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Estonian General
visits Georgia

US Ambassador visits
Chief of the Joint Staff of the is to prepare highly qualified mil- ous provinces of Afghanistan”,
Krtsanisi Trainign Center
GAF, Major-General Devi itary personnel and to ensure the stated Ants Laaneot. He ex- On December 7, the US Am- ed with the ongoing preparation ISAF operation: “Fundamental-
Chankotadze met with the Chief effective implementation of pressed his deep regret for the bassador to Georgia, John R. process for the 33rd Battalion”, ly, the most important thing is the
of Defense of Estonia, General- peacekeeping missions. During human losses recently suffered Bass paid a visit to the Krtsanisi the Defense Minister explained. people and we are pleased to be
Lieutenant Ants Laaneot. At the our discussions, we touched upon by the Georgian armed forces in National Training Center where As part of the visit, John Bass supporting the defense ministry
meeting, the officials dealt with the need for cooperation on the Afghanistan, and extended his Defense Minister, Bacho had the opportunity to inspect the and the Georgian government in
cooperation issues in the fields of said priority issues”. condolences to their families. Akhalaia received the American 33rd Battalion, who are current- developing the right types of
education and the ongoing re- The Estonian General-Lieu- The Estonian official also diplomat. Colonel Nikoloz Jan- ly being prepared to replace the forces, both to defend Georgia
forms in the sphere of defense; tenant, spoke of his first visit to paid tribute to the memory of the jgava, Trainings and Military Georgian battalion currently de- but also to join with us in Af-
international peacekeeping mis- Georgia. “I was first in Georgia soldiers who lost their lives dur- Education Commander of GAF ployed in Afghanistan. The Am- ghanistan and in other places. We
sions were also the subject of bi- in June 2008. After that, a great ing the war of August 2008, and accompanied the Ambassador on bassador was highly appriecia- are very grateful for the commit-
lateral discussions. General-Lieu- deal of things have changed in laid flowers at their memorial. his visit to the base. The visitors tive of the Battalion’s level of ment of Georgia and the sacri-
tenant Ants Laaneot, accompa- the country in terms of infra- Within the framework of the also attended exercises and took preparedness and thanked Geor- fices it has already made. ” John
nied by Major-General Devi structure and civil society. At the visit, Ants Laaneot met with the a tour of the Simulation Center. gia for its involvement in the Bass told journalists.
Chankotadze also inspected the I meeting we exchanged our ex- Chief of the Intelligence Service, They became familiar with the
Artillery Brigade in Vaziani. At a periences in the development of Gela Bejhuashvili. A meeting process through which recruits
press-conference, Devi Chanko- our armed forces and in the ISAF also took place with Deputy De- and service personnel are
tadze discussed the long-term participation. Estonians and fense Minister, Nodar trained: “This is the main train-
cooperation between Georgia and Georgians are working side-by- Kharshiladze. The Estonian ing facility, where the recruits are
Estonia: “the main goal of the side on the peacekeeping mis- General-Lieutenant left Georgia going through the basic prepa-
Georgian-Estonian joint activities sion in one of the most danger- on December 4. ration course. The center is also
used for retraining active service
personnel - I should say that we
have achieved a lot in this re-
gard. The recently introduced
simulation trainings have also
proved to be rather effective ...
What’s more, Mr. Bass had the
opportunity to become acquaint-


Four Star General US Ambassador at

- David Petraeus the Cadets Military
Representatives New Rector
in Afghanistan
Visit of Latvian

