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Anaesthesiology, reanimatology, intensive therapy

1. Analgetic activity possesses:

1. thiopental sodium
2. ketamin
3. propophol
4. sombrevin (propanidid)
5. hexenal

2. Pseudocholinesterase of blood destroys:

1. arduan
2. D-tubocurarin
3. listenon
4. pavulon
5. tracrium (atracurium)

3. Fentanyl effects are:

1. duration of actions takes 30 minutes
2. influence stimulating action on n.vagus
3. provoke mydriasis
4. depression of breath is removed by naloxone
5. raise a tone of the sphincter Oddi

4. The reason of respiratory depression at intravenous introduction barbiturate is:

1. depression of (cerebral) cortex
2. depression of carotid sinus
3. reduction of the respiratory center susceptibility to СО2
4. loss of transmission in neuro-muscular synapse
5. reduction of the respiratory center susceptibility to О2

5. Optimum concentration N2O and О2 for maximal analgesia and having a contact with a
patient is:
1. 5%
2. 10%
3. 15%
4. 35%
5. 50%

6. Indications to introduction of supplemental doze of fentanyl for neuroleptanalgesia are:

1. hyperhidrosis
2. hypertension
3. lacrimation
4. bradycardia
5. hypotonia

7. Halothane’s effects are:

1. narcosis
2. hypotonia
3. bradycardia
4. elevation of sensitivity of a myocardium to catecholamines
5. bronchiospasm

8. The surgical stage of etheric mask narcosis is characterized by:
1. elevation of arterial pressure
2. mydriatic pupil
3. diminution of a muscular tone
4. rhythmic spontaneous breath
5. absence of corneal reflexes

9. Prevention of regurgitation at "a full stomach " includes :

1. introduction of a gastric tube before an introductory narcosis
2. Trendelenburg’s position
3. precurarization by 5 mg tubocurarin chloride
4. intubation by a tube with a cuff
5. Sellick’s maneuver

10. The choice of anesthesia for the Caesarean section of a parturient woman with diabetes, is:
1. epidural anesthesia
2. mask anesthesia
3. endotracheal narcosis
4. combination of epidural anesthesias and endotracheal narcosis
5. intravenous anesthesia

11. The minimum level of intraoperative monitoring includes:

1. ECG
2. acid-alkaline status
3. arterial pressure by nonivasive method
4. saturation by method of pulse oximetry
5. tension СО2 in the end of an exhalation

12. What drugs can provoke an attack of acute intermittent porphyria:

1. fentanyl
2. listenon
3. hexenal
4. lidocaine
5. halothane (fentanyl)

13. The conditions, provoking development of Mendelson’s syndrome, are:

1. elevation of intragastric pressure, stagnation food in a stomach
2. low рН of gastric content
3. urgency of anaesthetic maternity aid
4. intraperitoneal pressure drop
5. excitement at introduction in anesthesia

14. Signs of brain death are:

1. absence of breathing
2. absense of reflexes
3. mydriatic pupil
4. absence of oculo-vestibular reflex
5. isoelectric EEG with the called stimulation

15. The principles of the closed massage of heart are:

1. lay the victim on a firm surface
2. point of application of force must be in lower one-third of thorax

3. frequency of compressions of a thorax 30 in a minute
4. ratio of frequency of inflation in the pulmones and compression of a thorax 1:5
5. ratio of frequency of inflation in the pulmones and compression of a thorax 1:3

16 the indication to artificial ventilation of lungs at patients with a craniocereberal trauma is:
1. convulsive syndrome
2. state of coma
3. reduction the central venous pressure
4. РаСО2> 47 mm mercury (column)
5. tachycardia

17. The most reliable criterion of efficiency of respiration is:

1. respiratory volume
2. number of breath in a minute
3. determination РаО2 and РаСО2
4. volume of one minute of breath
5. determination of the dead space

18. Paradoxical breath is observed in presence of:

1. pneumothorax
2. operated ventilation
3. atelectasis
4. pneumonia
5. bronchial asthma

19. Oil embolism:

1. appears only with fractures
2. is accompanied by cerebral disorders
3. can provoke development respiratory distress syndrome of adults
4. can provoke appearance of fat in urine, expectoration or vessels of a retina
5. is contra-indication for fixation of the fracture connected with this embolism

