Cohen's assertion that mortality
at age t [i.e., among those whose life span T is greater is mostly random (nonselective)with respect to individ-
than t ) is ual characteristics is one of the most remarkable state-
ments in the history of population science. If it is true,
epidemiologists may as well retire, for no relative risk
will ever be distinguishable from I. And demographers
where f [ z )is the density function of frailty at the outset can pretty well close down shop too: life tables are un-
of the selection process and S(tl z ) is the survival func- necessary because mortality cannot be affected signifi-
tion conditional on z. Given appropriate specifications cantly by age, and sex-specific life tables are even more
of f [ z ) and S[tl z), the equation could be fitted to data of a waste of time because they foolishly assume that
on skeletal samples by straightforward maximum- one's sex may influence the risk of death. The claim
likelihood methods, thus providing a direct estimate of that mortality is largely random and nonselective is so
the effect of selective mortality on the trait. Of course, profound in its implications that it needs to be sup-
for a trait that changes with age, as does stature, we ported by evidence, not merely asserted. After all, the
would have to rescale the f [zl T > t ) function properly, entire insurance industry is founded on the premise that
perhaps by using the residuals from one of the Preece- the risk of death varies among individuals in a poten-
Baines model growth curves rather than raw stature it- tially predictable way.
self (see Preece and Baines 1978).But that is a secondary But we agree with Cohen that mortality has stochas-
point. We believe that Byers's suggestion has consider- tic [random) as well as deterministic [nonrandom) ele-
able merit and deserves further exploration. Inciden- ments. In fact, several of us have spent major portions of
tally, the equation tells us explicitly what we have to our professional lives formulating demographic models
worry about in this whole area of inquiry: how frailty that include both stochastic and deterministic compo-
varies, indicated by f [z),and how frailty affects mortal- nents [for a review, see Wood et al. 1992).With respect
ity, captured by S[tl z ) . to mortality, such models are consistent in showing the
The deeper problem, alluded to in our paper, is what following pattern: Within a given risk group, the vari-
to do when we don't have a readily measurable frailty ance in life span is typically large, and in that narrow
factor such as stature or when measurable variables do sense the random component of mortality can be consid-
not capture all the variation in frailty. As we tried to ered important [see Vaupel 1988 for an insightful discus-
convey in our paper, this is a tough nut but not, we sion of this point). When risk groups are pooled, how-
think, an uncrackable one (see the extended discussion ever, mortality at any given age will still be dominated
in Wood et al. 1992).But it can't be cracked by ignoring by those individuals of highest risk who survived to that
it, wishing it away, or pretending that it doesn't matter age [Manton, Stallard, and Vaupel I 986). In other words,
in the population of interest. demographic and epidemiological models make it clear

that substantial selective mortalitv can occur even in signs of debilitating injuries or active infections that
the face of nontrivial stochastic variation in life span2 would have reduced any chance they might have had to
Cohen's claim that mortality was largely nonselective fight or flee successfully. In this particular prehistoric
in prehistoric societies appears to be based on his belief setting, then, violent death was not unrelated to an indi-
that most deaths in such societies were accidental. vidual's age, prior life history, or current health status.
While reliable data on causes of death are notoriously In other words, even accidents and violence can be selec-
difficult to obtain from nonliterate people, such data as tive on individual characteristics.