Four Star General - David Petraeus

The War in Afghanistan is the first major conflict of the 21st Century. Though How do you assess the readiness of Saakashvili stated that Georgia would seeing an example of what the goal of
the origins of the war date back to the Soviet Occupation of the last century, the Georgian troops? Are they sufficient- provide training for the Afghan Na- 2014 looks like. Afghan forces are in the
current war began in October, 2001 in response to the September 11, 2001 terror- ly prepared for operations in Afghan- tional Army (ANA). Is this important lead in all districts except for one in
ist attacks on the United States. On June 23, 2010, President Barak Obama an- istan and the difficult Helmand prov- for the ISAF? Is it possible for Geor- Kabul Province. Keep in mind of course
nounced that General David Petraeus would succeed General Stanley A. McChrys- ince? gian troops to train them? that Kabul province includes over one
tal as the Commander of the U.S. Forces in Afghanistan. Defense Today had an I had an opportunity to visit Geor- It’s obviously very important for the sixth of the population of Afghanistan.
opportunity to hold an interview with the four star General in Kabul, Afghanistan. gian soldiers in Helmand province. I can Afghan National Army and for the oth- It’s some five million people located in
say without a shadow of a doubt that er elements of the Afghan military and this area.
they are doing very well. They are in police to be well-trained and well- What can you say about the polit-
the tough area of Helmand, one of the equipped. It will be possible for the Af- ical and military importance of Geor-
most difficult parts of Afghanistan. They ghan security forces to develop the ex- gian participation in the ISAF?
have an important mission outside of the perience and the kind of professional I think every country is important
wire [the secure zones in Kabul]. The quality that will be necessary to take politically. Even the smallest of coun-
Georgian military is conducting opera- over security in the country by the end tries are making important political and
tions in the area of their responsibility of 2014. Indeed, there is a requirement diplomatic statement by their contribu-
and they are doing very impressive for additional trainers. The NATO Chain tion. Georgia’s contribution is really
work. I should mention that your sol- of Command, Supreme Headquarters, quite substantial, especially on a per-
diers were doing the same when they and Allied Power Europe - SHAPE capita basis. It’s not just politically im-
served in Iraq at the time at which I was headquarters are in fact working on gen- portant. It’s militarily significant. That’s
also privileged to be their commander. erating those forces. There was a force- how I would describe it.
How do you see the role of Geor- generating conference held recently to Now about Russia’s approach to-
gian troops in the new Afghanistan address the issue. It’s up to the nations, wards Afghanistan. How do you see
strategy? Is it necessary to increase each individual country makes a deci- the future of relations between the two
the number of Georgian troops serv- sion of its own as to what it can and will countries?
ing in the country? contribute. It’s obviously up to Russia how it
Numbers are obviously always na- When do you expect the ANA to deals with Afghanistan; there will be
tional decisions. We have discussed this be able to defend their country by bilateral questions for those two coun-
issue with the Georgian authorities at themselves? tries certainly.
various times. The Georgian contribu- We already see it taking place. If you Why does NATO need the support
tion is a very important because your walk outside of the gates here for ex- of Russia in this operation? Is it a po-
troops are operating outside the wire. ample, you can see that the security in litical issue or more practical?
Once again, they are conducting tough Kabul city - and indeed throughout the In one practical sense, the northern
missions in tough places that matter province - is Afghan. You will see Af- distribution network [sending NATO sup-
enormously to the overall mission. ghan police in the city, and outside the plies to Afghanistan] runs through Rus-
At the recent Lisbon Summit, there city in Kabul province Afghan troops sia so it’s clearly helpful for Russia and
was a decision made about a new Stra- support police activities. There is indeed the other countries north of Afghanistan
tegic Concept. What is the main goal a fine ISAF contingent here, however, to allow the transit of equipment and sup-
of this concept and how easy will it be by and large they are advising and as- plies into Afghanistan. We can reduce the
to implement? sisting Afghan forces, not performing pressure on the ground lines of commu-
In my opinion, the important mes- tasks for them. Therefore, you’re already nication that run through Pakistan.
sage from the Lisbon Summit was one
of a sustained, substantial commitment
by the 49 nations that contribute troops
here in Afghanistan. A pledge to contin-
ue this mission, to achieve the goal that
was first laid out by president Karzai of
having Afghan forces in the lead in se-
curity missions throughout the country
by the end of 2014. Obviously, four
years away from now is on one hand a
substantial period; on the other hand,
there are some very important tasks that
need to be accomplished by then. It will
be a very serious and challenging en-
deavor as it always has been, but of
course it is also one that is very impor-
tant in accomplishing our overriding
mission here, which is to ensure that
Afghanistan will not once again become
a sanctuary for transnational extremists
as it was prior to 9/11. The only way to
ensure that is to help Afghanistan de-
velop the capability to secure and gov-
ern itself.
At the Lisbon Summit, President

in Afghanistan
A group of Georgian journalists has
visited Afghanistan with the support of
the Ministry of Defense. Over the course
of two weeks the Georgian media rep-
resentatives were able to become famil-
iar Georgia’s contribution to the ISAF
operation. They visited the Georgian
company stationed in Kabul and spent
two weeks with the 32nd Battalion cur-
rently serving in Helmand Province. The
journalists received a security briefing
and accreditation before departure to
Afghanistan. The Public Affairs Depart-
ment of the Georgian Defense Ministry
plans to organize similar tours for the
media in the future. The purpose of the
tours is to increase public awareness of
Georgia’s participation in the interna-
tional peacekeeping operation.

