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CRAZY ENGLISH © (1) Complete the passage with words and phrases from the list below. Make any necessary changes. > VOCABULARY ban = command = proficient = be about to enthusiastic = enable = overcome = throughout WeELSD comes ative ‘At the beginning ofthe 20th century, the majority of people in Wales were iproficient in Welsh. However, by the year 1991 few people spoke the language, and it seemed that it vis. al2eu become extinct. For many years, the British government had discouraged its use and 3. .Rarned.. teaching it in schools. In addition, the influence of the English-speaking majority in Britain was difficult to 4.2¥°" ome. Today fo ‘end has been reversed, as a result ofa successful campaign run by 5." ‘Welsh people who are determined to bring their language back to life. Welsh is now used ae road signs, rock songs, TV programmes and websites. Its a mandatory school subject, a fact which has 7. 2922/24. many young people to acquire a good 8.2! of the language and even to use it on a daly basis. (2) Choose the correct answer to show that you have [3] Match a sentence beginning in | with a suitable understood the meaning of the words in bold. ending in IW. Pay attention to the words in bold. 1. You shouldn’t yell during a y @ film b. football match, 1. | thought my proposal was excellent 2. The boy's setf-consciousness made hin very 2. Can you hop a, active, () sty. 3. Do you think I'm insane 3. She knows that she got the mark she deserves, 4. Ifyou read aloud, Bees wie 5. It started out as fun (a) satisfied, b. upset. : opt titer 4, What you are saying runs counter to my beliefs, Weald 0 IRs adie 7. The engineers have devised @ naivateuntoacapt.b, agiee with you 8 Famiy values are important 5. He's got a lot of charm, which makes him quite " a. lonely, © popular 2. a, onone foot? 6. The city prospered during that period Mb, iveulsceny People became 4 On 6. as fc. you may understand the text better. 7. She was expelled from school, so she 1.4. anew type of printer, 2. went to her lesson early.) stayed at home. 3..e. to study all night? 8. The upcoming term 14. but no one listened. a. began last week. © will begin next week Sig: butwe:scon renlsed it was hard work ..h. acooking contest? 24) CO » VOCABULARY BOOSTER British / American English (4) Are the speakers in the following dialogues British or American? Use a dictionary to help you decide. 1. This van is almost as big as a truck! lorry Well its fall again and we'll be starting school Hury! The taxt is waiting outsic ‘Are you going on vacation? flicay ‘Oh, goodness, we're stuck! Do you have a flash - Yes tas seat ges perl a Neat netcamasaean a 2 Of could you cal tet > Yes, we've rented an apat ight estes coen ben of ets om Do you think well be able to get tickets forthe film?» I don’t think so, Look at this long queue! American ipal this year miericars eg necmaster British ant near the beach American, erica British, line 5] Replace the American words above with British words and vice versa. Use the words below to help you. holiday © line = headmaster = cab lorry © flat Prefixes 6) Complete the sentences with one of the prefixes: im, anti, re, under, dis, non, mis and a word below. weight = sense » write = understood government = pleased = patiently 1. There was a huge .....a0t.., demonstration because of the walloVernmnignt 2. That$ not what | meant. think yol/sUNders#OeK 3, Your essay isnt very good. You'l have to awrite... it 4. lam displeased... with my low marks this term. 5. You should eat more. You'reunderweight. 6. “Ihaven't got time to speak!" said Max impatiently. 7. don’t want to hear any more 228288... from you 7) Complete the text by adding suitable prefixes. The Critil€al Period Have you ever noticed that when a family moves to a new country, the children becorne 1 Ai, lingual much faster than the parents? According tothe Critical Period theory, adult seconel-language learners are at a 2... /S..advantage compared to chiidren. This theory states that the best time for language learning is 3. ..-@...~ adolescence — before the age of 12, when the brain’ flexibility 4. ...20...ables it to adapt to another language. After this, an older learner is 5, ....dt..likely to speak without an accent, and will always sound lke a6. is supported by research on people who cannat speak after a brain injury. Injured children are able 0 7... leann language skills more quickly and easily than adults. In any case, don't be 8. than 12. You may have an 9, ...i9?....perfect accent and 10. sft. pronounce certain words, but adult second- language learners can achieve perfect grammar and a very high level of vocabulary. NON. -native speaker. The theory iS_couraged if you're older torch © petrol = bonnet autumn = movie elevator '8) Rewrite each sentence with one of the prefixes: il in, mult, inter or over and a word below. You may need to make some changes. protective complete national = legal millionaire 1. He has got several milion dol. He's a. multt-millionaire 2. | think that the child's parents try too hard keep him from harm, | think that the. child's parents. are... 3. °K bint the lato hve without a licence Is illegal te. drive. without. licence. 4. BMis a company with offices in many countries, IBM js.n. international company. 5. Tim afraid you havent shed your test I' VOCABULARY [5] Give an example of something: 1, you think should be banned, Acsept.any. legigal.answercs. 2, that's ilegal 3. you feel isan important value 4, that’s insane to do. 5. that’s usually found in the boot of a car. 25) PC b> MODALS AND MODAL PERFECTS 1) Choose the sentence that is laser in meaning to the original. 1. You could have written atleast once a. You only had time to write once (©) You didn't write at all 2. shouldn't have told her about the problem @ twas a bad idea to tel her. ®. I'm sorry | didn’t tll her. 3. Angela isn’t answering the phone. She must have already lft. @ Im quite sure she left. ®. Its possible that she left. 4, Arnold and Debbie may have had an argument, (@) They don't look happy. ©. heard them arguing. 5. wouldn't have brought this heavy coat. @ | ide know the weather would be so warm. ». | thought it would be warm, 6. You needn't have called to tell me they were coming a. It's lucky you called. 1 knew they were coming 2) Complete the sentences using the verbs i brackets and the correct form of the modal or modal perfect, affirmative or negative. have to make 1. Please excuse me. | {have to / make) a phone call 2. These biscuits are too hard. shouldn't. have baked (should / bake) them for so long 3. em not sure who lft me this package Itmmight have. Beer (might / ba) Ronald 4, Don't worry, we can walk, You ...needn't. give: (need / give) us a lift 5. orgt to bring my pen. Could, (ould / use) yours? 8 Why didn’ you tell me there was so much work to dor ould have helene hal) you! 7. Km sure there's more. That ....c9n't. be. (can / be) the whole story. 8. | know you tre, but stil think you could have, dane. (could / do) better. 26) 3) Complete the sentences. Use the modals and modal perfects below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. needn't & may not have ® should have could have = must = would have would have a (bw) you a present, but ‘didn't know Hl was your birthday. 2. Matthew isn’t home. We shauld.have.called {call) before we came 3. Don't be angry Before ou ak er mayngt have She ay, 9F NAVE... (take) your sweater ‘4. Donna has been working all day. She «MMSE. BR, (be) tired. 5. You wna... (90) the washing-up now. Weil do it tomorow. 6. Why did you use that broken skateboard? You could have. fallers (fal! pictures. Use the words given, with either a modal ‘or a modal perfect. Do not use the same modal / ‘modal perfect twice. 1. we / bring / umbrellas We.should.have, brought umbrellas 2. Mike /be / in a lot of pal (Mike, rust. .e.i0.9. lot of pain. 3. that cake / be / good That.cake, must. have’ been good 4, Don / work / today Don doesn't. work today, BD 6. Pamela /Teave her Yeu.shoulda:t eye... ghone/ atthe ofce bought me a CD. / amela might | may Yoii'didn'# have'te”"” “have Tet¥ her phone buy me a CD. a rhe orfiee

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