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AnthroGlobe Bibliography: Doi Moi - Vietnamese Communist Party


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AnthroGlobe Bibliography: Doi Moi - Vietnamese Communist Party

1986. "Hoi Y Kien cua Dang, cua Nhan Dan ve Du Thao Bao Cao Chinh Tri tai Dai Hoi VI," (Asking for the
Party's and People's Opinions on the Draft Political Report to be Delivered at the 6th Party National
Congress) Tap Chi Cong San 368:1-4.

1986. "Nhung Nhiem Vu Chu Yeu cua Cong Tac Tu Tuong Hien Nay," (Important Ideological Tasks Today)
Tap Chi Cong San 367:44-50.

1986. Lich Su Dang Cong San Viet Nam (History of the Vietnamese Communist Party). Hanoi: Sach Giao
Khoa Mac Le-Nin.

1986. On the Eve of the 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam: Vietnam 1976-86. Hanoi: Foreign
Languages Publishing House.

1987. "Bao Cao Chinh Tri cua BCHTUD do Dong Chi Truong Chinh Doc," (Political Report of the Party
Central Committee Made by Comrade Truong Chinh) Tap Chi Cong San 373:21-85.

1987. "Bien Nghi Quyet Dai Hoi VI Tung Buoc Vung Chac Thanh Thuc Hien," (Gradually and Steadily
Carrying out the Resolution of the 6th Party National Congress into Effect) Tap Chi Cong San 381:16-8.

1987. "Mot Buoc Quan Trong Thuc Hien Nghi Quyet Dai Hoi VI," (An Important Step in the Implementation
of the 6th Party Congress Resolution) Tap Chi Cong San 377:19-20.

1987. "Nghi Quyet Dai Bieu Toan Quoc Lan Thu VI Dang Cong San Viet Nam," (Resolution of the Sixth
Party Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam) Tap Chi Cong San 373:116-26.

1987. "Phat Bieu cua Dong Chi Nguyen Van Linh," (Address Delivered by General Secretary Nguyen Van
Linh) Tap Chi Cong San 377:7-18.

1988. "Hoi Nghi Ban Tron ve Doi Moi Tu Duy," (On Renewal Thinking) Tap Chi Cong San 393:25-33.

1988. "Hoi Nghi Ban Tron ve Doi Moi Tu Duy," (On Renewal Thinking) Tap Chi Cong San 392:53-9.

1988. "Hoi Nghi Lan Thu Nam BCHTUD (Khoa VI): Mot So Van De Cap Bach ve Xay Dung Dang Bao Dam
Thuc Hien Nghi Quyet Dai Hoi VI cua Dang," (Fifth Plenum of the Party Central Committee (6th Term):
Some Urgent Problems on Party Building and the Implementation of the 6th Party Congress's Resolution) Tap
Chi Cong San 391:1-7.

1988. "Phat Bieu cua Dong Chi Tong Bi Thu Nguyen Van Linh," (Speech by General Secretary Nguyen Van
Linh) Tap Chi Cong San 391:8-17.

1989. "Hoi Nghi Lan Thu Bay BCHTU DCS Viet Nam (Khoa VI): Mot So Van De Cap Bach ve Cong Tac Tu
Tuong truoc Tinh Hinh trong Nuoc va Ngoai Quoc Hien Nay," (The 7th Plenum of the Central Committee of
the Communist Party of Vietnam (6th Congress): Some Pressing Problems on the Ideological Work in the
Present Situation at Home and Abroad) Tap Chi Cong San 405:1-4.

1989. "Hoi Nghi Lan Thu Sau BCHTUD (Khoa VI): Kiem Diem Hai Nam Thuc Hien Nghi Quyet Doi Hoi VI
va Phuong Huong, Nhiem Vu Ba Nam Toi," (The 6th Plenum of the 6th Party Central Committee: Looking
Back over the Two Years of Implementing the Resolution of the 6th Party Congress: Orientation and Tasks
for the Coming Three Years) Tap Chi Cong San 400:1-5.

1989. "Phat Bieu cua Dong Chi Tong Bi Thu Nguyen Van Linh," (Address by General Secretary Nguyen Van
Linh) Tap Chi Cong San 405:5-12.

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1989. "Chung Quanh Van De To Chuc Co So Dang va Dang Vien O Nong Thon," (Problems of Organizing
Party Cells and Party Members in the Countryside) Tap Chi Cong San 407:30-7.

1990. "Hoi Thao Khoa Hoc 'Van De Dan Chu O Nuoc Ta: Thuc Trang va Kien Nghi'," (Symposium on
'Democracy in Our Country: Realities and Resolutions) Tap Chi Cong San 411:8-10.

1990. "Doi Moi Cong Tac Quan Chung cua Dang, Tang Cuong Moi Quan He giua Dang va Nhan Dan (Nghi
Quyet Hoi Nghi Lan Thu Tam BCHTUD)," (Renovating the Party's Work among the People and
Strengthening the Relationship between the Party and the People (Resolution of the 8th Plenum of the CPV
Central Committee) Tap Chi Cong San 413:1-8.

1990. "Hoi Thao Khoa Hoc 'Van De Dan Chu O Nuoc Ta: Thuc Trang va Kien Nghi'," (Symposium on
'Democracy in Our Country: Realities and Resolutions') Tap Chi Cong San 410:39-49.

1990. "Nang Cao Nang Luc Lanh Dao va Suc Chien Dau cua Cac To Chuc Co So Dang," (Improving the
Leadership Capacity and Fighting Power of the Party Cells) Tap Chi Cong San 410:15-9.

1990. "Phat Huy Nhung Truyen Thong Tot Dep cua Dang trong Cong Cuoc Doi Moi Dat Nuoc," (Promoting
the Party's Fine Traditions in the Renovation of the Economy) Tap Chi Cong San 409:1-10.

1990. "Tang Cuong Vai Tro Quan Ly cua Nha Nuoc duoi Su Lanh Dao cua Dang," (Strengthen the
Management Role of the State under the Party's Leadership) Tap Chi Cong San 416:1-6.