US Ambassador at the New Rector Appointed

Cadets Military Lyceum

Andro Barnov has been appointed as dro Barnov will preside over the Nation-
the new Rector of the National Defense al Defense Academy. Together, we will
On December 13, the US Ambassa- one of our priority directions. The open- personnel in parallel to their physical Academy. Deputy Defense Minister, do our best to make the Academy one
dor to Georgia, John R. Bass paid a vis- ing of the Lyceum is one more impor- training. “I’m very pleased to be here Nodar Kharshiladze introduced the mil- of the region’s most prestigious and
it to the Cadets Military Lyceum where tant step forward, designed aid the re- with Minister Akhalaia to see this mili- itary expert to Ministry officials; ac- modern institutions” declared the Dep-
Defense Minister, Bacho Akhalaia host- plenishment of the Georgian armed forc- tary lyceum; it’s an important piece of cording to Mr. Kharshiladze, Barnov is uty Minister.
ed the American Diplomat. The diplo- es. Considering the successful we have the professional, military education sys- a leading expert in the spheres of de- “I have been working with the De-
mat and the minister inspected the in- seen with the school, another such cen- tem here in Georgia. Fundamentally any fense and security who has worked fense Ministry now for several years,
frastructure of the recently established ter is planned to be opened in western military establishment is only as good closely with the ministry in the past on most notably in the field of education.
Lyceum, its classrooms, residential Georgia”, stated the Defense Minister. as the people in it, and I think it’s very defense reform and NATO integration. We are all agreed to make every effort
buildings, sport halls, canteen, and bas- After taking a tour of the Lyceum, impressive that the Ministry has taken “Mr. Barnov has been cooperating to turn the Academy into the education-
ketball and football pitches. the American Ambassador pointed to the this step to start building the right kinds with us for quite a long time in the ca- al establishments our country and armed
“Education and physical training are importance of the education of military of minds to be Georgian soldiers in the pacity of an NGO advisor. This year, he forces deserve. I believe that we, through
future. This is part of the ongoing pro- has given special attention to the recent- our combined efforts, will be able to
cess to strengthen Georgia’s defense ly implemented education reforms. On succeed in this important endeavor”,
capabilities a US is a strong partner in the basis of our mutual agreement, An- said Mr Barnov.
this process,” said John Bass to journal-
There are currently a total of 300 ca-
dets from various parts of Georgia, se-
lected individual examination, studying
Homecoming Ceremony
in the Lyceum. Education at the school
is carried out on the basis of the nation-
al curriculum with an additional mili-
tary program which develops students’
physical capabilities, as well as teach-
ing history, military theory, topography
and informatics.