exist suggest that the overwhelming majority of deaths Jackes (CA 34:434-3 9) notes, quite rightly, that there
in all preindustrial populations are infectious in nature, are many serious problems that we did not highlight in
with undernutrition being a frequent contributary our original paper, including but not limited to age-
cause. In our work with the Gainj, a population of swid- estimation and differential preservation. However, as we
den horticulturalists on the northern fringes of Papua pointed out, those issues have received far more atten-
New Guinea's Central Highlands, we found that about tion in the literature than the ones we did raise.3 But
70% of deaths were from infectious causes, with diar- that does not mean that the issues we deemphasized
rheal disease being more common in children and acute have all been settled. As long as we are enumerating
respiratory infections somewhat more common in additional problems to worry about, we would mention
adults; physical trauma accounted for only about 2% of three more, without, however, meaning to imply that
deaths (Wood 1980:122). Broadly similar patterns have this is an exhaustive list. First, as many osteologists
been reported for the !Kung [Howell 1979:69) and the have noted, the disease processes that can leave ob-
Aka Pygmies (Hewlett, van de Koppel, and van de Kop- servable skeletal lesions represent only a tiny fraction
pel 1986:54-5 5). Infectious diseases are known to be of all the afflictions likely to be present in the living
highly selective, especially with respect to nutritional population; focusing on them will almost necessarily
status and immune function. In a studv of the Turkana give a highly distorted view of overall health and disease
of northern Kenya, one of the most traditional groups of in the population. The second problem is differential
nomadic pastoralists in the world, Shell-Duncan (1993, diagnosis-the difficulty of assigning a slzeletal lesion
1994) has shown the overwhelming importance of gas- unambiguously to a particular cause; because of errors
trointestinal and respiratory tract infections in de- in differentiating diseases, skeletal lesions are often of
termining patterns of morbidity and mortality (with low specificity as diagnostic markers. The third problem
malaria running a somewhat distant third); more is that skeletal lesions usually occur only in rare, often
important, she has shown that these diseases are power- extreme, cases of the diseases that produce them; as a
fully selective on nutritional status and immunocompe- result, such lesions are of low sensitivity as markers of
tence as assessed by delayed-type hypersensitivity tests. disease. As it happens, there are formal statistical meth-
In none of these studies or any others that we are aware ods for assessing both specificity and sensitivity (Kelsey,
of have accidents been shown to be a leading cause of Thompson, and Evans I 98 6:28 6). If such assessments
death. It is all very well for Cohen to dismiss evidence were done, we suspect that most skeletal lesions would
on the !Kung from the discussion, but the fact remains prove to be poor diagnostic markers.
that there are very few studies of anthropological popu- A superficial reading of our paper might suggest that
lations that have yielded high-quality information on we are being inconsistent on this point. Some of the
causes of death, and none of them indicates that acci- time we seem to be saying that mortality samples over-
dents predominate. Perhaps people were clumsier in pre- estimate the prevalence of pathological conditions (be-
history, but we doubt it. cause of selective mortality), and some of the time we
Besides, there is no reason to believe that accidents seem to be saying that mortality samples underestimate
are genuinely random: "accident-proneness" is a well- the prevalence of pathological conditions (because of
established epidemiological phenomenon. Nor can we low sensitivity). What we are actually saying is that
assume that violent deaths as opposed to those from both biases are likely to be operating simultaneously,
illness or any of the other vicissitudes of life are ran- and both make it difficult for us to link lesion frequen-
domly distributed. The selectivity of violence can be cies in skeletons with disease prevalence in the living
seen even in one of the very few osteological samples in
which a fairly large fraction (at least 16%) of individuals 3. In fact, biases arising from the differential preservation of bones
died from being hit with clubs or shot with arrows (Mil- in archaeological deposits were noted at least two centuries ago.
ner, Anderson, and Smith 1991). In this skeletal collec- On digging a mound in Virginia in the 18th century, Thomas Jeffer-
tion from a cemetery geographically and temporally son (1788:105)reflected that "the bones of infants being soft, they
probably decay sooner, which might be the cause so few were found
close to Dickson Mounds, most of the people who had here." Observations on the differential preservation of soft tissue
been slaughtered were adults, presumably because their are even older. When Hamlet asked the grave maker, "How long
daily activities put them at greater risk of being at- will a man lie i'th'earth ere he rot!" he was told: "Faith, if 'a be
tacked. Furthermore, many of these skeletons showed not rotten before 'a die-as we have many pocky corpses now-a-
days that will scarce hold the laying in-'a will last you some eight
year or nine year. A tanner will last you nine year" (Act 5, Scene
2.For outstanding reviews of the relevant models, see Manton and I ) . We only hope that these literary and antiquarian allusions are
Stallard (1984: chap. 6; 19881, Mode (1985: chaps. 3 and 41, and not too pro-civilization for some of our readers' tastes (cf. Cohen,
Namboodiri (1991: chap. 9). CA 33:359).