1990. Dang trong Su Nghiep Doi Moi vi Chu Nghia Xa Hoi (The Party in the Renovation for the Sake of
Socialism). Hanoi: Su That.

1991. "Nghi Quyet Dai Hoi Dai Bieu Toan Quoc Lan Thu VII Dang Cong San Viet Nam," (Resolutions of the
7th National Congress of the CVP) Tap Chi Cong San 427:50-1.

1991. To Understand the 7th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam. Hanoi: Foreign
Languages Publishing House.

1992. "Nam Vung Cac Quan Diem Co Ban cua Dang ve Cong Tac Ly Luan," (Grasping the Party's Principal
Positions on Theoretical Work) Tap Chi Cong San 438:3-4.

1992. Vietnam One Year After the 7th National Party Congress. Hanoi: The Gioi Publishers.

1994. "Bao Cao Chinh Tri cua BCHTUD, Do Dong Chi Do Muoi Trinh Bay Tai Hoi Nghi," (The Political
Report of the Central Executive Committee of the CPV, Presented by General Secretary Do Muoi at the
Conference) Tap Chi Cong San 458:7-26.

1999. "Nghi Quyet Hoi Nghi Trung Uong 6 (Lan 2): Ve Mot So Van De Co Ban va Cap Bach trong Cong Tac
Xay Dung Dang Hien Nay," (Resolution of the 6th (2nd Session) of the VCP Central Committee: On Some
Principal and Urgent Problems of Party Building at Present) Tap Chi Cong San 563:3-7.

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Bui Hong Viet. 1986. "De Nang Cao Chat Luong Dao Tao, Boi Duong Can Bo Chu Chot Cap Huyen," (On
Training and Improving District's Key Cadres) Tap Chi Cong San 369:33-7.

Bui Minh Thang. 1995. "Ve Nhung Doi Hoi Vo Ly voi Su Lanh Dao cua Dang," (On Unreasonable Claims

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Raised to the Leadership of the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 483:14-8.

Bui Ngoc Thanh. 1996. "Co So cua Cac Quan Diem Hoach Dinh Chinh Sach Xa Hoi cua Dang," (Scientific
Bases of the Party's Views on Planning Social Policies) Tap Chi Cong San 502:14-7.

Bui Ngoc Thanh. 2000. "Chinh Don Dang tu Moi Dang Vien," (Reorganizing the Party by Reforming
Indivdual Members) Tap Chi Cong San 585:33-7.

Bui Xuan Son. 1999. "Thuc Hien Dong Bo Ba Noi Dung cua Xay Dung, Chinh Don Dang," (To Fulfill
Integrally Three Contents of Party Building and Reorganization) Tap Chi Cong San 574:13-5.

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Chu Van Ry. 1997. "Xay Dung Doi Ngu Can Bo Cac Cap, Truoc Nhat La Nguoi Dung Dau," (Developing
Cadre at All Level, and First of All Leaders) Tap Chi Cong San 515:3-6.

Communist Party of Vietnam. 1987. Sixth National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam:
Documents. Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House.

Communist Party of Vietnam. 1991. Seventh National Congress: Documents. Hanoi: Foreign Languages
Publishing House.

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Dan Tam. 1999. "Tang Cuong Su Lanh Dao cua Dang Doi Voi Giai Cap Cong Nhan trong Thoi Ky Moi,"
(Increase the Leadership of the Party over the Working Class in the New Period) Tap Chi Cong San

Dang Cong San Viet Nam, Ban Chap Hanh Trung Uong. 1990. Nghi Quyet Hoi Nghi Lan Thu 8, Ban Chap
Hanh Trung Uong Dang (BCHTUD) (Khoa VI), Doi Moi Cong Tac Quan Chung cua Dang, Tang Cuong Moi
Quan He giua Dang va Nhan Dan (Central Committee's Resolution on the Tasks and Relations between the
Party and the Masses). Hanoi: Su That.

Dang Cong San Viet Nam. 1991. Dieu Le Dang Cong San Viet Nam (Statues of the Communist Party of
Vietnam). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Dang Cong San Viet Nam. 1996. Dieu Le Dang Cong San Viet Nam (Statues of the Communist Party of
Vietnam). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Dang Cong San Viet Nam. 1996. Van Kien Dai Hoi Dai Bieu Toan Quoc Lan Thu VIII (Documents of the
Eighth National Congress of the Vietnamese Communist Party). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Dang Cong San Vietnam. 1987. Dieu Le (Statues). Hanoi: Su That.

Dang Dinh Phu. 1999. "Bac Ho No ve 'Dan Chu Tap Trung'," (Uncle Ho Speaks on 'Democratic Centralism')
Tap Chi Cong San 566:28-32.

Dang Vu Liem. 1999. "Ve Vai Tro cua Nhan Dan Tham Gia Xay Dung Dang," (On the People's Role and
Participation in Party Building) Tap Chi Cong San 572:35-8.

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Dao Trong Cang and Nguyen Quang Du. 1997. "Xay Dung Chien Luoc Can Bo cho Thoi Ky Cong Nghiep
Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa: Nhin Tu Thuc Trang Doi Ngu Can Bo Hien Nay," (Developing a Cadre's Strategy for the
Industrialization and Modernization: Viewed from the Situation of Cadres Today) Tap Chi Cong San

Dau The Bieu. 1991. "Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang Doi Voi He Thong Chinh Tri," (The Party's Leadership
Role in the Political System) Tap Chi Cong San 424:21-4.

Do Muoi. 1992. "Cai Cach Mot Buoc Bo May Nha Nuoc va Doi Moi Su Lanh Dao cua Dang Doi Voi Nha
Nuoc," (A Further Step in Reforming the State Apparatus and Renovating the Party's Leadership over the
State) Tap Chi Cong San 433:10-7.

Do Muoi. 1994. Ve Xay Dung Dang (On Party Building). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Do Muoi. 1997. "Tang Cuong Xay Dung Nha Nuoc va Doi Ngu Can Bo Vung Manh, Thuc Hien Thang Loi Su
Nghiep Cong Nghiep Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa Dat Nuoc," (On the Building of a Powerful and Strong Cadre
Contingent for the Sake of Successful Implementation of the Nation's Industrialization and Modernization)
Tap Chi Cong San 523:4-13.

