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Produced by
Enchanted Unicorn

The information contained in this short guide is not meant to replace diagnosis or treatment by a
qualified medical practitioner. All recommendations are derived from legend, lore and practitioner
suggestion. No expressed or implied guarantee as to the effects of their uses can be given and no
liability can be taken by staff of Enchanted Unicorn.



The unique energies of different gemstones are said to be an aid to healing of different ailments.
Crystals have been cherished for thousands of years not only for their beauty but also for their great
esoteric properties. Crystals can help focus the mind and direct energy for healing, telepathy and
enhancement of personal development.

Clear quartz in particular has the ability to amplify and transmit subtle vibrations. Not only is it used
in healing and development of psychic ability it is also used in modern technology as it has a precise
frequency. It is also a good purifier of the air as it absorbs positive ions and emits negative ions.

Quartz crystals helps those in their quest for spiritual awareness and enhances psychic ability. It
helps to focus and direct the energies within and helps to protect from negative outside forces.

Crystals are not essential for improving the quality of life but for that matter neither are family and
friends. However our life is much the richer with them.

There are many ways to use crystals and although a few will be suggested shortly this is not a
definite guide. You should trust your own instincts and judgement and allow your own tuition to
work rather than rely on the words and ways of others. Always do what feels right for you and do
not follow the words of others as we all have different paths to follow and our own spirit knows what
is best for us. There are many paths to God.

Crystals can come in various natural forms and the energies they contain can be intensified and
enhanced simply by careful and thoughtful treatment and handling.


Quartz cut into pyramid shapes are said to have special properties. They blend into a perfect energy
form and the energy flows in a direct manner through the apex and can be used in a more
directional and focused way. Working with this type of energy is said to require a good spiritual
attunement and balance of the user. Pyramids are energy accumulators and transmitters and can
help the user to gain more awareness of past life memories. Allowing growth. Pyramids are also
good for meditational purposes and help to balance the chakras and activate dormant energy.

These are good tools for healers and are often used in meditation practices as they help with the
development of psychic ability and development. The sphere when used in a healing capacity can
help to re-align the body’s energies and absorb any negativity transmuting and reflecting back to the
person alleviating mental and physical discomfort. In meditation the sphere helps the user gain
greater clarity and allows the meditator to become more focussed leading to greater insight into
problems and root causes.

These are said to possess the same energy field as the human aura. Thus used in meditation the
can be useful to help increased awareness of the auric field. This allows greater perception as to
subtle changes and allows the user to spot problems before they become established. Use of the
obelisk regularly can help the user to build up greater physical and spiritual protection.

Some crystals may contain flaws or inclusions that fill the crystal with light and rainbow colours.
These are a rare gift and can help uplift the soul and increase the healing potential of the crystal.

Double Terminated Crystals

There are crystals that have been fortunate enough to have developed in an environment that has
allowed termination at both ends to occur. These particular types have the ability to re-circulate
energy through either rend by drawing in and projecting energy at both ends. Symbolically they
represent the physical and spiritual and can have enormous benefit to those on a spiritual quest
giving balance, calmness and clarity of thought. They absorb negative energies and change them


into positive before projecting them back at the user. Double terminated crystals are also useful in
the art of telepathy.
Crystal Clusters
These are groups of single crystals sharing a common base. They live in harmony with each other
and each reflects energy to another making it a powerful unit. A good tool for cleansing and re-
energising other crystals and stones for the purposes of healing. Can be used in group meditation to
provide an atmosphere of harmony and energise and stimulate the chakras.

These are usually long and slender crystals that slightly taper towards one end. The surface of often
etched. These crystals are used for healing, meditation and learning and help to generate a
protective force field. When used as a healing tool they can direct energy to where it is needed with
great accuracy.


When choosing a crystal you must first clear your mind, breathe deeply and balance yourself. Focus
on the purpose for which you will use the crystal and then look at all available crystals briefly,
allowing yourself to be attracted by one of them. You will automatically be drawn to the crystal that
is resonating with you for the purpose in mind.

Once the crystal has been chosen you will need to cleanse it of any negative vibration it can have
collected. Firstly wash the crystal thoroughly use soda if required) and rinse and dry carefully. It is
now ready to be cleansed. There are different ways to cleanse a crystal and the following are a few.
Choose the one that appears right for you.

