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Prayers of the Faithful

P: Let us pray that God’s kingdom may come and that his will be done on earth as it is in
heaven. With confidence, we pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For the Holy Father, bishops, priests, deacons and all Church leaders: In this Year of
Priests, may they work with courage and faith to sow the seed of the kingdom, that the
values of the Gospel may permeate the lives of men and women. We pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For government leaders all over the world: May they follow the example of Christ the
King of peace who came into the world to serve, and not to be served. May they strive to
promote justice, peace and progress, and protect the weak and those with neither voice
nor defender. We pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For judges, policemen, soldiers and those entrusted to enforce the law: May they be
fair and impartial, humane and kind, and never forget that they are accountable to Christ,
the just King. We pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For those who would sabotage peace, sow disunity, and use repression and terror for
their selfish ends: May they instead take the path of peace and experience the beatitude of
the peacemakers. We pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For the Culinary arts students so that this celebration may inspire them to lead a very
meaningful Christian life. We pray

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

C: For all of us gathered here: As we close the liturgical year, may our loyalty to Christ
come before anything and anyone. We pray:

R: Lord, may your kingdom come!

P: Heavenly Father, make us loyal and true followers of Christ, our Savior. Amid life’s
vicissitudes and perplexities, may we draw courage from Him who has overcome the
world and now reigns with you, for ever and ever. Amen
All: Amen.
November 29, 2009

Prayers of the Faithful

P: Let us pray to the Heavenly Father for the gift of the Holy Spirit. This Advent season,
may we awake from the sleep of routine, indifference and neglect to prepare for the
coming of the kingdom in our hearts. We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon the Church and her leaders. May they encourage us
not to lose sight of heaven, our final goal which gives meaning and value to life on earth.
We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon our country and our people. Spare us from the
scourge of conflicts and diseases, give us your gift of peace, and build up our confidence
to work for a better future. We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon government officials and all those who hold
positions of trust in our country. May they live up to that trust by working like devoted
servants who await your coming. We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon those who wallow in indulgence and worldly
pleasure. May the see light and abandon a life of drunkenness, sexual excess, quarrelling
and jealousy. We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: Lord, send your Holy Spirit upon those who are weary and find life burdensome. May
they find strength, hope and joy in you. We pray:

R: Lord, hear our prayer.

C: (The urgent concerns of the community are prayed here.)

P: Heavenly Father, hear the prayers of your people. May the coming of Christ find us
steadfast in faith, joyful in hope, and untiring in love.
We ask this through the same Christ your Son and our Lord.
All: Amen.

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