Do Quang Trung. 1998. "Dua Vao Cuoc Song Phap Lenh Can Bo, Cong Chuc," (Applying the Law on Cadres
and State Employees) Tap Chi Cong San 546:7-11.

Do The Tung. 1998. "Khai Niem 'Boc Lot' va Van De Dang Vien Tham Gia Cac Thanh Phan Kinh Te,"
(Exploitation and Party Members' Participation in Economic Activities) Tap Chi Cong San 394:50-3.

Duc Luong. 1997. "Ve Nang Cao Chat Luong cua Cac To Chuc Co So Dang," (About the Enhancement of
the Party's Grassroots Organizations) Tap Chi Cong San 518:19-22.

Duc Vuong. 1999. "Thuong Xuyen Tu Phe Binh va Phe Binh: Mot Truyen Thong Tot Dep cua Dang,"
(Frequent Self-Criticism and Criticism: An Outstanding Tradition of the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 567:22-4.

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Elliott, David W. 1992. "Vietnam's 1991 Party Elections," Asian Affairs: An American Review 19(3):159-68.

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Furuta, Motoo. 1989. "The 6th Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam: A Turning Point in the History
of the Vietnamese Communist Party," in Mio Tadashi, ed. Indochina in Transition: Confrontation or
Co-Prosperity. Tokyo: Japan Institute of International Affairs.

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Ha Dang. 1999. "Van De cua Xay Dung, Chinh Don Dang," (Issues in Building and Reorganizing the Party)
Tap Chi Cong San 577:7-11.

Ha Huy Giap. 1990. "Xay Dung Dang Vung Manh," (Building a Strong Party) Tap Chi Cong San 420:10-7.

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Ha Nghiep. 1988. "Ve Van De Dang Vien Lam Kinh Te," (On Party Members' Participation in Economic
Activities) Tap Chi Cong San 395:32-51.

Ha Quang Ngoc. 1999. "Doi Ngu Can Bo Chinh Quyen Co So: Thuc Trang va Giai Phap," (Low-Level
Cadres in the State's Organs: Problems and Solutions) Tap Chi Cong San 560:43-7.

Ha Xuan Truong. 1991. "Van De Dang," (On the Party Problem) Tap Chi Cong San 426:5-9.

Ha Xuan Truong. 1995. "Chung Quanh Van De Dang Lanh Dao Bao Chi," (On the Problems of Party's
Leadership of the Press) Tap Chi Cong San 471:50-3.

Ho Duc Viet. 1995. "Day Manh Cong Tac Phat Trien Dang trong Thanh Nien," (Strengthening the Work of
Party's Development among the Youth) Tap Chi Cong San 471:46-9.

Ho Kiem Viet. 1997. "Giu Vung va Nang Cao Ban Linh Chinh Tri cua Dang trong Thoi Ky Phat Trien Moi,"
(Holding Firm and Enhancing the Political Attitude of the Party in the New Stage of Development) Tap Chi
Cong San 513:14-9.

Ho Thanh Khoi. 1992. Doi Moi Su Lanh Dao cua Dang O Co So: Nghien Cuu Van Kien Dai Hoi VII Dang
Cong San Viet Nam (Renovation of Party's Leadership at the Grassroots Organs: Analyses of Documents of
the Vietnamese Communist Party's 7th Congress). Ho Chi Minh City: Ho Chi Minh.

Ho Van Thong. 1988. "Ve Hoat Dong Ly Luan, Tu Tuong Hien Nay," (On Today's Theoretical and
Ideological Work) Tap Chi Cong San 386:37-40.

Hoang Chi Bao. 1989. "Van De Dang Vien va Vai Tro Tien Phong Chinh Tri cua Dang trong Cong Cuoc Doi
Moi Xa Hoi," (The Communists and the Vanguard Role of the Party in the Social Renovation) Tap Chi Cong
San 404:17-20.

Hoang Hoa and Cong Khanh. 1998. "Net Moi ve Dao Tao Can Bo Quan Ly Kinh Te Dap Ung Yeu Cau Cong
Nghiep Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa," (New Aspect of Training Cadres to Meet the Demand of Industrialization and
Modernization) Tap Chi Cong San 556:42-6.

Hoang Tung. 1997. "Can Bo: Day To cua Dan,"(Cadres: The Servants of the People) Tap Chi Cong San

Hoang Tung. 1999. "Dang voi Dan La Mot," (The Party and the People Are One) Tap Chi Cong San

Hoang Van Hao. 1990. "Su Phat Dinh Chat Nang Lanh Dao cua Dang va Chuc Quan Ly cua Nha Nuoc,"
(Defining the Role of the Party and the State) Tap Chi Cong San 417:30-3.

Huu Tho. 1998. "Doi Moi Phuong Thuc Lanh Dao cua Dang tren Linh Vuc Tu Tuong," (Renovation of the
Party's Leadership Method in the Area of Ideology) Tap Chi Cong San 556:11-6.

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Joiner, Charles A. 1990. "The Vietnam Communist Party Strives to Remain the Only Force," Asian Survey

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Kim, Kook-Chin. 1988. "A Comparative Study of the Politics of Leadership Succession in China, Vietnam,
and North Korea," in Robert Scalapino and Dalchoong Kim, eds. Asian Communism: Continuity and
Transition. Berkeley, CA: Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California.

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Lavery, Diana Claire. 1997. The Future of Communism in Vietnam within the Context of an Open-Market
Economy. B. A. thesis, Williams College.

Le Can. 1986. "Tinh Hinh va Nhiem Vu," (Problem and Responsibility) Tap Chi Cong San 367:14-22, 98.

Le Duc Tho. 1986. "Lam Tot Cong Tac Tu Tuong Chuan Bi cho Dai Hoi Dang," (Satisfactorily Carry out
Ideological Work in Preparation for the CPV Congress) Tap Chi Cong San 7(367):21-30.

Le Duc Tho. 1986. Xay Dung Dang trong Cach Mang Xa Hoi Chu Nghia O Viet Nam (Party Building in the
Socialist Revolution in Vietnam). Hanoi: Su That.

