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c c  particular may not have the funds to build solar

  is the conversion of sunlight power plants, although small solar applications are
into electricity, either directly now replacing other sources in the developing
using photovoltaics (PV), or indirectly world.
using concentrated solar power (CSP). Commercial   
CSP plants were first developed in the 1980s, and
the 354 MW SEGS CSP installation is the largest
solar power plant in the world and is located in the Solar energy is the energy derived from
Mojave Desert of California. The 80 MW Sarnia the sun through the form of solar radiation. Solar
Photovoltaic Power Plant in Canada, is the world¶s powered electrical generation relies
largest photovoltaic plant. Experimental approaches on photovoltaics and heat engines. A partial list of
to solar power include concentrated other solar applications includes space heating and
photovoltaics systems, thermovoltaic devices, cooling through solar
and space-based solar power. architecture, daylighting, solar hot water, solar
cooking, and high temperature process heat for
Solar power is an intermittent energy source,
industrial purposes.
meaning that solar power is not available at all
times, and is normally supplemented by storage or Solar technologies are broadly characterized as
another energy source, for example with wind either passive solar or active solar depending on the
power and hydropower. way they capture, convert and distribute solar
energy. Active solar techniques include the use of
Solar power is the conversion of sunlight
photovoltaic panels and solar thermal collectors to
into electricity. Sunlight can be converted directly
harness the energy. Passive solar techniques include
into electricity using photovoltaics (PV), or
orienting a building to the Sun, selecting materials
indirectly withconcentrated solar power (CSP),
with favorable thermal mass or light dispersing
which normally focuses the sun's energy to boil
properties, and designing spaces that naturally
water which is then used to provide power, and
circulate air.
other technologies, such as the sterling engine
dishes which use a sterling cycle engine to power a
generator. Photovoltaics were initially used to Biomass (plant material) is a renewable energy
power small and medium-sized applications, from source because the energy it contains comes from
the calculator powered by a single solar cell to off- the sun. Through the process of photosynthesis,
grid homes powered by a photovoltaic array. plants capture the sun's energy. When the plants are
burned, they release the sun's energy they contain.
The only significant problem with solar power is
In this way, biomass functions as a sort of natural
installation cost, although cost has been decreasing
due to the learning curve. Developing countries in
battery for storing solar energy. As long as biomass In general there are two main approaches to using
is produced sustainably, with only as much used as plants for energy production: growing plants
is grown, the battery will last indefinitely. specifically for energy use, and using the residues
from plants that are used for other things. The best
approaches vary from region to region according to a large area of sunlight onto a small area. The
climate, soils and geography. concentrated light is then used as heat or as a heat
source for a conventional power plant (solar

 A wide range of concentrating technologies exist,
including the parabolic trough, Dish

Stirling, Concentrating Linear Fresnel
  ! Reflector, Solar chimney andsolar power
 "#" $ 
  (CSP) systems use tower. Each concentration method is capable of
lenses or mirrors to focus a large area of sunlight producing high temperatures and correspondingly
onto a small area. Electrical power is produced high thermodynamic efficiencies, but they vary in
when the concentrated light is directed
the way that they track the Sun and focus light. Due
onto photovoltaic surfaces or used to heat a transfer
to new innovations in the technology, concentrating
fluid for a conventional power plant
solar thermal is becoming more and more cost-

:# "#" $  '

Concentrated photovoltaics (CPV) systems employ
sunlight concentrated onto photovoltaic surfaces for
the purpose of electrical power production. Solar
concentrators of all varieties may be used, and these
are often mounted on a solar tracker in order to keep
the focal point upon the cell as the Sun moves
across the sky.[16]