1. Soak in a saline solution overnight.

2. Cover with sea salt overnight
3. Bury the crystal in the earth for one or more days.
4. Use a visualization technique – visualize a pure white light filling and flowing through the
crystal taking any negative vibrations with it
5. Smudging. Light some dried sage or cedar, blow out the flame and old the crystal the smoke
turning it around to ensure all surfaces are smudged.

You can use any of the above methods as often as you feel you need to after use of the crystal. The
crystal can also be placed on an Amethyst cluster to remove negativity.

Once you have cleansed your crystal you are now ready to energise it.


Once the crystal has been cleansed it can be energised to undertake certain tasks or specific healing
functions. There are various methods used to energise crystals.

1. By resting in sunlight
2. For a more feminine energy power rest in moonlight
3. Held in a fast running stream or stretch of water/waterfall

Whilst energising the crystal in any of the above ways you will need to hold clearly in your mind the
purpose for which the crystal will be used. This focusing of energy will programme the crystal for it



Now lets look at a few of the most popular gemstones and their properties

AGATE Colour: Varies, often variegated or banded

Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Fire Stone
Brings the wearer courage and fortitude to discover truth and accept fate. This is a
powerful healing stone helping the colon and circulation, pancreas and lymphatic
system. Reduces fever and hardens tender gums. Helps improve the ego and self-
esteem. Gives good protection and brings good fortune. Good for gardening.

AMAZONITE Colour: Green or Blue/Green

Family: Feldspar
Known as: The Thinker’s Stone
This stone soothes the nervous system whilst giving strength to the heart and body
and balancing the mind. A “feel-good” stone that give upliftment.
Helps clarify and improve thinking allowing you to regain balance.

AMBER Colour: Golden or Amber

Family: Solidified & petrified pine tree sap
Known as: The Mindful One
Helps with absentmindedness. Has a good influence on the endocrine system,
spleen and heart. Also good for rheumatism, intestines, earache, bladder problems,
asthma and the bone marrow. Helps the body heal itself. A calm stone that helps
absorb negative energies and can help with depression and suicidal tendencies.
Helps the wearer find kindness. Can also be used to break spells and given

AMETHYST Colour: Violet to dark Purple

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Elevator
Strengthens the endocrine and immune system and has a positive effect upon the
pineal and pituitary glands. Is known as a good cleanser for the blood and protects
against diseases of the blood. Also helps with acne, neuralgia, fits, grief and
insomnia. Helps protect against drunkenness. Soothes the mind and energises the
user. Very powerful aid to spiritual enhancement and awareness. Good for
meditation and inspires healing, divine love inspiration and intuition.

AQUAMARINE Colour: Green/Blue

Family: Beryl
Known as: The Serene One
Helps to calm the nerves and reduces fluid retention. Good for strengthening liver,
spleen, kidneys, thyroid and cleansing the body. Also good for toothache and
improves vision. Gives clarity of mind and helps creativity. A good physical, mental
and emotional balancer and good for meditation inspiring love, peace and serenity.

AVENTURINE Colour: Golden Brown to Green

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Delver
Stimulates muscle tissue and is good against skin diseases. Improves vitality and
equalises blood pressure. Helps to purify the mind and assists the user with
alleviating anxiety and fears. Helps create independence and well being. A good
luck stone, especially in financial matters. Stimulates creativity, intelligence and
perception. A great healing stone.

BLOODSTONE Colour: Dark Green

Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Warrior Stone

This stone is good for toughening and oxygenating the bloodstream whilst enhancing
the physical and mental vitality. The heart, spleen, bone marrow and iron
deficiencies are all assisted. Powerful stone that helps with the reduction of stress
and inspires the user’s intuition and spiritually creative powers. Increases courage
and charitably.

BLUE LACE Colour: Light Blue

AGATE Family: Quartz
Known as: The Grounding Stone
Helps communication of thoughts and feelings. Provides a cool and soothing energy
and reduces tension, anger, infection, inflammation and fevers. For grounding the
beginning, when there is a need to return to basics, starting over again, the Root
Chakra. When a situation is ended this is the locus from which to begin again.

CALCITE Colour: Orange, Green, White, Red or Grey

Family: Carbonite Mineral
Known as: The Balancer
This stone befits the kidneys, pancreas and spleen. Helps alleviate stress and fear
and has the ability to balance male/female energies. Balances the emotions and
inspires the user with joy, lightness and can help with astral projection.

A multi-use crystal, to increase the power and effectiveness of a project about to be

undertaken, for increasing one's psychic protection and meditation.


Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Friendly One
Very useful healing stone helps, kidneys, lungs gall bladder, and pancreas and helps
tissue regeneration. Helps rheumatism, arthritis, depression and neuralgia. Also
alleviates blood poisoning, fever, infection, nosebleed, sores, spasms and wounds.
Is said to protect from evil. Energises the physical, emotional and mental self.
Connect the user with the inner self and helps concentration. Helps combat fear of
public speaking and impotence.

CHRYSOCOLLA Colour: Blue/Green

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Woman’s Friend
Good stone for female problems including period pains and other related problems.
Helps to encourage the feminine energy. Helps prevent ulcers and is good for
digestive problems and the metabolism, arthritis and toughens lungs and the thyroid
glands. Alleviates guilt, tension and phobias and inspires the user with creativity,
personal power, joy and serenity. Also soothes nervous tension.


Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Joy Stone
A subtle quartz stone that helps to ease sexual frustration and depression by
balancing neurotic patterns and enhancing personal insight. Can also be used to
improve the function of the prostate gland, testicles, fallopian tubes and ovaries. It
helps the user find calmness and balance and uplifts the mind.

CITRINE Colour: Golden Yellow

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Cuddle Quartz
This stone is especially good for the gall bladder, kidneys, liver, colon, digestive
system, heart and general tissue regeneration. Can also help diabetes and
depression. It prevents self-destructive tendencies by raising the users levels of self-
esteem. Gives hope and cheerfulness and energy and also attracts abundance.

DIAMOND Colour: Clear

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Girl’s Best Friend
A master healer. Dispels negativity and purifies the blood and spirit and removes
blockages. Amplifies the energies of body, mind and spirit and inspires innocence,
purity, faithfulness, abundance and serenity.

EMERALD Colour: Deep Green

Family: Beryl
Known as: The Unconditional Stone
A stone of great power. Strengthens the heart, liver kidneys, immune system and
revitalises and tones the mind and spirit. Helps give deep spiritual insight and
inspires love, kindness, tranquillity, balance, patience and the power to heal.

FLUORITE Colour: Clear with bands of colour usually –Yellow, Blue, Purple, Green
The gatherer
Known as:
A powerful healer that helps the user to absorb vital nutrients and strengthens bones
and teeth and is beneficial for the spleen and blood vessels. Also helps with
pneumonia and other viral infections. Brings calmness to the over-excitable and
gives concentration in meditation.

Enhances spiritual energy work, focuses the will and balances the psyche.

Assists the conscious mind and body in analysing conditions and situations in a
rational and non-emotional manner, it enables detachment of the mind from the
emotions so that the thought process can utilize the intuitive in achieving a higher
level of self-understanding.

GARNET Colour: Red or Green

Family: Silicate Mineral
Known as: The Day Dreamer
This helps to regenerate body systems, especially the blood stream where it acts as
a good purifier. Protects against infections, depression and skin diseases. Promotes
self-confidence pride and success and improves the imagination. Helps to balance
the sex drive and brings emotional harmony, love and compassion to the user.
Balances your natural energy. A highly protective stone.

HAEMATITE Colour: Reddish Grey or Black

Family: Iron Ore
Known as: The Optimistic Stone
Useful for oxygenating in the blood stream and all blood disorders. Helps
coagulation. Also energises the spleen and generally strengthens the body helping
it to cope with stress. Helps with insomnia and combats the effects of air travel. Can
help to enhance astral travel and promotes balance, focus and concentration of
energy. An optimistic stone that gives courage to its user.

Great stone for grounding. Calms and soothes, reducing stress and blood pressure.

JADE Colour: Bright Green

Known as: The Virtuous One
Has a subtle and smooth vibration that strengthens the heart, kidneys and
immune system and cleanses the blood. Helps prolong life and is a good
emotional balancer with particular strength in female problems. Can be
used for good luck on journeys. It encourages courage, unconditional love,
justice, clarity, modesty and wisdom. Protective and lucky when worn as



JASPER Colour: Red, Yellow or Brown

Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Talisman
A good stone for healers. Enhances diagnosis and is a powerful healer in itself.
Helps with gall bladder, liver and bladder and is also beneficial for the whole body.
Gives a sense of balance to the spirit and calms a troubled mind. Grounds the user
physically and emotionally.