Le Huu Nghia and Vo Thi Hong Loan. 1999. "Can Bo Lanh Dao Quan Ly voi Van De Dan So va Phat Trien,"
(Management Cadres and the Population and Development Issues) Tap Chi Cong San 561:39-43.

Le Huu Xanh. 1993. "Tinh Hinh Doi Ngu Can Bo Co So O Nong Thon Hien Nay," (The Current Situation of
the Cadres at the Grassroots Levels in the Rural Areas) Tap Chi Cong San 456:41-3.

Le Huy Ngo. 1994. "Nhin Lai Hai Nam Thuc Hien Nghi Quyet 3 cua Trung Uong ve Doi Moi va Chinh Don
Dang,"(A Look at the Third Decision of Central Committee on Renovation and Rectification of the Party
after Two Years of Implementation) Tap Chi Cong San 464:29-33.

Le Huy Ngo. 1996. "Mot So Van De ve Phuong Thuc Lanh Dao cua Dang," (Problems Concerning the Party's
Method of Leadership) Tap Chi Cong San 505:12-6.

Le Kha Phieu. 1992. "May Van De Doi Moi va Chinh Don Dang trong Quan Doi," (Party Renovation and
Reorganization in the Army) Tap Chi Cong San 443:3-6.

Le Kha Phieu. 1996. "May Van De ve Xay Dung Dang trong Quan Doi," (Issues on Party Building in the
Army) Tap Chi Cong San 495:4-10.

Le Kha Phieu. 1998. "Dang Ta That Su Ton Trong va Bao Dam Tu Do Tin Nguong," (Our Party Truly
Respects and Guarantees the Freedom of Religion) Tap Chi Cong San 547:3-5.

Le Kha Phieu. 1998. "Tiep Tuc Doi Moi, Nang Cao Chat Luong Toan Dien Cong Tac Tu Tuong Van Hoa
trong Tinh Hinh Moi," (Keep Renovating and Improving the Quality of the Ideological and Cultural Work in
the New Situation) Tap Chi Cong San 540:3-7.

Le Kha Phieu. 1999. "Can Chuan Bi Tot Viec Tu Phe Binh va Phe Binh cua Cac Co Quan Trung Uong, Tinh,
va Thanh," (Self-Criticism and Criticism Should be Well-Prepared in the Central, Provincial, and Municipal
Organizations) Tap Chi Cong San 574:3-4.

Le Kha Phieu. 1999. "Hoc Tap, Ren Luyen Tu Tuong va Dao Duc Cach Mang, Thuc Hien Thang Loi cuoc

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Van Dong Xay Dung, Chinh Don Dang," (To Learn, to be Tempered with Revolutionary Ideas and Virtues, to
Fulfill Successfully the Campaign of Building and Reorganizing the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 569:3-7.

Le Kha Phieu. 1999. "Nang Cao Suc Chien Dau va Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang; Tang Cuong Moi Quan He
Mau Thit voi Nhan Dan, Dang-Dan Mot Y," (Enhancing the Fighting and Leading Role of the Party;
Strengthening the Relationship with the People, the Party-the People: One Voice) Tap Chi Cong San

Le Kim Viet. 1999. "Dao Tao, Boi Duong Can Bo Dap Ung Yeu Cau cua Thoi Ky Cong Nghiep Hoa, Hien
Dai Hoa Dat Nuoc," (Training, Cultivating Cadres to Meet the Demands of the Industrialization and
Modernization Period of the Country) Tap Chi Cong San 582:25-8.

Le Phuoc Tho. 1992. "Nhung Nhiem Vu Cap Bach Doi Moi va Chinh Don Dang," (Some Urgent Tasks for the
Renovation and Reorganization of the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 439:6-12.

Le Quang Dien. 1995. "Phai Chang Khong Can Su Lanh Dao cua Dang Cong San Khi Nuoc Ta Chuyen Sang
Kinh Te Thi Truong?" (Is the Leadership of the Communist Party Necessary When Our Country Transform
into Market Economy?) Tap Chi Cong San 478:59-60.

Le Quang Thanh. 1987. "Ket Hop Chat Che Kinh Te voi An Ninh, An Ninh voi Kinh Te," (Close Linkage
between the Economy vis-ˆ-vis Security) Tap Chi Cong San 379:37-42.

Le Quang Thuong. 1996. "Tiep Tuc Kien Toan He Thong To Chuc cua Dang trong Thoi Ky Moi,"
(Continuing to Perfect the Party's Organizational Structure in the New Era) Tap Chi Cong San 507:18-20.

Le Quang Thuong. 1997. "Ve Xay Dung Cac To Chuc Co So Dang Trong Sach, Vung Manh," (On the
Building of Irreproachable and Powerful Party Grassroots Organizations) Tap Chi Cong San 512:18-22.

Le Quang Thuong. 1998. "Vai Tro cua To Chuc Dang trong Viec Bao Dam Quyen Lam Chu cua Nhan Dan O
Co So," (The Role of Party Cells in Ensuring the Local People the Right to be the Master) Tap Chi Cong San

Le Quang. 1996. "Nang Cao Nang Luc Lanh Dao va Suc Chien Dau cua Cac Loai Hinh To Chuc Co So
Dang," (Improving the Leadership Capacity and Fighting Strength of Party Organizations) Tap Chi Cong San

Le Trung Nguyet. 1990. "Dang voi Tri Thuc," (The Party and the Intellectuals) Tap Chi Cong San 418:62-6.

Le Van Ly. 1990. "Ban Them ve Doi Moi Doi Ngu Can Bo Lanh Dao," (Discussion on the Renewal of the
Leaders) Tap Chi Cong San 419:48-51.

Le Van Ly. 1991. "Ve Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang," (On the Leadership Role of the Party) Tap Chi Cong
San 429:14-6.

Le Van Ly. 1996. "May Giai Phap Nang Cao Chat Luong Cong Tac Can Bo," (Solutions to Improve the
Quality of Cadres' Work) Tap Chi Cong San 501:17-20.

