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Agriculture can lead to Growth and Development in



To a greater extent agriculture can lead to growth and development

compared to Industrialization in LDC’s

The presence of favorable climate in LDC’s for example in Uganda the equatorial
type of climate is favorable for the growth of crops and this would lead to higher
harvests and production of agricultural products which would be exported thus
earning foreign exchange and this could be used in the establishment of other
social amenities like schools, hospitals thus leading to growth and development.

The amount of arable land available to meet the growing population in LDC,s, this
provides an opportunity to expand areas of cultivation increased demand for food in
LDC’S will be made through improved yields of most wildly grown staple crops and
this will result into higher exploration of agricultural products hence higher foreign
exchange for development.

The availability of more land helps LDC’s to shift from subsistence production which
is mainly for home consumption to commercial production which can bring in more
foreign exchange thus development.

Abundance of about in LDC’S that is mainly unskilled and semi skilled thus more
suitable in agricultural sector than industrial sector that requires skilled man labor
to handle specialized tasks, this is not available in LDC’S. Unskilled labor in LDC’S
can be instrumental in high productivity which accelerates economic growth and
development through enough incomes from agricultural products sold externally
and internally.

The agricultural strategy is cheap and affordable for LDC’S, its cheap to buy
agricultural inputs like seeds, tractors, fertilizers and others than buying heavy
industrial machines. When LDC’S invest in agriculture they tend to produce quality
products than subsistence and industrial goods. Therefore they export the
agriculture products than the subsistence and industrial products which are cheaper
thus achieving sustainable growth and development.

Because of expensive capital investments, the LDC’S can only afford appropriate
technology which may produce poor quality products that have limited markets
externally and internally. Agricultural strategy LDC’S can afford farm inputs and
research which can boast better agricultural productivity in quantity and quality.

Agriculture can lead to growth and development of LDC’s through poverty

eradication. A agriculture sector provides employment for the poor in the rural
areas hence agricultural growth can increase the income of the poor both directly
through the additional demand for labor and indirectly through input, output
expenditure linkages with non firm production activities in the rural sector like
providing food for schools in the area.

Agricultural exports enable countries to increase their incomes that can be used to
implement a strategy of industrialization and of development of advanced service
sector. LDC’S can use industrialization to create an industry that transforms
agricultural commodities. It’s always easier for LDC’s to set up agro based
industries because there are available raw materials in this way LDC’s achieve
sustainable acceleration growth and development.

In LDC’S, the education system would be cheaper if agriculture was emphasized.

Agricultural learning products are cheap to acquire for example soil, plants, and
minerals. Thus when most of the students are educated on agriculture, the products
would improve and citizens create their own jobs than wait for jobs, this method will
therefore lead to sustainable growth.

Since most developed countries are industrialized its better for LDC’s to reduce on
the competition by majoring in the agricultural sector which would provide raw
materials for their industries for instance LDC’s can grow Tobacco, cotton and
coffee which they can export to countries like the U.S.A, U.K, etc, for manufacturing
finished products like clothes hence leading to own growth and development.

Most LDC’S are agro based thus if development programmes like cooperative are
introduced this helps farmers that cant help themselves, these cooperatives provide
loans for farmers to expand on their production and also look for market for the
farmers to expand on their production and also look for market for farmers
production thus discouraging subsistence production for ones production but rather
on monetary terms, increases the capital inflow of LDC’S thus leading to growth and

Majoring in agriculture by LDC’S will increase the employments opportunities for the
population. This is so because of the abundance of semi skilled labor in LDC’S that
is needed for the agricultural sector. Employment makes it possible for the people
to provide the basic necessities for their families thus improving on their standards
of living which is a sign of development.
Through the use of the agricultural sector the people in LDC’S all might earn the
same income since it is cheap to invest in and easy to to run. Thus the gap between
the rich and the poor will be very thin or nonexistent. Low income inequality
improves on the economic growth of LDC’S since to a country with high income
inequality is under developed.

The use of agriculture reduces industrial related illnesses like cancer, flue etc,
therefore agriculture can lead to development of LDC’S since it has less Impact on
the environment, like population which is the case with industrialization.

Agriculture helps meet the requirement s of the ever increasing population of LDC’S
with its higher purchasing power. With increased population of LDC’S there is a high
demand for food, therefore agriculture is the best option because it provides food
at a cheaper price. Thus is LDC’S major in agriculture and serve the population,
there is increased income thus leading to capital accumulation that can be used for
investment thus leading to growth and development.

Industrialization requires skilled labor which is not available in LDC’S Therefore cant
lead to development of LDC’S since large populations will not e employed because
they do not have the skills needed for the industrial sector.

Industrialization requires accessible capital which is not available in L.D.C’S

therefore industries will not develop much. This lags a country behind because the
rate of growth and development will be slow un like agriculture that requires less
capital to develop.

It expensive to undertake industrial development because it encourages external

economic that is dependence on most of the industries use imported factors input
as raw materials hence limiting low developed countries from undergoing economic
growth and development.

Industrialization leads to high social costs like pollution, leading to declining

standards of living which cause illnesses like cancer and flue thus agriculture has
less impact on the environment like pollution.

Industrialization leads to high social costs like pollution causing illnesses such as
cancer and flue thus declining standards of living, disease increase expenditure on
health and reducers income required for investment.

Industrialization leads to rural urban migration and negative consequences as most

industries are urban based this leads to slum development, high lever of under and
un employment hence slowing down economic growth and development.
Industrialization worsens problems of income inequality especially between those in
the industrial and agricultural sector. The people employed in the industrial sector
tend to earn more and get richer as those carrying out agriculture earn peanuts and
eep getting poorer.

Industrialization leads to over exploitation of resources hence causing their

depreciation. Most industries tend to over work their employers that is to say
beyond the required times is six hours as the worker rights state. In most cases
work done by exhausted employers is substandard
Returns are not immediate since most of the industries are import substitution
industries, implying limited exports and low foreign exchange earnings.

Low employment creation in the short run as some industries operate at excess
capacity, very small in size leading to a allow payment which is almost equivalent to

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