LAPIS LAZULI Colour: Dark Blue with Gold Flecks

Known as: The Night Stone
This stone helps to strengthen the thyroid gland and the skeletal system. Can also
help protect against epilepsy and strokes and helps with depression. Helps to
remove old memories and blockages and gives hope and renewed confidence. Is
also used as an aura cleanser. It brings vitality and general relaxation to body and
mind. Helps psychic ability and communication with the higher self-giving creative
expression and illumination.

LEPIDOLITE Colour: Brown or Yellow with flecks or strands

Family: Mica
Known as: The Junkie’s Friend
It has a high Lithium content and is believed to be a great balancer allowing a gently
withdrawal from compulsive or addictive behaviour. Helps guard against
schizophrenia. Aids the strengthening of the muscles of the heart and blood flow
whilst giving expression to your inner light and joy.

Induces calmness, a tranquillising effect against stress and negative emotions, helps
to recognize one's need for making changes in thinking and behaviour patterns.

MALACHITE Colour: Dark Green with lighter Green stripes

Family: Metallic Mineral
This stone has a strong healing power. Helps with asthma, toothache, irregular
periods, rheumatism and improves the eyesight. Also helps the functions of the
pancreas and spleen, tissue regeneration and assists in a good night’s sleep. An
excellent balancer emotional and physically whilst nurturing visualisation. Helps
spiritual growth.

MOONSTONE Colour: Milky with Bluish/Yellowish tinge

Family: Feldspar
Known as: The Mother Earth Stone
A very feminine stone bringing ease to period pains and other associated disorders.
Also helps with child bearing and fertility. A good emotional balancer inspiring
flexibility and wisdom giving inspiration and encourages personal attachments.
Soothes and balances the emotions and attracts happiness.

OBSIDIAN Colour: Black, Golden or Brown

Family: Lava
Known as: The Black Velvet Stone
This has subtle male energies and attracts the spiritual adventurers. Helps the user
face responsibility and deflects negative energy. Good for the stomach and
intestines. It helps keep energy grounded and clears the subconscious of blockages
and brings experience and understanding of silence, detachment, wisdom and love.


ONYX Colour: Varied usually Black or Brown with White bands

Family: Quartz
This is a good stone to balance male and female energies. Helps concentration, and
hearing problems, heart trouble and ulcers. Strengthens the bone marrow and
relieves stress by enhancing balance and self-control whilst aiding detachment and
inspiring serenity. A good protective stone. Also releases old relationships and
keeps away general negativity.

OPAL Colour: Milky white with rainbow colours

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Rainbow Stone
Its iridescent flashes stimulate the pineal and pituitary glands. It helps lung
condition and increases the body’s ability to assimilate proteins. Also helps control
the temper, calm the nerves, balance and eyesight. Enhances intuition but its
principal benefit is to induce a conscious connection to the higher self to inspire self-
esteem and contentment.

PERIDOT Colour: Yellow/Green, Olive/Green or Brown

Known as: The Let Go Stone
It is a good antioxidant gem and cleans and purifies most organs and glands of the
body. Helps bruises to the eyes and can cleanse and heal hurt feelings and mend
damaged relationships. It is a good overall tonic for the body and opens the mind to
new opportunities whilst banishing lethargy and laziness.

QUARTZ (CLEAR) Colour: Clear

Family: Quartz
Known as: The All Singing And Dancing Crystal
Good for the brain and the soul. A very powerful energy to dispel negativity. It
receives, activates, contains, amplifies and transmits energy. A good thought
provoker and helpful in meditation. An excellent channel for healing. The greatest
of all healing stones. Acts as an amplifier for psychic energy and aids meditation and

QUARTZ Colour: Clear with smokey brown grey

(SMOKEY) Family: Quartz
Known as: The Dream Stone
A good stone that can be effective in releasing old patterns of negativity and grief,
anger and despair and helps remove depression. A mild sedative and good for
meditation by helping to explore the inner self by penetrating the dark areas with
light and love. Enhances dreams and channelling abilities.

A filter and trap for those negative thoughts and emotions that are everywhere
present. Keep one nearby where you work, bring one with you when you expect to
be around negative people.

RHODOCHROSITE Colour: Red/Pink or Peach with White band

Known as: The Brave Stone
Helps the user to blend courage passion and willpower giving strength to overcome
emotional trauma and mental breakdown. Helps the spleen, kidneys, heart and
blood circulation whilst enhancing the memory and intellectual ability helps
overcome stress of modern life.