Le Van Ly. 1999. "Giu Vung va Tang Cuong Ban Chat Giai Cap Cong Nhan cua Dang trong Thoi Ky Moi,"
(Maintain and Increase the Working Class Nature of the Party in the New Period) Tap Chi Cong San

Le Van Yen. 1999. "To Chuc Co So Dang O Nong Thon voi Nhiem Vu Cong Nghiep Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa
Nong Nghiep, Nong Thon," (The Role Party Organizations in the Countryside in the Industrialization and

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Modernization of Agriculture and the Countryside) Tap Chi Cong San 574:28-31.

Le Xuan Luu. 2000. "Su Lanh Dao cua Dang La Nhan To Quyet Dinh Su Truong Thanh va Chien Thang cua
Quan Doi Ta," (Party's Leadership Is the Element Determining the Growth and Success of the Armed Forces)
Tap Chi Cong San 588:14-8.

Le Xuan Tung. 1994. "Ha Noi Sau Hai Nam Thuc Hien Khau Dot Pha trong Doi Moi va Chinh Don Dang,"
(The Capital Hanoi after Two Years of Making Breakthrough in Renovating the Party) Tap Chi Cong San

Le Xuan Tung. 1997. "Nhung Buoc Truong Thanh cua To Chuc Co So Dang va Dang Vien Bo Ha Noi," (The
Progresses of Hanoi's Party Grassroots Organizations and the Members of Party Committee) Tap Chi Cong
San 511:12-7.

Le Xuan Tung. 1997. "Van De Lanh Dao San Xuat Kinh Doanh cua To Chuc Dang trong Doanh Nghiep Nha
Nuoc O Ha Noi," (On the Leadership of Party's Organizations in Production and Investment in State
Enterprises in Hanoi) Tap Chi Cong San 515:8-12.

Le Xuan Tung. 1999. "Doi Moi va Chinh Don Dang theo Tinh Than Nghi Quyet Trung Uong Dang, Lan 2, O
Dang Bo Ha Noi," (Renovating and Reorganizing the Party in the Spirit of the 6th Plenum of the Party
Central Committee, 2nd Session of the Hanoi Party Committee) Tap Chi Cong San 576:7-14.

Le Xuan Tung. 2000. "Cuc Dien Cach Mang Nuoc Ta Hien Nay va Nhiem Vu Chu Yeu cua Cong Tac Tu
Tuong," (Our Revolution at the Present Stage and the Ideological Work) Tap Chi Cong San 603:3-8.

Luong Quynh Khue. 2000. "De Hieu Them vai Tro cua Van Hoa qua Cach Nhin Nhan cua Dang,"
(Understanding More about the Way the Party Sees the Role of Culture) Tap Chi Cong San 605:33-7.

Luu Minh Tri. 1998. "Doi Moi Cong Tac Tuyen Truyen Mieng," (Renovating the Work of Verbal
Propaganda) Tap Chi Cong San 541:22-4.

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Minh Quang Thang. 1991. "Dang trong He Thong Chinh Tri va Su Lanh Dao Chinh Tri cua Dang," (The Party
in the Political System and Its Political Leadership) Tap Chi Cong San 423:42-7.

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Ngo Huu Thao. 1996. "Doi Moi Chinh Don Dang Ngang Tam Doi Hoi cua Thoi Ky Moi," (Party Renovation
and Reorganization Compatible with Meeting the New Era's Demands) Tap Chi Cong San 508:10-5.

Ngo Kim Ngan. 1999. Ve Nang Cao Chat Luong Dang Vien Trong Su Nghiep Doi Moi (On the Improvement
of Cadres' Quality in the Renovation). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Ngo Thi Ngoc Anh. 1998. "Ve Cong Tac Can Bo Nu Hien Nay," (On Female Cadre's Work Today) Tap Chi
Cong San 539:25-8.

Ngoc Anh and Hong Son. 1996. "Ve Xay Dung Doi Ngu Can Bo Nu Cac Dan Toc Mien Nui Hien Nay," (On
the Development of Ethnic Minorities' Female Cadres Today) Tap Chi Cong San 510:45-9.

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Nguyen An Luong. 1998. "Doi Ngu Can Bo, Cong Chuc, Vien Chuc Doi Voi Viec Xay Dung Nha Nuoc Ta
Trong Sach, Vung Manh," (Cadres, State Officials, and Private Enterprises' Officials in the Building of an
Irreproachable and Strong State) Tap Chi Cong San 554:13-6.

Nguyen Binh. 1987. "Quan Triet May Noi Dung Chu Yeu Theo Huong Tu Duy Moi Da Neo Ra trong Nghi
Quyet 306 (Du Thao) cua Bo Chinh Tri," (Understanding the Main Elements of the New Direction of
Thinking Charted in Political Bureau Resolution 306) Tap Chi Cong San 375:75-8.

Nguyen Chi My and Nguyen The Kiet. 1998. "Su Bien Doi cua Thang Gia Tri Dao Duc trong Xa Hoi Ta Hien
Nay va Viec Nang Cao Pham Chat Dao Duc cua Can Bo," (Changes in the Ethical Standards in Our Country
at Present and the Work to Enhance Cadres's Ethical Values) Tap Chi Cong San 549:25-37.

Nguyen Chi My, et al. 1999. Su Bien Doi cua Thang Gia Tri Dao Duc trong Nen Kinh Te Thi Truong voi Viec
Xay Dung Dao Duc Moi cho Can Bo Quan Ly O Nuoc Ta Hien Nay (Moral Values in Market Economy and
the Cultivation of New Moral Values for Management Cadres in Our Country Today). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc

Nguyen Dang Dung. 1989. "May Suy Nghi ve To Chuc Nha Nuoc Xa Hoi Chu Nghia," (Reflections on
Organizing a Socialist State) Tap Chi Cong San 405:32-5.

Nguyen Duc Binh. 1992. "Ve Cong Tac Ly Luan trong Giai Doan Hien Nay," (On Theoretical Work in the
Present Stage) Tap Chi Cong San 438:5-15.

Nguyen Duc Binh. 1999. "Xay Dung Dang ve Tu Tuong Chinh Tri," (Building the Party's Political Ideology)
Tap Chi Cong San 563:7-13.

