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" File: increment.vim

" Author:
" Based on work done by: William Natter (natter at (vimscript
" Ely Schoenfeld (ely at (vimscript
" Stanislav Sitar (sitar at (vimscrip
t #145)
" Charles E. Campbell, Jr. Ph.D (drchip at campb (vimscript #670)
" Creation Date: February 4, 2005
" Last Modified: November 23, 2005
" Version: 1.1
" Help:
" Put increment.vim into a plugin directory. (~/.vim/plugin)
" Put increment.txt into a doc directory. (~/.vim/doc)
" To be able to do:
" :help Inc
" you have to do, for example:
" :helptags ~/.vim/doc
" Command syntax:
" :[line1,line2]Inc [s<number>] [i<number>] [r<number>] [w<number>] [h] [o] [p
<regexp>] [w<number>] [c]
" STARTING [s<number>]: to change the starting value
" (default: 0)
" INCREMENT [i<number>]: to increase the value by this amount between matches
" (default: 1)
" REPEAT [r<number>]: to increase the value after <number> matches
" (default: 1)
" WIDTH [w<number>]: to align all the numbers to the right with the given
" (default: 4)
" FILLER [f<char>]: to align numbers to the right, use the given charact
" HEX [h]: to use a hexadecimal base
" OCTAL [o]: to use an octal base
" PATTERN [p<regexp>]: if not using w parameter:
" to replace the pattern
" if using w parameter:
" to search the line that matches the pattern and
change a specific word
" NOTE: with regexp be careful to use \ before spaces
and \\ to place a literal \
" CONFIRM [c] : to confirm each substitution; one to confirm before,
two to confirm before AND after.
" (default: not active)
" NOTE: The default values can be changed.
" For examples see increment.txt
let g:IncIncr = 1
let g:IncStartVal = 0
let g:IncMatchPat = "@"
let g:IncWordToChange = "-1"
let g:IncDoConfirm = "-1"
let g:IncReps = 1
let g:IncBase = 10
let g:IncDoAlign = 0
let g:IncWidth = 4
let g:IncFiller = " "
" Dec2Dec: convert decimal to decimal {{{
fun! s:Dec2Dec(dec)
return a:dec
endfun "}}}
" Dec2Hex: convert decimal to hexadecimal {{{
fun! s:Dec2Hex(b10)
" call Dfunc("Dec2Hex(b10=".a:b10.")")
if a:b10 >= 0
let b10 = a:b10
let neg = 0
let b10 = -a:b10
let neg = 1
" call Decho('b10<'.b10.'> neg='.neg)
if v:version >= 700
let hex= printf("%x",b10)
let hex = ""
while b10
let hex = '0123456789abcdef'[b10 % 16] . hex
let b10 = b10 / 16
if neg
let hex= "-".hex
" call Dret("Dec2Hex ".hex)
return hex
endfun "}}}
" Dec2Oct: convert decimal to octal {{{
fun! s:Dec2Oct(b10)
" call Dfunc("Dec2Oct(b10=".a:b10.")")