Serious research and development work on

concentrator PV systems has been conducted since
the 1970s. For example, a linear-trough
concentrator system was tested and installed at
Sandia National Laboratories, and the first modern
point focus photovoltaic concentrating system was
developed in the Sandia, both late in that decade.
Concentrated solar power systems are divided into The latter system used a point focus acrylic Fresnel
# "#" $
%& lens focusing on water-cooled silicon cells and two
axis tracking. A similar concept was used in other
Concentrated solar thermal (CST) is used to
prototypes. Ramón Areces' system, developed in the
produce renewable heat or cool or electricity (called
late 1970s, used hybrid silicone-glass Fresnel lenses
solar thermoelectricity, usually generated
through steam). CST systems
use lenses or mirrors and tracking systems to focus
, while cooling of silicon cells was achieved with a passive heat sink.
Luminescent solar concentrators (when combined needs to be made up in some manner. The Institute
with a PV-solar cell) can also be regarded as a for Solar Energy Supply Technology of
Concentrating photovoltaics (CPV) system. the University of Kassel pilot-tested acombined
Luminescent solar concentrators are useful as they power plant linking solar,
can improve performance of PV-solar panels wind, biogas and hydrostorage to provide load-
drastically.[17] following power around the clock, entirely from
renewable sources
# "#" ")  '
 # "$  
Concentrating Photovoltaics and Thermal (CPVT) Solar energy can be stored at high temperatures
technology produces both electricity and thermal using molten salts. Salts are an effective storage
heat in the same module. Thermal heat that can be medium because they are low-cost, have a high
employed for hot tap water, heating and heat- specific heat capacity and can deliver heat at
powered air conditioning (solar temperatures compatible with conventional power
cooling), desalination or solar process heat. systems. The Solar Two used this method of energy
storage, allowing it to store 1.44 TJ in its
Australian, American, and Chinese researchers are
68 m³ storage tank, enough to provide full output
exploring the potential for Combined Heat and
for close to 39 hours, with an efficiency of about
Power Solar (CHAPS) and Europeans have CHAPS
systems in production.[20]
Off-grid PV systems have traditionally
The Israeli company ZenithSolar has developed a
used rechargeable batteries to store excess
combined photovoltaic/thermal (cogeneration)
electricity. With grid-tied systems, excess electricity
system[21] with a claimed efficiency of 72%
can be sent to the transmission grid. Net
metering programs give these systems a credit for
 *+ the electricity they deliver to the grid. This credit
offsets electricity provided from the grid when the
Solar energy is not available at night, making
system cannot meet demand, effectively using the
energy storage an important issue in order to
grid as a storage mechanism. Credits are normally
provide the continuous availability of
rolled over month to month and any remaining
energy. Bothwind power and solar power
surplus settled annually
are intermittent energy sources, meaning that all
available output must be taken when it is available Pumped-storage hydroelectricity stores energy in
and either stored for a  it can be used, or the form of water pumped when surplus electricity
transported, over transmission lines, to a  it can is available, from a lower elevation reservoir to a
be used. Wind power and solar power tend to be higher elevation one. The energy is recovered when
somewhat complementary, as there tends to be more demand is high by releasing the water: the pump
wind in the winter and more sun in the summer, but becomes a turbine, and the motor a hydroelectric
on days with no sun and no wind the difference power generator.
*  or condition contained in any deed, contract, or
other written instrument executed by or on behalf of
  " is a right, expressed as
any landowner for the purpose of assuring adequate
an easement, restriction, covenant,
access to direct sunlight for solar energy systems.
release electrons. When these free electrons are
captured, an electric current results that can be used
A typical solar easement establishes certain land use as electricity.
conditions agreed upon by the property owners ù? The photoelectric effect was first noted by a French
physicist, Edmund Bequerel, in 1839, who found
involved. Such agreements will normally contain
that certain materials would produce small amounts
the following elements: of electric current when exposed to light. In 1905,
Albert Einstein described the nature of light and the
ù? A description of the dimensions of the easement,
photoelectric effect on which photovoltaic
including vertical and horizontal angles measured in technology is based, for which he later won a Nobel
the degrees or the hours of theday, on specified prize in physics. The first photovoltaic module was
built by Bell Laboratories in 1954. It was billed as a
dates, during which direct sunlight to a specified
solar battery and was mostly just a curiosity as it
surface or structural design feature may not be was too expensive to gain widespread use. In the
obstructed; 1960s, the space industry began to make the first
serious use of the technology to provide power
ù? Restrictions placed upon vegetation, structures, and aboard spacecraft. Through the space programs, the
other objects which may impair or obstruct the technology advanced, its reliability was established,
passage of sunlight through the easement, and; and the cost began to decline. During the energy
crisis in the 1970s, photovoltaic technology gained
ù? The terms and conditions, if any, under which the recognition as a source of power for non-space
easement may be revised or terminated.

