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Maternal mortality

Every day, 1500 women die from pregnancy- or

childbirth-related complications. In 2005, there
were an estimated 536 000 maternal deaths
worldwide. Most of these deaths occurred in
developing countries, and most were avoidable.
Improving maternal health is one of the eight
Millennium Development Goals adopted by the

international community at the United Nations

Millennium Summit in 2000. In Millennium
Development Goal 5 (MDG5), countries have
committed to reducing the maternal mortality
ratio by three quarters between 1990 and 2015.
However, between 1990 and 2005 the maternal
Fact sheet

mortality ratio declined by only 5%. Achieving

Millennium Development Goal 5 requires of these women. A woman’s lifetime risk of
accelerating progress. maternal death is 1 in 7300 in developed
countries versus 1 in 75 in developing
countries. But the difference is more striking in
Where do maternal deaths occur? Niger, where women’s lifetime risk of dying from
pregnancy-related complications is 1 in 7 versus
The high incidence of maternal death is one of 1 in 48 000 in Ireland.(1)
the signs of major inequity spread throughout
the world, reflecting the gap between rich and In addition to the differences between
poor. countries, there are also large disparities within
countries between people with high and low
A total of 99% of all maternal deaths occur income and between rural and urban popula-
in developing countries, where 85% of the tions.
population lives. More than half of these deaths
occur in sub-Saharan Africa and one third in Why do mothers die?
South Asia. The maternal mortality ratio in
developing countries is 450 maternal deaths Women die from a wide range of complications
per 100 000 live births versus 9 in developed in pregnancy, childbirth or the postpartum
period. Most of these complications develop
countries. Fourteen countries have maternal
because of their pregnant status and some
mortality ratios of at least 1000 per 100 000
because pregnancy aggravated an existing
live births, of which all but Afghanistan are disease. The four major killers are: severe
in sub-Saharan Africa: Afghanistan, Angola, bleeding (mostly bleeding postpartum),
Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, the Democratic infections (also mostly soon after delivery),
Republic of the Congo, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (eclamp-
Malawi, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Sierra Leone sia) and obstructed labour. Complications
and Somalia.(1) after unsafe abortion cause 13% of maternal
deaths. Globally, about 80% of maternal deaths
Because women in developing countries have are due to these causes. Among the indirect
many pregnancies on average, their lifetime causes (20%) of maternal death are diseases
risk more accurately reflects the overall burden that complicate pregnancy or are aggravated
by pregnancy, such as malaria, anaemia and
HIV.(2) Women also die because of poor health
at conception and a lack of adequate care

1. Maternal mortality in 2005: estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2007 (http://www., accessed 14 August 2008).
2. The world health report 2005 – Make every mother and child count. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005 (,
accessed 14 August 2008).
Maternal mortality
needed for the healthy outcome of the pregnancy for
themselves and their babies.

How can the mothers’ lives be saved?

The first step for avoiding maternal deaths is to
ensure that women have access to family planning
and safe abortion. This will reduce unwanted
pregnancies and unsafe abortions.
Fact sheet

The women who continue pregnancies need care

during this critical period for their health and for the
health of the babies they are bearing. Most maternal
deaths are avoidable, as the health care solutions to need support in the weeks after the delivery.
prevent or manage the complications are well known.
Since complications are not predictable, all women Why do mothers not get the care they
need care from skilled health professionals, especially need?
at birth, when rapid treatment can make the differ-
Data show that less than two thirds (62%) of women
ence between life and death. For instance, severe
in developing countries receive assistance from
bleeding after birth can kill even a healthy woman
a skilled health worker when giving birth.(5) This
within two hours if she is unattended. Injecting the
means that 45 million home deliveries each year are
drug oxytocin immediately after childbirth reduces
not assisted by skilled health personnel.
the risk of bleeding very effectively.
In high-income countries, virtually all women have
at least four antenatal care visits, are attended by
a midwife and/or a doctor for childbirth and receive
postnatal care. In low- and middle-income countries,
just above two thirds of women get at least one
antenatal care visit, but in some countries less than
one third have this or, as in Ethiopia, just 12%.(4)
Even fewer women have the birth attended by a
skilled health worker. The 63% average for low- and
middle-income countries covers large differences:
from 34% in eastern Africa to 93% in South America.