Visit of Latvian General an official capacity”, Rymonds Graube

told journalists, “I should mention that
the Center’s infrastructure and its ad-
vanced technologies impressed me so
much that I am no longer surprised as
to why Georgian personnel receive such
great respect from the Coalition com-
manders. We also have the desire to con-
tinue cooperation in the field of military
education. The August armed conflict
was an important experience for Geor-
gia and it is interesting for us to learn
from this experience as well”, declared
Mr. Graube.
The Chief of the Latvian Armed Forc-
es paid tribute to the memory of soldiers
who lost their lives during the war and
laid a wreath at the Mukhatgverdi mili-
tary cemetery. The Latvian delegation
The Chief of the Joint Staff of the engineering officers. Latvian and Geor- also visited the NATO-Georgian Center
GAF, Major-General Devi Chankotadze gian cooperation projects are based for Professional Development.
has met with the Chief of the Latvian around the training of high-profile mil- As part of the official visit, the Latvi-
National Armed Forces, Major-General itary personnel and the successful exe- an official also visited Sachkhere Moun- The peacekeeping company of the want to wish every success to the sol-
Rymonds Graube. cution of our international peacekeep- tain Training School. Major-General Ry- Georgian Armed Forces has returned to diers currently serving in Afghanistan”
During the course of the meeting, ing missions.” monds Graube left Georgia on 8 Decem- Georgia from Afghanistan. The First stated Devi Chankotadze.
they dealt with issues relating to defense “This is my first visit to Georgia in ber. Deputy Defence Minister, Nikoloz Dz- The peacekeeping unit of the III In-
cooperation, ongoing participation in imsteishvili and Chief of Joint fantry Brigade has been participating in
peacekeeping missions, and the reforms Staff, Major-General Devi Chankotadze the ongoing NATO/ISAF operation as
under way in the Georgian military. greeted the soldiers. The Major-Gener- part of the French contingent. They have
The Latvian official, accompanied by al congratulated the servicemen on their been deployed in Afghanistan since May
the Georgian Major-General visited Krt- safe return to the country and wished of 2010, performing defense and secu-
sanisi National Training Center. At a them every success. rity operations alongside the units from
briefing held after the inspection of the “The Peacekeeping Contingent that NATO members and partner states.
training facility, Devi Chankotadze un- has just come back from Afghanistan Up to 173 military servicemen of the
derlined the importance of the long- performed their duties fantastically. For- Georgian Land Forces have been en-
standing cooperation between the De- tunately, they were able to end their mis- gaged in the international security op-
fense Ministries of both countries: “I am sion without any casualties. During their eration for 6 months and have returned
availing myself of the opportunity to service in Afghanistan, the soldiers to Georgia without any losses. They
express my gratitude to the Latvian Min- gained useful experience. I would like were replaced in Kabul province by a
istry of Defense for their assistance dur- to congratulate our peacekeepers, armed new peacekeeping company, which is
ing and after the war of August 2008 forces and the whole country on their due to stay in Afghanistan for another 6
well as for their preparation of Georgian safe return to their homeland. Finally, I months.

“I am sure our guys will fight to the end” European team. I preferred to come back
Davit Ugrexelidze and continue my basketball career here.
You spent the 2009-2010 season You play for Army which is in its
with the Slovenian team Luka Koper. first year in the championship. Can
Why did you decide to return to the you tell us a little more about your
Georgian championship? club?
Yes, I spent my previous season in Slo- While Army is only in its first year
venia. I was looking for another team when of existence, we have great expectations
I was offered the chance to play for Army, for the Championship. Army is made-
and I accepted proposal and came back to up of professional players, with the vet-
Tbilisi. The team is very strong, both in eran trainer, Levan Moseshvili. We hope
terms of its players and coaches. It’s a pret- to win the Championship, and we’re
ty large team too with two or three player doing our best to reach first place. In the
for each position. We’re made up of some future, we may also take part in interna-
of the best players in the league, we’re tional tournaments.
ambitious and we’ve got what it takes to You have played abroad a lot. How
win the championship. does the Georgian championship
Which club do you think is your compare to other leagues?
main competitor? Which teams in the As the Georgian National Team has
Super League, would you say were a seen so much success of late, a lot more
particular threat? people here are paying attention to bas-
I couldn’t say exactly as the champi- ketball. This year we have eleven teams
onship has just started. There are sever- participating in the Super League and
al teams that are really very strong. Each the level of competition is tough. We’re
of them will have the opportunity to test seeing more people come along to
their strength against ours. games and more and more attention
Can you say a few words about the from the media, so I think that we’re
national basketball team taking part doing pretty well.
in the European Championship in Which club do you think is Army’s
2011? Do you have any ambitions main rival? Is there anyone you would
with regard to the national team? single out?
I am a big fan of our national basket- Considering the strength of the teams
ball team and of our country in general, in the championship, I’d say we’ve got
I follow them closely. In my opinion it’s a lot of good competition. We expect to
a great achievement for us to be able to have a lot of tense and exciting matches
take part in the European Championship. this coming season.
I am sure our guys will fight to the end. What are your plans with regard
As for me, personally, I think that I am to your future career? Do you plan
in good form and if I can do anything to continue playing abroad?
for my team I won’t spare any effort. getting married so I am used to doing I spent the last four years in New Army has long-term plans. As for me,
You got married last year to a Slo- housework and cooking. Davit Sakhvarelidze York where I played basketball along- I intend to stay in Georgia and continue
venian wife. How often does she at- How do you spend your free time? Dato, you played for Basko in Ba- side my studies. After finishing college, playing for Army. Going abroad is not
tend your games? Do you enjoy do- Most of my time is dedicated to my tumi and for Tbilisi State University. I returned to Georgia to continue play- in my plans for the next three years.
ing housework? family and my child. But I always find Besides that, you also played for the ing in the Georgian championship with How do you spend your free time?
My wife and child attend almost all some time for my friends. French club Shalon. Afterwards you Army. From the very beginning of my Throughout the whole week we are
my games. Despite the fact that my baby What is your favorite cuisine and dish? left for the United States, where you life in America, I thought about coming very busy with training in the morning
is just 7-months-old, it likes basketball I think that Georgian cuisine is the played for Saint Dominic’s College in back to Georgia. After leaving college, and evenings. But on Saturday evenings
very much. I try to be a good family best in the world. My favorite dish is New York. What brought you back to I had to decide whether to return to I try to spend time with my friends. On
man. I lived alone in Slovenia before khinkali and khachapuri. the Georgian Championship? Georgia or to continue playing in with a Sundays, I like to go hiking.