if a:b10 >= 0
let b10 = a:b10
let neg = 0
let b10 = -a:b10
let neg = 1
if v:version >= 700
let oct= printf("%o",b10)
let oct = ""
while b10
let oct = '01234567'[b10 % 8] . oct
let b10 = b10 / 8
if neg
let oct= "-".oct
" call Dret("Dec2Oct ".oct)
return oct
endfun "}}}
" ---------------------------------------------------------------------
" Increment: main function in this plugin
function! Increment(...) range
" Save line numbers
let s:lfirst = a:firstline
let s:llast = a:lastline
" Save a and b marks to restore them if necessary
let s:amarkline = line("'a")
let s:amarkcol = col("'a")
let s:bmarkline = line("'b")
let s:bmarkcol = col("'b")
" Defaults
let s:incr = g:IncIncr
let s:startingValue = g:IncStartVal
let s:pattern = g:IncMatchPat
let s:doconfirm = g:IncDoConfirm
let s:repetitions = g:IncReps
let s:doalign = g:IncDoAlign
let s:width = g:IncWidth
let s:base = g:IncBase
let s:filler = g:IncFiller
let s:formatFunc = function("s:Dec2Dec")
" Get arguments
" Change letter with a command setting the appropriate value
let s:nargs = 1
while s:nargs <= a:0
let s:toex = ""
if a:{s:nargs} =~? "^i"
" User-defined increment value
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^i","let s:incr = ","")
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^w"
" User-defined width for right-aligned numbers
let s:doalign = 1
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^w","let s:width = ","")
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^f"
" User-defined filler, hopefully one character only
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^f","let s:filler = ","")
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^o"
" Octal numbers
let s:base = 8
let s:formatFunc = function("s:Dec2Oct")
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^h"
" Hexadecimal numbers
let s:base = 16
let s:formatFunc = function("s:Dec2Hex")
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^s"
" User-defined start value
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^s","let s:startingValue = ",""
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^n"
" Number pattern (easier than typing it by hand)
let s:toex = "let s:pattern = \"\\d\\+\""
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^p"
" User-defined pattern
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^p","let s:pattern = \"","")
let s:toex = substitute(s:toex,"$","\"","")
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^c"
" Confirmation by user
let s:toex = "let s:doconfirm = s:doconfirm + 1"
execute s:toex
elseif a:{s:nargs} =~? "^r"
" Repeat the same number this many times before increasing the
" value
let s:toex = substitute(a:{s:nargs},"^r","let s:repetitions = ","")
execute s:toex
" Ignore
let s:nargs = s:nargs + 1
let s:stringFormatPattern = "^\\(.*\\)$"
let s:i = s:width
let s:fullPad = ""
if s:doalign == 1
let s:stringFormatPattern = "^.*\\(.\\{".s:width."\\}\\)$"
while s:i
let s:fullPad .= s:filler
let s:i -= 1
let s:val = s:startingValue
let s:savedline = line(".")
let s:savedcol = col(".")
" Start search at the end of the file if s:lfirst is the first line in the f
" (allows matching the start of the first line if necessary)
let s:startline = s:lfirst
" Go to the first line
silent! cursor(s:startline, 0)
let s:curline = line(".")
let s:curcol = col(".")
let s:reps = 1
let s:replstr = ""
while search(s:pattern, "Wc", s:llast)
" Save the position found with search
let s:curline = line(".")
let s:curcol = col(".")
" Confirm whether the change must be made
if s:doconfirm > -1
echo "---------------------------------------"
"let s:CurrentLine = getline(s:curline)
let s:st = ""
"let s:st = s:st . "---> " . s:CurrentLine . "\n"
echo "---> " . getline(s:curline)
"let s:st = s:st . "Pattern: \"" . s:pattern . "\"\n"
let s:st = s:st . "Replace with ".s:val."?"
let s:choice = confirm(s:st, "&Yes\nNo\nAll\nQuit")
if s:choice == 1
"do nothing
elseif s:choice == 2
elseif s:choice == 3
let s:doconfirm = -1
elseif s:choice == 4
" Make the change
"let s:string = str2nr(s:val, s:base)
let s:string = s:fullPad
let s:string .= s:formatFunc(s:val)
if s:doalign == 1
let s:string = substitute(s:string, s:stringFormatPattern, "\\1", ""
silent! execute s:curline."s/".s:pattern."/".s:string."/"
" Confirm if the change is suitable
if s:doconfirm > -1
if s:choice == 1
"let s:CurrentLine = getline(s:curline)
let s:st = ""
"let s:st = s:st . "---> " . s:CurrentLine . "\n"
echo "---> " . getline(s:curline)
let s:st = s:st . "Replace Ok?"
let s:choice = confirm(s:st, "Yes\nYes &All\nQuit")
if s:choice == 1
"do nothing
elseif s:choice == 2
let s:doconfirm = -1
elseif s:choice == 3
" Go to the character just after the portion that was just modified
" (note: depends on replacement being a number)
silent! cursor(s:curline, s:curcol)
silent! normal /\d*\ze\d<CR>l
if (s:reps >= s:repetitions)
let s:val = s:val + s:incr
let s:reps = 0
let s:reps = s:reps + 1
silent! cursor(s:savedline, s:savedcol)
" Command definition
command! -n=* -range Inc :<line1>,<line2>call Increment(<f-args>)

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