Sepsis – a very severe infection – is the second most

There are many reasons why women do not receive
frequent cause of maternal death. It can be elimi-
the care they need before, during and after child-
nated if aseptic techniques are respected and if early
birth. Many pregnant women do not get it because
signs of infection are recognized and treated in a
there are no services where they live, they cannot
timely manner. The third cause, eclampsia, emerges
afford the services because they are too expensive
as pre-eclampsia, a common hypertensive disorder,
or reaching them is too costly. Some women do
which can be detected during pregnancy. Although
not use services because they do not like how care
pre-eclampsia cannot be completely cured before
is provided or because the health services are not
the delivery, administering drugs such as magnesium
delivering high-quality care.
sulfate can lower a woman’s risk of developing
convulsions (eclampsia), which can be fatal. Another Further, cultural beliefs or a woman’s low status in
frequent cause of maternal death is obstructed society can prevent a pregnant woman from getting
labour, which occurs when the fetus’ head is too big the care she needs. To improve maternal health,
compared with the mother’s pelvis or if the baby is gaps in the capacity and quality of health systems
abnormally positioned. A simple tool for identifying and barriers to accessing health services must be
problems early in labour is the partograph, a graph identified and tackled at all levels, down to the
of progress of labour and the maternal and fetal con- community.
dition. Skilled practitioners can use the partograph to
recognize and deal with slow progress before labour What does WHO do to reduce maternal
becomes obstructed, and, if necessary, ensure that mortality?
Caesarean section is performed on time to save the
Maternal health is one of WHO’s priority areas. In
mother and the baby. For women to benefit from
2007, we celebrated – together with partners – the
those cost-effective interventions they must have
20th anniversary of Safe Motherhood, an initiative
antenatal care in pregnancy, in childbirth they must
that placed maternal mortality on the global agenda.
be attended by skilled health providers and they

3. Proportion of births attended by a skilled health worker – 2008 updates. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2008 (
global_monitoring/data.html, accessed 14 August 2008).
4. WHO and UNICEF. Antenatal care in developing countries: promises, achievements and missed opportunities. WHO/UNICEF 2003 (
2 Countdown to 2015. Tracking progress in maternal, newborn & child survival: the 2008 report. New York, United Nations Children’s Fund, 2008 (http://www., accessed 14 August 2008).
Maternal mortality
Through the Department of Making Pregnancy Safer, preterm and with low birth weight. About 20 million
WHO is providing guidance to countries for improving (17%) are born with low birth weight. The exact
maternal health. We assist countries in collaboration number is not known since only one third of babies
with other parts of the Organization and experts in are weighed at birth.
WHO regional and country offices. We aim to reduce
Among the 133 million babies who are born alive
maternal mortality by providing and promoting
each year, 2.8 million die in the first week of life
evidence-based clinical and programmatic guidance.
and slightly less than 1 million in the following three
In addition, WHO advocates for a social, political
weeks. Neonatal tetanus is still killing 100 000 babies
and economic environment conducive to action in
Fact sheet

a year.
The patterns of babies’ deaths are similar to the pat-
A cornerstone of the WHO guidance is guidelines on
terns of maternal deaths: large numbers in Africa and
effective, efficient, safe and culturally appropriate
Asia and very low numbers in high-income countries.
services. A set of guidelines under a common title
The rates vary from 7 per 1000 births in high-income
Integrated Management of Pregnancy and Childbirth
countries to 74 per 1000 births in central Africa.
(IMPAC) assists countries in addressing the main
problems facing pregnant women and their newborn Interventions for saving babies’ lives are very similar
infants. The guidelines are supported by other tools to those that save maternal lives. Although the
that help countries’ implementation according to their underlying causes differ, poor maternal health and
needs and capacity, such as how to set policies that lack of services are the most important factors.
address country needs, tools for costing programmes Infants who survive either maternal or neonatal
that will increase women’s access to the care they complications have high morbidity and resulting
need and methods and instruments for monitoring disability. At present it is too difficult to measure how
what they are doing and for measuring progress many disabled infants – infants with cerebral palsy,
in reducing maternal mortality. We guide critical mental retardation or visual or auditory impairment –
actions that are necessary in countries to ensure that are among the survivors. Many are among the babies
enough well-trained midwives and doctors become who die later in infancy and childhood.
Maternal and perinatal deaths (stillbirths and first-
WHO also promotes the involvement of individuals, week deaths) together add up to 6.3 million lives lost
families and communities in increasing access to every year. Further, many women must live with an
high-quality care. To advance these approaches, staff obstetric fistula because of childbirth complications,
of the WHO Department of Making Pregnancy Safer and many babies are disabled. This combined toll
and WHO staff in the regions organize workshops that mother and babies are paying for inadequate
to orient health programme managers and provide services should be considered when maternal
ongoing technical support to countries. mortality is being discussed.

What about babies

Every year more than 133 million babies are born,
90% in low- and middle-income countries. When
their mother dies, the chance of their surviving is
meagre. Lack of maternal care is causing a large
burden of babies’ deaths and disability among
Every year 3 million babies are stillborn. Almost
one quarter of these die during birth. The causes of
these deaths are similar to the causes of maternal
deaths: obstructed or very long labour, eclampsia
and infection such as syphilis. Poor maternal health
and diseases that have not been adequately treated
before or during pregnancy contribute to intrapartum
death but also contribute to many babies born

Related publications
Maternal mortality in 2005: estimates developed by WHO, UNICEF, UNFPA and the World Bank. Geneva, World
Health Organization, 2007 (
The world health report 2005 – Make every mother and child count. Geneva, World Health Organization, 2005

Department of Making Pregnancy Safer
Department of Child and Adolescent Health and Development
Department of Gender, Women and Health
Department of Reproductive Health and Research

World Health Organization

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