ù? Photovoltaics is the direct conversion of light into
electricity at the atomic level. Some materials
exhibit a property known as the photoelectric effect
that causes them to absorb photons of light and

ù? The diagram above illustrates the operation of a microelectronics industry. For solar cells, a thin
basic photovoltaic cell, also called a solar cell. Solar semiconductor wafer is specially treated to form an
cells are made of the same kinds of semiconductor electric field, positive on one side and negative on
materials, such as silicon, used in the the other. When light energy strikes the solar cell,
electrons are knocked loose from the atoms in the ù? A number of solar cells electrically connected to
semiconductor material. If electrical conductors are each other and mounted in a support structure or
attached to the positive and negative sides, forming frame is called a photovoltaic module. Modules are
an electrical circuit, the electrons can be captured in designed to supply electricity at a certain voltage,
the form of an electric current -- that is, electricity. such as a common 12 volts system. The current
This electricity can then be used to power a load, produced is directly dependent on how much light
such as a light or a tool. strikes the module.

ù? Multiple modules can be wired together to form an current (dc) electricity. They can be connected in
array. In general, the larger the area of a module or both series and parallel electrical arrangements to
array, the more electricity that will be produced. produce any required voltage and current
Photovoltaic modules and arrays produce direct- combination.

 the  '
 # #. Assemblies of cells are

is a solid state device that converts the used to make solar modules, also known as u 
energy of sunlight directly into electricity by u. The energy generated from these solar
modules, referred to as u   a, is an example
of u .

   u is the field of technology and

research related to the practical application of
photovoltaic cells in producing electricity from
light, though it is often used specifically to refer to
the generation of electricity from sunlight.

Cells are described as     u when the

light source is not necesssarily sunlight. These are
used for detecting light or other electromagnetic

radiation near the visible range, for exampleinfrared
The grid interactive roof top solar PV system
detectors[1]), or measurement of light intensity. generally comprises the
following equipment.
i. SPV Power Source
ii. Inverter (PCU)
iii. Mounting Structure
iv. AC and DC Cables
v. Earthing equipment /material
vi. Junction Boxes or combiners
vii. Instruments and protection equipments



? Crystalline silicon

The solar cell works in three steps:

? Thin films

1.? Photons in sunlight hit the solar panel and are m? .1 Cadmium telluride solar cell

absorbed by semiconducting materials, such as m? .2 Copper-Indium Selenide

m? .3 Gallium arsenide multijunction
2.? Electrons (negatively charged) are knocked loose
m? .4 Light-absorbing dyes (DSSC)
from their atoms, allowing them to flow through the
material to produce electricity. Due to the special m? .5 Organic/polymer solar cells

composition of solar cells, the electrons are only m? .6 Silicon thin films
allowed to move in a single direction.  !  !
3.? An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a
usable amount of direct current (DC) electricity.
? .1 Solar energy conversion (solar photons to DC

? .2 Wireless power transmission to the Earth
? .5 LEO/MEO instead of GEO

m? .2.1 Microwave power transmission m? .5.1 Moon

m? .2.2 Laser power beaming experiments

? .6 Earth-based infrastructure

? .3 Spacecraft sizing

? .4 Location

m? .4.1 GEO

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