Nguyen Duc Binh. 2000. "Dang Cong San Viet Nam trong Cong Cuoc Doi Moi Xay Dung Chu Nghia Xa
Hoi," (The Communist Party of Vietnam in the Construction and Renovation of Socialism in Vietnam) Tap
Chi Cong San 605:16-27.

Nguyen Duc Binh. 2000. "Dang Ta Tron 70 Tuoi," (Our Party Turned 70 Years Old) Tap Chi Cong San

Nguyen Duc Ha. 1999. "Cong Tac va Phat Trien Dang Nam 1998," (The Party's Task and Development in
1998) Tap Chi Cong San 563:44-6.

Nguyen Duc Huy. 2000. "Vietnam Communist Party and Socialism and the Path to Socialism in Vietnam,"
Vietnam Social Sciences 3(77):3-15.

Nguyen Duc Minh and Ngo Duc Tinh, eds. 1997. Doi Moi Su Lanh Dao cua To Chuc Co So Dang trong Cac
Truong Dai Hoc va Cao Dang O Ha Noi (Renovate the Party's Leadership and Organization in Universities
and Graduate Schools in Hanoi). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc Gia.

Nguyen Duc Tam. 1991. "Dang Ta Tu Doi Moi, Tu Chinh Don," (Our Party on the Road to Self-Renovation
and Self-Reorganization) Tap Chi Cong San 422:3-7.

Nguyen Hai Khoat. 1990. "Ve Nang Luc Tri Tue cua Nguoi Lanh Dao," (On the Intellectual Capability of
Leaders) Tap Chi Cong San 419:40-3.

Nguyen Hoa Thieu Huyen. 2000. "Chuong Trinh 135: Y Dang, Long Dan," (The 135 Program: The Party's
Idea, the People's Will) Tap Chi Cong San 584:39-44.

Nguyen Huu Khien. 1997. "Can Bo Xa, Phuong: Van De va Giai Phap," (Commune and District's Cadres:

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Problems and Solutions) Tap Chi Cong San 521:35-8.

Nguyen Huu Tho. 1988. "Phan Dinh Chuc Nang giua To Chuc Dang va Nha Nuoc: Dieu Kien Dau Tien Thuc
Hien Phap Luat," (Defining the Functions between the Party and the State: The First Condition for the
Implementation of Law) Tap Chi Cong San 389:7-9.

Nguyen Huu Tho. 1989. "Cach Mang Co Che: Yeu Cau Buc Xuc cua Su Nghiep Doi Moi," (Structural
Revolution: An Urgent Requirement of Our Renovation) Tap Chi Cong San 399:1-4.

Nguyen Huy. 1989. "Ve Nhung Noi Dung Nhiem Vu Co Ban cua Thoi Ky Qua Do Len Chu Nghia Xa Hoi O
Nuoc Ta,' (On the Fundamental Basics and Tasks of the Transitional Period to Socialism in Our Country) Tap
Chi Cong San 398:19-25.

Nguyen Khac Hien. 1991. "Mot So Y Kien ve Chong Tham Nhung Hien Nay," (Reflections on the Current
Anti-Corruption Measures) Tap Chi Cong San 427:65-7.

Nguyen Khac Thanh. 1990. "Doi Moi Quan He giua Dang voi Cac to Chuc Quan Chung," (Improving the
Relationship between the Party and Mass Organizations) Tap Chi Cong San 413:81-3.

Nguyen Khanh Bat. 1996. "Noi Them ve Van De Cach Mang va Dang Cong San trong Tu Tuong Ho Chi
Minh," (Ho's Thoughts on the Problems between the Revolution and the Communist Party) Tap Chi Cong San

Nguyen Khanh. 2000. "Dang Lanh Dao Xay Dung va Phat Huy Quyen Lam Chu cua Nhan Dan, Cai Cach To
Chuc va Hoat Dong cua Bo May Nha Nuoc," (The Party Leads, Strengthens and Develops the Right of the
People to be the Masters, and Reforms the Organization and Activity of the State Apparatus) Tap Chi Cong
San 585:16-22.

Nguyen Kim Dinh. 1992. "Quan He giua So Luong va Chat Luong Dang Vien," (The Relationship between
Quantity and Quality of Party Members) Tap Chi Cong San 439:18-20.

Nguyen Kim Dinh. 1994. "De Nang Cao Chat Luong Cap Uy Cac Cap," (On Improving the Quality in Party's
Committees at All Levels) Tap Chi Cong San 460:36-8.

Nguyen Kim Khanh. 1997. "Xay Dung Doi Ngu Can Bo Quan Ly Kinh Te cho Cong Nghiep Hoa, Hien Dai
Hoa Dat Nuoc," (Forming a Contingent of Economic Management Cadres for the Country's Industrialization
and Modernization) Tap Chi Cong San 513:36-40.

Nguyen Kim Thoa. 1995. "Viec Giai Quyet Don Thu De Nghi va Khieu Kien cua Nhan Dan," (On the
Settlement of Proposals and Complaints of the People) Tap Chi Cong San 472:45-7.

Nguyen Le Nhung. 1999. "Van Ban cua Dang: Co So De The Che Hoa Chu Truong, Duong Loi cua Dang
trong Quan Ly Nha Nuoc," (Organs to Institutionalize the Party's Position and Direction in the Management
of the State) Tap Chi Cong San 569:23-5.

Nguyen Minh Nien. 1991. "Ve Doi Ngu Can Bo O Co So Nong Thon Hien Nay," (Cadres in Rural
Organizations at Present) in Ban Nong Nghiep Trung Uong. Kinh Te Xa Hoi Nong Thon Viet Nam Ngay Nay
(Vietnamese Rural Economy and Society at Present, vol. 2). Hanoi: Tu Tuong Van Hoa.