20. For parenteral nutrition you could take:

1. fresh-frozen plasma
2. concentrated solutions of glucose
3. fat emulsion
4. solutions of amino acids
5. dextrans

21. What sympathomimetic improves renal blood flow:

1. mesatone
2. noradrenaline
3. adrenaline
4. ephedrine
5. dopamine

22. The indications for plasmapheresis are:

1. high blood viscosity
2. presence of immunocomplexes
3. exotoxic hepatitis
4. hypoproteinemia
5. renal insufficiency I-II stages

23. For the normalization of the intracranial pressure you could use:
1. diuretics (acetazolamide, lasix)
2. manitol
3. lumbar puncture
4. glucocorticoids
5. artificial pulmonary ventilation

24. The treatment of the oliguria and the anuria includes:

1. the adequate hydration
2. maintenance of normal hidro-electrolyte balance
3. hidroxietilstarch
4. transfusion of the dextrans
5. plasmapheresis

25. Transfusion of significant amounts of the stored blood-donor is accompanied by following

metabolic effects:
1. metabolic alkalosis
2. hyperkaliemia
3. citrate’s intoxication
4. hypothermia
5. reduction of the concentration 2,3-diphosphoglycerat

26. The inhalation of oxygen results to:

1. increase of the partial pressure of oxygen in plasma
2. increase of saturation of hemoglobin
3. increase of the content of oxygen in blood
4. hypocapnia
5. suppression of acidosis

27. The most effective way of the sanitation of the tracheobronhial tree is:
1. transnasal catheterization of trachea
2. bronchofiberscope
3. transtracheal draining
4. vibratory massage of the thorax
5. stimulation of the cough with use muko- and broncholytics

28. The complications of the blockade of the brachial plexus by subclavicular approach are:
1. pneumothorax
2. puncture of the subclavian vein
3. Horner’s syndrome
4. humeral neuritis
5. paralysis of the diaphragm on the block’s side

29. The epidural cavity is between:

1. soft cerebral membrane and arachnoidal membrane
2.firm cerebral membrane and arachnoidal membrane
3 firm cerebral membrane and vertebral column
4. arachnoidal membrane and spinal cord
5. soft cerebral membrane and spinal cord

30. The contra-indications to the epidural anesthesia are:

1. septic statuses
2. hypotonia
3. elderly age
4. heightened hemorrhagic
5. deformation of the backbone

31. Spinal anesthesia:

1. can be complicated by the transverse myelitis
2. has the improvement of the quality of the block with hyperbaric solution (in
with isobaric)
3. can provoke the epidural hematoma
4. provoke the hypertensia
5. provoke the bradycardia if the block reaches the level Т4

32. Shift to the right of the curve’s dissociation of the oxyhemoglobin is observed at:
1. temperature rise
2. elevation 2,3-diphosphoglycerat
3. hypocapnia
4. elevation of рН blood
5. hypercapnia

33. The efficiency of the oxygen-transport function of blood depends on:

1. arterial pressure
2. concentration of the hemoglobin
3. oxyhemoglobin’s level
4. central venous pressure
5. minute volume of the heart

34. The reasons of the deficiency of the potassium is:

1. polyuria
2. insufficient entrance
3. oliguria
4. vomiting
5.loss of water through the skin

35. In case of diabetic coma it is observed:

1. decompensated respiratory acidosis with metabolic alkolosis
2. hyponatremia with metabolic alkolosis
3. hyponatremia with metabolic acidosis
4. decompensated metabolic acidosis with respiratory alkolosis
5. decompensated respiratory alkolosis with metabolic alkolosis

36. The hyperosmolarity when the function of rens is normal appears in following cases:
1. surplus entrance of water
2. surpus loss of water
3. surplus of glucose
4. transfusion of the bicarbonate of sodium
5. transfusion of wide quantity of 0,9 % solution NaCl

37. The clinical symptomes of the hypercapnia are:

1. hypertension

2. bradycardia
3. humid peripheral cutaneous integuments
4. miosis
5. tremor

38. The signs of a respiratory distress-syndrome of adults are:

1. hypocapnia
2. infiltration pulmonary tissue on the roentgenogram
3. increase pliability of lungs
4. hypoxemia
5. high pressure in the respiratory ways