Volume 3 5 , Number 5, December 1994 1 635

population in any straightforward way. Although the necessary theory and compile the necessary evidence;
two biases operate in opposite directions, it would be bald assertions and appeals to conventional wisdom
foolish to assume that they must exactly cancel each won't take us very far in the right direction.
other out for any disease. Readers of Goodman's comments might conclude that
In our view, a far more serious block to inference, we somehow missed the fact that skeletal lesions attrib-
which none of our critics addresses, is the fact that le- utable to infection and malnutrition take some time to
sion frequencies in the dead partly reflect proportional develop, that people often live with those conditions for
mortality, which in turn reflects the whole spectrum of extended periods, and that some fraction of them re-
conditions affecting the risk of death, not just those that cover from their illness. Yet it is precisely this variation
caused the particular lesion or lesions in question. This in experience that makes the interpretation of skeletal
problem is not solved by using Goodman's (p. 281) "mul- lesions in mortality samples such a vexing topic-and,
tiple indicators of health," because the full set of lesions if explored further, such a potentially enlightening one.
potentially detectable in the skeleton still represents While it goes without saying that Goodman (p. 282) is
only a small portion of that spectrum. Moreover, selec- correct when he writes that there are many reasons to
tive mortality may be operating on all the indicators investigate the "cultural and social repercussions" of
simultaneously, and to differing degrees. disease, it is difficult to see how morbidity and mortality
According to Goodman (p. 282), "Wood et al. miss the can be disassociated from one another in studies based
mark in their explication of the dynamics of selective strictly on individuals of a particular age who failed to
mortality partly because they are committed to the no- survive. After all, the ability to live with a condition
tion that the goal of paleoepidemiology is understanding causing a pathological bony response or to recover from
cause of death. Paleoepidemiologists are in fact seldom it, perhaps with an impaired ability to withstand further
concerned with cause-of-death analysis, which is exceed- illness, does not imply that the presence of these skele-
ingly difficult for a number of reasons and is not at all es- tal lesions is not in some way associated with an ele-
sential to saying something about health and adjustment vated risk of death.
in past populations." Surely paleopathologists and espe- Goodman makes extended criticisms of several of our
cially paleodemographers are very interested indeed illustrative exercises. In doing so, he misses the spirit of
in causes of death, at least part of the time. But that is those exercises, which was to illustrate potential prob-
beside the point. If we want to say something about lems and not to hold a mirror up to nature. (Having said
health and adjustment on the basis of skeletal samples, that, we would contend that the assumptions underly-
then we have to own up to the fact that we are looking ing our illustrations are no less realistic than those made
at samples of dead people, and presumably their reason by Goodman, Cohen, and others in their more "final"
for dying had something to do with their health and analyses.) Goodman spends a long time on one espe-
adjustment. We would never draw inferences about the cially simple-minded example that was merely intended
distribution of health characteristics in the general popu- to introduce some of the problems; but by doing so, he
lation by exclusively examining hospital patients, among inadvertently uncovers one of the most fundamental dif-
whom serious disorders approach 100%. Serious disor- ficulties in this area of study. In our example, we posited
ders are even more common among the dead: such disor- three subgroups within a population and assumed that
ders are what most of them died of. those subgroups were exposed to low, moderate, and
We cannot stress this point too much. If a skeletal high levels of "stress," respectively. Under not too unre-
lesion-or the condition responsible for it, or a trait pre- alistic assumptions, we showed that the high- and low-
disposing to that condition, or another trait highly corre- stress groups could display similar lesion frequencies
lated with that condition-has any relationship whatso- and thus be difficult to distinguish from one another
ever to the risk of death, the skeletal collection must be using skeletal samples alone. But Goodman says that
a biased sample for the living population. The bias we willfully ignored an important piece of evidence: had
caused by selection may be large or small; it may be we examined the mortality patterns of the three groups,
positive or negativej but mathematically it must exist. they would have fallen out from each other unambig-
We would be more than happy to discover that the bias uously. This claim is unassailable-provided that we
is consistently small and, hence, untroubling, as Saun- know beforehand how many subgroups there are, are
ders and Hoppa (1993) suggest for the special case of able to assign skeletons to the subgroups without error,
staturee4But at present, we have neither theory nor em- and can reliably reconstruct the mortality patterns of
pirical evidence showing that the bias can always be the subgroups. Otherwise we are presented with an un-
ignored. It will take a lot of hard work to develop the known number of risk groups, each of unknown size,
whose apparent pooled age-at-death distribution is con-
4. Goodman (p. 283) argues that the linkage between short stature founded by heterogeneous frailty and demographic non-
and the risk of death is partly spurious, owing to the confounding stationarity. Alas, we fear that osteological samples
effects of "the causal link of both with impoverished and stressful more often approximate the latter set of circumstances
living conditions." Of course it is, and this fact reinforces our basic than the former.