Nguyen Ngoc Long. 1988. "Chong Benh Kinh Nghiem, Giao Dieu, Doi Moi Tu Duy Ly Luan," (Against
Dogma, Renovating Thinking and Reasoning) Tap Chi Cong San 389:34-8.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1988. "Dang Vien Co Duoc Lam Kinh Te Tu Nhan Khong?" (Should Party Members be

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Allowed to Engage in Private Business?) Tap Chi Cong San 393:14-8.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1990. "De Bao Dam Dan Chu trong Dang," (To Assure Democracy in the Party) Tap Chi
Cong San 419:15-9.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1990. "Nguyen Tac Tap Trung Dan Chu," (The Principle of Democratic Centralism) Tap
Chi Cong San 418:11-5.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1991. "Co Che Thi Truong va Van De Can Bo," (Market Structure and the Problem of
Cadres) Tap Chi Cong San 422:11-5.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1992. "Dang Cam Quyen: Quan Niem va Phuong Thuc Lanh Dao," (The Party Holds
Power: Concept and Approach of Governance) Tap Chi Cong San 440:19-22.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1994. "Kinh Te Thi Truong va Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang," (Market Economy and the
Leading Role of the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 457:29-33.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1995. "Vi Sao Dang Ta Kien Dinh Chu Nghia Mac-Le Nin?" (Why Does Our Party Stand
Firm on Marxism-Leninism?) Tap Chi Cong San 479:31-6.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1996. "Cong Tac Xay Dung Dang: Nen Danh Gia The Nao cho Dung?" (The Work of
Party Building: How to Make the Right Assessment of it?) Tap Chi Cong San 488:24-8.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1996. "Hieu The Nao ve Ban Chat cua Dang Ta?" (How to Understand the Nature of Our
Party?) Tap Chi Cong San 489:31-5.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1996. "Mot So Van De Rut Ra tu Thuc Tien Cong Tac Can Bo trong Nhung Nam Doi
Moi," (Problems Drawn from the Work of Cadres in the Years of Renovation) Tap Chi Cong San 503:11-6.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 1999. "Tao Buoc Chuyen Bien Moi trong Viec Hoc Tap Ly Luan Chinh Tri cua Can Bo,
Dang Vien," (Creating New Approach in the Training of Political Analysis for Cadres and Party Members)
Tap Chi Cong San 569:7-13.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 2000. "Mot So Noi Dung Co Ban trong Du Thao Bao Cao Chinh Tri Trinh Dai Hoi IX cua
Dang," (Some Main Contents of the Draft of the Political Report to the 9th Party Congress) Tap Chi Cong
San 597:3-17.

Nguyen Phu Trong. 2000. "Xay Dung Dang Trong Sach, Vung Manh: Dieu Kien Bao Dam Giu Vung va Tang
Cuong Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang," (Building an Irreproachable and Strong Party: A Condition for
Guaranteeing the Steady Preservation and Increase the Leadership Role of the Party) Tap Chi Cong San

Nguyen Quang Du. 1996. "Tang Cuong Ban Chat Giai Cap Cong Nhan va Tinh Tien Phong cua Dang,"
(Promoting the Essential Characteristics of the Working Class and Enhancing the Vanguard Position in the
Party) Tap Chi Cong San 489:36-8.

Nguyen Quoc Tuan. 1999. "Nang Luc Nguoi Lanh Dao," (Leadership Capability) Tap Chi Cong San

Nguyen Thai Van. 2000. "Dao Tao, Boi Duong Can Bo Quan Ly Hop Tac Xa Nong Nghiep," (Train and
Foster Managerial Cadres for Agricultural Cooperatives) Nghien Cuu Kinh Te 5(264):46-50.

Nguyen Thanh Binh. 1999. "Nhung Giai Phap Co Ban Nang Cao Chat Luong Dang Vien," (Principal

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Measures for Enhancing the Quality of Party Members) Tap Chi Cong San 571:13-7.

Nguyen The Phan. 1989. "Quan Niem Lai Su Lanh Dao cua Dang," (New Ideas on the Leadership of the
Communist Party of Vietnam) Tap Chi Cong San 397:441-6.

Nguyen Thi Dinh. 1988. "Mot So Y Kien ve Cong Tac Can Bo Nu trong Tinh Hinh Moi," (Reflections on the
Female Cadres' Task in the New Era) Tap Chi Cong San 394:15-8.

Nguyen Thi Vy. 1998. "May Net ve Tham Nhung va Phap Lenh Chong Tham Nhung," (Some Aspects of
Corruption and the Anti-Corruption Decree) Tap Chi Cong San 553:27-9.

Nguyen Thi Xuan My. 1997. "Tang Cuong va Doi Moi Cong Tac Kiem Tra cua Dang," (Intensifying and
Renovating the Work of Party Control) Tap Chi Cong San 525:3-7.

Nguyen Thi Xuan My. 1998. "Tang Cuong Hon Nua Cong Tac Kiem Tra cua Dang," (Strengthening the
Party's Control Work) Tap Chi Cong San 542:3-9.

Nguyen Thi Xuan My. 1999. "Cong Tac Kiem Tra Dang voi Van De Lam Trong Sach, Nang Cao Chat Luong
To Chuc Dang va Doi Ngu Dang Vien," (Party Inspection and the Problem of Purifying and Enhancing the
Quality of Party Organizations and Members) Tap Chi Cong San 560:3-8.

Nguyen Thi Xuan My. 1999. "Mot So Quy Che, Quy Dinh cua Bo Chinh Tri," (Some Rules and Directions of
the Politburo) Tap Chi Cong San 570:6-12.

Nguyen Tien Phong. 1994. "Thuc Hien Cac Nguyen Tac Tap Trung Dan Chu trong Su Nghiep Cong Nghiep
Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa Dat Nuoc," (Carrying out the Principle of Democratic Centralism in the Course of
Industrialization and Modernization of the Country) Tap Chi Cong San 467:42-5.

Nguyen Trong Phuc. 1995. "Ban Linh Chinh Tri cua Dang Ta," (High Political Spirit of the Party) Tap Chi
Cong San 470:21-4.

Nguyen Trong Phuc. 1999. Vai Tro Lanh Dao cua Dang Cong San Viet Nam trong Thoi Ky Doi Moi Dat
Nuoc (The Leadership Role of the Vietnamese Communist Party in the Renovation). Hanoi: Chinh Tri Quoc

Nguyen Trong Phuc. 2000. "Nam Vung Quy Luat Khach Quan: Dieu Kien Bao Dam Su Lanh Dao Dung Dan
cua Dang," (Objective Law: The Condition for Securing the Leadership Position of Our Party) Tap Chi Cong
San 589:11-5.