Meeting with NGOs Seminar on Media Transparency

A seminar on media transparency in ties it has carried out during 2010. Marius Alekna, Head of the Plan-
relation to the defense sphere has been As part of the visit, the foreign ning and Policy Division of the Public
held at the Defense Ministry. Partici- guests conducted meetings with the Affairs Department of the Lithuanian
pants in the meeting, which was orga- leaderships of various departments of Ministry of Defense, told journalists
nized within the framework of the the Defense Ministry and representa- that his visit to Georgia sought to de-
NATO-Georgia Professional Develop- tives of a number of governmental veloping cooperation in the field of
ment Program (PDP), included foreign agencies. They also learned about the public affairs. He explained that next
experts, journalists working on military information climate in the country from year, Latvia and Lithuania will collab-
issues, representatives of NGOs, and the chiefs of leading Georgian media orate intensively with the Georgian De-
personnel from the Public Affairs De- outlets. fense Ministry in this regard.
partment (PAD) of the MoD. Dr. Hari-
ton Bucur-Marcu, Associate Senior Fel-
low for Defense Policy at the Geneva
Center for the Democratic Control of
the Armed Forces attended the semi-
nar in the capacity of an invited guest.
Media transparency in the defense
sphere was also the main theme of dis-
cussions led by Mr. Marius Alekna and
Mr. Airis Rikveilis, PAD representa-
tives from the Defense Ministries of
Latvia and Lithuania respectively. The
Public Affairs Department of the Geor-
gian Defense Ministry, in its turn, gave
the audience information on the activi-

The Georgian Minister of Defense, meeting. The experts were allowed to

NATO Orientation Course
Bacho Akhalaia has met with represen- inspect the Simulation Center at the mil- The Ministry of Defense has hosted opened the meeting. “This training Col. Juergen Schwarz, Head of the Spe-
tatives from a number of non-govern- itary base, and further visits to additional a NATO Orientation Course which cov- course was an initiative of the Ministry cial Partnership Branch, IMS, and Mr.
mental organizations at the Vaziani mili- Ministry facilities were arranged for the ered the outcomes of the Lisbon Sum- of Defense of Georgia, which asked us Shalva Dzebisashvili, Defense Advisor
tary base. Recent defense reforms were near future. The Defense Ministry has mit, the newly adopted Strategy Concept to provide an orientation course for Joint to the Georgian Mission to NATO, fo-
the key topic of discussion at the meet- been cooperating with a number of NGOs and the future policy of the Alliance. Staff and MoD personnel. They would cused on the importance of the civilian
ing focusing on military education and since 2005; from 2007, a Memorandum Similar courses are being conducted like to get a good overview of what and military structures within NATO, the
the preparation of reservists. “Such meet- of Understanding has been in effect be- within the framework of the NATO- NATO does, what it is all about, what organization’s goals and ongoing
ings are generally very productive and tween the Defense Ministry and the Civ- Georgia Professional Development Pro- are its purposes. This is the very first NATO-Georgia partnership. In addition
enable NGOs to gather information on il Council for Defense and Security sup- gram. NATO representative, Mr. David course and we will be back to provide to MoD and JS personnel, the training
ongoing developments in the defense porting cooperation between the armed Johnson, of the International Staff De- other trainings in the future”, said Mr course was attended by representatives
sphere,” said Andro Barnov following the forces and civil society. fense Policy and Planning Division Johnson. In the course of the meeting, from different governmental agencies.

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