39. The components of the anesthesia are:

1. narcosis (deenergizing of consciousness of the patient)
2. analgesia
3. myorelaxation
4. retrograde amnesia
5. areflexion

40. The anesthesia is easily reversible if the anesthetic it’s entered by:
1. enteral tract
2. inhalation
3. through rectum
4. intravenous
5. intramuscularly

41. A point for a puncture of heart is:

1. IV intercostal at the left on the mean-clavicular line
2. IV intercostal at the left on the parasternal line
3. V intercostal at the left on the parasternal line
4. III intercostal at the left on the parasternal line
5. III intercostal at the left on the mean-clavicular line

42. The indications to the cardiac-pulmonary reanimation are:

1. loss of consciousness
2. respiratory standstill
3. absence of palpitation
4. mydriatic pupils
5. absence of pulse and arterial pressure on the main arteries

43. The methods of restoration of the patency of airways are:

1. throw backе the head
2. opening a mouth and an advancement of the lower jaw
3. mechanical removal of contents of breathing passages by the postural drainage and
knocking on
4. pandiculation of the tongue
5. installation of the artificial airway

44. The effective methods of the restoration of respiration, when it’s in the depression, are:
1. breathing by the bag "Ambu"
2. breathing by" a mouth in a mouth " and " a mouth in a nose "

3. introduction of the analeptic
4. injection method of the artificial pulmonary ventilation
5. intubation of trachea and the artificial pulmonary ventilation

45. The criterion of efficiency of the closed massage of heart is:

1. appearance of the pulse on the carotid
2. miotic pupil
3. arterial pressure 80-90 mm mercury column
4. reduction of the cyanosis
5. restoration of the cardiac performance

46. The indication for the central veins catheterization are:

1. necessity of the intensive infusional-transfusion therapy
2. full-blown abnormalities of the infringements of the blood coagulation
3. measurement of central venous pressure
4. absence of visible superficial peripheral veins
5. necessity of parenteral nutrition

47. The infusional measures possessing the volume-substituting function:

1. dextrans
2. electrolyte isotonic solutions
3. plasma
4. hidroxietilstarch
5. solutions amino acids

48. At the hypovolemia it is marked:

1. reduction of volume of circulating blood
2. oliguria
3. low cardiac output
4. low central venous pressure
5. bradycardia

49. The factors influencing the central venous pressure:

1. volume of circulating blood
2. haemoglobin and hematocrit
3. venous tone
4. contraction capacity of myocardium
5. intrathoracic pressure

50. The needle directed to the spinal space, should pass through following anatomic educations:
1. periosteum
2. supraspinal ligaments
3. soft cerebral membrane
4. firm cerebral membrane
5. yellow ligament

Anaesthesiology, reanimatology, intensive therapy

2.3 ;
3.1, 2, 4, 5 ;

4.3 ;
5.4 ;
6 1, 2, 3 ;
7 1, 2, 3, 4 ;
8 3, 4, 5 ;
9 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
10 1 ;
11 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
12 3 ;
13 1, 2, 3, 5 ;
14 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
15 1, 2, 4 ;
16 1, 2, 4 ;
17 3 ;
18 1 ;
19 2, 3, 4 ;
20 2, 3, 4 ;
21 5 ;
22 1, 2, 3, 5 ;
23 2, 4, 5 ;
24 1, 2, 5 ;
25 2, 3, 5 ;
26 1, 2, 3, 5 ;
27 2 ;
28 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
29 3 ;
30 1, 2, 4, 5 ;
31 1, 2, 3 ;
32 1, 2, 5 ;
33 2, 3, 5 ;
34 1, 2, 4 ;
35 3, 4 ;
36 2, 3, 4 ;
37 1, 3, 5 ;
38 2, 4, 5 ;
39 1, 2, 3 ;
40 2 ;
41 3 ;
42 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
43 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
44 1, 2, 4, 5 ;
45 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ;
46 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
47 1, 3, 4 ;
48 1, 2, 3, 4 ;
49 1, 3, 4, 5 ;
502, 4, 5

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