Nguyen Van An. 1988. Xay Dung Cac To Chuc Co So Dang Trong Sach, Vung Manh," (Making Party
Organizations at the Grassroots Level Irreproachable and Strong) Tap Chi Cong San 391:27-31.

Nguyen Van An. 1997. "Danh Gia Tong Quat va Kinh Nghiem cua 4 Nam Doi Moi, Chinh Don Dang,"
(General Assessment and Experience of the Last Four Years of Renovation and the Reorganization of the
Party) Tap Chi Cong San 513:9-14.

Nguyen Van An. 1999. "Danh Gia, Bo Nhiem va Phan Cap Quan Ly Can Bo," (Evaluate, Appoint and Rank
Management Cadres) Tap Chi Cong San 571:3-10.

Nguyen Van An. 1999. "Tu Phe Binh va Phe Binh Theo Tinh Than Nghi Quyet Trung Uong 5 va Nghi Quyet
Truong 6, Lan 2, Khoa VIII," (Self-Criticism and Criticism in the Spirit of the Resolution of the 5th and 6th
CC CPV Plenum, 2nd Session, 8th Tenure) Tap Chi Cong San 570:3-6.

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Nguyen Van An. 2000. "Mot Nam Thuc Hien cuoc Van Dong Xay Dung, Chinh Don Dang," (One Year of
Fulfilling the Campaign of Strengthening and Reorganizing the Party) Tap Chi Cong San 594:3-9.

Nguyen Van An. 2000. "Mot So Van De ve Can Tap Trung Chi Dao trong Viec Chuan Bi va Tien Hanh Dai
Hoi Dang Bo Cac Cap trong Thoi Gian Toi," (Some Problems Requiring Concentrated Leadership in
Preparing and Carrying out Congresses of Party Committees of Different Levels in the Forthcoming Time)
Tap Chi Cong San 604:13-9.

Nguyen Van Canh. 1990. "A Party in Decay: The New Class and Organized Crime," in Thai Quang Trung, ed.
Vietnam Today: Assessing New Trends. New York: Crane Russak.

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Nguyen Van Khac. 1988. "Da La Dang Vien Khong Duoc La Tieu Chu," (A Party Member Must Not be a
Small Entrepreneur) Tap Chi Cong San 393:19-21.

Nguyen Van Lam. 1996. "Nhin Lai 5 Nam Dau Tranh Chong Tham Nhung," (A Look at the 5 Years of
Fighting against Corruption) Tap Chi Cong San 488:43-6.

Nguyen Van Linh. 1987. Doi Moi Sau Sac va Toan Dien tren Moi Linh Vuc Hoat Dong (Profound and Total
Transformation in Every Aspect of Activity). Hanoi: Su That.

Nguyen Van Linh. 1987. Doi Moi Tu Duy va Phong Cach (Renovate Thought and Conduct). Hanoi: Su That.

Nguyen Van Linh. 1989. "Chung Ta Khang Dinh Quyet Tam Khong Gi Lay Chuyen Noi cua Toan Dang,
Toan Dan Tiep Tuc Thuc Hien con Duong Cach Mang Quang Vinh Ma Chu Tich Ho Chi Minh, Dang Ta va
Dan Toc Da Lua Chon," (Upholding the Steadfast Determination of Our Party and People, Namely Carrying
on the Glorious Revolution Course Chosen by President Ho Chi Minh, the Party and the People) Tap Chi
Cong San 405:13-24.

Nguyen Van Linh. 1990. "Hay Xung Dang La Luc Luong Xung Kich tren Mat Tran Tu Tuong," (Worthy of
being the Vanguard Force in the Ideological Front) Tap Chi Cong San 415:1-7.

Nguyen Van Linh. 1991. "Ly Luan: Mot trong Nhung Cong Tac Cuc Ky Quan Trong cua Dang," (Theory:
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Nguyen Van Loc. 1996. "Xay Dung Dang Phai Gan Lien voi Bao Ve Dang," (Building the Party Must be
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Leadership over the State) Tap Chi Cong San 442:29-31.

Nguyen Van Ton. 1991. "Gop Them Vao Nguyen Tac Tap Trung Dan Chu," (On Democratic Centralism) Tap
Chi Cong San 424:9-10.

Nhi Le. 1993. "Dang Vien O Nong Thon," (Party Members in the Countryside) Tap Chi Cong San 449:49-52.

Nhi Le. 1999. "Loai Bo Nhung Hinh Thuc Lam Bien Dang Nguyen Tac Tap Trung Dan Chu," (Removing
Forms Which Alter the Principle of Democratic Centralism) Tap Chi Cong San 582:28-32.

Nhi Le. 2000. "Nen Tang Suc Manh Dang Ta," (The Foundation of Our Party's Power) Tap Chi Cong San

Return to Top of this page

Pham Ngoc Quang. 1991. "Dang, Nha Nuoc va Qua Trinh Phat Trien Kinh Te," (The Party, the State and the
Economic Development) Tap Chi Cong San 426:33-6.

Pham Ngoc Quang. 1997. "Cong Nghiep Hoa, Hien Dai Hoa Nong Nghiep, Nong Thon va Nhiem Vu Lanh
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and Modernization of Agriculture and the Rural Areas) Tap Chi Cong San 533:26-9.

Pham Ngoc Quang. 1999. "Chu Tich Ho Chi Minh voi Viec Xay Dung Dang ve Tri Tue," (Ho Chi Minh and
the Development of the Party's Aptitude) Tap Chi Cong San 569:13-7.

Pham Quang Nghi. 1999. "May Suy Nghi ve Dang Cam Quyen va Nhung Van De Dac Ra," (Some Thoughts
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Xuan Hai. 1989. "Nang Cao Chat Luong Sinh Hoat Chi Bo O Nong Thon," (Raise the Quality of Activities of
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(Understand the Party's Direction, Concretize and Implement It) Tap Chi Cong San 362:93-6.

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