point: mortality is selective not only for conditions that directly In his response to our alternative explanation for the
cause death but also for any other traits (including socioeconomic
characteristics) that are consistently correlated with such condi- Dickson Mounds findings, - , Goodman criticizes the as-
tions, whatever the source of correlation. sumptions of our model, dismissing many of them as

unrealistic. While the reasonableness of our assump- (Buikstra and Milner 1991, Buikstra 1992).Thus, despite
tions is difficult to assess from the osteological evidence ~reviouscharacterizations of the Dickson Mounds sam-
available from Dickson Mounds (as Jackes so rightly em- ple, it does not encompass the full spectrum of changes
phasizes), this criticism again misses the point of the from hunting-gathering through intensified agriculture.
exercise. Given the time, energy, and inclination, we It is likewise difficult to argue from the available archae-
suspect that we could come up with a much more realis- ological evidence that the latest Dickson Mounds people
tic model (involving, for example, more than two sub- were sick because they suffered the ill effects of an out-
groups or continuously distributed frailty). But that flow of food to other places (Goodman et al. 1984, Good-
would not alter our fundamental point: we can interpret man and Armelagos 1985). At present, it is simply not
the osteological record meaningfully only if we do in- clear what the changes over time in skeletal lesion fre-
deed have an explicit model for the formation of the quencies observed at Dickson Mounds might mean and
mortality sample we are working with. As we said re- what might have caused them.
peatedly in our paper, the point is not that our model is In general, both Cohen and Goodman seem to want
right and other models are wrong but that models are in to cast us as irredeemably opposed to the scientific posi-
fact necessary and for the most part lacking. tions they have staked out. This reaction is as surprising
It is clear from his very first sentence (p. 281) that as it is unwarranted. As we took pains to say, "It is
Goodman misunderstands our position: we emphati- important to emphasize that our reinterpretation of the
cally do not argue that "health inferences from paleode- health consequences of early agriculture is not necessar-
mographic and paleopathological data are impossible" ily more correct than previous interpretations. And, in-
but merely suggest that such inferences are more diffi- deed, we suspect that both interpretations may be cor-
cult than we all originally believed, and also more inter- rect for different periods and locations. The point,
esting. We are convinced that there are solutions to the however, is not that we are right and other authors are
problems we raised, but finding the solutions will re- wrong but that the data [by themselves, i.e., unaided by
quire some deep thinking about the processes linking models] support both interpretations equally well" (CA
frailty, stress, disease, tissue responses, and the forma- 3 3 :3 57). Cohen and Goodman also try to make us sound
tion of mortality samples. It will also require formal more pessimistic than we actually are. We believe that
modeling of those processes. As Goodman (p. 282) notes, advances can be made, but we reiterate that a necessarv
"There is . . . a mathematical tethering of individual and precondition for advancement is the development of st;-
group frailty; if group frailty changes, then either the tistical models for the formation of mortality samples.
size of subgroups or the frailty of one or more subgroups Although we do not underestimate the difficulties of
must change. Furthermore, one can begin to interpret this work, we do not think they are insurmountable.
the individual significance of aggregate frailty if one has And we a;e pleased to acknowledge that the work has
a theory about the distribution of frailty and some idea already begun, thanks in part (we are gratified to say)
of how groups might change in size and how exposures to our paper. Byers's idea on measuring selectivity, for
might change subgroups' health risks-in short, contex- example, is a nice step in the right direction, as is the
tual information." Although apparently written in criti- more extended analysis of Saunders and Hoppa (1993).
cism of us, this is in fact precisely our position. Indeed, While neither of these analyses can be considered the
if one adds the further stipulation that we need models final word on the subject, both at least show what can
of the linkage between frailty and the risk of death, then be done if the issues are taken seriously. Jackes's (p.
Goodman's statement summarizes our view admirably. 435) trenchant comment is relevant here: "Despair
We are pleased that Goodman underscores the impor- should arise only if osteologists are not intellectually
tance of "cultural context" in the interpretation of skel- honest and able to withstand a reappraisal of their
etons from cemeteries; in doing so, he again reiterates methods."
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