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Define pneumothorax
-a buildup of gases in the pleural cavity
(which seperates the lung from the chest wall)
picture slides 1-4

show video from 3 kings

Spontaneous -primary (no known lung disease) risk factors: male gender, smoker,
family history of pneumo
-secondary (known lung disease)
- Chronic obstructive airway disease
(mainly emphysema)
- Certain types of pneumonia
- Tuberculosis
- Cystic fibrosis
- blebs and bullae present
(lung abnormalities- weak bulges
on outside of lung)
- marfrans syndrome (genetic disorder
affecting connective tissues) etc..

Traumatic pneumothorax:
- blunt force w/ penetrating
injuries e.g. fractured ribs
- differences in pressure
resulting from explosion
- artificial ventilation

Iatrogenic pneumothorax:
- result of small bore needle wound
to lung during surgery
The terms iatrogenesis and iatrogenic artifact refer to inadvertent adverse effe
cts or complications caused by or resulting from medical treatment or advice. In
addition to harmful consequences of actions by physicians,

Signs and symptoms:

- Tracheal deviation
- Chest pain (unilateral)
- Dyspnea (difficulty in breathing)/
shortness of breath
- Cough
- Auscultation at mid-clavicular
and midaxillary lines may differ
greatly.(absent sounds)
- Jugular vein distension
- hypoxia, cyanosis
- subcutaneous emphysema
(crackiing sounds on palp. of mid-clav)
- ct scan
- chest x-ray
- ultrasound
- pleurodesis (prevents re occurrence
(talc, povidone iodine, tetracycline
-flutter valve (first aid)
- needle decompression (short term re
- video-assisted thoracoscopy surgery
(vats)(using a rough pad)
case studies: - 1-spontaneous mild needle decomp
- 2-genetic severe pleurodesis

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