A love drawing stone. Helps relationships, promotes balanced love and

understanding. Gives energy to the active person.

ROSE QUARTZ Colour: Pink

Family: Quartz
Known as: The Love Stone
Good for spleen and kidneys. Helps with forgiveness and compassion of self and
others and clams the emotions. Heals by allowing you to let go of resentment,
bitterness, guilt fear and jealousy.

Great for attracting love. Promotes self-loving and heals emotional wounds as well as
promoting peace, forgiveness, and nurturing.

RUBY Colour: Red

Family: Corundum
Known as: The Servant Of The Servants
This tone improves fever, pain and spasms. Helps to ease worries and improve
confidence, intuition and spiritual wisdom. Traditionally used to preserve the body
and improve mental health. An emblem of affection, passion and power. By
removing obstacles it helps to promote tranquillity and strengthens the immunity
and is used as a tonic for the body and spirit. It encourages integrity, selflessness
and spiritual devotion.

SAPPHIRE Colour: Dark Blue

Family: Corundum
Known as: The Loyalty Stone
Helps the heart and the stomach whilst stimulating the pituitary glands. Also helps
bleeding, insomnia and nervousness. Activates psychic ability and aids a strong
connection to the higher self by balancing emotional influences giving clarity and
inspiration, enhancing willpower in faith and judgement.

SNOWFLAKE Colour: Black with white flecks

OBSIDIAN Family: Lava
Balances stomach and improves general muscle tissue. Helps improve
vision and is good for divination. Helps the user to get in touch with the
inner self and is good for self reflection for those who are able to accept and
overcome negative as well as positive. Protects against nightmares and
emotional draining.

SODALITE Colour: Deepest Blue almost Black with White streaks or flecks
This stone helps to bring clarity and truth by alleviating fears and calming and
clearing the mind. It strengthens the metabolic and lymphatic systems and balances
the mind and body. Also aids sleep and helps to lower blood pressure. Helps
creation to flourish. Dispels guilt and fear and draws wisdom.

SUGALITE Colour: Dark Purple

Known as: The Heart Stone
This helps to give strength to aid the physical healing and purification of all bodily
systems including enhancing the pituitary, pineal and adrenal glands. A good brain
balancer that enhances the personal will by giving you the “heart” to deal with
problems. A strong protective influence.

Magical understanding of Higher things. Symbol of universal love. The crown chakra
and spiritual understanding.


TIGER’S EYE Colour: Brown stripes

Family: Quartz/Chalcedony
Known as: The Protector
Very popular quartz that is beneficial for the digestive system. Also helps asthma.
Inspires bravery to the wearer. A good grounder and balancer giving clear
perception and insight into their own faults. Protects the wearer from evil or
witchcraft and attracts good luck.

TOPAZ Colour: Yellow, Blue, Clear, Green or Pink

Known as: The Abundant One
This stone helps to detox the system and warms, wakens and inspires the user.
Popular all-rounder for tissue regeneration and strengthens almost every organ and
gland of the body. Also good for insomnia. Soothing and peaceful helps self-
creativity. Improves the intellect and develops psychic abilities. Also increases the
spiritual and artistic growth.
Promotes forgiveness.

TOURMALINE Colour: Varied

Known as: The New Age Stone
A good all rounder. This stone helps with throat problems, thyroid, speech
impediments, strengthens nervous system and regulates blood pressure. It e has a
strong protective influence and enhances sensitivity by dispelling fear and
negativity. A powerful healer of mental disorders and helps the troubled to find rest.
Helps to strengthen the will to deal with changes and new challenges. Brings
optimism inspiration, goodwill and understanding of emotions. Promotes self-
assurance and goodwill.

TURQUOISE Colour: Turquoise

Known as: The Ecologically Friendly Stone
This stone helps the user absorb nutrients thus strengthening the body. A powerful
protector against environmental pollutants, in particular background radiation.
Enhances creative expression and peace of mind, emotional balance,
communication, friendship and loyalty.

healing stone. Attracts friendships, luck, and happiness. Releases shame and guilt.

UNAKITE Colour: Varied

Known as:
This stone helps the user absorb nutrients thus strengthening the body. A powerful
protector against environmental pollutants, in particular background radiation.
Enhances creative expression and peace of mind, emotional balance,
communication, friendship and loyalty. A healing stone that attracts friendships,
luck, and happiness.


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